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Effects of fast food on health

Friska : Hai anjas , How are you

Anjas : I’m Fine , and you?
Friska : I’m good to
By the way what is your favorite food anjas?
Anjas : i really like fast food . example cheese humburgers , french fries , and coke
Friska :oh my god anjas , do you ever think what kind of danger that will come for you by
Eating these food
Anjas : but it’s delicious
Friska : no anjas , these food will bring bad effect for you precious health
Anjas : Why is that?
Friska : you know that these food contain hgh calories , fats , and sugar ,
but really low in nutrional value
Anjas : Really?
Friska : Stating tomorrow apply healthy lifestyle by exercising in the morning
Anjas : Okei thank for your information , Friska
Friska : Okei anjas , your welcome

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