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Nama : Friska Adelia

Nim : 30020013
Prodi : D3 Fisioterapi

how to go up the stairs, go down the stairs and sit using the cane

Therapist : Good morning bu, here I will explain how to use a cane to help up the stairs , go
down the stairs and how to sit using a cane

Patient : Good morning , ok thank you can you please explain what steps are first done go
up the stairs

Therapist : The first step to using the cane to climb the ladder is to transfer the weight of the
the second step extends the leg that does not hurt between the canes of the steps
The third step is to remove the weight from the leg that does not hurt
the last step straighten the leg that does not hurt on the stairs with the cane, continue to
repeat the first to the third step until you finish climbing the last stairs

Patient : ok thank you please help me how to go down the stairs

Therapist : well the first step to going down the stairs is the first to transfer the weight to
the leg that does not hurt
the second place the cane on the steps and begin to shift weight on the cane
the third move the sore foot forward
the last straight leg that does not hurt on the rung with the cane, then repeat until finished
to the last stairs

Patient : what if i want to sit down what steps should i do?

Therapist : to sit make sure the patient is in a position in the center of the chair with the
posterior aspect of the foot touching the chair,
the second provides a safe method for sitting up and getting up from a chair,
the third patient holds the two canes with the hand opposite the affected leg,
If the leg hurts, then the cane is held in the patient's stronger hands

Patient : OK I understand, thank you for helping explain how to go up the stairs, go down
the stairs and sit with a stick

Therapist : You're welcome

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