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Name: Janina Vilma Quezada Leiva

Last year a pandemic started. The English 3 classes were taken virtually, the

teacher was available 24 hours a day. Although the classes were recorded, you

could enter at any time, the modality was a bit difficult for me because it was not

the same as a remote class where doubts can be clarified, I accumulated the

tasks of other courses due to that He needed to be more responsible with the

activities that were compulsory in the course. He established an organizer

where he wrote down the days on which he wanted to study the course. It

became very doable for me until now I am still using this method. I could not

meet my classmates face to face, but I had the opportunity to meet them

through the zoom, the only time we connected with the teacher was to talk

about the practices and the final project but it only lasted 45 minutes. much of

this course.

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