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A: Is this seat free, please?

B: No, it isn’t. I’m keeping it for Miss Grimm.
A: Well, can I sit in this seat?
B: I’m afraid not – but that seat by
the window’s free.
A: Then I’ll sit in it.
B: But if you sit in that seat, you won’t see a thing.

A: Is there any meat?
B: There’s only tinned meat.
A: Is it beef?
B: It’s chicken.
A: Is it ready to eat?
B: Well, you have to heat it before you eat it.

A: Ben...
B: Yes, Betty
A: Did you empty the bin?
B: Yes, I did empty the bin.
A: Did you send the letters?
B: Mm
A: And did you finish the fence?
B: I did everything, Betty.
Everything. Good night.

A: You’re getting thinner every minute.
B: I’m slimming.
A: I don’t think slimming is a very good idea.
B: But it isn’t a very good idea to get heavy, is it?
A: Who’s heavy?
B: Well, you are getting a bit thick round the middle.

A: Thank you for your letter.
B Is your leg any better?
A: My leg’s getting better, yes.
B: Well, I’m glad you’re getting better.
A: I was glad to get your letter.
B: I’ll be back again next Saturday.
A: Yes.
A: What a lovely suntan you’ve got!
I’m beginning to burn.
B: Cover your back. Cover you head, too.
A: My hat is in the hut.
B: Oh! Where’s my handbag?
A: Perhaps in the hut.
B: Luckily it hasn’t got much money in it.
A: Or perhaps under the sandcastle.

A: We’ve passed!
B: I haven’t passed in art, have I?
A: You have! And I’ve passed in maths –
by one mark!
B: Isn’t that fabulous!
A: We must have a party!

A: It’s Carl calling.
B: At half past four in the morning?
A: He says it’s important –
it’s about the car.
B: You mean Carl’s own car, of course.
A: No, your car, darling.

A: I’ve bought a dog, Polly.
B: What sort of dog, Paul?
A: Oh, just an ordinary dog, Polly.
B: What is it called?
A: It’s got just an ordinary name.
B: Is it called Spot?
A: No – it’s called ... Polly.

A: Where were you on Wednesday?
I telephoned, but you weren’t in.
B: I went to Wimbledon,
to watch the tennis competition.
A: Did you enjoy yourself?
B: Yes, I did. The weather wasn’t very good,
but the tennis was thrilling.
A: Which flat shall we choose?
B: Well, the one in Churchill Square
had a lovely kitchen. But the one
in Church Street was cheaper.
A: Yes, Church Street was much cheaper.
Never mind the kitchen. Let’s choose
the cheap one!

A: Can you play chess?
B: Yes, I enjoy chess very much.
I was a chess champion when I was a child.
A: And are you still a champion chess player?
B: No, things have changed.
In my last match, I was beaten by a seven-year-old child.
I think she’s a future champion!

A: Hello, Janice Jones speaking.
B: Hello, Janice. This is John Johnson. Is Jenny in?
A: No, she’s not. Can I take a message?
B: Yes, please. Tell her that I’ve got her luggage. Could she collect it?

A: How do English universities choose students?
B: You usually apply to four universities.
The universities may interview you.
They usually refuse to take students
who fail their end of year exams.
A: Have you applied for university yet?
B: Yes, and I heard from York University yesterday.
I’ve got an interview next week.

A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I’m looking for John Yardley.
A: John Yardley? Sorry, I don’t know anyone here called John Yardley.
B: That’s strange. He’s the computer manager. I’ve arranged an appointment.
A: I think you’ve made a mistake. The computer manager is Jennifer Young.
B: Oh! This is the office of Youth and Computers, isn’t it?
A: No. This is the General Workers Union. Youth and Computers is next door.

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