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Power, grandeur, and glory are all fleeting, elusive stuff.

These are certainly not the key to our eternal

happiness, because there would be limitations to our actions, and if we break this limitation, it would
result to consequences. We are all hoping to clear ourselves up, and sometimes, at the detriment of
others, we do so. We are left craving more until we gain satisfaction from satisfying a desire, and bound
to this never-ending cycle. Instead, we must think within our heart and our soul, that happiness resides.
What we seek might be completely devastating for us. What we must really do is to acknowledge the
true meaning of happiness. It is now how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.

We human, we’re all the same, every last one of us. For some it’s drinking, for some it’s women, for
some even religion. To name a few, family, children, or even power. Everyone was a slave to something.
For me it would have been my dreams that I am enslaved to. I am greatly influenced by my dreams to
the point that I would do everything in order to achieve it. My dream is the only thing that I can never
deny, nor leave it behind or gave it up, and this is the reason why I am a slave to this. Even though we
are living in a democratic country and living free, we just don’t realize that we are a slave to something.
The irony of this situation gets a little deeper until we pinpoint the underlying motivations, habits, and
beliefs that drive our behavior.

Life is full of paradoxes; nobody could nor should control it. We have to be open to life, learn to accept
and live with paradoxes. The same with genetic defects, one must be truly open to it and accept it in
order to be free. Freedom depends on how we define it or perceive it; this includes differences in
genetic defects. If a person is naturally born blind, he/she cannot ultimately complain about it, but
rather he/she slowly accepts it and learn to find freedom with the defects he/she have, because it’s
his/her fate. Genetic

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