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John Coppola

Coaching Philosophy

My coaching philosophy entails a number of different ideas. I’ve picked up on different

strategies and ways to coach based on past coaches I’ve had and from watching my favorite

teams play. In my 20 years of life, I’ve played and watched enough sports to understand how

coaching works without having actually coached yet.

From a young age, nothing was ever a given for me. My father was never the coach of

any of my teams, and I had to earn my spot everywhere I played. I played little league baseball,

and I had the same coach for 7 years straight. He never gave anyone any guarantees, and

everyone had to earn their spots, even his own son. I believe in this completely, as playing time

should be earned or taken away based on how you play. My high school baseball coach

believed in the same thing, and he always said “It’s not what have you done for me in the past,

it’s what have you done for me lately”, and that’s stuck with me since high school.

Another thing I believe in is a win-first mentality. I’m not interested in coaching peewee

or little league sports, I want to coach older kids in either high school or college. I like to think of

myself as a very competitive person, and I hate losing more than anything in the whole world.

All my coaches, even from a young age, emphasized winning every season more than anything,

so that’s where I get it from.

Along with winning, team chemistry is a very big thing for me. All the teams I was on

were very close with each other, and that’s the reason we were able to compete with the best

teams every season. Without team chemistry, the team will be divided and nothing you do will

work. This is very important to me, as it’s been drilled into my head since I started playing

In conclusion, my coaching philosophy is pretty standard, and I’m sure it’s similar to

other coaches philosophies, but I truly believe these things can make or break a team. As a

coach, it’s your duty to develop players as athletes and as people. Also you need to win games

while doing it, and I think these things involve both of those aspects of youth sports.

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