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ADOU Abidjan, 03 February 2018


11 BP94 ABIDJAN 11
+22547897514 / +22503004600 To the attention of the Director
of Human Resources to the


I would like to share with your company the richness of my past
while of course developing new skills through your entity. I am ready
to put at the service of your company my seriousness, my dynamism,
my sense of organization, autonomy and responsiveness.

Respect of working time and quality has given me the sense of rigor,
analysis and perfection. Rigorous and responsible, I always invest
myself thoroughly in order to better fulfill the different functions
entrusted to me.

The diversity of positions I held during my different experiences

allowed me to forge in this branch. At the same time, I acquired various
experiences in the sense of organization while being
autonomous. Having worked in teams, I was able to develop my
interpersonal skills and my sense of listening.

I will be happy to enlighten you and tell you directly about my

motivation for an interview.
Looking forward to an answer from you, please accept, Sir, the
expression of my best feelings.

C. Bernard

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