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Tonight I’m going to talk about some productive things that you should do during the

quarantine to take advantage of our time.

These are some things Productive that you could do in the quantine

1. You should learn or perfect a language

2. You should see documentaries with topics of your interest
3. you should take an online course
4. you should take out your board games
5. you should take advantage of your free time and expand your knowledge
6. You should start a new business digitally.
7. you should play an instrument
8. you should read a book

now I’m going to give some tips for improving my english skills

1. You should practice the 4 basic skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening.
2. you should practice english every day
3. You shouldn't ignore phrasal verbs because they are very important
4. you should Improve your pronunciation
5. you should Sing karaoke in English.
6. you should use applications or programs to learn language

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