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What is a nested virtual machine?

Is a one virtual machine inside another, this technique for testing and not use in a production
environment, because this VM is not guaranteed and then your workloads may not run
properly, It also indicates physical server and two virtual machines that has a important role
and in this method we can set up a complete lab environment.
First is administration or other users use physical Nic’s that can manage VM runs in physical
servers, this administration and other users also manage fusion compute through this bridge,
storage plane is also required in this step, have two types of storage resources are connected
the SAN and NAS, not cite in any actual physical devices.
ISCSI target service used to simulate SAN storage and the other one is NFS service used to
simulate NAS storage when we create a CNA node, we also create a NIC for it to carry storage
traffic, also FTP server is connected to management plane.
What are the steps in setting up a lab environment?

Install OS for physical server

Enable nested virtualization – right after the operating system is installed
Create two bridge – one is used to carry management traffic and the other one is used to carry
storage traffic
Create two VM used to install CNA – to create two virtual machine installing CNA nodes
Enable iSCSI target and NFS – enable two storage related services, iSCSI used to simulate SAN
storage and NFS for NAS storage
Enable FTP server – to back up all management data of fusion compute

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