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Depresi Inbreeding di Solanum carolinense

(Solanaceae) di bawah Kondisi Lapangan dan Implikasi untuk Evolusi Sistem

Rupesh R. Kariyat 1, Sarah R. Scanlon 1, Mark C. Mescher 2, Consuelo M. De Moraes 2, Andrew G. Stephenson 1 *

1 Departemen Biologi, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat, 2 Departemen Entomologi, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, Amerika Serikat


Gulma klonal Solanum carolinense menunjukkan plastisitas dalam kekuatan sistem ketidakcocokan diri (SI) dan menderita depresi kawin sedarah tingkat rendah ( d) di
rumah kaca. Kami menanam satu tanaman kawin dan satu tanaman kawin dari masing-masing delapan tanaman induk dalam satu cincin (direplikasi dua kali) dan
memantau pertumbuhan klonal, herbivora, dan reproduksi selama dua tahun. Per ramet d was estimated to be 0.63 in year one and 0.79 in year two, and outbred
plants produced 2.5 times more ramets than inbred plants in the spring of year two. Inbred plants also suffered more herbivore damage than outbred plants in both
fields, suggesting that inbreeding compromises herbivore resistance. Total per genet d was 0.85 over the two years, indicating that S. carolinense is unlikely to
become completely self-compatible, and suggesting that plasticity in the SI system is part of a stable mixed-mating system permitting self-fertilization when cross
pollen limits seed production.

Citation: Kariyat RR, Scanlon SR, Mescher MC, De Moraes CM, Stephenson AG (2011) Inbreeding Depression in Solanum carolinense ( Solanaceae) under Field Conditions and Implications for Mating System Evolution.
PLoS ONE 6(12): e28459. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028459

Editor: Brock Fenton, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Received September 2, 2011; Accepted November 8, 2011; Published December 12, 2011

Copyright: 2011 Kariyat et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: This work was supported by National Science Foundation ( grant DEB1050998 and by grants 2008-35302-04577 and 2009-3312020093 from USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture
( The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

* E-mail:

Introduction abiotic stresses that exhibit considerable natural variation. Despite the apparent
need for further investigation in this area, little work to date has examined multi-year
Pemupukan sendiri biasa terjadi pada tanaman — diperkirakan bahwa setengah dari semua estimates of inbreeding depression in perennial plants and no studies have
spesies tanaman berbunga melakukan penyerbukan sendiri sebanyak 20% atau lebih dari waktu examined the effects of inbreeding on clonal spread in herbaceous perennials.
[1] —dan memiliki efek yang jelas pada kebugaran. Karena perkawinan sedarah mengurangi
heterozigositas, sehingga mengekspos alel resesif yang merusak ke seleksi sementara Herbivora serangga adalah penyebab stres biotik utama dalam populasi tumbuhan alami
mengurangi kontribusi dominasi berlebihan terhadap kebugaran, sebagian besar spesies yang kemungkinan memiliki interaksi penting dengan perkawinan sedarah (misalnya, jika
menunjukkan hilangnya kesesuaian yang signifikan dengan perkawinan sedarah (lihat ulasan oleh depresi perkawinan sedarah mengganggu ketahanan atau toleransi tanaman). Herbivora
[2-4]). Akibatnya, depresi perkawinan, yang didefinisikan sebagai penurunan kesesuaian daun ada di mana-mana di ekosistem darat [13,14] dan telah terbukti menurunkan kesesuaian
keturunan mandiri relatif terhadap keturunan kawin, merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi di berbagai spesies (misalnya, [14-18]). Mengingat hilangnya kekuatan secara umum yang
evolusi sistem perkawinan tanaman: kebanyakan model evolusi sistem perkawinan memprediksi biasanya diamati dengan depresi perkawinan sedarah, masuk akal untuk menduga bahwa
tingkat ambang depresi perkawinan sedarah (0. 5 dalam kasus yang paling sederhana) di bawah perkawinan sedarah akan meningkatkan kerentanan terhadap serangga herbivora: tanaman
ini dimana keuntungan transmisi dari selfing mendukung alel yang meningkatkan tingkat selfing hasil kawin mungkin menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dalam tahap rentan dalam siklus
dan diatasnya dimana kebugaran yang berkurang dari keturunan bawaan mendukung alel yang hidup mereka; mereka cenderung memiliki lebih sedikit sumber daya untuk digunakan dalam
mempromosikan outcrossing (misalnya, [5-8]). Oleh karena itu, perkiraan depresi kawin sedarah pertahanan; dan peningkatan homozigositas dapat mengekspos alel resesif yang merusak
yang akurat diperlukan untuk memprediksi lintasan evolusi sistem perkawinan. untuk salah satu dari ratusan gen yang diketahui terlibat dalam pertahanan tanaman terhadap
musuh alami [19]. Baru saja, peneliti telah mulai mengeksplorasi efek perkawinan sedarah
pada herbivora [18,20-26]. Secara umum, studi ini menunjukkan bahwa perkawinan sedarah
tidak mengurangi resistensi terhadap herbivora dan menunjukkan bahwa efek perkawinan
Namun, beberapa studi yang telah meneliti efek perkawinan sedarah pada skala sedarah pada interaksi tumbuhan-herbivora mungkin memiliki implikasi luas untuk evolusi
spasial dan temporal yang lebih luas (lihat [2-5,9]) menunjukkan bahwa besarnya depresi sistem pemuliaan, dinamika populasi herbivora, pembentukan dan penularan penyakit
perkawinan sedarah bukanlah properti tetap spesies atau populasi individu. Selain itu, tanaman vektor herbivora, interaksi kompetitif antara tumbuhan, dan interaksi
penelitian yang meneliti depresi perkawinan sedarah di bawah kondisi rumah kaca dan tumbuhan-herbivora-predator tritrofik [18,20-24,26,27].
lapangan umumnya melaporkan tingkat depresi perkawinan sedarah yang lebih tinggi di
lapangan (misalnya, [10-12]), menunjukkan bahwa tanaman kawin mungkin menunjukkan
peningkatan kerentanan terhadap berbagai biotik dan

PLoS ONE | 1 Desember 2011 | Volume 6 | Edisi 12 | e28459

Perkawinan sedarah, Pertumbuhan Klonal dan Herbivora

Dalam studi saat ini, kami secara langsung mengeksplorasi efek depresi Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, sementara semua genotipe tanaman horsenettle mampu
perkawinan sedarah pada kebugaran tanaman dalam kondisi lapangan di gulma menghasilkan benih sendiri ketika serbuk sari silang langka (bunga yang lebih tua tetap
herba abadi. Solanum carolinense ( horsenettle), spesies yang menunjukkan tidak tercemar dan / atau ketika sedikit atau tidak ada buah menyilang diproduksi pada 3-5
plastisitas dalam kekuatan sistem ketidakcocokan diri (SI) [28,29]. Sebuah studi perbungaan pertama), efek ini lebih terlihat untuk tanaman pembawa tertentu S- alel
rumah kaca sebelumnya [30] mengungkapkan tingkat depresi perkawinan sedarah (tanaman yang membawa alel ini menghasilkan benih yang lebih mandiri daripada yang
yang sangat rendah di horsenettle, menunjukkan tekanan selektif yang kuat untuk lain) [48]. Pentingnya variasi dalam kesuburan diri pada kemampuan horsenettle untuk
kesuburan diri dan kemungkinan bahwa spesies ini mungkin dalam transisi dari SI ke menemukan dan membentuk populasi baru sangat bergantung pada besarnya depresi
kompatibilitas diri. Untuk menguji hipotesis ini dalam kondisi dunia nyata kami perkawinan sedarah. Kami akan memprediksi depresi perkawinan sedarah menjadi
menumbuhkan keturunan mandiri dan outcrossed dari delapan tanaman induk di dua horsenettle tinggi, karena selfing seharusnya cukup jarang terjadi pada spesies yang
plot lapangan yang direplikasi selama dua tahun dan mengukur efek perkawinan menunjukkan respons GSI yang dimediasi RNase. Namun, penelitian rumah kaca
sedarah pada kerusakan herbivora, hasil reproduksi, dan jumlah ramet yang baru-baru ini mengungkapkan bahwa depresi perkawinan sedarah ( d) untuk 6 mandiri dan 6
dihasilkan oleh horizontal (rimpang -seperti) akar. Di tahun kedua, keturunan outcross dari 16 keluarga hanya 0,17 [30].

Bahan Tanaman
Tanaman Horsenettle dikumpulkan dari populasi alami besar yang terletak di dekat State
College, Pennsylvania. Stek diambil dari akar horizontal 16 tanaman yang jaraknya minimal 5
Metode m (untuk mengurangi kemungkinan mengambil rimpang dari genet yang sama). Stek ini
dibawa ke rumah kaca, ditanam dalam pot 4-L, dan dibiarkan tumbuh kembali, tumbuh, dan
Sistem belajar berbunga. Setelah berbunga, kami memotong batang dan memindahkan pot ke ruangan dingin
Solanum carolinense L. (Solanaceae) adalah herba abadi pada jam 4 u C untuk melakukan vernalisasi selama 6–8 minggu. Setelah itu tanaman pot
gulma asli Amerika Utara yang mendiami habitat suksesi awal, tempat limbah, ladang dikembalikan ke rumah kaca dan dibiarkan menyesuaikan diri selama 1 minggu. Kami
tanaman, dan padang rumput. Setelah terbentuk, ia menyebar melalui akar horizontal kemudian membuat ramet dari masing-masing 16 tanaman (genet) dengan membagi akar
yang membentang hingga 1 m dari batang induk [31]. Bunga-bunga berwarna putih horizontal menjadi 5-6 bagian dengan ukuran yang sama. Setiap pemotongan akar ditanam
hingga ungu dikunjungi oleh lebah pengumpul serbuk sari, yang menggetarkan bunga kembali dalam pot 1 galon dan dibiarkan bertunas kembali dan tumbuh. Empat ramet dari
untuk menghilangkan serbuk sari [32]. Sebagian besar bunga sempurna dan masing-masing genet digunakan untuk menghasilkan benih sendiri (2 ramet) dan persilangan
berfungsi hermafrodit dan lahir dari ras 1–12 bunga; beberapa, bagaimanapun, (2 ramet) melalui penyerbukan tangan. Benih yang dihasilkan dikecambahkan dan ditanam di
(biasanya terletak di ujung raceme) memiliki putik yang berkurang dan secara rumah kaca, kemudian digunakan untuk studi rumah kaca tentang depresi perkawinan sedarah
fungsional menstaminasi [23]. Buah beri berwarna kuning atau oranye, dengan [30]. Itu S- alel untuk setiap tanaman ditentukan dengan menggunakan S- primer spesifik alel
diameter 1–2,5 cm, biasanya mengandung 60–100 biji [33,34]. Musim reproduksi dalam protokol skrining berbasis PCR (lihat [30,48]). Setelah studi tersebut selesai, tanaman
berlangsung dari awal musim panas hingga embun beku pertama, ketika bagian dipotong kembali dan akarnya dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik dan dikembalikan ke
tanaman di atas tanah mati. Bagian bawah tanah selama musim dingin, dan ramet ruang pendingin.
baru muncul di musim semi.

Horsenettle menunjukkan berbagai sifat yang kemungkinan berperan dalam For the present study, we selected 1 self progeny and 1 cross progeny from each
pertahanan melawan herbivora. Baik daun maupun batangnya ditutupi oleh duri; daun of 8 maternal parents. Each of the 16 plants had a unique S- allele composition that
juga ditutupi dengan trikoma bintang; dan semua bagian tanaman mengandung could serve as a marker for clonal growth under field conditions. A horizontal root
senyawa sekunder beracun (misalnya glikokaloid), terutama buahnya [35,36,37]. from each of these 16 plants was cut into 4 equal-sized (10 cm) pieces; placed into a
Terlepas dari pertahanan ini, banyak serangga memakan daun, buah, bunga, atau flat bed with in a peat-based, general-purpose potting soil (Pro-Mix, Premier
akar horsenettle dan beberapa spesies herbivora telah terbukti secara signifikan Horticulture, Quakertown, PA); and allowed to re-sprout in a greenhouse room (16L:
menekan hasil reproduksi (misalnya, [33-35,37-44]). 8D; day/night temperatures 25/22 u C; Kelembaban relatif 65%, tanaman disiram
sedikit setiap hari). Setelah 2 minggu, kecambah dipindahkan ke pot 4-L (dalam
Solanum carolinense menunjukkan sistem inkompatibilitas mandiri gametofit kondisi serupa) dan disiram setiap hari. Pada saat tanam, tanaman mendapat
(GSI) tipe Solanaceous tipe RNasemediated yang dikontrol oleh multi-alelik S- lokus aplikasi pupuk (50 ppm 8-45-14 NPK, ditambah mikronutrien; Scotts, Marysville, OH)
[29,45]. SI jarang ditemukan pada spesies kurus dan invasif (misalnya, [46,47]), dan kelat besi (Sprint 138 at 6%; Becker Underwood, Ames, IA). Ketika ramet yang
mungkin karena ( saya) tumbuh kembali berumur kira-kira 6 minggu (pada akhir Mei 2008), dua ramet yang
disturbed habitats require frequent re-colonization (hence populations are repeatedly dipilih secara acak dari masing-masing 16 gen ditransplantasikan ke lahan pertanian
founded by one or a few individuals bearing a limited number of S- alleles), ( ii) effective yang ditinggalkan di Entomological Farm of the Pennsylvania State University
population sizes are small (supporting few S- alleles, hence compatible cross pollen Agriculture Experiment Station di Rock Springs (ditanam di barley pada tahun
may limit fruit and seed production), and ( iii) habitats are often shortlived (providing sebelumnya). Satu ramet dari masing-masing 16 gen secara acak ditempatkan pada
limited time for the migration of additional S- lokasi di sekeliling lingkaran yang berdiameter 10 meter, sehingga semua tanaman
memiliki jarak yang sama dari tetangga terdekatnya (, 2 m). Tanaman replika
alleles into populations). Consequently, each time a population is founded, weeds lingkaran ditanam, 75 meter dari lingkaran pertama menggunakan ramet lain dari
with SI must reproduce despite limited availability of compatible cross pollen or go masing-masing genet.
locally extinct.
Previous studies by our group have investigated the apparent anomaly of SI in
horsenettle (i.e., a weed that is a highly successful in early successional habitats
despite being self-incompatible) and have found that the SI response in S.
carolinense adalah sifat plastik — kekuatannya dipengaruhi oleh usia bunga [29] dan
produksi buah sebelumnya [30]. Selain itu, ada perbedaan genetik di antara keluarga Tahun 1
dalam kesuburan diri mereka [30,48]. Secara keseluruhan, ini Pada akhir musim tanam (tepat setelah embun beku pertama), kami memanen
dan menghitung buah matang dari setiap genet dan

PLoS ONE | 2 Desember 2011 | Volume 6 | Edisi 12 | e28459

Perkawinan sedarah, Pertumbuhan Klonal dan Herbivora

menghitung benih dari sampel acak yang terdiri dari 5 buah dari masing-masing genet (jika Kerusakan herbivora pada total benih. Kami melakukan 4 regresi model efek campuran
sebuah tanaman tidak menghasilkan 5 buah, kami menghitung benih pada semua buah yang yang terpisah (semprotan bawaan, semprotan kawin, tanpa semprotan, dan hasil kawin
dihasilkan pada tanaman tersebut). Buah per genet (8 kawakan dan 8 kawin), rata-rata benih tanpa semprotan) kerusakan herbivora pada total benih dengan istilah intersep acak
per buah per genet, dan total benih yang dihasilkan [rata-rata benih per buah 6 fruits per genet] untuk setiap genet. Regresi dilakukan dengan menggunakan fungsi '' lme '' dalam paket
were analyzed with a mixed effects model ANOVA with replicate, breeding, and family '' nlme '' dalam bahasa pemrograman R (Yayasan R untuk komputasi statistik, Wina).
(random) as the main effects. Jumlah benih ditransformasikan ke dalam perkiraan normalitas.

Plants remained in the field over the winter, and the following June we mapped all
ramets that emerged. A sample of leaf tissue was obtained from each ramet, placed Akhirnya, kami menghitung depresi perkawinan sedarah ( d) menggunakan
in liquid nitrogen, and stored at 2 80 C until further processing. In order to determine rumus d = ( 1 2 biji tanaman mandiri / biji melampaui tanaman) untuk tanaman yang tumbuh di tahun ke-1 dan
the ke-2, dan untuk total produksi benih selama dua tahun
S- genotype of each ramet, we used a modified PCR-based screening protocol, using per genet. Semua ANOVA dilakukan dengan menggunakan Minitab versi 16 (Minitab, Inc,
allele-specific primers [49]. A detailed description of these methods was presented State College, PA.).
by [48]: briefly, total genomic DNA was extracted from leaf tissue using Plant DNAzol
(Invitrogen) and Ribonuclease A (Invitrogen) and re-suspended in 50 m l of Hasil
DEPC-treated water. Each plant was screened simultaneously for all S- alel yang ada
dalam populasi untuk memastikan penentuan genotipe yang tepat dan untuk Selama tahun pertama, gen yang kawakan menghasilkan lebih banyak buah secara

mengurangi kemungkinan amplifikasi positif palsu. Gen orang tua yang dipilih terdiri signifikan (30,6 6 2.6 vs. 14.3 6 2.6; mean least square [LSMeans] 6

dari semua S- standard error [SE]), lebih banyak biji per buah (92,4 6 4.4 vs.
69.3 6 4.4), dan lebih banyak total benih per tanaman (2776 6 259 vs 1028 6 259; d = 0,63)
alel yang ada dalam populasi asli diamplifikasi bersama dengan sampel ramet untuk dari gen bawaan. Keluarga sedikit tidak signifikan untuk jumlah buah per tanaman
dijadikan sebagai kontrol positif. Amplifikasi PCR S- alel dilakukan dalam 20 m l dan jumlah benih dan sedikit signifikan untuk benih per buah (Tabel 1). Replikasi
volume reaksi yang mengandung 20 ng DNA, 10 6 Buffer PCR, 0,1 mM tiap dNTP, 10 lahan tidak berbeda secara signifikan dalam produksi buah atau benih (Tabel 1).
ng tiap primer spesifik alel maju dan mundur, dan 1 unit DNA polimerase HotStart
Taq. Reaksi diinkubasi pada 95 u C selama 3 menit, dilanjutkan dengan 30 siklus 1
menit pada 95 u C, 1,5 menit pada 60 u C, dan 1,5 menit pada 72 u C, dan final Pada musim semi tahun kedua, 461 ramet muncul di dua bidang ulangan dan
setiap ramet secara jelas ditetapkan ke sebuah genet yang menggunakan S- allele
specific primers with PCR. Outbred genets produced significantly more ramets than
langkah perpanjangan 5 menit pada 72 u C. Untuk alel S 18, protokol touchdown digunakan, dengan lima inbred genets (20.9 6 1.6 vs. 7.9 6 1.6; LSMeans 6 SE). No other factor in the model
siklus 1 menit pada 95 u C, 1,5 menit dengan kecepatan tinggi had a significant effect on ramet production (Table 2).
suhu anil awal 60 u C dengan 1 u Penurunan C per siklus, dan 1,5 menit pada 72 u C,
diikuti oleh 25 siklus 1 menit pada 95 u C, 1,5 menit pada 55 u C dan 1,5 menit pada During the summer of year 2, the outbred genets (all ramets combined for each
72 u C, dan langkah ekstensi terakhir 5 menit pada 72 u C. Produk PCR dijalankan genet) on both fields produced significantly more total seeds (no spray field=6708 6 401
dalam gel agarosa 1% dan dinilai identitasnya. seeds; spray field=20694 6 2784 seeds; LSMeans +/ 2 SE) than the inbred

Year 2
Table 1. Variance analysis for reproductive output in year 1.
In order to determine if leaf herbivory increased inbreeding depression, we
randomly chose one of the replicate plots to be hand-sprayed with a carbaryl
insecticide (Sevin TM) at two-week intervals throughout the growing season. (Our a. Fruits
analyses of fruit and seed production in year 1 of this study revealed no effect of
Effect df MS F P
replicate on fruit or seed production). We non-destructively estimated leaf damage by
herbivores on 15 June, 15 July, and 15 August, using a 0–5 index in which 0=most Replicate 1 36.1 0.34 0.568
leaves with no damage and no leaf with more than 5% of the leaf area removed, and
Breeding 1 2145.1 19.97 , 0.001
5=all leaves damaged and most leaves with .50% of the leaf area removed. Three
Maternal family 7 242 2.25 0.069
people, blind with respect to plant family and breeding history, concurrently and
Error 22 107.4
independently evaluated damage on each plant. If two or three of the evaluators
agreed on the score, we recorded that value. If all three assessments differed (,5% b. Mean seeds/fruit
of cases), we recorded the intermediate score. While estimating leaf damage, we
Effect df MS F P
also recorded the types of herbivores that we observed on the plants. After
identifying the S- alleles for each plant, we assigned each ramet to one of the original Replicate 1 7.5 0.02 0.878

16 genets (one outbred and one inbred plant from each of 8 maternal plants). Breeding 1 4043.3 12.98 0.002

Maternal family 7 885.3 2.84 0.029

Error 22 311.5

c. Total seeds produced

To determine the effects of replicate, breeding, and family (random) on the

Effect df MS F P
production of new ramets in June of year 2, we used a mixed effects model ANOVA.
Because field plot and treatment were confounded in year two, we performed Replicate 1 767777 0.72 0.407

separate mixed effect model ANOVAs on the no spray and sprayed fields to Breeding 1 24446304 22.78 , 0.001

determine the effects of breeding and family (random) on the total number of seeds Maternal family 7 2163867 2.02 0.099
produced per genet (we combined all of the seeds produced by all ramets of each
Error 22 1073212
genet). To determine the effects of

PLoS ONE | 3 December 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 12 | e28459

Inbreeding, Clonal Growth and Herbivory

Table 2. Variance analysis for ramet production.

Effect df MS F P

Replicate 1 140.28 3.44 0.078

Breeding 1 1339.03 63.28 , 0.001

Maternal family 7 19.07 0.47 0.847

Replicate 6 Breeding 1 63.28 1.55 0.226

Error 21 40.75


genets (no spray field=993 6 401 seeds; spray field=2437 6 2784 seeds). There were
no significant effects of family on seed production (Table 3). The effect of inbreeding
on seed production is due to a combination of both greater ramet production on the
outbred plants (above) and greater total seed production per outbred ramet (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Mean +/ 2 SE for the number of total seeds produced per ramet among inbred and
outbred plants on spray (biweekly insecticide applications) and no-spray fields during the second
Inbreeding depression per ramet was greater on the no spray field ( d= 0.79) than on
growing season.
the sprayed field ( d= 0.68). Over both years, the inbred genets on the no spray field
produced only 15% of the seeds produced by the outbred plants ( d= 0.85). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028459.g001


Within both the sprayed field and the no spray field in year Inbreeding depression under field conditions
2, the outbred ramets experienced slightly lower levels of herbivory than inbred This study examined the effects of inbreeding on fruit and seed production of
ramets (Fig. 2). The most abundant herbivores observed while obtaining the horsenettle ( Solanum carolinense) over two years under field conditions—to our
estimates of herbivore damage included Flea beetles ( Epitrix spp), Colorado potato knowledge no previous studies have examined inbreeding depression in a clonally
beetles ( Leptinotarsa decem-lineata), and false Colorado potato beetles ( Leptinotarsa spreading herbaceous perennial over multiple years. Unfortunately, our desire to
juncta). Less frequently observed were the tobacco hornworm ( Manduca sexta), the track ramet production across years (i.e., to estimate the per-genet inbreeding
flower weevil ( Anthonomus spp.), and larvae of the fruit-infesting moth Frumenta depression in this clonal herbaceous perennial) also necessitated tradeoffs in sample
nundinella. size including the number of inbred and outbred progeny per family, number of
families, and number of replicate plots.
We also observed several predaceous insects on our plants, including ladybird
beetles ( Epilachna spp.), big-eyed bugs ( Geocoris spp.) and braconid wasps ( Apanteles
spp.). Our regression analyses revealed no significant relationship between our In the first growing season inbred plants produced only 37% as many seeds as
estimates of herbivore damage and reproductive output for any of the four outbred plants. The resulting estimate of inbreeding depression ( d= 0.63) is much
field-breeding combinations: inbred plants on the non-sprayed field, outbred plants higher than that previously reported from a greenhouse study that employed a larger
on the non-sprayed field, inbred plants on the sprayed field or outbred plants on the set of horsenettle genets including the 16 used in the present study ( d= 0.17) [30,50].
sprayed field (all Consequently, this study joins a growing list of reports that measurements of
inbreeding depression under benign conditions

Table 3. Variance analysis for seed production per genet in year 2.

a) Spray field

Effect df MS F P

Breeding 1 1333230205 21.51 0.002

Maternal family 7 83828241 1.35 0.35

Error 7 61993408

b) No Spray field

Effect df MS F P

Breeding 1 130683765 101.42 , 0.001

Figure 2. Mean +/ 2 SE for the average amount of herbivore damage on each ramet per genet
Maternal family 7 1925976 1.49 0.304
among inbred and outbred plants on spray (bi-weekly insecticide applications) and no spray
Error 7 61993408 fields during the second growing season.

doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028459.t003 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028459.g002

PLoS ONE | 4 December 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 12 | e28459

Inbreeding, Clonal Growth and Herbivory

(e.g., those obtained from greenhouse studies) tend to underestimate the intensity of volatile compounds that can be attractive to herbivores’ natural enemies (e.g.,
inbreeding depression occurring under more stressful field conditions (e.g., [6–8]). [59–64]). As with the vast majority of studies of inbreeding depression (e.g., [3]),
inbred plants in our study exhibited slower growth (i.e., they produced far fewer
We furthermore found that outbred genets produced.2.5 6 as many ramets as ramets) and reduced reproductive output relative to outbred plants, suggesting they
inbred genets in the spring of year two, and that inbreeding depression increased are likely to linger in vulnerable stages of development and have fewer resources to
both per ramet and per genet from year 1 to year 2. Only a few previous studies devote to chemical defenses and volatile signaling. In another recent study, we
have examined inbreeding depression in the same population over two or more documented broad sense heritable variation for whole plant volatile production by
years under field conditions (e.g., [5,51,52]). These studies also found annual horsenettle and found that outbred plants produce significantly greater total volatiles
variation in the magnitude of inbreeding depression—presumably due to than inbred plants under field conditions (natural herbivory), suggesting that
environmental variation in nutrient availability, rainfall, and various biotic stresses inbreeding may indeed impact volatilemediated interactions between herbivores and
that can alter the resources plants are able to allocate to reproduction. Thus, the their natural enemies [65].
magnitude of inbreeding depression appears not to be an intrinsic property of
particular populations (or families) but rather a context-dependent measure of the
enhanced sensitivity of inbred plants to the challenges posed by variable real-world
environments [52]. Although inbreeding reduced resistance to herbivores, our regression analyses
revealed no relationship between the amount of herbivore damage and reproductive
output per ramet. This is somewhat surprising because previous studies have shown
that herbivory reduces reproductive output in horsenettle (e.g., [35,39,41]);
Previous studies that have expressly examined the interaction of environmental moreover, our analyses show that plants in the insecticide-sprayed field had lower
stressors with inbreeding have reported that inbreeding depression increases with levels of herbivory and greater reproductive output than plants in the unsprayed field
competition (e.g., [52–55]), drought (e.g., [56]), and nutrient stress (e.g., [5,57]). In and that inbreeding depression was greater in the no-spray (high-herbivory) field. It is
the current study, we observed that inbred plants had more herbivore damage than possible that our non-destructive field estimates of herbivore damage were simply
the outbred plants under field conditions. Consistent with previous studies of too crude to detect the effects of herbivory on plant reproduction. Furthermore, our
horsenettle (e.g., [34,38,43]), we found that the plants in our fields were attacked by estimates did not differentiate among damage caused by different types of
an array of herbivores that feed predominantly on Solanaceous species. In another herbivores. Each of the common herbivores that we observed caused different
recent study, we found that tobacco hornworm larvae ( Manduca sexta) patterns of damage, and the amount of damage caused by each type of herbivore
varied over time. Several recent studies have shown that tolerance to herbivory can
vary with the pattern of damage and with ontogenetic stage (e.g., [24,66–68]).
preferred to feed on horsenettle leaf disks from inbred versus outbred plants and
also exhibited higher levels of total leaf consumption and higher relative growth rates
on the inbred plants [58]. Those results, together with the current data, contribute to
the growing body of evidence that inbreeding alters resistance to herbivores and
often improves plant quality as a food source for herbivores [18,20–26].
Evolution of the horsenettle breeding system
Our results have profound implications for the evolution of the breeding system in Solanum
We also found that application (every other week) of an insecticide on one of our carolinense. Previous work has
two replicate fields yielded small decreases in overall levels of herbivory that demonstrated plasticity in the SI response of horsenettle [28,29]. Horsenettle flowers
coincided with similar changes in estimates of inbreeding depression per ramet (from become more self-fertile with age and when few or no cross-pollinated fruits are
0.79 to 0.68 in year 2). It must be noted that the lack of treatment replication in this developing on a plant (i.e., when cross pollen limits seed production). Moreover, we
experiment means that treatment and field location were confounded, though the have shown that plasticity in SI is enhanced in the presence of the ‘‘leaky’’ S9 allele
absence of significant field effects on reproductive output or ramet production in year [48]. It is generally thought that most mutations that enhance self-fertility are
one mitigates this concern to some extent. Thus, even though there were no eliminated by genetic drift or by purifying selection effected by inbreeding depression
significant differences in seed production between the two fields during the first year (e.g., [7,8]). On the other hand, mutations that enhance self-fertility in a population
of this study, we cannot unambiguously attribute the decrease in per ramet exhibiting pollen-limited seed set (e.g., [69]) and/or low to intermediate levels of
inbreeding depression to the insecticide treatment (and consequent reduction in inbreeding depression [8,67] may become fixed, resulting in the loss of SI. Indeed,
herbivory). But, regardless of the underlying causes of variation in per-ramet the transition from obligate outcrossing via SI to self-compatibility is among the most
inbreeding depression between the two fields in year 2 (the spray treatment or other common evolutionary pathways in flowering plant genera [70,71].
environmental differences between the fields), this study produced three estimates of
d in two years, ranging from

Traditionally, populations of SI species with S- allele polymorphisms for enhanced

0.63–0.79. Although per-ramet estimates of inbreeding depression could increase or self-fertility (or genes that modify the strength of SI) have been viewed as either
decrease from year to year in the same population as environmental conditions vary, temporarily harboring some selffertility alleles or in transition to self-compatibility.
the dramatic difference in ramet production that we found in the inbred and outbred However, there has recently been considerable theoretical interest in the possibility
horsenettle plants suggests that per genet estimates of inbreeding depression are that polymorphisms for enhanced self-fertility could also be the product of selection
likely to be amplified across subsequent years of clonal spread. for a stable mixed-mating system (e.g., [70,72– 75]). These theoretical studies reveal
that the broadest conditions for the stability of such polymorphisms in natural
populations occur when (1) there are low S- allele numbers and/or high rates of
Few studies have examined the specific mechanisms underlying the effects of pollen limitation in the population; (2) there are high levels of inbreeding depression
inbreeding on herbivore preference and performance, which are known to be and/or S- linked/sheltered load ( sensu [ 8]); (3) the self-fertility enhancing alleles
influenced by factors such as variation in plant nutritional quality, constitutive and promote delayed self-
induced chemical defenses, and the induced production and release of

PLoS ONE | 5 December 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 12 | e28459

Inbreeding, Clonal Growth and Herbivory

fertilization (and therefore do not decrease opportunities for crossfertilization); and inbreeding depression per genet is severe and likely to increase over time due to the
(4) the self-fertility enhancing alleles confer only a small increase in the rate of reduced clonal spread of inbred ramets; and (5) inbred plants suffer more herbivory
self-fertilization. Our previous findings [28,29,48,50] suggest that increases in the than outbred plants. These results, taken together with our previous studies of the
rate of selffertilization only occur in populations in which seed production is limited by plasticity in the SI system of horsenettle and viewed in light of insights from recent
cross pollen, and that self-fertilization is unlikely to limit the opportunities for theoretical investigations, suggest that plasticity in the SI system of S. carolinense is
cross-fertilization. Moreover, because horsenettle is a weed prone to repeated bouts part of a stable mixed mating system that favors outcrossing except where cross
of colonization and extinction, the conditions that favor self-fertility are likely to occur pollen severely limits seed production (as might occur when founding new
commonly (i.e., few S alleles in a population and reproduction that is limited by the populations). Future studies should focus on documenting the mechanisms
availability of cross pollen). underlying the increased levels of herbivory observed on inbred plants and the rates
of selfing in small populations with few S-

The data presented here reveal that inbreeding depression in horsenettle under
field conditions is significant in a given year and that total inbreeding depression over alleles and larger, established populations with many S- alleles.
the lifetime of a genet is likely to be severe. Consequently, S. carolinense is likely not
in transition from SI to self-compatibility. Rather, the plasticity in the SI system and
the presence of the leaky S9 allele—which is a common and widespread in the
Eastern United States [45,48]—may be part of a stable mixed mating system that The authors thank K. Wall, L. Sasidharan, R. Moraski and M. Sasu for field, greenhouse, and

permits the plants to self-fertilize when cross pollen limits seed production and/or laboratory assistance; Matthew Ferrari for statistical advice; T. Omeis for use of the Biology
Greenhouse; and R. Oberheim and
when few Salleles are present in the population.
S. Smiles for use of the Experimental Farm at the Pennsylvania State University Agriculture
Experiment Station at Rock Springs.

In conclusion, this study clearly demonstrates that (1) estimates of inbreeding

depression for S. carolinense are far greater under field conditions than under Author Contributions
greenhouse conditions; (2) inbreeding reduces vegetative growth via clonal spread; Conceived and designed the experiments: RRK MCM CMD AGS. Performed the experiments:
(3) estimates of inbreeding depression per ramet can vary with year and local RRK SRS AGS. Analyzed the data: RRK SRS MCM CMD AGS. Contributed
environmental conditions (e.g., the intensity of herbivory); (4) reagents/materials/analysis tools: MCM CMD AGS. Wrote the paper: RRK SRS MCM CMD

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PLoS ONE | 7 December 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 12 | e28459

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