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Monthly Payment

Amount borrowed $200,000

Interest rate 5.00%
Number of years to pay back 20
Number of months to pay back 240
Monthly payments $1,319.91

Wilox Industries Sales & Bonus Commission for:

Client Name Sales Percent/sales Bonus Amount

Anderson, Jake $11,259 $1,125.90 1125.9
Bentley, David $9,288 $928.80 No bonus
Carter, Merge $8,995 $899.50 No bonus
Davis, Laroy $10,256 $1,025.60 1025.6
Edwards, Paul $10,564 $1,056.40 1056.4
Fenwick, Frederick $7,187 $718.70 No bonus
Gilroy, Carol $12,522 $1,252.20 1252.2
Hendricks, Fenlica $11,456 $1,145.60 1145.6
Joffee, Malcolm $8,985 $898.50 No bonus
Lottrie, Georgette $9,692 $969.20 No bonus

Total Bonus Dollars Paid this Month 5605.7

S. No. Student Name Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Marks Obtained Percentage Grade
1 Kamran Shaikh 35 60 50 50 195 48.75 F
2 Saba Jawaid 65 70 70 40 245 61.25 D
3 Irum Siddiqui 45 55 40 38 178 44.5 F
4 Syed Jahangir 65 35 30 90 220 55 E
5 Yasir Jamal 33 40 35 45 153 38.25 F
6 Farooq Khan 40 60 50 55 205 51.25 E
7 Javed Khan 70 50 60 68 248 62 D
Part Number Part Name Part Price Status
A001 Water Pump $68.39 In stock
A002 Alternator $380.73 In stock
A003 Air Filter $15.49 In stock
A004 Wheel Bearing $35.16 In stock
A005 Muffler $160.23 In stock
A006 Oil Pan $101.23 Out of Stock
A007 Brake Pads $65.99 In stock
A008 Brake Rotators $85.73 Out of Stock
A009 Headlights $35.19 In stock
A010 Brake Cable $15.49 In stock
Part Number A006
Part Price: $101.23

Quantity Discount Quantity: 10

1 0% Discount: 0.03
10 3%
100 6%
1000 9%
10000 12%

Part Number A005

Part Name Muffler
ID Email

ID First Name Last Name Email

610 Janet Farley
798 Steven Batista
841 Evelyne Monet
886 Marylin Bradley
622 Jonathan Adder
601 Adrian Birt
869 Julie Irons
867 Erica Tan
785 Harold Clayton
648 Sharyn Castor
Call ID Date Time Product Region Customer Type
Call DurationResolved
Satisfaction Ratio
CL00001 1/1/2012 09:01:23 Desktop Mid-west Individual 94 Yes 3.2
CL00002 1/1/2012 09:01:59 Laptop West SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL00003 1/1/2012 09:04:33 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL00004 1/1/2012 09:09:29 Misc. West Large Corporate 76 No 2.7
CL00005 1/1/2012 09:12:48 Laptop East SME 67 Yes 2.7
CL00006 1/1/2012 09:17:48 Monitor East SME 62 Yes 2.9
CL00007 1/1/2012 09:21:22 Misc. West SME 84 Yes 3.2
CL00008 1/1/2012 09:23:46 Laptop Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.2
CL00009 1/1/2012 09:24:41 Monitor North SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL00010 1/1/2012 09:29:22 Desktop North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.5
CL00011 1/1/2012 09:34:45 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 3.4
CL00012 1/1/2012 09:34:46 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL00013 1/1/2012 09:39:01 Software Mid-west SME 67 Yes 4.0
CL00014 1/1/2012 09:39:31 Software South Individual 86 Yes 3.4
CL00015 1/1/2012 09:41:24 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 3.4
CL00016 1/1/2012 09:44:55 Accessories East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.3
CL00017 1/1/2012 09:46:03 Laptop West Non-profit 87 No 2.4
CL00018 1/1/2012 09:51:06 Software East Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL00019 1/1/2012 09:54:37 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 2.4
CL00020 1/1/2012 09:57:39 Software East Non-profit 87 Yes 3.3
CL00021 1/1/2012 09:58:33 Laptop Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL00022 1/1/2012 10:02:51 Software East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL00023 1/1/2012 10:05:54 Misc. North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.4
CL00024 1/1/2012 10:09:30 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL00025 1/1/2012 10:14:09 Software South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.9
CL00026 1/1/2012 10:15:54 Software South SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL00027 1/1/2012 10:20:40 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL00028 1/1/2012 10:21:00 Software East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL00029 1/1/2012 10:26:12 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.8
CL00030 1/1/2012 10:27:27 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.8
CL00031 1/1/2012 10:28:32 Laptop East Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL00032 1/1/2012 10:32:34 Laptop North Individual 82 Yes 3.6
CL00033 1/1/2012 10:32:51 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 Yes 4.0
CL00034 1/1/2012 10:36:33 Misc. East SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL00035 1/1/2012 10:41:03 Monitor North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.6
CL00036 1/1/2012 10:41:06 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL00037 1/1/2012 10:44:24 Monitor Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL00038 1/1/2012 10:45:27 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL00039 1/1/2012 10:46:22 Monitor West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL00040 1/1/2012 10:48:50 Desktop West Non-profit 56 Yes 3.0
CL00041 1/1/2012 10:52:44 Accessories South Large Corporate 86 Yes 4.0
CL00042 1/1/2012 10:55:29 Software North Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL00043 1/1/2012 11:00:23 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 96 Yes 2.8
CL00044 1/1/2012 11:03:02 Misc. Mid-west SME 60 Yes 2.7
CL00045 1/1/2012 11:06:11 Software Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.8
CL00046 1/1/2012 11:07:28 Laptop West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.1
CL00047 1/1/2012 11:10:19 Laptop South Individual 74 Yes 3.5
CL00048 1/1/2012 11:14:47 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL00049 1/1/2012 11:17:49 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL00050 1/1/2012 11:18:39 Desktop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 1.9
CL00051 1/1/2012 11:23:12 Laptop West Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL00052 1/1/2012 11:28:16 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL00053 1/1/2012 11:30:52 Laptop West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL00054 1/1/2012 11:34:46 Software East Individual 78 Yes 2.5
CL00055 1/1/2012 11:35:25 Laptop East SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL00056 1/1/2012 11:37:50 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 3.8
CL00057 1/1/2012 11:41:12 Desktop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL00058 1/1/2012 11:42:15 Misc. Mid-west Individual 75 No 2.5
CL00059 1/1/2012 11:47:31 Misc. East SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL00060 1/1/2012 11:51:19 Laptop South Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL00061 1/1/2012 11:55:00 Accessories West SME 60 Yes 2.4
CL00062 1/1/2012 11:58:05 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL00063 1/1/2012 12:01:59 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL00064 1/1/2012 12:07:38 Laptop East SME 82 Yes 3.0
CL00065 1/1/2012 12:09:46 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL00066 1/1/2012 12:11:30 Software East SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL00067 1/1/2012 12:15:15 Laptop East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL00068 1/1/2012 12:15:28 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 3.4
CL00069 1/1/2012 12:17:56 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.6
CL00070 1/1/2012 12:21:31 Monitor North Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL00071 1/1/2012 12:23:37 Monitor Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL00072 1/1/2012 12:28:02 Software Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL00073 1/1/2012 12:30:53 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL00074 1/1/2012 12:34:14 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL00075 1/1/2012 12:34:33 Laptop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.7
CL00076 1/1/2012 12:35:06 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL00077 1/1/2012 12:38:20 Software South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.8
CL00078 1/1/2012 12:42:03 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL00079 1/1/2012 12:42:54 Software Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL00080 1/1/2012 12:47:32 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL00081 1/1/2012 12:49:51 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.2
CL00082 1/1/2012 12:54:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.7
CL00083 1/1/2012 12:56:44 Monitor North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL00084 1/1/2012 12:58:38 Desktop East Individual 79 Yes 3.5
CL00085 1/1/2012 13:01:54 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL00086 1/1/2012 13:05:04 Accessories West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL00087 1/1/2012 13:07:09 Accessories East Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.8
CL00088 1/1/2012 13:11:28 Accessories West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.0
CL00089 1/1/2012 13:16:29 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 No 2.3
CL00090 1/1/2012 13:20:43 Misc. East SME 78 Yes 3.7
CL00091 1/1/2012 13:25:57 Software South SME 64 Yes 3.2
CL00092 1/1/2012 13:26:50 Desktop South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.6
CL00093 1/1/2012 13:26:53 Accessories East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.8
CL00094 1/1/2012 13:31:14 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL00095 1/1/2012 13:35:09 Misc. East Large Corporate 96 Yes 2.3
CL00096 1/1/2012 13:36:19 Software West Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL00097 1/1/2012 13:41:46 Software North Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL00098 1/1/2012 13:45:29 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL00099 1/1/2012 13:47:34 Accessories Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL00100 1/1/2012 13:52:36 Misc. North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL00101 1/1/2012 13:52:47 Misc. West Individual 63 Yes 3.0
CL00102 1/1/2012 13:52:59 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL00103 1/1/2012 13:57:47 Monitor West Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL00104 1/1/2012 13:58:52 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL00105 1/1/2012 14:02:21 Misc. North Individual 62 Yes 3.3
CL00106 1/1/2012 14:06:23 Laptop East Individual 94 Yes 2.3
CL00107 1/1/2012 14:06:51 Desktop South Non-profit 69 No 2.7
CL00108 1/1/2012 14:10:03 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL00109 1/1/2012 14:12:09 Misc. South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL00110 1/1/2012 14:12:51 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 3.9
CL00111 1/1/2012 14:16:31 Laptop South SME 81 No 2.5
CL00112 1/1/2012 14:21:58 Misc. South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL00113 1/1/2012 14:23:19 Laptop South Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL00114 1/1/2012 14:25:03 Desktop East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.5
CL00115 1/1/2012 14:26:07 Desktop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL00116 1/1/2012 14:28:40 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL00117 1/1/2012 14:28:48 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 2.0
CL00118 1/1/2012 14:32:47 Accessories West SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL00119 1/1/2012 14:36:14 Laptop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL00120 1/1/2012 14:40:33 Software West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL00121 1/1/2012 14:44:05 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.6
CL00122 1/1/2012 14:45:49 Software Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL00123 1/1/2012 14:49:06 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL00124 1/1/2012 14:50:46 Accessories South SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL00125 1/1/2012 14:55:33 Software West SME 71 Yes 2.3
CL00126 1/1/2012 14:56:34 Software West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL00127 1/1/2012 14:56:47 Accessories Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.3
CL00128 1/1/2012 14:57:48 Misc. South SME 68 Yes 2.2
CL00129 1/1/2012 15:01:25 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.4
CL00130 1/1/2012 15:06:14 Desktop Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.5
CL00131 1/1/2012 15:06:30 Software West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL00132 1/1/2012 15:07:35 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL00133 1/1/2012 15:10:15 Accessories North Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL00134 1/1/2012 15:12:37 Accessories North Non-profit 63 Yes 4.6
CL00135 1/1/2012 15:16:15 Laptop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.8
CL00136 1/1/2012 15:21:48 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL00137 1/1/2012 15:24:17 Misc. South Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL00138 1/1/2012 15:28:06 Misc. South Non-profit 61 Yes 2.3
CL00139 1/1/2012 15:33:18 Monitor South Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL00140 1/1/2012 15:33:58 Accessories West Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL00141 1/1/2012 15:34:32 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL00142 1/1/2012 15:35:45 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL00143 1/1/2012 15:36:13 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL00144 1/1/2012 15:37:05 Accessories North Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL00145 1/1/2012 15:40:07 Software East Individual 95 Yes 3.6
CL00146 1/1/2012 15:41:23 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL00147 1/1/2012 15:41:25 Misc. South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL00148 1/1/2012 15:41:45 Software North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.2
CL00149 1/1/2012 15:45:17 Accessories North SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL00150 1/1/2012 15:48:42 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL00151 1/1/2012 15:50:35 Misc. North Non-profit 88 Yes 3.0
CL00152 1/1/2012 15:52:11 Laptop North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL00153 1/1/2012 15:55:49 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 4.1
CL00154 1/1/2012 15:58:38 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 2.6
CL00155 1/1/2012 16:02:36 Accessories West Individual 66 Yes 1.9
CL00156 1/1/2012 16:03:17 Monitor South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL00157 1/1/2012 16:03:58 Laptop East Large Corporate 82 Yes 1.7
CL00158 1/1/2012 16:06:39 Software East SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL00159 1/1/2012 16:06:53 Laptop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.7
CL00160 1/1/2012 16:11:24 Accessories West SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL00161 1/1/2012 16:15:36 Software Mid-west SME 62 No 2.7
CL00162 1/1/2012 16:17:10 Misc. South Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL00163 1/1/2012 16:22:45 Misc. North Individual 84 Yes 2.8
CL00164 1/1/2012 16:28:23 Monitor North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL00165 1/1/2012 16:33:18 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL00166 1/1/2012 16:38:18 Desktop South Non-profit 87 Yes 4.0
CL00167 1/1/2012 16:41:14 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL00168 1/1/2012 16:42:38 Software Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL00169 1/1/2012 16:45:31 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL00170 1/1/2012 16:49:03 Laptop Mid-west SME 54 Yes 3.7
CL00171 1/1/2012 16:49:05 Accessories Mid-west SME 61 Yes 3.2
CL00172 1/1/2012 16:54:04 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL00173 1/1/2012 16:58:26 Laptop East Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL00174 1/1/2012 17:04:05 Monitor Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL00175 1/1/2012 17:05:15 Misc. East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL00176 1/1/2012 17:10:17 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 No 3.4
CL00177 1/1/2012 17:15:11 Accessories South SME 88 Yes 3.0
CL00178 1/1/2012 17:19:58 Misc. East Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.0
CL00179 1/1/2012 17:20:57 Software East Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL00180 1/1/2012 17:21:40 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL00181 1/1/2012 17:22:05 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL00182 1/1/2012 17:23:15 Desktop West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL00183 1/1/2012 17:26:33 Software West Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL00184 1/1/2012 17:26:37 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL00185 1/1/2012 17:30:43 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL00186 1/1/2012 17:33:20 Misc. West Individual 85 Yes 4.2
CL00187 1/1/2012 17:33:32 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL00188 1/1/2012 17:34:07 Misc. South Non-profit 57 Yes 2.3
CL00189 1/1/2012 17:37:11 Laptop West Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.1
CL00190 1/1/2012 17:37:47 Misc. South SME 61 Yes 2.4
CL00191 1/1/2012 17:41:57 Monitor West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL00192 1/1/2012 17:46:21 Laptop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL00193 1/1/2012 17:50:19 Monitor West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL00194 1/1/2012 17:54:26 Laptop East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.4
CL00195 1/1/2012 17:59:17 Desktop North Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.4
CL00196 1/1/2012 18:01:37 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL00197 1/1/2012 18:02:22 Desktop South Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.5
CL00198 1/1/2012 18:05:58 Desktop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL00199 1/1/2012 18:06:32 Accessories West SME 62 Yes 2.3
CL00200 1/1/2012 18:11:08 Desktop East SME 87 Yes 2.7
CL00201 1/1/2012 18:16:25 Accessories Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 2.9
CL00202 1/1/2012 18:17:12 Monitor South SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL00203 1/1/2012 18:21:19 Monitor Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL00204 1/1/2012 18:24:44 Misc. East Non-profit 72 Yes 1.4
CL00205 1/1/2012 18:29:19 Laptop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.2
CL00206 1/1/2012 18:34:04 Laptop North Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL00207 1/1/2012 18:35:02 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL00208 1/1/2012 18:36:17 Software South SME 83 Yes 2.5
CL00209 1/1/2012 18:36:52 Software East SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL00210 1/1/2012 18:41:39 Accessories East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL00211 1/1/2012 18:42:22 Misc. South Non-profit 65 No 2.7
CL00212 1/1/2012 18:46:44 Desktop South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL00213 1/1/2012 18:49:58 Software North Individual 92 Yes 3.6
CL00214 1/1/2012 18:51:37 Software East SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL00215 1/1/2012 18:55:10 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL00216 1/1/2012 19:00:00 Software East SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL00217 1/1/2012 19:02:11 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL00218 1/1/2012 19:06:50 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL00219 1/1/2012 19:09:40 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL00220 1/1/2012 19:09:48 Monitor North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL00221 1/1/2012 19:12:38 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 2.6
CL00222 1/1/2012 19:17:17 Monitor North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.4
CL00223 1/1/2012 19:19:26 Monitor East SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL00224 1/1/2012 19:23:16 Desktop North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.2
CL00225 1/1/2012 19:26:28 Software East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL00226 1/1/2012 19:30:52 Laptop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.4
CL00227 1/1/2012 19:33:50 Accessories West Non-profit 85 Yes 2.6
CL00228 1/1/2012 19:36:38 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL00229 1/1/2012 19:40:52 Desktop East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL00230 1/1/2012 19:45:53 Accessories South Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL00231 1/1/2012 19:51:32 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL00232 1/1/2012 19:51:42 Software West SME 61 Yes 2.1
CL00233 1/1/2012 19:56:37 Misc. South Individual 92 Yes 2.9
CL00234 1/1/2012 20:00:30 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.5
CL00235 1/1/2012 20:05:43 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL00236 1/1/2012 20:08:42 Monitor West Individual 66 Yes 3.1
CL00237 1/1/2012 20:11:43 Misc. West SME 48 Yes 2.8
CL00238 1/1/2012 20:11:48 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL00239 1/1/2012 20:15:05 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL00240 1/1/2012 20:18:35 Monitor East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL00241 1/1/2012 20:21:52 Laptop North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL00242 1/1/2012 20:26:50 Software Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.1
CL00243 1/1/2012 20:31:18 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL00244 1/1/2012 20:34:47 Laptop East Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL00245 1/1/2012 20:35:00 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL00246 1/1/2012 20:37:48 Software West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.5
CL00247 1/1/2012 20:42:03 Accessories East Non-profit 63 No 2.7
CL00248 1/1/2012 20:44:08 Accessories North SME 90 Yes 2.4
CL00249 1/1/2012 20:44:34 Accessories West SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL00250 1/1/2012 20:47:47 Software West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.9
CL00251 1/1/2012 20:48:34 Software West SME 77 Yes 2.5
CL00252 1/1/2012 20:51:37 Monitor North Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL00253 1/1/2012 20:52:51 Desktop South Large Corporate 85 No 3.5
CL00254 1/1/2012 20:58:21 Laptop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL00255 1/1/2012 21:03:32 Desktop West SME 88 Yes 3.7
CL00256 1/1/2012 21:03:54 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL00257 1/1/2012 21:06:05 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL00258 1/1/2012 21:09:38 Misc. West SME 85 Yes 3.6
CL00259 1/1/2012 21:09:43 Misc. West SME 67 Yes 2.9
CL00260 1/1/2012 21:14:57 Misc. East SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL00261 1/1/2012 21:15:29 Software South Non-profit 62 No 3.3
CL00262 1/1/2012 21:16:08 Laptop East Individual 57 Yes 3.5
CL00263 1/1/2012 21:18:56 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.2
CL00264 1/1/2012 21:19:02 Laptop West Individual 80 Yes 2.1
CL00265 1/1/2012 21:20:19 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL00266 1/1/2012 21:20:45 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL00267 1/1/2012 21:24:42 Laptop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.1
CL00268 1/1/2012 21:29:50 Misc. South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL00269 1/1/2012 21:32:27 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL00270 1/1/2012 21:36:43 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL00271 1/1/2012 21:39:09 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL00272 1/1/2012 21:39:11 Misc. West SME 67 Yes 4.1
CL00273 1/1/2012 21:41:29 Software East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL00274 1/1/2012 21:44:48 Accessories West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL00275 1/1/2012 21:45:36 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL00276 1/1/2012 21:46:30 Laptop East Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.6
CL00277 1/1/2012 21:51:08 Accessories North SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL00278 1/1/2012 21:51:44 Software South Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL00279 1/1/2012 21:53:46 Laptop North Non-profit 90 Yes 3.4
CL00280 1/1/2012 21:56:01 Monitor West SME 91 Yes 3.3
CL00281 1/1/2012 22:00:48 Accessories South Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL00282 1/2/2012 08:01:02 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL00283 1/2/2012 08:06:07 Misc. South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.8
CL00284 1/2/2012 08:07:50 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL00285 1/2/2012 08:10:16 Software East Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL00286 1/2/2012 08:12:38 Laptop East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.3
CL00287 1/2/2012 08:14:50 Accessories West SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL00288 1/2/2012 08:14:55 Monitor West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL00289 1/2/2012 08:19:23 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL00290 1/2/2012 08:23:53 Software South SME 82 Yes 3.4
CL00291 1/2/2012 08:28:32 Accessories West SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL00292 1/2/2012 08:31:02 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.8
CL00293 1/2/2012 08:33:09 Misc. North SME 75 No 2.9
CL00294 1/2/2012 08:36:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.5
CL00295 1/2/2012 08:40:50 Monitor North Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL00296 1/2/2012 08:41:43 Desktop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.3
CL00297 1/2/2012 08:43:47 Desktop North Large Corporate 77 No 2.7
CL00298 1/2/2012 08:48:16 Laptop West Non-profit 71 No 2.2
CL00299 1/2/2012 08:49:20 Laptop North SME 66 Yes 3.4
CL00300 1/2/2012 08:50:53 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL00301 1/2/2012 08:56:23 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL00302 1/2/2012 09:01:55 Software East Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL00303 1/2/2012 09:07:11 Accessories East Large Corporate 82 Yes 4.0
CL00304 1/2/2012 09:12:42 Laptop East Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.5
CL00305 1/2/2012 09:12:44 Misc. North SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL00306 1/2/2012 09:13:17 Misc. West SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL00307 1/2/2012 09:15:04 Desktop South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL00308 1/2/2012 09:15:20 Monitor South SME 85 Yes 2.8
CL00309 1/2/2012 09:19:23 Laptop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.2
CL00310 1/2/2012 09:19:27 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL00311 1/2/2012 09:24:10 Accessories Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.5
CL00312 1/2/2012 09:26:26 Monitor East Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL00313 1/2/2012 09:30:23 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.4
CL00314 1/2/2012 09:31:08 Desktop West Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL00315 1/2/2012 09:33:08 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL00316 1/2/2012 09:36:49 Accessories East SME 82 Yes 2.4
CL00317 1/2/2012 09:41:55 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL00318 1/2/2012 09:47:19 Laptop East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.3
CL00319 1/2/2012 09:50:34 Monitor West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL00320 1/2/2012 09:50:40 Software Mid-west SME 70 Yes 2.6
CL00321 1/2/2012 09:52:48 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 3.2
CL00322 1/2/2012 09:57:22 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL00323 1/2/2012 09:58:05 Misc. East Large Corporate 71 Yes 1.9
CL00324 1/2/2012 10:00:48 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 2.7
CL00325 1/2/2012 10:02:48 Monitor North Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.0
CL00326 1/2/2012 10:04:58 Desktop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL00327 1/2/2012 10:07:55 Misc. West Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL00328 1/2/2012 10:10:55 Software West Large Corporate 94 Yes 2.8
CL00329 1/2/2012 10:13:14 Software South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL00330 1/2/2012 10:14:01 Desktop North Non-profit 64 No 2.9
CL00331 1/2/2012 10:17:04 Software East SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL00332 1/2/2012 10:20:36 Desktop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL00333 1/2/2012 10:25:15 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL00334 1/2/2012 10:26:58 Monitor West SME 86 No 3.8
CL00335 1/2/2012 10:27:07 Software East SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL00336 1/2/2012 10:32:10 Software East Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL00337 1/2/2012 10:33:11 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL00338 1/2/2012 10:35:47 Software South Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL00339 1/2/2012 10:38:14 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL00340 1/2/2012 10:39:46 Accessories South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL00341 1/2/2012 10:41:10 Desktop East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL00342 1/2/2012 10:44:57 Software West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.6
CL00343 1/2/2012 10:45:02 Software South Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL00344 1/2/2012 10:45:32 Software South SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL00345 1/2/2012 10:49:44 Accessories South SME 85 Yes 3.3
CL00346 1/2/2012 10:50:22 Monitor East SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL00347 1/2/2012 10:55:08 Laptop South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL00348 1/2/2012 10:57:50 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.4
CL00349 1/2/2012 10:58:34 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL00350 1/2/2012 11:00:27 Laptop South Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.8
CL00351 1/2/2012 11:02:45 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.3
CL00352 1/2/2012 11:03:55 Desktop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL00353 1/2/2012 11:07:02 Software South Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL00354 1/2/2012 11:11:35 Misc. East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.5
CL00355 1/2/2012 11:17:18 Software South Individual 62 Yes 2.7
CL00356 1/2/2012 11:18:01 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 4.1
CL00357 1/2/2012 11:21:13 Software South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL00358 1/2/2012 11:24:44 Misc. East SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL00359 1/2/2012 11:29:50 Desktop East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL00360 1/2/2012 11:34:57 Laptop North Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL00361 1/2/2012 11:37:46 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.5
CL00362 1/2/2012 11:41:10 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL00363 1/2/2012 11:46:06 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.0
CL00364 1/2/2012 11:47:44 Misc. North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.3
CL00365 1/2/2012 11:49:30 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 3.0
CL00366 1/2/2012 11:50:54 Software East SME 79 Yes 2.0
CL00367 1/2/2012 11:53:47 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL00368 1/2/2012 11:55:23 Laptop East Individual 85 Yes 2.5
CL00369 1/2/2012 12:00:18 Accessories North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.9
CL00370 1/2/2012 12:05:18 Software West SME 88 Yes 2.6
CL00371 1/2/2012 12:08:23 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 No 3.8
CL00372 1/2/2012 12:08:58 Desktop North SME 67 Yes 3.8
CL00373 1/2/2012 12:13:46 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL00374 1/2/2012 12:18:55 Laptop East Individual 80 Yes 3.4
CL00375 1/2/2012 12:22:36 Misc. South Non-profit 91 Yes 2.3
CL00376 1/2/2012 12:23:19 Software East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.6
CL00377 1/2/2012 12:25:21 Software North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.6
CL00378 1/2/2012 12:29:15 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL00379 1/2/2012 12:30:06 Laptop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL00380 1/2/2012 12:30:17 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 4.1
CL00381 1/2/2012 12:32:20 Laptop East Individual 68 Yes 3.7
CL00382 1/2/2012 12:37:04 Software North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.3
CL00383 1/2/2012 12:38:58 Accessories North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL00384 1/2/2012 12:41:09 Accessories East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL00385 1/2/2012 12:43:30 Monitor West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL00386 1/2/2012 12:48:51 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.4
CL00387 1/2/2012 12:51:07 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 1.8
CL00388 1/2/2012 12:52:22 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.2
CL00389 1/2/2012 12:57:19 Misc. East Individual 63 No 2.7
CL00390 1/2/2012 12:59:17 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.1
CL00391 1/2/2012 12:59:52 Misc. South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.3
CL00392 1/2/2012 13:01:09 Monitor East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.2
CL00393 1/2/2012 13:06:11 Misc. South Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL00394 1/2/2012 13:08:44 Laptop Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL00395 1/2/2012 13:12:24 Software South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.7
CL00396 1/2/2012 13:18:05 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL00397 1/2/2012 13:18:42 Software West Non-profit 91 No 3.5
CL00398 1/2/2012 13:21:06 Desktop North Individual 81 Yes 3.9
CL00399 1/2/2012 13:22:21 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL00400 1/2/2012 13:25:03 Misc. South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.3
CL00401 1/2/2012 13:25:53 Accessories South Non-profit 78 Yes 1.7
CL00402 1/2/2012 13:31:31 Accessories Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 2.9
CL00403 1/2/2012 13:36:06 Accessories East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL00404 1/2/2012 13:41:11 Accessories West Individual 90 Yes 3.0
CL00405 1/2/2012 13:43:17 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL00406 1/2/2012 13:43:33 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.2
CL00407 1/2/2012 13:47:05 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL00408 1/2/2012 13:52:29 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.1
CL00409 1/2/2012 13:57:02 Software East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL00410 1/2/2012 13:58:27 Software Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL00411 1/2/2012 14:03:46 Monitor West Individual 88 Yes 2.5
CL00412 1/2/2012 14:06:38 Accessories South Individual 72 Yes 3.7
CL00413 1/2/2012 14:08:48 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL00414 1/2/2012 14:11:43 Accessories North Individual 68 Yes 3.3
CL00415 1/2/2012 14:11:46 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.9
CL00416 1/2/2012 14:15:22 Monitor West SME 76 Yes 4.3
CL00417 1/2/2012 14:15:46 Misc. Mid-west Individual 94 Yes 3.2
CL00418 1/2/2012 14:18:53 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.0
CL00419 1/2/2012 14:20:59 Laptop North Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.1
CL00420 1/2/2012 14:26:20 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL00421 1/2/2012 14:26:40 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.6
CL00422 1/2/2012 14:26:54 Accessories North SME 87 No 3.1
CL00423 1/2/2012 14:31:29 Software North Non-profit 62 Yes 2.9
CL00424 1/2/2012 14:36:38 Laptop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.2
CL00425 1/2/2012 14:41:23 Monitor West Individual 59 Yes 3.3
CL00426 1/2/2012 14:42:56 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL00427 1/2/2012 14:44:25 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL00428 1/2/2012 14:46:48 Misc. South SME 64 Yes 2.9
CL00429 1/2/2012 14:49:49 Monitor East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.8
CL00430 1/2/2012 14:49:56 Misc. East SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL00431 1/2/2012 14:52:10 Accessories West Large Corporate 94 Yes 3.1
CL00432 1/2/2012 14:55:57 Monitor East Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL00433 1/2/2012 14:58:54 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL00434 1/2/2012 15:02:29 Accessories Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL00435 1/2/2012 15:04:10 Accessories South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.3
CL00436 1/2/2012 15:08:28 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL00437 1/2/2012 15:14:07 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.8
CL00438 1/2/2012 15:16:48 Accessories West Individual 65 Yes 3.6
CL00439 1/2/2012 15:18:02 Desktop East Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL00440 1/2/2012 15:22:37 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL00441 1/2/2012 15:26:15 Accessories South Individual 82 No 3.5
CL00442 1/2/2012 15:28:55 Software East SME 81 Yes 2.2
CL00443 1/2/2012 15:33:54 Software South Non-profit 67 Yes 4.2
CL00444 1/2/2012 15:35:55 Misc. South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL00445 1/2/2012 15:39:05 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL00446 1/2/2012 15:40:57 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 3.3
CL00447 1/2/2012 15:43:38 Laptop East Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.2
CL00448 1/2/2012 15:46:42 Misc. South Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL00449 1/2/2012 15:50:51 Accessories West Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL00450 1/2/2012 15:55:33 Desktop East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL00451 1/2/2012 15:59:46 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL00452 1/2/2012 16:02:52 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 85 No 3.4
CL00453 1/2/2012 16:05:37 Monitor East Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL00454 1/2/2012 16:10:21 Laptop West Non-profit 85 Yes 2.8
CL00455 1/2/2012 16:10:45 Misc. West Non-profit 91 Yes 3.7
CL00456 1/2/2012 16:15:24 Laptop West Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL00457 1/2/2012 16:21:02 Software East Individual 75 Yes 3.8
CL00458 1/2/2012 16:22:40 Software East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL00459 1/2/2012 16:27:21 Misc. East SME 71 Yes 2.1
CL00460 1/2/2012 16:27:52 Monitor North Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL00461 1/2/2012 16:28:55 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL00462 1/2/2012 16:33:48 Monitor North Individual 64 Yes 3.9
CL00463 1/2/2012 16:38:08 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL00464 1/2/2012 16:43:53 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL00465 1/2/2012 16:47:00 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL00466 1/2/2012 16:51:45 Software East SME 78 Yes 3.6
CL00467 1/2/2012 16:57:24 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.2
CL00468 1/2/2012 17:00:16 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL00469 1/2/2012 17:04:52 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.0
CL00470 1/2/2012 17:08:44 Laptop Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL00471 1/2/2012 17:09:57 Software West Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.4
CL00472 1/2/2012 17:15:38 Laptop South Non-profit 55 No 3.0
CL00473 1/2/2012 17:21:16 Misc. West Individual 57 Yes 3.4
CL00474 1/2/2012 17:26:08 Laptop West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.8
CL00475 1/2/2012 17:29:14 Misc. North Individual 80 Yes 3.6
CL00476 1/2/2012 17:29:27 Software South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL00477 1/2/2012 17:30:45 Desktop North Individual 76 Yes 4.4
CL00478 1/2/2012 17:32:52 Misc. Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL00479 1/2/2012 17:34:49 Laptop West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL00480 1/2/2012 17:39:40 Accessories South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL00481 1/2/2012 17:41:29 Accessories South Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL00482 1/2/2012 17:43:48 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL00483 1/2/2012 17:47:39 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL00484 1/2/2012 17:49:38 Laptop North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.1
CL00485 1/2/2012 17:52:31 Laptop East Individual 79 Yes 3.6
CL00486 1/2/2012 17:56:59 Laptop North Individual 88 Yes 2.9
CL00487 1/2/2012 17:58:16 Misc. North Non-profit 85 Yes 2.3
CL00488 1/2/2012 18:01:00 Laptop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.3
CL00489 1/2/2012 18:05:42 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL00490 1/2/2012 18:08:58 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.1
CL00491 1/2/2012 18:10:00 Laptop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL00492 1/2/2012 18:15:35 Desktop Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL00493 1/2/2012 18:19:08 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL00494 1/2/2012 18:22:14 Monitor West Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL00495 1/2/2012 18:26:22 Misc. East SME 83 Yes 3.5
CL00496 1/2/2012 18:31:41 Software North Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.3
CL00497 1/2/2012 18:33:49 Laptop East Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL00498 1/2/2012 18:38:34 Software South SME 61 Yes 2.7
CL00499 1/2/2012 18:41:57 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL00500 1/2/2012 18:46:19 Monitor North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL00501 1/2/2012 18:50:35 Accessories East Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL00502 1/2/2012 18:54:11 Misc. Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.2
CL00503 1/2/2012 18:54:50 Accessories West Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL00504 1/2/2012 18:56:35 Accessories East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL00505 1/2/2012 18:59:13 Laptop South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL00506 1/2/2012 19:03:43 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL00507 1/2/2012 19:07:33 Software West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL00508 1/2/2012 19:11:28 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.6
CL00509 1/2/2012 19:12:58 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 No 4.0
CL00510 1/2/2012 19:16:35 Software North Individual 87 Yes 3.6
CL00511 1/2/2012 19:19:03 Monitor East SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL00512 1/2/2012 19:19:53 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.5
CL00513 1/2/2012 19:22:36 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.7
CL00514 1/2/2012 19:24:07 Accessories North Individual 70 Yes 3.6
CL00515 1/2/2012 19:24:54 Monitor North Individual 67 Yes 4.0
CL00516 1/2/2012 19:24:59 Monitor East Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL00517 1/2/2012 19:29:15 Accessories East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.4
CL00518 1/2/2012 19:31:35 Desktop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL00519 1/2/2012 19:36:41 Monitor South Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL00520 1/2/2012 19:38:01 Software South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.9
CL00521 1/2/2012 19:38:31 Monitor North Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.9
CL00522 1/2/2012 19:38:57 Software West SME 72 Yes 2.7
CL00523 1/2/2012 19:43:35 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL00524 1/2/2012 19:43:59 Desktop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL00525 1/2/2012 19:48:09 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL00526 1/2/2012 19:51:43 Desktop West SME 85 Yes 3.4
CL00527 1/2/2012 19:53:12 Desktop Mid-west SME 93 Yes 3.8
CL00528 1/2/2012 19:55:31 Monitor North SME 90 Yes 3.9
CL00529 1/2/2012 19:56:28 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL00530 1/2/2012 19:56:35 Laptop East Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL00531 1/2/2012 19:57:55 Desktop North SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL00532 1/2/2012 19:58:32 Accessories Mid-west SME 82 Yes 2.7
CL00533 1/2/2012 19:59:21 Laptop North Individual 81 Yes 2.2
CL00534 1/2/2012 20:01:57 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL00535 1/2/2012 20:01:57 Software East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.7
CL00536 1/2/2012 20:05:40 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL00537 1/2/2012 20:07:21 Software West SME 65 Yes 3.9
CL00538 1/2/2012 20:09:34 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL00539 1/2/2012 20:11:39 Desktop East Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL00540 1/2/2012 20:16:24 Accessories South Non-profit 87 No 3.1
CL00541 1/2/2012 20:19:05 Monitor North SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL00542 1/2/2012 20:21:24 Software West Individual 77 No 3.0
CL00543 1/2/2012 20:26:44 Desktop West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.6
CL00544 1/2/2012 20:31:02 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL00545 1/2/2012 20:33:03 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL00546 1/2/2012 20:33:20 Accessories North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.7
CL00547 1/2/2012 20:38:48 Desktop South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL00548 1/2/2012 20:42:13 Accessories North Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.8
CL00549 1/2/2012 20:46:46 Laptop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL00550 1/2/2012 20:49:36 Misc. South SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL00551 1/2/2012 20:54:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL00552 1/2/2012 20:55:55 Misc. East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL00553 1/2/2012 21:00:14 Software South Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL00554 1/2/2012 21:00:56 Monitor East Large Corporate 56 Yes 2.9
CL00555 1/2/2012 21:03:06 Misc. South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL00556 1/2/2012 21:08:19 Laptop South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL00557 1/2/2012 21:08:34 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 2.7
CL00558 1/2/2012 21:13:44 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.7
CL00559 1/2/2012 21:17:46 Monitor West SME 97 Yes 2.7
CL00560 1/2/2012 21:21:41 Software West Non-profit 93 Yes 4.5
CL00561 1/2/2012 21:26:27 Desktop South Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL00562 1/2/2012 21:28:44 Misc. West SME 64 Yes 3.4
CL00563 1/2/2012 21:28:58 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL00564 1/2/2012 21:32:17 Accessories South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL00565 1/2/2012 21:36:16 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL00566 1/2/2012 21:41:18 Desktop East Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL00567 1/2/2012 21:41:38 Laptop East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL00568 1/2/2012 21:46:15 Software East Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL00569 1/2/2012 21:50:48 Accessories East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.9
CL00570 1/2/2012 21:53:01 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL00571 1/2/2012 21:55:20 Misc. North Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL00572 1/2/2012 21:57:12 Monitor North SME 63 Yes 3.7
CL00573 1/2/2012 21:57:27 Desktop East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.9
CL00574 1/2/2012 21:58:13 Laptop South Large Corporate 91 Yes 4.0
CL00575 1/2/2012 22:03:26 Misc. West SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL00576 1/3/2012 08:07:17 Monitor South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.3
CL00577 1/3/2012 08:12:39 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL00578 1/3/2012 08:14:57 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.4
CL00579 1/3/2012 08:19:20 Software North SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL00580 1/3/2012 08:19:45 Software East Individual 91 Yes 3.3
CL00581 1/3/2012 08:21:38 Desktop West SME 79 No 2.6
CL00582 1/3/2012 08:25:55 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.9
CL00583 1/3/2012 08:27:58 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL00584 1/3/2012 08:30:06 Monitor East Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL00585 1/3/2012 08:34:29 Misc. West SME 89 Yes 3.0
CL00586 1/3/2012 08:35:06 Desktop West Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL00587 1/3/2012 08:35:42 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL00588 1/3/2012 08:36:00 Accessories West Non-profit 62 Yes 2.6
CL00589 1/3/2012 08:41:24 Accessories South Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL00590 1/3/2012 08:46:13 Accessories North SME 74 Yes 2.2
CL00591 1/3/2012 08:46:36 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL00592 1/3/2012 08:51:21 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 3.6
CL00593 1/3/2012 08:52:17 Desktop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL00594 1/3/2012 08:57:50 Misc. East Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL00595 1/3/2012 09:03:32 Monitor South Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL00596 1/3/2012 09:06:22 Accessories South Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL00597 1/3/2012 09:06:27 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL00598 1/3/2012 09:07:48 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 3.5
CL00599 1/3/2012 09:10:08 Accessories South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL00600 1/3/2012 09:15:11 Misc. South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL00601 1/3/2012 09:18:41 Laptop East SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL00602 1/3/2012 09:23:25 Laptop East SME 59 Yes 3.1
CL00603 1/3/2012 09:26:29 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL00604 1/3/2012 09:31:45 Laptop West SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL00605 1/3/2012 09:34:57 Desktop East SME 59 No 3.3
CL00606 1/3/2012 09:38:32 Monitor West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL00607 1/3/2012 09:39:50 Laptop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL00608 1/3/2012 09:44:59 Software Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 2.8
CL00609 1/3/2012 09:47:38 Desktop North Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL00610 1/3/2012 09:50:04 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL00611 1/3/2012 09:53:05 Monitor South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL00612 1/3/2012 09:53:56 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL00613 1/3/2012 09:58:28 Laptop East Large Corporate 59 Yes 2.9
CL00614 1/3/2012 10:01:24 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL00615 1/3/2012 10:05:56 Accessories Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 2.8
CL00616 1/3/2012 10:10:24 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL00617 1/3/2012 10:14:59 Software West SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL00618 1/3/2012 10:20:05 Monitor North SME 65 Yes 2.5
CL00619 1/3/2012 10:25:39 Laptop South SME 78 Yes 2.5
CL00620 1/3/2012 10:27:08 Desktop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.4
CL00621 1/3/2012 10:32:35 Accessories West Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL00622 1/3/2012 10:36:55 Misc. West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL00623 1/3/2012 10:40:59 Accessories East Individual 66 Yes 3.5
CL00624 1/3/2012 10:43:51 Accessories North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.7
CL00625 1/3/2012 10:45:23 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.3
CL00626 1/3/2012 10:47:53 Laptop East Non-profit 56 Yes 3.1
CL00627 1/3/2012 10:47:54 Software South Individual 62 Yes 3.2
CL00628 1/3/2012 10:51:02 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL00629 1/3/2012 10:53:29 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL00630 1/3/2012 10:58:56 Desktop West Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL00631 1/3/2012 11:01:01 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL00632 1/3/2012 11:04:11 Desktop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL00633 1/3/2012 11:06:21 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL00634 1/3/2012 11:08:24 Misc. East SME 65 Yes 2.9
CL00635 1/3/2012 11:13:13 Laptop West Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL00636 1/3/2012 11:14:12 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.1
CL00637 1/3/2012 11:16:55 Laptop West SME 81 Yes 3.4
CL00638 1/3/2012 11:17:20 Monitor East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.5
CL00639 1/3/2012 11:19:59 Software Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL00640 1/3/2012 11:22:50 Misc. West SME 82 Yes 2.4
CL00641 1/3/2012 11:23:38 Laptop East Non-profit 88 Yes 3.8
CL00642 1/3/2012 11:26:03 Accessories West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.0
CL00643 1/3/2012 11:31:40 Accessories Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.7
CL00644 1/3/2012 11:36:29 Laptop South SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL00645 1/3/2012 11:39:01 Accessories West SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL00646 1/3/2012 11:40:45 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL00647 1/3/2012 11:41:28 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL00648 1/3/2012 11:46:19 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 2.4
CL00649 1/3/2012 11:48:53 Laptop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL00650 1/3/2012 11:52:24 Software West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL00651 1/3/2012 11:55:59 Accessories West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.7
CL00652 1/3/2012 12:01:02 Monitor North Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL00653 1/3/2012 12:01:28 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.5
CL00654 1/3/2012 12:02:05 Misc. South Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL00655 1/3/2012 12:05:01 Monitor North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL00656 1/3/2012 12:08:13 Desktop East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.5
CL00657 1/3/2012 12:12:21 Monitor North Individual 60 Yes 2.2
CL00658 1/3/2012 12:16:11 Misc. South Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL00659 1/3/2012 12:19:20 Laptop North SME 64 Yes 2.8
CL00660 1/3/2012 12:24:35 Desktop West Individual 79 No 2.6
CL00661 1/3/2012 12:25:32 Software South SME 89 Yes 3.4
CL00662 1/3/2012 12:29:55 Monitor South Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL00663 1/3/2012 12:35:27 Accessories East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.6
CL00664 1/3/2012 12:36:45 Monitor East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL00665 1/3/2012 12:41:07 Misc. West SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL00666 1/3/2012 12:41:30 Software South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL00667 1/3/2012 12:44:06 Software North Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL00668 1/3/2012 12:49:33 Monitor East Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.0
CL00669 1/3/2012 12:53:53 Desktop West Individual 71 Yes 3.7
CL00670 1/3/2012 12:55:35 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL00671 1/3/2012 12:57:07 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL00672 1/3/2012 12:59:18 Monitor North SME 67 Yes 3.8
CL00673 1/3/2012 13:01:38 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.2
CL00674 1/3/2012 13:05:47 Laptop East Individual 63 No 3.1
CL00675 1/3/2012 13:07:09 Monitor East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL00676 1/3/2012 13:08:03 Software West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.8
CL00677 1/3/2012 13:12:27 Software North SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL00678 1/3/2012 13:16:29 Desktop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL00679 1/3/2012 13:19:40 Misc. North Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL00680 1/3/2012 13:20:46 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL00681 1/3/2012 13:22:18 Desktop East Individual 68 Yes 3.8
CL00682 1/3/2012 13:27:17 Monitor East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.5
CL00683 1/3/2012 13:29:46 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL00684 1/3/2012 13:32:46 Misc. South Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL00685 1/3/2012 13:33:01 Software North Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL00686 1/3/2012 13:37:06 Desktop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL00687 1/3/2012 13:37:20 Accessories North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.7
CL00688 1/3/2012 13:39:04 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.4
CL00689 1/3/2012 13:40:51 Software North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL00690 1/3/2012 13:42:12 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL00691 1/3/2012 13:43:33 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL00692 1/3/2012 13:46:57 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 No 2.4
CL00693 1/3/2012 13:48:39 Software East Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL00694 1/3/2012 13:51:11 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL00695 1/3/2012 13:53:06 Monitor North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL00696 1/3/2012 13:56:29 Accessories South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL00697 1/3/2012 13:59:35 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 3.5
CL00698 1/3/2012 14:03:42 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL00699 1/3/2012 14:08:12 Misc. West Individual 62 Yes 3.4
CL00700 1/3/2012 14:13:55 Misc. East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL00701 1/3/2012 14:16:52 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL00702 1/3/2012 14:16:56 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.6
CL00703 1/3/2012 14:19:13 Accessories West Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL00704 1/3/2012 14:21:38 Laptop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL00705 1/3/2012 14:27:13 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 2.8
CL00706 1/3/2012 14:32:38 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL00707 1/3/2012 14:37:45 Misc. North Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL00708 1/3/2012 14:38:55 Software East Individual 67 Yes 2.5
CL00709 1/3/2012 14:39:27 Monitor West SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL00710 1/3/2012 14:42:53 Desktop South Non-profit 73 No 3.0
CL00711 1/3/2012 14:44:15 Monitor West Individual 68 Yes 3.2
CL00712 1/3/2012 14:49:39 Software West SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL00713 1/3/2012 14:52:41 Misc. North Individual 66 Yes 3.7
CL00714 1/3/2012 14:57:13 Misc. Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL00715 1/3/2012 14:57:19 Monitor East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL00716 1/3/2012 15:01:38 Misc. East SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL00717 1/3/2012 15:06:16 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL00718 1/3/2012 15:06:50 Accessories East SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL00719 1/3/2012 15:10:43 Misc. West Individual 72 No 3.6
CL00720 1/3/2012 15:11:33 Monitor South Individual 54 Yes 3.2
CL00721 1/3/2012 15:13:41 Desktop North SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL00722 1/3/2012 15:15:03 Desktop South SME 82 No 3.9
CL00723 1/3/2012 15:17:39 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL00724 1/3/2012 15:20:26 Software West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL00725 1/3/2012 15:25:38 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL00726 1/3/2012 15:29:41 Accessories North SME 91 Yes 2.7
CL00727 1/3/2012 15:29:42 Laptop East Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL00728 1/3/2012 15:33:13 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL00729 1/3/2012 15:35:27 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.4
CL00730 1/3/2012 15:36:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 No 3.1
CL00731 1/3/2012 15:42:24 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL00732 1/3/2012 15:46:35 Accessories South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.9
CL00733 1/3/2012 15:49:24 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.6
CL00734 1/3/2012 15:54:16 Laptop West SME 94 Yes 2.9
CL00735 1/3/2012 15:54:30 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL00736 1/3/2012 15:55:12 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 3.4
CL00737 1/3/2012 16:00:44 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.7
CL00738 1/3/2012 16:03:24 Desktop West SME 80 No 2.8
CL00739 1/3/2012 16:08:54 Laptop South SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL00740 1/3/2012 16:13:49 Laptop West SME 81 Yes 3.6
CL00741 1/3/2012 16:17:54 Desktop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL00742 1/3/2012 16:20:52 Desktop West Individual 68 Yes 4.0
CL00743 1/3/2012 16:24:38 Misc. North SME 84 Yes 2.2
CL00744 1/3/2012 16:25:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL00745 1/3/2012 16:30:40 Monitor West Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL00746 1/3/2012 16:34:47 Laptop West SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL00747 1/3/2012 16:39:26 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 92 No 2.5
CL00748 1/3/2012 16:40:34 Misc. West SME 87 Yes 2.4
CL00749 1/3/2012 16:43:20 Laptop East Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL00750 1/3/2012 16:48:37 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL00751 1/3/2012 16:51:42 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.5
CL00752 1/3/2012 16:52:02 Software North Individual 89 Yes 4.1
CL00753 1/3/2012 16:54:15 Accessories Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL00754 1/3/2012 16:58:54 Misc. South Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.0
CL00755 1/3/2012 16:59:45 Misc. East SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL00756 1/3/2012 17:02:22 Accessories North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.6
CL00757 1/3/2012 17:06:49 Software West Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL00758 1/3/2012 17:09:59 Desktop South Individual 85 Yes 2.2
CL00759 1/3/2012 17:12:57 Laptop West SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL00760 1/3/2012 17:14:12 Misc. West Individual 81 Yes 4.0
CL00761 1/3/2012 17:18:48 Software North Large Corporate 70 No 2.4
CL00762 1/3/2012 17:21:03 Software Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL00763 1/3/2012 17:23:15 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL00764 1/3/2012 17:25:50 Laptop North Large Corporate 59 Yes 2.8
CL00765 1/3/2012 17:27:06 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL00766 1/3/2012 17:27:20 Monitor Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 4.0
CL00767 1/3/2012 17:28:54 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.1
CL00768 1/3/2012 17:32:53 Monitor Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL00769 1/3/2012 17:38:22 Software North SME 65 Yes 3.8
CL00770 1/3/2012 17:41:53 Software North Non-profit 85 Yes 2.4
CL00771 1/3/2012 17:43:17 Software South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL00772 1/3/2012 17:43:39 Accessories South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.2
CL00773 1/3/2012 17:44:28 Desktop North Individual 92 Yes 2.9
CL00774 1/3/2012 17:45:38 Desktop East Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL00775 1/3/2012 17:49:13 Software East Large Corporate 94 Yes 2.7
CL00776 1/3/2012 17:50:09 Accessories East Individual 88 Yes 3.5
CL00777 1/3/2012 17:54:44 Misc. Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL00778 1/3/2012 17:58:05 Desktop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL00779 1/3/2012 18:00:00 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL00780 1/3/2012 18:05:07 Software North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL00781 1/3/2012 18:08:42 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL00782 1/3/2012 18:11:20 Laptop North SME 59 Yes 3.8
CL00783 1/3/2012 18:12:11 Desktop West Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL00784 1/3/2012 18:15:39 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.3
CL00785 1/3/2012 18:20:04 Monitor North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.3
CL00786 1/3/2012 18:24:31 Desktop West Individual 89 Yes 3.2
CL00787 1/3/2012 18:26:01 Misc. North Large Corporate 89 No 3.5
CL00788 1/3/2012 18:26:03 Accessories North Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL00789 1/3/2012 18:30:41 Accessories West SME 79 No 3.0
CL00790 1/3/2012 18:31:50 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL00791 1/3/2012 18:32:44 Desktop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.4
CL00792 1/3/2012 18:32:53 Accessories South Individual 82 Yes 4.0
CL00793 1/3/2012 18:35:26 Laptop South Non-profit 92 No 3.0
CL00794 1/3/2012 18:38:07 Laptop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL00795 1/3/2012 18:43:23 Misc. North Non-profit 92 Yes 3.8
CL00796 1/3/2012 18:48:05 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL00797 1/3/2012 18:52:02 Monitor West SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL00798 1/3/2012 18:56:28 Accessories West Non-profit 69 Yes 4.2
CL00799 1/3/2012 19:01:00 Accessories North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL00800 1/3/2012 19:06:33 Software East SME 76 Yes 1.5
CL00801 1/3/2012 19:10:56 Laptop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL00802 1/3/2012 19:15:03 Misc. West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL00803 1/3/2012 19:17:19 Software West Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL00804 1/3/2012 19:22:09 Software Mid-west SME 85 Yes 2.8
CL00805 1/3/2012 19:22:37 Misc. East Individual 62 Yes 2.5
CL00806 1/3/2012 19:23:28 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 1.9
CL00807 1/3/2012 19:24:52 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 3.2
CL00808 1/3/2012 19:26:17 Misc. North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL00809 1/3/2012 19:31:36 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 3.8
CL00810 1/3/2012 19:32:49 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL00811 1/3/2012 19:37:15 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL00812 1/3/2012 19:42:12 Laptop South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL00813 1/3/2012 19:44:47 Laptop East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.2
CL00814 1/3/2012 19:50:32 Misc. North Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.2
CL00815 1/3/2012 19:51:27 Laptop West Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL00816 1/3/2012 19:53:03 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL00817 1/3/2012 19:55:35 Laptop West Individual 87 Yes 3.5
CL00818 1/3/2012 20:00:32 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.3
CL00819 1/3/2012 20:03:15 Accessories Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 3.0
CL00820 1/3/2012 20:03:35 Monitor West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.3
CL00821 1/3/2012 20:06:29 Software East Individual 76 Yes 2.3
CL00822 1/3/2012 20:08:17 Desktop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL00823 1/3/2012 20:13:21 Accessories West SME 79 Yes 3.1
CL00824 1/3/2012 20:16:29 Desktop West Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL00825 1/3/2012 20:20:19 Accessories North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL00826 1/3/2012 20:22:48 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL00827 1/3/2012 20:25:46 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL00828 1/3/2012 20:29:00 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.8
CL00829 1/3/2012 20:34:37 Desktop West SME 81 Yes 3.8
CL00830 1/3/2012 20:35:39 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL00831 1/3/2012 20:38:58 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL00832 1/3/2012 20:42:04 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.2
CL00833 1/3/2012 20:45:18 Software East Individual 60 Yes 3.1
CL00834 1/3/2012 20:50:54 Accessories East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.4
CL00835 1/3/2012 20:52:02 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL00836 1/3/2012 20:52:34 Accessories East Non-profit 92 Yes 3.0
CL00837 1/3/2012 20:56:53 Monitor West Individual 88 Yes 3.6
CL00838 1/3/2012 21:00:51 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.3
CL00839 1/3/2012 21:04:09 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL00840 1/3/2012 21:05:11 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL00841 1/3/2012 21:05:31 Software East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL00842 1/3/2012 21:09:46 Desktop Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.5
CL00843 1/3/2012 21:11:38 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.6
CL00844 1/3/2012 21:12:00 Software North Individual 64 Yes 2.3
CL00845 1/3/2012 21:16:48 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL00846 1/3/2012 21:20:07 Desktop West Individual 59 Yes 2.9
CL00847 1/3/2012 21:24:58 Accessories North Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL00848 1/3/2012 21:29:47 Misc. Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL00849 1/3/2012 21:34:34 Software South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL00850 1/3/2012 21:35:36 Desktop North Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL00851 1/3/2012 21:41:00 Monitor East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL00852 1/3/2012 21:45:05 Monitor West Individual 78 Yes 4.0
CL00853 1/3/2012 21:45:22 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL00854 1/3/2012 21:50:55 Accessories East SME 96 Yes 2.9
CL00855 1/3/2012 21:56:11 Software North SME 73 Yes 3.8
CL00856 1/3/2012 22:00:00 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.5
CL00857 1/4/2012 08:04:25 Monitor South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL00858 1/4/2012 08:05:11 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 2.6
CL00859 1/4/2012 08:08:48 Monitor South SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL00860 1/4/2012 08:11:26 Laptop West SME 87 Yes 3.1
CL00861 1/4/2012 08:17:00 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL00862 1/4/2012 08:17:23 Misc. North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.5
CL00863 1/4/2012 08:20:37 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 2.5
CL00864 1/4/2012 08:26:13 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL00865 1/4/2012 08:29:51 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL00866 1/4/2012 08:33:47 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL00867 1/4/2012 08:37:27 Laptop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.8
CL00868 1/4/2012 08:41:58 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL00869 1/4/2012 08:42:45 Laptop South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL00870 1/4/2012 08:45:35 Desktop South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL00871 1/4/2012 08:49:54 Misc. West Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL00872 1/4/2012 08:53:36 Misc. East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.2
CL00873 1/4/2012 08:57:50 Misc. North Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.0
CL00874 1/4/2012 09:03:09 Software Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 3.5
CL00875 1/4/2012 09:04:08 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL00876 1/4/2012 09:07:25 Accessories West SME 87 No 2.5
CL00877 1/4/2012 09:10:00 Software East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.8
CL00878 1/4/2012 09:13:24 Software East Individual 66 Yes 3.6
CL00879 1/4/2012 09:18:19 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.7
CL00880 1/4/2012 09:23:00 Laptop South Individual 66 Yes 3.3
CL00881 1/4/2012 09:26:26 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 2.3
CL00882 1/4/2012 09:27:17 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL00883 1/4/2012 09:28:54 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.9
CL00884 1/4/2012 09:29:22 Software North Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL00885 1/4/2012 09:34:24 Monitor East Non-profit 90 Yes 3.5
CL00886 1/4/2012 09:39:48 Misc. South Non-profit 73 No 3.6
CL00887 1/4/2012 09:45:20 Laptop East SME 75 Yes 3.9
CL00888 1/4/2012 09:45:51 Desktop West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL00889 1/4/2012 09:48:16 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL00890 1/4/2012 09:53:21 Misc. West SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL00891 1/4/2012 09:58:05 Monitor West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL00892 1/4/2012 10:02:28 Monitor South Non-profit 67 Yes 2.1
CL00893 1/4/2012 10:07:11 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL00894 1/4/2012 10:11:03 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.2
CL00895 1/4/2012 10:11:48 Misc. South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL00896 1/4/2012 10:15:18 Desktop East Large Corporate 74 No 3.5
CL00897 1/4/2012 10:16:28 Accessories West SME 80 Yes 2.3
CL00898 1/4/2012 10:17:58 Monitor Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL00899 1/4/2012 10:20:27 Desktop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL00900 1/4/2012 10:23:28 Software South SME 62 Yes 3.5
CL00901 1/4/2012 10:25:37 Monitor South Individual 77 No 2.5
CL00902 1/4/2012 10:29:41 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL00903 1/4/2012 10:30:05 Accessories Mid-west SME 92 Yes 2.1
CL00904 1/4/2012 10:30:13 Desktop East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL00905 1/4/2012 10:34:53 Desktop North Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL00906 1/4/2012 10:36:07 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.0
CL00907 1/4/2012 10:40:16 Accessories East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL00908 1/4/2012 10:42:36 Software Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.5
CL00909 1/4/2012 10:43:59 Desktop South Individual 71 Yes 3.7
CL00910 1/4/2012 10:45:45 Laptop West Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL00911 1/4/2012 10:49:28 Accessories South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.2
CL00912 1/4/2012 10:54:30 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL00913 1/4/2012 10:56:57 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL00914 1/4/2012 10:59:42 Monitor South Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL00915 1/4/2012 11:04:16 Misc. Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL00916 1/4/2012 11:07:45 Monitor North Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL00917 1/4/2012 11:08:39 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL00918 1/4/2012 11:13:16 Monitor North SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL00919 1/4/2012 11:17:05 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL00920 1/4/2012 11:20:28 Laptop South Non-profit 98 Yes 2.9
CL00921 1/4/2012 11:24:53 Software South Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL00922 1/4/2012 11:25:06 Software West Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL00923 1/4/2012 11:27:32 Monitor East SME 83 Yes 2.2
CL00924 1/4/2012 11:32:57 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL00925 1/4/2012 11:36:55 Desktop West Individual 63 Yes 3.0
CL00926 1/4/2012 11:38:06 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL00927 1/4/2012 11:39:06 Desktop East SME 55 Yes 3.1
CL00928 1/4/2012 11:42:51 Software East SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL00929 1/4/2012 11:44:23 Monitor Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.3
CL00930 1/4/2012 11:44:25 Laptop East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.5
CL00931 1/4/2012 11:50:10 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL00932 1/4/2012 11:52:22 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL00933 1/4/2012 11:56:45 Monitor South Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL00934 1/4/2012 11:59:22 Accessories East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL00935 1/4/2012 11:59:58 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.8
CL00936 1/4/2012 12:05:41 Accessories North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.0
CL00937 1/4/2012 12:08:30 Monitor North SME 59 Yes 3.3
CL00938 1/4/2012 12:10:36 Laptop North SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL00939 1/4/2012 12:16:13 Software Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.9
CL00940 1/4/2012 12:21:43 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL00941 1/4/2012 12:26:30 Software Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL00942 1/4/2012 12:27:56 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL00943 1/4/2012 12:29:18 Software North Large Corporate 48 Yes 3.0
CL00944 1/4/2012 12:30:00 Software South Individual 51 Yes 3.2
CL00945 1/4/2012 12:31:00 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL00946 1/4/2012 12:31:09 Laptop South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL00947 1/4/2012 12:36:40 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL00948 1/4/2012 12:41:07 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL00949 1/4/2012 12:43:45 Software North SME 61 Yes 3.2
CL00950 1/4/2012 12:48:48 Misc. West Individual 64 Yes 2.5
CL00951 1/4/2012 12:52:24 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.3
CL00952 1/4/2012 12:53:57 Misc. South SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL00953 1/4/2012 12:56:58 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL00954 1/4/2012 12:58:41 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.1
CL00955 1/4/2012 13:02:19 Monitor East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL00956 1/4/2012 13:04:15 Monitor North Individual 89 Yes 2.4
CL00957 1/4/2012 13:04:31 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL00958 1/4/2012 13:06:25 Software East SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL00959 1/4/2012 13:11:55 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 69 No 2.3
CL00960 1/4/2012 13:17:19 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 2.3
CL00961 1/4/2012 13:18:02 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 1.9
CL00962 1/4/2012 13:20:19 Monitor North SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL00963 1/4/2012 13:24:46 Desktop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL00964 1/4/2012 13:26:52 Misc. West SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL00965 1/4/2012 13:30:37 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL00966 1/4/2012 13:32:55 Accessories West Non-profit 94 Yes 2.5
CL00967 1/4/2012 13:35:14 Laptop South SME 76 No 3.1
CL00968 1/4/2012 13:38:25 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL00969 1/4/2012 13:43:21 Accessories West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL00970 1/4/2012 13:48:09 Laptop East SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL00971 1/4/2012 13:52:28 Misc. North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL00972 1/4/2012 13:53:43 Desktop East SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL00973 1/4/2012 13:58:23 Laptop West SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL00974 1/4/2012 13:58:30 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL00975 1/4/2012 13:59:11 Monitor East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.4
CL00976 1/4/2012 13:59:33 Desktop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.6
CL00977 1/4/2012 14:04:29 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL00978 1/4/2012 14:05:48 Misc. West SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL00979 1/4/2012 14:05:57 Desktop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL00980 1/4/2012 14:09:40 Monitor South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL00981 1/4/2012 14:10:52 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL00982 1/4/2012 14:11:48 Desktop East Individual 74 Yes 2.8
CL00983 1/4/2012 14:13:58 Laptop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL00984 1/4/2012 14:19:22 Desktop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.2
CL00985 1/4/2012 14:23:46 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 2.3
CL00986 1/4/2012 14:25:24 Accessories North Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL00987 1/4/2012 14:27:50 Desktop East Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL00988 1/4/2012 14:28:29 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL00989 1/4/2012 14:31:27 Monitor South SME 87 Yes 2.9
CL00990 1/4/2012 14:32:34 Laptop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL00991 1/4/2012 14:33:33 Software Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 2.4
CL00992 1/4/2012 14:38:52 Accessories West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.4
CL00993 1/4/2012 14:43:21 Laptop North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL00994 1/4/2012 14:47:15 Software East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL00995 1/4/2012 14:48:42 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.7
CL00996 1/4/2012 14:51:43 Monitor West Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL00997 1/4/2012 14:52:15 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL00998 1/4/2012 14:53:26 Monitor South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL00999 1/4/2012 14:53:33 Desktop South Non-profit 92 Yes 3.0
CL01000 1/4/2012 14:56:47 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL01001 1/4/2012 14:59:49 Accessories Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL01002 1/4/2012 15:00:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL01003 1/4/2012 15:03:35 Monitor West SME 68 Yes 3.2
CL01004 1/4/2012 15:04:13 Misc. East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.9
CL01005 1/4/2012 15:09:40 Accessories South Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL01006 1/4/2012 15:11:40 Software East Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL01007 1/4/2012 15:12:56 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.3
CL01008 1/4/2012 15:17:13 Misc. Mid-west SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL01009 1/4/2012 15:22:12 Software North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL01010 1/4/2012 15:27:33 Monitor East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.9
CL01011 1/4/2012 15:29:43 Monitor West Large Corporate 65 No 2.9
CL01012 1/4/2012 15:30:35 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 51 Yes 3.4
CL01013 1/4/2012 15:32:46 Monitor South SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL01014 1/4/2012 15:38:26 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL01015 1/4/2012 15:44:10 Monitor South Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.5
CL01016 1/4/2012 15:47:02 Misc. East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL01017 1/4/2012 15:52:09 Accessories North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.1
CL01018 1/4/2012 15:57:04 Desktop East Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL01019 1/4/2012 16:02:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.2
CL01020 1/4/2012 16:05:17 Laptop East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.1
CL01021 1/4/2012 16:09:13 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 1.7
CL01022 1/4/2012 16:11:44 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 3.2
CL01023 1/4/2012 16:16:02 Accessories North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL01024 1/4/2012 16:18:06 Misc. West Individual 74 No 2.5
CL01025 1/4/2012 16:22:19 Laptop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL01026 1/4/2012 16:24:20 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL01027 1/4/2012 16:24:54 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.0
CL01028 1/4/2012 16:25:54 Monitor North Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL01029 1/4/2012 16:28:53 Misc. South SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL01030 1/4/2012 16:34:06 Misc. East SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL01031 1/4/2012 16:38:46 Desktop East Non-profit 93 Yes 2.9
CL01032 1/4/2012 16:42:04 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL01033 1/4/2012 16:42:47 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 2.6
CL01034 1/4/2012 16:43:12 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL01035 1/4/2012 16:43:52 Misc. West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL01036 1/4/2012 16:45:20 Software East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.8
CL01037 1/4/2012 16:47:45 Misc. South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL01038 1/4/2012 16:51:07 Accessories East Individual 82 Yes 3.6
CL01039 1/4/2012 16:54:25 Desktop East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL01040 1/4/2012 16:55:48 Laptop South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.5
CL01041 1/4/2012 17:00:20 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL01042 1/4/2012 17:00:54 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.7
CL01043 1/4/2012 17:04:32 Desktop South Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL01044 1/4/2012 17:05:42 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.7
CL01045 1/4/2012 17:10:20 Desktop North SME 84 Yes 3.7
CL01046 1/4/2012 17:11:32 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.6
CL01047 1/4/2012 17:12:48 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL01048 1/4/2012 17:15:46 Laptop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.8
CL01049 1/4/2012 17:21:25 Desktop South SME 76 No 2.4
CL01050 1/4/2012 17:26:48 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL01051 1/4/2012 17:27:38 Misc. South Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL01052 1/4/2012 17:27:57 Software East Non-profit 63 No 2.7
CL01053 1/4/2012 17:33:24 Accessories West SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL01054 1/4/2012 17:36:59 Accessories South Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL01055 1/4/2012 17:40:07 Software North SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL01056 1/4/2012 17:44:24 Desktop East Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL01057 1/4/2012 17:46:48 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL01058 1/4/2012 17:49:24 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL01059 1/4/2012 17:51:28 Accessories East Individual 72 No 2.5
CL01060 1/4/2012 17:53:24 Laptop East Individual 59 Yes 2.8
CL01061 1/4/2012 17:57:00 Software North SME 73 Yes 3.9
CL01062 1/4/2012 17:58:00 Accessories South SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL01063 1/4/2012 17:58:43 Software North SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL01064 1/4/2012 18:02:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL01065 1/4/2012 18:06:59 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL01066 1/4/2012 18:12:24 Desktop North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL01067 1/4/2012 18:18:05 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL01068 1/4/2012 18:19:58 Software South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL01069 1/4/2012 18:21:59 Accessories North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL01070 1/4/2012 18:25:50 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.1
CL01071 1/4/2012 18:26:57 Monitor North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL01072 1/4/2012 18:30:45 Monitor South SME 87 Yes 2.5
CL01073 1/4/2012 18:33:21 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL01074 1/4/2012 18:38:39 Misc. East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL01075 1/4/2012 18:41:50 Accessories East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL01076 1/4/2012 18:44:54 Desktop South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL01077 1/4/2012 18:45:52 Misc. East SME 88 Yes 2.9
CL01078 1/4/2012 18:51:08 Accessories North SME 61 Yes 3.1
CL01079 1/4/2012 18:52:38 Misc. North SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL01080 1/4/2012 18:54:06 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.9
CL01081 1/4/2012 18:59:04 Laptop West Non-profit 81 Yes 1.9
CL01082 1/4/2012 19:00:48 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.3
CL01083 1/4/2012 19:02:57 Monitor Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 2.7
CL01084 1/4/2012 19:06:56 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 No 2.2
CL01085 1/4/2012 19:08:01 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL01086 1/4/2012 19:08:38 Monitor North SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL01087 1/4/2012 19:11:12 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL01088 1/4/2012 19:15:24 Misc. Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL01089 1/4/2012 19:17:37 Accessories West Non-profit 71 Yes 4.1
CL01090 1/4/2012 19:18:35 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.5
CL01091 1/4/2012 19:19:54 Misc. East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.0
CL01092 1/4/2012 19:21:37 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.8
CL01093 1/4/2012 19:22:11 Monitor North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL01094 1/4/2012 19:26:32 Misc. South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL01095 1/4/2012 19:31:12 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 3.9
CL01096 1/4/2012 19:32:33 Misc. South Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL01097 1/4/2012 19:36:09 Desktop East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL01098 1/4/2012 19:40:14 Misc. South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL01099 1/4/2012 19:43:59 Software North SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL01100 1/4/2012 19:48:42 Desktop East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL01101 1/4/2012 19:51:29 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL01102 1/4/2012 19:55:36 Laptop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL01103 1/4/2012 19:59:34 Accessories South Non-profit 59 No 2.8
CL01104 1/4/2012 20:01:38 Software West SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL01105 1/4/2012 20:05:05 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 4.1
CL01106 1/4/2012 20:05:44 Laptop East SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL01107 1/4/2012 20:06:51 Desktop North SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL01108 1/4/2012 20:07:22 Software South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL01109 1/4/2012 20:10:58 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL01110 1/4/2012 20:12:14 Accessories West SME 66 Yes 3.1
CL01111 1/4/2012 20:12:14 Desktop West SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL01112 1/4/2012 20:13:11 Software East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.1
CL01113 1/4/2012 20:17:14 Monitor East Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.2
CL01114 1/4/2012 20:18:13 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL01115 1/4/2012 20:23:17 Software Mid-west Individual 80 No 3.6
CL01116 1/4/2012 20:27:47 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL01117 1/4/2012 20:28:24 Accessories East Individual 67 Yes 3.8
CL01118 1/4/2012 20:33:48 Misc. West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL01119 1/4/2012 20:38:55 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL01120 1/4/2012 20:44:13 Software South SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL01121 1/4/2012 20:46:50 Misc. East Individual 89 Yes 3.2
CL01122 1/4/2012 20:51:52 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 3.2
CL01123 1/4/2012 20:52:51 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL01124 1/4/2012 20:54:27 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.4
CL01125 1/4/2012 20:59:55 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL01126 1/4/2012 21:05:29 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL01127 1/4/2012 21:05:40 Software South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL01128 1/4/2012 21:09:34 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL01129 1/4/2012 21:11:35 Monitor West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL01130 1/4/2012 21:11:59 Software Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL01131 1/4/2012 21:14:40 Monitor North SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL01132 1/4/2012 21:16:37 Laptop North SME 52 Yes 2.8
CL01133 1/4/2012 21:16:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL01134 1/4/2012 21:18:52 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL01135 1/4/2012 21:21:13 Monitor Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.0
CL01136 1/4/2012 21:23:57 Accessories West Non-profit 63 Yes 3.2
CL01137 1/4/2012 21:27:25 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL01138 1/4/2012 21:29:25 Accessories South SME 79 No 2.8
CL01139 1/4/2012 21:31:35 Laptop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL01140 1/4/2012 21:36:57 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL01141 1/4/2012 21:41:56 Laptop South Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL01142 1/4/2012 21:43:58 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL01143 1/4/2012 21:47:48 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.8
CL01144 1/4/2012 21:50:06 Monitor South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL01145 1/4/2012 21:52:25 Software East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.5
CL01146 1/4/2012 21:57:41 Laptop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.8
CL01147 1/4/2012 22:00:11 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.7
CL01148 1/5/2012 08:01:20 Desktop South SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL01149 1/5/2012 08:07:01 Misc. North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.5
CL01150 1/5/2012 08:07:04 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL01151 1/5/2012 08:09:41 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL01152 1/5/2012 08:10:20 Monitor East Individual 79 Yes 3.5
CL01153 1/5/2012 08:13:28 Monitor South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.9
CL01154 1/5/2012 08:15:57 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.2
CL01155 1/5/2012 08:19:05 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL01156 1/5/2012 08:24:03 Software North SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL01157 1/5/2012 08:25:55 Software East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.7
CL01158 1/5/2012 08:28:29 Misc. Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL01159 1/5/2012 08:34:00 Accessories Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.2
CL01160 1/5/2012 08:35:13 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.0
CL01161 1/5/2012 08:36:37 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 3.5
CL01162 1/5/2012 08:41:14 Desktop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL01163 1/5/2012 08:42:11 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.8
CL01164 1/5/2012 08:46:35 Desktop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.5
CL01165 1/5/2012 08:51:22 Misc. East SME 73 Yes 4.3
CL01166 1/5/2012 08:53:02 Software South Non-profit 88 Yes 3.8
CL01167 1/5/2012 08:57:27 Monitor West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL01168 1/5/2012 09:01:53 Software North Individual 77 Yes 3.9
CL01169 1/5/2012 09:05:09 Laptop East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL01170 1/5/2012 09:10:06 Misc. Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL01171 1/5/2012 09:13:56 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL01172 1/5/2012 09:19:24 Monitor North Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL01173 1/5/2012 09:23:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL01174 1/5/2012 09:24:42 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.6
CL01175 1/5/2012 09:26:32 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL01176 1/5/2012 09:31:02 Monitor South Large Corporate 94 Yes 3.2
CL01177 1/5/2012 09:33:09 Laptop South Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL01178 1/5/2012 09:38:19 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL01179 1/5/2012 09:42:09 Software South Individual 61 Yes 2.2
CL01180 1/5/2012 09:45:48 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 2.5
CL01181 1/5/2012 09:51:16 Laptop South SME 69 Yes 2.1
CL01182 1/5/2012 09:55:58 Software East SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL01183 1/5/2012 09:59:38 Misc. Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.2
CL01184 1/5/2012 10:04:24 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL01185 1/5/2012 10:08:21 Laptop North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL01186 1/5/2012 10:09:15 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL01187 1/5/2012 10:10:52 Misc. East Individual 55 Yes 2.7
CL01188 1/5/2012 10:12:13 Software Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.9
CL01189 1/5/2012 10:13:09 Software South Non-profit 69 No 2.7
CL01190 1/5/2012 10:14:11 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 4.0
CL01191 1/5/2012 10:17:17 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 No 2.9
CL01192 1/5/2012 10:21:23 Misc. Mid-west SME 80 No 2.8
CL01193 1/5/2012 10:21:38 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL01194 1/5/2012 10:23:53 Monitor South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL01195 1/5/2012 10:26:54 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL01196 1/5/2012 10:29:18 Accessories South Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.1
CL01197 1/5/2012 10:34:00 Monitor North SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL01198 1/5/2012 10:34:49 Monitor North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL01199 1/5/2012 10:37:00 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 3.6
CL01200 1/5/2012 10:37:28 Monitor South SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL01201 1/5/2012 10:41:57 Monitor East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL01202 1/5/2012 10:45:01 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.6
CL01203 1/5/2012 10:50:17 Monitor South Non-profit 75 Yes 1.9
CL01204 1/5/2012 10:51:44 Software West SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL01205 1/5/2012 10:53:57 Accessories East SME 74 Yes 4.0
CL01206 1/5/2012 10:59:28 Misc. Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.0
CL01207 1/5/2012 11:03:07 Misc. East SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL01208 1/5/2012 11:07:08 Misc. South Individual 65 Yes 3.4
CL01209 1/5/2012 11:10:55 Accessories Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL01210 1/5/2012 11:13:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.4
CL01211 1/5/2012 11:15:30 Monitor South Individual 66 Yes 3.4
CL01212 1/5/2012 11:18:50 Laptop East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL01213 1/5/2012 11:21:27 Misc. West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.9
CL01214 1/5/2012 11:23:14 Desktop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL01215 1/5/2012 11:25:48 Monitor West Individual 67 Yes 3.1
CL01216 1/5/2012 11:30:27 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 2.1
CL01217 1/5/2012 11:32:17 Laptop West SME 69 Yes 3.1
CL01218 1/5/2012 11:37:37 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL01219 1/5/2012 11:40:51 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL01220 1/5/2012 11:43:37 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL01221 1/5/2012 11:49:21 Misc. East SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL01222 1/5/2012 11:55:06 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.3
CL01223 1/5/2012 11:59:12 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL01224 1/5/2012 12:01:06 Desktop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.6
CL01225 1/5/2012 12:04:55 Software East SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL01226 1/5/2012 12:09:46 Monitor North SME 76 Yes 3.6
CL01227 1/5/2012 12:15:02 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 No 2.7
CL01228 1/5/2012 12:15:27 Misc. West Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL01229 1/5/2012 12:20:03 Misc. Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.6
CL01230 1/5/2012 12:23:59 Desktop East Individual 59 Yes 3.1
CL01231 1/5/2012 12:25:38 Software South Non-profit 87 Yes 2.9
CL01232 1/5/2012 12:29:31 Desktop South Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL01233 1/5/2012 12:33:05 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL01234 1/5/2012 12:36:25 Accessories West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.2
CL01235 1/5/2012 12:37:34 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL01236 1/5/2012 12:40:41 Software South Individual 85 No 3.2
CL01237 1/5/2012 12:40:58 Accessories West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL01238 1/5/2012 12:45:09 Misc. East Large Corporate 95 Yes 3.1
CL01239 1/5/2012 12:50:12 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL01240 1/5/2012 12:54:41 Monitor West SME 80 Yes 3.7
CL01241 1/5/2012 12:57:44 Laptop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL01242 1/5/2012 13:00:00 Accessories West Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL01243 1/5/2012 13:03:58 Accessories South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.2
CL01244 1/5/2012 13:09:28 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL01245 1/5/2012 13:13:55 Software Mid-west SME 86 Yes 4.3
CL01246 1/5/2012 13:16:35 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL01247 1/5/2012 13:21:22 Desktop East Individual 60 Yes 2.8
CL01248 1/5/2012 13:24:11 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL01249 1/5/2012 13:25:47 Laptop East SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL01250 1/5/2012 13:27:23 Desktop East SME 58 Yes 3.7
CL01251 1/5/2012 13:32:17 Software East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.6
CL01252 1/5/2012 13:35:15 Desktop West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL01253 1/5/2012 13:35:52 Software South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL01254 1/5/2012 13:40:54 Accessories North SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL01255 1/5/2012 13:46:26 Monitor West Individual 65 Yes 3.3
CL01256 1/5/2012 13:51:55 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL01257 1/5/2012 13:54:24 Accessories West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL01258 1/5/2012 13:59:17 Monitor North SME 65 Yes 2.2
CL01259 1/5/2012 14:02:59 Misc. Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL01260 1/5/2012 14:03:33 Desktop North SME 84 Yes 3.7
CL01261 1/5/2012 14:06:53 Desktop North SME 88 Yes 3.3
CL01262 1/5/2012 14:11:07 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL01263 1/5/2012 14:12:13 Misc. North SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL01264 1/5/2012 14:17:37 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 3.6
CL01265 1/5/2012 14:21:34 Monitor North Non-profit 55 Yes 2.3
CL01266 1/5/2012 14:25:30 Laptop West Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL01267 1/5/2012 14:30:39 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.5
CL01268 1/5/2012 14:35:16 Desktop North SME 70 Yes 2.5
CL01269 1/5/2012 14:39:05 Software Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL01270 1/5/2012 14:43:30 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.5
CL01271 1/5/2012 14:47:11 Monitor North Individual 87 Yes 3.2
CL01272 1/5/2012 14:47:37 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 1.8
CL01273 1/5/2012 14:53:16 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL01274 1/5/2012 14:54:41 Monitor East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL01275 1/5/2012 14:57:35 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.4
CL01276 1/5/2012 14:59:01 Laptop East SME 62 Yes 3.5
CL01277 1/5/2012 15:03:53 Desktop West Individual 88 No 3.5
CL01278 1/5/2012 15:07:05 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.4
CL01279 1/5/2012 15:09:58 Monitor West Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL01280 1/5/2012 15:10:17 Laptop West SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL01281 1/5/2012 15:12:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL01282 1/5/2012 15:17:24 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL01283 1/5/2012 15:22:34 Monitor West Non-profit 61 Yes 2.7
CL01284 1/5/2012 15:27:18 Accessories North SME 87 Yes 2.8
CL01285 1/5/2012 15:30:34 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL01286 1/5/2012 15:31:38 Laptop East SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL01287 1/5/2012 15:34:37 Misc. West SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL01288 1/5/2012 15:35:05 Monitor West Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL01289 1/5/2012 15:35:11 Laptop East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL01290 1/5/2012 15:37:46 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 No 2.9
CL01291 1/5/2012 15:39:40 Misc. Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL01292 1/5/2012 15:40:17 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL01293 1/5/2012 15:41:20 Monitor Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL01294 1/5/2012 15:44:57 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL01295 1/5/2012 15:50:19 Laptop North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.4
CL01296 1/5/2012 15:51:33 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL01297 1/5/2012 15:55:27 Laptop North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.3
CL01298 1/5/2012 15:56:04 Software North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL01299 1/5/2012 15:56:59 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.6
CL01300 1/5/2012 16:00:32 Misc. South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL01301 1/5/2012 16:02:29 Accessories South Individual 93 Yes 3.1
CL01302 1/5/2012 16:04:23 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.9
CL01303 1/5/2012 16:06:42 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL01304 1/5/2012 16:07:49 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.4
CL01305 1/5/2012 16:08:30 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL01306 1/5/2012 16:11:54 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL01307 1/5/2012 16:12:06 Software Mid-west SME 72 Yes 4.2
CL01308 1/5/2012 16:15:41 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL01309 1/5/2012 16:18:33 Misc. South SME 71 Yes 3.9
CL01310 1/5/2012 16:22:18 Misc. West Individual 68 Yes 2.1
CL01311 1/5/2012 16:26:11 Desktop South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.6
CL01312 1/5/2012 16:28:42 Misc. West Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL01313 1/5/2012 16:31:47 Software North SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL01314 1/5/2012 16:34:31 Monitor North Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL01315 1/5/2012 16:34:59 Monitor South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL01316 1/5/2012 16:35:04 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL01317 1/5/2012 16:37:32 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.3
CL01318 1/5/2012 16:42:15 Accessories South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL01319 1/5/2012 16:43:48 Misc. East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL01320 1/5/2012 16:46:00 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL01321 1/5/2012 16:50:58 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL01322 1/5/2012 16:51:51 Desktop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL01323 1/5/2012 16:53:16 Desktop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL01324 1/5/2012 16:57:48 Laptop West Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL01325 1/5/2012 17:01:53 Monitor South SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL01326 1/5/2012 17:05:56 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 4.2
CL01327 1/5/2012 17:11:21 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL01328 1/5/2012 17:14:33 Software East Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL01329 1/5/2012 17:19:21 Misc. East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL01330 1/5/2012 17:24:59 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 2.2
CL01331 1/5/2012 17:30:22 Misc. South SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL01332 1/5/2012 17:33:49 Monitor East Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL01333 1/5/2012 17:38:38 Desktop North Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL01334 1/5/2012 17:41:12 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL01335 1/5/2012 17:42:43 Accessories South SME 57 Yes 2.3
CL01336 1/5/2012 17:43:09 Laptop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL01337 1/5/2012 17:43:22 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL01338 1/5/2012 17:44:42 Monitor West SME 67 Yes 3.4
CL01339 1/5/2012 17:50:01 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL01340 1/5/2012 17:53:41 Software East Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.5
CL01341 1/5/2012 17:58:29 Misc. West Non-profit 57 Yes 2.8
CL01342 1/5/2012 17:58:58 Desktop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL01343 1/5/2012 18:03:21 Accessories West Individual 81 Yes 3.7
CL01344 1/5/2012 18:08:00 Accessories East Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.9
CL01345 1/5/2012 18:10:49 Accessories East Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL01346 1/5/2012 18:14:57 Misc. South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL01347 1/5/2012 18:18:35 Desktop North Individual 68 No 2.8
CL01348 1/5/2012 18:20:51 Monitor South SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL01349 1/5/2012 18:25:54 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL01350 1/5/2012 18:29:57 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.4
CL01351 1/5/2012 18:34:21 Monitor Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL01352 1/5/2012 18:38:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL01353 1/5/2012 18:39:07 Monitor West SME 88 Yes 3.5
CL01354 1/5/2012 18:43:05 Software North Individual 90 Yes 2.7
CL01355 1/5/2012 18:47:10 Laptop North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL01356 1/5/2012 18:52:16 Accessories North SME 80 Yes 2.2
CL01357 1/5/2012 18:55:46 Laptop Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 4.0
CL01358 1/5/2012 18:55:57 Laptop South SME 61 Yes 3.5
CL01359 1/5/2012 18:58:19 Monitor North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL01360 1/5/2012 19:02:01 Desktop North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL01361 1/5/2012 19:07:25 Desktop South SME 90 Yes 2.8
CL01362 1/5/2012 19:09:42 Software North Individual 67 Yes 2.8
CL01363 1/5/2012 19:13:07 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL01364 1/5/2012 19:14:19 Monitor South Non-profit 95 Yes 2.9
CL01365 1/5/2012 19:15:38 Misc. Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL01366 1/5/2012 19:19:15 Software West SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL01367 1/5/2012 19:24:26 Misc. East SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL01368 1/5/2012 19:24:33 Laptop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.1
CL01369 1/5/2012 19:24:49 Desktop West SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL01370 1/5/2012 19:29:46 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL01371 1/5/2012 19:31:47 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL01372 1/5/2012 19:34:15 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL01373 1/5/2012 19:35:46 Accessories East Non-profit 90 Yes 3.0
CL01374 1/5/2012 19:39:27 Accessories East Large Corporate 66 Yes 1.8
CL01375 1/5/2012 19:43:39 Monitor East SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL01376 1/5/2012 19:48:44 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL01377 1/5/2012 19:49:05 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 3.9
CL01378 1/5/2012 19:51:47 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL01379 1/5/2012 19:56:22 Accessories North Large Corporate 59 No 3.7
CL01380 1/5/2012 19:59:05 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL01381 1/5/2012 20:03:18 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL01382 1/5/2012 20:07:40 Desktop West Individual 60 Yes 3.1
CL01383 1/5/2012 20:07:48 Software North Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL01384 1/5/2012 20:11:52 Software Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL01385 1/5/2012 20:15:07 Monitor North Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL01386 1/5/2012 20:20:38 Monitor East Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.5
CL01387 1/5/2012 20:22:56 Misc. South SME 73 No 3.4
CL01388 1/5/2012 20:26:20 Laptop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.7
CL01389 1/5/2012 20:27:03 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.2
CL01390 1/5/2012 20:27:24 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.7
CL01391 1/5/2012 20:27:38 Monitor Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL01392 1/5/2012 20:27:46 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL01393 1/5/2012 20:32:32 Software West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.5
CL01394 1/5/2012 20:37:49 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 No 3.4
CL01395 1/5/2012 20:39:13 Laptop South SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL01396 1/5/2012 20:41:41 Monitor East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL01397 1/5/2012 20:45:33 Accessories East Individual 67 No 3.4
CL01398 1/5/2012 20:45:48 Software South SME 70 Yes 2.7
CL01399 1/5/2012 20:46:18 Software Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL01400 1/5/2012 20:51:38 Monitor South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL01401 1/5/2012 20:52:08 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 89 Yes 2.9
CL01402 1/5/2012 20:55:43 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL01403 1/5/2012 20:59:52 Software North Non-profit 98 Yes 4.1
CL01404 1/5/2012 21:02:12 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL01405 1/5/2012 21:07:03 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.6
CL01406 1/5/2012 21:10:48 Laptop North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.4
CL01407 1/5/2012 21:14:43 Software South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.0
CL01408 1/5/2012 21:17:21 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL01409 1/5/2012 21:20:55 Monitor West SME 58 Yes 3.2
CL01410 1/5/2012 21:25:21 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL01411 1/5/2012 21:27:55 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 No 2.8
CL01412 1/5/2012 21:27:58 Monitor North SME 62 Yes 2.3
CL01413 1/5/2012 21:31:16 Misc. West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL01414 1/5/2012 21:34:19 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL01415 1/5/2012 21:37:31 Misc. West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL01416 1/5/2012 21:37:48 Accessories East SME 87 Yes 3.0
CL01417 1/5/2012 21:39:57 Desktop West SME 76 Yes 4.0
CL01418 1/5/2012 21:42:28 Software East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL01419 1/5/2012 21:44:50 Desktop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL01420 1/5/2012 21:49:35 Misc. North Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL01421 1/5/2012 21:54:03 Software East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.8
CL01422 1/5/2012 21:54:24 Desktop North Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL01423 1/5/2012 21:59:12 Software South SME 70 Yes 2.9
CL01424 1/5/2012 22:01:55 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.6
CL01425 1/6/2012 08:03:48 Misc. West SME 70 Yes 2.1
CL01426 1/6/2012 08:07:12 Misc. South SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL01427 1/6/2012 08:11:58 Software North SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL01428 1/6/2012 08:17:05 Desktop West SME 89 Yes 3.0
CL01429 1/6/2012 08:19:29 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL01430 1/6/2012 08:21:29 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL01431 1/6/2012 08:25:06 Desktop North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.6
CL01432 1/6/2012 08:28:14 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 3.5
CL01433 1/6/2012 08:29:52 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 4.2
CL01434 1/6/2012 08:31:13 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.3
CL01435 1/6/2012 08:34:55 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL01436 1/6/2012 08:38:02 Misc. North Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL01437 1/6/2012 08:40:40 Monitor East Individual 61 Yes 3.0
CL01438 1/6/2012 08:42:19 Software Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 2.8
CL01439 1/6/2012 08:47:46 Misc. North Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.7
CL01440 1/6/2012 08:50:20 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL01441 1/6/2012 08:53:04 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 3.0
CL01442 1/6/2012 08:56:40 Laptop North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL01443 1/6/2012 08:58:08 Desktop West Individual 77 Yes 3.6
CL01444 1/6/2012 09:00:26 Misc. East SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL01445 1/6/2012 09:05:23 Monitor West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.2
CL01446 1/6/2012 09:06:01 Software West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL01447 1/6/2012 09:08:13 Accessories West SME 69 Yes 3.6
CL01448 1/6/2012 09:09:43 Misc. South SME 60 Yes 3.5
CL01449 1/6/2012 09:12:14 Misc. East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL01450 1/6/2012 09:15:04 Software South Non-profit 73 No 2.7
CL01451 1/6/2012 09:20:27 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL01452 1/6/2012 09:22:09 Software South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.7
CL01453 1/6/2012 09:23:54 Misc. West SME 78 Yes 2.3
CL01454 1/6/2012 09:28:37 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.4
CL01455 1/6/2012 09:28:55 Monitor East SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL01456 1/6/2012 09:32:37 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL01457 1/6/2012 09:37:20 Monitor South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL01458 1/6/2012 09:40:13 Misc. East Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL01459 1/6/2012 09:45:58 Software North SME 88 Yes 3.0
CL01460 1/6/2012 09:48:29 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.0
CL01461 1/6/2012 09:52:18 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.5
CL01462 1/6/2012 09:54:50 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL01463 1/6/2012 09:55:35 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL01464 1/6/2012 09:59:28 Software North Individual 67 No 3.5
CL01465 1/6/2012 10:01:29 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL01466 1/6/2012 10:02:22 Accessories Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL01467 1/6/2012 10:06:45 Misc. Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL01468 1/6/2012 10:10:19 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.4
CL01469 1/6/2012 10:10:59 Accessories West Individual 59 Yes 2.6
CL01470 1/6/2012 10:11:17 Software Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.9
CL01471 1/6/2012 10:16:41 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL01472 1/6/2012 10:19:49 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.4
CL01473 1/6/2012 10:24:12 Monitor North SME 62 Yes 3.1
CL01474 1/6/2012 10:29:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL01475 1/6/2012 10:29:56 Desktop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.6
CL01476 1/6/2012 10:31:31 Monitor Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.4
CL01477 1/6/2012 10:36:55 Accessories North SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL01478 1/6/2012 10:37:19 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL01479 1/6/2012 10:40:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.5
CL01480 1/6/2012 10:45:20 Desktop East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL01481 1/6/2012 10:45:54 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL01482 1/6/2012 10:51:31 Accessories West Individual 74 Yes 3.6
CL01483 1/6/2012 10:57:09 Monitor Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 1.9
CL01484 1/6/2012 11:01:57 Accessories South Non-profit 82 No 2.6
CL01485 1/6/2012 11:07:06 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.0
CL01486 1/6/2012 11:10:41 Accessories South Individual 94 Yes 3.1
CL01487 1/6/2012 11:16:13 Monitor West SME 84 Yes 2.1
CL01488 1/6/2012 11:20:14 Accessories North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.5
CL01489 1/6/2012 11:21:41 Accessories East Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.4
CL01490 1/6/2012 11:25:02 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL01491 1/6/2012 11:25:16 Software West Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL01492 1/6/2012 11:25:19 Accessories East SME 83 Yes 2.1
CL01493 1/6/2012 11:26:10 Monitor East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL01494 1/6/2012 11:29:25 Desktop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL01495 1/6/2012 11:32:36 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL01496 1/6/2012 11:35:08 Misc. East Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.7
CL01497 1/6/2012 11:35:31 Misc. West Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL01498 1/6/2012 11:37:26 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL01499 1/6/2012 11:42:39 Misc. East Individual 82 No 2.9
CL01500 1/6/2012 11:44:16 Laptop South SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL01501 1/6/2012 11:47:19 Desktop South Non-profit 92 Yes 2.7
CL01502 1/6/2012 11:50:49 Laptop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL01503 1/6/2012 11:54:36 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 4.1
CL01504 1/6/2012 11:59:18 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 3.7
CL01505 1/6/2012 12:01:11 Misc. South SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL01506 1/6/2012 12:01:26 Accessories South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.5
CL01507 1/6/2012 12:02:16 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL01508 1/6/2012 12:04:10 Accessories North Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL01509 1/6/2012 12:07:36 Laptop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL01510 1/6/2012 12:09:40 Laptop North Individual 94 Yes 3.0
CL01511 1/6/2012 12:09:58 Misc. West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.8
CL01512 1/6/2012 12:11:51 Monitor North Individual 62 Yes 3.4
CL01513 1/6/2012 12:17:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 85 Yes 4.3
CL01514 1/6/2012 12:22:32 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 61 Yes 2.9
CL01515 1/6/2012 12:25:06 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.4
CL01516 1/6/2012 12:27:32 Laptop South Individual 84 No 3.1
CL01517 1/6/2012 12:30:36 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.2
CL01518 1/6/2012 12:34:45 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL01519 1/6/2012 12:35:38 Accessories East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.4
CL01520 1/6/2012 12:39:23 Monitor North Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.3
CL01521 1/6/2012 12:40:31 Misc. North SME 85 Yes 3.7
CL01522 1/6/2012 12:44:22 Monitor East SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL01523 1/6/2012 12:47:46 Desktop North SME 93 Yes 2.5
CL01524 1/6/2012 12:52:03 Misc. North Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL01525 1/6/2012 12:55:13 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL01526 1/6/2012 12:56:21 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL01527 1/6/2012 12:58:36 Monitor North SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL01528 1/6/2012 13:01:15 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL01529 1/6/2012 13:02:53 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL01530 1/6/2012 13:03:15 Software West Non-profit 88 Yes 2.4
CL01531 1/6/2012 13:08:26 Misc. South Individual 61 Yes 3.5
CL01532 1/6/2012 13:10:01 Monitor East Individual 77 Yes 3.6
CL01533 1/6/2012 13:11:29 Accessories West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.8
CL01534 1/6/2012 13:15:08 Monitor South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL01535 1/6/2012 13:16:13 Software North Large Corporate 71 No 2.8
CL01536 1/6/2012 13:18:04 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 4.5
CL01537 1/6/2012 13:23:41 Misc. East Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL01538 1/6/2012 13:25:23 Laptop South Large Corporate 67 No 3.6
CL01539 1/6/2012 13:29:14 Misc. West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL01540 1/6/2012 13:34:39 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 2.2
CL01541 1/6/2012 13:35:28 Desktop North Large Corporate 91 No 2.8
CL01542 1/6/2012 13:40:54 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.0
CL01543 1/6/2012 13:41:40 Desktop West SME 63 Yes 2.0
CL01544 1/6/2012 13:45:41 Software West Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL01545 1/6/2012 13:47:25 Misc. South Individual 88 Yes 3.3
CL01546 1/6/2012 13:50:15 Misc. East Individual 67 Yes 3.6
CL01547 1/6/2012 13:54:48 Laptop South Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL01548 1/6/2012 13:56:02 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL01549 1/6/2012 13:56:44 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.8
CL01550 1/6/2012 14:01:00 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 4.2
CL01551 1/6/2012 14:03:30 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL01552 1/6/2012 14:04:43 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 No 3.7
CL01553 1/6/2012 14:10:23 Laptop East Large Corporate 72 No 3.1
CL01554 1/6/2012 14:12:49 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL01555 1/6/2012 14:13:01 Software West Non-profit 58 Yes 2.8
CL01556 1/6/2012 14:18:29 Monitor Mid-west Individual 93 Yes 2.0
CL01557 1/6/2012 14:22:28 Desktop West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL01558 1/6/2012 14:27:34 Misc. North SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL01559 1/6/2012 14:29:02 Accessories South SME 89 Yes 2.8
CL01560 1/6/2012 14:34:22 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 2.0
CL01561 1/6/2012 14:37:35 Software Mid-west Individual 60 Yes 3.1
CL01562 1/6/2012 14:42:16 Accessories West Non-profit 73 No 2.6
CL01563 1/6/2012 14:45:52 Misc. South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL01564 1/6/2012 14:49:17 Desktop West Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL01565 1/6/2012 14:53:11 Monitor West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL01566 1/6/2012 14:53:28 Monitor North Individual 82 Yes 3.1
CL01567 1/6/2012 14:58:14 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL01568 1/6/2012 15:00:24 Accessories West Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL01569 1/6/2012 15:05:05 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL01570 1/6/2012 15:05:19 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL01571 1/6/2012 15:10:53 Misc. East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.3
CL01572 1/6/2012 15:15:32 Laptop South SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL01573 1/6/2012 15:16:36 Misc. West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL01574 1/6/2012 15:22:16 Misc. South SME 75 Yes 2.1
CL01575 1/6/2012 15:25:50 Software South Individual 74 Yes 2.2
CL01576 1/6/2012 15:27:12 Accessories North Individual 64 Yes 2.0
CL01577 1/6/2012 15:32:55 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL01578 1/6/2012 15:33:10 Software West SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL01579 1/6/2012 15:36:31 Accessories Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL01580 1/6/2012 15:38:30 Desktop North SME 67 Yes 2.4
CL01581 1/6/2012 15:38:46 Accessories South Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL01582 1/6/2012 15:42:11 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 2.4
CL01583 1/6/2012 15:44:18 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL01584 1/6/2012 15:44:27 Monitor East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.2
CL01585 1/6/2012 15:47:20 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL01586 1/6/2012 15:50:44 Monitor South SME 77 No 2.9
CL01587 1/6/2012 15:54:32 Software West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.8
CL01588 1/6/2012 15:56:45 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.4
CL01589 1/6/2012 15:59:40 Desktop West SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL01590 1/6/2012 16:02:01 Software Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.3
CL01591 1/6/2012 16:05:40 Monitor South SME 61 Yes 3.5
CL01592 1/6/2012 16:08:00 Desktop West Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.3
CL01593 1/6/2012 16:08:12 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL01594 1/6/2012 16:11:56 Monitor Mid-west Individual 59 Yes 3.0
CL01595 1/6/2012 16:17:03 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL01596 1/6/2012 16:19:01 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL01597 1/6/2012 16:23:16 Desktop South Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.5
CL01598 1/6/2012 16:26:09 Monitor East Individual 89 Yes 3.1
CL01599 1/6/2012 16:26:20 Desktop South Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL01600 1/6/2012 16:30:29 Desktop East SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL01601 1/6/2012 16:33:44 Accessories South Individual 88 Yes 2.8
CL01602 1/6/2012 16:35:58 Desktop North Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL01603 1/6/2012 16:37:23 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 90 No 2.8
CL01604 1/6/2012 16:38:14 Misc. South SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL01605 1/6/2012 16:39:08 Laptop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL01606 1/6/2012 16:42:52 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL01607 1/6/2012 16:48:14 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL01608 1/6/2012 16:50:10 Laptop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL01609 1/6/2012 16:51:44 Software South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL01610 1/6/2012 16:54:57 Software West SME 86 Yes 2.6
CL01611 1/6/2012 16:56:50 Laptop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.7
CL01612 1/6/2012 17:02:19 Monitor South Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL01613 1/6/2012 17:06:55 Laptop East SME 63 Yes 2.2
CL01614 1/6/2012 17:10:19 Monitor South SME 71 Yes 3.7
CL01615 1/6/2012 17:14:33 Misc. South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.7
CL01616 1/6/2012 17:16:31 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL01617 1/6/2012 17:21:30 Laptop East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL01618 1/6/2012 17:23:29 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL01619 1/6/2012 17:29:11 Software East Large Corporate 72 No 3.3
CL01620 1/6/2012 17:32:56 Desktop East Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL01621 1/6/2012 17:38:03 Monitor North Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL01622 1/6/2012 17:42:40 Monitor South Non-profit 86 Yes 2.0
CL01623 1/6/2012 17:46:39 Accessories West Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.2
CL01624 1/6/2012 17:48:51 Laptop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.8
CL01625 1/6/2012 17:49:43 Accessories North SME 79 Yes 3.1
CL01626 1/6/2012 17:53:27 Misc. South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL01627 1/6/2012 17:57:59 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL01628 1/6/2012 18:00:12 Accessories West Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL01629 1/6/2012 18:04:06 Monitor South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL01630 1/6/2012 18:07:10 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.0
CL01631 1/6/2012 18:10:30 Laptop North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL01632 1/6/2012 18:11:01 Laptop West Individual 78 Yes 3.7
CL01633 1/6/2012 18:16:41 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL01634 1/6/2012 18:20:26 Monitor South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL01635 1/6/2012 18:21:03 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL01636 1/6/2012 18:23:33 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.0
CL01637 1/6/2012 18:27:51 Misc. Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL01638 1/6/2012 18:29:01 Misc. South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL01639 1/6/2012 18:29:27 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL01640 1/6/2012 18:32:16 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL01641 1/6/2012 18:35:02 Monitor East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.8
CL01642 1/6/2012 18:38:03 Accessories South Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL01643 1/6/2012 18:40:07 Misc. South Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.8
CL01644 1/6/2012 18:41:20 Software North Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL01645 1/6/2012 18:43:09 Desktop South SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL01646 1/6/2012 18:45:31 Misc. North SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL01647 1/6/2012 18:49:14 Accessories North SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL01648 1/6/2012 18:51:20 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL01649 1/6/2012 18:56:38 Monitor East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL01650 1/6/2012 19:00:44 Misc. South Individual 60 Yes 3.6
CL01651 1/6/2012 19:01:21 Misc. West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.1
CL01652 1/6/2012 19:06:29 Misc. South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL01653 1/6/2012 19:11:53 Laptop West SME 64 Yes 2.6
CL01654 1/6/2012 19:15:37 Misc. South Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL01655 1/6/2012 19:19:36 Accessories North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL01656 1/6/2012 19:22:17 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL01657 1/6/2012 19:22:42 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.2
CL01658 1/6/2012 19:27:06 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL01659 1/6/2012 19:27:07 Misc. West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL01660 1/6/2012 19:29:20 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL01661 1/6/2012 19:31:54 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL01662 1/6/2012 19:33:05 Misc. North Individual 89 Yes 3.1
CL01663 1/6/2012 19:34:31 Monitor West SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL01664 1/6/2012 19:38:40 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 2.1
CL01665 1/6/2012 19:43:13 Desktop South Individual 59 Yes 2.2
CL01666 1/6/2012 19:45:19 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 4.5
CL01667 1/6/2012 19:48:16 Misc. North SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL01668 1/6/2012 19:48:26 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 No 3.3
CL01669 1/6/2012 19:52:20 Accessories North Large Corporate 94 Yes 3.4
CL01670 1/6/2012 19:54:30 Accessories West SME 68 No 2.6
CL01671 1/6/2012 19:59:13 Accessories East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL01672 1/6/2012 20:00:10 Software North Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL01673 1/6/2012 20:01:26 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.6
CL01674 1/6/2012 20:04:27 Laptop South Individual 55 Yes 3.5
CL01675 1/6/2012 20:06:29 Laptop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.1
CL01676 1/6/2012 20:07:25 Accessories East Individual 60 Yes 2.9
CL01677 1/6/2012 20:07:29 Desktop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL01678 1/6/2012 20:08:12 Software Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL01679 1/6/2012 20:13:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.5
CL01680 1/6/2012 20:19:22 Misc. West Non-profit 75 No 2.9
CL01681 1/6/2012 20:23:34 Accessories West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.3
CL01682 1/6/2012 20:28:38 Accessories East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL01683 1/6/2012 20:32:08 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 4.0
CL01684 1/6/2012 20:33:06 Software Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.3
CL01685 1/6/2012 20:35:56 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL01686 1/6/2012 20:37:16 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL01687 1/6/2012 20:41:53 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL01688 1/6/2012 20:45:41 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.0
CL01689 1/6/2012 20:47:10 Desktop North SME 73 No 3.2
CL01690 1/6/2012 20:52:15 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.7
CL01691 1/6/2012 20:56:52 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL01692 1/6/2012 21:00:30 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL01693 1/6/2012 21:03:13 Monitor East SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL01694 1/6/2012 21:07:24 Laptop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL01695 1/6/2012 21:07:26 Software East SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL01696 1/6/2012 21:11:43 Monitor South SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL01697 1/6/2012 21:12:26 Monitor West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL01698 1/6/2012 21:16:11 Monitor West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.8
CL01699 1/6/2012 21:20:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.8
CL01700 1/6/2012 21:22:04 Misc. West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.3
CL01701 1/6/2012 21:24:52 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 4.1
CL01702 1/6/2012 21:27:05 Laptop East SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL01703 1/6/2012 21:29:09 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL01704 1/6/2012 21:30:56 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL01705 1/6/2012 21:34:46 Software West SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL01706 1/6/2012 21:35:48 Misc. South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL01707 1/6/2012 21:36:53 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.9
CL01708 1/6/2012 21:40:14 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.8
CL01709 1/6/2012 21:45:03 Misc. North Individual 89 Yes 3.0
CL01710 1/6/2012 21:50:17 Misc. South Individual 90 Yes 3.9
CL01711 1/6/2012 21:54:36 Misc. East Large Corporate 55 Yes 3.2
CL01712 1/6/2012 21:57:49 Desktop Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.4
CL01713 1/6/2012 21:58:03 Software North Individual 55 Yes 3.1
CL01714 1/6/2012 22:00:46 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.4
CL01715 1/7/2012 08:01:24 Laptop South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL01716 1/7/2012 08:04:12 Monitor South Individual 64 Yes 3.2
CL01717 1/7/2012 08:09:38 Desktop South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL01718 1/7/2012 08:13:24 Monitor West SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL01719 1/7/2012 08:15:28 Desktop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL01720 1/7/2012 08:15:45 Monitor East SME 96 Yes 3.6
CL01721 1/7/2012 08:20:49 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL01722 1/7/2012 08:21:56 Monitor North Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL01723 1/7/2012 08:25:22 Laptop North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL01724 1/7/2012 08:27:04 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL01725 1/7/2012 08:28:33 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL01726 1/7/2012 08:30:42 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 No 3.6
CL01727 1/7/2012 08:32:27 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL01728 1/7/2012 08:33:14 Software South Individual 59 Yes 3.4
CL01729 1/7/2012 08:35:15 Monitor North Individual 60 Yes 3.5
CL01730 1/7/2012 08:40:58 Misc. Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL01731 1/7/2012 08:45:34 Laptop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.6
CL01732 1/7/2012 08:50:18 Laptop West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.3
CL01733 1/7/2012 08:50:55 Monitor East Individual 84 No 3.0
CL01734 1/7/2012 08:54:36 Laptop South SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL01735 1/7/2012 08:56:52 Laptop West SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL01736 1/7/2012 08:59:27 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL01737 1/7/2012 09:04:56 Software West Individual 62 Yes 2.9
CL01738 1/7/2012 09:05:40 Monitor East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL01739 1/7/2012 09:06:42 Misc. North SME 65 Yes 2.6
CL01740 1/7/2012 09:07:11 Software North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL01741 1/7/2012 09:08:05 Desktop North Individual 93 Yes 3.0
CL01742 1/7/2012 09:09:28 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.9
CL01743 1/7/2012 09:13:49 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.4
CL01744 1/7/2012 09:17:23 Accessories South Individual 59 Yes 3.4
CL01745 1/7/2012 09:17:26 Misc. North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL01746 1/7/2012 09:18:59 Desktop West Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL01747 1/7/2012 09:24:25 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL01748 1/7/2012 09:25:56 Desktop West Individual 61 Yes 2.8
CL01749 1/7/2012 09:27:55 Misc. West Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL01750 1/7/2012 09:33:21 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL01751 1/7/2012 09:33:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.1
CL01752 1/7/2012 09:36:16 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL01753 1/7/2012 09:39:47 Misc. East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.0
CL01754 1/7/2012 09:40:26 Monitor West Individual 73 Yes 3.4
CL01755 1/7/2012 09:42:25 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL01756 1/7/2012 09:46:03 Laptop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL01757 1/7/2012 09:50:57 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL01758 1/7/2012 09:51:56 Accessories South Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL01759 1/7/2012 09:54:16 Software West Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL01760 1/7/2012 09:55:05 Software East SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL01761 1/7/2012 10:00:14 Misc. East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL01762 1/7/2012 10:05:34 Software South SME 83 Yes 2.6
CL01763 1/7/2012 10:06:17 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL01764 1/7/2012 10:10:29 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL01765 1/7/2012 10:11:26 Monitor West Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL01766 1/7/2012 10:11:34 Software North SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL01767 1/7/2012 10:14:37 Desktop West Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.5
CL01768 1/7/2012 10:18:01 Desktop North SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL01769 1/7/2012 10:19:49 Desktop West Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL01770 1/7/2012 10:21:26 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL01771 1/7/2012 10:24:30 Misc. East SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL01772 1/7/2012 10:27:25 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL01773 1/7/2012 10:32:42 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 3.5
CL01774 1/7/2012 10:36:42 Misc. East SME 87 Yes 2.9
CL01775 1/7/2012 10:39:50 Software South SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL01776 1/7/2012 10:45:31 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL01777 1/7/2012 10:46:47 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 3.6
CL01778 1/7/2012 10:49:51 Software West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL01779 1/7/2012 10:49:56 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 3.9
CL01780 1/7/2012 10:54:51 Misc. South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL01781 1/7/2012 10:57:24 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.4
CL01782 1/7/2012 10:59:46 Accessories North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL01783 1/7/2012 11:02:21 Accessories North Individual 67 Yes 3.5
CL01784 1/7/2012 11:05:41 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL01785 1/7/2012 11:06:01 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL01786 1/7/2012 11:06:28 Laptop North Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL01787 1/7/2012 11:08:38 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL01788 1/7/2012 11:12:41 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL01789 1/7/2012 11:12:45 Laptop North Large Corporate 94 Yes 3.1
CL01790 1/7/2012 11:18:15 Software East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL01791 1/7/2012 11:23:54 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL01792 1/7/2012 11:24:15 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 3.7
CL01793 1/7/2012 11:26:56 Desktop East SME 85 Yes 2.2
CL01794 1/7/2012 11:31:14 Laptop North Individual 85 Yes 2.6
CL01795 1/7/2012 11:36:14 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.3
CL01796 1/7/2012 11:36:22 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL01797 1/7/2012 11:41:00 Misc. West SME 89 Yes 3.6
CL01798 1/7/2012 11:43:37 Desktop North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.2
CL01799 1/7/2012 11:47:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL01800 1/7/2012 11:52:15 Monitor East Non-profit 91 Yes 2.8
CL01801 1/7/2012 11:54:23 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL01802 1/7/2012 11:58:20 Laptop Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.4
CL01803 1/7/2012 11:59:48 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL01804 1/7/2012 12:02:08 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 2.6
CL01805 1/7/2012 12:05:44 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL01806 1/7/2012 12:07:55 Monitor North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL01807 1/7/2012 12:08:58 Monitor East SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL01808 1/7/2012 12:14:11 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.5
CL01809 1/7/2012 12:16:49 Monitor East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL01810 1/7/2012 12:22:14 Laptop East Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL01811 1/7/2012 12:26:20 Misc. North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL01812 1/7/2012 12:28:34 Laptop West SME 88 Yes 2.9
CL01813 1/7/2012 12:31:05 Monitor West SME 94 Yes 3.2
CL01814 1/7/2012 12:34:30 Laptop West Individual 80 Yes 4.0
CL01815 1/7/2012 12:39:07 Desktop North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.7
CL01816 1/7/2012 12:43:31 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 1.9
CL01817 1/7/2012 12:48:19 Monitor East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.3
CL01818 1/7/2012 12:52:26 Monitor Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.7
CL01819 1/7/2012 12:53:29 Accessories East SME 85 Yes 3.7
CL01820 1/7/2012 12:56:11 Laptop North Individual 64 Yes 3.8
CL01821 1/7/2012 12:57:42 Misc. North Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL01822 1/7/2012 12:58:36 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 4.4
CL01823 1/7/2012 13:02:36 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL01824 1/7/2012 13:06:52 Misc. West Large Corporate 77 No 2.8
CL01825 1/7/2012 13:09:20 Laptop South SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL01826 1/7/2012 13:12:52 Laptop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL01827 1/7/2012 13:16:48 Software Mid-west SME 60 Yes 2.6
CL01828 1/7/2012 13:16:53 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.3
CL01829 1/7/2012 13:19:02 Software East SME 65 Yes 3.2
CL01830 1/7/2012 13:19:32 Laptop East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.8
CL01831 1/7/2012 13:20:37 Monitor North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.8
CL01832 1/7/2012 13:24:17 Misc. North Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL01833 1/7/2012 13:28:25 Software South Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL01834 1/7/2012 13:31:14 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL01835 1/7/2012 13:36:15 Software North Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.8
CL01836 1/7/2012 13:39:03 Software West Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL01837 1/7/2012 13:41:51 Accessories South SME 92 Yes 3.8
CL01838 1/7/2012 13:46:01 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 4.1
CL01839 1/7/2012 13:49:07 Accessories Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 3.9
CL01840 1/7/2012 13:54:29 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL01841 1/7/2012 13:59:52 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 3.2
CL01842 1/7/2012 14:04:09 Misc. East Individual 79 Yes 3.0
CL01843 1/7/2012 14:06:31 Laptop East Non-profit 83 Yes 2.3
CL01844 1/7/2012 14:08:18 Misc. West SME 75 Yes 3.8
CL01845 1/7/2012 14:12:47 Software East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.3
CL01846 1/7/2012 14:15:35 Desktop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL01847 1/7/2012 14:16:40 Laptop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.9
CL01848 1/7/2012 14:16:41 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL01849 1/7/2012 14:19:44 Monitor West Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL01850 1/7/2012 14:21:05 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL01851 1/7/2012 14:22:53 Misc. North Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL01852 1/7/2012 14:23:29 Accessories North SME 87 Yes 2.7
CL01853 1/7/2012 14:27:53 Misc. South Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL01854 1/7/2012 14:30:12 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 4.2
CL01855 1/7/2012 14:35:30 Desktop North Individual 92 Yes 2.7
CL01856 1/7/2012 14:38:33 Software West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.5
CL01857 1/7/2012 14:39:06 Software West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL01858 1/7/2012 14:44:18 Software West Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL01859 1/7/2012 14:45:59 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 3.1
CL01860 1/7/2012 14:49:05 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL01861 1/7/2012 14:52:10 Misc. South SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL01862 1/7/2012 14:52:48 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 4.0
CL01863 1/7/2012 14:53:44 Misc. North SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL01864 1/7/2012 14:58:38 Monitor North Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL01865 1/7/2012 15:02:34 Accessories Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.4
CL01866 1/7/2012 15:03:44 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.4
CL01867 1/7/2012 15:08:57 Accessories West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL01868 1/7/2012 15:09:01 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL01869 1/7/2012 15:12:49 Misc. West Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL01870 1/7/2012 15:14:12 Monitor North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL01871 1/7/2012 15:16:10 Laptop South Individual 61 Yes 3.4
CL01872 1/7/2012 15:21:55 Accessories East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL01873 1/7/2012 15:23:37 Accessories East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL01874 1/7/2012 15:26:13 Laptop West Large Corporate 56 Yes 3.3
CL01875 1/7/2012 15:28:15 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.9
CL01876 1/7/2012 15:32:15 Accessories South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL01877 1/7/2012 15:33:10 Software South Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL01878 1/7/2012 15:37:52 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL01879 1/7/2012 15:43:21 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL01880 1/7/2012 15:47:10 Software West Individual 68 Yes 4.2
CL01881 1/7/2012 15:51:20 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.4
CL01882 1/7/2012 15:52:18 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL01883 1/7/2012 15:55:54 Software Mid-west Non-profit 96 Yes 3.4
CL01884 1/7/2012 16:00:01 Desktop Mid-west SME 86 Yes 2.9
CL01885 1/7/2012 16:01:09 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL01886 1/7/2012 16:01:31 Laptop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL01887 1/7/2012 16:01:45 Laptop East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL01888 1/7/2012 16:05:26 Accessories Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL01889 1/7/2012 16:07:52 Misc. North SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL01890 1/7/2012 16:11:33 Laptop North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.9
CL01891 1/7/2012 16:12:15 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL01892 1/7/2012 16:13:18 Accessories West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL01893 1/7/2012 16:17:44 Desktop North Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL01894 1/7/2012 16:17:45 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.4
CL01895 1/7/2012 16:21:43 Software South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL01896 1/7/2012 16:27:06 Software North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL01897 1/7/2012 16:32:28 Monitor West SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL01898 1/7/2012 16:36:25 Accessories West Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL01899 1/7/2012 16:41:55 Misc. North Large Corporate 65 Yes 4.1
CL01900 1/7/2012 16:45:07 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.0
CL01901 1/7/2012 16:47:20 Software South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL01902 1/7/2012 16:52:20 Laptop West SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL01903 1/7/2012 16:57:53 Misc. East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.6
CL01904 1/7/2012 17:00:33 Accessories East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.4
CL01905 1/7/2012 17:03:54 Misc. East SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL01906 1/7/2012 17:05:14 Software North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL01907 1/7/2012 17:06:06 Laptop South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.2
CL01908 1/7/2012 17:11:51 Misc. North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.3
CL01909 1/7/2012 17:16:28 Misc. South SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL01910 1/7/2012 17:22:09 Monitor South Non-profit 90 Yes 2.8
CL01911 1/7/2012 17:23:47 Monitor North SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL01912 1/7/2012 17:23:51 Monitor East Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL01913 1/7/2012 17:25:58 Misc. West Individual 90 Yes 2.6
CL01914 1/7/2012 17:28:07 Laptop South Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL01915 1/7/2012 17:30:52 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL01916 1/7/2012 17:34:44 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL01917 1/7/2012 17:39:13 Accessories Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL01918 1/7/2012 17:40:24 Monitor North Non-profit 71 No 2.9
CL01919 1/7/2012 17:45:41 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL01920 1/7/2012 17:47:43 Desktop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.5
CL01921 1/7/2012 17:51:01 Software North Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL01922 1/7/2012 17:52:28 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL01923 1/7/2012 17:52:39 Monitor South SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL01924 1/7/2012 17:54:56 Desktop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL01925 1/7/2012 17:56:21 Misc. South Individual 66 Yes 2.6
CL01926 1/7/2012 18:02:00 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL01927 1/7/2012 18:03:39 Software East SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL01928 1/7/2012 18:04:08 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL01929 1/7/2012 18:06:59 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 No 3.5
CL01930 1/7/2012 18:11:43 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL01931 1/7/2012 18:17:24 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.6
CL01932 1/7/2012 18:17:44 Accessories East Individual 64 Yes 3.2
CL01933 1/7/2012 18:20:30 Software East SME 69 Yes 1.8
CL01934 1/7/2012 18:23:26 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL01935 1/7/2012 18:24:23 Desktop North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL01936 1/7/2012 18:26:17 Laptop West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL01937 1/7/2012 18:29:37 Monitor Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL01938 1/7/2012 18:32:05 Misc. North SME 66 Yes 3.4
CL01939 1/7/2012 18:33:52 Software East SME 78 Yes 3.6
CL01940 1/7/2012 18:34:53 Laptop South Individual 89 Yes 2.9
CL01941 1/7/2012 18:38:53 Laptop South Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL01942 1/7/2012 18:42:22 Software South Large Corporate 86 No 3.5
CL01943 1/7/2012 18:45:29 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 2.5
CL01944 1/7/2012 18:47:01 Desktop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.5
CL01945 1/7/2012 18:49:32 Desktop North Non-profit 87 Yes 3.4
CL01946 1/7/2012 18:51:47 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL01947 1/7/2012 18:57:19 Desktop North Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL01948 1/7/2012 18:58:45 Laptop East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL01949 1/7/2012 19:01:44 Software North SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL01950 1/7/2012 19:04:26 Software Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL01951 1/7/2012 19:09:32 Software North SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL01952 1/7/2012 19:14:58 Misc. Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL01953 1/7/2012 19:17:44 Software North Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL01954 1/7/2012 19:19:10 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL01955 1/7/2012 19:20:25 Desktop East Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL01956 1/7/2012 19:24:44 Desktop North Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL01957 1/7/2012 19:26:02 Accessories East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL01958 1/7/2012 19:27:10 Accessories East SME 81 Yes 3.5
CL01959 1/7/2012 19:30:57 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 91 Yes 3.0
CL01960 1/7/2012 19:34:29 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.0
CL01961 1/7/2012 19:36:25 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL01962 1/7/2012 19:36:32 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 4.4
CL01963 1/7/2012 19:38:28 Monitor West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.7
CL01964 1/7/2012 19:38:37 Desktop East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.1
CL01965 1/7/2012 19:39:53 Software South SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL01966 1/7/2012 19:45:33 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL01967 1/7/2012 19:50:39 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL01968 1/7/2012 19:53:32 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL01969 1/7/2012 19:58:11 Monitor East Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.0
CL01970 1/7/2012 20:00:29 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL01971 1/7/2012 20:05:42 Misc. South SME 67 Yes 2.9
CL01972 1/7/2012 20:05:50 Monitor Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL01973 1/7/2012 20:10:34 Monitor South SME 84 No 3.2
CL01974 1/7/2012 20:15:18 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL01975 1/7/2012 20:16:40 Laptop West Individual 86 Yes 2.4
CL01976 1/7/2012 20:17:49 Laptop East Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.4
CL01977 1/7/2012 20:23:08 Misc. South Individual 65 Yes 3.3
CL01978 1/7/2012 20:24:36 Monitor West Individual 66 Yes 2.7
CL01979 1/7/2012 20:26:00 Monitor East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.9
CL01980 1/7/2012 20:31:09 Desktop North SME 82 Yes 3.4
CL01981 1/7/2012 20:34:28 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL01982 1/7/2012 20:35:56 Desktop South SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL01983 1/7/2012 20:35:57 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 72 No 3.0
CL01984 1/7/2012 20:39:38 Software North SME 79 Yes 3.8
CL01985 1/7/2012 20:41:48 Desktop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL01986 1/7/2012 20:43:11 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL01987 1/7/2012 20:46:23 Accessories East SME 89 Yes 3.3
CL01988 1/7/2012 20:47:23 Monitor West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.0
CL01989 1/7/2012 20:50:05 Accessories East Individual 70 No 2.9
CL01990 1/7/2012 20:53:23 Software Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.5
CL01991 1/7/2012 20:56:11 Monitor South SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL01992 1/7/2012 20:56:18 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL01993 1/7/2012 21:00:23 Accessories East SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL01994 1/7/2012 21:05:58 Accessories Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL01995 1/7/2012 21:09:17 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL01996 1/7/2012 21:13:04 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL01997 1/7/2012 21:17:11 Software West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.4
CL01998 1/7/2012 21:22:31 Monitor West Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL01999 1/7/2012 21:22:42 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL02000 1/7/2012 21:24:37 Accessories East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL02001 1/7/2012 21:30:05 Misc. South SME 75 No 2.6
CL02002 1/7/2012 21:34:15 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL02003 1/7/2012 21:34:18 Monitor East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL02004 1/7/2012 21:39:24 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.1
CL02005 1/7/2012 21:44:42 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL02006 1/7/2012 21:46:43 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL02007 1/7/2012 21:48:48 Desktop West SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL02008 1/7/2012 21:53:48 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 3.8
CL02009 1/7/2012 21:57:50 Misc. South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.7
CL02010 1/7/2012 21:59:44 Laptop West Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.8
CL02011 1/7/2012 22:02:33 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.1
CL02012 1/8/2012 08:03:17 Misc. West SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL02013 1/8/2012 08:04:51 Software East SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL02014 1/8/2012 08:07:10 Desktop North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL02015 1/8/2012 08:11:37 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.2
CL02016 1/8/2012 08:16:34 Desktop South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL02017 1/8/2012 08:18:41 Accessories East Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL02018 1/8/2012 08:22:42 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL02019 1/8/2012 08:27:16 Desktop East SME 70 Yes 2.2
CL02020 1/8/2012 08:28:13 Misc. South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL02021 1/8/2012 08:28:55 Accessories West SME 63 Yes 3.6
CL02022 1/8/2012 08:33:39 Desktop North SME 62 Yes 3.2
CL02023 1/8/2012 08:37:52 Software North Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL02024 1/8/2012 08:42:02 Software North Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.3
CL02025 1/8/2012 08:43:36 Desktop East Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL02026 1/8/2012 08:47:42 Desktop East Non-profit 64 Yes 2.7
CL02027 1/8/2012 08:48:27 Accessories Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.4
CL02028 1/8/2012 08:48:50 Desktop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL02029 1/8/2012 08:52:14 Monitor West SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL02030 1/8/2012 08:54:49 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL02031 1/8/2012 08:56:43 Software East Individual 67 Yes 2.7
CL02032 1/8/2012 09:01:54 Software East Non-profit 95 Yes 2.5
CL02033 1/8/2012 09:01:55 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL02034 1/8/2012 09:03:31 Desktop West Individual 80 No 3.1
CL02035 1/8/2012 09:08:09 Desktop South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL02036 1/8/2012 09:13:37 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL02037 1/8/2012 09:18:24 Monitor South Individual 85 Yes 3.4
CL02038 1/8/2012 09:19:19 Software West Non-profit 62 Yes 2.9
CL02039 1/8/2012 09:21:46 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL02040 1/8/2012 09:24:19 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL02041 1/8/2012 09:29:12 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL02042 1/8/2012 09:33:07 Monitor North Large Corporate 77 No 2.3
CL02043 1/8/2012 09:33:27 Accessories Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL02044 1/8/2012 09:35:15 Accessories West Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL02045 1/8/2012 09:40:10 Software West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL02046 1/8/2012 09:40:15 Software Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.5
CL02047 1/8/2012 09:42:53 Misc. East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.9
CL02048 1/8/2012 09:48:36 Software Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 2.8
CL02049 1/8/2012 09:51:36 Accessories South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.6
CL02050 1/8/2012 09:52:00 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.9
CL02051 1/8/2012 09:53:08 Laptop East Individual 58 Yes 2.9
CL02052 1/8/2012 09:55:38 Software North Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL02053 1/8/2012 09:56:19 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL02054 1/8/2012 10:01:19 Accessories North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL02055 1/8/2012 10:03:17 Accessories South Individual 72 No 3.5
CL02056 1/8/2012 10:08:54 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL02057 1/8/2012 10:13:45 Laptop South SME 89 Yes 3.0
CL02058 1/8/2012 10:19:22 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 2.3
CL02059 1/8/2012 10:20:45 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL02060 1/8/2012 10:21:40 Laptop North Individual 66 Yes 2.7
CL02061 1/8/2012 10:23:42 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL02062 1/8/2012 10:27:56 Desktop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL02063 1/8/2012 10:32:11 Monitor East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL02064 1/8/2012 10:35:12 Laptop Mid-west Individual 70 No 3.6
CL02065 1/8/2012 10:37:39 Accessories Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL02066 1/8/2012 10:39:07 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 3.3
CL02067 1/8/2012 10:39:32 Laptop West Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.9
CL02068 1/8/2012 10:40:57 Monitor West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL02069 1/8/2012 10:41:15 Laptop West Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.8
CL02070 1/8/2012 10:46:39 Desktop North SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL02071 1/8/2012 10:49:14 Software North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.2
CL02072 1/8/2012 10:51:45 Monitor North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL02073 1/8/2012 10:52:20 Accessories Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL02074 1/8/2012 10:53:40 Monitor West Non-profit 85 Yes 2.9
CL02075 1/8/2012 10:58:23 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL02076 1/8/2012 11:02:22 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL02077 1/8/2012 11:05:51 Software South Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL02078 1/8/2012 11:09:19 Monitor East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.3
CL02079 1/8/2012 11:15:03 Monitor Mid-west SME 95 Yes 2.6
CL02080 1/8/2012 11:15:29 Software West SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL02081 1/8/2012 11:17:10 Software North Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL02082 1/8/2012 11:18:01 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL02083 1/8/2012 11:19:37 Software North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.7
CL02084 1/8/2012 11:19:48 Monitor East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL02085 1/8/2012 11:22:18 Software South SME 59 Yes 3.4
CL02086 1/8/2012 11:22:29 Laptop South Individual 63 Yes 3.0
CL02087 1/8/2012 11:27:19 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL02088 1/8/2012 11:30:08 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL02089 1/8/2012 11:31:45 Misc. East SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL02090 1/8/2012 11:31:48 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL02091 1/8/2012 11:33:58 Monitor Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL02092 1/8/2012 11:36:35 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL02093 1/8/2012 11:37:43 Accessories North Large Corporate 93 Yes 3.0
CL02094 1/8/2012 11:39:56 Software South Non-profit 78 No 3.3
CL02095 1/8/2012 11:45:10 Accessories Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL02096 1/8/2012 11:50:26 Laptop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL02097 1/8/2012 11:50:52 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL02098 1/8/2012 11:54:28 Monitor West SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL02099 1/8/2012 11:59:29 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 3.8
CL02100 1/8/2012 11:59:51 Desktop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL02101 1/8/2012 12:03:51 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL02102 1/8/2012 12:09:27 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL02103 1/8/2012 12:14:25 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL02104 1/8/2012 12:17:57 Laptop West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.9
CL02105 1/8/2012 12:19:17 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL02106 1/8/2012 12:24:47 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL02107 1/8/2012 12:29:37 Misc. West SME 88 Yes 3.3
CL02108 1/8/2012 12:32:49 Monitor East SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL02109 1/8/2012 12:37:02 Desktop South SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL02110 1/8/2012 12:38:22 Laptop West Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL02111 1/8/2012 12:43:57 Misc. North SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL02112 1/8/2012 12:45:58 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.1
CL02113 1/8/2012 12:49:11 Desktop North Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL02114 1/8/2012 12:51:10 Desktop South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.4
CL02115 1/8/2012 12:55:06 Accessories South SME 60 Yes 2.5
CL02116 1/8/2012 12:55:32 Monitor Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL02117 1/8/2012 12:57:01 Accessories North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.4
CL02118 1/8/2012 12:57:57 Monitor West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.0
CL02119 1/8/2012 12:58:13 Accessories North Individual 83 Yes 3.7
CL02120 1/8/2012 13:00:34 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 3.4
CL02121 1/8/2012 13:00:38 Monitor West SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL02122 1/8/2012 13:04:16 Desktop North Individual 82 Yes 3.1
CL02123 1/8/2012 13:05:59 Desktop North SME 66 No 2.2
CL02124 1/8/2012 13:10:20 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.5
CL02125 1/8/2012 13:14:12 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 3.3
CL02126 1/8/2012 13:17:09 Misc. East SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL02127 1/8/2012 13:17:28 Monitor Mid-west SME 59 Yes 3.3
CL02128 1/8/2012 13:19:27 Desktop West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL02129 1/8/2012 13:23:18 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL02130 1/8/2012 13:24:38 Misc. South Individual 60 No 3.5
CL02131 1/8/2012 13:28:30 Software North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL02132 1/8/2012 13:29:14 Misc. East Non-profit 88 Yes 2.9
CL02133 1/8/2012 13:33:22 Desktop East SME 58 Yes 3.0
CL02134 1/8/2012 13:38:11 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL02135 1/8/2012 13:43:42 Desktop West SME 84 Yes 2.5
CL02136 1/8/2012 13:47:51 Software North SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL02137 1/8/2012 13:49:48 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 4.6
CL02138 1/8/2012 13:52:45 Accessories North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL02139 1/8/2012 13:57:22 Misc. South Individual 63 Yes 3.4
CL02140 1/8/2012 13:57:41 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL02141 1/8/2012 14:01:15 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL02142 1/8/2012 14:01:48 Misc. East Individual 76 No 2.8
CL02143 1/8/2012 14:04:18 Software Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL02144 1/8/2012 14:09:52 Misc. West Non-profit 61 Yes 2.7
CL02145 1/8/2012 14:11:24 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.0
CL02146 1/8/2012 14:16:50 Monitor North Non-profit 89 Yes 3.6
CL02147 1/8/2012 14:19:52 Desktop West Individual 62 Yes 3.5
CL02148 1/8/2012 14:21:09 Accessories South Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL02149 1/8/2012 14:21:56 Accessories North Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL02150 1/8/2012 14:27:07 Monitor East Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL02151 1/8/2012 14:28:10 Accessories South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL02152 1/8/2012 14:33:55 Monitor West SME 90 Yes 1.9
CL02153 1/8/2012 14:34:32 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL02154 1/8/2012 14:36:00 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL02155 1/8/2012 14:39:13 Software Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL02156 1/8/2012 14:40:24 Desktop West Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL02157 1/8/2012 14:43:11 Laptop East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL02158 1/8/2012 14:47:29 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL02159 1/8/2012 14:49:11 Monitor West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL02160 1/8/2012 14:50:12 Misc. North Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL02161 1/8/2012 14:51:34 Accessories West SME 72 Yes 1.9
CL02162 1/8/2012 14:54:15 Desktop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL02163 1/8/2012 14:56:16 Desktop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL02164 1/8/2012 14:59:38 Software East Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL02165 1/8/2012 15:00:58 Laptop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL02166 1/8/2012 15:02:54 Laptop South Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL02167 1/8/2012 15:07:11 Accessories West Individual 76 No 2.9
CL02168 1/8/2012 15:10:14 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL02169 1/8/2012 15:15:46 Laptop South SME 83 Yes 3.4
CL02170 1/8/2012 15:18:01 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 1.9
CL02171 1/8/2012 15:22:07 Accessories East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL02172 1/8/2012 15:25:13 Accessories Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.4
CL02173 1/8/2012 15:30:16 Laptop East Non-profit 84 Yes 1.9
CL02174 1/8/2012 15:33:29 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL02175 1/8/2012 15:35:00 Software North SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL02176 1/8/2012 15:36:09 Laptop Mid-west SME 59 No 2.1
CL02177 1/8/2012 15:41:48 Software West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL02178 1/8/2012 15:46:24 Software Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL02179 1/8/2012 15:51:18 Accessories West SME 66 Yes 3.8
CL02180 1/8/2012 15:55:20 Misc. West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL02181 1/8/2012 16:00:18 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL02182 1/8/2012 16:05:38 Misc. Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL02183 1/8/2012 16:10:04 Desktop East SME 61 Yes 3.1
CL02184 1/8/2012 16:14:08 Misc. West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.7
CL02185 1/8/2012 16:18:57 Software Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL02186 1/8/2012 16:21:19 Desktop West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL02187 1/8/2012 16:24:52 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL02188 1/8/2012 16:29:23 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL02189 1/8/2012 16:32:17 Accessories Mid-west SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL02190 1/8/2012 16:36:03 Desktop West Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL02191 1/8/2012 16:40:58 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 No 2.7
CL02192 1/8/2012 16:45:32 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL02193 1/8/2012 16:48:04 Desktop North Non-profit 60 Yes 2.6
CL02194 1/8/2012 16:48:59 Desktop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL02195 1/8/2012 16:49:38 Misc. North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.5
CL02196 1/8/2012 16:52:51 Monitor West Non-profit 84 No 2.0
CL02197 1/8/2012 16:53:27 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL02198 1/8/2012 16:56:48 Software West Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.2
CL02199 1/8/2012 16:58:01 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL02200 1/8/2012 17:02:22 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL02201 1/8/2012 17:08:02 Software West Individual 93 Yes 2.5
CL02202 1/8/2012 17:13:12 Misc. North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL02203 1/8/2012 17:18:02 Software North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL02204 1/8/2012 17:20:48 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL02205 1/8/2012 17:26:03 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL02206 1/8/2012 17:28:38 Misc. East Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL02207 1/8/2012 17:29:36 Desktop South Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL02208 1/8/2012 17:31:08 Accessories North SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL02209 1/8/2012 17:35:55 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 3.6
CL02210 1/8/2012 17:40:04 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL02211 1/8/2012 17:40:34 Software West SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL02212 1/8/2012 17:41:56 Laptop West Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.2
CL02213 1/8/2012 17:47:01 Accessories Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL02214 1/8/2012 17:52:29 Accessories Mid-west SME 92 Yes 3.9
CL02215 1/8/2012 17:57:19 Monitor West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL02216 1/8/2012 17:58:29 Monitor North Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL02217 1/8/2012 17:59:21 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL02218 1/8/2012 17:59:38 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.3
CL02219 1/8/2012 18:05:12 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL02220 1/8/2012 18:05:29 Desktop East Individual 68 Yes 2.1
CL02221 1/8/2012 18:10:51 Software South SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL02222 1/8/2012 18:16:11 Laptop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL02223 1/8/2012 18:16:26 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 Yes 4.0
CL02224 1/8/2012 18:17:58 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL02225 1/8/2012 18:21:54 Desktop North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL02226 1/8/2012 18:27:32 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 4.2
CL02227 1/8/2012 18:29:32 Monitor North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.0
CL02228 1/8/2012 18:31:21 Misc. South Non-profit 92 Yes 3.8
CL02229 1/8/2012 18:33:46 Laptop North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL02230 1/8/2012 18:34:24 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL02231 1/8/2012 18:39:34 Monitor South Non-profit 64 Yes 4.4
CL02232 1/8/2012 18:39:45 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.5
CL02233 1/8/2012 18:39:48 Monitor South SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL02234 1/8/2012 18:42:59 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL02235 1/8/2012 18:47:31 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL02236 1/8/2012 18:52:21 Desktop East SME 88 Yes 3.9
CL02237 1/8/2012 18:52:36 Software West Individual 79 Yes 2.7
CL02238 1/8/2012 18:52:55 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.3
CL02239 1/8/2012 18:58:24 Misc. East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL02240 1/8/2012 19:02:19 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL02241 1/8/2012 19:03:51 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL02242 1/8/2012 19:09:07 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL02243 1/8/2012 19:14:39 Software North SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL02244 1/8/2012 19:20:03 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL02245 1/8/2012 19:22:13 Desktop North Individual 85 Yes 3.3
CL02246 1/8/2012 19:25:42 Monitor West Individual 63 Yes 2.4
CL02247 1/8/2012 19:28:00 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL02248 1/8/2012 19:30:49 Laptop East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL02249 1/8/2012 19:33:15 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL02250 1/8/2012 19:38:09 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL02251 1/8/2012 19:42:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL02252 1/8/2012 19:45:19 Accessories Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 3.0
CL02253 1/8/2012 19:45:24 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL02254 1/8/2012 19:49:29 Monitor West SME 57 No 3.4
CL02255 1/8/2012 19:53:29 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL02256 1/8/2012 19:58:06 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL02257 1/8/2012 20:02:57 Misc. Mid-west Individual 51 Yes 2.4
CL02258 1/8/2012 20:07:03 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL02259 1/8/2012 20:10:49 Accessories North Individual 71 No 2.9
CL02260 1/8/2012 20:15:16 Monitor East SME 51 No 3.3
CL02261 1/8/2012 20:20:29 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.5
CL02262 1/8/2012 20:26:12 Software East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.5
CL02263 1/8/2012 20:29:30 Monitor East SME 66 Yes 2.2
CL02264 1/8/2012 20:31:50 Monitor East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL02265 1/8/2012 20:36:33 Accessories East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.8
CL02266 1/8/2012 20:41:18 Misc. East Individual 92 Yes 2.7
CL02267 1/8/2012 20:41:50 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 2.2
CL02268 1/8/2012 20:45:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.3
CL02269 1/8/2012 20:50:44 Misc. North Non-profit 64 Yes 2.9
CL02270 1/8/2012 20:53:22 Desktop East Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL02271 1/8/2012 20:54:06 Accessories East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL02272 1/8/2012 20:59:07 Software East Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL02273 1/8/2012 21:02:17 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.5
CL02274 1/8/2012 21:02:29 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL02275 1/8/2012 21:08:12 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL02276 1/8/2012 21:10:31 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 2.5
CL02277 1/8/2012 21:10:52 Accessories South Individual 87 Yes 2.9
CL02278 1/8/2012 21:11:12 Laptop East Individual 78 Yes 2.3
CL02279 1/8/2012 21:11:50 Misc. West Individual 80 Yes 3.9
CL02280 1/8/2012 21:16:47 Software North SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL02281 1/8/2012 21:21:35 Software West Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL02282 1/8/2012 21:24:04 Misc. South Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL02283 1/8/2012 21:25:56 Misc. South SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL02284 1/8/2012 21:28:46 Accessories North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL02285 1/8/2012 21:30:09 Software North Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL02286 1/8/2012 21:31:51 Accessories South Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL02287 1/8/2012 21:35:55 Laptop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL02288 1/8/2012 21:37:30 Monitor West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.3
CL02289 1/8/2012 21:39:30 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 No 2.3
CL02290 1/8/2012 21:42:16 Software North Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL02291 1/8/2012 21:44:19 Desktop North SME 79 Yes 3.1
CL02292 1/8/2012 21:46:45 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.3
CL02293 1/8/2012 21:48:36 Desktop West Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL02294 1/8/2012 21:52:08 Laptop South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.7
CL02295 1/8/2012 21:55:27 Laptop West Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.4
CL02296 1/8/2012 21:55:55 Laptop North Individual 63 Yes 3.0
CL02297 1/8/2012 22:00:59 Software South Individual 65 Yes 2.2
CL02298 1/9/2012 08:01:28 Accessories East Individual 69 No 2.0
CL02299 1/9/2012 08:05:34 Monitor East SME 55 Yes 2.2
CL02300 1/9/2012 08:07:19 Monitor South Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL02301 1/9/2012 08:12:18 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL02302 1/9/2012 08:14:15 Accessories West SME 64 No 2.9
CL02303 1/9/2012 08:19:31 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL02304 1/9/2012 08:22:42 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.4
CL02305 1/9/2012 08:28:22 Software South Individual 81 Yes 3.2
CL02306 1/9/2012 08:32:21 Software North Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL02307 1/9/2012 08:37:40 Desktop North SME 79 No 3.0
CL02308 1/9/2012 08:42:54 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 1.5
CL02309 1/9/2012 08:46:24 Software Mid-west SME 69 Yes 4.2
CL02310 1/9/2012 08:46:42 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL02311 1/9/2012 08:51:20 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL02312 1/9/2012 08:54:30 Misc. Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL02313 1/9/2012 08:55:00 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL02314 1/9/2012 08:56:56 Software North Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL02315 1/9/2012 09:01:04 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL02316 1/9/2012 09:06:40 Software West SME 83 No 2.2
CL02317 1/9/2012 09:10:53 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.3
CL02318 1/9/2012 09:11:39 Misc. South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL02319 1/9/2012 09:15:08 Accessories East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL02320 1/9/2012 09:20:40 Desktop North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL02321 1/9/2012 09:25:18 Software Mid-west Individual 60 Yes 2.5
CL02322 1/9/2012 09:26:28 Laptop North SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL02323 1/9/2012 09:30:38 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL02324 1/9/2012 09:33:42 Monitor South Individual 83 Yes 3.3
CL02325 1/9/2012 09:37:01 Desktop West Individual 68 No 2.7
CL02326 1/9/2012 09:41:03 Software North SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL02327 1/9/2012 09:42:35 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.3
CL02328 1/9/2012 09:47:44 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL02329 1/9/2012 09:51:33 Monitor South Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL02330 1/9/2012 09:55:10 Software South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.0
CL02331 1/9/2012 10:00:42 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL02332 1/9/2012 10:05:49 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL02333 1/9/2012 10:09:26 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL02334 1/9/2012 10:10:21 Laptop South Individual 81 Yes 2.1
CL02335 1/9/2012 10:14:19 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL02336 1/9/2012 10:14:49 Desktop East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL02337 1/9/2012 10:20:16 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL02338 1/9/2012 10:24:49 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL02339 1/9/2012 10:27:28 Accessories North Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL02340 1/9/2012 10:30:04 Monitor West SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL02341 1/9/2012 10:31:14 Accessories North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.2
CL02342 1/9/2012 10:36:04 Desktop North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL02343 1/9/2012 10:38:06 Laptop West SME 66 Yes 4.0
CL02344 1/9/2012 10:42:38 Software Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 2.8
CL02345 1/9/2012 10:46:03 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 3.8
CL02346 1/9/2012 10:50:21 Monitor North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL02347 1/9/2012 10:50:33 Desktop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 1.8
CL02348 1/9/2012 10:55:39 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL02349 1/9/2012 11:01:11 Accessories East Large Corporate 88 Yes 1.6
CL02350 1/9/2012 11:04:45 Accessories East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.2
CL02351 1/9/2012 11:05:19 Accessories South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL02352 1/9/2012 11:10:00 Misc. West SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL02353 1/9/2012 11:11:58 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL02354 1/9/2012 11:14:38 Misc. East Individual 88 Yes 3.0
CL02355 1/9/2012 11:19:43 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.5
CL02356 1/9/2012 11:19:56 Desktop Mid-west Individual 60 Yes 2.4
CL02357 1/9/2012 11:24:04 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 4.9
CL02358 1/9/2012 11:24:33 Misc. South Large Corporate 69 Yes 1.9
CL02359 1/9/2012 11:28:37 Desktop West SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL02360 1/9/2012 11:31:53 Software North SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL02361 1/9/2012 11:36:33 Monitor East Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.2
CL02362 1/9/2012 11:38:26 Software North Non-profit 53 Yes 2.7
CL02363 1/9/2012 11:43:46 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL02364 1/9/2012 11:47:11 Software North Individual 66 Yes 3.7
CL02365 1/9/2012 11:52:26 Misc. North Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL02366 1/9/2012 11:56:22 Monitor South Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL02367 1/9/2012 11:58:15 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL02368 1/9/2012 12:02:30 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL02369 1/9/2012 12:07:02 Misc. West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL02370 1/9/2012 12:09:41 Monitor South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.6
CL02371 1/9/2012 12:11:32 Desktop West Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.3
CL02372 1/9/2012 12:12:40 Accessories South Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL02373 1/9/2012 12:17:13 Desktop East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL02374 1/9/2012 12:19:14 Monitor South Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL02375 1/9/2012 12:24:33 Software North SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL02376 1/9/2012 12:27:01 Misc. North SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL02377 1/9/2012 12:28:13 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL02378 1/9/2012 12:33:05 Software South SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL02379 1/9/2012 12:38:08 Accessories North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL02380 1/9/2012 12:40:09 Laptop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL02381 1/9/2012 12:40:09 Software South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL02382 1/9/2012 12:41:44 Software West Non-profit 92 Yes 2.8
CL02383 1/9/2012 12:45:37 Monitor West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL02384 1/9/2012 12:46:24 Misc. South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL02385 1/9/2012 12:46:50 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL02386 1/9/2012 12:50:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.6
CL02387 1/9/2012 12:50:46 Software South Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL02388 1/9/2012 12:50:48 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL02389 1/9/2012 12:56:28 Accessories North Individual 55 Yes 1.7
CL02390 1/9/2012 12:57:21 Accessories Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL02391 1/9/2012 12:57:23 Misc. North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.8
CL02392 1/9/2012 13:01:35 Software West Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.9
CL02393 1/9/2012 13:03:56 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL02394 1/9/2012 13:05:19 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL02395 1/9/2012 13:09:55 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL02396 1/9/2012 13:11:12 Laptop South Individual 86 Yes 3.8
CL02397 1/9/2012 13:14:56 Laptop South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.4
CL02398 1/9/2012 13:17:33 Accessories East Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.8
CL02399 1/9/2012 13:21:41 Accessories North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.8
CL02400 1/9/2012 13:24:03 Laptop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 3.0
CL02401 1/9/2012 13:29:26 Laptop East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL02402 1/9/2012 13:34:52 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 4.1
CL02403 1/9/2012 13:35:50 Desktop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL02404 1/9/2012 13:41:19 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL02405 1/9/2012 13:41:28 Desktop West Non-profit 78 Yes 4.1
CL02406 1/9/2012 13:41:48 Software North Individual 59 Yes 2.8
CL02407 1/9/2012 13:46:29 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL02408 1/9/2012 13:50:00 Laptop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.0
CL02409 1/9/2012 13:55:12 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 4.2
CL02410 1/9/2012 13:57:10 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 3.7
CL02411 1/9/2012 13:58:48 Software Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.0
CL02412 1/9/2012 14:03:00 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 1.8
CL02413 1/9/2012 14:05:52 Desktop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL02414 1/9/2012 14:09:26 Misc. West Non-profit 69 Yes 2.0
CL02415 1/9/2012 14:12:27 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL02416 1/9/2012 14:12:45 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 1.9
CL02417 1/9/2012 14:17:07 Laptop West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL02418 1/9/2012 14:21:13 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL02419 1/9/2012 14:24:30 Software East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL02420 1/9/2012 14:29:05 Desktop North SME 70 Yes 3.5
CL02421 1/9/2012 14:33:58 Desktop West Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.7
CL02422 1/9/2012 14:35:56 Accessories South SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL02423 1/9/2012 14:36:34 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.0
CL02424 1/9/2012 14:41:31 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL02425 1/9/2012 14:43:16 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL02426 1/9/2012 14:45:25 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL02427 1/9/2012 14:50:04 Misc. East Individual 84 Yes 1.9
CL02428 1/9/2012 14:50:10 Software North Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL02429 1/9/2012 14:50:43 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL02430 1/9/2012 14:53:40 Laptop West Non-profit 56 Yes 3.4
CL02431 1/9/2012 14:56:21 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 2.1
CL02432 1/9/2012 15:01:51 Laptop South Individual 65 Yes 2.3
CL02433 1/9/2012 15:07:34 Accessories West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.1
CL02434 1/9/2012 15:08:30 Misc. West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL02435 1/9/2012 15:08:35 Misc. Mid-west SME 92 Yes 3.1
CL02436 1/9/2012 15:09:43 Software South SME 70 Yes 2.4
CL02437 1/9/2012 15:10:40 Desktop West Individual 64 Yes 3.7
CL02438 1/9/2012 15:12:21 Laptop West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL02439 1/9/2012 15:17:49 Monitor South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.6
CL02440 1/9/2012 15:19:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 1.8
CL02441 1/9/2012 15:22:19 Laptop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL02442 1/9/2012 15:27:35 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.7
CL02443 1/9/2012 15:30:59 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.9
CL02444 1/9/2012 15:35:49 Monitor East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.7
CL02445 1/9/2012 15:39:04 Accessories West SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL02446 1/9/2012 15:42:48 Desktop South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL02447 1/9/2012 15:45:00 Accessories South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.8
CL02448 1/9/2012 15:46:42 Accessories South Individual 74 No 2.9
CL02449 1/9/2012 15:49:28 Accessories Mid-west SME 87 Yes 3.5
CL02450 1/9/2012 15:50:31 Laptop South SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL02451 1/9/2012 15:55:24 Laptop South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL02452 1/9/2012 15:58:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL02453 1/9/2012 15:59:21 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL02454 1/9/2012 15:59:42 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL02455 1/9/2012 16:02:18 Accessories North Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL02456 1/9/2012 16:06:29 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL02457 1/9/2012 16:08:29 Laptop East Non-profit 62 Yes 3.8
CL02458 1/9/2012 16:08:42 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 No 2.8
CL02459 1/9/2012 16:09:17 Desktop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL02460 1/9/2012 16:09:46 Desktop East SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL02461 1/9/2012 16:14:09 Monitor Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL02462 1/9/2012 16:14:27 Monitor West SME 79 Yes 2.5
CL02463 1/9/2012 16:18:57 Accessories North Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL02464 1/9/2012 16:22:13 Laptop South Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL02465 1/9/2012 16:27:20 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.0
CL02466 1/9/2012 16:31:40 Laptop East SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL02467 1/9/2012 16:34:54 Accessories West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL02468 1/9/2012 16:36:57 Misc. West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL02469 1/9/2012 16:37:01 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 3.7
CL02470 1/9/2012 16:40:03 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL02471 1/9/2012 16:42:48 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL02472 1/9/2012 16:43:23 Software North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL02473 1/9/2012 16:46:23 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL02474 1/9/2012 16:51:14 Laptop North Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL02475 1/9/2012 16:54:28 Misc. South SME 68 Yes 2.3
CL02476 1/9/2012 16:56:26 Monitor Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL02477 1/9/2012 16:58:25 Accessories East Non-profit 86 No 3.3
CL02478 1/9/2012 17:03:20 Monitor West SME 67 Yes 2.1
CL02479 1/9/2012 17:08:45 Software North SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL02480 1/9/2012 17:09:38 Misc. South Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL02481 1/9/2012 17:14:06 Desktop South SME 65 Yes 2.5
CL02482 1/9/2012 17:14:28 Accessories South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL02483 1/9/2012 17:19:01 Laptop East Individual 82 Yes 3.1
CL02484 1/9/2012 17:23:11 Monitor West Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL02485 1/9/2012 17:25:51 Misc. South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL02486 1/9/2012 17:27:08 Misc. South Individual 58 No 3.1
CL02487 1/9/2012 17:32:04 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL02488 1/9/2012 17:33:09 Desktop North Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL02489 1/9/2012 17:38:22 Misc. North Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL02490 1/9/2012 17:42:45 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL02491 1/9/2012 17:42:57 Laptop West SME 81 Yes 3.6
CL02492 1/9/2012 17:47:38 Laptop East Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL02493 1/9/2012 17:50:06 Software South Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL02494 1/9/2012 17:54:20 Laptop South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL02495 1/9/2012 17:54:56 Desktop East Individual 75 No 3.1
CL02496 1/9/2012 17:55:08 Software West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL02497 1/9/2012 17:55:21 Software East Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL02498 1/9/2012 17:56:50 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL02499 1/9/2012 17:58:08 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL02500 1/9/2012 18:00:43 Misc. West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.6
CL02501 1/9/2012 18:05:35 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL02502 1/9/2012 18:08:11 Software East Individual 79 Yes 2.0
CL02503 1/9/2012 18:13:29 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.7
CL02504 1/9/2012 18:14:17 Laptop East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL02505 1/9/2012 18:19:12 Desktop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL02506 1/9/2012 18:21:28 Monitor East Individual 82 Yes 1.2
CL02507 1/9/2012 18:21:35 Accessories South SME 69 Yes 3.8
CL02508 1/9/2012 18:26:30 Misc. East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL02509 1/9/2012 18:27:42 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL02510 1/9/2012 18:28:12 Desktop North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL02511 1/9/2012 18:32:26 Laptop South SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL02512 1/9/2012 18:34:42 Misc. North Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.4
CL02513 1/9/2012 18:36:52 Desktop South Individual 76 Yes 2.1
CL02514 1/9/2012 18:42:05 Laptop South Large Corporate 78 Yes 1.7
CL02515 1/9/2012 18:46:23 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL02516 1/9/2012 18:47:25 Software Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL02517 1/9/2012 18:49:55 Desktop East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL02518 1/9/2012 18:53:42 Laptop East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL02519 1/9/2012 18:55:42 Laptop East Non-profit 93 Yes 2.9
CL02520 1/9/2012 18:58:52 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL02521 1/9/2012 18:59:46 Misc. West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL02522 1/9/2012 19:04:31 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL02523 1/9/2012 19:04:47 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL02524 1/9/2012 19:06:56 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL02525 1/9/2012 19:11:15 Misc. South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL02526 1/9/2012 19:12:02 Software East Large Corporate 58 Yes 4.3
CL02527 1/9/2012 19:17:17 Software North Individual 92 Yes 3.9
CL02528 1/9/2012 19:18:40 Accessories North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL02529 1/9/2012 19:21:05 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL02530 1/9/2012 19:24:56 Monitor East Individual 71 Yes 3.8
CL02531 1/9/2012 19:29:13 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL02532 1/9/2012 19:33:28 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 2.2
CL02533 1/9/2012 19:37:19 Monitor East Individual 72 Yes 2.5
CL02534 1/9/2012 19:40:29 Software South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL02535 1/9/2012 19:42:44 Monitor West SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL02536 1/9/2012 19:47:15 Software North SME 68 Yes 2.8
CL02537 1/9/2012 19:47:37 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.6
CL02538 1/9/2012 19:52:30 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 3.3
CL02539 1/9/2012 19:56:14 Accessories West SME 84 Yes 2.0
CL02540 1/9/2012 20:01:26 Monitor East Individual 67 Yes 3.1
CL02541 1/9/2012 20:05:26 Accessories South Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL02542 1/9/2012 20:06:24 Desktop East Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL02543 1/9/2012 20:09:42 Monitor North Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL02544 1/9/2012 20:12:50 Laptop North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL02545 1/9/2012 20:13:54 Desktop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL02546 1/9/2012 20:16:19 Laptop North Individual 64 Yes 2.9
CL02547 1/9/2012 20:21:36 Desktop North Individual 67 Yes 3.1
CL02548 1/9/2012 20:24:27 Desktop North Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL02549 1/9/2012 20:29:06 Desktop Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 3.0
CL02550 1/9/2012 20:30:06 Monitor South Non-profit 59 Yes 3.2
CL02551 1/9/2012 20:31:56 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.5
CL02552 1/9/2012 20:34:43 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL02553 1/9/2012 20:36:50 Misc. West SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL02554 1/9/2012 20:40:37 Software West Individual 61 Yes 3.0
CL02555 1/9/2012 20:44:11 Misc. North SME 84 Yes 3.2
CL02556 1/9/2012 20:46:12 Software Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.7
CL02557 1/9/2012 20:50:39 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL02558 1/9/2012 20:51:35 Desktop Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL02559 1/9/2012 20:53:09 Misc. North Individual 69 No 2.8
CL02560 1/9/2012 20:54:59 Monitor West SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL02561 1/9/2012 20:56:34 Desktop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.3
CL02562 1/9/2012 20:59:36 Monitor East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL02563 1/9/2012 21:00:56 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL02564 1/9/2012 21:03:22 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 4.1
CL02565 1/9/2012 21:08:39 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL02566 1/9/2012 21:10:21 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL02567 1/9/2012 21:14:52 Accessories West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL02568 1/9/2012 21:16:31 Accessories West SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL02569 1/9/2012 21:19:57 Misc. North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL02570 1/9/2012 21:21:01 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL02571 1/9/2012 21:24:35 Laptop South SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL02572 1/9/2012 21:29:28 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 2.9
CL02573 1/9/2012 21:29:47 Laptop East SME 74 No 3.3
CL02574 1/9/2012 21:35:03 Monitor North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.0
CL02575 1/9/2012 21:38:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL02576 1/9/2012 21:39:14 Misc. Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL02577 1/9/2012 21:41:24 Accessories South SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL02578 1/9/2012 21:46:14 Software East SME 72 No 3.0
CL02579 1/9/2012 21:50:42 Desktop East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.4
CL02580 1/9/2012 21:52:56 Misc. West Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL02581 1/9/2012 21:57:29 Software Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.3
CL02582 1/9/2012 22:03:06 Software South Large Corporate 71 Yes 1.8
CL02583 1/10/2012 08:06:45 Desktop West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.0
CL02584 1/10/2012 08:12:00 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.1
CL02585 1/10/2012 08:14:18 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL02586 1/10/2012 08:16:36 Monitor South Individual 71 Yes 4.0
CL02587 1/10/2012 08:19:41 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL02588 1/10/2012 08:24:17 Desktop East SME 76 Yes 2.4
CL02589 1/10/2012 08:26:33 Software East Individual 82 No 2.9
CL02590 1/10/2012 08:29:36 Laptop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL02591 1/10/2012 08:30:57 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 2.4
CL02592 1/10/2012 08:35:51 Misc. South Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL02593 1/10/2012 08:39:34 Accessories Mid-west SME 50 Yes 3.0
CL02594 1/10/2012 08:45:08 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL02595 1/10/2012 08:46:24 Accessories North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.4
CL02596 1/10/2012 08:48:04 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL02597 1/10/2012 08:51:19 Laptop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.6
CL02598 1/10/2012 08:52:19 Software South Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL02599 1/10/2012 08:56:37 Software South SME 75 Yes 3.8
CL02600 1/10/2012 09:00:37 Software West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL02601 1/10/2012 09:04:07 Monitor West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL02602 1/10/2012 09:08:21 Software North SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL02603 1/10/2012 09:10:03 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL02604 1/10/2012 09:11:32 Software East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL02605 1/10/2012 09:16:02 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL02606 1/10/2012 09:21:02 Desktop North SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL02607 1/10/2012 09:22:45 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 56 Yes 3.3
CL02608 1/10/2012 09:23:20 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL02609 1/10/2012 09:28:28 Misc. Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL02610 1/10/2012 09:28:45 Misc. West Large Corporate 95 No 2.5
CL02611 1/10/2012 09:29:25 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL02612 1/10/2012 09:32:30 Laptop South SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL02613 1/10/2012 09:35:14 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.0
CL02614 1/10/2012 09:35:15 Desktop North SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL02615 1/10/2012 09:37:39 Misc. North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL02616 1/10/2012 09:41:44 Monitor West SME 68 Yes 2.2
CL02617 1/10/2012 09:42:56 Desktop West Individual 81 Yes 3.2
CL02618 1/10/2012 09:47:30 Software Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL02619 1/10/2012 09:50:41 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL02620 1/10/2012 09:50:58 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.5
CL02621 1/10/2012 09:55:34 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL02622 1/10/2012 09:58:36 Laptop South Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL02623 1/10/2012 10:02:31 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.3
CL02624 1/10/2012 10:06:38 Software East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL02625 1/10/2012 10:08:42 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL02626 1/10/2012 10:11:28 Accessories South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL02627 1/10/2012 10:12:52 Accessories South Large Corporate 74 Yes 1.7
CL02628 1/10/2012 10:15:43 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL02629 1/10/2012 10:18:35 Misc. West SME 83 Yes 1.8
CL02630 1/10/2012 10:20:16 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL02631 1/10/2012 10:25:14 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 2.8
CL02632 1/10/2012 10:28:44 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL02633 1/10/2012 10:30:32 Accessories West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL02634 1/10/2012 10:36:17 Software Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.0
CL02635 1/10/2012 10:41:17 Laptop West SME 99 Yes 2.3
CL02636 1/10/2012 10:46:00 Monitor East Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL02637 1/10/2012 10:51:11 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 3.9
CL02638 1/10/2012 10:52:30 Misc. North Individual 70 Yes 2.1
CL02639 1/10/2012 10:53:51 Accessories South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL02640 1/10/2012 10:58:06 Software South Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL02641 1/10/2012 11:00:07 Software East Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL02642 1/10/2012 11:01:31 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL02643 1/10/2012 11:02:35 Monitor Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 4.0
CL02644 1/10/2012 11:07:58 Software West SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL02645 1/10/2012 11:13:38 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.8
CL02646 1/10/2012 11:16:20 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 4.5
CL02647 1/10/2012 11:17:53 Desktop West SME 67 Yes 3.9
CL02648 1/10/2012 11:18:33 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 60 No 2.9
CL02649 1/10/2012 11:21:30 Monitor East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL02650 1/10/2012 11:25:24 Monitor South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL02651 1/10/2012 11:29:18 Laptop West SME 80 Yes 3.5
CL02652 1/10/2012 11:34:39 Laptop West Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL02653 1/10/2012 11:39:24 Accessories South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL02654 1/10/2012 11:41:47 Desktop West Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL02655 1/10/2012 11:42:01 Misc. West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL02656 1/10/2012 11:45:12 Misc. East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.2
CL02657 1/10/2012 11:49:25 Software East SME 70 Yes 3.9
CL02658 1/10/2012 11:52:18 Accessories South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL02659 1/10/2012 11:56:06 Desktop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.6
CL02660 1/10/2012 12:00:28 Monitor Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.9
CL02661 1/10/2012 12:02:39 Accessories North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL02662 1/10/2012 12:07:29 Laptop West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL02663 1/10/2012 12:12:37 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL02664 1/10/2012 12:14:01 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL02665 1/10/2012 12:16:03 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL02666 1/10/2012 12:20:14 Accessories West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL02667 1/10/2012 12:25:31 Accessories North SME 73 Yes 1.9
CL02668 1/10/2012 12:31:11 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL02669 1/10/2012 12:33:44 Accessories West Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.7
CL02670 1/10/2012 12:35:20 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL02671 1/10/2012 12:37:52 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 3.4
CL02672 1/10/2012 12:41:18 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL02673 1/10/2012 12:44:27 Software North SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL02674 1/10/2012 12:45:40 Monitor West Individual 65 Yes 3.2
CL02675 1/10/2012 12:47:00 Software East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL02676 1/10/2012 12:50:43 Laptop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL02677 1/10/2012 12:51:31 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.1
CL02678 1/10/2012 12:54:18 Desktop East Non-profit 90 Yes 4.1
CL02679 1/10/2012 12:55:16 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL02680 1/10/2012 12:55:55 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL02681 1/10/2012 12:56:07 Monitor West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.8
CL02682 1/10/2012 12:59:21 Accessories South Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL02683 1/10/2012 13:00:17 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 4.0
CL02684 1/10/2012 13:02:32 Desktop South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.9
CL02685 1/10/2012 13:08:13 Laptop South Non-profit 80 No 3.4
CL02686 1/10/2012 13:08:38 Accessories East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL02687 1/10/2012 13:10:38 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.7
CL02688 1/10/2012 13:11:35 Desktop East SME 67 Yes 2.6
CL02689 1/10/2012 13:16:30 Desktop South SME 83 No 3.4
CL02690 1/10/2012 13:21:13 Software South SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL02691 1/10/2012 13:26:22 Software South SME 91 Yes 2.6
CL02692 1/10/2012 13:28:22 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL02693 1/10/2012 13:31:20 Monitor South SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL02694 1/10/2012 13:32:46 Accessories South SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL02695 1/10/2012 13:34:10 Software East SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL02696 1/10/2012 13:38:00 Monitor North SME 66 No 3.8
CL02697 1/10/2012 13:40:02 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL02698 1/10/2012 13:41:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.5
CL02699 1/10/2012 13:46:06 Laptop North Individual 67 Yes 4.0
CL02700 1/10/2012 13:47:05 Misc. West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL02701 1/10/2012 13:50:20 Monitor Mid-west SME 86 Yes 4.1
CL02702 1/10/2012 13:55:29 Laptop South Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL02703 1/10/2012 13:57:07 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL02704 1/10/2012 13:58:45 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL02705 1/10/2012 14:03:33 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL02706 1/10/2012 14:08:59 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 No 3.6
CL02707 1/10/2012 14:11:16 Accessories North Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL02708 1/10/2012 14:12:49 Software Mid-west Individual 96 Yes 2.8
CL02709 1/10/2012 14:14:09 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL02710 1/10/2012 14:14:40 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL02711 1/10/2012 14:20:04 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 3.8
CL02712 1/10/2012 14:22:59 Software North SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL02713 1/10/2012 14:28:16 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL02714 1/10/2012 14:29:53 Desktop West Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL02715 1/10/2012 14:30:31 Accessories South Non-profit 87 Yes 2.8
CL02716 1/10/2012 14:31:29 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL02717 1/10/2012 14:34:36 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL02718 1/10/2012 14:39:46 Software South Non-profit 76 No 2.6
CL02719 1/10/2012 14:43:38 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 No 2.8
CL02720 1/10/2012 14:46:13 Misc. South Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL02721 1/10/2012 14:50:00 Desktop South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL02722 1/10/2012 14:52:45 Misc. West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL02723 1/10/2012 14:56:35 Accessories North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.6
CL02724 1/10/2012 15:00:43 Desktop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.2
CL02725 1/10/2012 15:05:48 Desktop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL02726 1/10/2012 15:11:21 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL02727 1/10/2012 15:11:24 Accessories South SME 82 Yes 2.8
CL02728 1/10/2012 15:11:57 Monitor West Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL02729 1/10/2012 15:17:12 Monitor Mid-west SME 91 Yes 2.5
CL02730 1/10/2012 15:19:18 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL02731 1/10/2012 15:23:55 Misc. South Large Corporate 81 Yes 1.7
CL02732 1/10/2012 15:28:31 Laptop North SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL02733 1/10/2012 15:29:17 Accessories West SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL02734 1/10/2012 15:33:50 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL02735 1/10/2012 15:39:00 Misc. South Individual 69 Yes 2.0
CL02736 1/10/2012 15:42:24 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 3.3
CL02737 1/10/2012 15:43:07 Misc. South Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL02738 1/10/2012 15:44:02 Software East Individual 67 Yes 2.7
CL02739 1/10/2012 15:46:11 Software West Large Corporate 79 No 2.4
CL02740 1/10/2012 15:51:13 Misc. South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL02741 1/10/2012 15:51:46 Misc. South Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.6
CL02742 1/10/2012 15:55:48 Misc. East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL02743 1/10/2012 15:56:31 Desktop West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL02744 1/10/2012 16:01:42 Software West Non-profit 83 No 3.2
CL02745 1/10/2012 16:06:52 Software South SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL02746 1/10/2012 16:10:33 Software North SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL02747 1/10/2012 16:11:49 Desktop South Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.7
CL02748 1/10/2012 16:16:27 Accessories East Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.8
CL02749 1/10/2012 16:20:09 Desktop North Individual 65 Yes 3.8
CL02750 1/10/2012 16:23:27 Desktop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL02751 1/10/2012 16:27:41 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 1.7
CL02752 1/10/2012 16:29:28 Accessories South Non-profit 89 Yes 2.8
CL02753 1/10/2012 16:34:03 Monitor West Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL02754 1/10/2012 16:36:38 Desktop West Individual 65 Yes 2.0
CL02755 1/10/2012 16:40:14 Desktop East SME 64 Yes 2.4
CL02756 1/10/2012 16:44:31 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL02757 1/10/2012 16:47:46 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL02758 1/10/2012 16:47:57 Software North Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.3
CL02759 1/10/2012 16:49:37 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL02760 1/10/2012 16:51:20 Accessories North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.6
CL02761 1/10/2012 16:56:29 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL02762 1/10/2012 16:57:40 Accessories South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.4
CL02763 1/10/2012 17:02:59 Misc. North Non-profit 58 Yes 2.7
CL02764 1/10/2012 17:07:33 Accessories South SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL02765 1/10/2012 17:12:08 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 2.5
CL02766 1/10/2012 17:17:04 Desktop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL02767 1/10/2012 17:18:26 Monitor South Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL02768 1/10/2012 17:23:31 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 91 Yes 3.1
CL02769 1/10/2012 17:27:43 Laptop Mid-west SME 86 Yes 4.1
CL02770 1/10/2012 17:31:40 Misc. Mid-west SME 57 Yes 2.9
CL02771 1/10/2012 17:36:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL02772 1/10/2012 17:37:12 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 4.0
CL02773 1/10/2012 17:40:40 Software West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL02774 1/10/2012 17:41:39 Monitor East Individual 66 Yes 2.4
CL02775 1/10/2012 17:43:50 Monitor West SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL02776 1/10/2012 17:48:52 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL02777 1/10/2012 17:49:04 Misc. East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.5
CL02778 1/10/2012 17:50:39 Desktop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL02779 1/10/2012 17:55:05 Accessories Mid-west SME 64 Yes 2.3
CL02780 1/10/2012 18:00:37 Software East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL02781 1/10/2012 18:01:54 Software West SME 81 Yes 3.8
CL02782 1/10/2012 18:04:11 Software East Large Corporate 70 No 3.1
CL02783 1/10/2012 18:05:54 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL02784 1/10/2012 18:09:30 Desktop South Individual 70 Yes 2.3
CL02785 1/10/2012 18:11:56 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL02786 1/10/2012 18:13:35 Misc. South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL02787 1/10/2012 18:13:56 Accessories South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.7
CL02788 1/10/2012 18:14:37 Misc. West Individual 71 Yes 2.1
CL02789 1/10/2012 18:15:04 Monitor North SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL02790 1/10/2012 18:18:59 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL02791 1/10/2012 18:21:17 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 3.6
CL02792 1/10/2012 18:23:07 Misc. West Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL02793 1/10/2012 18:28:25 Accessories West SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL02794 1/10/2012 18:30:55 Laptop East Non-profit 56 Yes 3.3
CL02795 1/10/2012 18:34:58 Laptop South Individual 73 Yes 3.4
CL02796 1/10/2012 18:37:56 Laptop North SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL02797 1/10/2012 18:39:32 Desktop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 3.5
CL02798 1/10/2012 18:42:47 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL02799 1/10/2012 18:44:56 Monitor West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.8
CL02800 1/10/2012 18:45:55 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL02801 1/10/2012 18:51:31 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL02802 1/10/2012 18:52:15 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL02803 1/10/2012 18:55:28 Misc. North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL02804 1/10/2012 18:56:35 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL02805 1/10/2012 19:00:33 Desktop North SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL02806 1/10/2012 19:02:39 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 80 No 4.0
CL02807 1/10/2012 19:07:49 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL02808 1/10/2012 19:08:38 Desktop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL02809 1/10/2012 19:13:23 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL02810 1/10/2012 19:15:27 Software West Individual 92 Yes 2.9
CL02811 1/10/2012 19:19:54 Monitor South Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.7
CL02812 1/10/2012 19:25:32 Laptop Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.6
CL02813 1/10/2012 19:30:31 Laptop West SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL02814 1/10/2012 19:30:46 Desktop West Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL02815 1/10/2012 19:31:18 Laptop North SME 89 Yes 3.2
CL02816 1/10/2012 19:36:33 Laptop West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL02817 1/10/2012 19:39:27 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL02818 1/10/2012 19:41:59 Monitor North Large Corporate 56 Yes 3.7
CL02819 1/10/2012 19:43:02 Misc. North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL02820 1/10/2012 19:43:28 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL02821 1/10/2012 19:49:10 Misc. Mid-west SME 87 Yes 2.9
CL02822 1/10/2012 19:50:41 Accessories East Non-profit 64 Yes 2.9
CL02823 1/10/2012 19:55:35 Software East SME 90 Yes 3.4
CL02824 1/10/2012 20:00:09 Software East Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.2
CL02825 1/10/2012 20:02:02 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL02826 1/10/2012 20:07:27 Desktop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL02827 1/10/2012 20:08:39 Misc. North Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL02828 1/10/2012 20:11:46 Accessories North Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL02829 1/10/2012 20:12:53 Laptop West SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL02830 1/10/2012 20:13:51 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL02831 1/10/2012 20:18:16 Accessories North SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL02832 1/10/2012 20:22:34 Software Mid-west SME 86 Yes 2.9
CL02833 1/10/2012 20:23:26 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL02834 1/10/2012 20:27:42 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL02835 1/10/2012 20:32:08 Software North SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL02836 1/10/2012 20:33:07 Software West Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL02837 1/10/2012 20:35:48 Misc. South Large Corporate 88 Yes 4.1
CL02838 1/10/2012 20:37:02 Laptop East SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL02839 1/10/2012 20:38:21 Laptop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL02840 1/10/2012 20:43:18 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL02841 1/10/2012 20:45:25 Desktop South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL02842 1/10/2012 20:48:59 Accessories North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.7
CL02843 1/10/2012 20:52:05 Accessories West Non-profit 67 No 2.9
CL02844 1/10/2012 20:57:15 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL02845 1/10/2012 21:01:59 Monitor North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL02846 1/10/2012 21:06:45 Accessories West Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL02847 1/10/2012 21:07:55 Accessories North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL02848 1/10/2012 21:13:36 Accessories Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.6
CL02849 1/10/2012 21:14:12 Software South Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL02850 1/10/2012 21:19:20 Misc. North Individual 82 Yes 2.3
CL02851 1/10/2012 21:21:29 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL02852 1/10/2012 21:25:21 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL02853 1/10/2012 21:26:30 Desktop North SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL02854 1/10/2012 21:28:19 Misc. South Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL02855 1/10/2012 21:33:10 Desktop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL02856 1/10/2012 21:38:54 Desktop West Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL02857 1/10/2012 21:40:20 Software South SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL02858 1/10/2012 21:45:03 Misc. North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.5
CL02859 1/10/2012 21:46:00 Accessories North Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL02860 1/10/2012 21:46:05 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL02861 1/10/2012 21:47:19 Laptop East SME 87 Yes 2.2
CL02862 1/10/2012 21:51:01 Accessories North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL02863 1/10/2012 21:54:53 Desktop East SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL02864 1/10/2012 21:58:30 Laptop West Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL02865 1/10/2012 21:59:53 Accessories East Individual 63 Yes 2.6
CL02866 1/10/2012 22:05:25 Accessories West Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL02867 1/11/2012 08:09:06 Desktop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL02868 1/11/2012 08:09:43 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 2.9
CL02869 1/11/2012 08:10:49 Accessories West Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL02870 1/11/2012 08:12:48 Desktop South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL02871 1/11/2012 08:18:07 Laptop North SME 66 Yes 2.5
CL02872 1/11/2012 08:19:50 Software Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL02873 1/11/2012 08:23:12 Desktop East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL02874 1/11/2012 08:26:18 Software North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL02875 1/11/2012 08:27:50 Laptop South Large Corporate 50 Yes 2.7
CL02876 1/11/2012 08:28:00 Monitor South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL02877 1/11/2012 08:30:34 Accessories West Individual 95 Yes 3.1
CL02878 1/11/2012 08:33:24 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL02879 1/11/2012 08:36:04 Monitor West Non-profit 78 No 3.5
CL02880 1/11/2012 08:36:55 Accessories North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.4
CL02881 1/11/2012 08:38:01 Misc. East Individual 86 Yes 2.4
CL02882 1/11/2012 08:40:31 Accessories East SME 82 Yes 3.7
CL02883 1/11/2012 08:46:06 Software Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL02884 1/11/2012 08:47:26 Monitor South SME 80 Yes 2.0
CL02885 1/11/2012 08:47:47 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.5
CL02886 1/11/2012 08:48:45 Monitor East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL02887 1/11/2012 08:49:26 Monitor East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL02888 1/11/2012 08:49:54 Accessories South SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL02889 1/11/2012 08:51:06 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL02890 1/11/2012 08:53:38 Monitor East Individual 68 Yes 3.8
CL02891 1/11/2012 08:56:18 Misc. South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL02892 1/11/2012 08:58:18 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.3
CL02893 1/11/2012 09:01:46 Accessories North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL02894 1/11/2012 09:04:11 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL02895 1/11/2012 09:05:01 Desktop West Large Corporate 56 Yes 2.7
CL02896 1/11/2012 09:06:48 Software South Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL02897 1/11/2012 09:10:34 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL02898 1/11/2012 09:13:49 Misc. West SME 80 Yes 3.7
CL02899 1/11/2012 09:19:22 Software South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.5
CL02900 1/11/2012 09:25:06 Misc. West Individual 65 Yes 3.5
CL02901 1/11/2012 09:30:03 Software East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL02902 1/11/2012 09:33:56 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL02903 1/11/2012 09:34:05 Monitor Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.9
CL02904 1/11/2012 09:34:29 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.5
CL02905 1/11/2012 09:34:39 Software North Non-profit 87 Yes 3.1
CL02906 1/11/2012 09:38:30 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 57 Yes 3.1
CL02907 1/11/2012 09:41:51 Monitor East SME 67 Yes 4.0
CL02908 1/11/2012 09:42:34 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.9
CL02909 1/11/2012 09:47:22 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 4.0
CL02910 1/11/2012 09:47:38 Monitor West Non-profit 85 Yes 2.2
CL02911 1/11/2012 09:49:27 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL02912 1/11/2012 09:50:05 Software South SME 87 Yes 3.3
CL02913 1/11/2012 09:54:07 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL02914 1/11/2012 09:56:49 Misc. Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL02915 1/11/2012 10:02:20 Desktop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL02916 1/11/2012 10:05:12 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.6
CL02917 1/11/2012 10:06:56 Software Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 4.2
CL02918 1/11/2012 10:11:31 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 1.9
CL02919 1/11/2012 10:15:54 Misc. East SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL02920 1/11/2012 10:19:47 Accessories South SME 63 No 3.4
CL02921 1/11/2012 10:24:55 Accessories South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.3
CL02922 1/11/2012 10:29:06 Software North Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL02923 1/11/2012 10:31:50 Laptop East SME 72 Yes 1.5
CL02924 1/11/2012 10:34:47 Desktop Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.6
CL02925 1/11/2012 10:38:33 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL02926 1/11/2012 10:42:34 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL02927 1/11/2012 10:48:17 Desktop East SME 80 Yes 3.7
CL02928 1/11/2012 10:53:37 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL02929 1/11/2012 10:57:20 Monitor South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL02930 1/11/2012 10:57:42 Desktop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL02931 1/11/2012 10:59:33 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL02932 1/11/2012 11:02:54 Misc. North SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL02933 1/11/2012 11:07:15 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 2.4
CL02934 1/11/2012 11:13:00 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 No 3.1
CL02935 1/11/2012 11:17:38 Accessories South Non-profit 61 Yes 2.3
CL02936 1/11/2012 11:20:42 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL02937 1/11/2012 11:21:25 Laptop South SME 79 Yes 3.1
CL02938 1/11/2012 11:22:38 Accessories East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.6
CL02939 1/11/2012 11:25:26 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 2.1
CL02940 1/11/2012 11:28:03 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.2
CL02941 1/11/2012 11:32:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL02942 1/11/2012 11:34:50 Misc. East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL02943 1/11/2012 11:34:57 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL02944 1/11/2012 11:38:08 Monitor West Non-profit 87 Yes 3.5
CL02945 1/11/2012 11:41:03 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.0
CL02946 1/11/2012 11:41:51 Accessories North SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL02947 1/11/2012 11:45:54 Software East Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL02948 1/11/2012 11:49:57 Monitor West Non-profit 69 No 2.7
CL02949 1/11/2012 11:52:58 Laptop East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL02950 1/11/2012 11:54:46 Laptop West Large Corporate 95 Yes 3.5
CL02951 1/11/2012 11:59:43 Software East SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL02952 1/11/2012 12:00:37 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL02953 1/11/2012 12:03:26 Accessories South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.4
CL02954 1/11/2012 12:07:34 Laptop West SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL02955 1/11/2012 12:10:19 Misc. West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.0
CL02956 1/11/2012 12:14:32 Software South Individual 72 Yes 2.2
CL02957 1/11/2012 12:20:07 Accessories South SME 68 No 3.3
CL02958 1/11/2012 12:21:24 Software East Individual 82 Yes 2.6
CL02959 1/11/2012 12:25:16 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL02960 1/11/2012 12:26:17 Misc. North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL02961 1/11/2012 12:28:39 Software North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.5
CL02962 1/11/2012 12:30:38 Misc. North Large Corporate 69 No 2.8
CL02963 1/11/2012 12:34:13 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL02964 1/11/2012 12:34:53 Desktop North SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL02965 1/11/2012 12:35:10 Software West Large Corporate 82 No 3.5
CL02966 1/11/2012 12:36:30 Desktop East SME 67 Yes 2.7
CL02967 1/11/2012 12:39:06 Misc. West Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL02968 1/11/2012 12:43:42 Misc. East SME 68 Yes 3.7
CL02969 1/11/2012 12:46:59 Desktop South Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL02970 1/11/2012 12:52:38 Monitor South Individual 66 Yes 3.8
CL02971 1/11/2012 12:57:31 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 No 3.7
CL02972 1/11/2012 12:59:31 Software South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL02973 1/11/2012 13:01:15 Laptop North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL02974 1/11/2012 13:04:34 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.4
CL02975 1/11/2012 13:08:19 Accessories West SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL02976 1/11/2012 13:10:40 Desktop Mid-west SME 92 Yes 3.5
CL02977 1/11/2012 13:12:14 Misc. East SME 96 Yes 2.5
CL02978 1/11/2012 13:12:21 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL02979 1/11/2012 13:15:33 Desktop South Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL02980 1/11/2012 13:15:48 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 63 No 3.5
CL02981 1/11/2012 13:21:27 Laptop East Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL02982 1/11/2012 13:27:07 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL02983 1/11/2012 13:32:06 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL02984 1/11/2012 13:37:44 Misc. North Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL02985 1/11/2012 13:41:39 Misc. West SME 92 Yes 2.4
CL02986 1/11/2012 13:44:57 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 3.5
CL02987 1/11/2012 13:49:18 Accessories West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL02988 1/11/2012 13:53:15 Misc. West SME 77 No 3.7
CL02989 1/11/2012 13:56:13 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL02990 1/11/2012 14:00:43 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL02991 1/11/2012 14:02:59 Accessories East SME 62 Yes 3.4
CL02992 1/11/2012 14:03:54 Misc. West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL02993 1/11/2012 14:07:55 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL02994 1/11/2012 14:10:56 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL02995 1/11/2012 14:11:45 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL02996 1/11/2012 14:14:45 Misc. East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.5
CL02997 1/11/2012 14:18:34 Software West Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL02998 1/11/2012 14:21:47 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL02999 1/11/2012 14:23:36 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 2.3
CL03000 1/11/2012 14:25:35 Monitor West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.5
CL03001 1/11/2012 14:25:50 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL03002 1/11/2012 14:30:04 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.4
CL03003 1/11/2012 14:31:47 Software East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL03004 1/11/2012 14:36:33 Software West Individual 68 No 3.2
CL03005 1/11/2012 14:37:22 Misc. West Non-profit 85 Yes 4.1
CL03006 1/11/2012 14:42:59 Misc. North Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL03007 1/11/2012 14:44:46 Laptop West Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL03008 1/11/2012 14:50:12 Software North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL03009 1/11/2012 14:55:06 Desktop North Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL03010 1/11/2012 14:59:30 Accessories East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL03011 1/11/2012 15:01:16 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 3.9
CL03012 1/11/2012 15:06:05 Monitor East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.1
CL03013 1/11/2012 15:10:53 Misc. Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 1.9
CL03014 1/11/2012 15:14:14 Laptop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.7
CL03015 1/11/2012 15:16:21 Software Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL03016 1/11/2012 15:19:32 Accessories West Non-profit 66 Yes 3.8
CL03017 1/11/2012 15:21:30 Laptop North SME 63 Yes 3.2
CL03018 1/11/2012 15:25:34 Desktop West SME 53 Yes 2.5
CL03019 1/11/2012 15:27:24 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL03020 1/11/2012 15:28:01 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.8
CL03021 1/11/2012 15:28:55 Desktop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL03022 1/11/2012 15:33:24 Misc. East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.1
CL03023 1/11/2012 15:33:54 Laptop West Individual 64 Yes 2.3
CL03024 1/11/2012 15:37:55 Misc. South SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL03025 1/11/2012 15:38:41 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL03026 1/11/2012 15:39:36 Software North Individual 88 Yes 3.0
CL03027 1/11/2012 15:43:01 Software North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL03028 1/11/2012 15:43:20 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 57 Yes 2.4
CL03029 1/11/2012 15:46:03 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL03030 1/11/2012 15:49:45 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL03031 1/11/2012 15:53:30 Laptop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.0
CL03032 1/11/2012 15:58:41 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL03033 1/11/2012 15:59:07 Accessories North Individual 61 Yes 2.0
CL03034 1/11/2012 15:59:35 Accessories North SME 64 No 3.6
CL03035 1/11/2012 16:04:52 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.0
CL03036 1/11/2012 16:10:09 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL03037 1/11/2012 16:10:39 Accessories South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL03038 1/11/2012 16:12:56 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 2.2
CL03039 1/11/2012 16:15:25 Software South Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL03040 1/11/2012 16:20:12 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL03041 1/11/2012 16:20:59 Software East Individual 80 Yes 2.2
CL03042 1/11/2012 16:25:48 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 4.2
CL03043 1/11/2012 16:27:39 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL03044 1/11/2012 16:33:13 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL03045 1/11/2012 16:38:28 Misc. North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL03046 1/11/2012 16:42:35 Software East SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL03047 1/11/2012 16:44:08 Accessories South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.9
CL03048 1/11/2012 16:47:16 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL03049 1/11/2012 16:51:43 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 96 Yes 2.6
CL03050 1/11/2012 16:51:44 Laptop West Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL03051 1/11/2012 16:56:24 Software North SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL03052 1/11/2012 16:58:33 Accessories North Non-profit 77 No 4.0
CL03053 1/11/2012 17:03:25 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL03054 1/11/2012 17:06:35 Accessories West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL03055 1/11/2012 17:10:06 Monitor North Non-profit 89 Yes 2.9
CL03056 1/11/2012 17:14:26 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL03057 1/11/2012 17:14:35 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.1
CL03058 1/11/2012 17:16:14 Laptop North Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.1
CL03059 1/11/2012 17:21:51 Monitor Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL03060 1/11/2012 17:26:32 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 57 Yes 3.8
CL03061 1/11/2012 17:26:45 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL03062 1/11/2012 17:31:38 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL03063 1/11/2012 17:35:52 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL03064 1/11/2012 17:38:11 Desktop South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.8
CL03065 1/11/2012 17:40:35 Monitor North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL03066 1/11/2012 17:41:37 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL03067 1/11/2012 17:41:49 Desktop East Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL03068 1/11/2012 17:44:53 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.8
CL03069 1/11/2012 17:45:50 Software North SME 78 Yes 3.8
CL03070 1/11/2012 17:50:18 Software West Individual 72 Yes 3.5
CL03071 1/11/2012 17:53:12 Accessories West Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL03072 1/11/2012 17:57:49 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL03073 1/11/2012 18:03:11 Software Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL03074 1/11/2012 18:04:01 Software West SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL03075 1/11/2012 18:06:30 Software North Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL03076 1/11/2012 18:10:08 Misc. South Non-profit 87 Yes 3.2
CL03077 1/11/2012 18:10:18 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.7
CL03078 1/11/2012 18:11:13 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.0
CL03079 1/11/2012 18:15:52 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL03080 1/11/2012 18:16:15 Laptop South SME 62 Yes 2.5
CL03081 1/11/2012 18:20:31 Monitor North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL03082 1/11/2012 18:25:54 Laptop West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.1
CL03083 1/11/2012 18:28:43 Misc. South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.2
CL03084 1/11/2012 18:32:51 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.5
CL03085 1/11/2012 18:36:32 Accessories North Individual 77 No 2.6
CL03086 1/11/2012 18:38:14 Desktop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL03087 1/11/2012 18:39:07 Misc. West SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL03088 1/11/2012 18:43:16 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 3.7
CL03089 1/11/2012 18:48:15 Misc. West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL03090 1/11/2012 18:52:19 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL03091 1/11/2012 18:57:21 Software West SME 65 Yes 3.7
CL03092 1/11/2012 19:00:54 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL03093 1/11/2012 19:01:33 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL03094 1/11/2012 19:02:45 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL03095 1/11/2012 19:08:20 Misc. South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.4
CL03096 1/11/2012 19:13:42 Monitor North Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL03097 1/11/2012 19:14:09 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL03098 1/11/2012 19:17:40 Misc. South Individual 86 Yes 2.5
CL03099 1/11/2012 19:22:39 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL03100 1/11/2012 19:23:39 Accessories West Individual 70 Yes 3.7
CL03101 1/11/2012 19:26:42 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL03102 1/11/2012 19:28:54 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL03103 1/11/2012 19:32:21 Monitor North Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL03104 1/11/2012 19:35:21 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL03105 1/11/2012 19:37:28 Desktop East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.3
CL03106 1/11/2012 19:42:30 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL03107 1/11/2012 19:47:28 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.9
CL03108 1/11/2012 19:51:49 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL03109 1/11/2012 19:54:59 Software North Individual 48 Yes 2.0
CL03110 1/11/2012 19:55:28 Desktop South Individual 76 Yes 3.8
CL03111 1/11/2012 19:57:17 Software East SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL03112 1/11/2012 19:58:54 Desktop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL03113 1/11/2012 19:58:58 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 4.0
CL03114 1/11/2012 19:59:00 Software South SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL03115 1/11/2012 20:02:46 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL03116 1/11/2012 20:07:30 Accessories South Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.7
CL03117 1/11/2012 20:11:16 Monitor Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.5
CL03118 1/11/2012 20:15:04 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL03119 1/11/2012 20:20:37 Monitor East Non-profit 88 Yes 3.0
CL03120 1/11/2012 20:23:13 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 3.0
CL03121 1/11/2012 20:26:55 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 78 No 3.0
CL03122 1/11/2012 20:30:37 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL03123 1/11/2012 20:35:45 Accessories North Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL03124 1/11/2012 20:38:41 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.0
CL03125 1/11/2012 20:43:25 Software East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL03126 1/11/2012 20:47:30 Software North Individual 87 Yes 3.5
CL03127 1/11/2012 20:48:46 Accessories South SME 66 Yes 3.7
CL03128 1/11/2012 20:52:02 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 No 3.3
CL03129 1/11/2012 20:56:06 Monitor Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL03130 1/11/2012 21:01:44 Misc. South Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL03131 1/11/2012 21:04:14 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.2
CL03132 1/11/2012 21:07:32 Desktop West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL03133 1/11/2012 21:07:59 Accessories South Large Corporate 80 No 4.1
CL03134 1/11/2012 21:12:24 Misc. North Individual 67 Yes 2.8
CL03135 1/11/2012 21:12:53 Desktop West Large Corporate 57 Yes 3.2
CL03136 1/11/2012 21:15:32 Desktop West SME 55 Yes 3.3
CL03137 1/11/2012 21:16:47 Monitor West Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL03138 1/11/2012 21:20:50 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL03139 1/11/2012 21:21:33 Misc. East Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL03140 1/11/2012 21:26:33 Accessories North Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL03141 1/11/2012 21:27:43 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 3.5
CL03142 1/11/2012 21:32:48 Software North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL03143 1/11/2012 21:34:57 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL03144 1/11/2012 21:39:16 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL03145 1/11/2012 21:40:49 Laptop South Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL03146 1/11/2012 21:46:23 Misc. North Non-profit 62 Yes 2.8
CL03147 1/11/2012 21:47:12 Software Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL03148 1/11/2012 21:50:54 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL03149 1/11/2012 21:54:01 Monitor East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL03150 1/11/2012 21:58:30 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL03151 1/11/2012 22:01:50 Laptop East Non-profit 87 No 2.7
CL03152 1/12/2012 08:03:28 Misc. East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL03153 1/12/2012 08:05:53 Desktop South Individual 83 Yes 1.9
CL03154 1/12/2012 08:06:55 Misc. West Non-profit 77 No 3.7
CL03155 1/12/2012 08:11:26 Software East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL03156 1/12/2012 08:13:43 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL03157 1/12/2012 08:13:47 Accessories West SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL03158 1/12/2012 08:17:22 Software South SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL03159 1/12/2012 08:21:28 Accessories North Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL03160 1/12/2012 08:22:10 Laptop South Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL03161 1/12/2012 08:26:06 Laptop East Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL03162 1/12/2012 08:26:53 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.2
CL03163 1/12/2012 08:31:23 Accessories East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.7
CL03164 1/12/2012 08:37:00 Desktop East SME 63 Yes 3.7
CL03165 1/12/2012 08:37:29 Laptop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL03166 1/12/2012 08:41:07 Desktop East SME 85 Yes 3.4
CL03167 1/12/2012 08:43:54 Desktop West Non-profit 87 Yes 2.6
CL03168 1/12/2012 08:48:19 Monitor West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL03169 1/12/2012 08:50:35 Software North Non-profit 59 Yes 2.7
CL03170 1/12/2012 08:53:30 Misc. West Non-profit 96 Yes 3.3
CL03171 1/12/2012 08:56:56 Software Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL03172 1/12/2012 09:01:52 Misc. North Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.5
CL03173 1/12/2012 09:06:28 Monitor North SME 89 Yes 2.6
CL03174 1/12/2012 09:07:37 Misc. East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.6
CL03175 1/12/2012 09:09:29 Monitor North Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL03176 1/12/2012 09:10:31 Software South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.8
CL03177 1/12/2012 09:14:31 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.7
CL03178 1/12/2012 09:16:46 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL03179 1/12/2012 09:19:38 Monitor South SME 68 Yes 2.5
CL03180 1/12/2012 09:21:26 Accessories West SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL03181 1/12/2012 09:26:52 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 No 1.4
CL03182 1/12/2012 09:28:39 Misc. South Non-profit 87 Yes 3.1
CL03183 1/12/2012 09:32:25 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 3.2
CL03184 1/12/2012 09:33:42 Desktop West Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL03185 1/12/2012 09:38:32 Accessories West Large Corporate 98 Yes 3.2
CL03186 1/12/2012 09:39:07 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL03187 1/12/2012 09:40:55 Desktop West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL03188 1/12/2012 09:44:44 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 3.0
CL03189 1/12/2012 09:45:49 Accessories South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.9
CL03190 1/12/2012 09:47:55 Misc. North Non-profit 87 Yes 2.8
CL03191 1/12/2012 09:53:16 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL03192 1/12/2012 09:54:32 Laptop East Large Corporate 68 No 3.5
CL03193 1/12/2012 09:57:31 Accessories North Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL03194 1/12/2012 09:59:16 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL03195 1/12/2012 10:05:01 Monitor North Non-profit 65 Yes 4.0
CL03196 1/12/2012 10:06:27 Monitor North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.4
CL03197 1/12/2012 10:11:59 Software North SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL03198 1/12/2012 10:15:02 Monitor North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.7
CL03199 1/12/2012 10:15:29 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 2.4
CL03200 1/12/2012 10:17:44 Accessories South Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL03201 1/12/2012 10:18:58 Software West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL03202 1/12/2012 10:19:51 Monitor North SME 60 Yes 2.7
CL03203 1/12/2012 10:22:13 Software North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL03204 1/12/2012 10:22:51 Accessories South Individual 82 Yes 3.6
CL03205 1/12/2012 10:25:48 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL03206 1/12/2012 10:29:44 Software South Non-profit 61 Yes 3.3
CL03207 1/12/2012 10:29:45 Software South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.1
CL03208 1/12/2012 10:31:08 Software North SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL03209 1/12/2012 10:33:26 Software West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL03210 1/12/2012 10:38:34 Accessories North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL03211 1/12/2012 10:42:27 Accessories West SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL03212 1/12/2012 10:47:22 Software Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL03213 1/12/2012 10:52:15 Monitor North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL03214 1/12/2012 10:55:42 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL03215 1/12/2012 10:55:49 Software Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL03216 1/12/2012 10:59:06 Monitor West Large Corporate 71 No 2.3
CL03217 1/12/2012 10:59:38 Laptop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL03218 1/12/2012 10:59:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL03219 1/12/2012 11:05:24 Laptop East SME 87 Yes 3.4
CL03220 1/12/2012 11:09:03 Software Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 2.3
CL03221 1/12/2012 11:13:21 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 4.1
CL03222 1/12/2012 11:19:05 Accessories South Individual 65 No 3.0
CL03223 1/12/2012 11:20:24 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL03224 1/12/2012 11:21:35 Monitor Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.4
CL03225 1/12/2012 11:22:30 Desktop North Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.0
CL03226 1/12/2012 11:26:34 Desktop East SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL03227 1/12/2012 11:30:34 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL03228 1/12/2012 11:32:48 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL03229 1/12/2012 11:35:07 Desktop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL03230 1/12/2012 11:38:54 Software Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 3.4
CL03231 1/12/2012 11:42:06 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.9
CL03232 1/12/2012 11:47:21 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 4.0
CL03233 1/12/2012 11:47:42 Misc. North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.2
CL03234 1/12/2012 11:47:56 Laptop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.0
CL03235 1/12/2012 11:51:41 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL03236 1/12/2012 11:53:04 Accessories South Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL03237 1/12/2012 11:57:30 Monitor South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL03238 1/12/2012 12:02:03 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL03239 1/12/2012 12:04:47 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL03240 1/12/2012 12:09:31 Desktop East SME 69 No 1.2
CL03241 1/12/2012 12:11:45 Software South Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL03242 1/12/2012 12:12:25 Desktop South SME 85 Yes 2.1
CL03243 1/12/2012 12:13:40 Desktop West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL03244 1/12/2012 12:16:23 Monitor North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.6
CL03245 1/12/2012 12:19:50 Monitor North SME 66 Yes 3.5
CL03246 1/12/2012 12:23:55 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.6
CL03247 1/12/2012 12:27:48 Software Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.9
CL03248 1/12/2012 12:29:13 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL03249 1/12/2012 12:30:54 Monitor West SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL03250 1/12/2012 12:35:31 Accessories East Individual 68 Yes 3.8
CL03251 1/12/2012 12:39:15 Software South SME 78 Yes 3.8
CL03252 1/12/2012 12:39:27 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 No 3.2
CL03253 1/12/2012 12:39:38 Accessories North Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL03254 1/12/2012 12:40:15 Laptop West Individual 61 Yes 3.4
CL03255 1/12/2012 12:41:19 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL03256 1/12/2012 12:43:25 Accessories West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL03257 1/12/2012 12:48:09 Misc. Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.7
CL03258 1/12/2012 12:50:11 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.6
CL03259 1/12/2012 12:51:46 Software North Non-profit 70 Yes 4.0
CL03260 1/12/2012 12:56:53 Software East Non-profit 68 No 2.7
CL03261 1/12/2012 13:00:17 Software East Individual 65 Yes 3.2
CL03262 1/12/2012 13:03:51 Monitor South Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL03263 1/12/2012 13:05:30 Misc. North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.6
CL03264 1/12/2012 13:08:55 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL03265 1/12/2012 13:14:29 Software East Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL03266 1/12/2012 13:18:31 Desktop South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.7
CL03267 1/12/2012 13:23:35 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL03268 1/12/2012 13:29:05 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 3.2
CL03269 1/12/2012 13:34:03 Software North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL03270 1/12/2012 13:38:54 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL03271 1/12/2012 13:43:12 Desktop South SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL03272 1/12/2012 13:44:37 Desktop West SME 76 Yes 3.8
CL03273 1/12/2012 13:46:47 Desktop South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL03274 1/12/2012 13:49:20 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 3.8
CL03275 1/12/2012 13:50:48 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL03276 1/12/2012 13:56:17 Accessories East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL03277 1/12/2012 13:58:18 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL03278 1/12/2012 14:03:03 Desktop North SME 71 No 2.9
CL03279 1/12/2012 14:03:56 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL03280 1/12/2012 14:05:19 Software Mid-west SME 70 Yes 4.0
CL03281 1/12/2012 14:08:59 Misc. South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.4
CL03282 1/12/2012 14:12:44 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.2
CL03283 1/12/2012 14:16:28 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.7
CL03284 1/12/2012 14:17:42 Desktop West Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL03285 1/12/2012 14:17:54 Software South SME 83 No 3.1
CL03286 1/12/2012 14:18:10 Misc. West Individual 85 Yes 2.3
CL03287 1/12/2012 14:21:22 Monitor North Individual 89 Yes 2.8
CL03288 1/12/2012 14:23:48 Desktop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.8
CL03289 1/12/2012 14:28:37 Software East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL03290 1/12/2012 14:29:28 Monitor South Individual 83 Yes 3.2
CL03291 1/12/2012 14:32:30 Software South Non-profit 82 Yes 4.2
CL03292 1/12/2012 14:36:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL03293 1/12/2012 14:42:00 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL03294 1/12/2012 14:44:10 Misc. West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL03295 1/12/2012 14:49:05 Misc. North Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL03296 1/12/2012 14:53:38 Software East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.2
CL03297 1/12/2012 14:56:21 Laptop North Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL03298 1/12/2012 14:57:01 Software East Large Corporate 60 No 2.9
CL03299 1/12/2012 15:01:40 Misc. North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL03300 1/12/2012 15:04:11 Software North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL03301 1/12/2012 15:07:51 Monitor South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.7
CL03302 1/12/2012 15:12:47 Software Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.6
CL03303 1/12/2012 15:13:34 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL03304 1/12/2012 15:17:08 Laptop South Individual 81 Yes 3.2
CL03305 1/12/2012 15:20:35 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL03306 1/12/2012 15:23:53 Misc. North SME 89 Yes 3.6
CL03307 1/12/2012 15:27:49 Software East Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL03308 1/12/2012 15:32:04 Accessories South SME 85 Yes 2.8
CL03309 1/12/2012 15:33:57 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL03310 1/12/2012 15:34:49 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL03311 1/12/2012 15:37:03 Monitor East SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL03312 1/12/2012 15:40:49 Misc. South Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL03313 1/12/2012 15:42:43 Desktop South Individual 71 No 2.5
CL03314 1/12/2012 15:43:02 Misc. Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 4.0
CL03315 1/12/2012 15:46:53 Desktop West Non-profit 88 Yes 3.0
CL03316 1/12/2012 15:50:41 Misc. North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.6
CL03317 1/12/2012 15:55:51 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 2.3
CL03318 1/12/2012 16:00:37 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.8
CL03319 1/12/2012 16:04:19 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL03320 1/12/2012 16:04:32 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 1.9
CL03321 1/12/2012 16:06:14 Software North Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL03322 1/12/2012 16:09:34 Accessories North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL03323 1/12/2012 16:10:54 Software South SME 66 Yes 4.0
CL03324 1/12/2012 16:11:32 Software North SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL03325 1/12/2012 16:14:23 Accessories North Individual 66 Yes 2.7
CL03326 1/12/2012 16:17:22 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 3.0
CL03327 1/12/2012 16:22:29 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.1
CL03328 1/12/2012 16:23:31 Monitor West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL03329 1/12/2012 16:25:12 Desktop South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.0
CL03330 1/12/2012 16:28:13 Desktop North SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL03331 1/12/2012 16:29:00 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL03332 1/12/2012 16:32:27 Misc. South SME 88 Yes 2.7
CL03333 1/12/2012 16:35:43 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.2
CL03334 1/12/2012 16:37:25 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.6
CL03335 1/12/2012 16:39:16 Misc. South SME 59 Yes 4.0
CL03336 1/12/2012 16:43:08 Desktop West SME 66 Yes 3.2
CL03337 1/12/2012 16:45:08 Software Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.3
CL03338 1/12/2012 16:49:43 Monitor South Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL03339 1/12/2012 16:50:52 Laptop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL03340 1/12/2012 16:55:03 Accessories South Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL03341 1/12/2012 16:56:21 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL03342 1/12/2012 16:58:36 Monitor South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL03343 1/12/2012 17:03:51 Software West Individual 79 Yes 2.7
CL03344 1/12/2012 17:06:17 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.6
CL03345 1/12/2012 17:10:14 Misc. West SME 71 No 2.4
CL03346 1/12/2012 17:11:00 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 1.7
CL03347 1/12/2012 17:12:20 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL03348 1/12/2012 17:14:11 Software West Individual 81 Yes 2.3
CL03349 1/12/2012 17:19:05 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL03350 1/12/2012 17:20:21 Monitor West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.6
CL03351 1/12/2012 17:25:22 Misc. Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL03352 1/12/2012 17:29:08 Desktop West SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL03353 1/12/2012 17:31:35 Monitor South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL03354 1/12/2012 17:36:26 Desktop North SME 61 Yes 3.2
CL03355 1/12/2012 17:38:45 Laptop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL03356 1/12/2012 17:38:56 Monitor North Non-profit 91 Yes 2.8
CL03357 1/12/2012 17:41:28 Software North SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL03358 1/12/2012 17:42:27 Software Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL03359 1/12/2012 17:42:58 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 2.3
CL03360 1/12/2012 17:48:22 Software East Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL03361 1/12/2012 17:49:44 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.1
CL03362 1/12/2012 17:54:54 Misc. West Individual 79 Yes 2.5
CL03363 1/12/2012 17:59:37 Software South Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL03364 1/12/2012 18:03:30 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL03365 1/12/2012 18:03:45 Misc. North Individual 60 Yes 3.6
CL03366 1/12/2012 18:08:39 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL03367 1/12/2012 18:10:30 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL03368 1/12/2012 18:10:39 Desktop East Non-profit 65 Yes 3.7
CL03369 1/12/2012 18:10:57 Software South Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL03370 1/12/2012 18:11:48 Monitor South Individual 88 Yes 3.6
CL03371 1/12/2012 18:12:23 Desktop North SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL03372 1/12/2012 18:13:21 Laptop West Individual 81 Yes 2.2
CL03373 1/12/2012 18:14:16 Misc. West Individual 94 Yes 3.7
CL03374 1/12/2012 18:19:57 Accessories East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.1
CL03375 1/12/2012 18:22:14 Desktop West SME 65 Yes 3.2
CL03376 1/12/2012 18:23:32 Accessories Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.1
CL03377 1/12/2012 18:24:58 Accessories West Large Corporate 86 No 2.6
CL03378 1/12/2012 18:29:34 Software South Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL03379 1/12/2012 18:30:51 Desktop West Individual 66 Yes 3.2
CL03380 1/12/2012 18:34:31 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL03381 1/12/2012 18:40:16 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL03382 1/12/2012 18:41:14 Monitor East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.9
CL03383 1/12/2012 18:43:11 Monitor East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL03384 1/12/2012 18:48:18 Accessories North SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL03385 1/12/2012 18:53:15 Laptop West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.6
CL03386 1/12/2012 18:56:57 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.7
CL03387 1/12/2012 18:59:05 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL03388 1/12/2012 19:03:45 Accessories South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.6
CL03389 1/12/2012 19:08:29 Desktop North Individual 77 Yes 3.7
CL03390 1/12/2012 19:12:35 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL03391 1/12/2012 19:15:32 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL03392 1/12/2012 19:16:27 Desktop East Non-profit 83 No 2.7
CL03393 1/12/2012 19:20:11 Laptop South Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL03394 1/12/2012 19:23:53 Software East Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL03395 1/12/2012 19:26:46 Laptop North Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL03396 1/12/2012 19:30:50 Accessories West Individual 90 Yes 2.8
CL03397 1/12/2012 19:35:37 Accessories Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL03398 1/12/2012 19:40:58 Accessories North Non-profit 93 Yes 3.4
CL03399 1/12/2012 19:45:25 Accessories West Individual 84 Yes 4.3
CL03400 1/12/2012 19:50:57 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL03401 1/12/2012 19:53:52 Monitor South Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL03402 1/12/2012 19:57:29 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 1.7
CL03403 1/12/2012 19:58:24 Software South Non-profit 83 Yes 1.9
CL03404 1/12/2012 20:02:17 Accessories West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL03405 1/12/2012 20:04:41 Software West Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL03406 1/12/2012 20:09:47 Misc. East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.0
CL03407 1/12/2012 20:10:04 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL03408 1/12/2012 20:10:20 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL03409 1/12/2012 20:12:10 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL03410 1/12/2012 20:17:41 Software East SME 66 Yes 2.5
CL03411 1/12/2012 20:21:34 Laptop West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.4
CL03412 1/12/2012 20:23:26 Laptop South Individual 78 Yes 2.5
CL03413 1/12/2012 20:28:35 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL03414 1/12/2012 20:33:08 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL03415 1/12/2012 20:38:50 Misc. West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL03416 1/12/2012 20:40:58 Monitor North SME 87 Yes 3.7
CL03417 1/12/2012 20:42:26 Desktop West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.0
CL03418 1/12/2012 20:43:30 Software East Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL03419 1/12/2012 20:49:16 Desktop East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL03420 1/12/2012 20:54:07 Accessories West SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL03421 1/12/2012 20:57:33 Accessories Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL03422 1/12/2012 21:00:06 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL03423 1/12/2012 21:00:41 Software South SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL03424 1/12/2012 21:03:42 Desktop East Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL03425 1/12/2012 21:07:17 Laptop South SME 96 Yes 3.8
CL03426 1/12/2012 21:12:35 Laptop Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.7
CL03427 1/12/2012 21:14:20 Desktop North Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL03428 1/12/2012 21:17:51 Accessories West Non-profit 63 Yes 1.9
CL03429 1/12/2012 21:19:26 Monitor West Non-profit 77 No 2.9
CL03430 1/12/2012 21:22:56 Monitor East Individual 92 Yes 3.6
CL03431 1/12/2012 21:25:58 Monitor South Individual 67 Yes 2.1
CL03432 1/12/2012 21:26:51 Accessories North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL03433 1/12/2012 21:31:00 Laptop West Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL03434 1/12/2012 21:33:41 Misc. North Individual 86 Yes 4.0
CL03435 1/12/2012 21:35:42 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL03436 1/12/2012 21:40:39 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL03437 1/12/2012 21:41:15 Accessories East Individual 74 Yes 4.2
CL03438 1/12/2012 21:44:32 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL03439 1/12/2012 21:48:45 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL03440 1/12/2012 21:52:18 Desktop South SME 75 Yes 3.5
CL03441 1/12/2012 21:53:21 Misc. Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 4.0
CL03442 1/12/2012 21:54:25 Desktop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL03443 1/12/2012 21:58:51 Software East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL03444 1/12/2012 22:03:54 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL03445 1/13/2012 08:04:13 Software Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 4.1
CL03446 1/13/2012 08:08:39 Accessories Mid-west Individual 59 No 2.6
CL03447 1/13/2012 08:12:29 Desktop South Non-profit 68 Yes 1.9
CL03448 1/13/2012 08:17:55 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.5
CL03449 1/13/2012 08:18:30 Laptop South Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL03450 1/13/2012 08:19:00 Laptop North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL03451 1/13/2012 08:21:47 Accessories East SME 60 Yes 4.0
CL03452 1/13/2012 08:23:21 Accessories South Individual 63 Yes 3.7
CL03453 1/13/2012 08:28:52 Software Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL03454 1/13/2012 08:28:56 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL03455 1/13/2012 08:29:39 Accessories North Individual 58 Yes 3.2
CL03456 1/13/2012 08:34:28 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL03457 1/13/2012 08:38:08 Software South Non-profit 95 Yes 2.4
CL03458 1/13/2012 08:39:10 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 1.9
CL03459 1/13/2012 08:44:39 Software North Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL03460 1/13/2012 08:46:48 Laptop West Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL03461 1/13/2012 08:49:19 Desktop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.9
CL03462 1/13/2012 08:51:30 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL03463 1/13/2012 08:51:57 Laptop North SME 85 Yes 3.8
CL03464 1/13/2012 08:54:47 Software North Individual 61 Yes 3.0
CL03465 1/13/2012 08:59:25 Misc. South SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL03466 1/13/2012 09:05:10 Misc. South Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL03467 1/13/2012 09:09:16 Software West SME 91 Yes 3.3
CL03468 1/13/2012 09:13:31 Misc. West SME 79 Yes 3.8
CL03469 1/13/2012 09:13:40 Accessories East SME 60 Yes 3.8
CL03470 1/13/2012 09:19:15 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL03471 1/13/2012 09:20:24 Desktop North Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL03472 1/13/2012 09:22:59 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL03473 1/13/2012 09:26:19 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL03474 1/13/2012 09:31:43 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL03475 1/13/2012 09:32:53 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 2.4
CL03476 1/13/2012 09:37:04 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL03477 1/13/2012 09:41:08 Software North Individual 72 Yes 3.6
CL03478 1/13/2012 09:46:11 Accessories West Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL03479 1/13/2012 09:46:47 Accessories East SME 85 Yes 2.2
CL03480 1/13/2012 09:48:16 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 3.9
CL03481 1/13/2012 09:49:38 Laptop East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.7
CL03482 1/13/2012 09:50:04 Software East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL03483 1/13/2012 09:50:48 Misc. East Large Corporate 72 No 2.6
CL03484 1/13/2012 09:53:02 Desktop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.7
CL03485 1/13/2012 09:53:46 Monitor East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL03486 1/13/2012 09:55:58 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL03487 1/13/2012 09:59:23 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 4.6
CL03488 1/13/2012 10:01:55 Accessories East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.5
CL03489 1/13/2012 10:05:30 Laptop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.1
CL03490 1/13/2012 10:07:43 Software West SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL03491 1/13/2012 10:09:51 Software South Individual 71 Yes 2.3
CL03492 1/13/2012 10:11:46 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL03493 1/13/2012 10:16:07 Desktop East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.5
CL03494 1/13/2012 10:21:35 Monitor South SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL03495 1/13/2012 10:23:08 Desktop West Individual 79 No 3.7
CL03496 1/13/2012 10:24:09 Misc. North SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL03497 1/13/2012 10:24:31 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 4.6
CL03498 1/13/2012 10:26:17 Misc. Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL03499 1/13/2012 10:27:13 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL03500 1/13/2012 10:29:37 Desktop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL03501 1/13/2012 10:29:41 Desktop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.6
CL03502 1/13/2012 10:31:17 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL03503 1/13/2012 10:36:39 Accessories East Large Corporate 83 No 2.6
CL03504 1/13/2012 10:42:05 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL03505 1/13/2012 10:46:05 Laptop North Individual 73 Yes 3.7
CL03506 1/13/2012 10:48:44 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.3
CL03507 1/13/2012 10:48:54 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL03508 1/13/2012 10:54:08 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL03509 1/13/2012 10:58:24 Software East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL03510 1/13/2012 11:00:19 Misc. East SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL03511 1/13/2012 11:00:55 Monitor Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL03512 1/13/2012 11:05:33 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL03513 1/13/2012 11:09:27 Accessories Mid-west Individual 77 No 2.9
CL03514 1/13/2012 11:09:43 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 2.3
CL03515 1/13/2012 11:14:26 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL03516 1/13/2012 11:19:37 Desktop Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL03517 1/13/2012 11:19:57 Accessories West Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL03518 1/13/2012 11:22:40 Accessories East SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL03519 1/13/2012 11:26:25 Misc. West Individual 67 Yes 3.4
CL03520 1/13/2012 11:30:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.2
CL03521 1/13/2012 11:31:52 Monitor Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL03522 1/13/2012 11:35:00 Software North SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL03523 1/13/2012 11:39:03 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL03524 1/13/2012 11:41:53 Desktop South Individual 81 Yes 2.2
CL03525 1/13/2012 11:42:55 Monitor North Individual 88 Yes 2.9
CL03526 1/13/2012 11:44:55 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 2.5
CL03527 1/13/2012 11:46:51 Desktop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL03528 1/13/2012 11:50:29 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL03529 1/13/2012 11:51:54 Monitor North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL03530 1/13/2012 11:56:57 Monitor North Individual 66 Yes 3.0
CL03531 1/13/2012 11:58:57 Misc. West Non-profit 67 No 2.5
CL03532 1/13/2012 12:01:59 Software South Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL03533 1/13/2012 12:05:25 Accessories Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL03534 1/13/2012 12:10:25 Accessories East Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.4
CL03535 1/13/2012 12:13:10 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.3
CL03536 1/13/2012 12:17:14 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL03537 1/13/2012 12:20:07 Software North Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.0
CL03538 1/13/2012 12:24:18 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL03539 1/13/2012 12:25:47 Monitor North SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL03540 1/13/2012 12:28:21 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL03541 1/13/2012 12:31:01 Software South SME 66 Yes 3.2
CL03542 1/13/2012 12:33:05 Laptop West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.7
CL03543 1/13/2012 12:38:05 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL03544 1/13/2012 12:42:54 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL03545 1/13/2012 12:46:42 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL03546 1/13/2012 12:51:42 Monitor South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.0
CL03547 1/13/2012 12:56:44 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL03548 1/13/2012 13:02:18 Accessories South Individual 65 Yes 2.8
CL03549 1/13/2012 13:06:20 Misc. North SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL03550 1/13/2012 13:09:09 Misc. East SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL03551 1/13/2012 13:11:11 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.4
CL03552 1/13/2012 13:12:25 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 2.4
CL03553 1/13/2012 13:14:08 Laptop South Individual 58 Yes 2.9
CL03554 1/13/2012 13:18:31 Misc. South SME 69 Yes 3.1
CL03555 1/13/2012 13:23:36 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL03556 1/13/2012 13:27:19 Laptop Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL03557 1/13/2012 13:30:42 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL03558 1/13/2012 13:33:20 Misc. South Individual 79 Yes 3.6
CL03559 1/13/2012 13:35:56 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL03560 1/13/2012 13:36:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 91 Yes 2.7
CL03561 1/13/2012 13:38:50 Laptop West Non-profit 76 Yes 1.8
CL03562 1/13/2012 13:39:07 Accessories East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL03563 1/13/2012 13:42:18 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL03564 1/13/2012 13:43:58 Accessories East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.5
CL03565 1/13/2012 13:44:51 Accessories West SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL03566 1/13/2012 13:46:36 Misc. West Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.0
CL03567 1/13/2012 13:48:21 Software East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.6
CL03568 1/13/2012 13:50:52 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.4
CL03569 1/13/2012 13:55:50 Monitor South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.7
CL03570 1/13/2012 14:01:04 Monitor West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL03571 1/13/2012 14:01:52 Laptop East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.9
CL03572 1/13/2012 14:04:40 Monitor South Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL03573 1/13/2012 14:08:06 Software East SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL03574 1/13/2012 14:08:26 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL03575 1/13/2012 14:12:11 Accessories South SME 77 Yes 3.8
CL03576 1/13/2012 14:14:05 Misc. West Individual 78 No 3.6
CL03577 1/13/2012 14:14:07 Desktop West Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.9
CL03578 1/13/2012 14:18:16 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL03579 1/13/2012 14:21:56 Software North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL03580 1/13/2012 14:27:23 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL03581 1/13/2012 14:29:02 Monitor Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.2
CL03582 1/13/2012 14:29:19 Software Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 2.9
CL03583 1/13/2012 14:30:08 Misc. West SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL03584 1/13/2012 14:33:01 Misc. West SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL03585 1/13/2012 14:35:23 Software West SME 70 Yes 2.7
CL03586 1/13/2012 14:36:20 Desktop North SME 70 Yes 3.5
CL03587 1/13/2012 14:37:36 Software North Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL03588 1/13/2012 14:39:22 Monitor South SME 65 Yes 2.6
CL03589 1/13/2012 14:44:44 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL03590 1/13/2012 14:45:22 Laptop West SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL03591 1/13/2012 14:49:49 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL03592 1/13/2012 14:54:44 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL03593 1/13/2012 14:58:34 Laptop South Individual 67 Yes 3.5
CL03594 1/13/2012 14:59:36 Software South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL03595 1/13/2012 14:59:57 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL03596 1/13/2012 15:02:18 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL03597 1/13/2012 15:07:52 Desktop South SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL03598 1/13/2012 15:10:18 Monitor West Large Corporate 55 Yes 2.9
CL03599 1/13/2012 15:12:56 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL03600 1/13/2012 15:18:37 Laptop South SME 67 Yes 2.9
CL03601 1/13/2012 15:22:37 Desktop East Individual 66 Yes 2.5
CL03602 1/13/2012 15:24:38 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL03603 1/13/2012 15:26:02 Accessories East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL03604 1/13/2012 15:29:58 Software North Individual 57 Yes 3.3
CL03605 1/13/2012 15:33:41 Desktop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.4
CL03606 1/13/2012 15:35:36 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL03607 1/13/2012 15:35:42 Software North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.8
CL03608 1/13/2012 15:39:13 Misc. East Large Corporate 96 Yes 2.2
CL03609 1/13/2012 15:41:15 Monitor South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL03610 1/13/2012 15:45:30 Monitor West Individual 64 Yes 2.2
CL03611 1/13/2012 15:47:30 Desktop West Individual 82 Yes 1.8
CL03612 1/13/2012 15:47:49 Monitor South SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL03613 1/13/2012 15:53:10 Laptop East Individual 76 Yes 4.0
CL03614 1/13/2012 15:54:35 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL03615 1/13/2012 15:55:18 Desktop West Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.5
CL03616 1/13/2012 15:57:21 Monitor East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.7
CL03617 1/13/2012 16:00:51 Monitor North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL03618 1/13/2012 16:01:26 Software South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.7
CL03619 1/13/2012 16:04:03 Laptop East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL03620 1/13/2012 16:09:36 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL03621 1/13/2012 16:12:59 Monitor North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.1
CL03622 1/13/2012 16:17:05 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL03623 1/13/2012 16:20:07 Software North Non-profit 90 Yes 3.1
CL03624 1/13/2012 16:23:28 Accessories East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL03625 1/13/2012 16:26:52 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL03626 1/13/2012 16:29:18 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 3.0
CL03627 1/13/2012 16:32:39 Monitor East SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL03628 1/13/2012 16:37:09 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 2.6
CL03629 1/13/2012 16:42:18 Misc. East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.9
CL03630 1/13/2012 16:45:03 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL03631 1/13/2012 16:48:46 Laptop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL03632 1/13/2012 16:50:53 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL03633 1/13/2012 16:55:33 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL03634 1/13/2012 16:55:46 Monitor North SME 73 Yes 2.3
CL03635 1/13/2012 16:57:18 Laptop East Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL03636 1/13/2012 16:59:16 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL03637 1/13/2012 17:04:02 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 2.2
CL03638 1/13/2012 17:07:58 Laptop North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL03639 1/13/2012 17:12:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL03640 1/13/2012 17:18:08 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL03641 1/13/2012 17:19:58 Laptop East SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL03642 1/13/2012 17:20:54 Laptop West SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL03643 1/13/2012 17:22:50 Monitor East Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL03644 1/13/2012 17:27:58 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL03645 1/13/2012 17:30:24 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL03646 1/13/2012 17:34:27 Desktop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.4
CL03647 1/13/2012 17:36:20 Software East Individual 83 Yes 2.2
CL03648 1/13/2012 17:39:04 Software Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL03649 1/13/2012 17:43:45 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL03650 1/13/2012 17:49:06 Monitor South Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL03651 1/13/2012 17:53:42 Software North Individual 67 Yes 3.8
CL03652 1/13/2012 17:57:58 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL03653 1/13/2012 18:02:16 Monitor South Individual 74 Yes 2.2
CL03654 1/13/2012 18:02:59 Misc. East Non-profit 83 Yes 2.5
CL03655 1/13/2012 18:03:05 Software East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.0
CL03656 1/13/2012 18:03:48 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL03657 1/13/2012 18:04:42 Misc. North Individual 89 Yes 3.2
CL03658 1/13/2012 18:05:50 Laptop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL03659 1/13/2012 18:07:51 Software North Individual 57 Yes 2.4
CL03660 1/13/2012 18:10:40 Software West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL03661 1/13/2012 18:14:59 Laptop North Large Corporate 60 Yes 4.0
CL03662 1/13/2012 18:15:56 Monitor West Individual 67 Yes 2.5
CL03663 1/13/2012 18:17:02 Misc. East Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.1
CL03664 1/13/2012 18:17:31 Desktop North SME 73 No 2.9
CL03665 1/13/2012 18:21:39 Monitor Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 3.6
CL03666 1/13/2012 18:23:09 Software South Individual 76 Yes 2.0
CL03667 1/13/2012 18:27:53 Laptop North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL03668 1/13/2012 18:29:03 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 1.9
CL03669 1/13/2012 18:31:34 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL03670 1/13/2012 18:36:11 Misc. Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL03671 1/13/2012 18:36:46 Software West SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL03672 1/13/2012 18:39:33 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL03673 1/13/2012 18:44:38 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.5
CL03674 1/13/2012 18:45:32 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL03675 1/13/2012 18:48:26 Desktop North Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL03676 1/13/2012 18:53:15 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL03677 1/13/2012 18:55:08 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.3
CL03678 1/13/2012 18:55:09 Accessories West Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL03679 1/13/2012 18:56:35 Accessories West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL03680 1/13/2012 18:58:50 Monitor North Individual 70 Yes 2.0
CL03681 1/13/2012 19:01:50 Laptop Mid-west SME 89 Yes 3.3
CL03682 1/13/2012 19:07:09 Laptop East SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL03683 1/13/2012 19:08:41 Accessories East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL03684 1/13/2012 19:13:41 Software North SME 69 Yes 3.7
CL03685 1/13/2012 19:17:41 Misc. North SME 66 Yes 3.2
CL03686 1/13/2012 19:20:14 Accessories West SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL03687 1/13/2012 19:23:30 Laptop Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 1.7
CL03688 1/13/2012 19:26:54 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL03689 1/13/2012 19:30:39 Misc. South Individual 95 Yes 1.8
CL03690 1/13/2012 19:34:07 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL03691 1/13/2012 19:38:27 Software Mid-west SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL03692 1/13/2012 19:42:27 Monitor North Individual 76 No 3.3
CL03693 1/13/2012 19:42:34 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL03694 1/13/2012 19:44:29 Desktop South Individual 74 Yes 3.7
CL03695 1/13/2012 19:47:26 Monitor East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.4
CL03696 1/13/2012 19:52:57 Software West SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL03697 1/13/2012 19:55:21 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL03698 1/13/2012 19:58:11 Desktop West SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL03699 1/13/2012 20:01:47 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL03700 1/13/2012 20:03:38 Misc. North Non-profit 60 Yes 3.2
CL03701 1/13/2012 20:04:32 Laptop Mid-west Individual 89 Yes 3.9
CL03702 1/13/2012 20:07:07 Misc. Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.5
CL03703 1/13/2012 20:11:31 Accessories South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.4
CL03704 1/13/2012 20:13:54 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL03705 1/13/2012 20:16:30 Laptop East SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL03706 1/13/2012 20:19:23 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL03707 1/13/2012 20:19:40 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL03708 1/13/2012 20:21:44 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.5
CL03709 1/13/2012 20:22:13 Misc. Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL03710 1/13/2012 20:26:47 Accessories West SME 89 Yes 2.8
CL03711 1/13/2012 20:29:32 Desktop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL03712 1/13/2012 20:35:10 Monitor North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL03713 1/13/2012 20:39:26 Laptop West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL03714 1/13/2012 20:39:51 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL03715 1/13/2012 20:44:26 Laptop North Individual 84 Yes 2.7
CL03716 1/13/2012 20:48:59 Laptop West Individual 59 Yes 2.9
CL03717 1/13/2012 20:49:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 No 3.3
CL03718 1/13/2012 20:50:59 Misc. South Individual 59 Yes 3.7
CL03719 1/13/2012 20:55:09 Accessories West SME 77 Yes 3.6
CL03720 1/13/2012 20:57:55 Desktop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL03721 1/13/2012 20:59:55 Monitor East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL03722 1/13/2012 21:05:11 Desktop East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.6
CL03723 1/13/2012 21:07:43 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL03724 1/13/2012 21:12:35 Monitor North SME 61 Yes 2.6
CL03725 1/13/2012 21:17:15 Accessories East Individual 88 Yes 2.8
CL03726 1/13/2012 21:21:30 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL03727 1/13/2012 21:23:01 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.0
CL03728 1/13/2012 21:26:54 Monitor West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL03729 1/13/2012 21:30:53 Monitor South SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL03730 1/13/2012 21:33:53 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL03731 1/13/2012 21:39:18 Misc. East Individual 71 Yes 2.0
CL03732 1/13/2012 21:41:42 Desktop North SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL03733 1/13/2012 21:45:58 Monitor South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL03734 1/13/2012 21:48:09 Accessories West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL03735 1/13/2012 21:49:02 Misc. South Individual 92 Yes 2.8
CL03736 1/13/2012 21:50:36 Accessories South Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL03737 1/13/2012 21:52:14 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL03738 1/13/2012 21:53:35 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL03739 1/13/2012 21:57:40 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.9
CL03740 1/13/2012 22:02:01 Software East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.1
CL03741 1/14/2012 08:02:57 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL03742 1/14/2012 08:08:18 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL03743 1/14/2012 08:09:12 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL03744 1/14/2012 08:13:53 Accessories East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.4
CL03745 1/14/2012 08:17:56 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL03746 1/14/2012 08:19:34 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL03747 1/14/2012 08:23:45 Laptop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL03748 1/14/2012 08:25:14 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL03749 1/14/2012 08:29:53 Software East Large Corporate 77 No 3.2
CL03750 1/14/2012 08:32:32 Misc. East Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL03751 1/14/2012 08:33:27 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.1
CL03752 1/14/2012 08:33:45 Software East SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL03753 1/14/2012 08:37:33 Monitor East Non-profit 61 Yes 4.6
CL03754 1/14/2012 08:42:52 Misc. East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL03755 1/14/2012 08:44:52 Misc. North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.7
CL03756 1/14/2012 08:47:09 Monitor South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL03757 1/14/2012 08:50:36 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.0
CL03758 1/14/2012 08:54:39 Laptop South Non-profit 88 Yes 2.6
CL03759 1/14/2012 08:55:18 Accessories East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.1
CL03760 1/14/2012 08:57:30 Desktop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL03761 1/14/2012 09:00:03 Accessories West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.1
CL03762 1/14/2012 09:02:33 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL03763 1/14/2012 09:04:39 Laptop North SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL03764 1/14/2012 09:06:46 Misc. North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL03765 1/14/2012 09:07:16 Laptop West SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL03766 1/14/2012 09:11:30 Misc. North Individual 71 No 3.1
CL03767 1/14/2012 09:16:54 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL03768 1/14/2012 09:19:04 Monitor West SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL03769 1/14/2012 09:23:07 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL03770 1/14/2012 09:23:15 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.4
CL03771 1/14/2012 09:28:53 Desktop South Individual 66 Yes 3.7
CL03772 1/14/2012 09:32:31 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL03773 1/14/2012 09:37:25 Monitor South Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL03774 1/14/2012 09:37:40 Software East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL03775 1/14/2012 09:39:16 Desktop South Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.5
CL03776 1/14/2012 09:41:37 Accessories East Large Corporate 87 No 2.6
CL03777 1/14/2012 09:43:33 Monitor West Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL03778 1/14/2012 09:44:33 Software West Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL03779 1/14/2012 09:46:19 Monitor South SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL03780 1/14/2012 09:47:57 Desktop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL03781 1/14/2012 09:52:40 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL03782 1/14/2012 09:56:51 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL03783 1/14/2012 09:58:19 Desktop West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.2
CL03784 1/14/2012 10:00:32 Desktop South SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL03785 1/14/2012 10:01:02 Software North SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL03786 1/14/2012 10:01:54 Software North SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL03787 1/14/2012 10:07:03 Misc. South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL03788 1/14/2012 10:07:31 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL03789 1/14/2012 10:08:14 Accessories West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL03790 1/14/2012 10:10:39 Laptop West Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL03791 1/14/2012 10:11:31 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL03792 1/14/2012 10:12:03 Misc. West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.3
CL03793 1/14/2012 10:14:39 Laptop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 3.3
CL03794 1/14/2012 10:15:03 Misc. East SME 67 Yes 1.4
CL03795 1/14/2012 10:16:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.4
CL03796 1/14/2012 10:16:50 Desktop West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL03797 1/14/2012 10:21:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.9
CL03798 1/14/2012 10:27:19 Accessories North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.0
CL03799 1/14/2012 10:29:26 Misc. North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL03800 1/14/2012 10:32:02 Software Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.4
CL03801 1/14/2012 10:36:25 Accessories South Individual 90 Yes 2.3
CL03802 1/14/2012 10:38:30 Misc. East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.9
CL03803 1/14/2012 10:39:11 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL03804 1/14/2012 10:40:31 Accessories North Individual 74 Yes 2.4
CL03805 1/14/2012 10:43:18 Laptop West SME 67 No 2.6
CL03806 1/14/2012 10:45:45 Accessories North Non-profit 94 Yes 3.4
CL03807 1/14/2012 10:49:59 Software Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.3
CL03808 1/14/2012 10:53:33 Desktop West SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL03809 1/14/2012 10:55:43 Desktop East SME 85 Yes 2.8
CL03810 1/14/2012 11:00:53 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL03811 1/14/2012 11:03:18 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL03812 1/14/2012 11:08:57 Laptop West Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL03813 1/14/2012 11:09:08 Desktop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.8
CL03814 1/14/2012 11:11:46 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 3.8
CL03815 1/14/2012 11:15:49 Software West Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL03816 1/14/2012 11:19:35 Accessories South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL03817 1/14/2012 11:20:32 Laptop West Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL03818 1/14/2012 11:25:27 Misc. West SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL03819 1/14/2012 11:28:56 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 4.0
CL03820 1/14/2012 11:33:59 Desktop West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.9
CL03821 1/14/2012 11:37:58 Monitor West Large Corporate 68 No 2.7
CL03822 1/14/2012 11:39:51 Misc. West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL03823 1/14/2012 11:42:17 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL03824 1/14/2012 11:43:45 Desktop East Individual 65 Yes 3.9
CL03825 1/14/2012 11:44:06 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL03826 1/14/2012 11:48:19 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL03827 1/14/2012 11:50:23 Monitor West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL03828 1/14/2012 11:51:38 Software South Individual 86 Yes 1.7
CL03829 1/14/2012 11:53:36 Software South Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL03830 1/14/2012 11:58:23 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL03831 1/14/2012 11:58:45 Software North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.1
CL03832 1/14/2012 12:03:31 Laptop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.7
CL03833 1/14/2012 12:06:38 Laptop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL03834 1/14/2012 12:08:11 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 4.2
CL03835 1/14/2012 12:09:18 Misc. Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.0
CL03836 1/14/2012 12:10:07 Monitor Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL03837 1/14/2012 12:13:33 Laptop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL03838 1/14/2012 12:18:38 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL03839 1/14/2012 12:23:15 Misc. East Individual 73 Yes 3.4
CL03840 1/14/2012 12:28:01 Monitor South SME 84 Yes 3.5
CL03841 1/14/2012 12:28:15 Desktop South Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.5
CL03842 1/14/2012 12:31:15 Desktop East SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL03843 1/14/2012 12:35:03 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL03844 1/14/2012 12:38:13 Software South Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL03845 1/14/2012 12:38:38 Laptop West SME 66 Yes 2.1
CL03846 1/14/2012 12:43:47 Misc. West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.9
CL03847 1/14/2012 12:47:09 Laptop East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL03848 1/14/2012 12:50:57 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.8
CL03849 1/14/2012 12:55:44 Misc. West Individual 79 No 2.3
CL03850 1/14/2012 12:56:13 Laptop Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 2.9
CL03851 1/14/2012 13:01:55 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL03852 1/14/2012 13:07:20 Laptop North SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL03853 1/14/2012 13:10:26 Software North SME 66 Yes 3.2
CL03854 1/14/2012 13:12:13 Misc. West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.2
CL03855 1/14/2012 13:14:36 Accessories Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.5
CL03856 1/14/2012 13:20:09 Laptop North SME 82 Yes 2.7
CL03857 1/14/2012 13:21:04 Laptop North Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL03858 1/14/2012 13:25:31 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL03859 1/14/2012 13:26:52 Laptop West Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL03860 1/14/2012 13:29:55 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.7
CL03861 1/14/2012 13:31:09 Monitor North SME 63 Yes 3.8
CL03862 1/14/2012 13:32:55 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.6
CL03863 1/14/2012 13:34:35 Monitor West Non-profit 89 No 3.2
CL03864 1/14/2012 13:37:32 Desktop South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.5
CL03865 1/14/2012 13:38:21 Desktop West SME 83 Yes 3.6
CL03866 1/14/2012 13:43:21 Laptop South Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL03867 1/14/2012 13:46:11 Accessories North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL03868 1/14/2012 13:47:57 Desktop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL03869 1/14/2012 13:50:47 Misc. Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.6
CL03870 1/14/2012 13:55:59 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.3
CL03871 1/14/2012 13:59:35 Desktop West Individual 86 Yes 2.5
CL03872 1/14/2012 14:01:54 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.8
CL03873 1/14/2012 14:05:49 Software East SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL03874 1/14/2012 14:07:05 Software South SME 78 Yes 3.2
CL03875 1/14/2012 14:10:02 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL03876 1/14/2012 14:13:13 Misc. Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.9
CL03877 1/14/2012 14:14:48 Accessories South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL03878 1/14/2012 14:20:05 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.2
CL03879 1/14/2012 14:25:45 Software West Individual 72 Yes 3.2
CL03880 1/14/2012 14:27:13 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL03881 1/14/2012 14:30:48 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 No 2.7
CL03882 1/14/2012 14:33:42 Misc. South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL03883 1/14/2012 14:35:57 Misc. Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.4
CL03884 1/14/2012 14:39:56 Desktop East Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL03885 1/14/2012 14:40:19 Monitor East Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.4
CL03886 1/14/2012 14:45:51 Laptop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 2.7
CL03887 1/14/2012 14:49:17 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL03888 1/14/2012 14:55:02 Software North Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.4
CL03889 1/14/2012 14:56:46 Monitor Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL03890 1/14/2012 14:59:13 Desktop Mid-west Individual 59 Yes 3.0
CL03891 1/14/2012 15:04:58 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL03892 1/14/2012 15:09:36 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL03893 1/14/2012 15:12:02 Desktop South Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL03894 1/14/2012 15:13:27 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 4.0
CL03895 1/14/2012 15:17:18 Desktop East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL03896 1/14/2012 15:17:31 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL03897 1/14/2012 15:18:56 Software East Individual 61 Yes 3.4
CL03898 1/14/2012 15:20:57 Laptop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.7
CL03899 1/14/2012 15:23:55 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL03900 1/14/2012 15:27:39 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL03901 1/14/2012 15:31:42 Desktop East Non-profit 82 Yes 1.7
CL03902 1/14/2012 15:32:05 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL03903 1/14/2012 15:36:17 Accessories East Individual 71 No 2.1
CL03904 1/14/2012 15:41:15 Accessories South Individual 87 Yes 2.9
CL03905 1/14/2012 15:46:50 Misc. West Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.2
CL03906 1/14/2012 15:51:15 Software South SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL03907 1/14/2012 15:53:27 Desktop West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.7
CL03908 1/14/2012 15:58:31 Accessories South Individual 73 Yes 3.4
CL03909 1/14/2012 16:01:44 Desktop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL03910 1/14/2012 16:04:28 Misc. West SME 82 Yes 4.0
CL03911 1/14/2012 16:09:46 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL03912 1/14/2012 16:10:23 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL03913 1/14/2012 16:14:56 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL03914 1/14/2012 16:17:56 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL03915 1/14/2012 16:20:24 Desktop South Non-profit 90 Yes 2.9
CL03916 1/14/2012 16:25:54 Misc. South SME 58 Yes 3.1
CL03917 1/14/2012 16:30:01 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 2.7
CL03918 1/14/2012 16:32:23 Accessories West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.6
CL03919 1/14/2012 16:34:54 Monitor West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL03920 1/14/2012 16:37:06 Software West Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL03921 1/14/2012 16:40:06 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL03922 1/14/2012 16:42:49 Software West Large Corporate 57 Yes 2.7
CL03923 1/14/2012 16:45:55 Accessories North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.6
CL03924 1/14/2012 16:46:39 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.3
CL03925 1/14/2012 16:48:58 Desktop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.2
CL03926 1/14/2012 16:53:15 Software West Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL03927 1/14/2012 16:53:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL03928 1/14/2012 16:54:51 Laptop South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL03929 1/14/2012 16:54:55 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL03930 1/14/2012 16:56:02 Misc. East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL03931 1/14/2012 16:57:32 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL03932 1/14/2012 16:58:37 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL03933 1/14/2012 17:02:23 Misc. North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL03934 1/14/2012 17:07:13 Misc. Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL03935 1/14/2012 17:11:52 Desktop East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL03936 1/14/2012 17:13:05 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL03937 1/14/2012 17:15:20 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 No 3.5
CL03938 1/14/2012 17:17:09 Software West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.8
CL03939 1/14/2012 17:22:50 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL03940 1/14/2012 17:24:02 Desktop North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL03941 1/14/2012 17:25:58 Laptop East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.4
CL03942 1/14/2012 17:31:41 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL03943 1/14/2012 17:36:39 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL03944 1/14/2012 17:38:06 Laptop North Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL03945 1/14/2012 17:43:11 Accessories North SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL03946 1/14/2012 17:48:12 Desktop West Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL03947 1/14/2012 17:48:32 Software East Individual 59 Yes 3.2
CL03948 1/14/2012 17:52:49 Desktop East Individual 92 Yes 2.6
CL03949 1/14/2012 17:57:09 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 77 No 3.2
CL03950 1/14/2012 18:02:18 Monitor East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL03951 1/14/2012 18:04:38 Laptop East SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL03952 1/14/2012 18:06:47 Laptop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.3
CL03953 1/14/2012 18:11:31 Laptop South Non-profit 86 Yes 2.5
CL03954 1/14/2012 18:16:46 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL03955 1/14/2012 18:18:49 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL03956 1/14/2012 18:20:50 Accessories West Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.0
CL03957 1/14/2012 18:25:35 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 No 2.8
CL03958 1/14/2012 18:26:18 Monitor West SME 80 No 3.0
CL03959 1/14/2012 18:27:58 Monitor East SME 90 Yes 3.5
CL03960 1/14/2012 18:30:40 Accessories East Non-profit 92 Yes 0.9
CL03961 1/14/2012 18:32:14 Misc. East SME 74 Yes 1.8
CL03962 1/14/2012 18:37:17 Misc. West SME 80 No 2.3
CL03963 1/14/2012 18:41:15 Monitor Mid-west Individual 93 Yes 4.3
CL03964 1/14/2012 18:45:37 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL03965 1/14/2012 18:46:46 Laptop Mid-west SME 58 Yes 3.7
CL03966 1/14/2012 18:52:09 Laptop West Non-profit 86 Yes 4.2
CL03967 1/14/2012 18:57:21 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.7
CL03968 1/14/2012 18:58:19 Desktop East SME 81 Yes 3.6
CL03969 1/14/2012 19:01:03 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 4.2
CL03970 1/14/2012 19:05:20 Laptop South Individual 65 Yes 3.3
CL03971 1/14/2012 19:08:20 Laptop South Individual 67 Yes 3.7
CL03972 1/14/2012 19:12:30 Software North Non-profit 75 No 3.2
CL03973 1/14/2012 19:16:14 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 2.9
CL03974 1/14/2012 19:21:46 Monitor North SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL03975 1/14/2012 19:23:31 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 4.7
CL03976 1/14/2012 19:24:43 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.8
CL03977 1/14/2012 19:24:57 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.1
CL03978 1/14/2012 19:26:57 Monitor North SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL03979 1/14/2012 19:27:58 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL03980 1/14/2012 19:29:04 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL03981 1/14/2012 19:31:19 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL03982 1/14/2012 19:35:16 Desktop East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.1
CL03983 1/14/2012 19:39:27 Laptop East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.4
CL03984 1/14/2012 19:44:11 Desktop East Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL03985 1/14/2012 19:46:10 Monitor Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.6
CL03986 1/14/2012 19:49:04 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL03987 1/14/2012 19:50:01 Accessories South SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL03988 1/14/2012 19:55:16 Desktop West Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.4
CL03989 1/14/2012 19:57:03 Monitor North Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.9
CL03990 1/14/2012 20:00:06 Monitor West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL03991 1/14/2012 20:04:36 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL03992 1/14/2012 20:08:24 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL03993 1/14/2012 20:12:38 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.3
CL03994 1/14/2012 20:15:49 Software East SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL03995 1/14/2012 20:16:07 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL03996 1/14/2012 20:21:49 Software South Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL03997 1/14/2012 20:22:21 Software East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL03998 1/14/2012 20:28:06 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL03999 1/14/2012 20:31:44 Misc. North Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL04000 1/14/2012 20:37:07 Laptop North Individual 74 Yes 3.5
CL04001 1/14/2012 20:40:09 Software East Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL04002 1/14/2012 20:42:39 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL04003 1/14/2012 20:46:57 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL04004 1/14/2012 20:47:00 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL04005 1/14/2012 20:50:13 Software South Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL04006 1/14/2012 20:51:08 Misc. East Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL04007 1/14/2012 20:52:09 Laptop East Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.1
CL04008 1/14/2012 20:53:49 Misc. North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.8
CL04009 1/14/2012 20:55:12 Misc. South Individual 66 No 3.4
CL04010 1/14/2012 20:56:27 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL04011 1/14/2012 20:58:47 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.0
CL04012 1/14/2012 21:01:49 Monitor North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.2
CL04013 1/14/2012 21:05:34 Monitor West Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.5
CL04014 1/14/2012 21:09:56 Desktop Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL04015 1/14/2012 21:10:35 Monitor North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL04016 1/14/2012 21:14:40 Accessories North SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL04017 1/14/2012 21:17:38 Software East SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL04018 1/14/2012 21:23:10 Software North Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL04019 1/14/2012 21:28:07 Laptop West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL04020 1/14/2012 21:30:34 Monitor Mid-west SME 81 Yes 1.7
CL04021 1/14/2012 21:33:06 Accessories West SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL04022 1/14/2012 21:33:33 Monitor East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL04023 1/14/2012 21:37:33 Laptop South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL04024 1/14/2012 21:39:52 Software West Individual 68 Yes 3.9
CL04025 1/14/2012 21:42:51 Monitor South Large Corporate 90 Yes 4.2
CL04026 1/14/2012 21:47:02 Accessories Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL04027 1/14/2012 21:49:01 Laptop East Large Corporate 93 Yes 3.6
CL04028 1/14/2012 21:52:10 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL04029 1/14/2012 21:52:59 Misc. West Non-profit 96 Yes 2.3
CL04030 1/14/2012 21:53:59 Laptop North Individual 62 Yes 3.1
CL04031 1/14/2012 21:57:39 Laptop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL04032 1/14/2012 22:02:33 Software West Non-profit 69 Yes 4.1
CL04033 1/15/2012 08:05:15 Misc. South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL04034 1/15/2012 08:08:40 Desktop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL04035 1/15/2012 08:12:14 Desktop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.5
CL04036 1/15/2012 08:16:46 Laptop North SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL04037 1/15/2012 08:19:54 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL04038 1/15/2012 08:23:57 Accessories North SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL04039 1/15/2012 08:28:10 Desktop North Individual 85 Yes 3.0
CL04040 1/15/2012 08:30:07 Software North SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL04041 1/15/2012 08:32:40 Monitor South SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL04042 1/15/2012 08:37:08 Laptop South Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL04043 1/15/2012 08:41:18 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL04044 1/15/2012 08:42:37 Laptop East SME 85 Yes 3.4
CL04045 1/15/2012 08:46:44 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL04046 1/15/2012 08:47:15 Laptop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.0
CL04047 1/15/2012 08:52:48 Monitor West Individual 64 Yes 3.1
CL04048 1/15/2012 08:54:39 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL04049 1/15/2012 08:56:58 Software Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.1
CL04050 1/15/2012 09:01:05 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL04051 1/15/2012 09:02:07 Monitor East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL04052 1/15/2012 09:05:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL04053 1/15/2012 09:11:19 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL04054 1/15/2012 09:16:56 Laptop South SME 74 No 3.7
CL04055 1/15/2012 09:19:49 Misc. East Large Corporate 59 Yes 2.1
CL04056 1/15/2012 09:24:31 Accessories North Non-profit 79 No 3.3
CL04057 1/15/2012 09:24:47 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL04058 1/15/2012 09:26:52 Laptop East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL04059 1/15/2012 09:31:35 Laptop South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.9
CL04060 1/15/2012 09:37:09 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL04061 1/15/2012 09:38:29 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.0
CL04062 1/15/2012 09:42:27 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL04063 1/15/2012 09:46:21 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL04064 1/15/2012 09:48:50 Accessories North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL04065 1/15/2012 09:50:08 Desktop East SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL04066 1/15/2012 09:51:55 Monitor South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL04067 1/15/2012 09:55:16 Accessories East Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL04068 1/15/2012 09:56:47 Monitor North SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL04069 1/15/2012 10:02:21 Accessories East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.7
CL04070 1/15/2012 10:05:30 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.5
CL04071 1/15/2012 10:07:49 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL04072 1/15/2012 10:08:22 Laptop North Non-profit 93 Yes 2.5
CL04073 1/15/2012 10:10:49 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL04074 1/15/2012 10:12:26 Laptop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL04075 1/15/2012 10:18:11 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 4.0
CL04076 1/15/2012 10:19:54 Monitor West Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.5
CL04077 1/15/2012 10:24:26 Desktop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL04078 1/15/2012 10:26:03 Misc. East Large Corporate 57 No 2.2
CL04079 1/15/2012 10:26:14 Accessories East Individual 81 Yes 4.1
CL04080 1/15/2012 10:29:54 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL04081 1/15/2012 10:30:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL04082 1/15/2012 10:32:28 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL04083 1/15/2012 10:32:45 Monitor North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL04084 1/15/2012 10:37:32 Software Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.4
CL04085 1/15/2012 10:39:04 Monitor North SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL04086 1/15/2012 10:40:06 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL04087 1/15/2012 10:41:17 Desktop South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.7
CL04088 1/15/2012 10:44:31 Monitor South Individual 93 Yes 2.8
CL04089 1/15/2012 10:48:01 Accessories East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL04090 1/15/2012 10:50:50 Desktop North Individual 63 Yes 3.1
CL04091 1/15/2012 10:56:15 Desktop South SME 82 Yes 2.0
CL04092 1/15/2012 10:56:47 Laptop North Large Corporate 89 No 3.2
CL04093 1/15/2012 11:00:10 Monitor West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.9
CL04094 1/15/2012 11:05:00 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL04095 1/15/2012 11:07:17 Software West Non-profit 70 Yes 4.5
CL04096 1/15/2012 11:11:57 Desktop South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL04097 1/15/2012 11:13:21 Software South Individual 62 Yes 3.5
CL04098 1/15/2012 11:13:38 Software East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL04099 1/15/2012 11:16:15 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.1
CL04100 1/15/2012 11:21:44 Laptop North SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL04101 1/15/2012 11:24:26 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL04102 1/15/2012 11:29:41 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.5
CL04103 1/15/2012 11:31:36 Accessories North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL04104 1/15/2012 11:34:43 Software West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.0
CL04105 1/15/2012 11:38:22 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL04106 1/15/2012 11:41:40 Accessories East Individual 102 Yes 3.4
CL04107 1/15/2012 11:43:01 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 No 2.2
CL04108 1/15/2012 11:48:23 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL04109 1/15/2012 11:52:21 Desktop East Non-profit 90 Yes 3.6
CL04110 1/15/2012 11:53:04 Software North Individual 47 Yes 3.4
CL04111 1/15/2012 11:58:33 Monitor East Large Corporate 72 Yes 4.0
CL04112 1/15/2012 12:01:06 Software East Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL04113 1/15/2012 12:03:42 Accessories East Individual 66 Yes 3.7
CL04114 1/15/2012 12:03:47 Monitor Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.6
CL04115 1/15/2012 12:04:39 Software North Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.0
CL04116 1/15/2012 12:06:21 Laptop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL04117 1/15/2012 12:06:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL04118 1/15/2012 12:12:32 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL04119 1/15/2012 12:18:04 Software West Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL04120 1/15/2012 12:21:28 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL04121 1/15/2012 12:27:09 Laptop East SME 73 No 3.4
CL04122 1/15/2012 12:30:26 Monitor North SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL04123 1/15/2012 12:30:43 Accessories South SME 63 Yes 2.4
CL04124 1/15/2012 12:33:16 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 3.3
CL04125 1/15/2012 12:35:54 Misc. North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL04126 1/15/2012 12:36:18 Monitor East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.7
CL04127 1/15/2012 12:38:03 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.3
CL04128 1/15/2012 12:38:48 Software South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL04129 1/15/2012 12:40:26 Software West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.6
CL04130 1/15/2012 12:45:28 Laptop West Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.1
CL04131 1/15/2012 12:45:52 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL04132 1/15/2012 12:49:55 Accessories South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.7
CL04133 1/15/2012 12:50:02 Monitor Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL04134 1/15/2012 12:52:25 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 No 2.7
CL04135 1/15/2012 12:57:40 Desktop South Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL04136 1/15/2012 13:01:42 Desktop West Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL04137 1/15/2012 13:05:50 Monitor North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL04138 1/15/2012 13:11:18 Misc. South SME 97 Yes 3.6
CL04139 1/15/2012 13:14:25 Misc. North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.3
CL04140 1/15/2012 13:17:24 Software West Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL04141 1/15/2012 13:19:35 Misc. East Non-profit 68 No 3.9
CL04142 1/15/2012 13:19:39 Accessories North Individual 85 Yes 2.7
CL04143 1/15/2012 13:25:15 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL04144 1/15/2012 13:29:54 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.2
CL04145 1/15/2012 13:34:08 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL04146 1/15/2012 13:35:07 Laptop East Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL04147 1/15/2012 13:36:28 Monitor East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.1
CL04148 1/15/2012 13:39:50 Monitor South SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL04149 1/15/2012 13:40:11 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL04150 1/15/2012 13:42:23 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL04151 1/15/2012 13:44:06 Software West SME 86 Yes 2.1
CL04152 1/15/2012 13:44:39 Software East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.9
CL04153 1/15/2012 13:48:04 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.4
CL04154 1/15/2012 13:49:28 Monitor East Individual 65 Yes 2.6
CL04155 1/15/2012 13:49:54 Accessories West SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL04156 1/15/2012 13:52:00 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL04157 1/15/2012 13:54:51 Misc. West SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL04158 1/15/2012 13:55:17 Desktop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL04159 1/15/2012 13:56:19 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL04160 1/15/2012 14:00:58 Laptop South Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.5
CL04161 1/15/2012 14:02:45 Accessories East SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL04162 1/15/2012 14:05:06 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL04163 1/15/2012 14:09:48 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL04164 1/15/2012 14:11:15 Software North Non-profit 53 Yes 3.7
CL04165 1/15/2012 14:14:34 Monitor South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.9
CL04166 1/15/2012 14:15:14 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL04167 1/15/2012 14:17:51 Software West Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL04168 1/15/2012 14:19:22 Laptop East Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL04169 1/15/2012 14:19:33 Accessories East SME 81 Yes 3.9
CL04170 1/15/2012 14:22:35 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 No 3.0
CL04171 1/15/2012 14:22:54 Laptop West SME 71 Yes 1.8
CL04172 1/15/2012 14:24:24 Accessories West Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.3
CL04173 1/15/2012 14:24:38 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL04174 1/15/2012 14:29:01 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL04175 1/15/2012 14:32:30 Misc. North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL04176 1/15/2012 14:33:43 Misc. West Non-profit 88 Yes 2.4
CL04177 1/15/2012 14:33:46 Monitor East Individual 87 No 3.1
CL04178 1/15/2012 14:36:47 Software West Non-profit 60 Yes 3.5
CL04179 1/15/2012 14:40:56 Software East SME 86 Yes 2.2
CL04180 1/15/2012 14:46:17 Software East Non-profit 55 Yes 2.8
CL04181 1/15/2012 14:47:09 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL04182 1/15/2012 14:47:18 Desktop West Individual 82 Yes 2.4
CL04183 1/15/2012 14:48:22 Misc. West SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL04184 1/15/2012 14:53:42 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL04185 1/15/2012 14:58:53 Misc. East Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL04186 1/15/2012 15:02:43 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL04187 1/15/2012 15:02:49 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 No 2.9
CL04188 1/15/2012 15:05:36 Software East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL04189 1/15/2012 15:06:53 Desktop East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL04190 1/15/2012 15:09:05 Laptop East SME 59 Yes 3.3
CL04191 1/15/2012 15:10:17 Desktop West SME 62 Yes 3.2
CL04192 1/15/2012 15:14:43 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL04193 1/15/2012 15:15:26 Misc. North SME 72 Yes 2.1
CL04194 1/15/2012 15:18:04 Monitor North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL04195 1/15/2012 15:23:15 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL04196 1/15/2012 15:28:40 Misc. South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.6
CL04197 1/15/2012 15:31:03 Accessories East Non-profit 59 Yes 3.5
CL04198 1/15/2012 15:32:46 Monitor East Non-profit 73 No 2.8
CL04199 1/15/2012 15:32:57 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL04200 1/15/2012 15:36:07 Misc. South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL04201 1/15/2012 15:37:33 Misc. East Individual 96 Yes 3.1
CL04202 1/15/2012 15:40:29 Desktop South SME 64 Yes 3.3
CL04203 1/15/2012 15:40:45 Software East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL04204 1/15/2012 15:43:35 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.8
CL04205 1/15/2012 15:45:50 Monitor South Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL04206 1/15/2012 15:48:40 Monitor South SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL04207 1/15/2012 15:51:12 Software West SME 80 Yes 3.9
CL04208 1/15/2012 15:52:04 Misc. East SME 64 Yes 2.4
CL04209 1/15/2012 15:57:17 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL04210 1/15/2012 15:59:24 Desktop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL04211 1/15/2012 16:00:28 Laptop North Individual 92 Yes 3.0
CL04212 1/15/2012 16:02:59 Software North SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL04213 1/15/2012 16:04:49 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL04214 1/15/2012 16:08:57 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL04215 1/15/2012 16:11:35 Misc. Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.5
CL04216 1/15/2012 16:16:56 Laptop East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL04217 1/15/2012 16:21:41 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL04218 1/15/2012 16:25:28 Software North Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL04219 1/15/2012 16:29:51 Laptop North Individual 87 Yes 4.4
CL04220 1/15/2012 16:35:32 Desktop North Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.6
CL04221 1/15/2012 16:36:13 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.3
CL04222 1/15/2012 16:41:15 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 3.6
CL04223 1/15/2012 16:45:13 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL04224 1/15/2012 16:47:36 Desktop North Non-profit 94 No 2.8
CL04225 1/15/2012 16:51:18 Monitor West Individual 103 Yes 2.3
CL04226 1/15/2012 16:52:49 Laptop West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL04227 1/15/2012 16:53:28 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL04228 1/15/2012 16:57:19 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 No 2.0
CL04229 1/15/2012 17:02:03 Desktop North SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL04230 1/15/2012 17:05:42 Software West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.2
CL04231 1/15/2012 17:10:13 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL04232 1/15/2012 17:10:17 Monitor South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.7
CL04233 1/15/2012 17:14:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 61 Yes 2.9
CL04234 1/15/2012 17:18:00 Accessories West Individual 65 Yes 3.3
CL04235 1/15/2012 17:21:19 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL04236 1/15/2012 17:21:38 Laptop West Individual 69 Yes 2.1
CL04237 1/15/2012 17:21:40 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL04238 1/15/2012 17:22:54 Software North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL04239 1/15/2012 17:24:15 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL04240 1/15/2012 17:27:02 Desktop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.5
CL04241 1/15/2012 17:29:50 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL04242 1/15/2012 17:32:02 Monitor South SME 64 Yes 3.6
CL04243 1/15/2012 17:33:54 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL04244 1/15/2012 17:36:11 Accessories West SME 76 Yes 2.3
CL04245 1/15/2012 17:40:23 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL04246 1/15/2012 17:42:08 Desktop West SME 70 Yes 3.6
CL04247 1/15/2012 17:46:03 Misc. West SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL04248 1/15/2012 17:49:21 Misc. South Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL04249 1/15/2012 17:55:00 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL04250 1/15/2012 17:57:45 Laptop West Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL04251 1/15/2012 18:01:13 Monitor South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.7
CL04252 1/15/2012 18:01:43 Monitor South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL04253 1/15/2012 18:03:43 Misc. South Individual 87 Yes 3.2
CL04254 1/15/2012 18:06:33 Laptop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.0
CL04255 1/15/2012 18:11:30 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL04256 1/15/2012 18:15:37 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL04257 1/15/2012 18:17:08 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL04258 1/15/2012 18:22:22 Monitor West Large Corporate 83 Yes 4.2
CL04259 1/15/2012 18:24:13 Accessories East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.2
CL04260 1/15/2012 18:29:17 Monitor South SME 62 Yes 3.0
CL04261 1/15/2012 18:32:23 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL04262 1/15/2012 18:37:01 Accessories West SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL04263 1/15/2012 18:42:14 Accessories East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.3
CL04264 1/15/2012 18:46:33 Software East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL04265 1/15/2012 18:51:15 Laptop East SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL04266 1/15/2012 18:51:55 Accessories North SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL04267 1/15/2012 18:56:15 Monitor South Individual 66 Yes 2.5
CL04268 1/15/2012 18:59:24 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL04269 1/15/2012 19:00:58 Monitor East SME 73 No 2.6
CL04270 1/15/2012 19:03:12 Misc. South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.4
CL04271 1/15/2012 19:08:00 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL04272 1/15/2012 19:13:31 Monitor South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL04273 1/15/2012 19:16:19 Software East Individual 63 Yes 2.1
CL04274 1/15/2012 19:18:41 Software North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL04275 1/15/2012 19:20:59 Monitor North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL04276 1/15/2012 19:21:17 Desktop South Non-profit 90 Yes 3.3
CL04277 1/15/2012 19:23:54 Laptop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.3
CL04278 1/15/2012 19:27:24 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 3.3
CL04279 1/15/2012 19:29:36 Accessories Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.0
CL04280 1/15/2012 19:33:16 Misc. South Non-profit 67 Yes 2.6
CL04281 1/15/2012 19:33:22 Misc. North Individual 87 Yes 1.6
CL04282 1/15/2012 19:33:40 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL04283 1/15/2012 19:34:40 Laptop East Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL04284 1/15/2012 19:39:56 Misc. North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL04285 1/15/2012 19:41:17 Desktop South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL04286 1/15/2012 19:42:50 Accessories East SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL04287 1/15/2012 19:44:26 Laptop West Large Corporate 73 No 3.4
CL04288 1/15/2012 19:45:58 Misc. East SME 59 Yes 3.7
CL04289 1/15/2012 19:48:46 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL04290 1/15/2012 19:54:24 Software East Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL04291 1/15/2012 19:57:18 Misc. South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL04292 1/15/2012 19:59:01 Misc. East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL04293 1/15/2012 20:04:15 Accessories West SME 69 Yes 2.3
CL04294 1/15/2012 20:04:59 Desktop North Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.5
CL04295 1/15/2012 20:06:00 Laptop West Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL04296 1/15/2012 20:09:52 Software West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL04297 1/15/2012 20:12:31 Monitor East Individual 76 Yes 3.8
CL04298 1/15/2012 20:16:48 Misc. West Individual 85 Yes 2.8
CL04299 1/15/2012 20:17:54 Software West Individual 61 Yes 3.2
CL04300 1/15/2012 20:21:54 Misc. South Large Corporate 73 Yes 4.0
CL04301 1/15/2012 20:25:58 Software North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.2
CL04302 1/15/2012 20:28:06 Laptop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL04303 1/15/2012 20:31:33 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 2.0
CL04304 1/15/2012 20:33:14 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL04305 1/15/2012 20:35:40 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL04306 1/15/2012 20:41:12 Monitor West Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL04307 1/15/2012 20:46:52 Monitor Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.4
CL04308 1/15/2012 20:51:22 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL04309 1/15/2012 20:54:15 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL04310 1/15/2012 20:57:43 Desktop North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.6
CL04311 1/15/2012 21:01:02 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL04312 1/15/2012 21:02:36 Desktop South SME 90 Yes 3.6
CL04313 1/15/2012 21:02:49 Monitor North SME 66 Yes 2.7
CL04314 1/15/2012 21:05:55 Monitor Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL04315 1/15/2012 21:09:39 Laptop North SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL04316 1/15/2012 21:11:32 Accessories West SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL04317 1/15/2012 21:13:55 Accessories Mid-west Individual 73 No 3.1
CL04318 1/15/2012 21:15:25 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 4.0
CL04319 1/15/2012 21:17:10 Desktop Mid-west SME 92 Yes 2.6
CL04320 1/15/2012 21:19:37 Accessories North Large Corporate 77 Yes 1.9
CL04321 1/15/2012 21:20:40 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL04322 1/15/2012 21:23:03 Misc. West Large Corporate 69 No 3.2
CL04323 1/15/2012 21:27:59 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL04324 1/15/2012 21:30:49 Software West Individual 64 Yes 2.8
CL04325 1/15/2012 21:35:12 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL04326 1/15/2012 21:40:45 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.0
CL04327 1/15/2012 21:44:10 Desktop North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL04328 1/15/2012 21:44:28 Desktop Mid-west Individual 89 Yes 2.7
CL04329 1/15/2012 21:49:35 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL04330 1/15/2012 21:52:34 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 2.5
CL04331 1/15/2012 21:54:57 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL04332 1/15/2012 21:55:46 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL04333 1/15/2012 22:00:46 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL04334 1/16/2012 08:05:55 Laptop North Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL04335 1/16/2012 08:06:38 Software West Individual 68 Yes 1.9
CL04336 1/16/2012 08:09:32 Accessories South Non-profit 66 No 2.9
CL04337 1/16/2012 08:10:36 Software West SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL04338 1/16/2012 08:11:49 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL04339 1/16/2012 08:15:59 Laptop West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL04340 1/16/2012 08:21:23 Laptop West SME 78 Yes 2.0
CL04341 1/16/2012 08:25:25 Misc. East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.6
CL04342 1/16/2012 08:29:32 Monitor North Individual 63 Yes 3.9
CL04343 1/16/2012 08:29:48 Laptop South Individual 92 Yes 2.3
CL04344 1/16/2012 08:33:24 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL04345 1/16/2012 08:39:02 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL04346 1/16/2012 08:39:51 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL04347 1/16/2012 08:40:20 Misc. East Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL04348 1/16/2012 08:45:37 Accessories West Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL04349 1/16/2012 08:50:58 Desktop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL04350 1/16/2012 08:51:05 Accessories Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.1
CL04351 1/16/2012 08:53:50 Monitor West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL04352 1/16/2012 08:55:45 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL04353 1/16/2012 08:57:11 Accessories North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.6
CL04354 1/16/2012 08:57:34 Desktop West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL04355 1/16/2012 09:00:10 Software South SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL04356 1/16/2012 09:05:19 Software South SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL04357 1/16/2012 09:09:24 Software South SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL04358 1/16/2012 09:14:50 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.7
CL04359 1/16/2012 09:16:29 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL04360 1/16/2012 09:20:23 Desktop South Large Corporate 78 No 3.2
CL04361 1/16/2012 09:24:42 Desktop South Non-profit 66 Yes 3.9
CL04362 1/16/2012 09:26:44 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL04363 1/16/2012 09:29:42 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL04364 1/16/2012 09:34:49 Software Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL04365 1/16/2012 09:36:09 Software South Individual 70 Yes 4.0
CL04366 1/16/2012 09:36:13 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL04367 1/16/2012 09:40:22 Laptop South Non-profit 81 No 2.4
CL04368 1/16/2012 09:44:46 Laptop South Individual 76 Yes 2.4
CL04369 1/16/2012 09:46:58 Misc. North Large Corporate 62 Yes 1.9
CL04370 1/16/2012 09:49:55 Desktop West SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL04371 1/16/2012 09:51:27 Monitor North Individual 84 Yes 3.4
CL04372 1/16/2012 09:53:23 Misc. West SME 80 Yes 2.2
CL04373 1/16/2012 09:56:14 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL04374 1/16/2012 09:58:44 Monitor West Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.6
CL04375 1/16/2012 10:01:08 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL04376 1/16/2012 10:05:12 Desktop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL04377 1/16/2012 10:08:57 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL04378 1/16/2012 10:09:17 Monitor West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.3
CL04379 1/16/2012 10:12:35 Misc. West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.6
CL04380 1/16/2012 10:15:29 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL04381 1/16/2012 10:19:48 Monitor West Individual 81 No 2.4
CL04382 1/16/2012 10:22:33 Monitor North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.3
CL04383 1/16/2012 10:23:35 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.7
CL04384 1/16/2012 10:25:57 Accessories East SME 90 Yes 2.6
CL04385 1/16/2012 10:26:58 Desktop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL04386 1/16/2012 10:29:46 Monitor Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL04387 1/16/2012 10:31:12 Software North SME 79 Yes 3.8
CL04388 1/16/2012 10:35:00 Monitor West Non-profit 73 Yes 4.0
CL04389 1/16/2012 10:35:07 Misc. East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL04390 1/16/2012 10:40:15 Laptop East SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL04391 1/16/2012 10:43:08 Monitor North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.6
CL04392 1/16/2012 10:48:14 Software West Non-profit 99 Yes 1.7
CL04393 1/16/2012 10:51:10 Software Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL04394 1/16/2012 10:53:59 Software South Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.5
CL04395 1/16/2012 10:56:24 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL04396 1/16/2012 11:01:23 Monitor West Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL04397 1/16/2012 11:02:01 Monitor South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL04398 1/16/2012 11:06:16 Misc. East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL04399 1/16/2012 11:07:59 Monitor South Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL04400 1/16/2012 11:12:15 Accessories South Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL04401 1/16/2012 11:16:38 Misc. West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL04402 1/16/2012 11:21:59 Accessories West Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL04403 1/16/2012 11:22:05 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL04404 1/16/2012 11:24:05 Laptop Mid-west Individual 91 Yes 2.9
CL04405 1/16/2012 11:25:22 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL04406 1/16/2012 11:27:59 Accessories West Non-profit 92 Yes 2.7
CL04407 1/16/2012 11:29:53 Monitor North Individual 78 No 2.0
CL04408 1/16/2012 11:32:47 Accessories West SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL04409 1/16/2012 11:36:50 Software South SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL04410 1/16/2012 11:41:37 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL04411 1/16/2012 11:44:23 Accessories West Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.6
CL04412 1/16/2012 11:44:29 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL04413 1/16/2012 11:44:40 Accessories South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.5
CL04414 1/16/2012 11:47:09 Accessories North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL04415 1/16/2012 11:48:01 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL04416 1/16/2012 11:48:14 Accessories South SME 69 No 3.6
CL04417 1/16/2012 11:48:36 Accessories South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.5
CL04418 1/16/2012 11:54:20 Accessories West SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL04419 1/16/2012 11:55:18 Laptop North Individual 66 Yes 2.5
CL04420 1/16/2012 11:56:20 Laptop West SME 83 No 3.1
CL04421 1/16/2012 11:58:31 Monitor South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL04422 1/16/2012 12:00:47 Misc. East Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL04423 1/16/2012 12:05:19 Misc. South Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL04424 1/16/2012 12:09:34 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL04425 1/16/2012 12:10:26 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL04426 1/16/2012 12:13:33 Software North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL04427 1/16/2012 12:18:32 Software North Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL04428 1/16/2012 12:20:28 Accessories South Non-profit 63 Yes 2.5
CL04429 1/16/2012 12:24:08 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL04430 1/16/2012 12:25:41 Monitor East SME 65 Yes 3.3
CL04431 1/16/2012 12:30:46 Monitor West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL04432 1/16/2012 12:33:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL04433 1/16/2012 12:37:39 Monitor West SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL04434 1/16/2012 12:42:34 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL04435 1/16/2012 12:45:47 Software East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.5
CL04436 1/16/2012 12:49:02 Misc. North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL04437 1/16/2012 12:51:15 Monitor South Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL04438 1/16/2012 12:55:23 Desktop West Individual 83 Yes 2.4
CL04439 1/16/2012 12:55:43 Desktop East Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL04440 1/16/2012 12:56:50 Misc. North Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL04441 1/16/2012 13:02:12 Laptop North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL04442 1/16/2012 13:03:52 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL04443 1/16/2012 13:05:32 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL04444 1/16/2012 13:07:16 Accessories North Individual 85 Yes 2.4
CL04445 1/16/2012 13:09:18 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL04446 1/16/2012 13:14:17 Laptop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL04447 1/16/2012 13:15:58 Software West SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL04448 1/16/2012 13:18:01 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL04449 1/16/2012 13:19:31 Monitor North SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL04450 1/16/2012 13:21:50 Misc. West Individual 66 Yes 2.3
CL04451 1/16/2012 13:27:07 Desktop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL04452 1/16/2012 13:30:50 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL04453 1/16/2012 13:33:13 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 3.6
CL04454 1/16/2012 13:34:49 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL04455 1/16/2012 13:35:02 Monitor East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL04456 1/16/2012 13:35:27 Monitor West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.5
CL04457 1/16/2012 13:38:21 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL04458 1/16/2012 13:40:44 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL04459 1/16/2012 13:41:16 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL04460 1/16/2012 13:46:23 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.9
CL04461 1/16/2012 13:48:15 Desktop North Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL04462 1/16/2012 13:52:28 Software Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL04463 1/16/2012 13:52:38 Software South SME 65 Yes 2.4
CL04464 1/16/2012 13:57:27 Desktop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL04465 1/16/2012 13:58:13 Accessories South SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL04466 1/16/2012 14:00:33 Laptop North SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL04467 1/16/2012 14:02:07 Software Mid-west Non-profit 89 Yes 3.0
CL04468 1/16/2012 14:07:16 Software South Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL04469 1/16/2012 14:11:08 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL04470 1/16/2012 14:13:55 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 3.7
CL04471 1/16/2012 14:16:26 Desktop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.6
CL04472 1/16/2012 14:18:53 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL04473 1/16/2012 14:23:52 Software East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL04474 1/16/2012 14:24:57 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL04475 1/16/2012 14:25:44 Software West SME 66 Yes 3.2
CL04476 1/16/2012 14:27:18 Software North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.7
CL04477 1/16/2012 14:28:51 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 1.9
CL04478 1/16/2012 14:30:58 Misc. East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.2
CL04479 1/16/2012 14:31:16 Misc. North SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL04480 1/16/2012 14:33:49 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL04481 1/16/2012 14:39:27 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL04482 1/16/2012 14:39:39 Monitor East SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL04483 1/16/2012 14:39:41 Desktop West Non-profit 60 Yes 3.2
CL04484 1/16/2012 14:45:16 Software West SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL04485 1/16/2012 14:45:41 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL04486 1/16/2012 14:49:52 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL04487 1/16/2012 14:54:01 Monitor West SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL04488 1/16/2012 14:55:50 Laptop West Non-profit 96 Yes 3.3
CL04489 1/16/2012 14:58:02 Laptop North Individual 94 Yes 3.4
CL04490 1/16/2012 15:00:21 Laptop South Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.9
CL04491 1/16/2012 15:03:08 Misc. South Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL04492 1/16/2012 15:04:55 Desktop North Non-profit 96 Yes 2.5
CL04493 1/16/2012 15:05:54 Monitor East Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL04494 1/16/2012 15:06:10 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL04495 1/16/2012 15:08:08 Desktop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL04496 1/16/2012 15:12:10 Laptop South Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL04497 1/16/2012 15:13:33 Desktop North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL04498 1/16/2012 15:18:14 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL04499 1/16/2012 15:21:48 Misc. South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL04500 1/16/2012 15:23:26 Accessories East Individual 75 Yes 3.8
CL04501 1/16/2012 15:24:21 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL04502 1/16/2012 15:28:43 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 2.5
CL04503 1/16/2012 15:34:13 Software East SME 67 Yes 2.2
CL04504 1/16/2012 15:39:02 Misc. West SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL04505 1/16/2012 15:40:44 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL04506 1/16/2012 15:41:50 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 3.1
CL04507 1/16/2012 15:43:02 Laptop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL04508 1/16/2012 15:44:46 Laptop East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL04509 1/16/2012 15:50:18 Software East SME 76 Yes 2.0
CL04510 1/16/2012 15:55:40 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL04511 1/16/2012 15:58:38 Software Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL04512 1/16/2012 15:59:26 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.1
CL04513 1/16/2012 16:04:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 2.8
CL04514 1/16/2012 16:05:37 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 No 3.0
CL04515 1/16/2012 16:06:02 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL04516 1/16/2012 16:06:20 Monitor East Non-profit 61 No 2.7
CL04517 1/16/2012 16:07:08 Software East SME 84 Yes 3.2
CL04518 1/16/2012 16:09:51 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL04519 1/16/2012 16:13:06 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL04520 1/16/2012 16:17:32 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.2
CL04521 1/16/2012 16:20:51 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.7
CL04522 1/16/2012 16:23:53 Accessories North SME 64 Yes 3.8
CL04523 1/16/2012 16:24:46 Software Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.8
CL04524 1/16/2012 16:29:37 Misc. South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL04525 1/16/2012 16:34:10 Misc. West Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL04526 1/16/2012 16:36:52 Laptop Mid-west Individual 52 Yes 3.0
CL04527 1/16/2012 16:38:29 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL04528 1/16/2012 16:42:31 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL04529 1/16/2012 16:42:44 Monitor West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL04530 1/16/2012 16:45:33 Software South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL04531 1/16/2012 16:47:52 Software Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL04532 1/16/2012 16:49:47 Misc. East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL04533 1/16/2012 16:51:46 Software Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 3.5
CL04534 1/16/2012 16:57:21 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL04535 1/16/2012 16:58:18 Misc. West SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL04536 1/16/2012 17:00:35 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL04537 1/16/2012 17:03:09 Misc. East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.4
CL04538 1/16/2012 17:05:14 Software West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL04539 1/16/2012 17:07:42 Software East Non-profit 93 Yes 2.6
CL04540 1/16/2012 17:12:58 Laptop South Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL04541 1/16/2012 17:13:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL04542 1/16/2012 17:16:54 Desktop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL04543 1/16/2012 17:18:01 Desktop West Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL04544 1/16/2012 17:18:14 Software East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.4
CL04545 1/16/2012 17:20:19 Misc. West SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL04546 1/16/2012 17:22:26 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL04547 1/16/2012 17:24:31 Desktop South SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL04548 1/16/2012 17:25:20 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL04549 1/16/2012 17:26:43 Desktop West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL04550 1/16/2012 17:29:16 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL04551 1/16/2012 17:30:11 Monitor West SME 96 Yes 3.4
CL04552 1/16/2012 17:35:12 Software North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL04553 1/16/2012 17:35:32 Desktop East SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL04554 1/16/2012 17:38:42 Monitor West SME 79 Yes 2.2
CL04555 1/16/2012 17:40:55 Misc. South Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL04556 1/16/2012 17:45:25 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL04557 1/16/2012 17:46:45 Software East SME 70 Yes 2.3
CL04558 1/16/2012 17:47:33 Software South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL04559 1/16/2012 17:48:29 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL04560 1/16/2012 17:51:19 Software East SME 91 Yes 3.3
CL04561 1/16/2012 17:53:33 Accessories North Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL04562 1/16/2012 17:53:53 Software West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL04563 1/16/2012 17:57:02 Monitor East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.6
CL04564 1/16/2012 18:01:30 Monitor North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.5
CL04565 1/16/2012 18:06:47 Software North Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL04566 1/16/2012 18:06:51 Desktop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL04567 1/16/2012 18:08:54 Software East SME 63 Yes 2.7
CL04568 1/16/2012 18:12:20 Accessories West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.9
CL04569 1/16/2012 18:16:10 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL04570 1/16/2012 18:20:56 Desktop East Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL04571 1/16/2012 18:21:46 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL04572 1/16/2012 18:22:58 Misc. East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL04573 1/16/2012 18:23:35 Accessories North SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL04574 1/16/2012 18:27:53 Laptop North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL04575 1/16/2012 18:29:39 Desktop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL04576 1/16/2012 18:32:10 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 No 2.2
CL04577 1/16/2012 18:35:00 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL04578 1/16/2012 18:38:11 Software North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL04579 1/16/2012 18:40:24 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL04580 1/16/2012 18:45:01 Accessories West Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.6
CL04581 1/16/2012 18:45:33 Laptop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL04582 1/16/2012 18:48:33 Software North Individual 93 Yes 2.8
CL04583 1/16/2012 18:51:59 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.7
CL04584 1/16/2012 18:56:02 Desktop West Large Corporate 86 No 3.3
CL04585 1/16/2012 18:56:38 Desktop South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL04586 1/16/2012 18:59:22 Software Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL04587 1/16/2012 19:01:17 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL04588 1/16/2012 19:02:03 Monitor South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL04589 1/16/2012 19:04:37 Misc. East Non-profit 92 Yes 2.9
CL04590 1/16/2012 19:09:42 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.3
CL04591 1/16/2012 19:13:49 Laptop East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL04592 1/16/2012 19:16:12 Software West SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL04593 1/16/2012 19:21:53 Desktop East Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL04594 1/16/2012 19:26:46 Misc. South Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.1
CL04595 1/16/2012 19:30:51 Misc. North Individual 93 Yes 2.4
CL04596 1/16/2012 19:33:12 Software Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL04597 1/16/2012 19:38:37 Misc. South Large Corporate 96 Yes 3.2
CL04598 1/16/2012 19:39:07 Laptop North Individual 61 Yes 2.8
CL04599 1/16/2012 19:44:09 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL04600 1/16/2012 19:46:38 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL04601 1/16/2012 19:51:55 Accessories South Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.8
CL04602 1/16/2012 19:54:29 Monitor North Non-profit 55 Yes 2.8
CL04603 1/16/2012 19:57:26 Misc. West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL04604 1/16/2012 19:58:11 Desktop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL04605 1/16/2012 20:00:06 Misc. North SME 88 Yes 3.5
CL04606 1/16/2012 20:04:27 Desktop East SME 61 Yes 3.9
CL04607 1/16/2012 20:08:50 Desktop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.5
CL04608 1/16/2012 20:09:48 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 4.1
CL04609 1/16/2012 20:12:30 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL04610 1/16/2012 20:15:33 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL04611 1/16/2012 20:18:31 Desktop Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL04612 1/16/2012 20:19:21 Software South SME 79 Yes 2.5
CL04613 1/16/2012 20:22:25 Software North Individual 85 Yes 4.0
CL04614 1/16/2012 20:26:06 Laptop South SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL04615 1/16/2012 20:27:21 Monitor East SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL04616 1/16/2012 20:29:59 Accessories South SME 75 No 2.8
CL04617 1/16/2012 20:35:17 Accessories Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.7
CL04618 1/16/2012 20:38:54 Accessories East Individual 74 Yes 4.0
CL04619 1/16/2012 20:41:23 Monitor East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL04620 1/16/2012 20:43:34 Desktop North Large Corporate 56 Yes 2.8
CL04621 1/16/2012 20:49:18 Accessories East Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL04622 1/16/2012 20:53:44 Misc. South SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL04623 1/16/2012 20:55:01 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL04624 1/16/2012 20:59:53 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 1.9
CL04625 1/16/2012 21:00:43 Software West SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL04626 1/16/2012 21:04:53 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL04627 1/16/2012 21:06:59 Software North Non-profit 75 No 3.2
CL04628 1/16/2012 21:08:57 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL04629 1/16/2012 21:12:05 Monitor South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.5
CL04630 1/16/2012 21:14:55 Laptop South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL04631 1/16/2012 21:20:09 Accessories West SME 86 Yes 2.3
CL04632 1/16/2012 21:20:30 Desktop West Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL04633 1/16/2012 21:24:51 Laptop East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL04634 1/16/2012 21:26:14 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.7
CL04635 1/16/2012 21:26:39 Laptop South SME 62 Yes 3.0
CL04636 1/16/2012 21:27:27 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL04637 1/16/2012 21:32:33 Laptop South SME 76 Yes 3.5
CL04638 1/16/2012 21:36:34 Misc. South Non-profit 92 Yes 2.4
CL04639 1/16/2012 21:38:01 Laptop East Individual 87 Yes 2.8
CL04640 1/16/2012 21:39:28 Misc. North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL04641 1/16/2012 21:44:44 Software South Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL04642 1/16/2012 21:45:40 Monitor North SME 78 Yes 2.5
CL04643 1/16/2012 21:51:15 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL04644 1/16/2012 21:54:08 Accessories West Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL04645 1/16/2012 21:57:12 Monitor East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.1
CL04646 1/16/2012 22:02:35 Laptop South Non-profit 83 No 2.1
CL04647 1/17/2012 08:05:28 Monitor North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.4
CL04648 1/17/2012 08:08:56 Monitor West SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL04649 1/17/2012 08:13:38 Software North Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL04650 1/17/2012 08:17:12 Software North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL04651 1/17/2012 08:20:12 Software East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.2
CL04652 1/17/2012 08:21:14 Desktop South Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL04653 1/17/2012 08:22:19 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 59 Yes 4.0
CL04654 1/17/2012 08:27:39 Accessories West Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL04655 1/17/2012 08:29:33 Misc. South Large Corporate 93 Yes 3.2
CL04656 1/17/2012 08:30:56 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL04657 1/17/2012 08:34:06 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL04658 1/17/2012 08:38:10 Accessories North SME 65 Yes 3.9
CL04659 1/17/2012 08:42:30 Laptop North Individual 81 Yes 3.7
CL04660 1/17/2012 08:42:59 Software North Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL04661 1/17/2012 08:47:15 Desktop East SME 92 Yes 2.9
CL04662 1/17/2012 08:50:48 Misc. East Individual 82 Yes 3.9
CL04663 1/17/2012 08:54:12 Accessories West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL04664 1/17/2012 08:57:33 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.5
CL04665 1/17/2012 09:01:21 Accessories Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL04666 1/17/2012 09:01:30 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL04667 1/17/2012 09:04:55 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL04668 1/17/2012 09:08:42 Monitor South Individual 83 Yes 3.2
CL04669 1/17/2012 09:12:58 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.5
CL04670 1/17/2012 09:15:40 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.8
CL04671 1/17/2012 09:16:31 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL04672 1/17/2012 09:17:44 Monitor West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL04673 1/17/2012 09:18:23 Laptop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL04674 1/17/2012 09:23:29 Laptop North SME 66 Yes 3.5
CL04675 1/17/2012 09:24:13 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 2.4
CL04676 1/17/2012 09:24:37 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 No 2.9
CL04677 1/17/2012 09:25:37 Monitor West Individual 85 Yes 2.5
CL04678 1/17/2012 09:30:44 Monitor Mid-west SME 76 No 3.4
CL04679 1/17/2012 09:31:44 Misc. East SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL04680 1/17/2012 09:35:39 Misc. Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL04681 1/17/2012 09:36:29 Misc. North Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL04682 1/17/2012 09:39:58 Desktop East Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL04683 1/17/2012 09:45:03 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL04684 1/17/2012 09:49:31 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 3.4
CL04685 1/17/2012 09:52:00 Laptop North SME 79 Yes 1.6
CL04686 1/17/2012 09:57:02 Accessories North Individual 91 Yes 2.4
CL04687 1/17/2012 10:01:00 Monitor East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL04688 1/17/2012 10:01:19 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL04689 1/17/2012 10:03:43 Monitor North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.5
CL04690 1/17/2012 10:08:32 Desktop South SME 92 Yes 3.0
CL04691 1/17/2012 10:11:50 Misc. North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL04692 1/17/2012 10:11:51 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 4.0
CL04693 1/17/2012 10:17:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL04694 1/17/2012 10:18:47 Accessories West Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.8
CL04695 1/17/2012 10:21:24 Accessories North Large Corporate 57 Yes 2.7
CL04696 1/17/2012 10:22:19 Misc. West SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL04697 1/17/2012 10:23:42 Monitor West Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL04698 1/17/2012 10:24:00 Desktop North SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL04699 1/17/2012 10:29:09 Accessories West SME 60 Yes 4.1
CL04700 1/17/2012 10:29:35 Accessories South Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL04701 1/17/2012 10:34:37 Desktop East Individual 65 Yes 2.2
CL04702 1/17/2012 10:39:44 Laptop South Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL04703 1/17/2012 10:40:35 Desktop West Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.2
CL04704 1/17/2012 10:41:48 Monitor South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL04705 1/17/2012 10:41:49 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL04706 1/17/2012 10:42:51 Software North Individual 101 Yes 2.3
CL04707 1/17/2012 10:45:49 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL04708 1/17/2012 10:48:15 Desktop West SME 60 Yes 3.1
CL04709 1/17/2012 10:49:31 Software West SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL04710 1/17/2012 10:52:02 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL04711 1/17/2012 10:56:04 Desktop West Non-profit 87 Yes 4.5
CL04712 1/17/2012 10:57:05 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL04713 1/17/2012 10:58:33 Laptop East Large Corporate 94 Yes 3.2
CL04714 1/17/2012 11:02:39 Accessories South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL04715 1/17/2012 11:06:24 Monitor South Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.0
CL04716 1/17/2012 11:10:20 Misc. West Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL04717 1/17/2012 11:11:27 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 No 4.6
CL04718 1/17/2012 11:14:11 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 No 3.0
CL04719 1/17/2012 11:17:47 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL04720 1/17/2012 11:18:31 Software East Non-profit 85 Yes 2.5
CL04721 1/17/2012 11:18:40 Desktop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.3
CL04722 1/17/2012 11:24:12 Software East Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL04723 1/17/2012 11:24:49 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL04724 1/17/2012 11:26:34 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL04725 1/17/2012 11:29:15 Accessories West Individual 74 Yes 1.3
CL04726 1/17/2012 11:30:19 Monitor East Individual 86 Yes 3.6
CL04727 1/17/2012 11:30:57 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.8
CL04728 1/17/2012 11:32:18 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL04729 1/17/2012 11:35:03 Desktop East Individual 63 Yes 2.6
CL04730 1/17/2012 11:38:17 Software Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.4
CL04731 1/17/2012 11:38:36 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL04732 1/17/2012 11:42:19 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL04733 1/17/2012 11:44:13 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 3.2
CL04734 1/17/2012 11:49:03 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL04735 1/17/2012 11:52:39 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.7
CL04736 1/17/2012 11:52:45 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL04737 1/17/2012 11:55:55 Software North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL04738 1/17/2012 11:57:47 Software West Large Corporate 97 Yes 2.9
CL04739 1/17/2012 11:58:03 Laptop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.0
CL04740 1/17/2012 12:02:28 Laptop East SME 64 Yes 3.7
CL04741 1/17/2012 12:05:22 Accessories North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL04742 1/17/2012 12:10:27 Laptop North SME 86 Yes 3.4
CL04743 1/17/2012 12:11:36 Monitor North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL04744 1/17/2012 12:16:17 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL04745 1/17/2012 12:16:40 Desktop North Non-profit 60 Yes 2.1
CL04746 1/17/2012 12:19:34 Monitor South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL04747 1/17/2012 12:22:31 Monitor East Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL04748 1/17/2012 12:28:02 Monitor East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL04749 1/17/2012 12:29:54 Desktop East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL04750 1/17/2012 12:34:57 Desktop West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.8
CL04751 1/17/2012 12:39:48 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL04752 1/17/2012 12:40:12 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL04753 1/17/2012 12:41:24 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL04754 1/17/2012 12:41:50 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 No 3.0
CL04755 1/17/2012 12:45:38 Monitor West Non-profit 92 Yes 3.4
CL04756 1/17/2012 12:46:40 Accessories South Individual 62 Yes 3.2
CL04757 1/17/2012 12:49:41 Software West SME 81 Yes 2.3
CL04758 1/17/2012 12:51:26 Laptop South SME 82 Yes 3.9
CL04759 1/17/2012 12:55:11 Accessories East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL04760 1/17/2012 12:58:07 Desktop South Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL04761 1/17/2012 13:02:44 Desktop East Non-profit 89 Yes 3.3
CL04762 1/17/2012 13:03:37 Software Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL04763 1/17/2012 13:08:57 Monitor South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL04764 1/17/2012 13:13:23 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL04765 1/17/2012 13:16:59 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL04766 1/17/2012 13:20:43 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 3.8
CL04767 1/17/2012 13:22:38 Desktop East SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL04768 1/17/2012 13:24:44 Laptop Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 4.2
CL04769 1/17/2012 13:27:33 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL04770 1/17/2012 13:31:34 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 2.5
CL04771 1/17/2012 13:32:46 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL04772 1/17/2012 13:35:48 Laptop North Individual 52 Yes 4.7
CL04773 1/17/2012 13:37:33 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 3.8
CL04774 1/17/2012 13:40:58 Software South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL04775 1/17/2012 13:45:40 Monitor South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.1
CL04776 1/17/2012 13:45:47 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL04777 1/17/2012 13:49:26 Accessories West Individual 70 Yes 2.3
CL04778 1/17/2012 13:49:30 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL04779 1/17/2012 13:51:26 Accessories South SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL04780 1/17/2012 13:52:37 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL04781 1/17/2012 13:57:19 Accessories North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL04782 1/17/2012 13:59:26 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL04783 1/17/2012 14:00:54 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.3
CL04784 1/17/2012 14:06:38 Monitor West Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL04785 1/17/2012 14:11:16 Software East Individual 69 Yes 2.2
CL04786 1/17/2012 14:14:56 Accessories North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL04787 1/17/2012 14:20:32 Laptop West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL04788 1/17/2012 14:24:07 Laptop West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL04789 1/17/2012 14:25:50 Software Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.3
CL04790 1/17/2012 14:30:53 Monitor South Individual 62 Yes 1.9
CL04791 1/17/2012 14:31:54 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL04792 1/17/2012 14:34:19 Misc. West Individual 87 No 2.4
CL04793 1/17/2012 14:36:23 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL04794 1/17/2012 14:37:34 Monitor East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL04795 1/17/2012 14:39:18 Accessories North SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL04796 1/17/2012 14:42:10 Monitor East Non-profit 61 No 3.5
CL04797 1/17/2012 14:45:16 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL04798 1/17/2012 14:48:37 Misc. South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL04799 1/17/2012 14:52:00 Desktop East Non-profit 69 Yes 4.0
CL04800 1/17/2012 14:53:02 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.8
CL04801 1/17/2012 14:55:26 Desktop West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL04802 1/17/2012 14:59:50 Accessories East SME 91 Yes 2.5
CL04803 1/17/2012 15:01:29 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL04804 1/17/2012 15:02:57 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL04805 1/17/2012 15:05:37 Accessories East Non-profit 74 No 2.5
CL04806 1/17/2012 15:06:24 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL04807 1/17/2012 15:11:05 Software East Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL04808 1/17/2012 15:12:16 Misc. West Individual 74 Yes 3.7
CL04809 1/17/2012 15:13:21 Laptop South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.1
CL04810 1/17/2012 15:14:23 Laptop North SME 65 Yes 2.3
CL04811 1/17/2012 15:19:12 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL04812 1/17/2012 15:19:34 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL04813 1/17/2012 15:23:40 Laptop East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.8
CL04814 1/17/2012 15:24:51 Desktop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL04815 1/17/2012 15:25:30 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.4
CL04816 1/17/2012 15:27:09 Misc. Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL04817 1/17/2012 15:30:04 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL04818 1/17/2012 15:35:27 Software South Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL04819 1/17/2012 15:37:17 Desktop North Individual 68 Yes 3.3
CL04820 1/17/2012 15:39:31 Desktop West SME 87 Yes 2.9
CL04821 1/17/2012 15:43:53 Software West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL04822 1/17/2012 15:49:18 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL04823 1/17/2012 15:53:20 Desktop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 2.0
CL04824 1/17/2012 15:55:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL04825 1/17/2012 15:57:52 Accessories Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL04826 1/17/2012 16:01:17 Desktop West Individual 91 Yes 2.7
CL04827 1/17/2012 16:04:19 Accessories West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL04828 1/17/2012 16:04:33 Software East SME 62 Yes 3.0
CL04829 1/17/2012 16:06:37 Desktop North Individual 73 Yes 3.9
CL04830 1/17/2012 16:10:34 Software Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 2.3
CL04831 1/17/2012 16:16:18 Monitor South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL04832 1/17/2012 16:16:21 Accessories East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.5
CL04833 1/17/2012 16:19:21 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL04834 1/17/2012 16:22:09 Accessories North SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL04835 1/17/2012 16:25:26 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL04836 1/17/2012 16:28:14 Laptop West Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL04837 1/17/2012 16:30:11 Software South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.6
CL04838 1/17/2012 16:34:42 Misc. West Individual 71 Yes 4.1
CL04839 1/17/2012 16:38:41 Misc. North Non-profit 60 Yes 2.9
CL04840 1/17/2012 16:41:34 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL04841 1/17/2012 16:45:55 Misc. North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL04842 1/17/2012 16:49:46 Accessories Mid-west SME 88 Yes 2.6
CL04843 1/17/2012 16:54:28 Laptop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.4
CL04844 1/17/2012 16:54:50 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL04845 1/17/2012 16:56:46 Software North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL04846 1/17/2012 16:58:06 Laptop East SME 66 Yes 2.7
CL04847 1/17/2012 17:02:36 Software West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.1
CL04848 1/17/2012 17:03:50 Monitor East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL04849 1/17/2012 17:06:59 Misc. East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL04850 1/17/2012 17:11:57 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 59 Yes 2.6
CL04851 1/17/2012 17:13:34 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL04852 1/17/2012 17:15:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.7
CL04853 1/17/2012 17:20:35 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 1.8
CL04854 1/17/2012 17:25:42 Monitor East Large Corporate 61 No 3.0
CL04855 1/17/2012 17:30:57 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 1.8
CL04856 1/17/2012 17:35:11 Software West Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL04857 1/17/2012 17:36:28 Software West SME 84 Yes 2.7
CL04858 1/17/2012 17:39:59 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL04859 1/17/2012 17:44:21 Accessories West Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL04860 1/17/2012 17:49:51 Misc. West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.8
CL04861 1/17/2012 17:50:50 Software East Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL04862 1/17/2012 17:52:22 Monitor East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.7
CL04863 1/17/2012 17:56:07 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL04864 1/17/2012 18:01:03 Misc. North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL04865 1/17/2012 18:05:05 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL04866 1/17/2012 18:09:18 Desktop South Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL04867 1/17/2012 18:09:35 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.7
CL04868 1/17/2012 18:11:58 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 1.7
CL04869 1/17/2012 18:15:59 Laptop East SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL04870 1/17/2012 18:19:36 Software West SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL04871 1/17/2012 18:22:12 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL04872 1/17/2012 18:24:58 Monitor East SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL04873 1/17/2012 18:25:04 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.3
CL04874 1/17/2012 18:28:29 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL04875 1/17/2012 18:33:28 Monitor East SME 79 No 3.0
CL04876 1/17/2012 18:38:32 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL04877 1/17/2012 18:41:03 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL04878 1/17/2012 18:41:50 Misc. East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL04879 1/17/2012 18:43:41 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL04880 1/17/2012 18:44:22 Desktop East SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL04881 1/17/2012 18:48:13 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL04882 1/17/2012 18:50:13 Software South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL04883 1/17/2012 18:51:09 Misc. East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL04884 1/17/2012 18:54:11 Software West Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL04885 1/17/2012 18:54:13 Misc. North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.7
CL04886 1/17/2012 18:58:26 Desktop West Large Corporate 88 Yes 4.2
CL04887 1/17/2012 19:03:59 Accessories North SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL04888 1/17/2012 19:08:07 Laptop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.4
CL04889 1/17/2012 19:10:05 Accessories East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL04890 1/17/2012 19:11:54 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL04891 1/17/2012 19:15:34 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL04892 1/17/2012 19:18:13 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL04893 1/17/2012 19:20:26 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL04894 1/17/2012 19:23:16 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL04895 1/17/2012 19:28:54 Desktop South Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL04896 1/17/2012 19:31:05 Monitor West SME 61 Yes 3.4
CL04897 1/17/2012 19:31:42 Monitor North SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL04898 1/17/2012 19:33:56 Misc. Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.7
CL04899 1/17/2012 19:34:02 Misc. West Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL04900 1/17/2012 19:37:57 Monitor West Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL04901 1/17/2012 19:38:06 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL04902 1/17/2012 19:39:25 Software Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.0
CL04903 1/17/2012 19:44:19 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL04904 1/17/2012 19:48:38 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.8
CL04905 1/17/2012 19:51:10 Monitor East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL04906 1/17/2012 19:53:39 Accessories West Non-profit 68 Yes 3.5
CL04907 1/17/2012 19:56:53 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL04908 1/17/2012 19:58:39 Monitor West Non-profit 83 No 2.9
CL04909 1/17/2012 19:59:38 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 2.1
CL04910 1/17/2012 20:01:55 Misc. East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL04911 1/17/2012 20:04:30 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL04912 1/17/2012 20:05:10 Desktop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL04913 1/17/2012 20:06:44 Desktop North SME 80 Yes 4.0
CL04914 1/17/2012 20:09:42 Laptop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL04915 1/17/2012 20:11:46 Desktop South SME 76 Yes 2.3
CL04916 1/17/2012 20:16:43 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL04917 1/17/2012 20:21:34 Accessories South Individual 61 Yes 3.2
CL04918 1/17/2012 20:25:52 Software East Individual 76 Yes 4.0
CL04919 1/17/2012 20:26:46 Laptop North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.2
CL04920 1/17/2012 20:27:50 Laptop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.5
CL04921 1/17/2012 20:30:00 Accessories East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.9
CL04922 1/17/2012 20:33:11 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL04923 1/17/2012 20:36:44 Software South Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.7
CL04924 1/17/2012 20:41:18 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL04925 1/17/2012 20:41:21 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL04926 1/17/2012 20:43:42 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL04927 1/17/2012 20:47:09 Misc. West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.8
CL04928 1/17/2012 20:47:59 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL04929 1/17/2012 20:48:23 Software East SME 88 Yes 2.3
CL04930 1/17/2012 20:52:37 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL04931 1/17/2012 20:57:05 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL04932 1/17/2012 21:02:48 Accessories North SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL04933 1/17/2012 21:05:04 Software West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL04934 1/17/2012 21:05:47 Monitor North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL04935 1/17/2012 21:11:07 Accessories Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL04936 1/17/2012 21:14:52 Monitor South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL04937 1/17/2012 21:19:57 Misc. East Individual 92 Yes 2.6
CL04938 1/17/2012 21:22:49 Misc. Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.0
CL04939 1/17/2012 21:24:39 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL04940 1/17/2012 21:29:25 Laptop North Individual 86 Yes 4.6
CL04941 1/17/2012 21:33:11 Monitor North Non-profit 88 Yes 3.0
CL04942 1/17/2012 21:37:02 Software East Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.4
CL04943 1/17/2012 21:38:23 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 2.7
CL04944 1/17/2012 21:42:50 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 2.8
CL04945 1/17/2012 21:45:26 Software South Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL04946 1/17/2012 21:46:36 Monitor Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL04947 1/17/2012 21:51:22 Misc. South SME 82 Yes 2.8
CL04948 1/17/2012 21:55:33 Desktop West Non-profit 58 Yes 2.2
CL04949 1/17/2012 21:56:28 Misc. West Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL04950 1/17/2012 22:00:48 Software East Individual 86 Yes 2.4
CL04951 1/18/2012 08:04:59 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL04952 1/18/2012 08:07:18 Laptop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL04953 1/18/2012 08:08:53 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL04954 1/18/2012 08:10:53 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL04955 1/18/2012 08:12:24 Software West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL04956 1/18/2012 08:16:33 Software West SME 89 Yes 1.9
CL04957 1/18/2012 08:21:40 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL04958 1/18/2012 08:23:09 Misc. Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL04959 1/18/2012 08:23:13 Monitor East Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL04960 1/18/2012 08:24:58 Accessories North Individual 65 Yes 2.8
CL04961 1/18/2012 08:27:15 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL04962 1/18/2012 08:31:12 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL04963 1/18/2012 08:33:32 Desktop South Large Corporate 90 Yes 1.8
CL04964 1/18/2012 08:37:32 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL04965 1/18/2012 08:40:58 Desktop South Non-profit 59 No 3.4
CL04966 1/18/2012 08:41:33 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL04967 1/18/2012 08:41:58 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL04968 1/18/2012 08:47:26 Desktop South Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL04969 1/18/2012 08:49:04 Software West Individual 90 Yes 2.6
CL04970 1/18/2012 08:52:24 Accessories North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL04971 1/18/2012 08:55:55 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 3.5
CL04972 1/18/2012 09:00:16 Accessories North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.9
CL04973 1/18/2012 09:00:26 Laptop South SME 82 Yes 2.3
CL04974 1/18/2012 09:02:53 Monitor East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.5
CL04975 1/18/2012 09:04:51 Software North SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL04976 1/18/2012 09:05:03 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL04977 1/18/2012 09:07:29 Misc. North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL04978 1/18/2012 09:12:41 Misc. West Large Corporate 61 No 2.5
CL04979 1/18/2012 09:14:49 Monitor West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.9
CL04980 1/18/2012 09:18:35 Software West SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL04981 1/18/2012 09:20:02 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL04982 1/18/2012 09:23:51 Desktop South Individual 61 Yes 2.6
CL04983 1/18/2012 09:25:54 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL04984 1/18/2012 09:31:21 Desktop East Large Corporate 88 No 2.1
CL04985 1/18/2012 09:35:57 Accessories West SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL04986 1/18/2012 09:39:18 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.3
CL04987 1/18/2012 09:44:21 Monitor North Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL04988 1/18/2012 09:45:31 Laptop West SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL04989 1/18/2012 09:47:47 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL04990 1/18/2012 09:52:19 Desktop South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.3
CL04991 1/18/2012 09:52:44 Software South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL04992 1/18/2012 09:57:19 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL04993 1/18/2012 09:58:48 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL04994 1/18/2012 09:59:41 Monitor North Individual 70 No 2.7
CL04995 1/18/2012 10:02:46 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL04996 1/18/2012 10:05:31 Laptop North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.5
CL04997 1/18/2012 10:10:40 Software South SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL04998 1/18/2012 10:16:12 Accessories North Non-profit 59 Yes 2.7
CL04999 1/18/2012 10:20:07 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL05000 1/18/2012 10:20:14 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL05001 1/18/2012 10:22:02 Accessories South SME 64 Yes 3.9
CL05002 1/18/2012 10:23:17 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.9
CL05003 1/18/2012 10:25:54 Misc. East SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL05004 1/18/2012 10:28:15 Laptop South Individual 69 Yes 2.2
CL05005 1/18/2012 10:30:47 Software South Large Corporate 85 No 3.1
CL05006 1/18/2012 10:31:40 Laptop East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL05007 1/18/2012 10:37:04 Accessories Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.9
CL05008 1/18/2012 10:40:24 Accessories West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL05009 1/18/2012 10:43:39 Monitor West Individual 82 Yes 3.8
CL05010 1/18/2012 10:46:02 Laptop North Individual 65 Yes 3.5
CL05011 1/18/2012 10:46:46 Misc. West SME 62 Yes 2.3
CL05012 1/18/2012 10:52:30 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL05013 1/18/2012 10:55:02 Misc. East SME 64 Yes 3.8
CL05014 1/18/2012 10:58:09 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 3.2
CL05015 1/18/2012 10:58:44 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL05016 1/18/2012 11:03:06 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 2.0
CL05017 1/18/2012 11:05:35 Desktop West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.9
CL05018 1/18/2012 11:09:55 Accessories West Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.5
CL05019 1/18/2012 11:14:51 Desktop West Non-profit 74 Yes 4.0
CL05020 1/18/2012 11:20:22 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL05021 1/18/2012 11:22:22 Desktop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL05022 1/18/2012 11:22:32 Misc. South SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL05023 1/18/2012 11:27:11 Monitor West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL05024 1/18/2012 11:29:03 Accessories Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL05025 1/18/2012 11:33:09 Accessories West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL05026 1/18/2012 11:35:14 Software South SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL05027 1/18/2012 11:38:39 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.2
CL05028 1/18/2012 11:43:36 Desktop North Individual 66 No 3.6
CL05029 1/18/2012 11:46:45 Monitor East Individual 72 No 2.7
CL05030 1/18/2012 11:46:57 Software North Large Corporate 79 No 2.1
CL05031 1/18/2012 11:47:17 Desktop West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL05032 1/18/2012 11:51:06 Monitor North SME 63 Yes 3.2
CL05033 1/18/2012 11:55:29 Software South Non-profit 85 Yes 2.9
CL05034 1/18/2012 11:57:26 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL05035 1/18/2012 12:00:04 Accessories West Individual 56 Yes 2.6
CL05036 1/18/2012 12:03:18 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL05037 1/18/2012 12:05:33 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL05038 1/18/2012 12:05:37 Accessories Mid-west SME 59 Yes 2.9
CL05039 1/18/2012 12:10:54 Desktop West Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL05040 1/18/2012 12:10:55 Monitor East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.6
CL05041 1/18/2012 12:12:25 Desktop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL05042 1/18/2012 12:14:07 Monitor South SME 66 Yes 3.6
CL05043 1/18/2012 12:16:21 Laptop South SME 68 No 3.2
CL05044 1/18/2012 12:19:16 Monitor West Large Corporate 93 Yes 3.2
CL05045 1/18/2012 12:21:51 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL05046 1/18/2012 12:22:44 Misc. North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.4
CL05047 1/18/2012 12:28:22 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL05048 1/18/2012 12:32:50 Laptop East SME 80 No 2.8
CL05049 1/18/2012 12:33:48 Software West Individual 83 Yes 3.2
CL05050 1/18/2012 12:38:27 Misc. North Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.4
CL05051 1/18/2012 12:42:17 Desktop West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.6
CL05052 1/18/2012 12:42:27 Monitor Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.5
CL05053 1/18/2012 12:42:58 Accessories East Large Corporate 51 Yes 3.3
CL05054 1/18/2012 12:45:33 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 No 2.9
CL05055 1/18/2012 12:45:58 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL05056 1/18/2012 12:46:45 Desktop West SME 61 Yes 2.9
CL05057 1/18/2012 12:49:47 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL05058 1/18/2012 12:53:09 Misc. West Non-profit 53 Yes 2.8
CL05059 1/18/2012 12:57:01 Accessories Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.4
CL05060 1/18/2012 12:58:26 Desktop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL05061 1/18/2012 13:00:47 Monitor North Individual 83 Yes 2.4
CL05062 1/18/2012 13:02:49 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL05063 1/18/2012 13:04:34 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL05064 1/18/2012 13:09:48 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 3.6
CL05065 1/18/2012 13:14:59 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL05066 1/18/2012 13:18:31 Monitor West Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL05067 1/18/2012 13:22:48 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL05068 1/18/2012 13:24:11 Accessories South Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL05069 1/18/2012 13:29:53 Software North SME 73 Yes 2.0
CL05070 1/18/2012 13:31:33 Monitor East Individual 81 Yes 2.2
CL05071 1/18/2012 13:37:01 Desktop East SME 86 Yes 1.9
CL05072 1/18/2012 13:39:24 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.9
CL05073 1/18/2012 13:43:16 Monitor West Large Corporate 54 Yes 3.2
CL05074 1/18/2012 13:44:53 Accessories East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.6
CL05075 1/18/2012 13:46:51 Software East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL05076 1/18/2012 13:51:05 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.1
CL05077 1/18/2012 13:53:29 Software Mid-west Individual 92 Yes 3.8
CL05078 1/18/2012 13:56:05 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.6
CL05079 1/18/2012 14:01:29 Laptop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL05080 1/18/2012 14:03:48 Laptop West Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL05081 1/18/2012 14:08:31 Accessories North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL05082 1/18/2012 14:09:48 Misc. Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.6
CL05083 1/18/2012 14:14:13 Misc. North Non-profit 87 Yes 2.4
CL05084 1/18/2012 14:16:14 Software East Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL05085 1/18/2012 14:20:12 Accessories West Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL05086 1/18/2012 14:20:48 Software West SME 90 Yes 2.3
CL05087 1/18/2012 14:21:11 Desktop Mid-west Individual 89 Yes 3.7
CL05088 1/18/2012 14:21:24 Accessories Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL05089 1/18/2012 14:24:14 Accessories East SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL05090 1/18/2012 14:25:46 Laptop North Non-profit 57 Yes 1.7
CL05091 1/18/2012 14:29:38 Desktop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL05092 1/18/2012 14:32:07 Software West Individual 89 Yes 3.0
CL05093 1/18/2012 14:36:13 Software South Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL05094 1/18/2012 14:37:32 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL05095 1/18/2012 14:38:22 Misc. Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL05096 1/18/2012 14:43:42 Accessories North SME 62 Yes 3.1
CL05097 1/18/2012 14:43:54 Software South Non-profit 89 Yes 2.9
CL05098 1/18/2012 14:48:05 Monitor East Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.1
CL05099 1/18/2012 14:48:07 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL05100 1/18/2012 14:52:30 Desktop North SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL05101 1/18/2012 14:53:42 Accessories South Individual 83 No 3.2
CL05102 1/18/2012 14:55:54 Monitor East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.2
CL05103 1/18/2012 15:01:09 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 1.6
CL05104 1/18/2012 15:04:30 Software East SME 68 Yes 2.2
CL05105 1/18/2012 15:04:40 Accessories North SME 64 Yes 3.4
CL05106 1/18/2012 15:06:23 Monitor West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.2
CL05107 1/18/2012 15:10:31 Accessories East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.9
CL05108 1/18/2012 15:15:55 Software North Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL05109 1/18/2012 15:17:32 Desktop South Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL05110 1/18/2012 15:21:52 Accessories Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL05111 1/18/2012 15:26:42 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL05112 1/18/2012 15:30:10 Desktop West SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL05113 1/18/2012 15:33:48 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 2.3
CL05114 1/18/2012 15:38:46 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 94 Yes 2.7
CL05115 1/18/2012 15:40:37 Desktop North Large Corporate 53 Yes 2.6
CL05116 1/18/2012 15:41:32 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL05117 1/18/2012 15:44:05 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL05118 1/18/2012 15:49:39 Desktop North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL05119 1/18/2012 15:52:47 Monitor East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL05120 1/18/2012 15:57:32 Misc. West Individual 64 Yes 3.0
CL05121 1/18/2012 15:58:00 Desktop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.2
CL05122 1/18/2012 16:02:05 Desktop South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.0
CL05123 1/18/2012 16:02:29 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL05124 1/18/2012 16:07:21 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL05125 1/18/2012 16:11:01 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL05126 1/18/2012 16:15:52 Desktop South SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL05127 1/18/2012 16:19:50 Accessories South Large Corporate 56 Yes 2.9
CL05128 1/18/2012 16:21:18 Misc. East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.1
CL05129 1/18/2012 16:21:26 Software North Large Corporate 75 Yes 1.8
CL05130 1/18/2012 16:22:20 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL05131 1/18/2012 16:24:25 Desktop South SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL05132 1/18/2012 16:28:39 Accessories East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL05133 1/18/2012 16:34:05 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 1.5
CL05134 1/18/2012 16:35:08 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 4.3
CL05135 1/18/2012 16:35:53 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.9
CL05136 1/18/2012 16:41:28 Desktop North SME 92 Yes 2.6
CL05137 1/18/2012 16:45:46 Desktop North SME 59 Yes 2.3
CL05138 1/18/2012 16:49:21 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.8
CL05139 1/18/2012 16:49:31 Software East SME 81 No 3.8
CL05140 1/18/2012 16:51:36 Software North Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL05141 1/18/2012 16:56:20 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL05142 1/18/2012 16:59:01 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 3.6
CL05143 1/18/2012 17:00:49 Software South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL05144 1/18/2012 17:02:03 Software North Individual 72 Yes 4.0
CL05145 1/18/2012 17:04:07 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL05146 1/18/2012 17:05:03 Accessories North Individual 94 Yes 3.6
CL05147 1/18/2012 17:07:34 Accessories West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.5
CL05148 1/18/2012 17:08:13 Misc. West SME 93 Yes 2.7
CL05149 1/18/2012 17:13:44 Software East Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL05150 1/18/2012 17:16:45 Accessories West Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL05151 1/18/2012 17:19:08 Monitor Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL05152 1/18/2012 17:20:58 Accessories South SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL05153 1/18/2012 17:21:52 Software East Non-profit 89 Yes 3.4
CL05154 1/18/2012 17:24:46 Software East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL05155 1/18/2012 17:29:54 Desktop North SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL05156 1/18/2012 17:30:28 Laptop North Non-profit 80 No 3.3
CL05157 1/18/2012 17:34:16 Laptop East Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.6
CL05158 1/18/2012 17:39:15 Desktop South Non-profit 81 No 2.9
CL05159 1/18/2012 17:42:22 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.3
CL05160 1/18/2012 17:47:54 Accessories Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL05161 1/18/2012 17:51:26 Monitor East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL05162 1/18/2012 17:53:17 Desktop South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL05163 1/18/2012 17:56:34 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL05164 1/18/2012 17:59:02 Laptop West Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL05165 1/18/2012 18:03:06 Software East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL05166 1/18/2012 18:08:01 Accessories North Non-profit 94 Yes 1.9
CL05167 1/18/2012 18:08:53 Misc. West SME 106 Yes 2.7
CL05168 1/18/2012 18:12:25 Software East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.5
CL05169 1/18/2012 18:17:18 Laptop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL05170 1/18/2012 18:18:24 Laptop Mid-west Individual 97 Yes 2.8
CL05171 1/18/2012 18:24:02 Software East SME 82 No 3.2
CL05172 1/18/2012 18:28:26 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.3
CL05173 1/18/2012 18:31:39 Monitor West Individual 89 Yes 3.1
CL05174 1/18/2012 18:34:12 Misc. North SME 71 Yes 1.8
CL05175 1/18/2012 18:36:32 Laptop East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL05176 1/18/2012 18:39:39 Software East SME 60 Yes 2.0
CL05177 1/18/2012 18:42:53 Accessories East SME 70 Yes 2.7
CL05178 1/18/2012 18:48:32 Monitor West Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.1
CL05179 1/18/2012 18:51:44 Monitor East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.0
CL05180 1/18/2012 18:57:10 Misc. South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL05181 1/18/2012 18:57:55 Desktop South Individual 83 No 1.9
CL05182 1/18/2012 19:01:49 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL05183 1/18/2012 19:02:18 Accessories North SME 73 Yes 3.6
CL05184 1/18/2012 19:04:02 Laptop North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.1
CL05185 1/18/2012 19:06:36 Software East Non-profit 59 Yes 3.1
CL05186 1/18/2012 19:11:36 Misc. North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.5
CL05187 1/18/2012 19:16:38 Accessories South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.2
CL05188 1/18/2012 19:22:18 Software North SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL05189 1/18/2012 19:26:30 Desktop South SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL05190 1/18/2012 19:27:19 Misc. South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL05191 1/18/2012 19:27:57 Misc. West SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL05192 1/18/2012 19:32:57 Accessories West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL05193 1/18/2012 19:36:41 Misc. Mid-west Individual 93 Yes 2.9
CL05194 1/18/2012 19:42:10 Misc. East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL05195 1/18/2012 19:43:03 Laptop East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.2
CL05196 1/18/2012 19:47:22 Accessories South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL05197 1/18/2012 19:50:41 Software South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.7
CL05198 1/18/2012 19:54:36 Software Mid-west SME 88 Yes 2.7
CL05199 1/18/2012 19:59:28 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL05200 1/18/2012 20:02:24 Monitor South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL05201 1/18/2012 20:06:47 Monitor North Individual 63 Yes 3.4
CL05202 1/18/2012 20:08:23 Laptop Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.5
CL05203 1/18/2012 20:08:58 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.1
CL05204 1/18/2012 20:10:16 Accessories East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.2
CL05205 1/18/2012 20:14:18 Monitor North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL05206 1/18/2012 20:15:25 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 4.0
CL05207 1/18/2012 20:15:38 Misc. North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.2
CL05208 1/18/2012 20:17:06 Software South SME 86 Yes 2.4
CL05209 1/18/2012 20:22:33 Monitor East Individual 59 Yes 2.9
CL05210 1/18/2012 20:27:19 Laptop East Individual 76 Yes 2.4
CL05211 1/18/2012 20:28:02 Desktop East SME 54 Yes 2.9
CL05212 1/18/2012 20:28:12 Monitor East Non-profit 75 Yes 4.1
CL05213 1/18/2012 20:31:44 Misc. South Individual 66 Yes 3.2
CL05214 1/18/2012 20:31:46 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL05215 1/18/2012 20:35:47 Monitor East Individual 94 Yes 3.2
CL05216 1/18/2012 20:37:01 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL05217 1/18/2012 20:42:03 Software West Individual 79 Yes 3.7
CL05218 1/18/2012 20:47:03 Software East SME 66 Yes 3.3
CL05219 1/18/2012 20:52:43 Desktop North SME 75 No 2.5
CL05220 1/18/2012 20:53:55 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL05221 1/18/2012 20:54:19 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.6
CL05222 1/18/2012 20:55:40 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL05223 1/18/2012 21:00:06 Desktop West Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL05224 1/18/2012 21:02:57 Laptop West SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL05225 1/18/2012 21:08:03 Misc. North SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL05226 1/18/2012 21:11:27 Monitor Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL05227 1/18/2012 21:11:55 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL05228 1/18/2012 21:14:18 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL05229 1/18/2012 21:16:18 Software North SME 84 Yes 3.2
CL05230 1/18/2012 21:18:06 Laptop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL05231 1/18/2012 21:19:57 Misc. Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL05232 1/18/2012 21:20:58 Desktop North Individual 87 No 2.0
CL05233 1/18/2012 21:26:38 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL05234 1/18/2012 21:31:41 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL05235 1/18/2012 21:34:39 Accessories East SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL05236 1/18/2012 21:39:54 Desktop East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL05237 1/18/2012 21:42:43 Laptop North Individual 84 No 3.1
CL05238 1/18/2012 21:47:10 Misc. North SME 95 Yes 2.3
CL05239 1/18/2012 21:51:00 Desktop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL05240 1/18/2012 21:53:46 Misc. East SME 76 Yes 1.9
CL05241 1/18/2012 21:55:58 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL05242 1/18/2012 21:56:50 Misc. East SME 59 Yes 4.0
CL05243 1/18/2012 22:01:08 Desktop East Individual 90 Yes 3.2
CL05244 1/19/2012 08:05:32 Accessories North SME 79 Yes 4.0
CL05245 1/19/2012 08:07:44 Misc. West SME 61 Yes 2.8
CL05246 1/19/2012 08:08:05 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL05247 1/19/2012 08:10:46 Software North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.8
CL05248 1/19/2012 08:13:13 Misc. East Individual 50 Yes 3.5
CL05249 1/19/2012 08:16:18 Accessories West Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL05250 1/19/2012 08:21:28 Laptop South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.3
CL05251 1/19/2012 08:23:59 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL05252 1/19/2012 08:24:25 Monitor West Large Corporate 97 Yes 2.9
CL05253 1/19/2012 08:27:41 Software South Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL05254 1/19/2012 08:32:41 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL05255 1/19/2012 08:37:34 Laptop North SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL05256 1/19/2012 08:37:50 Accessories West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.1
CL05257 1/19/2012 08:41:37 Accessories East Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.2
CL05258 1/19/2012 08:43:55 Desktop North SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL05259 1/19/2012 08:44:28 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL05260 1/19/2012 08:47:24 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 No 3.1
CL05261 1/19/2012 08:47:28 Misc. North Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL05262 1/19/2012 08:48:49 Accessories East SME 65 No 3.4
CL05263 1/19/2012 08:52:22 Laptop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL05264 1/19/2012 08:54:24 Accessories Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 2.4
CL05265 1/19/2012 08:57:48 Misc. West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL05266 1/19/2012 09:02:44 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL05267 1/19/2012 09:04:37 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL05268 1/19/2012 09:07:06 Misc. West SME 67 Yes 2.4
CL05269 1/19/2012 09:11:53 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.2
CL05270 1/19/2012 09:15:00 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL05271 1/19/2012 09:19:49 Accessories West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.6
CL05272 1/19/2012 09:25:02 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL05273 1/19/2012 09:27:45 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL05274 1/19/2012 09:32:40 Misc. East Individual 70 Yes 3.8
CL05275 1/19/2012 09:36:50 Misc. South Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL05276 1/19/2012 09:39:19 Software North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL05277 1/19/2012 09:44:21 Monitor East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL05278 1/19/2012 09:49:32 Misc. West SME 85 Yes 2.9
CL05279 1/19/2012 09:53:07 Accessories North Individual 77 No 2.4
CL05280 1/19/2012 09:54:55 Accessories North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL05281 1/19/2012 09:55:26 Accessories North SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL05282 1/19/2012 09:58:26 Software South Individual 67 Yes 3.7
CL05283 1/19/2012 10:01:33 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL05284 1/19/2012 10:06:18 Software South SME 78 Yes 2.6
CL05285 1/19/2012 10:11:53 Laptop East Non-profit 59 Yes 2.4
CL05286 1/19/2012 10:12:57 Laptop North SME 94 Yes 3.2
CL05287 1/19/2012 10:18:38 Monitor South Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL05288 1/19/2012 10:22:31 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL05289 1/19/2012 10:25:12 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL05290 1/19/2012 10:28:56 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL05291 1/19/2012 10:29:54 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL05292 1/19/2012 10:33:55 Misc. South SME 85 Yes 3.3
CL05293 1/19/2012 10:34:59 Desktop South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.9
CL05294 1/19/2012 10:37:54 Misc. East Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL05295 1/19/2012 10:39:53 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL05296 1/19/2012 10:43:03 Desktop West SME 66 Yes 3.6
CL05297 1/19/2012 10:47:49 Accessories North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL05298 1/19/2012 10:49:34 Accessories North SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL05299 1/19/2012 10:51:37 Accessories East Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.7
CL05300 1/19/2012 10:56:54 Desktop West SME 78 Yes 2.3
CL05301 1/19/2012 11:01:55 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL05302 1/19/2012 11:03:11 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL05303 1/19/2012 11:07:45 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL05304 1/19/2012 11:10:03 Monitor South SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL05305 1/19/2012 11:14:48 Accessories West Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.7
CL05306 1/19/2012 11:15:09 Monitor South SME 70 Yes 2.9
CL05307 1/19/2012 11:20:47 Software North Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL05308 1/19/2012 11:24:09 Desktop West SME 75 Yes 2.0
CL05309 1/19/2012 11:29:51 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 95 Yes 3.7
CL05310 1/19/2012 11:34:30 Laptop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL05311 1/19/2012 11:35:11 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL05312 1/19/2012 11:36:00 Accessories West SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL05313 1/19/2012 11:38:48 Software East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL05314 1/19/2012 11:39:43 Misc. East SME 93 Yes 2.2
CL05315 1/19/2012 11:43:20 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL05316 1/19/2012 11:46:16 Desktop South Individual 76 No 3.6
CL05317 1/19/2012 11:50:18 Laptop East Individual 87 Yes 3.6
CL05318 1/19/2012 11:51:26 Misc. West Individual 80 Yes 2.2
CL05319 1/19/2012 11:52:11 Software West Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL05320 1/19/2012 11:54:22 Monitor Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.3
CL05321 1/19/2012 11:58:53 Desktop North SME 92 Yes 3.3
CL05322 1/19/2012 12:01:52 Desktop East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.3
CL05323 1/19/2012 12:05:34 Monitor South Large Corporate 97 Yes 2.2
CL05324 1/19/2012 12:07:31 Misc. South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.4
CL05325 1/19/2012 12:13:12 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.5
CL05326 1/19/2012 12:18:50 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL05327 1/19/2012 12:24:17 Desktop North Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL05328 1/19/2012 12:29:58 Misc. East SME 85 Yes 2.6
CL05329 1/19/2012 12:34:59 Laptop North Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.2
CL05330 1/19/2012 12:37:28 Laptop West Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL05331 1/19/2012 12:39:46 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.3
CL05332 1/19/2012 12:44:55 Misc. East Non-profit 84 No 3.1
CL05333 1/19/2012 12:46:18 Monitor North SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL05334 1/19/2012 12:49:52 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.2
CL05335 1/19/2012 12:52:19 Software North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.4
CL05336 1/19/2012 12:54:06 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.1
CL05337 1/19/2012 12:55:13 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL05338 1/19/2012 12:59:47 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.1
CL05339 1/19/2012 13:05:18 Desktop North Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL05340 1/19/2012 13:06:38 Laptop South SME 67 No 2.5
CL05341 1/19/2012 13:11:25 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL05342 1/19/2012 13:16:16 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL05343 1/19/2012 13:19:40 Software East SME 82 Yes 3.8
CL05344 1/19/2012 13:21:52 Laptop North Individual 91 No 3.0
CL05345 1/19/2012 13:22:48 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL05346 1/19/2012 13:24:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.5
CL05347 1/19/2012 13:28:43 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL05348 1/19/2012 13:32:05 Desktop South SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL05349 1/19/2012 13:33:51 Laptop East Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL05350 1/19/2012 13:35:48 Misc. South Non-profit 89 Yes 2.6
CL05351 1/19/2012 13:36:01 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL05352 1/19/2012 13:40:03 Software West Non-profit 88 No 2.7
CL05353 1/19/2012 13:40:33 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL05354 1/19/2012 13:41:07 Misc. South SME 84 Yes 2.5
CL05355 1/19/2012 13:42:24 Desktop South SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL05356 1/19/2012 13:44:15 Misc. West SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL05357 1/19/2012 13:48:53 Software South Non-profit 62 Yes 1.9
CL05358 1/19/2012 13:53:43 Software Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 4.4
CL05359 1/19/2012 13:58:44 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.9
CL05360 1/19/2012 14:04:26 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.7
CL05361 1/19/2012 14:07:28 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 1.9
CL05362 1/19/2012 14:11:27 Accessories West Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL05363 1/19/2012 14:11:29 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 3.9
CL05364 1/19/2012 14:16:51 Monitor South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL05365 1/19/2012 14:19:01 Accessories West SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL05366 1/19/2012 14:22:29 Desktop East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL05367 1/19/2012 14:25:42 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL05368 1/19/2012 14:27:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.4
CL05369 1/19/2012 14:28:29 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL05370 1/19/2012 14:30:43 Software Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.4
CL05371 1/19/2012 14:31:10 Desktop South Individual 64 Yes 2.8
CL05372 1/19/2012 14:34:50 Desktop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL05373 1/19/2012 14:40:26 Software West Individual 61 Yes 3.3
CL05374 1/19/2012 14:41:46 Monitor North Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL05375 1/19/2012 14:44:59 Accessories East Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.9
CL05376 1/19/2012 14:45:28 Desktop East Non-profit 69 Yes 4.1
CL05377 1/19/2012 14:48:55 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 1.6
CL05378 1/19/2012 14:51:51 Desktop East SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL05379 1/19/2012 14:56:25 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL05380 1/19/2012 14:58:33 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.5
CL05381 1/19/2012 15:03:44 Accessories North SME 85 Yes 4.3
CL05382 1/19/2012 15:06:50 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 No 3.8
CL05383 1/19/2012 15:10:29 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 No 2.1
CL05384 1/19/2012 15:14:24 Accessories North Non-profit 87 Yes 1.8
CL05385 1/19/2012 15:19:12 Software North SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL05386 1/19/2012 15:24:34 Accessories South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.9
CL05387 1/19/2012 15:28:51 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL05388 1/19/2012 15:29:12 Misc. North SME 62 Yes 2.4
CL05389 1/19/2012 15:32:33 Misc. South SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL05390 1/19/2012 15:37:17 Monitor West Non-profit 92 Yes 2.5
CL05391 1/19/2012 15:39:22 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL05392 1/19/2012 15:41:13 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL05393 1/19/2012 15:41:56 Monitor South Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL05394 1/19/2012 15:43:47 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL05395 1/19/2012 15:49:05 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL05396 1/19/2012 15:51:47 Software Mid-west SME 87 Yes 2.7
CL05397 1/19/2012 15:55:46 Monitor East Large Corporate 85 Yes 1.9
CL05398 1/19/2012 15:56:11 Monitor East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.4
CL05399 1/19/2012 15:59:36 Misc. South SME 82 Yes 2.7
CL05400 1/19/2012 16:05:02 Laptop South SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL05401 1/19/2012 16:07:16 Laptop West Large Corporate 84 No 3.7
CL05402 1/19/2012 16:10:58 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL05403 1/19/2012 16:16:10 Misc. East Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL05404 1/19/2012 16:19:45 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 No 3.8
CL05405 1/19/2012 16:20:19 Software South SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL05406 1/19/2012 16:22:48 Software East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL05407 1/19/2012 16:27:41 Software Mid-west Individual 93 Yes 2.4
CL05408 1/19/2012 16:33:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 64 Yes 2.1
CL05409 1/19/2012 16:36:07 Laptop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL05410 1/19/2012 16:41:25 Desktop East Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.8
CL05411 1/19/2012 16:45:48 Software West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.8
CL05412 1/19/2012 16:50:44 Laptop North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.0
CL05413 1/19/2012 16:55:14 Accessories East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.2
CL05414 1/19/2012 17:00:11 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL05415 1/19/2012 17:03:58 Desktop South SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL05416 1/19/2012 17:08:52 Software West Large Corporate 80 No 2.1
CL05417 1/19/2012 17:09:26 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL05418 1/19/2012 17:09:54 Laptop South Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL05419 1/19/2012 17:10:34 Misc. Mid-west SME 56 Yes 1.8
CL05420 1/19/2012 17:13:52 Misc. Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.0
CL05421 1/19/2012 17:17:20 Laptop South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.7
CL05422 1/19/2012 17:21:15 Software Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL05423 1/19/2012 17:24:49 Monitor East Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL05424 1/19/2012 17:25:38 Accessories Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL05425 1/19/2012 17:28:28 Laptop East Individual 63 No 3.0
CL05426 1/19/2012 17:33:50 Software West Individual 64 Yes 3.0
CL05427 1/19/2012 17:37:41 Monitor East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL05428 1/19/2012 17:38:00 Software South Individual 66 Yes 3.3
CL05429 1/19/2012 17:39:12 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 2.5
CL05430 1/19/2012 17:42:52 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 2.4
CL05431 1/19/2012 17:45:01 Accessories West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL05432 1/19/2012 17:47:40 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.7
CL05433 1/19/2012 17:50:50 Misc. South Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL05434 1/19/2012 17:54:48 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL05435 1/19/2012 17:59:26 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.5
CL05436 1/19/2012 18:04:37 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.3
CL05437 1/19/2012 18:08:58 Monitor West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL05438 1/19/2012 18:12:55 Monitor South SME 70 No 2.6
CL05439 1/19/2012 18:14:04 Software East SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL05440 1/19/2012 18:14:18 Laptop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL05441 1/19/2012 18:18:49 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL05442 1/19/2012 18:19:03 Software Mid-west SME 70 Yes 2.5
CL05443 1/19/2012 18:21:39 Accessories North Non-profit 62 No 3.2
CL05444 1/19/2012 18:24:13 Misc. Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL05445 1/19/2012 18:25:14 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 3.6
CL05446 1/19/2012 18:27:59 Desktop West SME 64 Yes 3.4
CL05447 1/19/2012 18:32:26 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.1
CL05448 1/19/2012 18:34:36 Software North Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL05449 1/19/2012 18:35:18 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL05450 1/19/2012 18:39:46 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL05451 1/19/2012 18:41:12 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL05452 1/19/2012 18:45:50 Monitor North Individual 80 Yes 3.8
CL05453 1/19/2012 18:47:38 Desktop South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL05454 1/19/2012 18:50:20 Accessories South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.3
CL05455 1/19/2012 18:51:32 Accessories South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.0
CL05456 1/19/2012 18:55:18 Laptop Mid-west SME 88 Yes 3.7
CL05457 1/19/2012 18:57:09 Desktop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL05458 1/19/2012 19:00:15 Misc. West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL05459 1/19/2012 19:00:18 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL05460 1/19/2012 19:04:28 Misc. North Large Corporate 57 Yes 3.8
CL05461 1/19/2012 19:08:27 Desktop South Individual 60 Yes 3.1
CL05462 1/19/2012 19:11:23 Laptop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.5
CL05463 1/19/2012 19:16:23 Monitor East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.3
CL05464 1/19/2012 19:19:18 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 No 3.6
CL05465 1/19/2012 19:25:03 Desktop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL05466 1/19/2012 19:30:12 Desktop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.1
CL05467 1/19/2012 19:35:30 Monitor East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL05468 1/19/2012 19:36:12 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL05469 1/19/2012 19:38:08 Laptop South Individual 78 Yes 3.8
CL05470 1/19/2012 19:42:15 Software West Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL05471 1/19/2012 19:46:17 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL05472 1/19/2012 19:49:26 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL05473 1/19/2012 19:50:16 Desktop Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.7
CL05474 1/19/2012 19:51:21 Misc. South SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL05475 1/19/2012 19:54:51 Desktop West Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL05476 1/19/2012 19:56:41 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 3.8
CL05477 1/19/2012 19:56:59 Desktop East Large Corporate 91 No 2.5
CL05478 1/19/2012 20:01:53 Desktop South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.8
CL05479 1/19/2012 20:05:56 Misc. East Non-profit 91 Yes 3.4
CL05480 1/19/2012 20:06:47 Laptop East Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL05481 1/19/2012 20:08:53 Desktop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL05482 1/19/2012 20:11:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL05483 1/19/2012 20:14:23 Monitor West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL05484 1/19/2012 20:19:44 Monitor South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL05485 1/19/2012 20:22:59 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL05486 1/19/2012 20:28:26 Software East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.9
CL05487 1/19/2012 20:28:34 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL05488 1/19/2012 20:29:22 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL05489 1/19/2012 20:29:46 Accessories West SME 75 Yes 3.8
CL05490 1/19/2012 20:34:39 Accessories East Individual 64 Yes 2.0
CL05491 1/19/2012 20:37:37 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL05492 1/19/2012 20:42:01 Misc. North Individual 66 Yes 2.6
CL05493 1/19/2012 20:46:43 Software South SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL05494 1/19/2012 20:52:23 Laptop West Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL05495 1/19/2012 20:56:12 Desktop South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL05496 1/19/2012 20:57:36 Monitor West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL05497 1/19/2012 21:00:02 Misc. East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL05498 1/19/2012 21:03:54 Desktop East Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL05499 1/19/2012 21:06:10 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 3.9
CL05500 1/19/2012 21:11:03 Software West SME 85 Yes 3.5
CL05501 1/19/2012 21:12:21 Software South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL05502 1/19/2012 21:16:57 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL05503 1/19/2012 21:18:57 Software Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.2
CL05504 1/19/2012 21:21:46 Accessories East Individual 76 Yes 4.0
CL05505 1/19/2012 21:26:31 Laptop South Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL05506 1/19/2012 21:26:34 Misc. South SME 89 Yes 2.8
CL05507 1/19/2012 21:31:39 Monitor West Individual 96 No 2.4
CL05508 1/19/2012 21:36:40 Desktop East Non-profit 65 Yes 3.6
CL05509 1/19/2012 21:37:57 Monitor North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.9
CL05510 1/19/2012 21:41:43 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL05511 1/19/2012 21:46:10 Laptop South Large Corporate 80 No 4.5
CL05512 1/19/2012 21:48:11 Accessories North SME 47 No 2.6
CL05513 1/19/2012 21:50:10 Desktop West SME 84 Yes 3.6
CL05514 1/19/2012 21:55:46 Desktop East Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL05515 1/19/2012 22:00:16 Monitor Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL05516 1/20/2012 08:04:58 Monitor West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.6
CL05517 1/20/2012 08:08:24 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 2.3
CL05518 1/20/2012 08:12:18 Desktop South SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL05519 1/20/2012 08:16:59 Software East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL05520 1/20/2012 08:19:53 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL05521 1/20/2012 08:20:31 Misc. Mid-west SME 87 Yes 3.4
CL05522 1/20/2012 08:21:00 Software North Individual 71 Yes 3.9
CL05523 1/20/2012 08:23:40 Accessories East Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL05524 1/20/2012 08:25:44 Accessories East Large Corporate 68 Yes 4.2
CL05525 1/20/2012 08:30:25 Desktop East SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL05526 1/20/2012 08:35:25 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL05527 1/20/2012 08:40:52 Accessories West Non-profit 76 No 2.9
CL05528 1/20/2012 08:42:40 Monitor West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL05529 1/20/2012 08:44:10 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL05530 1/20/2012 08:44:16 Desktop East SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL05531 1/20/2012 08:46:53 Desktop East Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.4
CL05532 1/20/2012 08:49:05 Software Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.9
CL05533 1/20/2012 08:51:56 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.8
CL05534 1/20/2012 08:55:40 Misc. South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL05535 1/20/2012 08:56:06 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL05536 1/20/2012 09:01:40 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL05537 1/20/2012 09:07:05 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL05538 1/20/2012 09:09:48 Accessories East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL05539 1/20/2012 09:12:01 Desktop North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL05540 1/20/2012 09:17:03 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL05541 1/20/2012 09:20:17 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL05542 1/20/2012 09:24:30 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL05543 1/20/2012 09:27:27 Monitor South Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL05544 1/20/2012 09:29:23 Accessories East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL05545 1/20/2012 09:31:29 Software North Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL05546 1/20/2012 09:36:20 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL05547 1/20/2012 09:38:30 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL05548 1/20/2012 09:39:46 Software North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL05549 1/20/2012 09:44:39 Accessories North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.9
CL05550 1/20/2012 09:48:45 Desktop North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.1
CL05551 1/20/2012 09:49:46 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL05552 1/20/2012 09:51:30 Accessories North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL05553 1/20/2012 09:56:04 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 4.0
CL05554 1/20/2012 10:01:36 Misc. North Individual 67 No 2.6
CL05555 1/20/2012 10:05:14 Desktop West Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL05556 1/20/2012 10:08:02 Laptop South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.3
CL05557 1/20/2012 10:10:44 Laptop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL05558 1/20/2012 10:16:27 Accessories North Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.5
CL05559 1/20/2012 10:18:52 Misc. South SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL05560 1/20/2012 10:18:57 Laptop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL05561 1/20/2012 10:21:00 Software West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL05562 1/20/2012 10:22:28 Misc. East Non-profit 60 Yes 4.1
CL05563 1/20/2012 10:27:55 Software South SME 57 Yes 3.4
CL05564 1/20/2012 10:30:38 Accessories South SME 65 Yes 3.5
CL05565 1/20/2012 10:31:52 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.2
CL05566 1/20/2012 10:33:14 Accessories West SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL05567 1/20/2012 10:34:56 Laptop South Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.2
CL05568 1/20/2012 10:35:03 Laptop South SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL05569 1/20/2012 10:38:09 Monitor North Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL05570 1/20/2012 10:42:54 Misc. North Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL05571 1/20/2012 10:44:43 Software West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.4
CL05572 1/20/2012 10:48:21 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.4
CL05573 1/20/2012 10:53:08 Desktop West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL05574 1/20/2012 10:57:27 Laptop West SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL05575 1/20/2012 11:02:56 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 4.1
CL05576 1/20/2012 11:03:03 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 No 3.7
CL05577 1/20/2012 11:04:28 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 2.5
CL05578 1/20/2012 11:08:31 Misc. North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL05579 1/20/2012 11:10:03 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL05580 1/20/2012 11:14:31 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL05581 1/20/2012 11:16:29 Desktop South SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL05582 1/20/2012 11:20:45 Misc. South Individual 65 Yes 3.2
CL05583 1/20/2012 11:25:02 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL05584 1/20/2012 11:26:07 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL05585 1/20/2012 11:26:42 Software East SME 69 Yes 2.1
CL05586 1/20/2012 11:31:12 Misc. North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL05587 1/20/2012 11:34:53 Software North Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL05588 1/20/2012 11:36:29 Laptop East Individual 63 Yes 2.1
CL05589 1/20/2012 11:39:59 Monitor Mid-west SME 83 No 2.5
CL05590 1/20/2012 11:45:39 Software West Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL05591 1/20/2012 11:49:36 Misc. North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.5
CL05592 1/20/2012 11:54:57 Laptop West Individual 68 Yes 3.3
CL05593 1/20/2012 11:56:53 Software West SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL05594 1/20/2012 11:57:58 Laptop East Non-profit 87 Yes 2.9
CL05595 1/20/2012 11:59:59 Software Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 4.2
CL05596 1/20/2012 12:05:42 Laptop North Individual 94 Yes 3.0
CL05597 1/20/2012 12:07:11 Misc. South SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL05598 1/20/2012 12:11:16 Laptop North SME 81 Yes 1.9
CL05599 1/20/2012 12:15:12 Laptop West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL05600 1/20/2012 12:19:20 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 4.5
CL05601 1/20/2012 12:22:50 Misc. North Individual 73 No 2.4
CL05602 1/20/2012 12:26:01 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL05603 1/20/2012 12:26:14 Desktop West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL05604 1/20/2012 12:30:54 Laptop South Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.9
CL05605 1/20/2012 12:36:12 Misc. North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL05606 1/20/2012 12:41:00 Desktop South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.0
CL05607 1/20/2012 12:44:47 Laptop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL05608 1/20/2012 12:45:41 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL05609 1/20/2012 12:47:38 Monitor North Individual 84 Yes 3.4
CL05610 1/20/2012 12:48:34 Accessories South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.8
CL05611 1/20/2012 12:52:28 Misc. West SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL05612 1/20/2012 12:52:53 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL05613 1/20/2012 12:55:52 Laptop East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.6
CL05614 1/20/2012 12:56:34 Desktop West SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL05615 1/20/2012 13:02:11 Software East Individual 64 Yes 3.0
CL05616 1/20/2012 13:05:04 Software West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL05617 1/20/2012 13:05:09 Accessories West SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL05618 1/20/2012 13:07:17 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL05619 1/20/2012 13:11:15 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.2
CL05620 1/20/2012 13:12:38 Software North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL05621 1/20/2012 13:18:19 Monitor North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL05622 1/20/2012 13:21:10 Laptop West Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.1
CL05623 1/20/2012 13:25:54 Misc. East SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL05624 1/20/2012 13:27:40 Accessories East SME 88 Yes 3.4
CL05625 1/20/2012 13:33:14 Desktop North SME 78 Yes 3.2
CL05626 1/20/2012 13:33:39 Misc. East Large Corporate 88 Yes 1.9
CL05627 1/20/2012 13:36:02 Laptop North Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL05628 1/20/2012 13:39:21 Desktop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL05629 1/20/2012 13:41:03 Software West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL05630 1/20/2012 13:44:45 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL05631 1/20/2012 13:45:48 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL05632 1/20/2012 13:46:31 Desktop Mid-west Individual 63 No 2.8
CL05633 1/20/2012 13:49:55 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 1.9
CL05634 1/20/2012 13:55:35 Monitor North Individual 84 Yes 2.7
CL05635 1/20/2012 13:56:57 Software South Individual 83 Yes 4.1
CL05636 1/20/2012 13:59:52 Misc. South Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.4
CL05637 1/20/2012 14:04:50 Misc. East Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL05638 1/20/2012 14:04:52 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL05639 1/20/2012 14:05:11 Monitor South Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL05640 1/20/2012 14:07:53 Laptop North SME 84 Yes 2.1
CL05641 1/20/2012 14:13:05 Monitor Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL05642 1/20/2012 14:13:20 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL05643 1/20/2012 14:17:52 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL05644 1/20/2012 14:18:36 Accessories North SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL05645 1/20/2012 14:19:40 Accessories West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.4
CL05646 1/20/2012 14:21:30 Monitor East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.4
CL05647 1/20/2012 14:23:29 Desktop West Individual 102 Yes 2.6
CL05648 1/20/2012 14:26:32 Accessories South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.0
CL05649 1/20/2012 14:29:36 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL05650 1/20/2012 14:31:29 Laptop South Individual 86 Yes 3.2
CL05651 1/20/2012 14:36:12 Monitor South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL05652 1/20/2012 14:41:12 Misc. Mid-west Individual 92 Yes 2.6
CL05653 1/20/2012 14:43:10 Misc. West Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL05654 1/20/2012 14:48:25 Software West SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL05655 1/20/2012 14:50:48 Accessories South Individual 85 Yes 2.7
CL05656 1/20/2012 14:52:30 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL05657 1/20/2012 14:57:53 Laptop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL05658 1/20/2012 15:03:26 Software South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.6
CL05659 1/20/2012 15:05:57 Software East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.0
CL05660 1/20/2012 15:11:29 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL05661 1/20/2012 15:16:53 Monitor North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL05662 1/20/2012 15:19:26 Desktop West Large Corporate 56 Yes 2.6
CL05663 1/20/2012 15:22:33 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL05664 1/20/2012 15:25:08 Accessories North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL05665 1/20/2012 15:26:18 Desktop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL05666 1/20/2012 15:29:52 Desktop North Individual 58 Yes 2.6
CL05667 1/20/2012 15:31:16 Monitor North Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL05668 1/20/2012 15:35:30 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL05669 1/20/2012 15:37:07 Monitor South Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL05670 1/20/2012 15:40:06 Software South Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL05671 1/20/2012 15:45:48 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 59 Yes 3.5
CL05672 1/20/2012 15:45:53 Accessories South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL05673 1/20/2012 15:46:37 Accessories East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.6
CL05674 1/20/2012 15:50:11 Accessories East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.7
CL05675 1/20/2012 15:52:42 Accessories Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL05676 1/20/2012 15:55:15 Misc. East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL05677 1/20/2012 16:00:06 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 2.4
CL05678 1/20/2012 16:00:32 Monitor South Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.6
CL05679 1/20/2012 16:03:47 Desktop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL05680 1/20/2012 16:08:39 Monitor West Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.1
CL05681 1/20/2012 16:10:53 Misc. East SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL05682 1/20/2012 16:12:51 Monitor North Individual 55 Yes 2.9
CL05683 1/20/2012 16:13:33 Monitor West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL05684 1/20/2012 16:18:51 Misc. West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL05685 1/20/2012 16:21:37 Desktop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL05686 1/20/2012 16:26:03 Laptop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 4.2
CL05687 1/20/2012 16:30:25 Laptop North Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.4
CL05688 1/20/2012 16:33:54 Accessories North Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL05689 1/20/2012 16:38:42 Laptop North Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL05690 1/20/2012 16:44:27 Laptop South SME 79 Yes 3.6
CL05691 1/20/2012 16:44:37 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL05692 1/20/2012 16:47:31 Software North SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL05693 1/20/2012 16:52:26 Accessories East Large Corporate 57 Yes 3.7
CL05694 1/20/2012 16:53:02 Accessories Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 3.0
CL05695 1/20/2012 16:57:09 Software West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.6
CL05696 1/20/2012 16:57:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL05697 1/20/2012 17:01:33 Accessories North Non-profit 57 Yes 2.7
CL05698 1/20/2012 17:03:42 Laptop Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL05699 1/20/2012 17:05:07 Software North Individual 74 Yes 2.8
CL05700 1/20/2012 17:09:23 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 92 Yes 2.8
CL05701 1/20/2012 17:10:02 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL05702 1/20/2012 17:11:17 Desktop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL05703 1/20/2012 17:16:29 Accessories North Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL05704 1/20/2012 17:20:51 Software East Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL05705 1/20/2012 17:24:07 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 1.9
CL05706 1/20/2012 17:29:38 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL05707 1/20/2012 17:31:56 Accessories West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL05708 1/20/2012 17:36:39 Monitor Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 4.5
CL05709 1/20/2012 17:37:58 Software East Individual 68 Yes 3.2
CL05710 1/20/2012 17:42:35 Accessories West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL05711 1/20/2012 17:45:05 Accessories North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL05712 1/20/2012 17:46:08 Laptop West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.9
CL05713 1/20/2012 17:51:40 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.5
CL05714 1/20/2012 17:53:20 Misc. East Non-profit 90 Yes 2.1
CL05715 1/20/2012 17:56:31 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL05716 1/20/2012 17:59:14 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 4.4
CL05717 1/20/2012 18:00:26 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.3
CL05718 1/20/2012 18:00:35 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL05719 1/20/2012 18:00:47 Misc. South SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL05720 1/20/2012 18:02:09 Software Mid-west SME 55 Yes 2.2
CL05721 1/20/2012 18:03:11 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.6
CL05722 1/20/2012 18:07:32 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL05723 1/20/2012 18:11:58 Desktop East Non-profit 88 Yes 2.3
CL05724 1/20/2012 18:13:28 Software Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.6
CL05725 1/20/2012 18:17:10 Monitor West Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL05726 1/20/2012 18:19:36 Misc. East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.5
CL05727 1/20/2012 18:21:04 Laptop East SME 67 Yes 3.5
CL05728 1/20/2012 18:26:29 Laptop South SME 65 Yes 4.1
CL05729 1/20/2012 18:28:21 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.2
CL05730 1/20/2012 18:33:32 Monitor South SME 68 Yes 3.6
CL05731 1/20/2012 18:33:38 Monitor West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL05732 1/20/2012 18:36:24 Laptop South Individual 81 Yes 2.4
CL05733 1/20/2012 18:40:41 Software South SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL05734 1/20/2012 18:41:45 Laptop East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL05735 1/20/2012 18:47:28 Misc. East Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.1
CL05736 1/20/2012 18:50:14 Software Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.9
CL05737 1/20/2012 18:54:54 Software West Individual 56 Yes 2.6
CL05738 1/20/2012 18:58:19 Misc. West SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL05739 1/20/2012 19:03:16 Accessories South SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL05740 1/20/2012 19:06:39 Misc. West Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL05741 1/20/2012 19:11:13 Software East SME 63 Yes 3.0
CL05742 1/20/2012 19:16:25 Misc. East SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL05743 1/20/2012 19:16:50 Monitor South Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL05744 1/20/2012 19:20:21 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.4
CL05745 1/20/2012 19:20:36 Laptop North Non-profit 85 Yes 2.8
CL05746 1/20/2012 19:24:43 Software North Individual 89 Yes 2.1
CL05747 1/20/2012 19:28:19 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL05748 1/20/2012 19:33:44 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL05749 1/20/2012 19:38:19 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.6
CL05750 1/20/2012 19:42:09 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL05751 1/20/2012 19:46:28 Laptop West SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL05752 1/20/2012 19:50:32 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL05753 1/20/2012 19:54:55 Laptop South Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL05754 1/20/2012 20:00:00 Laptop West Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL05755 1/20/2012 20:04:39 Misc. North Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.0
CL05756 1/20/2012 20:05:45 Laptop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL05757 1/20/2012 20:10:23 Laptop South Individual 66 Yes 3.1
CL05758 1/20/2012 20:15:31 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL05759 1/20/2012 20:17:45 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL05760 1/20/2012 20:21:27 Software West Non-profit 56 Yes 3.0
CL05761 1/20/2012 20:22:02 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL05762 1/20/2012 20:26:46 Misc. East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.5
CL05763 1/20/2012 20:30:22 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL05764 1/20/2012 20:35:04 Laptop West SME 84 Yes 2.9
CL05765 1/20/2012 20:37:24 Accessories West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL05766 1/20/2012 20:39:54 Desktop South Individual 85 Yes 3.2
CL05767 1/20/2012 20:45:13 Misc. East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.4
CL05768 1/20/2012 20:45:37 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL05769 1/20/2012 20:47:27 Accessories East SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL05770 1/20/2012 20:47:50 Misc. South SME 87 Yes 3.0
CL05771 1/20/2012 20:49:33 Monitor North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL05772 1/20/2012 20:54:18 Software East SME 68 Yes 3.6
CL05773 1/20/2012 20:55:32 Desktop West Non-profit 68 Yes 3.9
CL05774 1/20/2012 20:57:12 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL05775 1/20/2012 21:00:51 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL05776 1/20/2012 21:03:41 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.2
CL05777 1/20/2012 21:08:17 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.9
CL05778 1/20/2012 21:08:39 Software West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.1
CL05779 1/20/2012 21:12:50 Misc. Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.2
CL05780 1/20/2012 21:13:10 Misc. Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.1
CL05781 1/20/2012 21:15:33 Misc. North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.2
CL05782 1/20/2012 21:18:30 Laptop West Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL05783 1/20/2012 21:21:04 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL05784 1/20/2012 21:24:10 Desktop North Individual 88 Yes 3.6
CL05785 1/20/2012 21:28:31 Monitor South SME 88 Yes 3.0
CL05786 1/20/2012 21:29:38 Accessories East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.3
CL05787 1/20/2012 21:30:12 Misc. West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL05788 1/20/2012 21:32:15 Misc. South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL05789 1/20/2012 21:36:14 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL05790 1/20/2012 21:37:09 Desktop West SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL05791 1/20/2012 21:38:57 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL05792 1/20/2012 21:42:29 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.6
CL05793 1/20/2012 21:42:38 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL05794 1/20/2012 21:48:20 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.8
CL05795 1/20/2012 21:52:57 Desktop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL05796 1/20/2012 21:54:26 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL05797 1/20/2012 21:59:33 Accessories North Non-profit 78 No 2.4
CL05798 1/20/2012 22:04:39 Accessories West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL05799 1/21/2012 08:08:28 Misc. West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL05800 1/21/2012 08:12:21 Misc. West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL05801 1/21/2012 08:14:05 Software South Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL05802 1/21/2012 08:15:33 Monitor West SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL05803 1/21/2012 08:19:23 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL05804 1/21/2012 08:23:45 Monitor East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL05805 1/21/2012 08:26:53 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL05806 1/21/2012 08:27:37 Desktop East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL05807 1/21/2012 08:31:49 Software East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL05808 1/21/2012 08:32:25 Misc. North Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL05809 1/21/2012 08:32:46 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.5
CL05810 1/21/2012 08:34:08 Software West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL05811 1/21/2012 08:34:23 Software South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL05812 1/21/2012 08:39:06 Misc. Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL05813 1/21/2012 08:43:48 Laptop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL05814 1/21/2012 08:44:30 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL05815 1/21/2012 08:50:11 Monitor South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL05816 1/21/2012 08:50:45 Laptop North Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL05817 1/21/2012 08:53:00 Software South Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL05818 1/21/2012 08:53:54 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL05819 1/21/2012 08:56:19 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.8
CL05820 1/21/2012 08:59:30 Misc. North Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL05821 1/21/2012 08:59:49 Software East SME 66 Yes 2.6
CL05822 1/21/2012 09:05:24 Misc. East SME 83 No 3.3
CL05823 1/21/2012 09:09:41 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL05824 1/21/2012 09:13:13 Software North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.6
CL05825 1/21/2012 09:14:36 Software North Individual 66 Yes 2.0
CL05826 1/21/2012 09:14:51 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL05827 1/21/2012 09:19:25 Software Mid-west Individual 72 No 3.3
CL05828 1/21/2012 09:19:53 Misc. North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL05829 1/21/2012 09:22:14 Misc. West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.8
CL05830 1/21/2012 09:24:53 Software Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL05831 1/21/2012 09:30:02 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL05832 1/21/2012 09:35:40 Monitor North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL05833 1/21/2012 09:39:25 Accessories South Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.2
CL05834 1/21/2012 09:43:13 Desktop East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL05835 1/21/2012 09:45:36 Desktop South SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL05836 1/21/2012 09:47:00 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL05837 1/21/2012 09:47:45 Monitor East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.5
CL05838 1/21/2012 09:51:58 Monitor West Individual 87 Yes 2.7
CL05839 1/21/2012 09:52:14 Software North Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL05840 1/21/2012 09:56:53 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL05841 1/21/2012 09:58:07 Monitor East SME 95 Yes 2.7
CL05842 1/21/2012 10:02:38 Desktop East Non-profit 58 Yes 2.5
CL05843 1/21/2012 10:04:51 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL05844 1/21/2012 10:06:46 Software North Individual 77 Yes 2.5
CL05845 1/21/2012 10:09:26 Software Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.7
CL05846 1/21/2012 10:13:02 Misc. West Non-profit 87 Yes 2.8
CL05847 1/21/2012 10:16:39 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL05848 1/21/2012 10:21:28 Desktop North SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL05849 1/21/2012 10:23:31 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL05850 1/21/2012 10:25:18 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.9
CL05851 1/21/2012 10:26:29 Laptop South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.3
CL05852 1/21/2012 10:31:51 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.6
CL05853 1/21/2012 10:36:39 Software South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL05854 1/21/2012 10:39:02 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL05855 1/21/2012 10:41:52 Misc. South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL05856 1/21/2012 10:47:27 Misc. North Large Corporate 64 Yes 1.9
CL05857 1/21/2012 10:49:55 Software East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.2
CL05858 1/21/2012 10:55:08 Desktop West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL05859 1/21/2012 10:59:55 Software East SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL05860 1/21/2012 11:04:20 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.0
CL05861 1/21/2012 11:04:25 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL05862 1/21/2012 11:07:26 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL05863 1/21/2012 11:08:18 Desktop North Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL05864 1/21/2012 11:13:38 Accessories Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 2.2
CL05865 1/21/2012 11:14:58 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL05866 1/21/2012 11:20:39 Laptop West Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.4
CL05867 1/21/2012 11:26:08 Software North SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL05868 1/21/2012 11:27:09 Misc. South Individual 68 Yes 2.3
CL05869 1/21/2012 11:31:39 Monitor North SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL05870 1/21/2012 11:34:24 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.1
CL05871 1/21/2012 11:39:55 Monitor South Non-profit 74 No 3.8
CL05872 1/21/2012 11:41:07 Software North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL05873 1/21/2012 11:44:37 Monitor North Individual 80 Yes 3.7
CL05874 1/21/2012 11:50:02 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL05875 1/21/2012 11:51:59 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL05876 1/21/2012 11:57:01 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL05877 1/21/2012 12:02:06 Monitor East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.0
CL05878 1/21/2012 12:04:55 Misc. East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.6
CL05879 1/21/2012 12:09:07 Accessories Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL05880 1/21/2012 12:13:09 Software South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.6
CL05881 1/21/2012 12:17:11 Misc. North Non-profit 89 Yes 2.8
CL05882 1/21/2012 12:22:47 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL05883 1/21/2012 12:23:28 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 3.6
CL05884 1/21/2012 12:25:54 Software North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL05885 1/21/2012 12:28:38 Misc. South Individual 72 No 2.9
CL05886 1/21/2012 12:33:09 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL05887 1/21/2012 12:37:10 Misc. North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.9
CL05888 1/21/2012 12:37:17 Monitor Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.6
CL05889 1/21/2012 12:39:59 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL05890 1/21/2012 12:44:57 Desktop North Non-profit 86 No 3.8
CL05891 1/21/2012 12:48:55 Desktop West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.4
CL05892 1/21/2012 12:53:13 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL05893 1/21/2012 12:54:33 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL05894 1/21/2012 12:58:14 Software North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.2
CL05895 1/21/2012 13:03:27 Accessories Mid-west SME 82 No 2.3
CL05896 1/21/2012 13:07:55 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL05897 1/21/2012 13:09:30 Misc. North Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL05898 1/21/2012 13:11:16 Laptop West SME 64 Yes 3.6
CL05899 1/21/2012 13:14:08 Accessories South SME 82 Yes 3.6
CL05900 1/21/2012 13:17:51 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL05901 1/21/2012 13:21:26 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 71 No 3.1
CL05902 1/21/2012 13:24:40 Accessories West Individual 83 Yes 4.1
CL05903 1/21/2012 13:26:09 Monitor West Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL05904 1/21/2012 13:27:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.7
CL05905 1/21/2012 13:28:06 Laptop South SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL05906 1/21/2012 13:32:33 Monitor East SME 85 No 3.7
CL05907 1/21/2012 13:35:39 Laptop North Individual 53 Yes 3.4
CL05908 1/21/2012 13:39:16 Desktop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL05909 1/21/2012 13:42:12 Accessories West Individual 62 Yes 3.1
CL05910 1/21/2012 13:45:53 Laptop South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL05911 1/21/2012 13:48:18 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL05912 1/21/2012 13:48:51 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL05913 1/21/2012 13:49:18 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 3.7
CL05914 1/21/2012 13:51:13 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.7
CL05915 1/21/2012 13:51:39 Misc. South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL05916 1/21/2012 13:55:05 Misc. West Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL05917 1/21/2012 13:56:14 Desktop East Non-profit 92 Yes 3.2
CL05918 1/21/2012 14:00:14 Desktop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 1.6
CL05919 1/21/2012 14:00:21 Desktop West Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.4
CL05920 1/21/2012 14:01:06 Misc. East SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL05921 1/21/2012 14:01:19 Accessories East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.5
CL05922 1/21/2012 14:03:00 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL05923 1/21/2012 14:04:57 Desktop East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL05924 1/21/2012 14:10:38 Accessories Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL05925 1/21/2012 14:12:07 Software North Non-profit 85 Yes 2.8
CL05926 1/21/2012 14:14:44 Laptop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL05927 1/21/2012 14:20:20 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL05928 1/21/2012 14:25:18 Desktop West SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL05929 1/21/2012 14:28:46 Monitor North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL05930 1/21/2012 14:30:37 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL05931 1/21/2012 14:33:00 Laptop East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL05932 1/21/2012 14:34:04 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL05933 1/21/2012 14:36:06 Accessories East Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL05934 1/21/2012 14:36:15 Monitor North SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL05935 1/21/2012 14:39:16 Software East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.2
CL05936 1/21/2012 14:44:24 Monitor North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL05937 1/21/2012 14:47:14 Laptop South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.0
CL05938 1/21/2012 14:52:00 Laptop Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.9
CL05939 1/21/2012 14:56:09 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.3
CL05940 1/21/2012 14:56:26 Misc. South Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.7
CL05941 1/21/2012 15:01:53 Misc. Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL05942 1/21/2012 15:05:19 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL05943 1/21/2012 15:10:36 Desktop South Individual 65 Yes 1.8
CL05944 1/21/2012 15:12:28 Laptop East Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL05945 1/21/2012 15:13:50 Desktop East SME 81 No 2.2
CL05946 1/21/2012 15:16:07 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL05947 1/21/2012 15:21:34 Misc. North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL05948 1/21/2012 15:25:09 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL05949 1/21/2012 15:25:22 Misc. West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.1
CL05950 1/21/2012 15:30:48 Software East SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL05951 1/21/2012 15:31:00 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL05952 1/21/2012 15:35:46 Misc. East Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL05953 1/21/2012 15:37:33 Misc. East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.9
CL05954 1/21/2012 15:38:22 Laptop West SME 88 No 3.0
CL05955 1/21/2012 15:42:36 Laptop South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.6
CL05956 1/21/2012 15:44:32 Desktop West Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.0
CL05957 1/21/2012 15:45:28 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL05958 1/21/2012 15:49:25 Misc. Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL05959 1/21/2012 15:54:55 Desktop East Large Corporate 58 Yes 1.9
CL05960 1/21/2012 15:55:38 Misc. South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL05961 1/21/2012 15:56:49 Software West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.7
CL05962 1/21/2012 15:57:13 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.1
CL05963 1/21/2012 16:00:01 Laptop South Individual 60 Yes 2.9
CL05964 1/21/2012 16:05:22 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 2.3
CL05965 1/21/2012 16:09:07 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL05966 1/21/2012 16:12:48 Desktop Mid-west SME 64 Yes 2.3
CL05967 1/21/2012 16:15:14 Accessories South SME 67 No 2.9
CL05968 1/21/2012 16:20:37 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL05969 1/21/2012 16:24:32 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL05970 1/21/2012 16:27:53 Accessories West Individual 71 No 3.1
CL05971 1/21/2012 16:33:22 Misc. East Non-profit 64 Yes 2.8
CL05972 1/21/2012 16:33:35 Misc. South SME 68 Yes 2.5
CL05973 1/21/2012 16:36:50 Laptop North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL05974 1/21/2012 16:37:47 Software East Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL05975 1/21/2012 16:41:28 Misc. South Non-profit 96 Yes 4.0
CL05976 1/21/2012 16:43:06 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 88 No 3.1
CL05977 1/21/2012 16:44:47 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL05978 1/21/2012 16:46:38 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL05979 1/21/2012 16:49:27 Monitor West Individual 63 Yes 3.3
CL05980 1/21/2012 16:49:28 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 3.7
CL05981 1/21/2012 16:51:56 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL05982 1/21/2012 16:54:07 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL05983 1/21/2012 16:59:40 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL05984 1/21/2012 17:02:04 Software North SME 87 Yes 3.7
CL05985 1/21/2012 17:06:32 Laptop East Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL05986 1/21/2012 17:11:00 Laptop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.5
CL05987 1/21/2012 17:16:14 Misc. West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL05988 1/21/2012 17:17:40 Software Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL05989 1/21/2012 17:21:20 Monitor South SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL05990 1/21/2012 17:24:03 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL05991 1/21/2012 17:29:46 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL05992 1/21/2012 17:31:09 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL05993 1/21/2012 17:33:57 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.0
CL05994 1/21/2012 17:37:50 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL05995 1/21/2012 17:40:36 Misc. West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL05996 1/21/2012 17:41:38 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 No 3.5
CL05997 1/21/2012 17:46:31 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL05998 1/21/2012 17:51:55 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL05999 1/21/2012 17:55:40 Desktop West SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL06000 1/21/2012 17:56:25 Monitor West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL06001 1/21/2012 17:59:16 Laptop South Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.6
CL06002 1/21/2012 18:03:44 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL06003 1/21/2012 18:07:44 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL06004 1/21/2012 18:08:51 Laptop East SME 86 Yes 2.7
CL06005 1/21/2012 18:14:09 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL06006 1/21/2012 18:19:31 Accessories South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.9
CL06007 1/21/2012 18:20:06 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.2
CL06008 1/21/2012 18:24:42 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL06009 1/21/2012 18:26:45 Misc. Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.4
CL06010 1/21/2012 18:31:27 Software East Non-profit 60 Yes 3.4
CL06011 1/21/2012 18:34:47 Monitor North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.7
CL06012 1/21/2012 18:37:56 Desktop South Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL06013 1/21/2012 18:41:43 Software East SME 61 Yes 2.6
CL06014 1/21/2012 18:42:37 Misc. South Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.2
CL06015 1/21/2012 18:45:18 Laptop East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.6
CL06016 1/21/2012 18:47:55 Software South SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL06017 1/21/2012 18:52:52 Desktop East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.3
CL06018 1/21/2012 18:54:44 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL06019 1/21/2012 18:59:39 Software North SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL06020 1/21/2012 19:02:27 Software East Large Corporate 93 Yes 2.3
CL06021 1/21/2012 19:02:48 Monitor South Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL06022 1/21/2012 19:06:46 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL06023 1/21/2012 19:09:56 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL06024 1/21/2012 19:10:39 Desktop West Non-profit 68 Yes 4.2
CL06025 1/21/2012 19:14:25 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.2
CL06026 1/21/2012 19:19:40 Desktop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL06027 1/21/2012 19:24:34 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.1
CL06028 1/21/2012 19:29:16 Software West Non-profit 88 Yes 3.1
CL06029 1/21/2012 19:29:58 Accessories East SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL06030 1/21/2012 19:34:43 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL06031 1/21/2012 19:38:38 Monitor Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 4.3
CL06032 1/21/2012 19:42:47 Monitor West Individual 55 Yes 2.8
CL06033 1/21/2012 19:44:23 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL06034 1/21/2012 19:46:10 Software South Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL06035 1/21/2012 19:48:51 Monitor South Individual 65 Yes 3.0
CL06036 1/21/2012 19:53:43 Desktop West Individual 70 Yes 2.1
CL06037 1/21/2012 19:58:14 Software East SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL06038 1/21/2012 20:00:08 Monitor South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.4
CL06039 1/21/2012 20:02:15 Accessories Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.6
CL06040 1/21/2012 20:04:50 Software West SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL06041 1/21/2012 20:08:18 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL06042 1/21/2012 20:13:48 Laptop North Non-profit 86 Yes 3.6
CL06043 1/21/2012 20:16:20 Software South SME 61 Yes 3.8
CL06044 1/21/2012 20:17:12 Software North Individual 80 No 3.1
CL06045 1/21/2012 20:22:34 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 3.8
CL06046 1/21/2012 20:26:06 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.8
CL06047 1/21/2012 20:31:25 Monitor East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL06048 1/21/2012 20:33:03 Software East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL06049 1/21/2012 20:37:24 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL06050 1/21/2012 20:40:40 Software West SME 68 No 3.7
CL06051 1/21/2012 20:42:51 Monitor West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.1
CL06052 1/21/2012 20:43:08 Misc. North SME 85 Yes 4.4
CL06053 1/21/2012 20:46:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL06054 1/21/2012 20:52:03 Software East SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL06055 1/21/2012 20:52:30 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL06056 1/21/2012 20:55:13 Misc. South SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL06057 1/21/2012 20:55:40 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL06058 1/21/2012 20:57:30 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL06059 1/21/2012 20:59:34 Software North SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL06060 1/21/2012 21:02:11 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL06061 1/21/2012 21:07:48 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.6
CL06062 1/21/2012 21:11:31 Monitor West Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.1
CL06063 1/21/2012 21:11:32 Software West Individual 63 Yes 3.5
CL06064 1/21/2012 21:12:11 Monitor West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL06065 1/21/2012 21:17:52 Laptop East SME 83 Yes 3.6
CL06066 1/21/2012 21:20:00 Monitor South SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL06067 1/21/2012 21:23:42 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.3
CL06068 1/21/2012 21:27:19 Software South Non-profit 58 Yes 3.3
CL06069 1/21/2012 21:29:26 Laptop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL06070 1/21/2012 21:30:39 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL06071 1/21/2012 21:33:55 Laptop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL06072 1/21/2012 21:38:55 Monitor East Individual 63 Yes 3.0
CL06073 1/21/2012 21:43:22 Desktop North SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL06074 1/21/2012 21:49:07 Desktop East Non-profit 83 Yes 2.6
CL06075 1/21/2012 21:51:55 Monitor Mid-west SME 64 Yes 1.9
CL06076 1/21/2012 21:56:16 Laptop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL06077 1/21/2012 22:01:02 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.6
CL06078 1/22/2012 08:04:29 Monitor North SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL06079 1/22/2012 08:07:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL06080 1/22/2012 08:10:11 Misc. East SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL06081 1/22/2012 08:14:32 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL06082 1/22/2012 08:18:10 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 4.0
CL06083 1/22/2012 08:23:18 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL06084 1/22/2012 08:24:58 Accessories Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.1
CL06085 1/22/2012 08:28:46 Misc. Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.6
CL06086 1/22/2012 08:33:31 Monitor North Individual 80 Yes 2.4
CL06087 1/22/2012 08:34:29 Misc. West SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL06088 1/22/2012 08:37:07 Misc. West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL06089 1/22/2012 08:39:29 Monitor North Large Corporate 96 Yes 3.7
CL06090 1/22/2012 08:41:13 Monitor North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL06091 1/22/2012 08:46:27 Desktop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL06092 1/22/2012 08:49:18 Accessories South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL06093 1/22/2012 08:52:46 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 3.2
CL06094 1/22/2012 08:58:00 Misc. South Non-profit 60 Yes 2.6
CL06095 1/22/2012 08:58:41 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL06096 1/22/2012 09:02:39 Accessories South Individual 61 Yes 2.8
CL06097 1/22/2012 09:07:30 Software South SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL06098 1/22/2012 09:10:06 Accessories East SME 86 Yes 2.0
CL06099 1/22/2012 09:15:15 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 3.2
CL06100 1/22/2012 09:16:47 Monitor Mid-west SME 60 Yes 3.5
CL06101 1/22/2012 09:18:40 Accessories North Individual 94 Yes 3.7
CL06102 1/22/2012 09:24:08 Laptop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL06103 1/22/2012 09:24:59 Software South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL06104 1/22/2012 09:29:18 Misc. West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL06105 1/22/2012 09:31:09 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL06106 1/22/2012 09:34:58 Laptop North SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL06107 1/22/2012 09:40:14 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL06108 1/22/2012 09:45:26 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL06109 1/22/2012 09:47:31 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL06110 1/22/2012 09:47:39 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 No 3.3
CL06111 1/22/2012 09:49:30 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL06112 1/22/2012 09:53:21 Accessories North Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL06113 1/22/2012 09:56:10 Accessories West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL06114 1/22/2012 10:00:34 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL06115 1/22/2012 10:03:05 Software North SME 71 Yes 3.5
CL06116 1/22/2012 10:06:15 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL06117 1/22/2012 10:09:56 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 1.8
CL06118 1/22/2012 10:14:41 Misc. East Non-profit 62 Yes 3.4
CL06119 1/22/2012 10:16:12 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.9
CL06120 1/22/2012 10:17:04 Software West Non-profit 68 Yes 3.7
CL06121 1/22/2012 10:18:25 Accessories West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL06122 1/22/2012 10:18:41 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 2.6
CL06123 1/22/2012 10:21:58 Desktop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.8
CL06124 1/22/2012 10:22:59 Misc. East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL06125 1/22/2012 10:28:41 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL06126 1/22/2012 10:30:59 Laptop South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL06127 1/22/2012 10:33:34 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL06128 1/22/2012 10:36:32 Laptop East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL06129 1/22/2012 10:38:38 Software West Large Corporate 72 No 2.9
CL06130 1/22/2012 10:39:39 Desktop West SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL06131 1/22/2012 10:40:25 Desktop East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL06132 1/22/2012 10:42:31 Accessories West SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL06133 1/22/2012 10:45:11 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.2
CL06134 1/22/2012 10:50:29 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL06135 1/22/2012 10:56:07 Misc. South Non-profit 88 Yes 2.5
CL06136 1/22/2012 10:57:05 Monitor North Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.8
CL06137 1/22/2012 10:58:55 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 4.0
CL06138 1/22/2012 11:02:25 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL06139 1/22/2012 11:08:06 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL06140 1/22/2012 11:11:34 Desktop East SME 78 Yes 3.0
CL06141 1/22/2012 11:12:45 Monitor West Individual 68 No 3.4
CL06142 1/22/2012 11:15:58 Accessories South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.4
CL06143 1/22/2012 11:20:06 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL06144 1/22/2012 11:21:56 Misc. Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 2.4
CL06145 1/22/2012 11:26:05 Laptop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL06146 1/22/2012 11:29:03 Accessories South Non-profit 90 Yes 3.2
CL06147 1/22/2012 11:30:26 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.6
CL06148 1/22/2012 11:35:27 Laptop Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 2.5
CL06149 1/22/2012 11:38:38 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 2.6
CL06150 1/22/2012 11:40:28 Accessories South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL06151 1/22/2012 11:43:09 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL06152 1/22/2012 11:44:01 Monitor East Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL06153 1/22/2012 11:48:23 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 91 Yes 3.3
CL06154 1/22/2012 11:51:58 Monitor North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL06155 1/22/2012 11:52:12 Desktop East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.2
CL06156 1/22/2012 11:52:14 Software North SME 64 Yes 2.3
CL06157 1/22/2012 11:55:13 Monitor North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.4
CL06158 1/22/2012 11:58:11 Monitor West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL06159 1/22/2012 11:59:07 Software East Individual 72 Yes 3.2
CL06160 1/22/2012 12:03:11 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 89 Yes 3.6
CL06161 1/22/2012 12:08:03 Monitor Mid-west SME 64 Yes 3.4
CL06162 1/22/2012 12:13:06 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.5
CL06163 1/22/2012 12:15:35 Monitor East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.2
CL06164 1/22/2012 12:18:06 Monitor West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL06165 1/22/2012 12:22:07 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 4.4
CL06166 1/22/2012 12:26:32 Desktop North Individual 84 Yes 2.2
CL06167 1/22/2012 12:31:31 Accessories South SME 73 Yes 3.9
CL06168 1/22/2012 12:36:31 Monitor South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL06169 1/22/2012 12:38:57 Software North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL06170 1/22/2012 12:39:16 Laptop West Non-profit 87 Yes 2.6
CL06171 1/22/2012 12:39:38 Misc. East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL06172 1/22/2012 12:44:14 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL06173 1/22/2012 12:49:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL06174 1/22/2012 12:50:53 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL06175 1/22/2012 12:56:17 Misc. East SME 86 Yes 2.7
CL06176 1/22/2012 13:00:27 Software North Individual 61 Yes 3.1
CL06177 1/22/2012 13:02:24 Laptop West Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL06178 1/22/2012 13:04:38 Misc. North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL06179 1/22/2012 13:10:02 Misc. South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.2
CL06180 1/22/2012 13:12:08 Desktop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL06181 1/22/2012 13:16:25 Software South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.8
CL06182 1/22/2012 13:17:32 Misc. West Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL06183 1/22/2012 13:18:00 Monitor West Individual 89 Yes 2.2
CL06184 1/22/2012 13:23:32 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.7
CL06185 1/22/2012 13:25:21 Monitor South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL06186 1/22/2012 13:28:11 Software West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL06187 1/22/2012 13:33:38 Software East SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL06188 1/22/2012 13:34:42 Desktop West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL06189 1/22/2012 13:39:02 Monitor North Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL06190 1/22/2012 13:41:26 Software Mid-west Individual 91 Yes 3.2
CL06191 1/22/2012 13:42:14 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL06192 1/22/2012 13:46:19 Monitor West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.2
CL06193 1/22/2012 13:47:37 Accessories Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.7
CL06194 1/22/2012 13:51:10 Misc. South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL06195 1/22/2012 13:55:18 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL06196 1/22/2012 13:56:46 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL06197 1/22/2012 14:00:45 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 92 Yes 2.9
CL06198 1/22/2012 14:00:58 Software East Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL06199 1/22/2012 14:06:40 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.2
CL06200 1/22/2012 14:12:03 Accessories South SME 85 Yes 2.9
CL06201 1/22/2012 14:14:20 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.8
CL06202 1/22/2012 14:14:34 Laptop North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL06203 1/22/2012 14:19:56 Misc. South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL06204 1/22/2012 14:21:04 Software West Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL06205 1/22/2012 14:26:41 Software North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL06206 1/22/2012 14:30:56 Misc. West Individual 64 Yes 3.4
CL06207 1/22/2012 14:32:02 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL06208 1/22/2012 14:37:21 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL06209 1/22/2012 14:38:34 Accessories West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.5
CL06210 1/22/2012 14:44:06 Monitor East SME 88 Yes 3.2
CL06211 1/22/2012 14:49:47 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.9
CL06212 1/22/2012 14:50:51 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL06213 1/22/2012 14:53:45 Monitor South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL06214 1/22/2012 14:57:29 Desktop East SME 84 Yes 2.9
CL06215 1/22/2012 14:59:05 Monitor East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL06216 1/22/2012 15:00:17 Monitor South SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL06217 1/22/2012 15:02:18 Misc. North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL06218 1/22/2012 15:02:30 Accessories South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL06219 1/22/2012 15:04:22 Laptop West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL06220 1/22/2012 15:06:22 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 3.4
CL06221 1/22/2012 15:06:28 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL06222 1/22/2012 15:07:06 Laptop South Non-profit 69 No 2.0
CL06223 1/22/2012 15:08:59 Desktop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL06224 1/22/2012 15:09:00 Software South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL06225 1/22/2012 15:14:24 Laptop Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL06226 1/22/2012 15:19:25 Misc. North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL06227 1/22/2012 15:19:46 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL06228 1/22/2012 15:20:48 Accessories North SME 79 Yes 4.0
CL06229 1/22/2012 15:25:18 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL06230 1/22/2012 15:28:32 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL06231 1/22/2012 15:30:07 Laptop South Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL06232 1/22/2012 15:35:20 Software North SME 88 Yes 2.5
CL06233 1/22/2012 15:36:59 Monitor Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.4
CL06234 1/22/2012 15:41:18 Accessories West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL06235 1/22/2012 15:45:24 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL06236 1/22/2012 15:49:47 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL06237 1/22/2012 15:55:03 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 3.8
CL06238 1/22/2012 16:00:14 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL06239 1/22/2012 16:03:47 Accessories East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL06240 1/22/2012 16:04:30 Accessories East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.8
CL06241 1/22/2012 16:08:24 Software East SME 65 Yes 3.4
CL06242 1/22/2012 16:10:06 Misc. East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.2
CL06243 1/22/2012 16:10:28 Laptop West Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL06244 1/22/2012 16:10:54 Laptop North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL06245 1/22/2012 16:13:50 Software West SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL06246 1/22/2012 16:14:48 Laptop North SME 66 Yes 3.3
CL06247 1/22/2012 16:17:40 Software North SME 91 Yes 2.8
CL06248 1/22/2012 16:20:08 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 No 3.6
CL06249 1/22/2012 16:20:15 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL06250 1/22/2012 16:21:06 Software Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL06251 1/22/2012 16:21:27 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL06252 1/22/2012 16:27:05 Software North Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL06253 1/22/2012 16:30:44 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 57 Yes 2.4
CL06254 1/22/2012 16:31:10 Laptop South SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL06255 1/22/2012 16:31:35 Misc. North SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL06256 1/22/2012 16:33:20 Software South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL06257 1/22/2012 16:33:42 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL06258 1/22/2012 16:37:29 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL06259 1/22/2012 16:38:19 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL06260 1/22/2012 16:39:26 Monitor West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.4
CL06261 1/22/2012 16:44:14 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.2
CL06262 1/22/2012 16:48:30 Software West Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL06263 1/22/2012 16:51:50 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 2.6
CL06264 1/22/2012 16:53:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 86 No 3.3
CL06265 1/22/2012 16:54:59 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 93 Yes 3.2
CL06266 1/22/2012 16:58:08 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL06267 1/22/2012 17:01:49 Accessories Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.0
CL06268 1/22/2012 17:06:59 Software East SME 75 Yes 1.9
CL06269 1/22/2012 17:10:52 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.3
CL06270 1/22/2012 17:11:14 Software North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.6
CL06271 1/22/2012 17:16:37 Desktop South Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL06272 1/22/2012 17:18:15 Software Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL06273 1/22/2012 17:18:31 Software North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL06274 1/22/2012 17:22:29 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.0
CL06275 1/22/2012 17:22:47 Misc. West Individual 63 Yes 3.1
CL06276 1/22/2012 17:25:00 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL06277 1/22/2012 17:26:45 Desktop South SME 89 Yes 3.2
CL06278 1/22/2012 17:28:23 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.5
CL06279 1/22/2012 17:29:35 Software Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL06280 1/22/2012 17:30:42 Accessories East Non-profit 99 Yes 2.6
CL06281 1/22/2012 17:30:58 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.4
CL06282 1/22/2012 17:32:57 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 1.8
CL06283 1/22/2012 17:36:37 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 No 3.8
CL06284 1/22/2012 17:39:45 Misc. South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.5
CL06285 1/22/2012 17:44:09 Laptop South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL06286 1/22/2012 17:46:13 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL06287 1/22/2012 17:47:03 Monitor West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL06288 1/22/2012 17:50:20 Accessories West Non-profit 96 Yes 2.3
CL06289 1/22/2012 17:51:27 Desktop South Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL06290 1/22/2012 17:55:50 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL06291 1/22/2012 17:59:01 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL06292 1/22/2012 18:00:10 Software East SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL06293 1/22/2012 18:03:45 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL06294 1/22/2012 18:05:54 Misc. West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.6
CL06295 1/22/2012 18:07:41 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL06296 1/22/2012 18:08:52 Desktop South SME 82 Yes 2.8
CL06297 1/22/2012 18:11:10 Software West Individual 70 Yes 3.8
CL06298 1/22/2012 18:11:20 Laptop East SME 81 Yes 3.5
CL06299 1/22/2012 18:15:21 Laptop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL06300 1/22/2012 18:19:04 Monitor South Non-profit 76 Yes 4.1
CL06301 1/22/2012 18:23:30 Desktop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.3
CL06302 1/22/2012 18:25:59 Misc. North SME 83 Yes 3.3
CL06303 1/22/2012 18:29:14 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL06304 1/22/2012 18:29:42 Monitor West Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL06305 1/22/2012 18:32:40 Desktop East Individual 82 Yes 4.1
CL06306 1/22/2012 18:35:21 Laptop South SME 62 Yes 2.7
CL06307 1/22/2012 18:36:45 Monitor East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL06308 1/22/2012 18:42:17 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL06309 1/22/2012 18:44:17 Software West SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL06310 1/22/2012 18:45:23 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL06311 1/22/2012 18:48:51 Laptop North Non-profit 86 Yes 3.0
CL06312 1/22/2012 18:51:50 Monitor North SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL06313 1/22/2012 18:55:55 Laptop Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.2
CL06314 1/22/2012 18:57:47 Desktop West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL06315 1/22/2012 19:02:03 Monitor Mid-west Individual 60 Yes 3.3
CL06316 1/22/2012 19:02:48 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL06317 1/22/2012 19:03:16 Monitor East Individual 66 Yes 3.2
CL06318 1/22/2012 19:05:48 Laptop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.7
CL06319 1/22/2012 19:06:58 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL06320 1/22/2012 19:07:36 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL06321 1/22/2012 19:08:49 Monitor West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.2
CL06322 1/22/2012 19:13:27 Misc. North Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL06323 1/22/2012 19:17:30 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 70 No 3.9
CL06324 1/22/2012 19:20:17 Monitor West Large Corporate 53 Yes 2.7
CL06325 1/22/2012 19:23:14 Laptop South SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL06326 1/22/2012 19:24:18 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL06327 1/22/2012 19:29:42 Software Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.9
CL06328 1/22/2012 19:34:11 Desktop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL06329 1/22/2012 19:38:46 Software East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL06330 1/22/2012 19:44:28 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL06331 1/22/2012 19:49:41 Monitor South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL06332 1/22/2012 19:55:16 Software North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL06333 1/22/2012 20:00:08 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL06334 1/22/2012 20:04:43 Laptop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.1
CL06335 1/22/2012 20:09:30 Software East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL06336 1/22/2012 20:12:42 Monitor East Non-profit 96 Yes 3.1
CL06337 1/22/2012 20:14:01 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL06338 1/22/2012 20:14:13 Software West Non-profit 69 No 3.3
CL06339 1/22/2012 20:17:48 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL06340 1/22/2012 20:20:44 Desktop South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL06341 1/22/2012 20:21:11 Desktop East Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL06342 1/22/2012 20:25:32 Desktop West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL06343 1/22/2012 20:28:28 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL06344 1/22/2012 20:33:59 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL06345 1/22/2012 20:36:49 Software North Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL06346 1/22/2012 20:39:25 Laptop North Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.3
CL06347 1/22/2012 20:43:18 Software East SME 80 Yes 2.3
CL06348 1/22/2012 20:45:22 Laptop North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL06349 1/22/2012 20:50:20 Laptop East Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL06350 1/22/2012 20:54:27 Desktop West Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL06351 1/22/2012 20:55:56 Laptop East Large Corporate 57 Yes 3.3
CL06352 1/22/2012 20:59:31 Desktop West SME 90 Yes 3.8
CL06353 1/22/2012 21:04:16 Laptop South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL06354 1/22/2012 21:09:50 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL06355 1/22/2012 21:14:32 Software South SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL06356 1/22/2012 21:17:29 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL06357 1/22/2012 21:21:05 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 1.7
CL06358 1/22/2012 21:22:58 Desktop East Individual 89 Yes 3.2
CL06359 1/22/2012 21:25:31 Monitor South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.6
CL06360 1/22/2012 21:27:28 Laptop South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL06361 1/22/2012 21:31:01 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL06362 1/22/2012 21:31:25 Misc. North SME 83 Yes 2.6
CL06363 1/22/2012 21:32:54 Monitor South SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL06364 1/22/2012 21:34:44 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL06365 1/22/2012 21:34:55 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 3.7
CL06366 1/22/2012 21:38:17 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL06367 1/22/2012 21:40:20 Monitor South Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.8
CL06368 1/22/2012 21:44:25 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL06369 1/22/2012 21:47:08 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL06370 1/22/2012 21:47:29 Software South Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.3
CL06371 1/22/2012 21:49:06 Misc. East SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL06372 1/22/2012 21:49:26 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL06373 1/22/2012 21:52:56 Desktop North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL06374 1/22/2012 21:53:25 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL06375 1/22/2012 21:59:10 Software Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL06376 1/22/2012 22:01:13 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.3
CL06377 1/23/2012 08:04:57 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL06378 1/23/2012 08:07:57 Accessories South Non-profit 90 Yes 3.3
CL06379 1/23/2012 08:08:47 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL06380 1/23/2012 08:11:18 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 3.9
CL06381 1/23/2012 08:11:20 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL06382 1/23/2012 08:11:32 Desktop South SME 66 Yes 2.6
CL06383 1/23/2012 08:11:48 Monitor Mid-west Individual 63 No 2.8
CL06384 1/23/2012 08:12:19 Accessories West Non-profit 85 No 2.5
CL06385 1/23/2012 08:13:01 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL06386 1/23/2012 08:17:14 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL06387 1/23/2012 08:18:14 Software East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL06388 1/23/2012 08:22:14 Software Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL06389 1/23/2012 08:27:48 Desktop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL06390 1/23/2012 08:30:52 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL06391 1/23/2012 08:33:44 Laptop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL06392 1/23/2012 08:35:02 Misc. East SME 66 Yes 2.9
CL06393 1/23/2012 08:40:03 Accessories East Individual 86 Yes 1.8
CL06394 1/23/2012 08:45:32 Monitor South Non-profit 64 Yes 2.3
CL06395 1/23/2012 08:51:15 Laptop West Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.4
CL06396 1/23/2012 08:52:53 Laptop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL06397 1/23/2012 08:55:53 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.2
CL06398 1/23/2012 08:58:56 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL06399 1/23/2012 09:02:45 Monitor East Non-profit 97 Yes 2.6
CL06400 1/23/2012 09:06:02 Software North SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL06401 1/23/2012 09:07:09 Desktop South Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL06402 1/23/2012 09:10:16 Monitor West Individual 77 Yes 2.5
CL06403 1/23/2012 09:13:35 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL06404 1/23/2012 09:14:18 Laptop East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL06405 1/23/2012 09:19:00 Software North Individual 59 Yes 3.6
CL06406 1/23/2012 09:22:33 Software North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.7
CL06407 1/23/2012 09:27:05 Accessories West SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL06408 1/23/2012 09:27:21 Laptop North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.8
CL06409 1/23/2012 09:27:29 Accessories South SME 72 Yes 3.8
CL06410 1/23/2012 09:32:58 Misc. North Individual 63 Yes 3.3
CL06411 1/23/2012 09:38:11 Accessories West SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL06412 1/23/2012 09:40:14 Misc. South Non-profit 60 Yes 3.3
CL06413 1/23/2012 09:44:07 Laptop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL06414 1/23/2012 09:48:23 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL06415 1/23/2012 09:48:40 Desktop East SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL06416 1/23/2012 09:51:09 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL06417 1/23/2012 09:56:02 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL06418 1/23/2012 10:01:05 Desktop South Non-profit 68 Yes 1.9
CL06419 1/23/2012 10:02:17 Accessories East SME 70 Yes 2.9
CL06420 1/23/2012 10:04:35 Misc. East SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL06421 1/23/2012 10:04:52 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL06422 1/23/2012 10:06:06 Software East SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL06423 1/23/2012 10:07:25 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL06424 1/23/2012 10:08:40 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL06425 1/23/2012 10:11:15 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL06426 1/23/2012 10:16:49 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL06427 1/23/2012 10:19:00 Laptop East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL06428 1/23/2012 10:24:29 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL06429 1/23/2012 10:28:27 Misc. North SME 64 Yes 2.4
CL06430 1/23/2012 10:30:31 Laptop East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.3
CL06431 1/23/2012 10:32:45 Laptop North Non-profit 64 Yes 2.3
CL06432 1/23/2012 10:35:51 Laptop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.2
CL06433 1/23/2012 10:40:13 Accessories West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL06434 1/23/2012 10:42:36 Misc. South SME 86 Yes 2.9
CL06435 1/23/2012 10:44:23 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.4
CL06436 1/23/2012 10:49:56 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 No 3.3
CL06437 1/23/2012 10:50:24 Software East SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL06438 1/23/2012 10:52:53 Desktop East SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL06439 1/23/2012 10:54:28 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL06440 1/23/2012 11:00:02 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.5
CL06441 1/23/2012 11:05:28 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL06442 1/23/2012 11:08:20 Monitor West SME 66 Yes 3.5
CL06443 1/23/2012 11:09:01 Desktop East Individual 80 No 2.4
CL06444 1/23/2012 11:10:13 Monitor North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL06445 1/23/2012 11:11:26 Software North SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL06446 1/23/2012 11:14:51 Software West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL06447 1/23/2012 11:16:43 Software East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.9
CL06448 1/23/2012 11:18:50 Software East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL06449 1/23/2012 11:22:13 Laptop South Individual 88 Yes 3.6
CL06450 1/23/2012 11:26:30 Software North Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL06451 1/23/2012 11:28:48 Software Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.7
CL06452 1/23/2012 11:29:24 Desktop South Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.0
CL06453 1/23/2012 11:30:57 Monitor North Non-profit 87 No 3.6
CL06454 1/23/2012 11:35:48 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 Yes 1.9
CL06455 1/23/2012 11:38:30 Software West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL06456 1/23/2012 11:42:04 Software North SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL06457 1/23/2012 11:45:57 Monitor South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL06458 1/23/2012 11:50:23 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL06459 1/23/2012 11:52:49 Desktop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL06460 1/23/2012 11:53:59 Desktop South Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL06461 1/23/2012 11:59:11 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL06462 1/23/2012 11:59:27 Desktop North SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL06463 1/23/2012 12:05:07 Software Mid-west SME 59 Yes 2.8
CL06464 1/23/2012 12:08:12 Accessories North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL06465 1/23/2012 12:11:54 Desktop South Individual 90 Yes 3.2
CL06466 1/23/2012 12:12:42 Accessories East Non-profit 83 Yes 4.0
CL06467 1/23/2012 12:15:39 Laptop East Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.1
CL06468 1/23/2012 12:19:48 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.2
CL06469 1/23/2012 12:24:31 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 4.0
CL06470 1/23/2012 12:29:35 Monitor West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL06471 1/23/2012 12:30:51 Monitor Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 3.0
CL06472 1/23/2012 12:31:33 Misc. North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL06473 1/23/2012 12:37:17 Laptop North Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL06474 1/23/2012 12:38:02 Desktop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.7
CL06475 1/23/2012 12:38:08 Software South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL06476 1/23/2012 12:43:51 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL06477 1/23/2012 12:48:49 Software West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL06478 1/23/2012 12:51:10 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL06479 1/23/2012 12:51:27 Laptop North SME 85 Yes 3.3
CL06480 1/23/2012 12:53:47 Desktop North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.0
CL06481 1/23/2012 12:55:40 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.4
CL06482 1/23/2012 12:58:30 Accessories West Non-profit 88 Yes 2.7
CL06483 1/23/2012 13:03:03 Desktop West SME 93 Yes 3.3
CL06484 1/23/2012 13:05:49 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.3
CL06485 1/23/2012 13:07:57 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL06486 1/23/2012 13:08:59 Desktop East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.7
CL06487 1/23/2012 13:11:41 Desktop West Non-profit 74 No 3.1
CL06488 1/23/2012 13:14:49 Accessories North Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL06489 1/23/2012 13:17:46 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL06490 1/23/2012 13:23:10 Laptop South Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL06491 1/23/2012 13:26:44 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL06492 1/23/2012 13:27:05 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 3.4
CL06493 1/23/2012 13:32:00 Accessories Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.2
CL06494 1/23/2012 13:35:50 Software West Individual 92 Yes 3.2
CL06495 1/23/2012 13:39:18 Misc. Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.0
CL06496 1/23/2012 13:44:48 Laptop North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL06497 1/23/2012 13:47:03 Software West Large Corporate 91 No 4.0
CL06498 1/23/2012 13:50:00 Software North SME 67 Yes 3.7
CL06499 1/23/2012 13:50:30 Monitor West Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL06500 1/23/2012 13:55:17 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL06501 1/23/2012 14:00:16 Software West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL06502 1/23/2012 14:05:24 Desktop South Individual 65 Yes 2.6
CL06503 1/23/2012 14:07:47 Monitor East SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL06504 1/23/2012 14:09:52 Monitor North Individual 87 Yes 3.6
CL06505 1/23/2012 14:13:31 Accessories West SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL06506 1/23/2012 14:14:48 Accessories Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL06507 1/23/2012 14:15:36 Software South SME 69 Yes 3.6
CL06508 1/23/2012 14:19:57 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 2.7
CL06509 1/23/2012 14:24:58 Misc. South Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL06510 1/23/2012 14:30:02 Software South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL06511 1/23/2012 14:31:12 Laptop South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.4
CL06512 1/23/2012 14:36:10 Accessories South SME 64 Yes 3.2
CL06513 1/23/2012 14:37:29 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL06514 1/23/2012 14:42:15 Monitor West Non-profit 83 No 3.0
CL06515 1/23/2012 14:44:14 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL06516 1/23/2012 14:46:42 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL06517 1/23/2012 14:50:07 Monitor North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL06518 1/23/2012 14:55:00 Software North Individual 80 Yes 1.8
CL06519 1/23/2012 14:59:17 Accessories South Individual 81 Yes 1.4
CL06520 1/23/2012 15:02:15 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL06521 1/23/2012 15:07:22 Accessories West SME 63 Yes 2.9
CL06522 1/23/2012 15:08:36 Software North Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL06523 1/23/2012 15:14:04 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL06524 1/23/2012 15:18:56 Desktop Mid-west SME 96 Yes 2.3
CL06525 1/23/2012 15:24:20 Accessories West SME 66 Yes 3.9
CL06526 1/23/2012 15:25:17 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.5
CL06527 1/23/2012 15:28:10 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 4.2
CL06528 1/23/2012 15:30:14 Misc. Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.0
CL06529 1/23/2012 15:31:19 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.5
CL06530 1/23/2012 15:36:56 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 3.3
CL06531 1/23/2012 15:41:26 Laptop East Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL06532 1/23/2012 15:46:38 Laptop South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL06533 1/23/2012 15:46:50 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL06534 1/23/2012 15:51:17 Laptop North Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL06535 1/23/2012 15:51:37 Misc. Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL06536 1/23/2012 15:57:23 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL06537 1/23/2012 16:00:09 Accessories South Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL06538 1/23/2012 16:00:45 Laptop East Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL06539 1/23/2012 16:02:33 Monitor Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.6
CL06540 1/23/2012 16:04:24 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 3.6
CL06541 1/23/2012 16:04:43 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL06542 1/23/2012 16:07:27 Software East Individual 80 Yes 2.4
CL06543 1/23/2012 16:08:15 Desktop West SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL06544 1/23/2012 16:09:36 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL06545 1/23/2012 16:10:13 Laptop South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.6
CL06546 1/23/2012 16:13:53 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 2.5
CL06547 1/23/2012 16:16:11 Misc. North Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL06548 1/23/2012 16:20:14 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL06549 1/23/2012 16:21:37 Software Mid-west Individual 75 No 3.1
CL06550 1/23/2012 16:23:34 Laptop Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 2.6
CL06551 1/23/2012 16:25:21 Software North SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL06552 1/23/2012 16:28:38 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL06553 1/23/2012 16:29:35 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.3
CL06554 1/23/2012 16:31:06 Software South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL06555 1/23/2012 16:31:55 Desktop East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL06556 1/23/2012 16:35:25 Laptop West Large Corporate 91 No 3.6
CL06557 1/23/2012 16:40:48 Laptop South SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL06558 1/23/2012 16:44:11 Misc. East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.4
CL06559 1/23/2012 16:49:49 Software East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL06560 1/23/2012 16:53:10 Accessories North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL06561 1/23/2012 16:58:47 Laptop East SME 59 Yes 3.0
CL06562 1/23/2012 17:04:31 Software West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.6
CL06563 1/23/2012 17:09:47 Misc. West Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL06564 1/23/2012 17:10:12 Misc. West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL06565 1/23/2012 17:15:06 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.3
CL06566 1/23/2012 17:16:03 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL06567 1/23/2012 17:17:33 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 3.5
CL06568 1/23/2012 17:19:23 Monitor South Individual 86 Yes 2.6
CL06569 1/23/2012 17:20:25 Software South SME 76 Yes 3.6
CL06570 1/23/2012 17:25:17 Desktop West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.1
CL06571 1/23/2012 17:29:51 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 3.9
CL06572 1/23/2012 17:32:13 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 4.0
CL06573 1/23/2012 17:34:41 Accessories North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL06574 1/23/2012 17:39:53 Laptop North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL06575 1/23/2012 17:40:07 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL06576 1/23/2012 17:44:14 Accessories West SME 91 Yes 3.4
CL06577 1/23/2012 17:49:24 Accessories East Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL06578 1/23/2012 17:49:41 Desktop South SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL06579 1/23/2012 17:53:54 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL06580 1/23/2012 17:57:28 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 2.8
CL06581 1/23/2012 17:59:25 Software South Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL06582 1/23/2012 18:02:45 Desktop North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL06583 1/23/2012 18:05:29 Monitor South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL06584 1/23/2012 18:06:13 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 4.3
CL06585 1/23/2012 18:11:51 Software West SME 73 Yes 3.5
CL06586 1/23/2012 18:12:28 Accessories North Individual 89 Yes 3.5
CL06587 1/23/2012 18:15:30 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL06588 1/23/2012 18:20:55 Accessories North Individual 68 Yes 3.7
CL06589 1/23/2012 18:22:39 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.5
CL06590 1/23/2012 18:26:39 Accessories South Individual 80 No 3.5
CL06591 1/23/2012 18:29:33 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL06592 1/23/2012 18:29:36 Monitor South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.4
CL06593 1/23/2012 18:30:32 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 2.1
CL06594 1/23/2012 18:31:31 Software East Individual 70 Yes 2.6
CL06595 1/23/2012 18:31:44 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL06596 1/23/2012 18:37:17 Misc. North Non-profit 96 Yes 3.1
CL06597 1/23/2012 18:42:31 Software Mid-west Non-profit 94 Yes 2.4
CL06598 1/23/2012 18:45:08 Accessories Mid-west SME 64 Yes 2.9
CL06599 1/23/2012 18:45:26 Accessories South Individual 81 Yes 2.3
CL06600 1/23/2012 18:47:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL06601 1/23/2012 18:49:03 Monitor South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL06602 1/23/2012 18:50:19 Software West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.6
CL06603 1/23/2012 18:53:16 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL06604 1/23/2012 18:54:55 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL06605 1/23/2012 18:54:57 Misc. East Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL06606 1/23/2012 18:58:05 Software North SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL06607 1/23/2012 18:59:04 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL06608 1/23/2012 19:04:00 Misc. East Non-profit 87 Yes 2.6
CL06609 1/23/2012 19:09:37 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL06610 1/23/2012 19:10:18 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL06611 1/23/2012 19:14:57 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL06612 1/23/2012 19:16:14 Laptop North Individual 86 Yes 3.7
CL06613 1/23/2012 19:19:42 Software Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.0
CL06614 1/23/2012 19:21:17 Software West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.2
CL06615 1/23/2012 19:25:48 Software East Individual 65 No 3.3
CL06616 1/23/2012 19:26:42 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL06617 1/23/2012 19:31:00 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.6
CL06618 1/23/2012 19:35:38 Accessories South SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL06619 1/23/2012 19:36:26 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL06620 1/23/2012 19:37:10 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL06621 1/23/2012 19:37:34 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL06622 1/23/2012 19:42:29 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL06623 1/23/2012 19:43:05 Accessories East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.7
CL06624 1/23/2012 19:45:15 Software East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL06625 1/23/2012 19:48:54 Misc. North Individual 68 Yes 2.3
CL06626 1/23/2012 19:52:38 Desktop North Non-profit 66 No 3.1
CL06627 1/23/2012 19:54:32 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 No 2.9
CL06628 1/23/2012 19:55:38 Desktop West Individual 87 Yes 2.2
CL06629 1/23/2012 19:57:08 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.0
CL06630 1/23/2012 19:58:18 Desktop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.6
CL06631 1/23/2012 20:01:43 Monitor West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL06632 1/23/2012 20:02:09 Accessories East Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL06633 1/23/2012 20:05:27 Desktop East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.1
CL06634 1/23/2012 20:07:44 Desktop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL06635 1/23/2012 20:11:02 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.6
CL06636 1/23/2012 20:12:25 Software East SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL06637 1/23/2012 20:13:55 Software East Individual 72 Yes 3.8
CL06638 1/23/2012 20:15:54 Monitor North Individual 85 Yes 3.1
CL06639 1/23/2012 20:17:29 Accessories South Non-profit 67 Yes 2.2
CL06640 1/23/2012 20:19:49 Laptop West SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL06641 1/23/2012 20:23:25 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL06642 1/23/2012 20:24:13 Laptop South SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL06643 1/23/2012 20:27:07 Laptop South Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL06644 1/23/2012 20:32:44 Software Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL06645 1/23/2012 20:36:33 Software East SME 81 Yes 2.2
CL06646 1/23/2012 20:38:23 Laptop South Individual 82 Yes 2.5
CL06647 1/23/2012 20:43:10 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL06648 1/23/2012 20:47:53 Software West Large Corporate 64 No 3.8
CL06649 1/23/2012 20:51:33 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.3
CL06650 1/23/2012 20:57:03 Laptop South Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL06651 1/23/2012 21:01:39 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL06652 1/23/2012 21:04:57 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL06653 1/23/2012 21:07:41 Accessories East SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL06654 1/23/2012 21:12:07 Software Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL06655 1/23/2012 21:16:42 Software Mid-west SME 88 Yes 3.4
CL06656 1/23/2012 21:18:50 Accessories South Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.0
CL06657 1/23/2012 21:23:29 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL06658 1/23/2012 21:25:02 Laptop North SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL06659 1/23/2012 21:29:33 Misc. North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL06660 1/23/2012 21:31:07 Desktop East Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL06661 1/23/2012 21:32:40 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.7
CL06662 1/23/2012 21:36:24 Software East SME 74 Yes 1.9
CL06663 1/23/2012 21:40:19 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.2
CL06664 1/23/2012 21:45:08 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL06665 1/23/2012 21:46:20 Desktop East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.1
CL06666 1/23/2012 21:49:40 Accessories East SME 82 Yes 2.3
CL06667 1/23/2012 21:53:05 Misc. South Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL06668 1/23/2012 21:55:50 Laptop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL06669 1/23/2012 21:59:23 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 4.2
CL06670 1/23/2012 21:59:24 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL06671 1/23/2012 22:01:40 Monitor West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL06672 1/24/2012 08:03:43 Misc. South SME 82 Yes 2.3
CL06673 1/24/2012 08:06:53 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL06674 1/24/2012 08:07:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.2
CL06675 1/24/2012 08:09:53 Monitor North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL06676 1/24/2012 08:14:33 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 2.5
CL06677 1/24/2012 08:20:06 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL06678 1/24/2012 08:22:00 Laptop East Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL06679 1/24/2012 08:22:49 Misc. South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL06680 1/24/2012 08:25:01 Accessories South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL06681 1/24/2012 08:26:36 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL06682 1/24/2012 08:27:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL06683 1/24/2012 08:30:00 Laptop West SME 77 No 3.1
CL06684 1/24/2012 08:33:43 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 No 2.2
CL06685 1/24/2012 08:34:33 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL06686 1/24/2012 08:35:05 Misc. West Individual 90 Yes 3.2
CL06687 1/24/2012 08:38:56 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.2
CL06688 1/24/2012 08:39:05 Accessories North SME 61 Yes 4.1
CL06689 1/24/2012 08:41:21 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL06690 1/24/2012 08:43:24 Accessories East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.1
CL06691 1/24/2012 08:43:43 Desktop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL06692 1/24/2012 08:47:47 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL06693 1/24/2012 08:48:46 Laptop South Individual 64 Yes 3.1
CL06694 1/24/2012 08:54:11 Monitor West Individual 74 No 2.6
CL06695 1/24/2012 08:59:15 Accessories South SME 66 Yes 3.4
CL06696 1/24/2012 09:02:42 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL06697 1/24/2012 09:03:53 Laptop North Individual 60 Yes 2.9
CL06698 1/24/2012 09:05:21 Desktop North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL06699 1/24/2012 09:08:40 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL06700 1/24/2012 09:08:42 Software East Non-profit 100 No 2.5
CL06701 1/24/2012 09:12:55 Monitor South Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL06702 1/24/2012 09:15:42 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.2
CL06703 1/24/2012 09:17:45 Monitor West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.3
CL06704 1/24/2012 09:21:14 Accessories West SME 87 Yes 2.5
CL06705 1/24/2012 09:21:44 Desktop South Large Corporate 70 Yes 4.2
CL06706 1/24/2012 09:25:43 Monitor South Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL06707 1/24/2012 09:29:39 Desktop North Non-profit 64 Yes 2.4
CL06708 1/24/2012 09:33:18 Laptop East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL06709 1/24/2012 09:37:06 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL06710 1/24/2012 09:41:17 Accessories East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL06711 1/24/2012 09:42:27 Misc. East Individual 67 Yes 3.4
CL06712 1/24/2012 09:45:01 Monitor West Large Corporate 79 No 3.4
CL06713 1/24/2012 09:50:31 Software East SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL06714 1/24/2012 09:50:35 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.7
CL06715 1/24/2012 09:51:00 Misc. East Individual 79 Yes 3.6
CL06716 1/24/2012 09:51:00 Laptop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL06717 1/24/2012 09:53:43 Desktop South SME 79 Yes 4.2
CL06718 1/24/2012 09:54:46 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL06719 1/24/2012 10:00:22 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL06720 1/24/2012 10:05:16 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL06721 1/24/2012 10:09:43 Accessories South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.8
CL06722 1/24/2012 10:10:33 Monitor North SME 84 Yes 2.9
CL06723 1/24/2012 10:15:09 Software East Non-profit 64 Yes 2.1
CL06724 1/24/2012 10:18:00 Laptop Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 2.7
CL06725 1/24/2012 10:22:03 Monitor South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL06726 1/24/2012 10:27:42 Misc. West Non-profit 66 Yes 3.2
CL06727 1/24/2012 10:28:19 Laptop South Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL06728 1/24/2012 10:29:01 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 No 2.7
CL06729 1/24/2012 10:31:32 Laptop East SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL06730 1/24/2012 10:35:55 Monitor East Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL06731 1/24/2012 10:35:56 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 2.5
CL06732 1/24/2012 10:39:24 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.2
CL06733 1/24/2012 10:41:01 Desktop Mid-west SME 88 Yes 3.6
CL06734 1/24/2012 10:41:35 Accessories South SME 65 Yes 3.8
CL06735 1/24/2012 10:45:45 Monitor South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL06736 1/24/2012 10:47:42 Desktop North SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL06737 1/24/2012 10:53:26 Monitor East Individual 59 Yes 3.0
CL06738 1/24/2012 10:55:02 Desktop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.5
CL06739 1/24/2012 10:55:56 Misc. North Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.2
CL06740 1/24/2012 10:58:45 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.2
CL06741 1/24/2012 11:00:04 Accessories South Individual 65 Yes 3.9
CL06742 1/24/2012 11:02:05 Laptop East Individual 87 Yes 4.0
CL06743 1/24/2012 11:06:09 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL06744 1/24/2012 11:08:19 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.2
CL06745 1/24/2012 11:11:12 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.6
CL06746 1/24/2012 11:14:23 Misc. West Non-profit 91 Yes 3.1
CL06747 1/24/2012 11:18:42 Desktop North SME 64 No 3.4
CL06748 1/24/2012 11:22:33 Software North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL06749 1/24/2012 11:23:23 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 2.4
CL06750 1/24/2012 11:24:53 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.5
CL06751 1/24/2012 11:30:25 Monitor East SME 62 Yes 2.8
CL06752 1/24/2012 11:35:12 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 1.9
CL06753 1/24/2012 11:38:37 Accessories South Individual 81 No 3.4
CL06754 1/24/2012 11:40:38 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL06755 1/24/2012 11:44:40 Laptop South SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL06756 1/24/2012 11:49:18 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 4.2
CL06757 1/24/2012 11:55:00 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.7
CL06758 1/24/2012 11:58:54 Desktop South Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL06759 1/24/2012 12:02:31 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.1
CL06760 1/24/2012 12:03:50 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.5
CL06761 1/24/2012 12:08:36 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL06762 1/24/2012 12:12:16 Monitor South SME 64 Yes 3.6
CL06763 1/24/2012 12:13:35 Accessories West Individual 74 Yes 2.3
CL06764 1/24/2012 12:14:13 Monitor North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL06765 1/24/2012 12:19:27 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL06766 1/24/2012 12:20:39 Misc. North Non-profit 93 Yes 2.7
CL06767 1/24/2012 12:23:36 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL06768 1/24/2012 12:27:01 Accessories Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.3
CL06769 1/24/2012 12:27:04 Accessories Mid-west SME 55 Yes 2.8
CL06770 1/24/2012 12:30:48 Accessories West SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL06771 1/24/2012 12:36:04 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL06772 1/24/2012 12:36:23 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL06773 1/24/2012 12:36:27 Monitor South SME 73 Yes 2.3
CL06774 1/24/2012 12:37:04 Laptop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL06775 1/24/2012 12:41:49 Misc. North Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL06776 1/24/2012 12:42:51 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL06777 1/24/2012 12:44:21 Software West SME 54 Yes 2.4
CL06778 1/24/2012 12:49:09 Misc. East Individual 66 Yes 3.6
CL06779 1/24/2012 12:52:50 Monitor East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL06780 1/24/2012 12:57:18 Monitor North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.1
CL06781 1/24/2012 12:57:38 Misc. East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL06782 1/24/2012 13:01:50 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL06783 1/24/2012 13:04:59 Monitor East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL06784 1/24/2012 13:10:16 Misc. North Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL06785 1/24/2012 13:10:50 Software West Individual 51 Yes 2.7
CL06786 1/24/2012 13:12:48 Accessories East SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL06787 1/24/2012 13:14:45 Accessories West Non-profit 58 Yes 3.1
CL06788 1/24/2012 13:18:54 Software South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL06789 1/24/2012 13:23:24 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.3
CL06790 1/24/2012 13:27:14 Software West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL06791 1/24/2012 13:32:16 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 3.3
CL06792 1/24/2012 13:34:49 Laptop West SME 87 Yes 3.3
CL06793 1/24/2012 13:39:43 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 2.5
CL06794 1/24/2012 13:42:37 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL06795 1/24/2012 13:46:43 Accessories South Non-profit 88 Yes 2.6
CL06796 1/24/2012 13:47:23 Software North Individual 81 Yes 4.0
CL06797 1/24/2012 13:51:40 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL06798 1/24/2012 13:52:31 Misc. South Non-profit 85 Yes 2.7
CL06799 1/24/2012 13:55:27 Accessories East Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL06800 1/24/2012 13:55:34 Misc. West SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL06801 1/24/2012 13:58:08 Monitor South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.2
CL06802 1/24/2012 14:02:31 Laptop South Individual 67 Yes 3.5
CL06803 1/24/2012 14:07:51 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.5
CL06804 1/24/2012 14:12:16 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.4
CL06805 1/24/2012 14:14:45 Laptop South SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL06806 1/24/2012 14:16:19 Misc. East Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL06807 1/24/2012 14:19:20 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL06808 1/24/2012 14:20:45 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL06809 1/24/2012 14:25:59 Accessories South SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL06810 1/24/2012 14:26:10 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL06811 1/24/2012 14:30:42 Accessories South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL06812 1/24/2012 14:31:45 Software North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.4
CL06813 1/24/2012 14:35:53 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.9
CL06814 1/24/2012 14:36:52 Misc. West Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL06815 1/24/2012 14:41:10 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL06816 1/24/2012 14:44:00 Accessories South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL06817 1/24/2012 14:48:37 Monitor East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL06818 1/24/2012 14:53:39 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL06819 1/24/2012 14:55:35 Monitor South SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL06820 1/24/2012 14:57:42 Laptop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.2
CL06821 1/24/2012 14:59:48 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL06822 1/24/2012 15:02:12 Misc. West Individual 71 No 2.6
CL06823 1/24/2012 15:07:54 Desktop North Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL06824 1/24/2012 15:13:19 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL06825 1/24/2012 15:19:01 Laptop West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL06826 1/24/2012 15:22:25 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 3.3
CL06827 1/24/2012 15:23:13 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL06828 1/24/2012 15:26:42 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL06829 1/24/2012 15:31:41 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL06830 1/24/2012 15:34:01 Laptop North Individual 79 No 3.4
CL06831 1/24/2012 15:39:46 Misc. East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL06832 1/24/2012 15:43:33 Laptop West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL06833 1/24/2012 15:46:54 Accessories East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.7
CL06834 1/24/2012 15:47:56 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL06835 1/24/2012 15:53:24 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.3
CL06836 1/24/2012 15:57:44 Laptop East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL06837 1/24/2012 16:03:20 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL06838 1/24/2012 16:07:09 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 1.1
CL06839 1/24/2012 16:10:26 Laptop North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.1
CL06840 1/24/2012 16:12:55 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL06841 1/24/2012 16:14:23 Software East SME 88 Yes 3.6
CL06842 1/24/2012 16:14:39 Software North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL06843 1/24/2012 16:16:14 Laptop North Large Corporate 60 No 2.7
CL06844 1/24/2012 16:16:23 Monitor Mid-west SME 81 Yes 4.0
CL06845 1/24/2012 16:18:32 Monitor West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL06846 1/24/2012 16:18:38 Laptop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.4
CL06847 1/24/2012 16:20:10 Software North SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL06848 1/24/2012 16:22:29 Accessories Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL06849 1/24/2012 16:27:18 Misc. West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL06850 1/24/2012 16:31:31 Accessories South Non-profit 76 No 3.1
CL06851 1/24/2012 16:35:12 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL06852 1/24/2012 16:40:23 Desktop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL06853 1/24/2012 16:43:18 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL06854 1/24/2012 16:48:19 Monitor North SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL06855 1/24/2012 16:50:15 Laptop South Non-profit 55 Yes 3.0
CL06856 1/24/2012 16:50:58 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 56 No 3.6
CL06857 1/24/2012 16:54:50 Misc. Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.3
CL06858 1/24/2012 16:59:28 Accessories West Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL06859 1/24/2012 17:00:09 Accessories South Individual 84 No 2.0
CL06860 1/24/2012 17:05:29 Monitor South Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL06861 1/24/2012 17:10:10 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 2.8
CL06862 1/24/2012 17:15:47 Desktop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL06863 1/24/2012 17:17:05 Monitor Mid-west SME 103 Yes 3.7
CL06864 1/24/2012 17:17:34 Monitor South SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL06865 1/24/2012 17:19:40 Laptop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL06866 1/24/2012 17:22:53 Accessories South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL06867 1/24/2012 17:24:28 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 2.6
CL06868 1/24/2012 17:27:16 Desktop North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL06869 1/24/2012 17:32:46 Desktop South SME 83 Yes 2.6
CL06870 1/24/2012 17:33:11 Monitor East SME 88 Yes 2.9
CL06871 1/24/2012 17:33:41 Desktop East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.8
CL06872 1/24/2012 17:36:40 Monitor West SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL06873 1/24/2012 17:40:48 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL06874 1/24/2012 17:45:23 Software North SME 61 Yes 3.0
CL06875 1/24/2012 17:46:03 Laptop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL06876 1/24/2012 17:49:51 Accessories North SME 51 Yes 1.8
CL06877 1/24/2012 17:54:32 Accessories North SME 87 Yes 3.9
CL06878 1/24/2012 17:59:53 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.9
CL06879 1/24/2012 18:00:12 Misc. West SME 60 Yes 3.1
CL06880 1/24/2012 18:04:26 Misc. West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL06881 1/24/2012 18:05:25 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL06882 1/24/2012 18:07:54 Accessories South Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL06883 1/24/2012 18:08:37 Accessories North Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL06884 1/24/2012 18:12:54 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 No 3.4
CL06885 1/24/2012 18:14:05 Software North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL06886 1/24/2012 18:14:17 Monitor East Large Corporate 77 No 2.8
CL06887 1/24/2012 18:19:12 Software East SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL06888 1/24/2012 18:21:31 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.5
CL06889 1/24/2012 18:26:42 Laptop North SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL06890 1/24/2012 18:31:15 Misc. South Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL06891 1/24/2012 18:31:17 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.8
CL06892 1/24/2012 18:33:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.5
CL06893 1/24/2012 18:38:42 Software East Individual 62 Yes 3.9
CL06894 1/24/2012 18:44:23 Monitor West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL06895 1/24/2012 18:49:50 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.3
CL06896 1/24/2012 18:53:36 Monitor South SME 61 Yes 3.6
CL06897 1/24/2012 18:56:04 Desktop South Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL06898 1/24/2012 18:56:19 Software West SME 90 Yes 3.8
CL06899 1/24/2012 19:00:23 Desktop East Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL06900 1/24/2012 19:00:51 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL06901 1/24/2012 19:01:07 Software West SME 65 Yes 2.0
CL06902 1/24/2012 19:03:55 Desktop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL06903 1/24/2012 19:07:01 Accessories East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.8
CL06904 1/24/2012 19:10:59 Accessories South SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL06905 1/24/2012 19:13:06 Monitor West SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL06906 1/24/2012 19:14:35 Misc. West Individual 79 No 3.6
CL06907 1/24/2012 19:19:40 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.6
CL06908 1/24/2012 19:24:48 Misc. West Non-profit 85 Yes 2.6
CL06909 1/24/2012 19:28:19 Misc. East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL06910 1/24/2012 19:30:33 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL06911 1/24/2012 19:30:49 Accessories East SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL06912 1/24/2012 19:34:02 Software South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL06913 1/24/2012 19:35:59 Desktop North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL06914 1/24/2012 19:37:58 Desktop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 3.1
CL06915 1/24/2012 19:40:55 Accessories North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.0
CL06916 1/24/2012 19:46:36 Monitor West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.6
CL06917 1/24/2012 19:47:22 Misc. South Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.7
CL06918 1/24/2012 19:51:46 Software East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL06919 1/24/2012 19:51:52 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL06920 1/24/2012 19:54:17 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL06921 1/24/2012 19:59:58 Accessories East Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL06922 1/24/2012 20:05:12 Misc. West Individual 85 Yes 3.1
CL06923 1/24/2012 20:07:14 Desktop West Non-profit 62 Yes 2.6
CL06924 1/24/2012 20:12:21 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL06925 1/24/2012 20:12:22 Misc. East Non-profit 80 No 3.2
CL06926 1/24/2012 20:15:16 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL06927 1/24/2012 20:19:18 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 2.8
CL06928 1/24/2012 20:22:47 Monitor North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.8
CL06929 1/24/2012 20:23:38 Misc. North Individual 63 Yes 3.5
CL06930 1/24/2012 20:25:08 Accessories South Individual 85 Yes 3.7
CL06931 1/24/2012 20:26:14 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL06932 1/24/2012 20:31:27 Monitor South Individual 69 Yes 4.2
CL06933 1/24/2012 20:32:44 Desktop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL06934 1/24/2012 20:37:14 Monitor East Large Corporate 75 Yes 4.1
CL06935 1/24/2012 20:39:40 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL06936 1/24/2012 20:43:14 Desktop North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL06937 1/24/2012 20:43:58 Misc. South SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL06938 1/24/2012 20:44:46 Accessories West Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL06939 1/24/2012 20:46:12 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL06940 1/24/2012 20:48:36 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL06941 1/24/2012 20:49:27 Desktop South Individual 75 No 2.5
CL06942 1/24/2012 20:50:23 Accessories West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.6
CL06943 1/24/2012 20:52:06 Misc. East SME 88 Yes 3.6
CL06944 1/24/2012 20:55:14 Monitor South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.0
CL06945 1/24/2012 20:57:45 Misc. South SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL06946 1/24/2012 20:58:07 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.8
CL06947 1/24/2012 21:00:17 Misc. East SME 76 Yes 3.6
CL06948 1/24/2012 21:04:26 Desktop East Individual 65 Yes 2.3
CL06949 1/24/2012 21:09:22 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL06950 1/24/2012 21:13:39 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL06951 1/24/2012 21:19:22 Monitor North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL06952 1/24/2012 21:23:12 Laptop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.0
CL06953 1/24/2012 21:28:31 Monitor North SME 95 Yes 2.4
CL06954 1/24/2012 21:34:12 Accessories West Individual 78 No 2.5
CL06955 1/24/2012 21:38:13 Monitor East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.8
CL06956 1/24/2012 21:38:57 Software West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.2
CL06957 1/24/2012 21:42:28 Laptop East SME 89 Yes 2.8
CL06958 1/24/2012 21:47:31 Accessories South Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL06959 1/24/2012 21:50:14 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL06960 1/24/2012 21:51:51 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL06961 1/24/2012 21:53:23 Laptop East SME 62 Yes 3.6
CL06962 1/24/2012 21:54:21 Software West SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL06963 1/24/2012 21:57:43 Accessories West SME 92 Yes 3.8
CL06964 1/24/2012 22:00:19 Monitor West SME 68 Yes 2.2
CL06965 1/25/2012 08:01:53 Software South SME 72 Yes 3.6
CL06966 1/25/2012 08:06:36 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.5
CL06967 1/25/2012 08:09:07 Laptop West Non-profit 93 Yes 4.0
CL06968 1/25/2012 08:12:36 Accessories North SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL06969 1/25/2012 08:13:32 Accessories South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL06970 1/25/2012 08:16:13 Desktop Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL06971 1/25/2012 08:21:10 Laptop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL06972 1/25/2012 08:21:15 Monitor East Individual 83 Yes 3.3
CL06973 1/25/2012 08:23:55 Desktop Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL06974 1/25/2012 08:26:52 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL06975 1/25/2012 08:30:41 Misc. Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL06976 1/25/2012 08:36:12 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL06977 1/25/2012 08:40:58 Misc. East SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL06978 1/25/2012 08:44:41 Misc. West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL06979 1/25/2012 08:49:30 Accessories South SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL06980 1/25/2012 08:53:37 Software North Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.8
CL06981 1/25/2012 08:58:59 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL06982 1/25/2012 09:00:10 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL06983 1/25/2012 09:01:52 Accessories East Non-profit 79 Yes 4.0
CL06984 1/25/2012 09:04:36 Misc. West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL06985 1/25/2012 09:05:15 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL06986 1/25/2012 09:05:56 Software West Individual 82 Yes 3.7
CL06987 1/25/2012 09:09:16 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 2.8
CL06988 1/25/2012 09:14:24 Desktop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL06989 1/25/2012 09:19:05 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL06990 1/25/2012 09:22:28 Software North Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL06991 1/25/2012 09:25:47 Laptop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL06992 1/25/2012 09:31:02 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL06993 1/25/2012 09:31:25 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL06994 1/25/2012 09:33:57 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL06995 1/25/2012 09:36:35 Accessories East SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL06996 1/25/2012 09:39:40 Software West SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL06997 1/25/2012 09:39:51 Software South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL06998 1/25/2012 09:39:54 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL06999 1/25/2012 09:44:19 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.1
CL07000 1/25/2012 09:44:31 Laptop South Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.8
CL07001 1/25/2012 09:44:49 Accessories Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL07002 1/25/2012 09:49:02 Monitor North Individual 59 Yes 2.3
CL07003 1/25/2012 09:50:08 Laptop West Individual 79 Yes 3.5
CL07004 1/25/2012 09:53:19 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL07005 1/25/2012 09:55:57 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL07006 1/25/2012 10:00:55 Software Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL07007 1/25/2012 10:00:57 Laptop North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL07008 1/25/2012 10:05:55 Desktop North Non-profit 91 Yes 1.9
CL07009 1/25/2012 10:09:00 Accessories West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.0
CL07010 1/25/2012 10:09:48 Laptop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL07011 1/25/2012 10:14:21 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL07012 1/25/2012 10:19:46 Software South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.3
CL07013 1/25/2012 10:25:27 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL07014 1/25/2012 10:30:11 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL07015 1/25/2012 10:35:47 Misc. West Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL07016 1/25/2012 10:35:58 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL07017 1/25/2012 10:37:18 Laptop East Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL07018 1/25/2012 10:42:26 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.4
CL07019 1/25/2012 10:47:30 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL07020 1/25/2012 10:50:33 Misc. North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL07021 1/25/2012 10:53:55 Accessories West SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL07022 1/25/2012 10:59:34 Laptop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL07023 1/25/2012 11:00:27 Desktop East SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL07024 1/25/2012 11:04:33 Desktop East SME 90 Yes 3.8
CL07025 1/25/2012 11:10:10 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 1.6
CL07026 1/25/2012 11:11:46 Desktop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL07027 1/25/2012 11:15:24 Accessories North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL07028 1/25/2012 11:15:56 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL07029 1/25/2012 11:19:07 Misc. East SME 62 Yes 3.7
CL07030 1/25/2012 11:24:25 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL07031 1/25/2012 11:25:13 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 1.7
CL07032 1/25/2012 11:25:46 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL07033 1/25/2012 11:26:50 Software Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.8
CL07034 1/25/2012 11:27:45 Desktop North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.7
CL07035 1/25/2012 11:31:01 Desktop North Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.4
CL07036 1/25/2012 11:32:49 Laptop East SME 61 Yes 3.7
CL07037 1/25/2012 11:34:17 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL07038 1/25/2012 11:36:21 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL07039 1/25/2012 11:37:25 Desktop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL07040 1/25/2012 11:42:25 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.3
CL07041 1/25/2012 11:46:45 Laptop South Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL07042 1/25/2012 11:51:27 Monitor South Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL07043 1/25/2012 11:56:12 Desktop South Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL07044 1/25/2012 12:00:03 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 86 No 2.8
CL07045 1/25/2012 12:04:39 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 67 No 2.8
CL07046 1/25/2012 12:05:37 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL07047 1/25/2012 12:06:16 Misc. North SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL07048 1/25/2012 12:08:44 Accessories East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.3
CL07049 1/25/2012 12:13:56 Misc. East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL07050 1/25/2012 12:18:29 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL07051 1/25/2012 12:21:43 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL07052 1/25/2012 12:25:51 Laptop West SME 65 No 2.6
CL07053 1/25/2012 12:30:48 Misc. North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.1
CL07054 1/25/2012 12:33:56 Accessories West Individual 65 Yes 2.5
CL07055 1/25/2012 12:34:46 Monitor North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL07056 1/25/2012 12:36:58 Monitor South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL07057 1/25/2012 12:39:00 Laptop East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL07058 1/25/2012 12:42:57 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL07059 1/25/2012 12:45:25 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 1.5
CL07060 1/25/2012 12:51:02 Accessories North Individual 87 Yes 3.3
CL07061 1/25/2012 12:54:57 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL07062 1/25/2012 13:00:07 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 2.1
CL07063 1/25/2012 13:04:51 Accessories South Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.9
CL07064 1/25/2012 13:07:42 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.4
CL07065 1/25/2012 13:07:52 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL07066 1/25/2012 13:13:34 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL07067 1/25/2012 13:14:18 Software North SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL07068 1/25/2012 13:17:59 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL07069 1/25/2012 13:18:08 Misc. South Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL07070 1/25/2012 13:23:26 Accessories North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL07071 1/25/2012 13:25:26 Accessories West SME 82 Yes 3.8
CL07072 1/25/2012 13:26:20 Monitor South Individual 64 Yes 2.6
CL07073 1/25/2012 13:30:18 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL07074 1/25/2012 13:31:25 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL07075 1/25/2012 13:32:20 Misc. South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL07076 1/25/2012 13:38:02 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL07077 1/25/2012 13:39:40 Accessories Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL07078 1/25/2012 13:40:34 Misc. East Individual 85 No 3.8
CL07079 1/25/2012 13:43:21 Accessories North Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL07080 1/25/2012 13:47:57 Misc. West SME 70 No 3.5
CL07081 1/25/2012 13:51:47 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL07082 1/25/2012 13:52:37 Laptop West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL07083 1/25/2012 13:55:14 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL07084 1/25/2012 13:57:18 Monitor East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL07085 1/25/2012 14:02:51 Accessories West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL07086 1/25/2012 14:05:08 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL07087 1/25/2012 14:07:43 Desktop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL07088 1/25/2012 14:10:58 Laptop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL07089 1/25/2012 14:15:26 Accessories West Individual 67 Yes 3.6
CL07090 1/25/2012 14:20:49 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.9
CL07091 1/25/2012 14:23:59 Accessories Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 3.8
CL07092 1/25/2012 14:27:10 Desktop West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL07093 1/25/2012 14:32:38 Monitor North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL07094 1/25/2012 14:35:11 Monitor Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL07095 1/25/2012 14:35:49 Desktop North SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL07096 1/25/2012 14:39:03 Misc. South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL07097 1/25/2012 14:41:26 Laptop East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.7
CL07098 1/25/2012 14:42:22 Desktop South SME 55 Yes 2.8
CL07099 1/25/2012 14:44:53 Laptop West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL07100 1/25/2012 14:48:25 Misc. Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.6
CL07101 1/25/2012 14:50:05 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 No 2.9
CL07102 1/25/2012 14:51:49 Monitor North SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL07103 1/25/2012 14:52:50 Software North SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL07104 1/25/2012 14:57:28 Accessories East SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL07105 1/25/2012 14:59:27 Accessories East Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL07106 1/25/2012 15:01:06 Misc. South Individual 69 Yes 4.2
CL07107 1/25/2012 15:01:25 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL07108 1/25/2012 15:03:14 Desktop South SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL07109 1/25/2012 15:05:07 Laptop East Individual 74 Yes 3.8
CL07110 1/25/2012 15:08:23 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 No 3.3
CL07111 1/25/2012 15:11:35 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.6
CL07112 1/25/2012 15:14:34 Software North SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL07113 1/25/2012 15:17:28 Software North Individual 89 Yes 4.1
CL07114 1/25/2012 15:21:14 Monitor Mid-west SME 70 Yes 1.7
CL07115 1/25/2012 15:22:18 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL07116 1/25/2012 15:26:58 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 3.3
CL07117 1/25/2012 15:28:52 Misc. South SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL07118 1/25/2012 15:31:41 Software East Large Corporate 71 No 3.6
CL07119 1/25/2012 15:34:40 Accessories East Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.3
CL07120 1/25/2012 15:38:05 Monitor South Individual 96 Yes 2.8
CL07121 1/25/2012 15:40:08 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL07122 1/25/2012 15:40:41 Monitor South Non-profit 87 Yes 3.4
CL07123 1/25/2012 15:46:19 Monitor South SME 68 Yes 2.7
CL07124 1/25/2012 15:50:46 Misc. West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.7
CL07125 1/25/2012 15:52:47 Monitor South SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL07126 1/25/2012 15:54:21 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL07127 1/25/2012 15:58:39 Software North Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL07128 1/25/2012 16:00:07 Laptop West SME 87 Yes 2.7
CL07129 1/25/2012 16:04:34 Misc. West Individual 81 No 2.9
CL07130 1/25/2012 16:04:52 Accessories West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL07131 1/25/2012 16:08:23 Accessories East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL07132 1/25/2012 16:13:08 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL07133 1/25/2012 16:15:51 Software Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL07134 1/25/2012 16:20:22 Misc. West Individual 66 Yes 2.0
CL07135 1/25/2012 16:24:25 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL07136 1/25/2012 16:26:29 Software North SME 67 Yes 3.5
CL07137 1/25/2012 16:28:18 Monitor Mid-west SME 55 No 3.5
CL07138 1/25/2012 16:33:33 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL07139 1/25/2012 16:36:28 Software West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.7
CL07140 1/25/2012 16:36:46 Laptop North Non-profit 72 Yes 1.9
CL07141 1/25/2012 16:42:26 Accessories North Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL07142 1/25/2012 16:45:45 Monitor Mid-west SME 92 Yes 3.2
CL07143 1/25/2012 16:50:15 Monitor East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL07144 1/25/2012 16:55:24 Software North SME 83 Yes 3.6
CL07145 1/25/2012 16:55:46 Laptop East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.5
CL07146 1/25/2012 17:00:14 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.6
CL07147 1/25/2012 17:01:20 Software North SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL07148 1/25/2012 17:05:35 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL07149 1/25/2012 17:08:18 Laptop North Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.3
CL07150 1/25/2012 17:10:16 Misc. South Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL07151 1/25/2012 17:14:06 Misc. East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL07152 1/25/2012 17:14:32 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL07153 1/25/2012 17:15:14 Monitor East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL07154 1/25/2012 17:19:07 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL07155 1/25/2012 17:23:28 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL07156 1/25/2012 17:26:24 Software Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL07157 1/25/2012 17:31:15 Misc. North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL07158 1/25/2012 17:31:41 Accessories East Individual 63 Yes 2.5
CL07159 1/25/2012 17:37:26 Software Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL07160 1/25/2012 17:42:54 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL07161 1/25/2012 17:47:57 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL07162 1/25/2012 17:50:36 Monitor North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL07163 1/25/2012 17:54:31 Misc. West Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL07164 1/25/2012 17:55:55 Monitor East Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL07165 1/25/2012 17:58:27 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL07166 1/25/2012 18:03:09 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 2.5
CL07167 1/25/2012 18:08:08 Software East SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL07168 1/25/2012 18:12:23 Software Mid-west Non-profit 91 Yes 4.1
CL07169 1/25/2012 18:13:36 Misc. East SME 67 Yes 2.5
CL07170 1/25/2012 18:16:14 Monitor East Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL07171 1/25/2012 18:16:14 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL07172 1/25/2012 18:17:48 Misc. West Individual 91 Yes 2.1
CL07173 1/25/2012 18:19:47 Laptop West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL07174 1/25/2012 18:22:38 Desktop East SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL07175 1/25/2012 18:23:24 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL07176 1/25/2012 18:24:23 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL07177 1/25/2012 18:25:52 Software South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL07178 1/25/2012 18:25:57 Misc. South Non-profit 85 Yes 1.9
CL07179 1/25/2012 18:27:07 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL07180 1/25/2012 18:32:26 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.6
CL07181 1/25/2012 18:36:22 Laptop North SME 67 Yes 2.1
CL07182 1/25/2012 18:41:03 Misc. West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL07183 1/25/2012 18:44:39 Desktop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.6
CL07184 1/25/2012 18:44:53 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL07185 1/25/2012 18:49:56 Misc. East Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL07186 1/25/2012 18:52:15 Misc. North Individual 88 Yes 4.0
CL07187 1/25/2012 18:53:22 Software North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.2
CL07188 1/25/2012 18:58:18 Laptop West Large Corporate 69 No 2.7
CL07189 1/25/2012 19:02:29 Misc. East SME 63 Yes 4.0
CL07190 1/25/2012 19:07:54 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL07191 1/25/2012 19:12:34 Accessories North Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL07192 1/25/2012 19:17:46 Desktop South SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL07193 1/25/2012 19:17:49 Monitor West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL07194 1/25/2012 19:21:39 Misc. East Large Corporate 83 No 3.0
CL07195 1/25/2012 19:23:45 Software North SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL07196 1/25/2012 19:27:01 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL07197 1/25/2012 19:27:45 Accessories East SME 88 Yes 3.7
CL07198 1/25/2012 19:33:18 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL07199 1/25/2012 19:36:06 Laptop South Individual 71 Yes 3.9
CL07200 1/25/2012 19:38:42 Misc. Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.2
CL07201 1/25/2012 19:43:37 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 4.3
CL07202 1/25/2012 19:48:11 Misc. East Non-profit 92 Yes 3.0
CL07203 1/25/2012 19:48:41 Monitor East SME 102 Yes 3.5
CL07204 1/25/2012 19:53:11 Monitor North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.5
CL07205 1/25/2012 19:54:31 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL07206 1/25/2012 19:58:50 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL07207 1/25/2012 20:03:54 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL07208 1/25/2012 20:04:17 Software West SME 67 Yes 4.1
CL07209 1/25/2012 20:07:39 Laptop North Large Corporate 58 Yes 3.0
CL07210 1/25/2012 20:10:50 Accessories East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL07211 1/25/2012 20:15:55 Desktop North Non-profit 91 Yes 2.7
CL07212 1/25/2012 20:19:42 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL07213 1/25/2012 20:19:45 Software East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL07214 1/25/2012 20:22:03 Misc. East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL07215 1/25/2012 20:25:19 Laptop West Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL07216 1/25/2012 20:27:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL07217 1/25/2012 20:31:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL07218 1/25/2012 20:31:58 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL07219 1/25/2012 20:32:49 Software West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.1
CL07220 1/25/2012 20:34:58 Monitor East Non-profit 67 Yes 1.3
CL07221 1/25/2012 20:39:33 Laptop East SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL07222 1/25/2012 20:43:52 Desktop South SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL07223 1/25/2012 20:46:36 Desktop South Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL07224 1/25/2012 20:48:10 Monitor South Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL07225 1/25/2012 20:50:58 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL07226 1/25/2012 20:55:41 Misc. East SME 87 Yes 3.2
CL07227 1/25/2012 20:58:46 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 4.2
CL07228 1/25/2012 21:02:43 Software North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.1
CL07229 1/25/2012 21:04:09 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 57 Yes 2.8
CL07230 1/25/2012 21:06:23 Desktop North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL07231 1/25/2012 21:09:19 Accessories South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.7
CL07232 1/25/2012 21:09:23 Software South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL07233 1/25/2012 21:11:39 Misc. North Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL07234 1/25/2012 21:11:54 Laptop West SME 69 Yes 4.0
CL07235 1/25/2012 21:12:39 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL07236 1/25/2012 21:18:15 Software East Non-profit 90 Yes 2.7
CL07237 1/25/2012 21:23:56 Misc. East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL07238 1/25/2012 21:29:02 Misc. Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL07239 1/25/2012 21:29:49 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL07240 1/25/2012 21:30:09 Accessories East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL07241 1/25/2012 21:32:17 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL07242 1/25/2012 21:36:24 Desktop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL07243 1/25/2012 21:38:19 Misc. Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.4
CL07244 1/25/2012 21:40:09 Accessories South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL07245 1/25/2012 21:43:24 Software Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL07246 1/25/2012 21:47:32 Accessories South SME 71 Yes 3.5
CL07247 1/25/2012 21:50:18 Accessories North SME 67 Yes 3.4
CL07248 1/25/2012 21:50:40 Monitor North Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL07249 1/25/2012 21:51:52 Laptop North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.9
CL07250 1/25/2012 21:55:44 Monitor Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL07251 1/25/2012 21:55:49 Accessories South SME 78 Yes 2.1
CL07252 1/25/2012 21:59:54 Laptop East Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL07253 1/25/2012 22:02:14 Desktop South Non-profit 78 No 3.1
CL07254 1/26/2012 08:04:52 Accessories North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL07255 1/26/2012 08:08:41 Software North Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL07256 1/26/2012 08:14:13 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.0
CL07257 1/26/2012 08:19:03 Desktop West SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL07258 1/26/2012 08:23:05 Desktop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.5
CL07259 1/26/2012 08:24:11 Software East Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL07260 1/26/2012 08:29:31 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL07261 1/26/2012 08:35:00 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL07262 1/26/2012 08:36:55 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL07263 1/26/2012 08:38:14 Software West SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL07264 1/26/2012 08:39:49 Software North Individual 87 Yes 4.6
CL07265 1/26/2012 08:43:57 Monitor North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.4
CL07266 1/26/2012 08:49:43 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 No 2.7
CL07267 1/26/2012 08:51:33 Misc. East Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL07268 1/26/2012 08:54:39 Monitor North Individual 69 No 3.4
CL07269 1/26/2012 08:59:59 Software Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL07270 1/26/2012 09:00:58 Desktop South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL07271 1/26/2012 09:06:23 Desktop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.4
CL07272 1/26/2012 09:08:16 Desktop West Large Corporate 82 No 3.2
CL07273 1/26/2012 09:10:36 Desktop North SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL07274 1/26/2012 09:14:19 Misc. East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL07275 1/26/2012 09:17:18 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL07276 1/26/2012 09:20:00 Accessories Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.1
CL07277 1/26/2012 09:24:46 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL07278 1/26/2012 09:25:55 Software East Individual 70 Yes 2.6
CL07279 1/26/2012 09:29:00 Accessories West Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.1
CL07280 1/26/2012 09:32:17 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL07281 1/26/2012 09:34:15 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL07282 1/26/2012 09:38:53 Desktop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL07283 1/26/2012 09:39:15 Laptop West Non-profit 87 Yes 2.6
CL07284 1/26/2012 09:40:07 Accessories South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.6
CL07285 1/26/2012 09:44:59 Misc. East Individual 79 Yes 2.0
CL07286 1/26/2012 09:49:02 Software South Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL07287 1/26/2012 09:51:22 Monitor East Individual 62 No 2.2
CL07288 1/26/2012 09:55:30 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL07289 1/26/2012 10:01:08 Accessories South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL07290 1/26/2012 10:04:37 Laptop North SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL07291 1/26/2012 10:05:00 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL07292 1/26/2012 10:08:40 Software Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL07293 1/26/2012 10:09:53 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 No 2.1
CL07294 1/26/2012 10:15:05 Software East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL07295 1/26/2012 10:20:42 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL07296 1/26/2012 10:25:40 Software East SME 81 Yes 1.9
CL07297 1/26/2012 10:27:00 Accessories West Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL07298 1/26/2012 10:30:03 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL07299 1/26/2012 10:33:30 Monitor South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL07300 1/26/2012 10:33:30 Accessories West SME 65 Yes 3.5
CL07301 1/26/2012 10:35:14 Accessories West Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL07302 1/26/2012 10:38:30 Desktop South Individual 93 Yes 3.6
CL07303 1/26/2012 10:42:20 Monitor West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL07304 1/26/2012 10:42:35 Software North SME 48 Yes 3.2
CL07305 1/26/2012 10:44:03 Desktop South Non-profit 90 Yes 3.3
CL07306 1/26/2012 10:48:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL07307 1/26/2012 10:53:29 Monitor Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL07308 1/26/2012 10:57:10 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 2.5
CL07309 1/26/2012 11:01:12 Software North Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL07310 1/26/2012 11:01:39 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.6
CL07311 1/26/2012 11:07:18 Software North Individual 63 Yes 3.4
CL07312 1/26/2012 11:09:58 Accessories North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL07313 1/26/2012 11:10:07 Accessories East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL07314 1/26/2012 11:12:18 Software North Large Corporate 54 Yes 3.3
CL07315 1/26/2012 11:12:27 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 4.0
CL07316 1/26/2012 11:13:04 Software East Non-profit 96 Yes 2.8
CL07317 1/26/2012 11:15:16 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL07318 1/26/2012 11:16:48 Desktop East Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL07319 1/26/2012 11:21:15 Misc. North Non-profit 75 Yes 4.2
CL07320 1/26/2012 11:24:52 Software West SME 85 Yes 3.7
CL07321 1/26/2012 11:29:17 Misc. South Individual 70 Yes 1.9
CL07322 1/26/2012 11:33:48 Monitor West SME 78 Yes 3.3
CL07323 1/26/2012 11:39:17 Software Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL07324 1/26/2012 11:40:53 Monitor East Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.8
CL07325 1/26/2012 11:44:52 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 59 Yes 3.0
CL07326 1/26/2012 11:48:01 Monitor East Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL07327 1/26/2012 11:50:21 Monitor Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL07328 1/26/2012 11:51:27 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL07329 1/26/2012 11:52:24 Misc. East Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.3
CL07330 1/26/2012 11:57:52 Laptop North Non-profit 61 Yes 3.4
CL07331 1/26/2012 12:00:11 Software South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.1
CL07332 1/26/2012 12:03:48 Misc. North Large Corporate 88 Yes 4.0
CL07333 1/26/2012 12:07:32 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 89 Yes 3.7
CL07334 1/26/2012 12:10:12 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 1.9
CL07335 1/26/2012 12:11:49 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 3.7
CL07336 1/26/2012 12:12:28 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL07337 1/26/2012 12:14:19 Misc. South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL07338 1/26/2012 12:16:45 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL07339 1/26/2012 12:19:59 Misc. Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL07340 1/26/2012 12:23:23 Monitor West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL07341 1/26/2012 12:25:20 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL07342 1/26/2012 12:28:36 Desktop North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.3
CL07343 1/26/2012 12:32:40 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL07344 1/26/2012 12:34:45 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL07345 1/26/2012 12:39:04 Laptop Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 4.4
CL07346 1/26/2012 12:42:55 Monitor North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL07347 1/26/2012 12:44:42 Monitor South SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL07348 1/26/2012 12:48:14 Software South SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL07349 1/26/2012 12:53:34 Software West Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL07350 1/26/2012 12:58:30 Software West SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL07351 1/26/2012 13:00:22 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.4
CL07352 1/26/2012 13:01:39 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 2.0
CL07353 1/26/2012 13:06:13 Accessories West Non-profit 90 Yes 3.5
CL07354 1/26/2012 13:06:58 Accessories South Individual 74 Yes 4.0
CL07355 1/26/2012 13:10:30 Accessories West Individual 71 Yes 3.8
CL07356 1/26/2012 13:14:25 Accessories South Individual 66 Yes 3.0
CL07357 1/26/2012 13:15:37 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.1
CL07358 1/26/2012 13:20:43 Laptop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL07359 1/26/2012 13:22:56 Monitor South Non-profit 72 No 3.3
CL07360 1/26/2012 13:24:00 Desktop East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.5
CL07361 1/26/2012 13:29:01 Desktop Mid-west Individual 92 Yes 3.4
CL07362 1/26/2012 13:29:48 Software North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.6
CL07363 1/26/2012 13:32:52 Accessories North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL07364 1/26/2012 13:37:04 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL07365 1/26/2012 13:38:22 Desktop South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.7
CL07366 1/26/2012 13:42:43 Misc. Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL07367 1/26/2012 13:45:43 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 2.0
CL07368 1/26/2012 13:48:05 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL07369 1/26/2012 13:50:41 Monitor East Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL07370 1/26/2012 13:54:22 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL07371 1/26/2012 13:55:11 Monitor North Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL07372 1/26/2012 13:59:33 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL07373 1/26/2012 14:03:32 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL07374 1/26/2012 14:08:01 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 4.1
CL07375 1/26/2012 14:12:33 Desktop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL07376 1/26/2012 14:16:00 Accessories East Individual 64 Yes 2.9
CL07377 1/26/2012 14:18:46 Laptop South SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL07378 1/26/2012 14:24:02 Accessories Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL07379 1/26/2012 14:28:07 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL07380 1/26/2012 14:28:45 Desktop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL07381 1/26/2012 14:30:15 Accessories West Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL07382 1/26/2012 14:32:39 Accessories North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.9
CL07383 1/26/2012 14:33:22 Misc. West SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL07384 1/26/2012 14:33:50 Monitor West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.7
CL07385 1/26/2012 14:34:19 Misc. West Non-profit 66 Yes 2.4
CL07386 1/26/2012 14:36:42 Monitor West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL07387 1/26/2012 14:40:17 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 59 No 2.4
CL07388 1/26/2012 14:43:18 Accessories West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL07389 1/26/2012 14:43:35 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL07390 1/26/2012 14:44:41 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL07391 1/26/2012 14:48:25 Accessories West SME 56 Yes 2.6
CL07392 1/26/2012 14:50:27 Monitor North SME 70 Yes 3.6
CL07393 1/26/2012 14:52:13 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.6
CL07394 1/26/2012 14:52:35 Laptop West Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL07395 1/26/2012 14:53:34 Laptop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.6
CL07396 1/26/2012 14:58:59 Software East Large Corporate 66 Yes 4.0
CL07397 1/26/2012 14:59:32 Monitor North SME 91 Yes 3.6
CL07398 1/26/2012 14:59:50 Desktop West SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL07399 1/26/2012 15:03:14 Desktop West Individual 65 Yes 3.5
CL07400 1/26/2012 15:07:26 Desktop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.4
CL07401 1/26/2012 15:08:37 Desktop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.5
CL07402 1/26/2012 15:11:53 Desktop North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.6
CL07403 1/26/2012 15:15:57 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL07404 1/26/2012 15:20:55 Laptop East Individual 86 Yes 3.4
CL07405 1/26/2012 15:25:13 Accessories South Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL07406 1/26/2012 15:27:01 Misc. East SME 58 Yes 4.3
CL07407 1/26/2012 15:32:39 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 1.9
CL07408 1/26/2012 15:33:10 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL07409 1/26/2012 15:35:48 Misc. South Individual 55 Yes 3.6
CL07410 1/26/2012 15:41:32 Software East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL07411 1/26/2012 15:42:07 Monitor South Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL07412 1/26/2012 15:45:32 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.6
CL07413 1/26/2012 15:47:55 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL07414 1/26/2012 15:48:14 Desktop West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL07415 1/26/2012 15:51:04 Laptop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL07416 1/26/2012 15:53:47 Laptop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL07417 1/26/2012 15:54:54 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL07418 1/26/2012 15:56:20 Laptop East SME 91 Yes 3.4
CL07419 1/26/2012 15:57:58 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 1.9
CL07420 1/26/2012 16:02:38 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL07421 1/26/2012 16:08:02 Monitor South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL07422 1/26/2012 16:08:53 Accessories West SME 89 Yes 2.7
CL07423 1/26/2012 16:09:31 Software North Individual 87 Yes 3.7
CL07424 1/26/2012 16:12:56 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL07425 1/26/2012 16:14:06 Software North SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL07426 1/26/2012 16:16:46 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 3.5
CL07427 1/26/2012 16:21:16 Accessories East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL07428 1/26/2012 16:21:47 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL07429 1/26/2012 16:27:30 Software West Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL07430 1/26/2012 16:30:20 Software North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.4
CL07431 1/26/2012 16:32:52 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL07432 1/26/2012 16:33:20 Desktop North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.5
CL07433 1/26/2012 16:36:23 Monitor South SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL07434 1/26/2012 16:38:51 Monitor East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL07435 1/26/2012 16:44:09 Desktop East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.2
CL07436 1/26/2012 16:48:10 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL07437 1/26/2012 16:51:29 Misc. North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.9
CL07438 1/26/2012 16:54:09 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL07439 1/26/2012 16:54:12 Laptop East Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL07440 1/26/2012 16:56:42 Software East Individual 68 Yes 4.0
CL07441 1/26/2012 17:00:33 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL07442 1/26/2012 17:04:54 Laptop East Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.9
CL07443 1/26/2012 17:08:39 Misc. East SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL07444 1/26/2012 17:10:51 Software North SME 90 Yes 3.1
CL07445 1/26/2012 17:15:23 Accessories West SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL07446 1/26/2012 17:21:06 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL07447 1/26/2012 17:23:17 Software East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL07448 1/26/2012 17:26:42 Accessories North Individual 81 No 3.2
CL07449 1/26/2012 17:30:28 Desktop West Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.1
CL07450 1/26/2012 17:31:40 Monitor Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL07451 1/26/2012 17:32:43 Misc. North SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL07452 1/26/2012 17:35:29 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.1
CL07453 1/26/2012 17:38:57 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 101 Yes 2.9
CL07454 1/26/2012 17:42:42 Monitor East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL07455 1/26/2012 17:48:17 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.3
CL07456 1/26/2012 17:52:04 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL07457 1/26/2012 17:53:21 Monitor West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL07458 1/26/2012 17:57:34 Accessories West Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL07459 1/26/2012 17:59:42 Software North Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL07460 1/26/2012 17:59:48 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL07461 1/26/2012 18:05:10 Misc. South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.5
CL07462 1/26/2012 18:09:53 Laptop North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.6
CL07463 1/26/2012 18:15:27 Misc. West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL07464 1/26/2012 18:17:06 Software North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.5
CL07465 1/26/2012 18:20:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.4
CL07466 1/26/2012 18:21:03 Monitor South Individual 64 Yes 3.7
CL07467 1/26/2012 18:21:55 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL07468 1/26/2012 18:24:11 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL07469 1/26/2012 18:27:28 Misc. North Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.9
CL07470 1/26/2012 18:32:59 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL07471 1/26/2012 18:36:56 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL07472 1/26/2012 18:39:00 Misc. East SME 90 Yes 3.3
CL07473 1/26/2012 18:39:40 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.0
CL07474 1/26/2012 18:45:15 Laptop Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.5
CL07475 1/26/2012 18:46:13 Desktop East Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL07476 1/26/2012 18:51:02 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL07477 1/26/2012 18:52:55 Accessories North SME 62 Yes 3.3
CL07478 1/26/2012 18:54:34 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL07479 1/26/2012 18:55:16 Desktop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL07480 1/26/2012 18:55:16 Laptop Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL07481 1/26/2012 18:55:21 Laptop East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.7
CL07482 1/26/2012 18:58:46 Software South SME 67 Yes 3.6
CL07483 1/26/2012 19:00:43 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.7
CL07484 1/26/2012 19:03:51 Software North SME 78 No 3.2
CL07485 1/26/2012 19:09:04 Monitor South SME 84 Yes 2.2
CL07486 1/26/2012 19:13:42 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 3.8
CL07487 1/26/2012 19:18:58 Laptop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 4.0
CL07488 1/26/2012 19:19:38 Software East SME 77 Yes 3.8
CL07489 1/26/2012 19:23:20 Software West Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL07490 1/26/2012 19:28:41 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL07491 1/26/2012 19:31:10 Accessories North Non-profit 90 Yes 4.0
CL07492 1/26/2012 19:31:36 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.5
CL07493 1/26/2012 19:33:40 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL07494 1/26/2012 19:39:05 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL07495 1/26/2012 19:42:35 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 3.9
CL07496 1/26/2012 19:44:02 Desktop West Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.8
CL07497 1/26/2012 19:49:42 Laptop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL07498 1/26/2012 19:52:31 Desktop East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL07499 1/26/2012 19:55:52 Misc. West SME 66 Yes 3.1
CL07500 1/26/2012 19:56:16 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL07501 1/26/2012 19:57:30 Software South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL07502 1/26/2012 20:01:03 Software Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL07503 1/26/2012 20:04:34 Desktop East Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.6
CL07504 1/26/2012 20:08:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL07505 1/26/2012 20:13:53 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL07506 1/26/2012 20:17:57 Accessories Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.4
CL07507 1/26/2012 20:23:09 Monitor West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL07508 1/26/2012 20:27:41 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 91 Yes 3.0
CL07509 1/26/2012 20:28:11 Software North Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL07510 1/26/2012 20:29:39 Accessories North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL07511 1/26/2012 20:31:44 Monitor East Individual 84 Yes 2.8
CL07512 1/26/2012 20:36:32 Accessories South SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL07513 1/26/2012 20:36:56 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.0
CL07514 1/26/2012 20:37:12 Laptop East Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.7
CL07515 1/26/2012 20:38:08 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL07516 1/26/2012 20:43:50 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.7
CL07517 1/26/2012 20:46:23 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL07518 1/26/2012 20:49:59 Accessories West SME 57 Yes 2.9
CL07519 1/26/2012 20:54:53 Monitor West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL07520 1/26/2012 20:59:33 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.4
CL07521 1/26/2012 21:00:23 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.5
CL07522 1/26/2012 21:00:34 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL07523 1/26/2012 21:01:43 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL07524 1/26/2012 21:07:25 Accessories Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.2
CL07525 1/26/2012 21:12:16 Accessories West SME 59 Yes 3.7
CL07526 1/26/2012 21:12:56 Monitor South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.0
CL07527 1/26/2012 21:17:08 Accessories Mid-west SME 64 Yes 3.4
CL07528 1/26/2012 21:17:27 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL07529 1/26/2012 21:19:18 Monitor North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.5
CL07530 1/26/2012 21:23:15 Desktop North SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL07531 1/26/2012 21:27:35 Misc. East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL07532 1/26/2012 21:32:35 Software North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.2
CL07533 1/26/2012 21:35:24 Software South Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL07534 1/26/2012 21:37:51 Accessories South SME 65 Yes 3.6
CL07535 1/26/2012 21:40:59 Monitor Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL07536 1/26/2012 21:41:14 Monitor West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.8
CL07537 1/26/2012 21:42:59 Software East Individual 81 Yes 3.5
CL07538 1/26/2012 21:46:03 Monitor North Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL07539 1/26/2012 21:49:49 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL07540 1/26/2012 21:55:29 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL07541 1/26/2012 22:00:00 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL07542 1/27/2012 08:05:43 Accessories North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.4
CL07543 1/27/2012 08:08:23 Accessories East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.9
CL07544 1/27/2012 08:13:31 Desktop West Non-profit 90 Yes 3.3
CL07545 1/27/2012 08:14:48 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.7
CL07546 1/27/2012 08:16:09 Monitor West SME 80 Yes 2.1
CL07547 1/27/2012 08:20:34 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL07548 1/27/2012 08:24:24 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL07549 1/27/2012 08:25:32 Software South Individual 71 Yes 4.3
CL07550 1/27/2012 08:27:08 Software South SME 76 Yes 3.7
CL07551 1/27/2012 08:27:14 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL07552 1/27/2012 08:32:06 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL07553 1/27/2012 08:34:54 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL07554 1/27/2012 08:39:16 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL07555 1/27/2012 08:41:49 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 No 3.6
CL07556 1/27/2012 08:45:27 Desktop East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL07557 1/27/2012 08:50:30 Desktop South SME 73 Yes 4.1
CL07558 1/27/2012 08:52:46 Desktop West SME 83 No 2.5
CL07559 1/27/2012 08:53:22 Software West Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL07560 1/27/2012 08:55:38 Monitor West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.5
CL07561 1/27/2012 09:01:06 Laptop West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL07562 1/27/2012 09:02:54 Desktop South Non-profit 76 No 3.0
CL07563 1/27/2012 09:04:27 Accessories North SME 74 Yes 2.5
CL07564 1/27/2012 09:08:03 Desktop North SME 64 No 3.0
CL07565 1/27/2012 09:11:30 Accessories East Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL07566 1/27/2012 09:13:09 Desktop East Individual 74 No 3.2
CL07567 1/27/2012 09:17:33 Software East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL07568 1/27/2012 09:23:06 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.2
CL07569 1/27/2012 09:27:40 Accessories South Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL07570 1/27/2012 09:31:38 Monitor West Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL07571 1/27/2012 09:31:47 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL07572 1/27/2012 09:32:43 Software Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL07573 1/27/2012 09:38:05 Desktop West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.5
CL07574 1/27/2012 09:43:31 Software North SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL07575 1/27/2012 09:45:44 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL07576 1/27/2012 09:47:39 Monitor South Individual 97 Yes 3.8
CL07577 1/27/2012 09:48:42 Laptop West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.7
CL07578 1/27/2012 09:52:38 Software East SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL07579 1/27/2012 09:57:58 Accessories South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL07580 1/27/2012 09:58:30 Software North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL07581 1/27/2012 10:03:03 Laptop West Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.8
CL07582 1/27/2012 10:04:13 Desktop North Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.9
CL07583 1/27/2012 10:07:09 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL07584 1/27/2012 10:07:42 Laptop South Large Corporate 97 Yes 3.2
CL07585 1/27/2012 10:10:53 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 50 Yes 3.0
CL07586 1/27/2012 10:15:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL07587 1/27/2012 10:20:57 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 4.2
CL07588 1/27/2012 10:24:18 Monitor West SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL07589 1/27/2012 10:29:28 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.4
CL07590 1/27/2012 10:32:52 Software East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL07591 1/27/2012 10:37:10 Desktop South Individual 66 Yes 3.4
CL07592 1/27/2012 10:40:32 Accessories Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL07593 1/27/2012 10:42:33 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL07594 1/27/2012 10:42:43 Accessories East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL07595 1/27/2012 10:47:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL07596 1/27/2012 10:50:09 Misc. South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL07597 1/27/2012 10:55:23 Misc. South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.2
CL07598 1/27/2012 10:57:25 Desktop East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.5
CL07599 1/27/2012 10:58:30 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL07600 1/27/2012 10:59:15 Laptop East SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL07601 1/27/2012 11:04:06 Accessories East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL07602 1/27/2012 11:06:45 Software North SME 87 Yes 3.6
CL07603 1/27/2012 11:11:31 Software West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.3
CL07604 1/27/2012 11:13:06 Monitor West Individual 86 Yes 2.9
CL07605 1/27/2012 11:17:15 Monitor South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.5
CL07606 1/27/2012 11:22:20 Software South Non-profit 82 Yes 4.6
CL07607 1/27/2012 11:27:51 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 4.8
CL07608 1/27/2012 11:27:53 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL07609 1/27/2012 11:30:41 Monitor West Individual 65 Yes 2.5
CL07610 1/27/2012 11:33:35 Misc. North SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL07611 1/27/2012 11:37:51 Laptop West SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL07612 1/27/2012 11:42:09 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL07613 1/27/2012 11:46:09 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.2
CL07614 1/27/2012 11:46:50 Desktop North Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.6
CL07615 1/27/2012 11:49:06 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL07616 1/27/2012 11:53:38 Software North Non-profit 57 Yes 2.4
CL07617 1/27/2012 11:56:51 Accessories East Non-profit 75 No 3.4
CL07618 1/27/2012 11:59:00 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL07619 1/27/2012 12:02:18 Desktop West SME 89 Yes 2.2
CL07620 1/27/2012 12:07:11 Desktop South Individual 86 No 2.3
CL07621 1/27/2012 12:09:04 Software Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.5
CL07622 1/27/2012 12:10:56 Monitor South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL07623 1/27/2012 12:16:32 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL07624 1/27/2012 12:19:40 Monitor North Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL07625 1/27/2012 12:24:14 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL07626 1/27/2012 12:28:15 Accessories West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.4
CL07627 1/27/2012 12:29:05 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL07628 1/27/2012 12:31:12 Software South Individual 79 Yes 3.0
CL07629 1/27/2012 12:33:43 Accessories West SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL07630 1/27/2012 12:35:16 Monitor South Individual 69 Yes 1.9
CL07631 1/27/2012 12:38:47 Laptop East Individual 62 Yes 2.5
CL07632 1/27/2012 12:40:55 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL07633 1/27/2012 12:43:19 Monitor Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 2.6
CL07634 1/27/2012 12:47:52 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL07635 1/27/2012 12:50:48 Software East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL07636 1/27/2012 12:52:40 Misc. South Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL07637 1/27/2012 12:57:51 Monitor Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL07638 1/27/2012 13:00:25 Laptop North Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL07639 1/27/2012 13:04:09 Accessories West Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL07640 1/27/2012 13:08:35 Accessories Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 2.3
CL07641 1/27/2012 13:09:43 Laptop Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.7
CL07642 1/27/2012 13:11:54 Misc. West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.5
CL07643 1/27/2012 13:15:42 Misc. East Individual 67 Yes 4.0
CL07644 1/27/2012 13:18:27 Software Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL07645 1/27/2012 13:20:42 Misc. South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL07646 1/27/2012 13:22:24 Software East SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL07647 1/27/2012 13:24:27 Software North Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL07648 1/27/2012 13:24:44 Accessories West SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL07649 1/27/2012 13:30:19 Misc. West Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL07650 1/27/2012 13:31:51 Accessories West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.9
CL07651 1/27/2012 13:37:01 Software North Individual 78 No 3.6
CL07652 1/27/2012 13:38:04 Monitor East Individual 70 Yes 3.5
CL07653 1/27/2012 13:38:55 Desktop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL07654 1/27/2012 13:39:38 Misc. North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.5
CL07655 1/27/2012 13:42:10 Laptop East SME 75 No 3.6
CL07656 1/27/2012 13:42:38 Accessories East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.7
CL07657 1/27/2012 13:46:34 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.1
CL07658 1/27/2012 13:46:35 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL07659 1/27/2012 13:46:36 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL07660 1/27/2012 13:47:29 Software West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL07661 1/27/2012 13:51:19 Desktop East Large Corporate 76 No 2.8
CL07662 1/27/2012 13:51:53 Software West SME 84 Yes 3.5
CL07663 1/27/2012 13:56:00 Software East Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL07664 1/27/2012 13:59:28 Laptop East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL07665 1/27/2012 14:03:39 Laptop South Large Corporate 57 Yes 2.5
CL07666 1/27/2012 14:05:26 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL07667 1/27/2012 14:07:26 Misc. West SME 69 Yes 3.1
CL07668 1/27/2012 14:11:42 Misc. East Individual 76 No 2.8
CL07669 1/27/2012 14:15:11 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL07670 1/27/2012 14:18:54 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL07671 1/27/2012 14:23:53 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL07672 1/27/2012 14:27:45 Misc. North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.7
CL07673 1/27/2012 14:32:59 Monitor South SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL07674 1/27/2012 14:38:31 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.4
CL07675 1/27/2012 14:40:10 Desktop South Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.9
CL07676 1/27/2012 14:43:31 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 No 2.9
CL07677 1/27/2012 14:44:01 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL07678 1/27/2012 14:44:16 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL07679 1/27/2012 14:46:25 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL07680 1/27/2012 14:48:17 Software South Individual 72 Yes 3.2
CL07681 1/27/2012 14:49:44 Software South Non-profit 92 Yes 3.4
CL07682 1/27/2012 14:55:23 Accessories West SME 88 Yes 2.2
CL07683 1/27/2012 15:00:00 Monitor West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL07684 1/27/2012 15:01:30 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 2.9
CL07685 1/27/2012 15:01:39 Desktop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL07686 1/27/2012 15:04:37 Accessories South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL07687 1/27/2012 15:09:06 Laptop South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL07688 1/27/2012 15:09:12 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL07689 1/27/2012 15:13:27 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL07690 1/27/2012 15:18:22 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL07691 1/27/2012 15:19:52 Desktop North Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL07692 1/27/2012 15:24:42 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL07693 1/27/2012 15:28:14 Laptop South SME 89 Yes 2.6
CL07694 1/27/2012 15:31:08 Software South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.3
CL07695 1/27/2012 15:32:29 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.4
CL07696 1/27/2012 15:33:20 Monitor East Non-profit 59 Yes 3.6
CL07697 1/27/2012 15:34:33 Software North SME 86 Yes 3.4
CL07698 1/27/2012 15:36:42 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL07699 1/27/2012 15:41:38 Misc. Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL07700 1/27/2012 15:42:37 Monitor South Large Corporate 66 No 3.2
CL07701 1/27/2012 15:44:43 Misc. North Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL07702 1/27/2012 15:47:19 Monitor Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 3.7
CL07703 1/27/2012 15:50:06 Monitor West SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL07704 1/27/2012 15:53:12 Monitor Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.2
CL07705 1/27/2012 15:55:38 Software West SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL07706 1/27/2012 15:56:45 Laptop East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.1
CL07707 1/27/2012 15:59:16 Accessories East Individual 66 Yes 3.8
CL07708 1/27/2012 16:01:34 Accessories North SME 87 Yes 3.5
CL07709 1/27/2012 16:02:10 Desktop West SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL07710 1/27/2012 16:04:38 Misc. South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL07711 1/27/2012 16:07:23 Software West Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL07712 1/27/2012 16:10:52 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL07713 1/27/2012 16:16:22 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL07714 1/27/2012 16:16:53 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL07715 1/27/2012 16:19:31 Desktop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.7
CL07716 1/27/2012 16:21:12 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL07717 1/27/2012 16:22:06 Desktop East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL07718 1/27/2012 16:25:18 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 2.5
CL07719 1/27/2012 16:30:24 Monitor East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL07720 1/27/2012 16:33:25 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.1
CL07721 1/27/2012 16:35:32 Accessories North Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL07722 1/27/2012 16:38:45 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL07723 1/27/2012 16:42:14 Monitor East SME 65 Yes 3.4
CL07724 1/27/2012 16:43:06 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.7
CL07725 1/27/2012 16:45:37 Accessories East Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL07726 1/27/2012 16:48:51 Monitor South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.6
CL07727 1/27/2012 16:51:50 Laptop East SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL07728 1/27/2012 16:55:18 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL07729 1/27/2012 16:56:03 Accessories West SME 74 Yes 2.5
CL07730 1/27/2012 17:01:31 Laptop South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.8
CL07731 1/27/2012 17:06:35 Software West SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL07732 1/27/2012 17:11:19 Laptop East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.8
CL07733 1/27/2012 17:13:15 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL07734 1/27/2012 17:16:07 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL07735 1/27/2012 17:18:58 Laptop East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL07736 1/27/2012 17:22:08 Software West SME 61 Yes 3.7
CL07737 1/27/2012 17:23:12 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL07738 1/27/2012 17:24:38 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL07739 1/27/2012 17:27:08 Accessories East Non-profit 97 Yes 3.2
CL07740 1/27/2012 17:31:29 Accessories North Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.8
CL07741 1/27/2012 17:34:49 Desktop North Non-profit 89 Yes 2.5
CL07742 1/27/2012 17:38:56 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL07743 1/27/2012 17:39:20 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL07744 1/27/2012 17:41:44 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 2.2
CL07745 1/27/2012 17:44:49 Software West SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL07746 1/27/2012 17:49:30 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL07747 1/27/2012 17:50:30 Monitor North SME 96 Yes 3.8
CL07748 1/27/2012 17:51:24 Desktop East SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL07749 1/27/2012 17:57:02 Accessories North SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL07750 1/27/2012 18:01:20 Accessories East SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL07751 1/27/2012 18:03:28 Misc. North Individual 59 Yes 3.3
CL07752 1/27/2012 18:03:44 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL07753 1/27/2012 18:06:35 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL07754 1/27/2012 18:10:14 Laptop North SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL07755 1/27/2012 18:13:24 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL07756 1/27/2012 18:14:27 Software South SME 85 Yes 3.2
CL07757 1/27/2012 18:17:39 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL07758 1/27/2012 18:20:08 Monitor East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL07759 1/27/2012 18:20:54 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 2.1
CL07760 1/27/2012 18:20:56 Laptop North SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL07761 1/27/2012 18:24:23 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL07762 1/27/2012 18:29:29 Misc. West Non-profit 92 Yes 3.1
CL07763 1/27/2012 18:33:21 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL07764 1/27/2012 18:38:27 Laptop South SME 61 Yes 2.6
CL07765 1/27/2012 18:39:15 Desktop East Individual 80 Yes 2.2
CL07766 1/27/2012 18:40:48 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL07767 1/27/2012 18:42:30 Monitor West Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.9
CL07768 1/27/2012 18:45:06 Accessories West SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL07769 1/27/2012 18:46:49 Monitor West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL07770 1/27/2012 18:51:50 Misc. West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL07771 1/27/2012 18:56:46 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL07772 1/27/2012 18:57:21 Laptop West SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL07773 1/27/2012 19:02:02 Misc. North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL07774 1/27/2012 19:07:06 Monitor West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL07775 1/27/2012 19:11:53 Laptop West SME 82 Yes 2.4
CL07776 1/27/2012 19:15:22 Software South Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL07777 1/27/2012 19:17:39 Desktop East SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL07778 1/27/2012 19:17:43 Software West Individual 75 Yes 3.9
CL07779 1/27/2012 19:22:20 Monitor South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL07780 1/27/2012 19:24:37 Misc. South Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL07781 1/27/2012 19:25:35 Monitor West Non-profit 57 Yes 2.7
CL07782 1/27/2012 19:29:07 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL07783 1/27/2012 19:32:09 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL07784 1/27/2012 19:33:09 Accessories East Individual 70 Yes 4.1
CL07785 1/27/2012 19:37:14 Accessories North SME 95 Yes 3.4
CL07786 1/27/2012 19:42:04 Laptop Mid-west Individual 91 Yes 3.0
CL07787 1/27/2012 19:45:29 Accessories North Individual 88 Yes 3.0
CL07788 1/27/2012 19:49:49 Monitor East SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL07789 1/27/2012 19:50:40 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL07790 1/27/2012 19:56:12 Software East Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL07791 1/27/2012 19:59:52 Software West SME 60 Yes 3.1
CL07792 1/27/2012 20:00:31 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL07793 1/27/2012 20:01:28 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.6
CL07794 1/27/2012 20:04:50 Desktop South SME 77 Yes 2.2
CL07795 1/27/2012 20:06:10 Misc. West SME 61 Yes 3.8
CL07796 1/27/2012 20:08:24 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL07797 1/27/2012 20:11:53 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL07798 1/27/2012 20:12:11 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.7
CL07799 1/27/2012 20:16:52 Accessories South SME 96 Yes 3.0
CL07800 1/27/2012 20:21:10 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL07801 1/27/2012 20:23:47 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL07802 1/27/2012 20:28:53 Accessories South SME 66 Yes 3.9
CL07803 1/27/2012 20:31:06 Software East SME 87 Yes 3.1
CL07804 1/27/2012 20:31:46 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL07805 1/27/2012 20:31:57 Software North SME 63 Yes 2.6
CL07806 1/27/2012 20:35:49 Accessories West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL07807 1/27/2012 20:41:13 Monitor North Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL07808 1/27/2012 20:43:20 Misc. North Individual 59 Yes 2.5
CL07809 1/27/2012 20:45:34 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 3.7
CL07810 1/27/2012 20:49:47 Desktop North Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL07811 1/27/2012 20:54:35 Misc. East SME 71 No 3.4
CL07812 1/27/2012 21:00:19 Software West Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL07813 1/27/2012 21:01:02 Laptop East SME 83 No 4.0
CL07814 1/27/2012 21:05:42 Accessories South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.2
CL07815 1/27/2012 21:10:14 Software South SME 87 Yes 3.4
CL07816 1/27/2012 21:14:14 Misc. West Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.5
CL07817 1/27/2012 21:15:13 Desktop East SME 79 Yes 4.0
CL07818 1/27/2012 21:19:52 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 2.2
CL07819 1/27/2012 21:21:07 Desktop East Individual 66 Yes 3.4
CL07820 1/27/2012 21:25:08 Laptop South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL07821 1/27/2012 21:28:51 Desktop North Individual 86 Yes 2.9
CL07822 1/27/2012 21:30:23 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL07823 1/27/2012 21:31:27 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL07824 1/27/2012 21:33:53 Misc. East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL07825 1/27/2012 21:34:53 Software East SME 71 Yes 2.1
CL07826 1/27/2012 21:40:15 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL07827 1/27/2012 21:41:19 Monitor North SME 60 Yes 2.2
CL07828 1/27/2012 21:46:43 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL07829 1/27/2012 21:49:31 Misc. West SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL07830 1/27/2012 21:49:41 Desktop East SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL07831 1/27/2012 21:51:13 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL07832 1/27/2012 21:55:04 Software East Large Corporate 76 No 3.3
CL07833 1/27/2012 21:56:26 Desktop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL07834 1/27/2012 21:58:03 Monitor South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL07835 1/27/2012 22:01:18 Laptop West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.5
CL07836 1/28/2012 08:06:10 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL07837 1/28/2012 08:10:10 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL07838 1/28/2012 08:12:09 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 4.0
CL07839 1/28/2012 08:12:13 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL07840 1/28/2012 08:13:35 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 No 2.6
CL07841 1/28/2012 08:16:46 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL07842 1/28/2012 08:18:50 Software South SME 68 Yes 2.7
CL07843 1/28/2012 08:23:45 Laptop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.4
CL07844 1/28/2012 08:25:00 Software West SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL07845 1/28/2012 08:30:05 Software North Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL07846 1/28/2012 08:33:47 Desktop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.0
CL07847 1/28/2012 08:35:04 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 2.3
CL07848 1/28/2012 08:35:08 Monitor West SME 82 Yes 3.4
CL07849 1/28/2012 08:38:46 Software West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL07850 1/28/2012 08:38:57 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL07851 1/28/2012 08:41:44 Monitor West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.6
CL07852 1/28/2012 08:42:34 Accessories South SME 75 No 3.7
CL07853 1/28/2012 08:45:31 Laptop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL07854 1/28/2012 08:49:59 Misc. North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL07855 1/28/2012 08:52:02 Desktop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL07856 1/28/2012 08:52:50 Monitor East SME 68 Yes 1.9
CL07857 1/28/2012 08:53:36 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL07858 1/28/2012 08:57:58 Desktop East Individual 85 Yes 2.8
CL07859 1/28/2012 09:02:17 Accessories South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL07860 1/28/2012 09:06:37 Misc. South SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL07861 1/28/2012 09:10:28 Monitor South Non-profit 87 Yes 3.6
CL07862 1/28/2012 09:15:11 Laptop South Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL07863 1/28/2012 09:17:14 Desktop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL07864 1/28/2012 09:22:12 Desktop East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.4
CL07865 1/28/2012 09:25:18 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL07866 1/28/2012 09:28:55 Monitor West Individual 92 Yes 2.6
CL07867 1/28/2012 09:28:55 Software West Individual 60 Yes 2.0
CL07868 1/28/2012 09:33:08 Monitor East Large Corporate 71 Yes 4.0
CL07869 1/28/2012 09:33:20 Accessories East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL07870 1/28/2012 09:36:08 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL07871 1/28/2012 09:40:52 Accessories North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL07872 1/28/2012 09:44:55 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 No 3.4
CL07873 1/28/2012 09:46:24 Monitor East Non-profit 65 Yes 3.3
CL07874 1/28/2012 09:49:56 Misc. Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL07875 1/28/2012 09:52:55 Laptop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL07876 1/28/2012 09:58:11 Laptop South Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL07877 1/28/2012 10:03:08 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL07878 1/28/2012 10:06:48 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL07879 1/28/2012 10:09:16 Accessories South SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL07880 1/28/2012 10:13:51 Accessories East SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL07881 1/28/2012 10:14:10 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.1
CL07882 1/28/2012 10:14:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL07883 1/28/2012 10:19:23 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL07884 1/28/2012 10:21:29 Misc. South Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL07885 1/28/2012 10:25:07 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL07886 1/28/2012 10:27:11 Misc. West SME 55 Yes 3.3
CL07887 1/28/2012 10:29:07 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL07888 1/28/2012 10:30:16 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 1.3
CL07889 1/28/2012 10:34:37 Desktop South SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL07890 1/28/2012 10:40:06 Laptop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.1
CL07891 1/28/2012 10:45:20 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.9
CL07892 1/28/2012 10:50:34 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL07893 1/28/2012 10:51:11 Misc. East Individual 85 Yes 2.7
CL07894 1/28/2012 10:54:52 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.2
CL07895 1/28/2012 10:56:45 Misc. South Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL07896 1/28/2012 11:00:07 Monitor South Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL07897 1/28/2012 11:00:51 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.1
CL07898 1/28/2012 11:01:43 Laptop West SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL07899 1/28/2012 11:05:13 Misc. North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.4
CL07900 1/28/2012 11:08:51 Software West Non-profit 74 Yes 4.1
CL07901 1/28/2012 11:13:14 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 1.9
CL07902 1/28/2012 11:13:22 Desktop South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL07903 1/28/2012 11:13:35 Laptop North Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.5
CL07904 1/28/2012 11:16:07 Desktop North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.3
CL07905 1/28/2012 11:21:27 Monitor North SME 91 Yes 2.7
CL07906 1/28/2012 11:26:51 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL07907 1/28/2012 11:29:36 Laptop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL07908 1/28/2012 11:30:25 Desktop North Non-profit 93 No 3.2
CL07909 1/28/2012 11:30:51 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL07910 1/28/2012 11:32:26 Laptop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL07911 1/28/2012 11:35:25 Accessories Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL07912 1/28/2012 11:40:55 Monitor South Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL07913 1/28/2012 11:41:00 Desktop East Individual 59 Yes 3.2
CL07914 1/28/2012 11:42:39 Laptop North Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL07915 1/28/2012 11:44:18 Desktop South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL07916 1/28/2012 11:44:57 Misc. North SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL07917 1/28/2012 11:47:32 Software East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL07918 1/28/2012 11:52:14 Desktop North Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.5
CL07919 1/28/2012 11:55:51 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL07920 1/28/2012 11:57:43 Misc. East SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL07921 1/28/2012 12:00:46 Laptop West Individual 54 No 2.8
CL07922 1/28/2012 12:02:26 Misc. South SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL07923 1/28/2012 12:03:28 Software North SME 65 Yes 2.4
CL07924 1/28/2012 12:03:51 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.8
CL07925 1/28/2012 12:06:36 Desktop North SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL07926 1/28/2012 12:11:01 Monitor South Non-profit 92 Yes 2.5
CL07927 1/28/2012 12:11:25 Accessories North SME 66 Yes 2.4
CL07928 1/28/2012 12:12:00 Accessories East SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL07929 1/28/2012 12:15:56 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 4.1
CL07930 1/28/2012 12:17:10 Software West SME 79 Yes 2.5
CL07931 1/28/2012 12:18:15 Accessories South Individual 82 Yes 4.3
CL07932 1/28/2012 12:18:43 Laptop West SME 78 Yes 4.0
CL07933 1/28/2012 12:18:44 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL07934 1/28/2012 12:20:39 Accessories East Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.7
CL07935 1/28/2012 12:26:13 Monitor West SME 85 Yes 2.9
CL07936 1/28/2012 12:31:30 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL07937 1/28/2012 12:34:46 Monitor North Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL07938 1/28/2012 12:37:33 Monitor North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL07939 1/28/2012 12:41:56 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL07940 1/28/2012 12:44:57 Software Mid-west SME 87 Yes 2.5
CL07941 1/28/2012 12:48:41 Desktop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 1.8
CL07942 1/28/2012 12:49:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.1
CL07943 1/28/2012 12:51:29 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 4.2
CL07944 1/28/2012 12:52:57 Software East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.6
CL07945 1/28/2012 12:56:07 Software North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL07946 1/28/2012 12:58:46 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL07947 1/28/2012 12:59:14 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL07948 1/28/2012 13:03:05 Laptop North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL07949 1/28/2012 13:08:37 Laptop East SME 76 Yes 2.3
CL07950 1/28/2012 13:13:39 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 2.6
CL07951 1/28/2012 13:19:22 Misc. West Non-profit 69 No 2.7
CL07952 1/28/2012 13:19:42 Laptop North SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL07953 1/28/2012 13:21:02 Desktop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL07954 1/28/2012 13:21:35 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.5
CL07955 1/28/2012 13:27:18 Misc. South Non-profit 69 No 3.0
CL07956 1/28/2012 13:30:21 Desktop North Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL07957 1/28/2012 13:35:29 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL07958 1/28/2012 13:35:49 Laptop South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL07959 1/28/2012 13:37:36 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 3.7
CL07960 1/28/2012 13:37:42 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL07961 1/28/2012 13:39:31 Desktop North SME 66 Yes 3.4
CL07962 1/28/2012 13:42:49 Desktop East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.4
CL07963 1/28/2012 13:47:08 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL07964 1/28/2012 13:49:24 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL07965 1/28/2012 13:52:03 Desktop East Individual 62 Yes 3.3
CL07966 1/28/2012 13:53:12 Laptop East SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL07967 1/28/2012 13:56:54 Software East Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.3
CL07968 1/28/2012 14:00:59 Accessories West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL07969 1/28/2012 14:04:43 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 3.6
CL07970 1/28/2012 14:09:18 Laptop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL07971 1/28/2012 14:13:40 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL07972 1/28/2012 14:17:59 Misc. West Non-profit 66 Yes 3.2
CL07973 1/28/2012 14:23:17 Desktop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 1.9
CL07974 1/28/2012 14:25:05 Software West SME 59 Yes 2.3
CL07975 1/28/2012 14:28:06 Software West Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL07976 1/28/2012 14:31:00 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL07977 1/28/2012 14:34:38 Software South Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL07978 1/28/2012 14:34:44 Accessories South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL07979 1/28/2012 14:38:52 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL07980 1/28/2012 14:41:00 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.5
CL07981 1/28/2012 14:45:57 Accessories North SME 70 Yes 3.6
CL07982 1/28/2012 14:47:50 Accessories North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.2
CL07983 1/28/2012 14:49:10 Monitor East Non-profit 73 Yes 1.9
CL07984 1/28/2012 14:50:06 Software South Individual 80 Yes 3.6
CL07985 1/28/2012 14:53:06 Software East Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL07986 1/28/2012 14:55:03 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.5
CL07987 1/28/2012 15:00:31 Accessories West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.5
CL07988 1/28/2012 15:05:03 Monitor West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL07989 1/28/2012 15:08:07 Accessories South Non-profit 88 Yes 3.8
CL07990 1/28/2012 15:08:48 Software North Non-profit 80 No 2.5
CL07991 1/28/2012 15:12:03 Misc. West SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL07992 1/28/2012 15:12:08 Accessories West Individual 72 Yes 3.7
CL07993 1/28/2012 15:12:59 Software West Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL07994 1/28/2012 15:15:44 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.6
CL07995 1/28/2012 15:16:57 Monitor East SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL07996 1/28/2012 15:18:32 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL07997 1/28/2012 15:20:33 Monitor North SME 73 Yes 4.1
CL07998 1/28/2012 15:23:54 Laptop South Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL07999 1/28/2012 15:24:09 Monitor South Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.6
CL08000 1/28/2012 15:28:41 Accessories Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 2.9
CL08001 1/28/2012 15:29:53 Laptop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.8
CL08002 1/28/2012 15:30:31 Software North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL08003 1/28/2012 15:32:48 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL08004 1/28/2012 15:35:33 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL08005 1/28/2012 15:37:10 Misc. West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL08006 1/28/2012 15:41:58 Misc. North Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL08007 1/28/2012 15:45:13 Monitor West SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL08008 1/28/2012 15:46:00 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL08009 1/28/2012 15:48:03 Desktop West Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL08010 1/28/2012 15:51:55 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.1
CL08011 1/28/2012 15:54:58 Monitor North Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL08012 1/28/2012 15:59:12 Software Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.3
CL08013 1/28/2012 16:01:22 Misc. Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL08014 1/28/2012 16:03:49 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL08015 1/28/2012 16:04:26 Laptop Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL08016 1/28/2012 16:09:14 Laptop South SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL08017 1/28/2012 16:09:43 Laptop West Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL08018 1/28/2012 16:14:47 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.5
CL08019 1/28/2012 16:16:34 Software West Individual 81 Yes 2.4
CL08020 1/28/2012 16:18:27 Monitor West Non-profit 94 Yes 2.8
CL08021 1/28/2012 16:19:07 Software West SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL08022 1/28/2012 16:22:55 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL08023 1/28/2012 16:28:07 Laptop North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.6
CL08024 1/28/2012 16:31:32 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 3.2
CL08025 1/28/2012 16:36:52 Desktop West SME 63 Yes 2.9
CL08026 1/28/2012 16:37:49 Laptop South SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL08027 1/28/2012 16:38:47 Software West Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL08028 1/28/2012 16:41:05 Monitor East SME 84 Yes 3.2
CL08029 1/28/2012 16:41:08 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.5
CL08030 1/28/2012 16:41:52 Accessories South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL08031 1/28/2012 16:46:29 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL08032 1/28/2012 16:51:04 Accessories South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL08033 1/28/2012 16:52:14 Desktop North Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL08034 1/28/2012 16:56:24 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL08035 1/28/2012 16:57:53 Software North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL08036 1/28/2012 16:59:44 Accessories South Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.0
CL08037 1/28/2012 16:59:48 Desktop Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL08038 1/28/2012 17:01:49 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL08039 1/28/2012 17:01:58 Monitor Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL08040 1/28/2012 17:06:23 Accessories North Non-profit 79 Yes 1.8
CL08041 1/28/2012 17:10:38 Laptop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL08042 1/28/2012 17:10:46 Accessories West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL08043 1/28/2012 17:15:28 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.6
CL08044 1/28/2012 17:18:08 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 1.6
CL08045 1/28/2012 17:23:03 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 2.3
CL08046 1/28/2012 17:25:59 Accessories South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.6
CL08047 1/28/2012 17:27:44 Monitor South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.7
CL08048 1/28/2012 17:29:44 Software South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL08049 1/28/2012 17:34:11 Laptop South SME 61 Yes 2.5
CL08050 1/28/2012 17:35:06 Misc. West SME 67 Yes 4.1
CL08051 1/28/2012 17:35:49 Monitor East Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL08052 1/28/2012 17:37:15 Monitor North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.2
CL08053 1/28/2012 17:39:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL08054 1/28/2012 17:41:42 Laptop North Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL08055 1/28/2012 17:44:23 Monitor Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.9
CL08056 1/28/2012 17:46:28 Accessories East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL08057 1/28/2012 17:51:14 Laptop Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.6
CL08058 1/28/2012 17:55:50 Monitor South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL08059 1/28/2012 17:58:58 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL08060 1/28/2012 18:01:19 Laptop Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 2.8
CL08061 1/28/2012 18:03:51 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL08062 1/28/2012 18:09:16 Accessories South Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL08063 1/28/2012 18:10:06 Software West Individual 90 Yes 3.0
CL08064 1/28/2012 18:12:29 Software North SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL08065 1/28/2012 18:17:19 Software Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.8
CL08066 1/28/2012 18:20:16 Laptop West Individual 88 Yes 3.9
CL08067 1/28/2012 18:22:49 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 4.4
CL08068 1/28/2012 18:26:21 Accessories East SME 86 Yes 3.0
CL08069 1/28/2012 18:29:02 Desktop North SME 51 Yes 3.2
CL08070 1/28/2012 18:29:05 Software East Non-profit 65 Yes 4.3
CL08071 1/28/2012 18:30:34 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.4
CL08072 1/28/2012 18:31:26 Accessories South Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.5
CL08073 1/28/2012 18:33:32 Accessories North Individual 80 Yes 2.4
CL08074 1/28/2012 18:35:24 Accessories North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.8
CL08075 1/28/2012 18:37:55 Desktop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL08076 1/28/2012 18:41:09 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL08077 1/28/2012 18:44:21 Software East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL08078 1/28/2012 18:45:20 Misc. South Individual 82 Yes 3.9
CL08079 1/28/2012 18:49:50 Accessories West Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL08080 1/28/2012 18:50:31 Software East Large Corporate 79 No 4.0
CL08081 1/28/2012 18:56:00 Software West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL08082 1/28/2012 18:57:53 Accessories West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL08083 1/28/2012 19:00:23 Monitor North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL08084 1/28/2012 19:03:29 Laptop West SME 59 Yes 3.6
CL08085 1/28/2012 19:04:38 Misc. North Individual 72 Yes 2.4
CL08086 1/28/2012 19:07:20 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL08087 1/28/2012 19:10:01 Desktop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL08088 1/28/2012 19:12:56 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL08089 1/28/2012 19:18:23 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.7
CL08090 1/28/2012 19:23:40 Monitor North SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL08091 1/28/2012 19:26:22 Desktop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL08092 1/28/2012 19:26:22 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL08093 1/28/2012 19:28:23 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL08094 1/28/2012 19:32:31 Software West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.7
CL08095 1/28/2012 19:37:06 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.4
CL08096 1/28/2012 19:39:56 Desktop East Non-profit 94 Yes 3.7
CL08097 1/28/2012 19:43:28 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL08098 1/28/2012 19:46:39 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.9
CL08099 1/28/2012 19:48:54 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.5
CL08100 1/28/2012 19:50:15 Desktop South SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL08101 1/28/2012 19:54:48 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL08102 1/28/2012 19:57:24 Laptop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL08103 1/28/2012 20:02:00 Monitor West Individual 72 Yes 1.7
CL08104 1/28/2012 20:05:11 Monitor South Individual 67 Yes 3.4
CL08105 1/28/2012 20:07:24 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.5
CL08106 1/28/2012 20:10:14 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.0
CL08107 1/28/2012 20:11:29 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL08108 1/28/2012 20:16:14 Misc. East SME 64 Yes 4.1
CL08109 1/28/2012 20:19:20 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL08110 1/28/2012 20:20:34 Software West Individual 81 Yes 3.9
CL08111 1/28/2012 20:22:29 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL08112 1/28/2012 20:27:12 Laptop West Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL08113 1/28/2012 20:28:23 Accessories East SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL08114 1/28/2012 20:28:50 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.8
CL08115 1/28/2012 20:32:13 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL08116 1/28/2012 20:35:29 Accessories North SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL08117 1/28/2012 20:41:06 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL08118 1/28/2012 20:45:23 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL08119 1/28/2012 20:48:33 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.0
CL08120 1/28/2012 20:49:47 Monitor North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL08121 1/28/2012 20:52:45 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL08122 1/28/2012 20:57:07 Misc. Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL08123 1/28/2012 20:59:18 Desktop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL08124 1/28/2012 21:05:03 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL08125 1/28/2012 21:07:16 Misc. East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL08126 1/28/2012 21:08:34 Laptop South SME 89 Yes 2.9
CL08127 1/28/2012 21:11:55 Laptop South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL08128 1/28/2012 21:16:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.8
CL08129 1/28/2012 21:22:11 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL08130 1/28/2012 21:22:18 Accessories East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.4
CL08131 1/28/2012 21:26:12 Accessories Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.4
CL08132 1/28/2012 21:28:49 Accessories East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL08133 1/28/2012 21:29:13 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL08134 1/28/2012 21:30:15 Desktop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 3.0
CL08135 1/28/2012 21:32:16 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL08136 1/28/2012 21:33:50 Misc. North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL08137 1/28/2012 21:34:29 Accessories Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL08138 1/28/2012 21:38:25 Laptop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.8
CL08139 1/28/2012 21:39:32 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL08140 1/28/2012 21:43:02 Accessories South Individual 61 Yes 3.6
CL08141 1/28/2012 21:47:47 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL08142 1/28/2012 21:51:54 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL08143 1/28/2012 21:55:05 Software South SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL08144 1/28/2012 21:56:25 Monitor Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL08145 1/28/2012 21:58:22 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL08146 1/28/2012 22:01:34 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 3.7
CL08147 1/29/2012 08:06:37 Monitor Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.6
CL08148 1/29/2012 08:12:17 Laptop South SME 71 No 2.7
CL08149 1/29/2012 08:16:01 Software West Non-profit 77 No 3.7
CL08150 1/29/2012 08:21:30 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 4.1
CL08151 1/29/2012 08:25:58 Laptop South Individual 58 Yes 2.8
CL08152 1/29/2012 08:26:58 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL08153 1/29/2012 08:28:58 Misc. East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.2
CL08154 1/29/2012 08:31:05 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL08155 1/29/2012 08:31:19 Software North Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL08156 1/29/2012 08:31:45 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL08157 1/29/2012 08:31:47 Accessories West Non-profit 63 Yes 3.5
CL08158 1/29/2012 08:35:20 Desktop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.5
CL08159 1/29/2012 08:35:46 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL08160 1/29/2012 08:38:49 Monitor East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.2
CL08161 1/29/2012 08:40:16 Software North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.7
CL08162 1/29/2012 08:44:43 Misc. West SME 65 Yes 3.2
CL08163 1/29/2012 08:45:09 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL08164 1/29/2012 08:50:12 Monitor East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL08165 1/29/2012 08:50:16 Laptop South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.7
CL08166 1/29/2012 08:50:38 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL08167 1/29/2012 08:52:51 Laptop South SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL08168 1/29/2012 08:56:04 Software North Large Corporate 65 Yes 4.0
CL08169 1/29/2012 08:59:24 Accessories North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL08170 1/29/2012 09:01:41 Desktop East SME 91 Yes 3.1
CL08171 1/29/2012 09:02:12 Desktop North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL08172 1/29/2012 09:03:54 Software East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL08173 1/29/2012 09:07:58 Laptop West SME 67 Yes 3.9
CL08174 1/29/2012 09:12:54 Software East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.9
CL08175 1/29/2012 09:17:51 Software North Individual 61 Yes 3.3
CL08176 1/29/2012 09:21:00 Laptop Mid-west SME 88 Yes 3.6
CL08177 1/29/2012 09:25:50 Software West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL08178 1/29/2012 09:29:52 Monitor South Non-profit 94 Yes 2.8
CL08179 1/29/2012 09:31:40 Software South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL08180 1/29/2012 09:35:08 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.4
CL08181 1/29/2012 09:37:19 Software East SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL08182 1/29/2012 09:38:24 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL08183 1/29/2012 09:40:07 Misc. South Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.4
CL08184 1/29/2012 09:45:36 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL08185 1/29/2012 09:46:24 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL08186 1/29/2012 09:47:46 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL08187 1/29/2012 09:50:32 Laptop North Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL08188 1/29/2012 09:53:30 Misc. North SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL08189 1/29/2012 09:55:40 Software South Non-profit 73 No 2.3
CL08190 1/29/2012 10:00:01 Misc. East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL08191 1/29/2012 10:00:14 Accessories East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.7
CL08192 1/29/2012 10:04:32 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 3.8
CL08193 1/29/2012 10:06:43 Desktop South Non-profit 91 Yes 2.4
CL08194 1/29/2012 10:07:28 Accessories East SME 65 Yes 3.9
CL08195 1/29/2012 10:10:22 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL08196 1/29/2012 10:13:10 Accessories East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL08197 1/29/2012 10:17:41 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL08198 1/29/2012 10:22:10 Software South Individual 80 Yes 2.1
CL08199 1/29/2012 10:24:13 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL08200 1/29/2012 10:29:53 Laptop North Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.5
CL08201 1/29/2012 10:35:01 Desktop Mid-west SME 62 No 3.3
CL08202 1/29/2012 10:40:31 Accessories North SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL08203 1/29/2012 10:45:54 Laptop East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.6
CL08204 1/29/2012 10:46:39 Laptop Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.3
CL08205 1/29/2012 10:48:53 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.3
CL08206 1/29/2012 10:50:20 Desktop East Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL08207 1/29/2012 10:51:26 Desktop West SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL08208 1/29/2012 10:51:44 Misc. West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.4
CL08209 1/29/2012 10:55:15 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL08210 1/29/2012 10:55:44 Laptop East SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL08211 1/29/2012 10:56:12 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.8
CL08212 1/29/2012 10:57:35 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL08213 1/29/2012 10:58:54 Software West Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL08214 1/29/2012 11:00:15 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL08215 1/29/2012 11:05:52 Accessories South Non-profit 88 Yes 2.7
CL08216 1/29/2012 11:06:29 Monitor North Large Corporate 57 Yes 3.3
CL08217 1/29/2012 11:11:41 Desktop East Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL08218 1/29/2012 11:17:26 Monitor East Individual 76 Yes 1.8
CL08219 1/29/2012 11:19:24 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.6
CL08220 1/29/2012 11:20:16 Software South Non-profit 86 Yes 3.1
CL08221 1/29/2012 11:24:06 Laptop West Individual 70 Yes 2.3
CL08222 1/29/2012 11:29:39 Monitor South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL08223 1/29/2012 11:29:58 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 No 2.9
CL08224 1/29/2012 11:32:32 Misc. Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL08225 1/29/2012 11:36:19 Accessories East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL08226 1/29/2012 11:40:10 Laptop North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.2
CL08227 1/29/2012 11:41:52 Accessories Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL08228 1/29/2012 11:46:54 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL08229 1/29/2012 11:52:21 Misc. South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL08230 1/29/2012 11:52:24 Laptop East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL08231 1/29/2012 11:57:28 Accessories South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.7
CL08232 1/29/2012 11:57:40 Laptop North Non-profit 92 Yes 2.3
CL08233 1/29/2012 11:59:45 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL08234 1/29/2012 12:01:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.5
CL08235 1/29/2012 12:05:07 Laptop East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.7
CL08236 1/29/2012 12:05:29 Software North Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL08237 1/29/2012 12:06:04 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL08238 1/29/2012 12:10:03 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 91 Yes 3.9
CL08239 1/29/2012 12:14:50 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL08240 1/29/2012 12:20:29 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.3
CL08241 1/29/2012 12:24:04 Accessories North Large Corporate 55 Yes 2.2
CL08242 1/29/2012 12:24:31 Accessories North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL08243 1/29/2012 12:28:51 Accessories North Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL08244 1/29/2012 12:33:07 Desktop North SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL08245 1/29/2012 12:38:34 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 3.8
CL08246 1/29/2012 12:39:10 Accessories West SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL08247 1/29/2012 12:39:36 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL08248 1/29/2012 12:43:17 Monitor North Individual 83 Yes 3.5
CL08249 1/29/2012 12:46:34 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL08250 1/29/2012 12:49:27 Misc. South SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL08251 1/29/2012 12:50:17 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL08252 1/29/2012 12:53:17 Misc. East Individual 91 Yes 2.6
CL08253 1/29/2012 12:58:56 Misc. West SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL08254 1/29/2012 12:59:46 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL08255 1/29/2012 13:03:06 Laptop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.3
CL08256 1/29/2012 13:05:03 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL08257 1/29/2012 13:07:16 Laptop East Individual 87 Yes 2.2
CL08258 1/29/2012 13:11:59 Accessories West Non-profit 92 Yes 2.6
CL08259 1/29/2012 13:14:36 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL08260 1/29/2012 13:18:37 Accessories West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL08261 1/29/2012 13:20:22 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 1.7
CL08262 1/29/2012 13:21:33 Monitor Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL08263 1/29/2012 13:25:10 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL08264 1/29/2012 13:25:28 Misc. South SME 72 Yes 2.7
CL08265 1/29/2012 13:30:38 Desktop Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL08266 1/29/2012 13:33:25 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL08267 1/29/2012 13:37:53 Desktop North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL08268 1/29/2012 13:41:47 Laptop West Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL08269 1/29/2012 13:45:38 Misc. West SME 94 Yes 2.7
CL08270 1/29/2012 13:49:14 Misc. South Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL08271 1/29/2012 13:52:00 Accessories East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL08272 1/29/2012 13:52:37 Accessories Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL08273 1/29/2012 13:55:58 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 2.0
CL08274 1/29/2012 13:56:32 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL08275 1/29/2012 14:02:06 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL08276 1/29/2012 14:06:54 Monitor East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.6
CL08277 1/29/2012 14:11:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 No 2.4
CL08278 1/29/2012 14:12:18 Software North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.3
CL08279 1/29/2012 14:12:41 Laptop East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.3
CL08280 1/29/2012 14:14:25 Misc. North Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL08281 1/29/2012 14:19:39 Laptop Mid-west SME 64 Yes 2.8
CL08282 1/29/2012 14:22:15 Accessories West Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL08283 1/29/2012 14:26:28 Laptop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL08284 1/29/2012 14:31:18 Monitor North SME 81 No 3.9
CL08285 1/29/2012 14:34:57 Software South Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL08286 1/29/2012 14:34:58 Accessories South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL08287 1/29/2012 14:38:57 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL08288 1/29/2012 14:39:21 Desktop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.5
CL08289 1/29/2012 14:40:10 Laptop North Individual 71 Yes 3.9
CL08290 1/29/2012 14:43:17 Software East SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL08291 1/29/2012 14:47:59 Monitor North SME 69 Yes 2.0
CL08292 1/29/2012 14:51:21 Accessories East Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.0
CL08293 1/29/2012 14:52:04 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.4
CL08294 1/29/2012 14:56:19 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL08295 1/29/2012 14:59:01 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL08296 1/29/2012 15:02:56 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 94 Yes 3.3
CL08297 1/29/2012 15:06:01 Software South Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL08298 1/29/2012 15:11:34 Software North SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL08299 1/29/2012 15:15:56 Accessories East Individual 85 Yes 2.3
CL08300 1/29/2012 15:20:34 Software West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL08301 1/29/2012 15:22:15 Monitor South SME 61 Yes 2.5
CL08302 1/29/2012 15:24:43 Laptop South SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL08303 1/29/2012 15:24:53 Software East SME 86 Yes 3.6
CL08304 1/29/2012 15:26:29 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL08305 1/29/2012 15:27:25 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL08306 1/29/2012 15:30:05 Accessories North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL08307 1/29/2012 15:35:02 Desktop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL08308 1/29/2012 15:36:29 Laptop West Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL08309 1/29/2012 15:41:07 Software North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.6
CL08310 1/29/2012 15:41:08 Laptop South Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL08311 1/29/2012 15:46:15 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL08312 1/29/2012 15:46:17 Misc. South Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL08313 1/29/2012 15:51:33 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL08314 1/29/2012 15:56:36 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL08315 1/29/2012 16:02:16 Monitor East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL08316 1/29/2012 16:02:18 Monitor South SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL08317 1/29/2012 16:05:04 Desktop South SME 53 Yes 3.4
CL08318 1/29/2012 16:08:03 Laptop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL08319 1/29/2012 16:08:37 Misc. West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL08320 1/29/2012 16:11:29 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL08321 1/29/2012 16:12:03 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL08322 1/29/2012 16:15:40 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL08323 1/29/2012 16:17:46 Monitor East Large Corporate 92 Yes 1.9
CL08324 1/29/2012 16:21:29 Software East Individual 90 Yes 2.4
CL08325 1/29/2012 16:23:57 Software Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.2
CL08326 1/29/2012 16:25:14 Misc. South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.1
CL08327 1/29/2012 16:25:23 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL08328 1/29/2012 16:30:55 Accessories Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL08329 1/29/2012 16:33:22 Desktop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL08330 1/29/2012 16:35:09 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 2.5
CL08331 1/29/2012 16:39:16 Desktop East SME 73 No 2.5
CL08332 1/29/2012 16:40:41 Laptop East SME 69 Yes 3.1
CL08333 1/29/2012 16:44:45 Misc. East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL08334 1/29/2012 16:48:39 Laptop North Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL08335 1/29/2012 16:51:24 Misc. North SME 87 Yes 3.5
CL08336 1/29/2012 16:54:22 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.7
CL08337 1/29/2012 16:54:43 Laptop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL08338 1/29/2012 16:57:39 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 No 2.1
CL08339 1/29/2012 16:59:03 Software East Non-profit 89 Yes 3.5
CL08340 1/29/2012 17:01:27 Misc. South SME 81 No 3.0
CL08341 1/29/2012 17:03:07 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL08342 1/29/2012 17:08:38 Monitor South Non-profit 79 No 3.1
CL08343 1/29/2012 17:10:40 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL08344 1/29/2012 17:15:34 Accessories Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL08345 1/29/2012 17:20:35 Laptop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.6
CL08346 1/29/2012 17:24:37 Desktop North SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL08347 1/29/2012 17:29:43 Accessories East Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL08348 1/29/2012 17:30:16 Laptop North SME 65 Yes 2.6
CL08349 1/29/2012 17:34:27 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 2.5
CL08350 1/29/2012 17:38:14 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.3
CL08351 1/29/2012 17:43:51 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL08352 1/29/2012 17:45:25 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL08353 1/29/2012 17:46:06 Monitor West Non-profit 76 No 1.9
CL08354 1/29/2012 17:46:37 Laptop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL08355 1/29/2012 17:47:33 Desktop South Individual 63 Yes 2.5
CL08356 1/29/2012 17:48:19 Desktop East SME 81 Yes 2.4
CL08357 1/29/2012 17:49:54 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL08358 1/29/2012 17:52:20 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL08359 1/29/2012 17:56:06 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL08360 1/29/2012 17:56:15 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL08361 1/29/2012 18:00:10 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL08362 1/29/2012 18:00:27 Misc. West SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL08363 1/29/2012 18:02:57 Misc. East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL08364 1/29/2012 18:03:26 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL08365 1/29/2012 18:05:18 Desktop North SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL08366 1/29/2012 18:09:00 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL08367 1/29/2012 18:14:16 Software West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL08368 1/29/2012 18:14:57 Accessories Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.5
CL08369 1/29/2012 18:16:10 Software North Non-profit 58 Yes 3.2
CL08370 1/29/2012 18:16:25 Monitor South Individual 84 Yes 3.0
CL08371 1/29/2012 18:21:08 Misc. North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.7
CL08372 1/29/2012 18:23:33 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL08373 1/29/2012 18:27:03 Laptop North Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL08374 1/29/2012 18:28:30 Misc. Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL08375 1/29/2012 18:29:34 Software North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.4
CL08376 1/29/2012 18:30:14 Accessories South Individual 71 Yes 2.1
CL08377 1/29/2012 18:33:31 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL08378 1/29/2012 18:35:19 Misc. Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.0
CL08379 1/29/2012 18:39:34 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL08380 1/29/2012 18:41:54 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL08381 1/29/2012 18:47:14 Software East SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL08382 1/29/2012 18:52:53 Laptop West SME 82 Yes 4.0
CL08383 1/29/2012 18:54:08 Misc. North SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL08384 1/29/2012 18:54:35 Software North Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL08385 1/29/2012 18:57:09 Accessories South SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL08386 1/29/2012 19:01:03 Software North Individual 64 Yes 3.2
CL08387 1/29/2012 19:02:31 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL08388 1/29/2012 19:04:54 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL08389 1/29/2012 19:07:58 Accessories East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.2
CL08390 1/29/2012 19:12:42 Misc. South Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL08391 1/29/2012 19:15:38 Monitor North SME 65 Yes 1.4
CL08392 1/29/2012 19:21:16 Misc. West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL08393 1/29/2012 19:21:25 Misc. North SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL08394 1/29/2012 19:26:05 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL08395 1/29/2012 19:29:23 Laptop North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.3
CL08396 1/29/2012 19:33:08 Desktop East Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL08397 1/29/2012 19:36:40 Software South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL08398 1/29/2012 19:40:45 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.6
CL08399 1/29/2012 19:42:01 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 3.0
CL08400 1/29/2012 19:43:33 Desktop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.8
CL08401 1/29/2012 19:46:33 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 3.7
CL08402 1/29/2012 19:50:15 Accessories South SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL08403 1/29/2012 19:55:03 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.5
CL08404 1/29/2012 19:56:44 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.3
CL08405 1/29/2012 19:56:51 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL08406 1/29/2012 19:56:57 Accessories West Non-profit 94 Yes 3.4
CL08407 1/29/2012 20:01:47 Misc. North SME 92 Yes 3.3
CL08408 1/29/2012 20:06:44 Desktop East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.0
CL08409 1/29/2012 20:12:19 Laptop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL08410 1/29/2012 20:15:59 Monitor West Individual 67 Yes 3.1
CL08411 1/29/2012 20:21:21 Accessories South Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL08412 1/29/2012 20:24:53 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL08413 1/29/2012 20:25:00 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.0
CL08414 1/29/2012 20:27:52 Accessories North Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL08415 1/29/2012 20:30:27 Laptop South Individual 67 Yes 2.7
CL08416 1/29/2012 20:34:16 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.5
CL08417 1/29/2012 20:35:10 Desktop North SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL08418 1/29/2012 20:40:43 Accessories North Individual 63 No 3.1
CL08419 1/29/2012 20:45:39 Software South SME 82 Yes 3.4
CL08420 1/29/2012 20:50:19 Accessories East Individual 60 Yes 2.7
CL08421 1/29/2012 20:52:42 Accessories North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.5
CL08422 1/29/2012 20:56:13 Software North Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL08423 1/29/2012 21:00:57 Laptop East SME 76 Yes 3.5
CL08424 1/29/2012 21:05:02 Software North SME 67 Yes 1.9
CL08425 1/29/2012 21:09:23 Laptop West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL08426 1/29/2012 21:15:00 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL08427 1/29/2012 21:15:23 Desktop West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL08428 1/29/2012 21:17:21 Desktop East Non-profit 64 Yes 3.1
CL08429 1/29/2012 21:19:03 Laptop South SME 72 No 3.2
CL08430 1/29/2012 21:21:27 Software North SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL08431 1/29/2012 21:21:47 Misc. South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.5
CL08432 1/29/2012 21:25:22 Misc. West Large Corporate 95 Yes 3.9
CL08433 1/29/2012 21:27:56 Software Mid-west SME 58 Yes 3.3
CL08434 1/29/2012 21:29:34 Desktop East SME 84 Yes 2.4
CL08435 1/29/2012 21:34:19 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL08436 1/29/2012 21:34:44 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL08437 1/29/2012 21:38:58 Software East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL08438 1/29/2012 21:44:29 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL08439 1/29/2012 21:44:49 Laptop North Individual 66 Yes 3.1
CL08440 1/29/2012 21:50:08 Laptop Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL08441 1/29/2012 21:51:17 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.6
CL08442 1/29/2012 21:53:46 Software North Individual 78 Yes 3.7
CL08443 1/29/2012 21:59:15 Software North Individual 68 Yes 2.3
CL08444 1/29/2012 22:03:59 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL08445 1/30/2012 08:05:07 Misc. West Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.9
CL08446 1/30/2012 08:05:27 Monitor South SME 70 Yes 2.1
CL08447 1/30/2012 08:07:26 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL08448 1/30/2012 08:10:14 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 2.6
CL08449 1/30/2012 08:11:14 Desktop South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL08450 1/30/2012 08:12:14 Misc. West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.2
CL08451 1/30/2012 08:13:03 Misc. East SME 75 Yes 2.4
CL08452 1/30/2012 08:13:56 Software South Individual 67 Yes 4.1
CL08453 1/30/2012 08:18:32 Accessories East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL08454 1/30/2012 08:19:33 Accessories East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.6
CL08455 1/30/2012 08:24:05 Laptop East SME 79 Yes 3.9
CL08456 1/30/2012 08:26:21 Accessories West SME 80 Yes 2.7
CL08457 1/30/2012 08:31:16 Desktop East Individual 63 Yes 3.4
CL08458 1/30/2012 08:35:13 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL08459 1/30/2012 08:40:27 Monitor North Large Corporate 58 Yes 3.0
CL08460 1/30/2012 08:45:05 Monitor Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.6
CL08461 1/30/2012 08:45:29 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL08462 1/30/2012 08:47:33 Software South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL08463 1/30/2012 08:52:10 Laptop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL08464 1/30/2012 08:52:33 Laptop East Individual 72 Yes 2.0
CL08465 1/30/2012 08:56:13 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL08466 1/30/2012 08:59:00 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL08467 1/30/2012 09:03:32 Accessories North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL08468 1/30/2012 09:07:38 Monitor Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL08469 1/30/2012 09:10:46 Desktop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL08470 1/30/2012 09:13:55 Software North Non-profit 61 Yes 3.4
CL08471 1/30/2012 09:18:59 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL08472 1/30/2012 09:24:28 Software West Individual 72 Yes 3.5
CL08473 1/30/2012 09:25:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.2
CL08474 1/30/2012 09:26:04 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 3.2
CL08475 1/30/2012 09:31:39 Laptop West Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.2
CL08476 1/30/2012 09:37:02 Accessories West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL08477 1/30/2012 09:42:15 Monitor Mid-west Individual 72 No 2.4
CL08478 1/30/2012 09:45:01 Software Mid-west Individual 56 Yes 2.9
CL08479 1/30/2012 09:46:35 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL08480 1/30/2012 09:51:26 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 69 No 1.8
CL08481 1/30/2012 09:55:25 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 4.0
CL08482 1/30/2012 09:59:44 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 2.8
CL08483 1/30/2012 10:02:05 Software Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.0
CL08484 1/30/2012 10:03:31 Software South Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL08485 1/30/2012 10:04:29 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL08486 1/30/2012 10:08:39 Desktop North Individual 82 Yes 3.6
CL08487 1/30/2012 10:12:18 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL08488 1/30/2012 10:16:20 Desktop West Non-profit 80 Yes 4.2
CL08489 1/30/2012 10:17:47 Desktop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL08490 1/30/2012 10:22:45 Accessories South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL08491 1/30/2012 10:24:19 Laptop West SME 72 No 3.3
CL08492 1/30/2012 10:27:38 Accessories Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.2
CL08493 1/30/2012 10:33:05 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL08494 1/30/2012 10:36:54 Misc. East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL08495 1/30/2012 10:41:34 Accessories Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.3
CL08496 1/30/2012 10:42:56 Accessories West Individual 70 Yes 1.9
CL08497 1/30/2012 10:47:15 Desktop South Non-profit 89 Yes 2.7
CL08498 1/30/2012 10:50:19 Monitor North SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL08499 1/30/2012 10:52:44 Monitor West Individual 72 Yes 2.5
CL08500 1/30/2012 10:53:35 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL08501 1/30/2012 10:58:53 Software East SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL08502 1/30/2012 11:02:06 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.6
CL08503 1/30/2012 11:02:54 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL08504 1/30/2012 11:08:25 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.7
CL08505 1/30/2012 11:10:58 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL08506 1/30/2012 11:11:42 Software East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL08507 1/30/2012 11:13:59 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL08508 1/30/2012 11:15:51 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.4
CL08509 1/30/2012 11:20:28 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL08510 1/30/2012 11:26:09 Desktop South Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL08511 1/30/2012 11:31:07 Accessories West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL08512 1/30/2012 11:34:26 Misc. South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL08513 1/30/2012 11:34:42 Software South SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL08514 1/30/2012 11:38:49 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL08515 1/30/2012 11:41:28 Misc. North SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL08516 1/30/2012 11:42:03 Desktop East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL08517 1/30/2012 11:47:20 Software West SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL08518 1/30/2012 11:48:08 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.7
CL08519 1/30/2012 11:49:32 Laptop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 2.6
CL08520 1/30/2012 11:52:57 Software West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL08521 1/30/2012 11:54:06 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL08522 1/30/2012 11:54:30 Desktop West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL08523 1/30/2012 11:58:57 Software Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.2
CL08524 1/30/2012 11:59:38 Software South Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL08525 1/30/2012 12:01:43 Accessories East SME 62 Yes 2.9
CL08526 1/30/2012 12:04:49 Laptop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL08527 1/30/2012 12:05:16 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL08528 1/30/2012 12:09:11 Laptop West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.4
CL08529 1/30/2012 12:10:32 Software West Individual 91 Yes 3.0
CL08530 1/30/2012 12:12:07 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.1
CL08531 1/30/2012 12:17:44 Software West SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL08532 1/30/2012 12:21:47 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL08533 1/30/2012 12:21:48 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL08534 1/30/2012 12:26:15 Software West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL08535 1/30/2012 12:29:43 Desktop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL08536 1/30/2012 12:32:50 Software East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.6
CL08537 1/30/2012 12:34:31 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL08538 1/30/2012 12:38:21 Misc. South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.6
CL08539 1/30/2012 12:40:29 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL08540 1/30/2012 12:43:29 Software South Individual 89 Yes 3.1
CL08541 1/30/2012 12:48:54 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL08542 1/30/2012 12:54:38 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.1
CL08543 1/30/2012 12:59:43 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL08544 1/30/2012 13:01:29 Misc. East Large Corporate 79 No 2.3
CL08545 1/30/2012 13:06:57 Desktop North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL08546 1/30/2012 13:08:52 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL08547 1/30/2012 13:10:39 Misc. North SME 63 Yes 2.5
CL08548 1/30/2012 13:16:05 Desktop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.3
CL08549 1/30/2012 13:21:06 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 3.1
CL08550 1/30/2012 13:25:26 Desktop West Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL08551 1/30/2012 13:28:00 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL08552 1/30/2012 13:28:21 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL08553 1/30/2012 13:31:16 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 69 No 3.8
CL08554 1/30/2012 13:35:42 Misc. East SME 63 Yes 2.5
CL08555 1/30/2012 13:38:08 Software Mid-west Individual 72 No 4.1
CL08556 1/30/2012 13:39:13 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL08557 1/30/2012 13:43:26 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.2
CL08558 1/30/2012 13:44:20 Accessories East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.9
CL08559 1/30/2012 13:46:44 Accessories West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL08560 1/30/2012 13:51:07 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.9
CL08561 1/30/2012 13:52:18 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL08562 1/30/2012 13:57:07 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL08563 1/30/2012 13:58:23 Misc. North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.3
CL08564 1/30/2012 14:03:48 Laptop West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.1
CL08565 1/30/2012 14:06:13 Software South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.5
CL08566 1/30/2012 14:07:41 Desktop East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL08567 1/30/2012 14:08:23 Monitor South Individual 90 Yes 3.6
CL08568 1/30/2012 14:12:34 Monitor North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL08569 1/30/2012 14:13:09 Monitor North Large Corporate 82 Yes 4.3
CL08570 1/30/2012 14:18:22 Software West SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL08571 1/30/2012 14:18:54 Monitor South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.0
CL08572 1/30/2012 14:22:13 Misc. South Large Corporate 85 No 3.3
CL08573 1/30/2012 14:25:00 Desktop East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL08574 1/30/2012 14:27:36 Laptop West Non-profit 67 No 2.7
CL08575 1/30/2012 14:31:23 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 2.5
CL08576 1/30/2012 14:31:43 Software South Individual 77 Yes 2.0
CL08577 1/30/2012 14:34:33 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 95 Yes 3.6
CL08578 1/30/2012 14:38:13 Misc. West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL08579 1/30/2012 14:41:41 Laptop West Non-profit 81 Yes 1.5
CL08580 1/30/2012 14:45:53 Accessories South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.2
CL08581 1/30/2012 14:50:58 Desktop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL08582 1/30/2012 14:51:01 Misc. Mid-west Individual 91 Yes 2.2
CL08583 1/30/2012 14:53:11 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.9
CL08584 1/30/2012 14:54:27 Laptop South Large Corporate 83 No 3.3
CL08585 1/30/2012 14:55:23 Accessories North Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.3
CL08586 1/30/2012 14:59:40 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 58 Yes 3.5
CL08587 1/30/2012 15:03:05 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL08588 1/30/2012 15:07:48 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL08589 1/30/2012 15:08:44 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.0
CL08590 1/30/2012 15:11:01 Desktop South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL08591 1/30/2012 15:16:36 Desktop West Large Corporate 58 No 3.0
CL08592 1/30/2012 15:17:46 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.9
CL08593 1/30/2012 15:18:30 Monitor North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL08594 1/30/2012 15:23:39 Monitor West Non-profit 84 No 3.1
CL08595 1/30/2012 15:29:19 Accessories South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL08596 1/30/2012 15:30:12 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.2
CL08597 1/30/2012 15:33:39 Desktop South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL08598 1/30/2012 15:36:44 Misc. South Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL08599 1/30/2012 15:41:38 Misc. North Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL08600 1/30/2012 15:42:43 Monitor South Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL08601 1/30/2012 15:45:33 Software West Non-profit 66 Yes 2.4
CL08602 1/30/2012 15:49:04 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 4.2
CL08603 1/30/2012 15:51:03 Accessories West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL08604 1/30/2012 15:56:46 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL08605 1/30/2012 16:01:40 Laptop East Non-profit 82 No 3.0
CL08606 1/30/2012 16:05:51 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL08607 1/30/2012 16:10:04 Misc. West Large Corporate 88 Yes 1.8
CL08608 1/30/2012 16:10:35 Laptop South SME 68 Yes 2.5
CL08609 1/30/2012 16:11:03 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.3
CL08610 1/30/2012 16:11:45 Software East SME 77 Yes 3.6
CL08611 1/30/2012 16:12:47 Monitor West SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL08612 1/30/2012 16:15:27 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.8
CL08613 1/30/2012 16:19:16 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL08614 1/30/2012 16:23:45 Monitor North Non-profit 59 Yes 2.8
CL08615 1/30/2012 16:24:51 Misc. South Large Corporate 99 Yes 3.9
CL08616 1/30/2012 16:30:11 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 1.9
CL08617 1/30/2012 16:32:24 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL08618 1/30/2012 16:36:15 Software Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.4
CL08619 1/30/2012 16:38:07 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL08620 1/30/2012 16:43:02 Monitor East Non-profit 70 No 3.9
CL08621 1/30/2012 16:46:10 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL08622 1/30/2012 16:47:09 Laptop South Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL08623 1/30/2012 16:48:58 Laptop South Individual 62 Yes 3.4
CL08624 1/30/2012 16:52:57 Monitor Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.0
CL08625 1/30/2012 16:56:57 Monitor North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.5
CL08626 1/30/2012 16:56:58 Software North Non-profit 90 Yes 3.2
CL08627 1/30/2012 17:01:40 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 2.5
CL08628 1/30/2012 17:01:47 Software East SME 86 Yes 2.2
CL08629 1/30/2012 17:01:52 Software South Non-profit 90 Yes 3.2
CL08630 1/30/2012 17:03:08 Accessories East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL08631 1/30/2012 17:07:21 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.7
CL08632 1/30/2012 17:12:38 Laptop Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 3.6
CL08633 1/30/2012 17:15:56 Misc. South Individual 71 Yes 2.5
CL08634 1/30/2012 17:21:08 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.0
CL08635 1/30/2012 17:21:47 Software West Non-profit 66 Yes 3.3
CL08636 1/30/2012 17:23:47 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL08637 1/30/2012 17:26:17 Laptop East SME 81 Yes 2.4
CL08638 1/30/2012 17:31:50 Software North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL08639 1/30/2012 17:37:09 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL08640 1/30/2012 17:37:55 Desktop South Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.8
CL08641 1/30/2012 17:38:14 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL08642 1/30/2012 17:42:41 Software South Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL08643 1/30/2012 17:43:25 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL08644 1/30/2012 17:47:24 Misc. West SME 63 Yes 2.3
CL08645 1/30/2012 17:51:30 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL08646 1/30/2012 17:54:32 Accessories North Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL08647 1/30/2012 17:58:29 Misc. West SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL08648 1/30/2012 18:03:37 Laptop South Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL08649 1/30/2012 18:05:47 Desktop West SME 52 Yes 3.2
CL08650 1/30/2012 18:08:14 Laptop East Individual 72 Yes 4.1
CL08651 1/30/2012 18:12:13 Misc. North Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL08652 1/30/2012 18:16:12 Desktop East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.5
CL08653 1/30/2012 18:17:45 Misc. South SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL08654 1/30/2012 18:18:46 Monitor East SME 63 Yes 2.6
CL08655 1/30/2012 18:21:29 Desktop North SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL08656 1/30/2012 18:23:35 Misc. East Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL08657 1/30/2012 18:24:16 Accessories North SME 65 Yes 2.6
CL08658 1/30/2012 18:26:15 Desktop Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL08659 1/30/2012 18:29:06 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL08660 1/30/2012 18:30:42 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL08661 1/30/2012 18:35:40 Laptop South Individual 76 Yes 4.3
CL08662 1/30/2012 18:38:07 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL08663 1/30/2012 18:41:07 Misc. East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL08664 1/30/2012 18:44:39 Misc. West Individual 70 No 2.7
CL08665 1/30/2012 18:48:12 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL08666 1/30/2012 18:51:45 Accessories East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL08667 1/30/2012 18:54:55 Desktop West Non-profit 76 No 3.0
CL08668 1/30/2012 18:57:49 Desktop East SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL08669 1/30/2012 19:00:56 Monitor West Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL08670 1/30/2012 19:05:39 Desktop East Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL08671 1/30/2012 19:11:05 Software South SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL08672 1/30/2012 19:13:22 Laptop East Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL08673 1/30/2012 19:19:01 Monitor East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.3
CL08674 1/30/2012 19:19:45 Software Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.9
CL08675 1/30/2012 19:23:27 Monitor North Individual 63 Yes 2.9
CL08676 1/30/2012 19:27:28 Accessories North Non-profit 61 No 3.5
CL08677 1/30/2012 19:32:29 Accessories Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 2.2
CL08678 1/30/2012 19:37:23 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.7
CL08679 1/30/2012 19:41:25 Software North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL08680 1/30/2012 19:42:29 Misc. West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL08681 1/30/2012 19:45:06 Software West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL08682 1/30/2012 19:47:55 Desktop South Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL08683 1/30/2012 19:48:58 Software East Non-profit 64 Yes 2.5
CL08684 1/30/2012 19:49:32 Monitor West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.3
CL08685 1/30/2012 19:49:57 Desktop South Non-profit 61 Yes 2.8
CL08686 1/30/2012 19:54:41 Misc. East Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.0
CL08687 1/30/2012 19:58:17 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL08688 1/30/2012 20:01:50 Laptop North SME 56 Yes 2.9
CL08689 1/30/2012 20:03:07 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 No 1.7
CL08690 1/30/2012 20:08:17 Misc. South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.4
CL08691 1/30/2012 20:13:04 Accessories South SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL08692 1/30/2012 20:13:29 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.8
CL08693 1/30/2012 20:15:58 Misc. North SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL08694 1/30/2012 20:18:00 Misc. East Non-profit 87 Yes 2.4
CL08695 1/30/2012 20:21:01 Misc. North Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL08696 1/30/2012 20:22:43 Software South Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL08697 1/30/2012 20:24:50 Software East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL08698 1/30/2012 20:25:57 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.4
CL08699 1/30/2012 20:26:26 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL08700 1/30/2012 20:27:31 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.7
CL08701 1/30/2012 20:27:53 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL08702 1/30/2012 20:28:14 Software Mid-west Individual 56 Yes 2.5
CL08703 1/30/2012 20:30:40 Software East Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL08704 1/30/2012 20:33:52 Monitor East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.7
CL08705 1/30/2012 20:35:29 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL08706 1/30/2012 20:41:06 Software South Large Corporate 76 No 2.5
CL08707 1/30/2012 20:42:10 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 93 Yes 3.3
CL08708 1/30/2012 20:46:18 Monitor South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.2
CL08709 1/30/2012 20:47:54 Monitor South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.3
CL08710 1/30/2012 20:52:56 Desktop West SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL08711 1/30/2012 20:56:28 Software East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.5
CL08712 1/30/2012 20:59:05 Misc. Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 2.8
CL08713 1/30/2012 21:04:35 Laptop North SME 70 Yes 2.5
CL08714 1/30/2012 21:07:25 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL08715 1/30/2012 21:12:24 Desktop North Individual 64 Yes 2.9
CL08716 1/30/2012 21:15:04 Laptop South Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL08717 1/30/2012 21:18:41 Monitor East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL08718 1/30/2012 21:19:26 Software West Large Corporate 59 Yes 2.3
CL08719 1/30/2012 21:20:21 Desktop South Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.9
CL08720 1/30/2012 21:24:08 Laptop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL08721 1/30/2012 21:29:36 Accessories East Non-profit 92 Yes 1.8
CL08722 1/30/2012 21:33:37 Monitor East SME 85 Yes 3.3
CL08723 1/30/2012 21:34:15 Laptop East Non-profit 65 Yes 4.3
CL08724 1/30/2012 21:39:21 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL08725 1/30/2012 21:42:33 Laptop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.1
CL08726 1/30/2012 21:44:01 Accessories East SME 56 Yes 3.2
CL08727 1/30/2012 21:48:47 Laptop East SME 83 No 2.8
CL08728 1/30/2012 21:51:26 Software South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.4
CL08729 1/30/2012 21:54:03 Laptop North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL08730 1/30/2012 21:55:01 Laptop South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL08731 1/30/2012 21:57:09 Misc. West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL08732 1/30/2012 22:00:09 Desktop West Individual 65 Yes 2.2
CL08733 1/31/2012 08:01:43 Accessories South Non-profit 70 No 3.5
CL08734 1/31/2012 08:06:31 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL08735 1/31/2012 08:11:26 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL08736 1/31/2012 08:15:44 Accessories East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL08737 1/31/2012 08:16:51 Laptop South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.3
CL08738 1/31/2012 08:17:24 Desktop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL08739 1/31/2012 08:21:37 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.7
CL08740 1/31/2012 08:24:41 Software South Individual 65 Yes 3.7
CL08741 1/31/2012 08:26:30 Accessories South Non-profit 77 No 3.6
CL08742 1/31/2012 08:27:23 Software West SME 65 Yes 4.0
CL08743 1/31/2012 08:29:40 Software South SME 83 Yes 3.4
CL08744 1/31/2012 08:32:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 4.0
CL08745 1/31/2012 08:37:04 Monitor North Individual 76 Yes 2.2
CL08746 1/31/2012 08:41:05 Software East SME 84 Yes 2.0
CL08747 1/31/2012 08:45:02 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL08748 1/31/2012 08:46:49 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL08749 1/31/2012 08:47:36 Monitor East Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL08750 1/31/2012 08:51:58 Misc. North SME 87 Yes 2.5
CL08751 1/31/2012 08:53:29 Misc. South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.5
CL08752 1/31/2012 08:57:06 Desktop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL08753 1/31/2012 09:00:01 Desktop North Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL08754 1/31/2012 09:01:04 Accessories West Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL08755 1/31/2012 09:03:21 Software North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.4
CL08756 1/31/2012 09:07:06 Software West Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL08757 1/31/2012 09:08:48 Monitor Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL08758 1/31/2012 09:10:26 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL08759 1/31/2012 09:14:27 Desktop East Individual 61 Yes 3.0
CL08760 1/31/2012 09:15:11 Accessories West Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL08761 1/31/2012 09:17:01 Software West SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL08762 1/31/2012 09:22:02 Desktop North Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL08763 1/31/2012 09:25:01 Accessories East Non-profit 78 No 2.2
CL08764 1/31/2012 09:27:34 Misc. Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL08765 1/31/2012 09:28:33 Laptop West Individual 61 Yes 3.1
CL08766 1/31/2012 09:29:19 Software West Individual 80 Yes 3.2
CL08767 1/31/2012 09:30:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.2
CL08768 1/31/2012 09:35:31 Desktop South SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL08769 1/31/2012 09:35:37 Accessories West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL08770 1/31/2012 09:41:13 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL08771 1/31/2012 09:41:17 Misc. South SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL08772 1/31/2012 09:42:16 Monitor West Individual 63 Yes 2.3
CL08773 1/31/2012 09:46:43 Accessories East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL08774 1/31/2012 09:50:54 Accessories East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.2
CL08775 1/31/2012 09:53:40 Laptop South SME 77 Yes 3.9
CL08776 1/31/2012 09:57:30 Monitor North SME 89 No 2.9
CL08777 1/31/2012 09:58:00 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL08778 1/31/2012 10:03:09 Accessories West SME 77 Yes 4.1
CL08779 1/31/2012 10:08:51 Software South Individual 84 Yes 3.5
CL08780 1/31/2012 10:14:25 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 No 3.4
CL08781 1/31/2012 10:18:06 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL08782 1/31/2012 10:21:40 Desktop West Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.5
CL08783 1/31/2012 10:24:24 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 4.6
CL08784 1/31/2012 10:25:32 Software East SME 66 Yes 2.2
CL08785 1/31/2012 10:29:21 Monitor West Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL08786 1/31/2012 10:30:53 Monitor East SME 78 Yes 3.3
CL08787 1/31/2012 10:32:48 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.5
CL08788 1/31/2012 10:34:01 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 2.5
CL08789 1/31/2012 10:38:38 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL08790 1/31/2012 10:41:18 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL08791 1/31/2012 10:44:43 Monitor Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 2.4
CL08792 1/31/2012 10:45:48 Laptop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.9
CL08793 1/31/2012 10:50:01 Misc. South Non-profit 88 Yes 3.0
CL08794 1/31/2012 10:55:03 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL08795 1/31/2012 10:55:25 Desktop South SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL08796 1/31/2012 11:00:04 Misc. Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL08797 1/31/2012 11:04:14 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL08798 1/31/2012 11:07:09 Accessories West Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL08799 1/31/2012 11:10:25 Desktop South Individual 74 Yes 1.6
CL08800 1/31/2012 11:15:14 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL08801 1/31/2012 11:16:32 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.6
CL08802 1/31/2012 11:19:26 Accessories West Individual 70 Yes 2.1
CL08803 1/31/2012 11:22:13 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL08804 1/31/2012 11:23:55 Misc. East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL08805 1/31/2012 11:25:48 Monitor North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL08806 1/31/2012 11:28:13 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL08807 1/31/2012 11:31:23 Misc. West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL08808 1/31/2012 11:31:39 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 4.0
CL08809 1/31/2012 11:32:07 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL08810 1/31/2012 11:37:00 Software South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.0
CL08811 1/31/2012 11:41:01 Monitor West Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL08812 1/31/2012 11:42:24 Desktop West Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL08813 1/31/2012 11:48:02 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL08814 1/31/2012 11:52:59 Software East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL08815 1/31/2012 11:56:52 Desktop North Individual 64 Yes 3.2
CL08816 1/31/2012 11:57:17 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL08817 1/31/2012 11:59:24 Laptop West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL08818 1/31/2012 12:03:54 Software South SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL08819 1/31/2012 12:09:12 Monitor Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 3.3
CL08820 1/31/2012 12:09:14 Laptop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.3
CL08821 1/31/2012 12:14:41 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL08822 1/31/2012 12:16:32 Monitor Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL08823 1/31/2012 12:20:31 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 4.1
CL08824 1/31/2012 12:24:50 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL08825 1/31/2012 12:27:09 Laptop South Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL08826 1/31/2012 12:31:05 Desktop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL08827 1/31/2012 12:31:46 Misc. West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.4
CL08828 1/31/2012 12:32:54 Software South Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL08829 1/31/2012 12:36:00 Misc. North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL08830 1/31/2012 12:39:40 Monitor East Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL08831 1/31/2012 12:40:45 Accessories North SME 56 Yes 3.0
CL08832 1/31/2012 12:42:01 Monitor South Individual 71 Yes 3.8
CL08833 1/31/2012 12:45:01 Desktop West Individual 66 Yes 3.6
CL08834 1/31/2012 12:49:12 Software East Individual 58 Yes 2.8
CL08835 1/31/2012 12:54:14 Monitor West Large Corporate 51 Yes 2.7
CL08836 1/31/2012 12:54:16 Monitor South Non-profit 84 Yes 2.2
CL08837 1/31/2012 12:56:38 Accessories East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL08838 1/31/2012 12:59:06 Monitor North SME 81 Yes 3.8
CL08839 1/31/2012 13:03:53 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL08840 1/31/2012 13:04:49 Software North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.0
CL08841 1/31/2012 13:08:25 Monitor East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.2
CL08842 1/31/2012 13:09:13 Software West Large Corporate 79 No 3.0
CL08843 1/31/2012 13:14:17 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL08844 1/31/2012 13:14:38 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL08845 1/31/2012 13:15:29 Accessories Mid-west Individual 58 Yes 2.1
CL08846 1/31/2012 13:17:59 Software North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.3
CL08847 1/31/2012 13:22:01 Accessories South SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL08848 1/31/2012 13:26:06 Accessories South SME 86 Yes 1.9
CL08849 1/31/2012 13:28:54 Desktop North SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL08850 1/31/2012 13:31:50 Accessories Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.6
CL08851 1/31/2012 13:34:05 Software East SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL08852 1/31/2012 13:38:22 Monitor East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL08853 1/31/2012 13:42:06 Desktop South Non-profit 98 Yes 2.6
CL08854 1/31/2012 13:47:34 Misc. North Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.0
CL08855 1/31/2012 13:49:44 Misc. Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.3
CL08856 1/31/2012 13:50:40 Laptop North SME 70 Yes 2.6
CL08857 1/31/2012 13:55:11 Desktop East Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL08858 1/31/2012 13:56:36 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL08859 1/31/2012 13:58:35 Laptop East SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL08860 1/31/2012 14:04:13 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.5
CL08861 1/31/2012 14:08:02 Monitor West Individual 86 Yes 2.4
CL08862 1/31/2012 14:11:06 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.7
CL08863 1/31/2012 14:15:11 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.3
CL08864 1/31/2012 14:18:02 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 72 No 3.1
CL08865 1/31/2012 14:20:52 Software East SME 61 Yes 3.3
CL08866 1/31/2012 14:23:18 Monitor South Non-profit 77 Yes 4.2
CL08867 1/31/2012 14:28:38 Misc. Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL08868 1/31/2012 14:32:31 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 2.9
CL08869 1/31/2012 14:33:48 Monitor North SME 69 Yes 2.4
CL08870 1/31/2012 14:36:10 Software Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL08871 1/31/2012 14:37:05 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL08872 1/31/2012 14:41:27 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL08873 1/31/2012 14:41:56 Monitor West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL08874 1/31/2012 14:42:24 Monitor South Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL08875 1/31/2012 14:47:34 Misc. Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL08876 1/31/2012 14:50:45 Software West SME 78 Yes 3.3
CL08877 1/31/2012 14:54:27 Laptop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL08878 1/31/2012 14:55:01 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL08879 1/31/2012 14:55:34 Monitor North SME 66 Yes 3.2
CL08880 1/31/2012 14:56:34 Laptop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL08881 1/31/2012 15:01:09 Desktop East SME 64 Yes 2.6
CL08882 1/31/2012 15:01:13 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL08883 1/31/2012 15:01:28 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL08884 1/31/2012 15:06:13 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL08885 1/31/2012 15:08:45 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL08886 1/31/2012 15:11:32 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL08887 1/31/2012 15:13:02 Desktop North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.3
CL08888 1/31/2012 15:17:41 Accessories North Individual 77 Yes 4.0
CL08889 1/31/2012 15:22:04 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL08890 1/31/2012 15:26:03 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 2.7
CL08891 1/31/2012 15:29:31 Misc. East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.5
CL08892 1/31/2012 15:29:48 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL08893 1/31/2012 15:31:34 Accessories East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.0
CL08894 1/31/2012 15:36:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL08895 1/31/2012 15:42:13 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL08896 1/31/2012 15:46:06 Misc. North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL08897 1/31/2012 15:46:45 Accessories West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL08898 1/31/2012 15:48:26 Desktop South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL08899 1/31/2012 15:52:00 Accessories East SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL08900 1/31/2012 15:57:29 Accessories East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.7
CL08901 1/31/2012 16:00:21 Software West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL08902 1/31/2012 16:05:11 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.9
CL08903 1/31/2012 16:05:19 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.3
CL08904 1/31/2012 16:10:55 Software South Individual 87 Yes 2.4
CL08905 1/31/2012 16:16:11 Software West SME 78 Yes 2.1
CL08906 1/31/2012 16:17:12 Accessories Mid-west SME 59 No 3.7
CL08907 1/31/2012 16:18:00 Monitor West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL08908 1/31/2012 16:19:11 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 92 Yes 3.0
CL08909 1/31/2012 16:21:46 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL08910 1/31/2012 16:23:59 Laptop West Individual 67 Yes 3.1
CL08911 1/31/2012 16:28:51 Monitor North Individual 81 Yes 3.7
CL08912 1/31/2012 16:29:38 Software North Individual 71 Yes 3.6
CL08913 1/31/2012 16:34:54 Misc. South Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL08914 1/31/2012 16:35:32 Software Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 1.9
CL08915 1/31/2012 16:39:39 Software South SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL08916 1/31/2012 16:42:47 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL08917 1/31/2012 16:47:59 Misc. West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL08918 1/31/2012 16:53:40 Misc. Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL08919 1/31/2012 16:54:25 Laptop West SME 87 Yes 3.0
CL08920 1/31/2012 16:57:02 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 57 Yes 3.7
CL08921 1/31/2012 16:58:11 Software Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL08922 1/31/2012 17:03:39 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.6
CL08923 1/31/2012 17:08:21 Monitor South SME 70 Yes 2.1
CL08924 1/31/2012 17:13:31 Software South SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL08925 1/31/2012 17:16:14 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.5
CL08926 1/31/2012 17:21:41 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.8
CL08927 1/31/2012 17:24:48 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL08928 1/31/2012 17:25:08 Software North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL08929 1/31/2012 17:26:25 Monitor East Individual 95 Yes 2.7
CL08930 1/31/2012 17:28:37 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL08931 1/31/2012 17:28:50 Desktop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 4.0
CL08932 1/31/2012 17:33:25 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 1.8
CL08933 1/31/2012 17:34:24 Misc. East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL08934 1/31/2012 17:37:19 Monitor Mid-west Individual 89 Yes 3.7
CL08935 1/31/2012 17:38:47 Desktop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL08936 1/31/2012 17:42:24 Laptop West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL08937 1/31/2012 17:46:39 Laptop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL08938 1/31/2012 17:50:15 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL08939 1/31/2012 17:50:23 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL08940 1/31/2012 17:54:32 Monitor Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.1
CL08941 1/31/2012 17:55:21 Accessories East Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL08942 1/31/2012 17:57:58 Misc. East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.5
CL08943 1/31/2012 18:03:23 Accessories North SME 66 Yes 2.9
CL08944 1/31/2012 18:07:46 Accessories North Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.3
CL08945 1/31/2012 18:09:36 Desktop North SME 69 Yes 2.2
CL08946 1/31/2012 18:09:49 Software East SME 66 Yes 3.3
CL08947 1/31/2012 18:15:08 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.0
CL08948 1/31/2012 18:15:38 Desktop North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL08949 1/31/2012 18:16:07 Desktop West Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL08950 1/31/2012 18:16:24 Laptop South SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL08951 1/31/2012 18:20:17 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL08952 1/31/2012 18:22:25 Desktop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL08953 1/31/2012 18:26:58 Accessories South SME 81 Yes 3.6
CL08954 1/31/2012 18:28:42 Misc. North Individual 85 Yes 3.0
CL08955 1/31/2012 18:31:18 Accessories East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL08956 1/31/2012 18:36:16 Laptop Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.1
CL08957 1/31/2012 18:39:48 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL08958 1/31/2012 18:44:42 Software West Individual 93 Yes 3.1
CL08959 1/31/2012 18:46:44 Misc. South Individual 90 Yes 2.3
CL08960 1/31/2012 18:51:54 Misc. South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL08961 1/31/2012 18:53:05 Misc. South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL08962 1/31/2012 18:58:26 Desktop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.8
CL08963 1/31/2012 19:02:51 Misc. West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL08964 1/31/2012 19:03:25 Accessories East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL08965 1/31/2012 19:06:53 Desktop East SME 83 No 1.9
CL08966 1/31/2012 19:08:28 Laptop East Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL08967 1/31/2012 19:11:04 Laptop East SME 59 Yes 2.7
CL08968 1/31/2012 19:14:46 Software East Non-profit 60 Yes 2.2
CL08969 1/31/2012 19:17:03 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 2.2
CL08970 1/31/2012 19:20:56 Misc. East Non-profit 55 Yes 2.5
CL08971 1/31/2012 19:21:39 Misc. East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL08972 1/31/2012 19:23:43 Misc. West Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL08973 1/31/2012 19:25:31 Desktop South Individual 86 Yes 2.3
CL08974 1/31/2012 19:28:34 Laptop North Large Corporate 94 Yes 3.3
CL08975 1/31/2012 19:29:17 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.6
CL08976 1/31/2012 19:32:16 Monitor East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL08977 1/31/2012 19:36:12 Accessories West SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL08978 1/31/2012 19:40:05 Desktop West SME 66 Yes 2.6
CL08979 1/31/2012 19:45:04 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL08980 1/31/2012 19:50:28 Accessories South Non-profit 68 No 3.4
CL08981 1/31/2012 19:51:13 Desktop East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.7
CL08982 1/31/2012 19:56:32 Software West Non-profit 88 Yes 3.2
CL08983 1/31/2012 19:58:34 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL08984 1/31/2012 19:59:29 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL08985 1/31/2012 20:01:28 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL08986 1/31/2012 20:03:50 Desktop North SME 85 Yes 2.6
CL08987 1/31/2012 20:07:48 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL08988 1/31/2012 20:08:52 Desktop Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 2.8
CL08989 1/31/2012 20:14:30 Software South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL08990 1/31/2012 20:15:38 Software Mid-west Individual 77 No 3.6
CL08991 1/31/2012 20:19:01 Laptop South Non-profit 84 No 3.3
CL08992 1/31/2012 20:22:29 Software East SME 87 No 2.2
CL08993 1/31/2012 20:25:43 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL08994 1/31/2012 20:28:18 Monitor Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 3.1
CL08995 1/31/2012 20:31:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL08996 1/31/2012 20:35:10 Software West Individual 84 Yes 2.8
CL08997 1/31/2012 20:37:46 Monitor North Individual 59 Yes 2.9
CL08998 1/31/2012 20:39:05 Laptop South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.9
CL08999 1/31/2012 20:41:49 Software West SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL09000 1/31/2012 20:43:35 Accessories East SME 80 Yes 3.5
CL09001 1/31/2012 20:44:40 Software South SME 63 Yes 2.6
CL09002 1/31/2012 20:48:30 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL09003 1/31/2012 20:50:16 Desktop Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.0
CL09004 1/31/2012 20:55:43 Misc. North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.1
CL09005 1/31/2012 20:57:16 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 4.1
CL09006 1/31/2012 20:58:35 Laptop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL09007 1/31/2012 21:02:37 Software Mid-west SME 77 No 3.2
CL09008 1/31/2012 21:03:59 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL09009 1/31/2012 21:09:41 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL09010 1/31/2012 21:12:59 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL09011 1/31/2012 21:16:59 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL09012 1/31/2012 21:20:14 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL09013 1/31/2012 21:24:56 Desktop East Individual 62 Yes 2.6
CL09014 1/31/2012 21:26:37 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.3
CL09015 1/31/2012 21:31:08 Accessories South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL09016 1/31/2012 21:35:40 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL09017 1/31/2012 21:36:23 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL09018 1/31/2012 21:40:30 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL09019 1/31/2012 21:43:38 Desktop West Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL09020 1/31/2012 21:44:18 Desktop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL09021 1/31/2012 21:47:40 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.7
CL09022 1/31/2012 21:50:34 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.2
CL09023 1/31/2012 21:51:13 Misc. West SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL09024 1/31/2012 21:52:56 Software South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL09025 1/31/2012 21:56:01 Software West Individual 68 No 3.5
CL09026 1/31/2012 22:00:01 Desktop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL09027 2/1/2012 08:01:08 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 3.6
CL09028 2/1/2012 08:04:53 Software South Individual 62 Yes 3.0
CL09029 2/1/2012 08:04:58 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL09030 2/1/2012 08:05:47 Monitor Mid-west SME 56 Yes 3.5
CL09031 2/1/2012 08:06:09 Software East SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL09032 2/1/2012 08:06:38 Laptop Mid-west SME 73 No 2.9
CL09033 2/1/2012 08:08:54 Monitor South SME 69 Yes 3.7
CL09034 2/1/2012 08:14:34 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.5
CL09035 2/1/2012 08:17:27 Software South SME 77 Yes 1.9
CL09036 2/1/2012 08:18:08 Misc. West Non-profit 58 Yes 2.5
CL09037 2/1/2012 08:18:32 Desktop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL09038 2/1/2012 08:21:45 Misc. West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL09039 2/1/2012 08:25:22 Laptop South SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL09040 2/1/2012 08:27:48 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL09041 2/1/2012 08:32:31 Monitor South Non-profit 83 Yes 2.4
CL09042 2/1/2012 08:35:50 Laptop East SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL09043 2/1/2012 08:37:15 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL09044 2/1/2012 08:39:04 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 3.0
CL09045 2/1/2012 08:42:35 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.5
CL09046 2/1/2012 08:44:53 Monitor East SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL09047 2/1/2012 08:49:03 Accessories West Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.5
CL09048 2/1/2012 08:52:25 Accessories Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL09049 2/1/2012 08:54:09 Software West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.0
CL09050 2/1/2012 08:57:17 Software West Individual 86 Yes 3.8
CL09051 2/1/2012 08:59:45 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL09052 2/1/2012 09:00:43 Monitor South Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL09053 2/1/2012 09:02:44 Accessories East SME 62 Yes 3.5
CL09054 2/1/2012 09:05:17 Misc. East Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL09055 2/1/2012 09:09:16 Software West SME 79 Yes 1.8
CL09056 2/1/2012 09:14:03 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL09057 2/1/2012 09:19:17 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 2.0
CL09058 2/1/2012 09:19:58 Software North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL09059 2/1/2012 09:22:30 Monitor East SME 86 Yes 2.9
CL09060 2/1/2012 09:24:58 Monitor West Individual 69 No 2.2
CL09061 2/1/2012 09:30:31 Monitor South Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL09062 2/1/2012 09:33:29 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.6
CL09063 2/1/2012 09:37:05 Laptop South SME 87 Yes 2.6
CL09064 2/1/2012 09:41:52 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL09065 2/1/2012 09:44:16 Monitor South Non-profit 83 Yes 1.9
CL09066 2/1/2012 09:48:58 Accessories North Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL09067 2/1/2012 09:49:15 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.0
CL09068 2/1/2012 09:50:45 Desktop North Individual 81 No 2.6
CL09069 2/1/2012 09:53:03 Laptop South Individual 90 Yes 2.8
CL09070 2/1/2012 09:56:18 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 3.6
CL09071 2/1/2012 09:59:10 Monitor East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL09072 2/1/2012 10:03:53 Monitor Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL09073 2/1/2012 10:08:37 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL09074 2/1/2012 10:14:10 Accessories South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL09075 2/1/2012 10:18:57 Software South Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL09076 2/1/2012 10:21:39 Accessories North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.3
CL09077 2/1/2012 10:22:55 Software South Non-profit 91 Yes 2.7
CL09078 2/1/2012 10:24:43 Laptop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL09079 2/1/2012 10:25:21 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL09080 2/1/2012 10:26:28 Misc. West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.2
CL09081 2/1/2012 10:31:35 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL09082 2/1/2012 10:33:51 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 3.3
CL09083 2/1/2012 10:39:07 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 3.5
CL09084 2/1/2012 10:40:47 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL09085 2/1/2012 10:43:55 Laptop West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.5
CL09086 2/1/2012 10:45:00 Software South Non-profit 58 Yes 2.6
CL09087 2/1/2012 10:47:52 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.3
CL09088 2/1/2012 10:50:04 Accessories South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL09089 2/1/2012 10:51:53 Desktop East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.4
CL09090 2/1/2012 10:56:13 Accessories Mid-west SME 90 Yes 2.9
CL09091 2/1/2012 10:57:59 Monitor North SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL09092 2/1/2012 10:59:14 Desktop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL09093 2/1/2012 11:03:07 Laptop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.9
CL09094 2/1/2012 11:06:40 Laptop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL09095 2/1/2012 11:09:26 Misc. North SME 94 Yes 3.3
CL09096 2/1/2012 11:14:03 Monitor South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.4
CL09097 2/1/2012 11:15:03 Laptop East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.9
CL09098 2/1/2012 11:18:48 Software East SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL09099 2/1/2012 11:21:14 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.0
CL09100 2/1/2012 11:24:36 Laptop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL09101 2/1/2012 11:26:38 Accessories South Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.9
CL09102 2/1/2012 11:27:42 Misc. West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL09103 2/1/2012 11:31:48 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL09104 2/1/2012 11:33:46 Desktop East SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL09105 2/1/2012 11:36:59 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 4.1
CL09106 2/1/2012 11:41:01 Desktop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL09107 2/1/2012 11:44:28 Monitor West Individual 84 No 1.6
CL09108 2/1/2012 11:48:22 Laptop South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL09109 2/1/2012 11:52:21 Laptop North Individual 85 Yes 4.0
CL09110 2/1/2012 11:55:40 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL09111 2/1/2012 12:00:20 Desktop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL09112 2/1/2012 12:05:46 Software South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL09113 2/1/2012 12:10:45 Desktop East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.9
CL09114 2/1/2012 12:12:24 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL09115 2/1/2012 12:15:55 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL09116 2/1/2012 12:18:33 Monitor West SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL09117 2/1/2012 12:18:45 Accessories West Non-profit 60 Yes 2.6
CL09118 2/1/2012 12:22:16 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL09119 2/1/2012 12:27:41 Desktop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.1
CL09120 2/1/2012 12:29:32 Desktop South Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL09121 2/1/2012 12:34:41 Accessories North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL09122 2/1/2012 12:37:36 Accessories East SME 85 Yes 3.1
CL09123 2/1/2012 12:37:51 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL09124 2/1/2012 12:41:12 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL09125 2/1/2012 12:44:26 Monitor North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.5
CL09126 2/1/2012 12:49:12 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL09127 2/1/2012 12:52:09 Laptop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL09128 2/1/2012 12:57:16 Software West Individual 78 No 3.4
CL09129 2/1/2012 12:59:58 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 2.8
CL09130 2/1/2012 13:00:39 Accessories East SME 67 Yes 2.2
CL09131 2/1/2012 13:05:54 Laptop East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL09132 2/1/2012 13:06:50 Software South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL09133 2/1/2012 13:07:09 Monitor East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.2
CL09134 2/1/2012 13:10:02 Accessories West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL09135 2/1/2012 13:13:20 Software East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.4
CL09136 2/1/2012 13:17:55 Misc. North SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL09137 2/1/2012 13:20:48 Software North SME 71 Yes 2.3
CL09138 2/1/2012 13:23:37 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL09139 2/1/2012 13:24:09 Accessories North Individual 86 Yes 2.9
CL09140 2/1/2012 13:29:44 Monitor West Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL09141 2/1/2012 13:35:17 Software North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL09142 2/1/2012 13:36:18 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.7
CL09143 2/1/2012 13:39:03 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL09144 2/1/2012 13:41:31 Software North Individual 72 Yes 2.7
CL09145 2/1/2012 13:45:43 Software North Non-profit 98 Yes 3.5
CL09146 2/1/2012 13:48:48 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL09147 2/1/2012 13:52:53 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 3.4
CL09148 2/1/2012 13:55:24 Monitor Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.5
CL09149 2/1/2012 14:00:24 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL09150 2/1/2012 14:04:55 Laptop South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL09151 2/1/2012 14:06:30 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL09152 2/1/2012 14:06:48 Laptop West Individual 88 No 2.7
CL09153 2/1/2012 14:09:28 Misc. West Non-profit 85 Yes 4.4
CL09154 2/1/2012 14:12:58 Software Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL09155 2/1/2012 14:18:31 Software South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL09156 2/1/2012 14:18:54 Misc. North SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL09157 2/1/2012 14:20:44 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 No 3.6
CL09158 2/1/2012 14:25:26 Monitor Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL09159 2/1/2012 14:28:05 Monitor East SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL09160 2/1/2012 14:29:12 Misc. West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.1
CL09161 2/1/2012 14:33:39 Laptop East Non-profit 90 Yes 2.9
CL09162 2/1/2012 14:34:29 Misc. East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL09163 2/1/2012 14:35:02 Desktop South Individual 64 Yes 4.0
CL09164 2/1/2012 14:36:06 Desktop North SME 63 Yes 3.2
CL09165 2/1/2012 14:36:24 Software Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL09166 2/1/2012 14:39:00 Desktop East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL09167 2/1/2012 14:39:05 Monitor East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL09168 2/1/2012 14:39:36 Software North SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL09169 2/1/2012 14:44:02 Software East Non-profit 90 Yes 3.5
CL09170 2/1/2012 14:45:07 Software Mid-west Individual 94 Yes 3.8
CL09171 2/1/2012 14:49:00 Software South Individual 86 Yes 2.5
CL09172 2/1/2012 14:50:26 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 No 2.4
CL09173 2/1/2012 14:52:51 Misc. West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL09174 2/1/2012 14:52:56 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.3
CL09175 2/1/2012 14:57:56 Software West SME 77 No 3.7
CL09176 2/1/2012 14:59:02 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL09177 2/1/2012 15:04:24 Software South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL09178 2/1/2012 15:09:29 Monitor South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL09179 2/1/2012 15:14:43 Laptop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.3
CL09180 2/1/2012 15:16:38 Desktop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL09181 2/1/2012 15:16:57 Accessories North Individual 55 Yes 3.5
CL09182 2/1/2012 15:18:41 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL09183 2/1/2012 15:18:55 Misc. South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.6
CL09184 2/1/2012 15:24:12 Software Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.6
CL09185 2/1/2012 15:27:38 Laptop East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.8
CL09186 2/1/2012 15:29:57 Desktop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.9
CL09187 2/1/2012 15:35:12 Misc. North SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL09188 2/1/2012 15:36:28 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL09189 2/1/2012 15:38:07 Desktop West Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL09190 2/1/2012 15:38:33 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL09191 2/1/2012 15:39:54 Accessories East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL09192 2/1/2012 15:45:40 Accessories West Large Corporate 88 Yes 4.0
CL09193 2/1/2012 15:46:48 Software South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL09194 2/1/2012 15:52:15 Desktop South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.7
CL09195 2/1/2012 15:53:19 Accessories East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL09196 2/1/2012 15:54:12 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL09197 2/1/2012 15:58:45 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL09198 2/1/2012 16:03:11 Accessories Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL09199 2/1/2012 16:05:33 Monitor West Individual 66 Yes 3.5
CL09200 2/1/2012 16:09:05 Misc. South Individual 66 Yes 3.2
CL09201 2/1/2012 16:13:54 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL09202 2/1/2012 16:15:46 Accessories South SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL09203 2/1/2012 16:18:28 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL09204 2/1/2012 16:19:32 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL09205 2/1/2012 16:24:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL09206 2/1/2012 16:29:57 Laptop North Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL09207 2/1/2012 16:30:25 Desktop South Individual 59 Yes 1.9
CL09208 2/1/2012 16:32:15 Laptop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.5
CL09209 2/1/2012 16:34:33 Software South SME 71 Yes 3.8
CL09210 2/1/2012 16:34:34 Monitor West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.7
CL09211 2/1/2012 16:36:47 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 No 2.7
CL09212 2/1/2012 16:40:44 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL09213 2/1/2012 16:43:59 Laptop Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL09214 2/1/2012 16:47:00 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL09215 2/1/2012 16:49:13 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.5
CL09216 2/1/2012 16:54:03 Laptop South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL09217 2/1/2012 16:59:09 Desktop North Large Corporate 57 Yes 2.7
CL09218 2/1/2012 17:02:23 Monitor Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.4
CL09219 2/1/2012 17:04:58 Desktop North Individual 84 Yes 2.8
CL09220 2/1/2012 17:08:34 Laptop South SME 68 Yes 3.0
CL09221 2/1/2012 17:09:28 Accessories Mid-west SME 76 Yes 1.9
CL09222 2/1/2012 17:12:11 Monitor Mid-west Individual 89 Yes 3.3
CL09223 2/1/2012 17:13:02 Laptop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 1.7
CL09224 2/1/2012 17:15:14 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL09225 2/1/2012 17:18:19 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL09226 2/1/2012 17:21:01 Accessories West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.2
CL09227 2/1/2012 17:24:14 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL09228 2/1/2012 17:25:24 Monitor South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL09229 2/1/2012 17:30:14 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.3
CL09230 2/1/2012 17:33:12 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 3.7
CL09231 2/1/2012 17:38:28 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.0
CL09232 2/1/2012 17:43:23 Monitor East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL09233 2/1/2012 17:47:28 Monitor East Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL09234 2/1/2012 17:48:29 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL09235 2/1/2012 17:52:41 Laptop North Non-profit 83 No 3.8
CL09236 2/1/2012 17:53:59 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL09237 2/1/2012 17:55:35 Accessories South Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL09238 2/1/2012 17:59:44 Software West SME 69 Yes 3.6
CL09239 2/1/2012 18:02:41 Misc. Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL09240 2/1/2012 18:07:57 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL09241 2/1/2012 18:12:50 Software Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.0
CL09242 2/1/2012 18:14:14 Accessories South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL09243 2/1/2012 18:15:42 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 94 Yes 3.3
CL09244 2/1/2012 18:20:48 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL09245 2/1/2012 18:24:26 Software North SME 90 Yes 3.8
CL09246 2/1/2012 18:25:12 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL09247 2/1/2012 18:26:39 Monitor Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL09248 2/1/2012 18:28:58 Misc. North Individual 57 Yes 3.0
CL09249 2/1/2012 18:32:18 Misc. East Individual 64 Yes 2.5
CL09250 2/1/2012 18:32:25 Desktop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL09251 2/1/2012 18:33:43 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL09252 2/1/2012 18:35:10 Misc. West SME 77 Yes 4.0
CL09253 2/1/2012 18:39:10 Misc. West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.8
CL09254 2/1/2012 18:39:56 Laptop North Individual 66 Yes 3.6
CL09255 2/1/2012 18:42:55 Desktop North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL09256 2/1/2012 18:44:57 Monitor North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.7
CL09257 2/1/2012 18:50:26 Misc. West SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL09258 2/1/2012 18:51:09 Accessories West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL09259 2/1/2012 18:52:24 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL09260 2/1/2012 18:52:35 Software North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL09261 2/1/2012 18:57:21 Misc. South SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL09262 2/1/2012 19:01:50 Monitor Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL09263 2/1/2012 19:03:54 Software West Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL09264 2/1/2012 19:07:50 Desktop West Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL09265 2/1/2012 19:12:56 Misc. East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.5
CL09266 2/1/2012 19:13:20 Accessories West SME 61 Yes 3.6
CL09267 2/1/2012 19:16:12 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL09268 2/1/2012 19:17:24 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 3.7
CL09269 2/1/2012 19:22:20 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL09270 2/1/2012 19:24:40 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL09271 2/1/2012 19:29:48 Software West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL09272 2/1/2012 19:32:04 Laptop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL09273 2/1/2012 19:32:17 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.9
CL09274 2/1/2012 19:33:38 Misc. East Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL09275 2/1/2012 19:37:56 Desktop North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.7
CL09276 2/1/2012 19:39:28 Software East Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL09277 2/1/2012 19:44:04 Software North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL09278 2/1/2012 19:45:43 Accessories North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL09279 2/1/2012 19:50:44 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 2.5
CL09280 2/1/2012 19:56:04 Software South Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL09281 2/1/2012 20:01:16 Desktop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL09282 2/1/2012 20:06:41 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL09283 2/1/2012 20:07:56 Accessories West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.9
CL09284 2/1/2012 20:08:52 Desktop East Non-profit 85 Yes 4.1
CL09285 2/1/2012 20:13:14 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 4.0
CL09286 2/1/2012 20:16:58 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL09287 2/1/2012 20:22:33 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL09288 2/1/2012 20:25:25 Monitor South Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL09289 2/1/2012 20:30:20 Laptop North Non-profit 68 Yes 4.3
CL09290 2/1/2012 20:34:35 Accessories East SME 87 Yes 2.8
CL09291 2/1/2012 20:34:43 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL09292 2/1/2012 20:36:12 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 0.9
CL09293 2/1/2012 20:36:48 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 4.2
CL09294 2/1/2012 20:39:18 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL09295 2/1/2012 20:44:57 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL09296 2/1/2012 20:46:36 Misc. Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.1
CL09297 2/1/2012 20:46:41 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL09298 2/1/2012 20:47:47 Desktop North SME 64 Yes 2.8
CL09299 2/1/2012 20:50:19 Desktop Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.2
CL09300 2/1/2012 20:54:47 Desktop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.6
CL09301 2/1/2012 20:56:00 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL09302 2/1/2012 21:00:49 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL09303 2/1/2012 21:05:12 Software South SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL09304 2/1/2012 21:06:40 Misc. West Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL09305 2/1/2012 21:11:07 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL09306 2/1/2012 21:12:54 Accessories West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL09307 2/1/2012 21:14:29 Monitor West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL09308 2/1/2012 21:19:04 Software Mid-west SME 58 No 2.5
CL09309 2/1/2012 21:22:48 Laptop North SME 85 Yes 2.4
CL09310 2/1/2012 21:25:50 Software South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.4
CL09311 2/1/2012 21:31:20 Software Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL09312 2/1/2012 21:34:46 Laptop North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL09313 2/1/2012 21:37:07 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL09314 2/1/2012 21:39:45 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL09315 2/1/2012 21:42:31 Software West SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL09316 2/1/2012 21:45:04 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL09317 2/1/2012 21:47:47 Monitor East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL09318 2/1/2012 21:53:11 Software West Individual 62 Yes 3.8
CL09319 2/1/2012 21:53:25 Desktop West SME 78 Yes 2.1
CL09320 2/1/2012 21:57:04 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL09321 2/1/2012 21:59:21 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL09322 2/1/2012 22:00:11 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.1
CL09323 2/2/2012 08:04:25 Misc. East SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL09324 2/2/2012 08:08:36 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL09325 2/2/2012 08:14:09 Monitor West SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL09326 2/2/2012 08:19:15 Misc. Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 4.3
CL09327 2/2/2012 08:22:22 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL09328 2/2/2012 08:27:35 Accessories Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.7
CL09329 2/2/2012 08:29:30 Misc. North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL09330 2/2/2012 08:33:50 Laptop Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.5
CL09331 2/2/2012 08:36:01 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL09332 2/2/2012 08:36:28 Laptop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 4.0
CL09333 2/2/2012 08:37:14 Desktop Mid-west SME 60 Yes 3.4
CL09334 2/2/2012 08:42:08 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 3.6
CL09335 2/2/2012 08:45:09 Laptop West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL09336 2/2/2012 08:47:11 Monitor North SME 78 Yes 2.3
CL09337 2/2/2012 08:49:28 Laptop South Individual 86 Yes 2.5
CL09338 2/2/2012 08:52:05 Desktop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL09339 2/2/2012 08:53:10 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL09340 2/2/2012 08:58:40 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 1.9
CL09341 2/2/2012 09:04:13 Misc. South SME 63 Yes 3.2
CL09342 2/2/2012 09:06:11 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL09343 2/2/2012 09:08:32 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.5
CL09344 2/2/2012 09:11:57 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 No 3.1
CL09345 2/2/2012 09:16:47 Software East Individual 65 Yes 3.8
CL09346 2/2/2012 09:22:00 Monitor East SME 76 Yes 3.6
CL09347 2/2/2012 09:25:55 Accessories North SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL09348 2/2/2012 09:25:56 Software East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL09349 2/2/2012 09:30:03 Misc. West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL09350 2/2/2012 09:32:14 Desktop East Large Corporate 61 No 3.5
CL09351 2/2/2012 09:35:21 Misc. Mid-west SME 87 Yes 2.8
CL09352 2/2/2012 09:40:27 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL09353 2/2/2012 09:40:47 Software East Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL09354 2/2/2012 09:45:21 Monitor East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL09355 2/2/2012 09:45:30 Laptop North SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL09356 2/2/2012 09:47:28 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.1
CL09357 2/2/2012 09:51:23 Misc. South Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL09358 2/2/2012 09:54:07 Accessories West SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL09359 2/2/2012 09:55:50 Desktop South SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL09360 2/2/2012 09:57:17 Software East SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL09361 2/2/2012 09:57:59 Monitor South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.3
CL09362 2/2/2012 10:02:44 Monitor West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL09363 2/2/2012 10:06:15 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL09364 2/2/2012 10:07:51 Monitor North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.3
CL09365 2/2/2012 10:12:36 Laptop East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL09366 2/2/2012 10:15:12 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 60 Yes 2.3
CL09367 2/2/2012 10:15:48 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL09368 2/2/2012 10:17:13 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL09369 2/2/2012 10:20:26 Software West SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL09370 2/2/2012 10:23:21 Accessories South Non-profit 59 Yes 3.4
CL09371 2/2/2012 10:28:24 Software North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL09372 2/2/2012 10:30:14 Monitor East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.2
CL09373 2/2/2012 10:34:54 Accessories South Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL09374 2/2/2012 10:35:02 Desktop East Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL09375 2/2/2012 10:39:42 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.5
CL09376 2/2/2012 10:43:45 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL09377 2/2/2012 10:48:15 Software West SME 67 Yes 3.6
CL09378 2/2/2012 10:49:51 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.6
CL09379 2/2/2012 10:52:33 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL09380 2/2/2012 10:55:19 Software South SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL09381 2/2/2012 10:59:14 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 3.4
CL09382 2/2/2012 11:04:14 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL09383 2/2/2012 11:08:10 Accessories East SME 71 Yes 2.1
CL09384 2/2/2012 11:13:38 Accessories West Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.5
CL09385 2/2/2012 11:16:52 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL09386 2/2/2012 11:17:54 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.0
CL09387 2/2/2012 11:20:05 Software West SME 81 Yes 3.9
CL09388 2/2/2012 11:25:00 Software South Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.8
CL09389 2/2/2012 11:28:14 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.9
CL09390 2/2/2012 11:31:05 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 78 No 2.2
CL09391 2/2/2012 11:36:02 Misc. South Non-profit 79 Yes 4.4
CL09392 2/2/2012 11:36:14 Monitor North Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL09393 2/2/2012 11:39:10 Laptop East Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL09394 2/2/2012 11:44:04 Monitor West Non-profit 63 Yes 3.1
CL09395 2/2/2012 11:45:34 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL09396 2/2/2012 11:49:36 Monitor West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL09397 2/2/2012 11:54:56 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.4
CL09398 2/2/2012 11:55:39 Software East Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL09399 2/2/2012 11:56:52 Accessories East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL09400 2/2/2012 11:57:29 Laptop North Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.4
CL09401 2/2/2012 12:00:45 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL09402 2/2/2012 12:03:53 Software West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL09403 2/2/2012 12:04:40 Software East Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL09404 2/2/2012 12:08:53 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL09405 2/2/2012 12:13:43 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 3.7
CL09406 2/2/2012 12:18:04 Laptop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.3
CL09407 2/2/2012 12:22:35 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL09408 2/2/2012 12:23:55 Laptop East SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL09409 2/2/2012 12:28:56 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL09410 2/2/2012 12:33:30 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL09411 2/2/2012 12:37:34 Laptop Mid-west SME 79 Yes 1.9
CL09412 2/2/2012 12:38:00 Desktop East SME 85 Yes 3.6
CL09413 2/2/2012 12:40:12 Software North Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL09414 2/2/2012 12:42:24 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL09415 2/2/2012 12:46:45 Accessories South SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL09416 2/2/2012 12:52:11 Misc. South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.6
CL09417 2/2/2012 12:54:10 Accessories Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.5
CL09418 2/2/2012 12:56:12 Software East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL09419 2/2/2012 12:57:13 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 3.4
CL09420 2/2/2012 13:01:03 Misc. East SME 88 Yes 2.2
CL09421 2/2/2012 13:06:25 Misc. North Non-profit 68 Yes 4.0
CL09422 2/2/2012 13:11:50 Software South Individual 77 Yes 3.6
CL09423 2/2/2012 13:12:58 Accessories East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL09424 2/2/2012 13:17:02 Desktop North SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL09425 2/2/2012 13:19:40 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL09426 2/2/2012 13:24:51 Laptop South Non-profit 87 Yes 3.9
CL09427 2/2/2012 13:29:10 Monitor West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL09428 2/2/2012 13:32:53 Monitor East SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL09429 2/2/2012 13:35:05 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL09430 2/2/2012 13:37:27 Monitor North Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL09431 2/2/2012 13:38:46 Laptop North Non-profit 86 Yes 2.7
CL09432 2/2/2012 13:38:50 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL09433 2/2/2012 13:41:07 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.3
CL09434 2/2/2012 13:43:41 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.4
CL09435 2/2/2012 13:46:38 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL09436 2/2/2012 13:47:21 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL09437 2/2/2012 13:53:01 Accessories South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL09438 2/2/2012 13:54:30 Software West SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL09439 2/2/2012 13:55:16 Desktop North Individual 61 Yes 3.1
CL09440 2/2/2012 13:59:56 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL09441 2/2/2012 14:00:09 Misc. South SME 88 Yes 3.5
CL09442 2/2/2012 14:04:16 Laptop West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.6
CL09443 2/2/2012 14:07:23 Software Mid-west Individual 59 No 2.5
CL09444 2/2/2012 14:11:55 Software Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL09445 2/2/2012 14:13:15 Monitor North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL09446 2/2/2012 14:18:15 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 No 2.5
CL09447 2/2/2012 14:20:47 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.6
CL09448 2/2/2012 14:23:49 Laptop North Individual 81 Yes 3.5
CL09449 2/2/2012 14:25:00 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.6
CL09450 2/2/2012 14:27:21 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL09451 2/2/2012 14:27:51 Desktop West SME 61 Yes 2.9
CL09452 2/2/2012 14:32:18 Misc. North Individual 77 Yes 2.1
CL09453 2/2/2012 14:34:35 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.1
CL09454 2/2/2012 14:35:53 Desktop North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL09455 2/2/2012 14:36:15 Software South Individual 73 Yes 2.2
CL09456 2/2/2012 14:39:09 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.1
CL09457 2/2/2012 14:39:24 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL09458 2/2/2012 14:44:55 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 3.8
CL09459 2/2/2012 14:50:32 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.4
CL09460 2/2/2012 14:52:31 Monitor South Individual 72 Yes 2.4
CL09461 2/2/2012 14:52:46 Laptop East Non-profit 85 Yes 2.9
CL09462 2/2/2012 14:53:32 Desktop West SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL09463 2/2/2012 14:58:19 Misc. South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.3
CL09464 2/2/2012 14:58:34 Laptop North Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL09465 2/2/2012 14:59:07 Software South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.5
CL09466 2/2/2012 15:03:23 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL09467 2/2/2012 15:09:07 Misc. West Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL09468 2/2/2012 15:14:11 Misc. West Individual 67 Yes 2.2
CL09469 2/2/2012 15:14:44 Monitor South Individual 56 Yes 2.8
CL09470 2/2/2012 15:18:00 Misc. South Non-profit 75 No 3.6
CL09471 2/2/2012 15:20:39 Desktop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.8
CL09472 2/2/2012 15:21:52 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL09473 2/2/2012 15:26:30 Accessories South Individual 77 Yes 4.0
CL09474 2/2/2012 15:27:03 Misc. South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.9
CL09475 2/2/2012 15:28:25 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL09476 2/2/2012 15:29:54 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.4
CL09477 2/2/2012 15:31:38 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 4.2
CL09478 2/2/2012 15:32:39 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL09479 2/2/2012 15:33:44 Software North SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL09480 2/2/2012 15:34:27 Desktop North Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL09481 2/2/2012 15:39:29 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL09482 2/2/2012 15:39:39 Software North SME 85 Yes 3.1
CL09483 2/2/2012 15:43:44 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.1
CL09484 2/2/2012 15:46:05 Laptop South Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.1
CL09485 2/2/2012 15:51:45 Software South SME 81 Yes 2.3
CL09486 2/2/2012 15:51:48 Software West Non-profit 57 Yes 3.0
CL09487 2/2/2012 15:57:20 Software West SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL09488 2/2/2012 15:59:23 Misc. East SME 57 Yes 3.1
CL09489 2/2/2012 16:03:04 Accessories South Non-profit 95 Yes 3.2
CL09490 2/2/2012 16:06:29 Misc. Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL09491 2/2/2012 16:06:52 Monitor West Non-profit 94 Yes 3.2
CL09492 2/2/2012 16:10:48 Desktop South SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL09493 2/2/2012 16:10:54 Laptop East SME 53 No 3.3
CL09494 2/2/2012 16:16:16 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 4.1
CL09495 2/2/2012 16:21:26 Laptop Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 3.1
CL09496 2/2/2012 16:23:07 Laptop East Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL09497 2/2/2012 16:27:25 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL09498 2/2/2012 16:32:18 Desktop North SME 63 Yes 3.8
CL09499 2/2/2012 16:32:23 Desktop East Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL09500 2/2/2012 16:34:20 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.3
CL09501 2/2/2012 16:39:27 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 No 3.1
CL09502 2/2/2012 16:41:57 Laptop North Individual 67 Yes 3.3
CL09503 2/2/2012 16:46:35 Monitor East SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL09504 2/2/2012 16:52:05 Laptop North Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.7
CL09505 2/2/2012 16:57:11 Laptop South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.2
CL09506 2/2/2012 17:02:45 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.8
CL09507 2/2/2012 17:03:18 Monitor East SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL09508 2/2/2012 17:05:16 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.4
CL09509 2/2/2012 17:05:49 Software West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL09510 2/2/2012 17:10:46 Accessories South SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL09511 2/2/2012 17:13:27 Misc. East SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL09512 2/2/2012 17:18:00 Monitor Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL09513 2/2/2012 17:18:57 Misc. East Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL09514 2/2/2012 17:24:00 Desktop West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL09515 2/2/2012 17:26:02 Software East Non-profit 90 Yes 2.4
CL09516 2/2/2012 17:31:32 Misc. North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL09517 2/2/2012 17:36:52 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL09518 2/2/2012 17:39:26 Laptop North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.9
CL09519 2/2/2012 17:39:37 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL09520 2/2/2012 17:43:08 Misc. West SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL09521 2/2/2012 17:45:02 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 4.0
CL09522 2/2/2012 17:45:18 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL09523 2/2/2012 17:47:45 Software East Non-profit 59 Yes 3.3
CL09524 2/2/2012 17:50:23 Software Mid-west SME 68 No 2.5
CL09525 2/2/2012 17:53:23 Desktop East Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL09526 2/2/2012 17:56:40 Accessories South SME 82 No 3.7
CL09527 2/2/2012 18:02:14 Monitor West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL09528 2/2/2012 18:04:25 Laptop West Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL09529 2/2/2012 18:09:00 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.2
CL09530 2/2/2012 18:13:02 Laptop South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.5
CL09531 2/2/2012 18:15:55 Laptop East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.6
CL09532 2/2/2012 18:17:03 Monitor South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.6
CL09533 2/2/2012 18:21:46 Laptop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.7
CL09534 2/2/2012 18:23:14 Laptop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 1.7
CL09535 2/2/2012 18:26:42 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL09536 2/2/2012 18:30:16 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL09537 2/2/2012 18:33:21 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.4
CL09538 2/2/2012 18:34:52 Laptop North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL09539 2/2/2012 18:36:38 Misc. North Large Corporate 62 Yes 4.1
CL09540 2/2/2012 18:37:25 Desktop Mid-west SME 61 Yes 2.9
CL09541 2/2/2012 18:40:40 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL09542 2/2/2012 18:42:54 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL09543 2/2/2012 18:46:28 Desktop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.4
CL09544 2/2/2012 18:47:22 Accessories East Large Corporate 56 Yes 2.6
CL09545 2/2/2012 18:50:40 Software South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL09546 2/2/2012 18:51:48 Software Mid-west SME 62 Yes 2.5
CL09547 2/2/2012 18:52:50 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.8
CL09548 2/2/2012 18:55:56 Misc. West SME 85 Yes 2.2
CL09549 2/2/2012 18:59:53 Software South Large Corporate 71 No 3.6
CL09550 2/2/2012 19:04:06 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL09551 2/2/2012 19:06:13 Accessories West Non-profit 61 Yes 2.6
CL09552 2/2/2012 19:08:19 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL09553 2/2/2012 19:12:38 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 2.2
CL09554 2/2/2012 19:13:46 Accessories South SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL09555 2/2/2012 19:16:34 Misc. East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.4
CL09556 2/2/2012 19:20:33 Accessories West Individual 71 Yes 2.0
CL09557 2/2/2012 19:23:01 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL09558 2/2/2012 19:23:45 Monitor South SME 70 Yes 2.9
CL09559 2/2/2012 19:25:34 Software North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.0
CL09560 2/2/2012 19:26:23 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL09561 2/2/2012 19:28:56 Misc. West SME 84 Yes 2.3
CL09562 2/2/2012 19:33:57 Software West Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL09563 2/2/2012 19:36:29 Software East Individual 72 Yes 2.1
CL09564 2/2/2012 19:41:34 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL09565 2/2/2012 19:44:13 Desktop South Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL09566 2/2/2012 19:49:43 Accessories South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL09567 2/2/2012 19:53:22 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL09568 2/2/2012 19:55:04 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL09569 2/2/2012 19:57:18 Accessories East SME 74 Yes 3.9
CL09570 2/2/2012 20:02:35 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.2
CL09571 2/2/2012 20:03:05 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 52 Yes 2.5
CL09572 2/2/2012 20:03:35 Laptop West Individual 68 Yes 4.4
CL09573 2/2/2012 20:06:31 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL09574 2/2/2012 20:10:55 Monitor North Non-profit 86 Yes 2.5
CL09575 2/2/2012 20:11:53 Laptop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL09576 2/2/2012 20:14:25 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL09577 2/2/2012 20:18:57 Desktop South SME 78 Yes 3.7
CL09578 2/2/2012 20:20:41 Monitor Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL09579 2/2/2012 20:23:23 Accessories South SME 78 Yes 3.8
CL09580 2/2/2012 20:25:05 Monitor North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.4
CL09581 2/2/2012 20:27:24 Desktop East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL09582 2/2/2012 20:28:38 Laptop West Non-profit 76 Yes 4.1
CL09583 2/2/2012 20:33:19 Misc. Mid-west SME 57 Yes 3.2
CL09584 2/2/2012 20:38:06 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL09585 2/2/2012 20:43:44 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL09586 2/2/2012 20:44:31 Misc. North SME 72 Yes 3.8
CL09587 2/2/2012 20:44:49 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL09588 2/2/2012 20:47:19 Software West Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL09589 2/2/2012 20:50:14 Accessories West Non-profit 87 Yes 3.2
CL09590 2/2/2012 20:55:49 Desktop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.5
CL09591 2/2/2012 20:58:04 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL09592 2/2/2012 21:03:21 Desktop East SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL09593 2/2/2012 21:08:06 Laptop East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL09594 2/2/2012 21:10:45 Accessories Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL09595 2/2/2012 21:11:00 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL09596 2/2/2012 21:14:00 Software East Large Corporate 80 No 3.1
CL09597 2/2/2012 21:17:32 Misc. North Individual 70 Yes 2.0
CL09598 2/2/2012 21:21:59 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL09599 2/2/2012 21:22:34 Desktop East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL09600 2/2/2012 21:26:59 Accessories West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL09601 2/2/2012 21:32:17 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL09602 2/2/2012 21:32:57 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL09603 2/2/2012 21:36:32 Accessories North SME 67 Yes 3.6
CL09604 2/2/2012 21:38:43 Monitor Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL09605 2/2/2012 21:42:03 Software East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL09606 2/2/2012 21:43:41 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL09607 2/2/2012 21:45:33 Misc. North SME 69 Yes 3.5
CL09608 2/2/2012 21:48:55 Software South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.6
CL09609 2/2/2012 21:54:34 Misc. East SME 76 Yes 3.6
CL09610 2/2/2012 21:58:13 Misc. West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.2
CL09611 2/2/2012 22:01:07 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL09612 2/3/2012 08:01:36 Software North Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL09613 2/3/2012 08:05:39 Misc. West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.7
CL09614 2/3/2012 08:07:04 Software West SME 81 Yes 3.8
CL09615 2/3/2012 08:12:26 Monitor West Non-profit 85 Yes 2.8
CL09616 2/3/2012 08:15:40 Software East Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL09617 2/3/2012 08:16:56 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL09618 2/3/2012 08:21:54 Monitor North SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL09619 2/3/2012 08:22:36 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL09620 2/3/2012 08:23:06 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL09621 2/3/2012 08:23:37 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.2
CL09622 2/3/2012 08:28:28 Monitor West SME 75 No 3.0
CL09623 2/3/2012 08:28:43 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL09624 2/3/2012 08:28:55 Accessories North Individual 63 Yes 3.5
CL09625 2/3/2012 08:34:04 Monitor West Individual 86 Yes 3.4
CL09626 2/3/2012 08:34:14 Misc. Mid-west Individual 53 Yes 4.4
CL09627 2/3/2012 08:37:36 Accessories South SME 70 No 3.6
CL09628 2/3/2012 08:42:42 Monitor Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.8
CL09629 2/3/2012 08:47:37 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.7
CL09630 2/3/2012 08:49:56 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL09631 2/3/2012 08:51:11 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.5
CL09632 2/3/2012 08:52:15 Misc. West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL09633 2/3/2012 08:56:56 Software North Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL09634 2/3/2012 08:59:18 Desktop North Large Corporate 68 No 1.8
CL09635 2/3/2012 09:03:50 Software West SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL09636 2/3/2012 09:09:28 Desktop West Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL09637 2/3/2012 09:14:40 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL09638 2/3/2012 09:20:25 Software East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL09639 2/3/2012 09:22:49 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL09640 2/3/2012 09:26:15 Software West Individual 87 Yes 3.4
CL09641 2/3/2012 09:29:23 Desktop West Individual 66 Yes 3.8
CL09642 2/3/2012 09:34:26 Desktop West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL09643 2/3/2012 09:37:55 Accessories Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.2
CL09644 2/3/2012 09:38:13 Monitor East SME 63 Yes 2.2
CL09645 2/3/2012 09:43:49 Misc. West Non-profit 72 No 2.8
CL09646 2/3/2012 09:45:16 Accessories West SME 84 Yes 2.7
CL09647 2/3/2012 09:50:23 Monitor North Individual 67 Yes 3.1
CL09648 2/3/2012 09:55:00 Desktop East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL09649 2/3/2012 10:00:07 Software East SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL09650 2/3/2012 10:04:07 Laptop South Large Corporate 81 No 2.5
CL09651 2/3/2012 10:08:45 Misc. North Individual 78 Yes 2.3
CL09652 2/3/2012 10:13:08 Desktop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.8
CL09653 2/3/2012 10:13:51 Software Mid-west SME 73 No 2.8
CL09654 2/3/2012 10:15:02 Desktop South SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL09655 2/3/2012 10:16:08 Misc. West Individual 88 Yes 3.1
CL09656 2/3/2012 10:17:05 Accessories West Individual 64 Yes 2.6
CL09657 2/3/2012 10:17:22 Accessories East Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL09658 2/3/2012 10:18:58 Monitor East Non-profit 83 Yes 1.9
CL09659 2/3/2012 10:23:31 Accessories Mid-west SME 61 Yes 3.5
CL09660 2/3/2012 10:25:30 Accessories Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL09661 2/3/2012 10:31:07 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL09662 2/3/2012 10:36:34 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL09663 2/3/2012 10:40:06 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.2
CL09664 2/3/2012 10:40:42 Misc. North Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.8
CL09665 2/3/2012 10:44:52 Accessories East SME 67 Yes 4.0
CL09666 2/3/2012 10:45:42 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL09667 2/3/2012 10:46:48 Desktop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL09668 2/3/2012 10:51:55 Misc. South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL09669 2/3/2012 10:52:20 Accessories Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL09670 2/3/2012 10:53:41 Accessories Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL09671 2/3/2012 10:54:34 Desktop North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.5
CL09672 2/3/2012 10:57:39 Monitor West Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL09673 2/3/2012 10:58:32 Software East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL09674 2/3/2012 11:03:40 Accessories South Non-profit 60 Yes 3.0
CL09675 2/3/2012 11:06:37 Software South Non-profit 96 Yes 3.6
CL09676 2/3/2012 11:10:23 Misc. West Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL09677 2/3/2012 11:12:54 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL09678 2/3/2012 11:17:17 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL09679 2/3/2012 11:17:44 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL09680 2/3/2012 11:18:11 Misc. West Large Corporate 89 No 3.3
CL09681 2/3/2012 11:18:40 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.7
CL09682 2/3/2012 11:19:18 Laptop East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL09683 2/3/2012 11:21:32 Desktop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL09684 2/3/2012 11:24:07 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL09685 2/3/2012 11:27:01 Desktop East Non-profit 93 Yes 2.9
CL09686 2/3/2012 11:28:32 Accessories West Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL09687 2/3/2012 11:32:16 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 71 No 2.0
CL09688 2/3/2012 11:37:45 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL09689 2/3/2012 11:38:53 Software South Individual 66 Yes 3.3
CL09690 2/3/2012 11:40:00 Accessories West Individual 68 Yes 2.3
CL09691 2/3/2012 11:42:14 Accessories South Individual 81 Yes 4.0
CL09692 2/3/2012 11:45:22 Monitor East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL09693 2/3/2012 11:46:44 Software East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL09694 2/3/2012 11:49:07 Software East SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL09695 2/3/2012 11:51:03 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL09696 2/3/2012 11:52:28 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL09697 2/3/2012 11:56:24 Software South SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL09698 2/3/2012 11:57:13 Misc. North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL09699 2/3/2012 12:01:41 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL09700 2/3/2012 12:01:52 Desktop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL09701 2/3/2012 12:01:59 Desktop South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.2
CL09702 2/3/2012 12:07:34 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.9
CL09703 2/3/2012 12:09:36 Software East SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL09704 2/3/2012 12:12:40 Software South SME 83 No 3.3
CL09705 2/3/2012 12:15:02 Software West Large Corporate 78 No 3.4
CL09706 2/3/2012 12:16:31 Software West Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL09707 2/3/2012 12:16:52 Misc. North Non-profit 87 Yes 2.5
CL09708 2/3/2012 12:21:44 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL09709 2/3/2012 12:21:46 Software Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL09710 2/3/2012 12:23:21 Monitor East Individual 67 Yes 2.5
CL09711 2/3/2012 12:24:29 Software North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL09712 2/3/2012 12:29:23 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL09713 2/3/2012 12:34:07 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.1
CL09714 2/3/2012 12:38:49 Desktop Mid-west Individual 90 Yes 3.6
CL09715 2/3/2012 12:39:42 Desktop East Individual 94 Yes 2.8
CL09716 2/3/2012 12:43:53 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 4.0
CL09717 2/3/2012 12:48:27 Accessories West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL09718 2/3/2012 12:52:16 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL09719 2/3/2012 12:57:24 Misc. West SME 61 Yes 2.6
CL09720 2/3/2012 13:01:47 Laptop South Non-profit 56 Yes 2.7
CL09721 2/3/2012 13:06:46 Accessories West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL09722 2/3/2012 13:07:15 Software North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL09723 2/3/2012 13:08:28 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL09724 2/3/2012 13:12:51 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL09725 2/3/2012 13:13:49 Misc. Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL09726 2/3/2012 13:15:54 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 3.1
CL09727 2/3/2012 13:16:59 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.3
CL09728 2/3/2012 13:20:37 Accessories North SME 80 Yes 2.7
CL09729 2/3/2012 13:24:02 Laptop South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL09730 2/3/2012 13:25:00 Software West SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL09731 2/3/2012 13:28:59 Accessories Mid-west SME 55 Yes 2.7
CL09732 2/3/2012 13:32:04 Desktop South Non-profit 94 Yes 2.8
CL09733 2/3/2012 13:34:12 Monitor Mid-west SME 64 No 3.0
CL09734 2/3/2012 13:35:46 Desktop North Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.1
CL09735 2/3/2012 13:36:02 Monitor East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.1
CL09736 2/3/2012 13:36:21 Software South Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL09737 2/3/2012 13:38:54 Accessories North SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL09738 2/3/2012 13:42:00 Misc. South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL09739 2/3/2012 13:43:36 Misc. West Large Corporate 79 No 2.4
CL09740 2/3/2012 13:48:52 Software East Non-profit 73 No 3.6
CL09741 2/3/2012 13:51:59 Accessories South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL09742 2/3/2012 13:56:33 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.2
CL09743 2/3/2012 13:58:09 Accessories South Individual 72 Yes 2.5
CL09744 2/3/2012 13:58:28 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.4
CL09745 2/3/2012 14:03:07 Monitor Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.2
CL09746 2/3/2012 14:07:16 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL09747 2/3/2012 14:09:20 Accessories North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL09748 2/3/2012 14:13:15 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL09749 2/3/2012 14:18:56 Desktop North Large Corporate 78 No 2.7
CL09750 2/3/2012 14:21:47 Desktop South SME 89 Yes 2.4
CL09751 2/3/2012 14:26:39 Desktop North SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL09752 2/3/2012 14:31:39 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL09753 2/3/2012 14:32:56 Monitor Mid-west SME 94 Yes 2.8
CL09754 2/3/2012 14:33:13 Accessories East Individual 65 No 2.7
CL09755 2/3/2012 14:33:55 Laptop East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.4
CL09756 2/3/2012 14:37:14 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL09757 2/3/2012 14:38:23 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 No 3.2
CL09758 2/3/2012 14:43:20 Monitor East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL09759 2/3/2012 14:44:58 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL09760 2/3/2012 14:50:01 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 3.5
CL09761 2/3/2012 14:51:29 Accessories Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL09762 2/3/2012 14:56:35 Software West Non-profit 62 Yes 2.2
CL09763 2/3/2012 14:57:38 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 3.7
CL09764 2/3/2012 15:01:39 Monitor South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL09765 2/3/2012 15:02:18 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 92 Yes 2.7
CL09766 2/3/2012 15:03:24 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.2
CL09767 2/3/2012 15:08:29 Monitor South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL09768 2/3/2012 15:10:13 Accessories West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL09769 2/3/2012 15:12:49 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 1.2
CL09770 2/3/2012 15:14:26 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.1
CL09771 2/3/2012 15:14:51 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL09772 2/3/2012 15:17:27 Monitor South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL09773 2/3/2012 15:19:12 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL09774 2/3/2012 15:20:24 Desktop South Individual 85 Yes 3.3
CL09775 2/3/2012 15:25:40 Monitor North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL09776 2/3/2012 15:28:35 Laptop West SME 71 Yes 3.7
CL09777 2/3/2012 15:32:17 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL09778 2/3/2012 15:32:31 Misc. North Individual 83 Yes 1.9
CL09779 2/3/2012 15:35:09 Monitor South Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL09780 2/3/2012 15:40:41 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL09781 2/3/2012 15:41:09 Desktop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.3
CL09782 2/3/2012 15:44:34 Monitor Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL09783 2/3/2012 15:46:18 Monitor Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.3
CL09784 2/3/2012 15:49:23 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL09785 2/3/2012 15:55:00 Software East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL09786 2/3/2012 15:58:41 Software West Non-profit 84 Yes 4.0
CL09787 2/3/2012 15:58:47 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 2.4
CL09788 2/3/2012 16:01:19 Laptop North Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL09789 2/3/2012 16:04:51 Desktop North Large Corporate 75 No 3.3
CL09790 2/3/2012 16:06:50 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.2
CL09791 2/3/2012 16:12:09 Software Mid-west SME 60 Yes 2.0
CL09792 2/3/2012 16:16:38 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL09793 2/3/2012 16:21:07 Accessories Mid-west SME 87 Yes 2.8
CL09794 2/3/2012 16:26:45 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL09795 2/3/2012 16:32:00 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL09796 2/3/2012 16:37:03 Desktop South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.6
CL09797 2/3/2012 16:37:27 Software South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL09798 2/3/2012 16:42:19 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL09799 2/3/2012 16:46:17 Desktop South Individual 76 Yes 3.8
CL09800 2/3/2012 16:47:19 Monitor South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL09801 2/3/2012 16:49:31 Misc. South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.3
CL09802 2/3/2012 16:55:00 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL09803 2/3/2012 17:00:41 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL09804 2/3/2012 17:06:01 Laptop South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.3
CL09805 2/3/2012 17:10:18 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL09806 2/3/2012 17:15:45 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL09807 2/3/2012 17:21:19 Software Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL09808 2/3/2012 17:26:55 Laptop North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.1
CL09809 2/3/2012 17:31:32 Misc. West Non-profit 60 Yes 4.2
CL09810 2/3/2012 17:34:37 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL09811 2/3/2012 17:34:41 Monitor East Individual 64 Yes 2.5
CL09812 2/3/2012 17:35:43 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL09813 2/3/2012 17:37:33 Monitor South SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL09814 2/3/2012 17:39:42 Software South SME 90 Yes 3.0
CL09815 2/3/2012 17:40:34 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL09816 2/3/2012 17:46:16 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL09817 2/3/2012 17:47:24 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL09818 2/3/2012 17:51:24 Software East SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL09819 2/3/2012 17:53:54 Software West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL09820 2/3/2012 17:54:27 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL09821 2/3/2012 17:58:27 Desktop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL09822 2/3/2012 17:58:44 Laptop Mid-west SME 60 Yes 3.7
CL09823 2/3/2012 18:00:06 Desktop West SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL09824 2/3/2012 18:01:49 Laptop East Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL09825 2/3/2012 18:05:40 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.9
CL09826 2/3/2012 18:09:24 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL09827 2/3/2012 18:09:59 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 56 Yes 3.8
CL09828 2/3/2012 18:12:08 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL09829 2/3/2012 18:13:59 Software North Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL09830 2/3/2012 18:18:53 Software West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL09831 2/3/2012 18:23:56 Misc. East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL09832 2/3/2012 18:24:00 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 61 No 2.9
CL09833 2/3/2012 18:29:10 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 3.3
CL09834 2/3/2012 18:31:25 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL09835 2/3/2012 18:37:06 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL09836 2/3/2012 18:37:58 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL09837 2/3/2012 18:38:44 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 1.8
CL09838 2/3/2012 18:43:15 Monitor East SME 67 Yes 2.5
CL09839 2/3/2012 18:45:15 Monitor North Individual 62 Yes 3.4
CL09840 2/3/2012 18:50:15 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL09841 2/3/2012 18:55:46 Laptop North Large Corporate 59 Yes 2.5
CL09842 2/3/2012 18:56:22 Desktop South Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL09843 2/3/2012 18:58:09 Laptop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL09844 2/3/2012 19:03:32 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.0
CL09845 2/3/2012 19:06:40 Desktop East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.4
CL09846 2/3/2012 19:08:44 Monitor South Non-profit 76 No 3.2
CL09847 2/3/2012 19:10:50 Monitor West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL09848 2/3/2012 19:13:34 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.2
CL09849 2/3/2012 19:15:21 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL09850 2/3/2012 19:17:50 Laptop West Non-profit 58 Yes 2.9
CL09851 2/3/2012 19:20:16 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL09852 2/3/2012 19:25:10 Accessories East SME 72 Yes 3.6
CL09853 2/3/2012 19:30:37 Software West Non-profit 89 Yes 2.5
CL09854 2/3/2012 19:32:49 Software South Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL09855 2/3/2012 19:38:26 Desktop North SME 59 Yes 3.1
CL09856 2/3/2012 19:40:37 Software West Non-profit 88 Yes 3.5
CL09857 2/3/2012 19:45:00 Misc. East Individual 59 Yes 2.5
CL09858 2/3/2012 19:48:22 Laptop South Large Corporate 65 No 2.7
CL09859 2/3/2012 19:52:11 Desktop West Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL09860 2/3/2012 19:53:37 Monitor Mid-west Individual 93 Yes 4.0
CL09861 2/3/2012 19:55:45 Software East Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL09862 2/3/2012 19:57:43 Software North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL09863 2/3/2012 19:58:48 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL09864 2/3/2012 19:59:48 Desktop North Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL09865 2/3/2012 20:01:22 Accessories South SME 87 Yes 3.3
CL09866 2/3/2012 20:03:25 Laptop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.5
CL09867 2/3/2012 20:08:11 Laptop West SME 59 Yes 3.2
CL09868 2/3/2012 20:10:31 Desktop North SME 61 Yes 2.6
CL09869 2/3/2012 20:10:52 Accessories East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.4
CL09870 2/3/2012 20:11:29 Laptop North Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL09871 2/3/2012 20:16:26 Laptop North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL09872 2/3/2012 20:19:14 Accessories West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL09873 2/3/2012 20:20:56 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL09874 2/3/2012 20:25:55 Software North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.8
CL09875 2/3/2012 20:29:37 Software South SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL09876 2/3/2012 20:29:46 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL09877 2/3/2012 20:34:26 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL09878 2/3/2012 20:38:45 Misc. East Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL09879 2/3/2012 20:44:20 Misc. North SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL09880 2/3/2012 20:48:33 Software East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL09881 2/3/2012 20:53:11 Software East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL09882 2/3/2012 20:53:53 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL09883 2/3/2012 20:56:42 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL09884 2/3/2012 20:57:01 Laptop West Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL09885 2/3/2012 20:58:25 Desktop West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.2
CL09886 2/3/2012 21:03:15 Misc. North SME 81 Yes 2.3
CL09887 2/3/2012 21:06:06 Misc. West SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL09888 2/3/2012 21:11:13 Laptop East Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL09889 2/3/2012 21:13:04 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL09890 2/3/2012 21:13:21 Misc. South Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL09891 2/3/2012 21:18:50 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL09892 2/3/2012 21:23:52 Laptop West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL09893 2/3/2012 21:29:36 Accessories North Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL09894 2/3/2012 21:33:11 Laptop North Individual 80 Yes 3.8
CL09895 2/3/2012 21:36:59 Desktop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL09896 2/3/2012 21:42:39 Monitor East Individual 87 No 3.1
CL09897 2/3/2012 21:43:44 Accessories Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 2.1
CL09898 2/3/2012 21:43:46 Misc. East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL09899 2/3/2012 21:45:09 Monitor South Non-profit 57 Yes 2.7
CL09900 2/3/2012 21:49:03 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 2.2
CL09901 2/3/2012 21:52:23 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL09902 2/3/2012 21:52:40 Monitor East Non-profit 88 Yes 3.2
CL09903 2/3/2012 21:54:25 Desktop North Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL09904 2/3/2012 21:59:09 Laptop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.3
CL09905 2/3/2012 22:04:19 Software East Individual 73 Yes 3.8
CL09906 2/4/2012 08:09:05 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 2.2
CL09907 2/4/2012 08:13:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.1
CL09908 2/4/2012 08:15:40 Software North SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL09909 2/4/2012 08:21:03 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL09910 2/4/2012 08:24:21 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL09911 2/4/2012 08:25:01 Desktop North SME 74 No 3.5
CL09912 2/4/2012 08:28:15 Software West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL09913 2/4/2012 08:31:31 Software South Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.3
CL09914 2/4/2012 08:31:34 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 2.3
CL09915 2/4/2012 08:36:17 Accessories South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.7
CL09916 2/4/2012 08:37:17 Software West SME 52 Yes 3.8
CL09917 2/4/2012 08:40:00 Desktop North SME 80 Yes 3.4
CL09918 2/4/2012 08:44:24 Software East Non-profit 59 Yes 2.2
CL09919 2/4/2012 08:45:12 Desktop West SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL09920 2/4/2012 08:46:22 Monitor Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.5
CL09921 2/4/2012 08:47:27 Misc. North SME 84 Yes 3.9
CL09922 2/4/2012 08:50:11 Monitor South Individual 74 No 3.4
CL09923 2/4/2012 08:50:31 Misc. West Individual 57 Yes 2.5
CL09924 2/4/2012 08:51:04 Misc. West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.5
CL09925 2/4/2012 08:54:03 Misc. West Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.1
CL09926 2/4/2012 08:59:33 Software East Non-profit 71 No 3.0
CL09927 2/4/2012 09:03:53 Misc. North SME 65 No 2.1
CL09928 2/4/2012 09:07:55 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.0
CL09929 2/4/2012 09:11:17 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.1
CL09930 2/4/2012 09:13:29 Accessories West Individual 71 No 2.4
CL09931 2/4/2012 09:15:08 Laptop South SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL09932 2/4/2012 09:17:52 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL09933 2/4/2012 09:18:39 Desktop West Non-profit 92 Yes 2.5
CL09934 2/4/2012 09:21:04 Accessories South Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.9
CL09935 2/4/2012 09:26:43 Software North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL09936 2/4/2012 09:28:55 Desktop East SME 75 Yes 1.9
CL09937 2/4/2012 09:34:39 Software South SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL09938 2/4/2012 09:36:53 Desktop North SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL09939 2/4/2012 09:40:57 Software Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL09940 2/4/2012 09:44:48 Misc. North SME 69 Yes 1.8
CL09941 2/4/2012 09:49:44 Misc. East SME 67 Yes 3.4
CL09942 2/4/2012 09:51:46 Software West Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL09943 2/4/2012 09:52:42 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL09944 2/4/2012 09:55:46 Accessories Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.8
CL09945 2/4/2012 09:56:20 Desktop East Individual 81 Yes 2.3
CL09946 2/4/2012 10:01:10 Misc. South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL09947 2/4/2012 10:03:58 Accessories East SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL09948 2/4/2012 10:09:18 Accessories West SME 63 No 3.4
CL09949 2/4/2012 10:09:28 Monitor East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL09950 2/4/2012 10:12:00 Misc. South SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL09951 2/4/2012 10:17:37 Software South Non-profit 62 Yes 2.6
CL09952 2/4/2012 10:18:27 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL09953 2/4/2012 10:24:12 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL09954 2/4/2012 10:28:06 Software West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL09955 2/4/2012 10:29:44 Accessories Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL09956 2/4/2012 10:34:31 Laptop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL09957 2/4/2012 10:39:32 Software North Large Corporate 75 No 3.1
CL09958 2/4/2012 10:43:07 Software North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL09959 2/4/2012 10:46:04 Monitor East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL09960 2/4/2012 10:46:59 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.1
CL09961 2/4/2012 10:52:06 Accessories South Non-profit 92 Yes 3.5
CL09962 2/4/2012 10:56:51 Software East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL09963 2/4/2012 11:00:04 Misc. East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL09964 2/4/2012 11:04:30 Accessories West Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL09965 2/4/2012 11:09:07 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL09966 2/4/2012 11:14:00 Monitor Mid-west SME 73 No 3.2
CL09967 2/4/2012 11:17:07 Laptop West SME 67 Yes 2.6
CL09968 2/4/2012 11:17:55 Monitor West SME 78 No 3.7
CL09969 2/4/2012 11:23:39 Desktop Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 2.9
CL09970 2/4/2012 11:25:50 Misc. South Individual 67 Yes 3.7
CL09971 2/4/2012 11:29:54 Accessories South Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL09972 2/4/2012 11:35:08 Accessories South SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL09973 2/4/2012 11:36:39 Accessories East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL09974 2/4/2012 11:38:01 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL09975 2/4/2012 11:40:49 Misc. West SME 78 Yes 2.6
CL09976 2/4/2012 11:43:25 Software North Non-profit 85 Yes 2.7
CL09977 2/4/2012 11:46:10 Software West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.9
CL09978 2/4/2012 11:49:57 Software East Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL09979 2/4/2012 11:50:58 Monitor South Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL09980 2/4/2012 11:56:24 Laptop West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL09981 2/4/2012 12:00:39 Accessories North SME 77 No 3.5
CL09982 2/4/2012 12:01:19 Laptop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.8
CL09983 2/4/2012 12:03:57 Desktop West SME 94 Yes 3.4
CL09984 2/4/2012 12:06:17 Accessories East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL09985 2/4/2012 12:09:45 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.2
CL09986 2/4/2012 12:13:31 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL09987 2/4/2012 12:15:58 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL09988 2/4/2012 12:19:50 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL09989 2/4/2012 12:22:21 Software East SME 72 No 2.7
CL09990 2/4/2012 12:26:40 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL09991 2/4/2012 12:27:40 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 91 No 3.2
CL09992 2/4/2012 12:32:48 Accessories West Non-profit 74 No 2.5
CL09993 2/4/2012 12:37:29 Monitor North SME 86 Yes 3.7
CL09994 2/4/2012 12:42:45 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL09995 2/4/2012 12:44:15 Misc. West Individual 75 No 3.4
CL09996 2/4/2012 12:45:19 Desktop East SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL09997 2/4/2012 12:47:28 Laptop West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL09998 2/4/2012 12:51:54 Accessories South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.5
CL09999 2/4/2012 12:55:31 Misc. East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.4
CL10000 2/4/2012 12:57:43 Misc. Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.7
CL10001 2/4/2012 13:03:03 Laptop East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL10002 2/4/2012 13:06:17 Desktop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL10003 2/4/2012 13:10:38 Software Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL10004 2/4/2012 13:12:41 Software Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.1
CL10005 2/4/2012 13:14:14 Monitor West SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL10006 2/4/2012 13:16:19 Software East SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL10007 2/4/2012 13:17:56 Monitor East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL10008 2/4/2012 13:23:32 Software East Large Corporate 57 Yes 3.2
CL10009 2/4/2012 13:28:01 Monitor North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.9
CL10010 2/4/2012 13:29:46 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.7
CL10011 2/4/2012 13:35:05 Monitor North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL10012 2/4/2012 13:36:36 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 No 2.7
CL10013 2/4/2012 13:37:52 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL10014 2/4/2012 13:38:41 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 2.6
CL10015 2/4/2012 13:41:56 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL10016 2/4/2012 13:45:34 Software North SME 88 Yes 2.5
CL10017 2/4/2012 13:47:39 Desktop South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL10018 2/4/2012 13:47:56 Laptop South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL10019 2/4/2012 13:52:23 Accessories Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.1
CL10020 2/4/2012 13:55:13 Desktop North SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL10021 2/4/2012 13:57:33 Laptop West SME 66 Yes 3.8
CL10022 2/4/2012 14:03:00 Laptop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL10023 2/4/2012 14:08:29 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL10024 2/4/2012 14:11:38 Software Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.2
CL10025 2/4/2012 14:13:19 Desktop Mid-west Individual 46 Yes 3.3
CL10026 2/4/2012 14:14:13 Software Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL10027 2/4/2012 14:14:55 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 3.9
CL10028 2/4/2012 14:17:01 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL10029 2/4/2012 14:17:25 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 4.1
CL10030 2/4/2012 14:17:59 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL10031 2/4/2012 14:22:01 Monitor North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.1
CL10032 2/4/2012 14:24:20 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL10033 2/4/2012 14:24:42 Accessories West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL10034 2/4/2012 14:26:47 Monitor East Individual 67 No 4.0
CL10035 2/4/2012 14:29:13 Laptop East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL10036 2/4/2012 14:31:03 Desktop South SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL10037 2/4/2012 14:36:33 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 90 Yes 2.4
CL10038 2/4/2012 14:36:52 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL10039 2/4/2012 14:40:33 Software North SME 66 Yes 3.8
CL10040 2/4/2012 14:44:58 Accessories West Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL10041 2/4/2012 14:50:13 Monitor South SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL10042 2/4/2012 14:51:01 Desktop West Non-profit 67 Yes 4.2
CL10043 2/4/2012 14:53:46 Software South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL10044 2/4/2012 14:54:02 Desktop South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL10045 2/4/2012 14:56:22 Misc. South Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL10046 2/4/2012 15:00:31 Software East SME 71 No 2.2
CL10047 2/4/2012 15:03:36 Desktop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL10048 2/4/2012 15:06:50 Misc. South SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL10049 2/4/2012 15:12:13 Monitor East Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.5
CL10050 2/4/2012 15:17:30 Desktop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL10051 2/4/2012 15:21:50 Laptop North Individual 83 Yes 2.2
CL10052 2/4/2012 15:25:18 Accessories South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL10053 2/4/2012 15:30:53 Desktop East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL10054 2/4/2012 15:32:24 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.0
CL10055 2/4/2012 15:35:58 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.1
CL10056 2/4/2012 15:38:29 Monitor Mid-west SME 92 Yes 2.3
CL10057 2/4/2012 15:40:24 Monitor South Individual 66 Yes 3.9
CL10058 2/4/2012 15:41:21 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 3.2
CL10059 2/4/2012 15:45:55 Monitor East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.8
CL10060 2/4/2012 15:49:46 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 1.9
CL10061 2/4/2012 15:54:45 Laptop East Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL10062 2/4/2012 15:58:03 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 2.8
CL10063 2/4/2012 16:00:26 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL10064 2/4/2012 16:02:27 Accessories South SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL10065 2/4/2012 16:04:42 Misc. West SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL10066 2/4/2012 16:06:08 Misc. North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.6
CL10067 2/4/2012 16:08:10 Laptop North Non-profit 69 No 3.3
CL10068 2/4/2012 16:09:35 Laptop East Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.6
CL10069 2/4/2012 16:14:43 Misc. East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL10070 2/4/2012 16:19:14 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL10071 2/4/2012 16:21:40 Laptop West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.8
CL10072 2/4/2012 16:21:54 Misc. West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.3
CL10073 2/4/2012 16:27:09 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL10074 2/4/2012 16:27:54 Desktop North Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL10075 2/4/2012 16:30:51 Software West Non-profit 59 Yes 3.4
CL10076 2/4/2012 16:35:31 Accessories South Large Corporate 80 No 2.9
CL10077 2/4/2012 16:39:52 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL10078 2/4/2012 16:44:40 Laptop East SME 91 Yes 2.3
CL10079 2/4/2012 16:49:27 Monitor West Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL10080 2/4/2012 16:53:46 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL10081 2/4/2012 16:57:32 Laptop South SME 76 No 2.4
CL10082 2/4/2012 16:57:42 Monitor West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.5
CL10083 2/4/2012 17:01:05 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL10084 2/4/2012 17:02:53 Desktop West SME 67 Yes 2.7
CL10085 2/4/2012 17:03:44 Accessories South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.1
CL10086 2/4/2012 17:06:35 Software Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL10087 2/4/2012 17:12:15 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 2.6
CL10088 2/4/2012 17:12:46 Monitor East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL10089 2/4/2012 17:15:55 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.6
CL10090 2/4/2012 17:17:45 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL10091 2/4/2012 17:20:18 Misc. North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL10092 2/4/2012 17:25:56 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL10093 2/4/2012 17:31:10 Laptop North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL10094 2/4/2012 17:34:13 Misc. South Individual 72 Yes 3.4
CL10095 2/4/2012 17:38:09 Accessories North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.9
CL10096 2/4/2012 17:43:04 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.1
CL10097 2/4/2012 17:43:55 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL10098 2/4/2012 17:44:39 Monitor East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL10099 2/4/2012 17:48:29 Misc. West Individual 71 Yes 4.1
CL10100 2/4/2012 17:52:21 Software East SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL10101 2/4/2012 17:53:38 Monitor North Non-profit 86 Yes 3.2
CL10102 2/4/2012 17:54:24 Accessories East Individual 83 Yes 3.3
CL10103 2/4/2012 17:59:17 Monitor West Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL10104 2/4/2012 18:03:00 Accessories East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL10105 2/4/2012 18:08:35 Software South Individual 82 Yes 2.6
CL10106 2/4/2012 18:11:27 Accessories South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL10107 2/4/2012 18:12:15 Accessories West SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL10108 2/4/2012 18:13:19 Desktop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL10109 2/4/2012 18:13:59 Laptop North Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL10110 2/4/2012 18:19:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.0
CL10111 2/4/2012 18:19:33 Laptop West Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL10112 2/4/2012 18:23:19 Software West SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL10113 2/4/2012 18:26:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL10114 2/4/2012 18:29:17 Desktop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL10115 2/4/2012 18:32:36 Misc. West SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL10116 2/4/2012 18:38:07 Desktop North Individual 85 Yes 3.5
CL10117 2/4/2012 18:40:43 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL10118 2/4/2012 18:43:49 Monitor North Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL10119 2/4/2012 18:44:03 Software Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.5
CL10120 2/4/2012 18:48:07 Misc. East SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL10121 2/4/2012 18:51:54 Software Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.9
CL10122 2/4/2012 18:52:48 Monitor South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.6
CL10123 2/4/2012 18:54:53 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.4
CL10124 2/4/2012 18:55:14 Laptop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.4
CL10125 2/4/2012 18:57:42 Accessories North Large Corporate 91 No 2.6
CL10126 2/4/2012 18:58:23 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 91 Yes 3.5
CL10127 2/4/2012 18:58:39 Desktop West Individual 90 Yes 3.0
CL10128 2/4/2012 19:02:56 Software South SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL10129 2/4/2012 19:05:46 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 3.3
CL10130 2/4/2012 19:08:01 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 2.5
CL10131 2/4/2012 19:08:14 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL10132 2/4/2012 19:11:06 Desktop North SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL10133 2/4/2012 19:14:36 Desktop North SME 94 Yes 3.0
CL10134 2/4/2012 19:18:46 Misc. West Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL10135 2/4/2012 19:24:27 Software South Non-profit 64 Yes 2.4
CL10136 2/4/2012 19:29:37 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL10137 2/4/2012 19:32:18 Misc. South Non-profit 51 Yes 3.0
CL10138 2/4/2012 19:36:28 Software South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL10139 2/4/2012 19:41:44 Misc. North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL10140 2/4/2012 19:45:58 Laptop West Non-profit 63 Yes 3.5
CL10141 2/4/2012 19:47:42 Desktop East SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL10142 2/4/2012 19:53:10 Desktop South Individual 63 Yes 2.8
CL10143 2/4/2012 19:56:08 Misc. North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL10144 2/4/2012 19:58:36 Accessories South Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.0
CL10145 2/4/2012 20:01:26 Software North Individual 85 Yes 3.3
CL10146 2/4/2012 20:02:34 Desktop South Individual 71 No 3.2
CL10147 2/4/2012 20:03:40 Monitor West SME 67 Yes 2.1
CL10148 2/4/2012 20:05:10 Laptop West Non-profit 72 Yes 4.0
CL10149 2/4/2012 20:09:09 Accessories West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL10150 2/4/2012 20:13:42 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.6
CL10151 2/4/2012 20:18:23 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.5
CL10152 2/4/2012 20:23:26 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL10153 2/4/2012 20:28:53 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL10154 2/4/2012 20:32:04 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL10155 2/4/2012 20:33:28 Software South Individual 65 Yes 3.2
CL10156 2/4/2012 20:35:44 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 2.7
CL10157 2/4/2012 20:37:33 Software North SME 61 Yes 3.7
CL10158 2/4/2012 20:40:10 Desktop East Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.7
CL10159 2/4/2012 20:41:13 Software East Non-profit 87 Yes 3.6
CL10160 2/4/2012 20:46:53 Accessories South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL10161 2/4/2012 20:47:36 Laptop South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL10162 2/4/2012 20:52:05 Software North Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL10163 2/4/2012 20:55:02 Software East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.2
CL10164 2/4/2012 20:58:55 Desktop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL10165 2/4/2012 21:02:13 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 91 Yes 3.0
CL10166 2/4/2012 21:03:26 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL10167 2/4/2012 21:06:17 Accessories West Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.5
CL10168 2/4/2012 21:08:04 Monitor North Non-profit 86 Yes 3.5
CL10169 2/4/2012 21:11:13 Misc. West Non-profit 62 Yes 2.9
CL10170 2/4/2012 21:14:48 Monitor West SME 70 Yes 2.4
CL10171 2/4/2012 21:19:18 Monitor West SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL10172 2/4/2012 21:19:46 Software North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.3
CL10173 2/4/2012 21:24:23 Laptop West SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL10174 2/4/2012 21:28:14 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL10175 2/4/2012 21:31:46 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL10176 2/4/2012 21:32:45 Desktop East Non-profit 83 Yes 2.6
CL10177 2/4/2012 21:38:03 Software North Non-profit 88 Yes 2.8
CL10178 2/4/2012 21:41:01 Laptop North Individual 80 Yes 4.0
CL10179 2/4/2012 21:42:57 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.3
CL10180 2/4/2012 21:47:38 Monitor West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL10181 2/4/2012 21:49:07 Misc. West Individual 81 Yes 2.8
CL10182 2/4/2012 21:54:47 Monitor East SME 82 Yes 2.8
CL10183 2/4/2012 21:55:25 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL10184 2/4/2012 21:55:43 Laptop West SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL10185 2/4/2012 21:57:07 Accessories West SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL10186 2/4/2012 21:58:24 Misc. East Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL10187 2/4/2012 22:02:44 Misc. North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.7
CL10188 2/5/2012 08:04:55 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.5
CL10189 2/5/2012 08:09:48 Software North SME 69 Yes 2.1
CL10190 2/5/2012 08:13:23 Laptop South SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL10191 2/5/2012 08:17:55 Accessories East Individual 79 Yes 2.2
CL10192 2/5/2012 08:22:47 Monitor South Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL10193 2/5/2012 08:23:58 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL10194 2/5/2012 08:27:50 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL10195 2/5/2012 08:28:51 Laptop West Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL10196 2/5/2012 08:34:26 Monitor South Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL10197 2/5/2012 08:34:52 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 2.4
CL10198 2/5/2012 08:35:57 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL10199 2/5/2012 08:36:58 Monitor Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL10200 2/5/2012 08:37:00 Misc. South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL10201 2/5/2012 08:41:35 Laptop East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.2
CL10202 2/5/2012 08:43:28 Accessories Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL10203 2/5/2012 08:49:04 Laptop North Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL10204 2/5/2012 08:50:05 Misc. South Individual 73 Yes 2.0
CL10205 2/5/2012 08:51:17 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 4.1
CL10206 2/5/2012 08:52:11 Misc. South Large Corporate 68 No 3.4
CL10207 2/5/2012 08:55:41 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL10208 2/5/2012 09:00:09 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL10209 2/5/2012 09:04:34 Misc. South SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL10210 2/5/2012 09:07:18 Software West SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL10211 2/5/2012 09:09:43 Misc. South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.7
CL10212 2/5/2012 09:10:51 Desktop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.6
CL10213 2/5/2012 09:16:19 Software West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL10214 2/5/2012 09:17:20 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL10215 2/5/2012 09:18:17 Laptop North SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL10216 2/5/2012 09:21:56 Software East Non-profit 52 Yes 3.1
CL10217 2/5/2012 09:26:03 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL10218 2/5/2012 09:28:33 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 52 Yes 3.8
CL10219 2/5/2012 09:28:59 Desktop East SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL10220 2/5/2012 09:30:53 Monitor West Non-profit 83 Yes 1.7
CL10221 2/5/2012 09:31:58 Monitor North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL10222 2/5/2012 09:34:32 Misc. South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL10223 2/5/2012 09:38:36 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 No 3.5
CL10224 2/5/2012 09:42:12 Desktop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL10225 2/5/2012 09:42:25 Laptop South SME 90 No 3.2
CL10226 2/5/2012 09:42:56 Misc. West Individual 64 Yes 2.8
CL10227 2/5/2012 09:43:02 Monitor East SME 67 Yes 3.2
CL10228 2/5/2012 09:45:28 Misc. East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.3
CL10229 2/5/2012 09:49:12 Desktop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL10230 2/5/2012 09:53:25 Software South SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL10231 2/5/2012 09:54:00 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.9
CL10232 2/5/2012 09:54:18 Laptop South Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL10233 2/5/2012 10:00:03 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL10234 2/5/2012 10:00:43 Software West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL10235 2/5/2012 10:02:31 Laptop South SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL10236 2/5/2012 10:08:16 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL10237 2/5/2012 10:10:17 Software North SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL10238 2/5/2012 10:13:53 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL10239 2/5/2012 10:15:14 Laptop East Large Corporate 95 Yes 2.8
CL10240 2/5/2012 10:18:26 Accessories East Non-profit 67 No 2.3
CL10241 2/5/2012 10:18:42 Desktop East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.4
CL10242 2/5/2012 10:20:24 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL10243 2/5/2012 10:22:27 Accessories East Individual 85 Yes 3.1
CL10244 2/5/2012 10:25:54 Monitor North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL10245 2/5/2012 10:31:24 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL10246 2/5/2012 10:36:30 Monitor West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.1
CL10247 2/5/2012 10:40:36 Misc. South Large Corporate 95 Yes 2.5
CL10248 2/5/2012 10:45:39 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL10249 2/5/2012 10:49:51 Accessories North Non-profit 70 Yes 4.0
CL10250 2/5/2012 10:50:09 Software West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL10251 2/5/2012 10:50:43 Laptop South SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL10252 2/5/2012 10:50:57 Software Mid-west SME 90 Yes 2.7
CL10253 2/5/2012 10:51:42 Misc. East Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.3
CL10254 2/5/2012 10:54:42 Misc. South SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL10255 2/5/2012 10:54:49 Desktop South Non-profit 90 Yes 2.8
CL10256 2/5/2012 10:58:59 Software East Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL10257 2/5/2012 11:04:32 Monitor South Individual 64 Yes 2.4
CL10258 2/5/2012 11:06:33 Accessories North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL10259 2/5/2012 11:07:04 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL10260 2/5/2012 11:07:43 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.4
CL10261 2/5/2012 11:12:52 Misc. West SME 89 Yes 3.6
CL10262 2/5/2012 11:15:29 Monitor West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL10263 2/5/2012 11:17:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL10264 2/5/2012 11:23:20 Misc. East Non-profit 83 Yes 2.2
CL10265 2/5/2012 11:23:30 Software East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL10266 2/5/2012 11:27:08 Desktop North Non-profit 88 Yes 3.7
CL10267 2/5/2012 11:28:41 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL10268 2/5/2012 11:33:10 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL10269 2/5/2012 11:36:03 Misc. East SME 70 Yes 2.7
CL10270 2/5/2012 11:36:58 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.6
CL10271 2/5/2012 11:41:47 Monitor North Individual 86 Yes 3.6
CL10272 2/5/2012 11:42:08 Software North Non-profit 72 Yes 4.2
CL10273 2/5/2012 11:42:57 Accessories North Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL10274 2/5/2012 11:44:47 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL10275 2/5/2012 11:49:10 Misc. East SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL10276 2/5/2012 11:51:18 Misc. West Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL10277 2/5/2012 11:51:40 Accessories South SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL10278 2/5/2012 11:52:48 Desktop East Non-profit 58 Yes 3.2
CL10279 2/5/2012 11:55:07 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL10280 2/5/2012 12:00:32 Accessories West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL10281 2/5/2012 12:00:54 Misc. West Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL10282 2/5/2012 12:01:53 Laptop North SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL10283 2/5/2012 12:07:18 Software Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL10284 2/5/2012 12:10:45 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.9
CL10285 2/5/2012 12:11:24 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL10286 2/5/2012 12:14:13 Misc. East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL10287 2/5/2012 12:19:11 Desktop South Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL10288 2/5/2012 12:21:16 Accessories Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL10289 2/5/2012 12:22:30 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL10290 2/5/2012 12:23:59 Misc. South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.6
CL10291 2/5/2012 12:25:11 Misc. North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL10292 2/5/2012 12:28:58 Monitor West Individual 66 Yes 3.3
CL10293 2/5/2012 12:30:28 Misc. West SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL10294 2/5/2012 12:34:31 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 1.5
CL10295 2/5/2012 12:38:46 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL10296 2/5/2012 12:44:14 Software West Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL10297 2/5/2012 12:49:49 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.5
CL10298 2/5/2012 12:53:54 Laptop South Individual 83 Yes 3.2
CL10299 2/5/2012 12:55:57 Laptop South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.0
CL10300 2/5/2012 13:01:36 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL10301 2/5/2012 13:02:58 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.6
CL10302 2/5/2012 13:04:54 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL10303 2/5/2012 13:08:56 Accessories East SME 86 Yes 3.9
CL10304 2/5/2012 13:11:30 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.9
CL10305 2/5/2012 13:14:49 Accessories Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.4
CL10306 2/5/2012 13:15:41 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL10307 2/5/2012 13:18:51 Monitor South Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL10308 2/5/2012 13:20:53 Software North Non-profit 83 Yes 1.8
CL10309 2/5/2012 13:25:27 Accessories East Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL10310 2/5/2012 13:28:12 Accessories West Individual 62 Yes 3.1
CL10311 2/5/2012 13:29:48 Monitor West Non-profit 60 Yes 3.2
CL10312 2/5/2012 13:33:54 Desktop North Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL10313 2/5/2012 13:34:13 Desktop North SME 88 Yes 3.3
CL10314 2/5/2012 13:38:22 Accessories West SME 83 Yes 2.3
CL10315 2/5/2012 13:43:39 Misc. South Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.6
CL10316 2/5/2012 13:46:46 Desktop South SME 73 No 2.2
CL10317 2/5/2012 13:49:29 Misc. East Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.4
CL10318 2/5/2012 13:53:19 Laptop North Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL10319 2/5/2012 13:57:42 Laptop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL10320 2/5/2012 13:58:18 Laptop East SME 88 Yes 2.9
CL10321 2/5/2012 14:03:26 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL10322 2/5/2012 14:07:02 Accessories North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL10323 2/5/2012 14:09:44 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL10324 2/5/2012 14:13:10 Software South SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL10325 2/5/2012 14:13:19 Laptop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL10326 2/5/2012 14:16:27 Misc. East Individual 87 Yes 2.7
CL10327 2/5/2012 14:19:10 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL10328 2/5/2012 14:24:10 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 3.4
CL10329 2/5/2012 14:29:46 Desktop East SME 75 Yes 3.8
CL10330 2/5/2012 14:30:01 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL10331 2/5/2012 14:32:14 Misc. South Non-profit 62 Yes 2.9
CL10332 2/5/2012 14:37:11 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL10333 2/5/2012 14:37:52 Misc. South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL10334 2/5/2012 14:38:24 Misc. West Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL10335 2/5/2012 14:42:45 Accessories Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL10336 2/5/2012 14:48:27 Accessories Mid-west Individual 60 No 3.0
CL10337 2/5/2012 14:54:11 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 2.3
CL10338 2/5/2012 14:59:07 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL10339 2/5/2012 15:03:30 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL10340 2/5/2012 15:04:06 Software North Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL10341 2/5/2012 15:07:08 Desktop East Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL10342 2/5/2012 15:07:48 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL10343 2/5/2012 15:12:06 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.6
CL10344 2/5/2012 15:12:51 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 No 3.1
CL10345 2/5/2012 15:15:15 Laptop North Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.8
CL10346 2/5/2012 15:15:26 Software West SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL10347 2/5/2012 15:20:55 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.8
CL10348 2/5/2012 15:23:32 Laptop Mid-west SME 100 No 3.2
CL10349 2/5/2012 15:24:20 Misc. South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL10350 2/5/2012 15:26:57 Software East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL10351 2/5/2012 15:28:23 Accessories West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.7
CL10352 2/5/2012 15:32:09 Monitor Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.8
CL10353 2/5/2012 15:35:57 Monitor South SME 79 Yes 2.5
CL10354 2/5/2012 15:40:37 Accessories North Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL10355 2/5/2012 15:41:25 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL10356 2/5/2012 15:44:51 Software North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL10357 2/5/2012 15:45:32 Accessories East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.7
CL10358 2/5/2012 15:47:07 Misc. South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL10359 2/5/2012 15:47:44 Laptop West Non-profit 91 Yes 2.8
CL10360 2/5/2012 15:50:36 Software West SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL10361 2/5/2012 15:53:39 Desktop North Individual 64 Yes 2.5
CL10362 2/5/2012 15:56:42 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 68 No 3.2
CL10363 2/5/2012 15:58:40 Laptop East Non-profit 58 Yes 3.6
CL10364 2/5/2012 16:00:40 Laptop South Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL10365 2/5/2012 16:06:06 Monitor East Individual 82 Yes 2.4
CL10366 2/5/2012 16:06:38 Software East Non-profit 72 No 3.4
CL10367 2/5/2012 16:08:02 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL10368 2/5/2012 16:11:55 Monitor North Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.6
CL10369 2/5/2012 16:15:45 Accessories South Individual 79 Yes 2.2
CL10370 2/5/2012 16:21:17 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL10371 2/5/2012 16:21:30 Software West Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.8
CL10372 2/5/2012 16:24:46 Misc. South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.1
CL10373 2/5/2012 16:26:27 Monitor North Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL10374 2/5/2012 16:27:08 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL10375 2/5/2012 16:29:15 Desktop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL10376 2/5/2012 16:34:43 Accessories West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.5
CL10377 2/5/2012 16:36:03 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL10378 2/5/2012 16:39:10 Desktop South SME 84 Yes 2.4
CL10379 2/5/2012 16:40:10 Misc. East Non-profit 88 Yes 2.9
CL10380 2/5/2012 16:42:25 Accessories East Individual 84 Yes 3.7
CL10381 2/5/2012 16:42:54 Software Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.2
CL10382 2/5/2012 16:46:39 Misc. West Individual 84 Yes 3.3
CL10383 2/5/2012 16:51:36 Laptop East SME 62 No 1.8
CL10384 2/5/2012 16:56:44 Accessories West Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL10385 2/5/2012 16:58:51 Monitor North SME 98 Yes 3.3
CL10386 2/5/2012 17:00:22 Laptop East Individual 70 Yes 3.1
CL10387 2/5/2012 17:05:50 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 2.8
CL10388 2/5/2012 17:06:26 Software West SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL10389 2/5/2012 17:07:26 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL10390 2/5/2012 17:07:26 Monitor Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL10391 2/5/2012 17:12:09 Laptop South SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL10392 2/5/2012 17:12:46 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL10393 2/5/2012 17:16:24 Laptop South Large Corporate 92 Yes 4.3
CL10394 2/5/2012 17:16:59 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL10395 2/5/2012 17:17:09 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL10396 2/5/2012 17:22:18 Software East Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL10397 2/5/2012 17:25:09 Accessories East Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL10398 2/5/2012 17:30:47 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL10399 2/5/2012 17:33:43 Misc. South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL10400 2/5/2012 17:37:50 Monitor West Individual 76 Yes 2.2
CL10401 2/5/2012 17:39:36 Laptop West SME 85 Yes 3.1
CL10402 2/5/2012 17:39:59 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL10403 2/5/2012 17:42:01 Monitor East Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.5
CL10404 2/5/2012 17:45:41 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL10405 2/5/2012 17:49:29 Software North Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL10406 2/5/2012 17:53:27 Accessories East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL10407 2/5/2012 17:55:19 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.7
CL10408 2/5/2012 17:56:44 Monitor North Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL10409 2/5/2012 17:57:29 Software North SME 64 Yes 2.7
CL10410 2/5/2012 18:02:46 Software South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.5
CL10411 2/5/2012 18:04:37 Software East Individual 72 No 2.4
CL10412 2/5/2012 18:09:27 Desktop West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.4
CL10413 2/5/2012 18:10:40 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL10414 2/5/2012 18:15:21 Laptop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL10415 2/5/2012 18:16:38 Accessories South Individual 80 Yes 3.4
CL10416 2/5/2012 18:18:53 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.2
CL10417 2/5/2012 18:20:04 Laptop South Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL10418 2/5/2012 18:23:36 Monitor North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.8
CL10419 2/5/2012 18:26:23 Accessories West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL10420 2/5/2012 18:26:45 Misc. West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.5
CL10421 2/5/2012 18:30:32 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL10422 2/5/2012 18:30:44 Accessories West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL10423 2/5/2012 18:35:37 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 2.3
CL10424 2/5/2012 18:36:34 Laptop Mid-west Individual 97 Yes 3.2
CL10425 2/5/2012 18:38:59 Misc. East Individual 82 No 2.6
CL10426 2/5/2012 18:42:07 Misc. East Individual 85 Yes 2.4
CL10427 2/5/2012 18:42:40 Laptop East Individual 61 Yes 3.3
CL10428 2/5/2012 18:44:38 Misc. East SME 82 Yes 3.4
CL10429 2/5/2012 18:46:29 Laptop North SME 62 Yes 2.5
CL10430 2/5/2012 18:51:28 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.6
CL10431 2/5/2012 18:52:26 Software East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL10432 2/5/2012 18:57:48 Monitor North Non-profit 63 No 2.7
CL10433 2/5/2012 19:02:12 Accessories North Non-profit 62 Yes 2.5
CL10434 2/5/2012 19:06:18 Misc. West SME 84 Yes 2.8
CL10435 2/5/2012 19:08:27 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL10436 2/5/2012 19:08:58 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 3.8
CL10437 2/5/2012 19:10:34 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 3.8
CL10438 2/5/2012 19:16:05 Desktop South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.7
CL10439 2/5/2012 19:19:36 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL10440 2/5/2012 19:19:42 Software North Individual 59 Yes 3.8
CL10441 2/5/2012 19:24:48 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL10442 2/5/2012 19:25:22 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 2.3
CL10443 2/5/2012 19:26:07 Misc. West SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL10444 2/5/2012 19:30:02 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 No 3.2
CL10445 2/5/2012 19:34:43 Misc. Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL10446 2/5/2012 19:39:12 Laptop South Non-profit 77 No 3.0
CL10447 2/5/2012 19:40:33 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL10448 2/5/2012 19:45:56 Laptop South Individual 84 Yes 3.5
CL10449 2/5/2012 19:50:29 Monitor West SME 56 Yes 3.1
CL10450 2/5/2012 19:53:33 Accessories North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.4
CL10451 2/5/2012 19:55:51 Software East SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL10452 2/5/2012 20:00:29 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL10453 2/5/2012 20:05:02 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL10454 2/5/2012 20:07:08 Laptop South Individual 87 Yes 2.7
CL10455 2/5/2012 20:10:33 Monitor North Individual 66 Yes 1.8
CL10456 2/5/2012 20:13:27 Laptop West Non-profit 65 Yes 2.3
CL10457 2/5/2012 20:16:00 Desktop South Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL10458 2/5/2012 20:18:09 Misc. Mid-west SME 80 No 3.2
CL10459 2/5/2012 20:20:29 Desktop North SME 63 Yes 2.7
CL10460 2/5/2012 20:24:19 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL10461 2/5/2012 20:25:15 Software South Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL10462 2/5/2012 20:26:15 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL10463 2/5/2012 20:27:47 Accessories North SME 83 Yes 3.4
CL10464 2/5/2012 20:33:19 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL10465 2/5/2012 20:38:48 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL10466 2/5/2012 20:39:38 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL10467 2/5/2012 20:43:50 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 2.7
CL10468 2/5/2012 20:46:16 Software West Non-profit 56 Yes 2.8
CL10469 2/5/2012 20:50:02 Monitor Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL10470 2/5/2012 20:50:54 Misc. East Individual 60 Yes 2.5
CL10471 2/5/2012 20:53:55 Desktop South Individual 65 Yes 3.6
CL10472 2/5/2012 20:59:36 Laptop North SME 66 Yes 1.6
CL10473 2/5/2012 21:04:22 Monitor South Individual 59 Yes 3.1
CL10474 2/5/2012 21:04:33 Monitor East SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL10475 2/5/2012 21:06:15 Misc. West SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL10476 2/5/2012 21:08:49 Software South SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL10477 2/5/2012 21:13:18 Monitor East Non-profit 88 Yes 3.0
CL10478 2/5/2012 21:18:03 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL10479 2/5/2012 21:18:38 Desktop Mid-west SME 75 No 2.3
CL10480 2/5/2012 21:19:19 Misc. North SME 65 Yes 2.8
CL10481 2/5/2012 21:19:57 Accessories West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.4
CL10482 2/5/2012 21:21:43 Misc. South Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL10483 2/5/2012 21:27:05 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL10484 2/5/2012 21:27:50 Software East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.3
CL10485 2/5/2012 21:33:29 Misc. Mid-west SME 60 Yes 3.4
CL10486 2/5/2012 21:35:06 Desktop West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.7
CL10487 2/5/2012 21:39:31 Laptop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.3
CL10488 2/5/2012 21:45:03 Desktop North Individual 78 Yes 2.1
CL10489 2/5/2012 21:45:38 Laptop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.7
CL10490 2/5/2012 21:46:25 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL10491 2/5/2012 21:51:52 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL10492 2/5/2012 21:55:18 Software Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL10493 2/5/2012 21:56:38 Laptop North Large Corporate 83 No 2.5
CL10494 2/5/2012 21:57:30 Software North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.0
CL10495 2/5/2012 22:01:17 Monitor East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL10496 2/6/2012 08:02:36 Desktop East Individual 59 Yes 3.4
CL10497 2/6/2012 08:05:35 Accessories North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL10498 2/6/2012 08:08:08 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 3.7
CL10499 2/6/2012 08:09:08 Desktop East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.0
CL10500 2/6/2012 08:13:25 Laptop South Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL10501 2/6/2012 08:17:01 Laptop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.5
CL10502 2/6/2012 08:18:32 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.8
CL10503 2/6/2012 08:21:52 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 3.4
CL10504 2/6/2012 08:24:15 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL10505 2/6/2012 08:27:06 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.0
CL10506 2/6/2012 08:31:45 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL10507 2/6/2012 08:34:29 Accessories South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL10508 2/6/2012 08:38:21 Misc. Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.4
CL10509 2/6/2012 08:40:57 Software South SME 63 Yes 2.4
CL10510 2/6/2012 08:46:20 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 4.0
CL10511 2/6/2012 08:49:19 Misc. South SME 59 Yes 3.0
CL10512 2/6/2012 08:50:20 Laptop North SME 61 No 2.9
CL10513 2/6/2012 08:50:21 Desktop West Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL10514 2/6/2012 08:55:35 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL10515 2/6/2012 09:01:11 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL10516 2/6/2012 09:02:24 Misc. South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.3
CL10517 2/6/2012 09:06:05 Misc. East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL10518 2/6/2012 09:07:48 Software East Individual 72 Yes 2.2
CL10519 2/6/2012 09:13:13 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 4.5
CL10520 2/6/2012 09:16:39 Misc. East SME 86 Yes 2.6
CL10521 2/6/2012 09:19:19 Monitor North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL10522 2/6/2012 09:20:12 Software West Individual 86 Yes 2.2
CL10523 2/6/2012 09:23:22 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL10524 2/6/2012 09:26:41 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL10525 2/6/2012 09:27:56 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 1.8
CL10526 2/6/2012 09:30:18 Misc. South SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL10527 2/6/2012 09:34:14 Laptop East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL10528 2/6/2012 09:35:41 Monitor West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL10529 2/6/2012 09:36:32 Monitor West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL10530 2/6/2012 09:38:43 Accessories North SME 70 Yes 3.7
CL10531 2/6/2012 09:40:15 Monitor East SME 86 Yes 3.2
CL10532 2/6/2012 09:41:05 Software West Individual 65 Yes 2.1
CL10533 2/6/2012 09:45:27 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.2
CL10534 2/6/2012 09:45:42 Monitor West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.5
CL10535 2/6/2012 09:50:13 Software East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL10536 2/6/2012 09:54:28 Accessories North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL10537 2/6/2012 09:55:35 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL10538 2/6/2012 09:57:06 Desktop Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL10539 2/6/2012 10:01:48 Desktop North Individual 65 Yes 3.6
CL10540 2/6/2012 10:03:50 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL10541 2/6/2012 10:07:15 Misc. North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL10542 2/6/2012 10:11:32 Laptop South Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL10543 2/6/2012 10:15:51 Software Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 3.6
CL10544 2/6/2012 10:18:24 Monitor South SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL10545 2/6/2012 10:18:33 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL10546 2/6/2012 10:21:43 Misc. East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.2
CL10547 2/6/2012 10:25:21 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.1
CL10548 2/6/2012 10:31:04 Software East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL10549 2/6/2012 10:31:38 Misc. North Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL10550 2/6/2012 10:33:18 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.4
CL10551 2/6/2012 10:34:21 Monitor North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL10552 2/6/2012 10:37:59 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL10553 2/6/2012 10:42:16 Desktop South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL10554 2/6/2012 10:47:12 Monitor South SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL10555 2/6/2012 10:52:28 Monitor North SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL10556 2/6/2012 10:57:35 Accessories East SME 97 Yes 3.4
CL10557 2/6/2012 10:58:57 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL10558 2/6/2012 11:04:00 Monitor South SME 69 No 2.4
CL10559 2/6/2012 11:06:04 Misc. North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.7
CL10560 2/6/2012 11:09:00 Software East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL10561 2/6/2012 11:14:43 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL10562 2/6/2012 11:19:50 Misc. North Individual 89 Yes 3.1
CL10563 2/6/2012 11:22:29 Software Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL10564 2/6/2012 11:25:27 Misc. South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL10565 2/6/2012 11:30:00 Laptop East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL10566 2/6/2012 11:32:57 Software North Large Corporate 85 No 2.9
CL10567 2/6/2012 11:38:41 Desktop North Individual 63 Yes 4.2
CL10568 2/6/2012 11:41:29 Desktop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL10569 2/6/2012 11:47:02 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL10570 2/6/2012 11:49:12 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 2.8
CL10571 2/6/2012 11:51:03 Monitor North Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL10572 2/6/2012 11:52:37 Accessories East Non-profit 78 No 2.9
CL10573 2/6/2012 11:55:06 Software East Non-profit 66 Yes 3.6
CL10574 2/6/2012 11:59:14 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL10575 2/6/2012 12:04:21 Software Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.4
CL10576 2/6/2012 12:08:52 Laptop South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL10577 2/6/2012 12:11:09 Desktop South SME 60 Yes 2.9
CL10578 2/6/2012 12:14:51 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL10579 2/6/2012 12:14:52 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL10580 2/6/2012 12:18:45 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 1.4
CL10581 2/6/2012 12:21:42 Software North SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL10582 2/6/2012 12:26:37 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 2.5
CL10583 2/6/2012 12:27:33 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL10584 2/6/2012 12:32:47 Accessories East Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL10585 2/6/2012 12:36:15 Monitor West Individual 68 Yes 3.2
CL10586 2/6/2012 12:38:09 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 4.0
CL10587 2/6/2012 12:40:28 Accessories South SME 64 Yes 2.4
CL10588 2/6/2012 12:45:43 Desktop West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.1
CL10589 2/6/2012 12:46:38 Laptop North Individual 85 Yes 3.7
CL10590 2/6/2012 12:51:30 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 1.3
CL10591 2/6/2012 12:56:15 Misc. North Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL10592 2/6/2012 12:58:28 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL10593 2/6/2012 13:00:52 Desktop Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL10594 2/6/2012 13:04:22 Misc. Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.8
CL10595 2/6/2012 13:05:47 Accessories West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL10596 2/6/2012 13:06:45 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL10597 2/6/2012 13:09:38 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL10598 2/6/2012 13:11:12 Software South SME 70 Yes 2.3
CL10599 2/6/2012 13:11:17 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 91 Yes 2.5
CL10600 2/6/2012 13:11:57 Software North Individual 68 Yes 3.8
CL10601 2/6/2012 13:14:31 Laptop East Individual 62 Yes 3.3
CL10602 2/6/2012 13:19:16 Accessories East SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL10603 2/6/2012 13:22:18 Laptop North SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL10604 2/6/2012 13:27:27 Accessories West Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL10605 2/6/2012 13:32:03 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL10606 2/6/2012 13:36:42 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL10607 2/6/2012 13:42:26 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 No 3.8
CL10608 2/6/2012 13:45:47 Software Mid-west Non-profit 61 Yes 3.8
CL10609 2/6/2012 13:46:00 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL10610 2/6/2012 13:46:17 Accessories East Individual 87 Yes 3.7
CL10611 2/6/2012 13:48:55 Software East SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL10612 2/6/2012 13:51:40 Monitor North SME 86 Yes 2.4
CL10613 2/6/2012 13:55:39 Accessories West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL10614 2/6/2012 13:59:11 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL10615 2/6/2012 14:02:55 Monitor West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL10616 2/6/2012 14:06:32 Monitor North SME 90 Yes 3.5
CL10617 2/6/2012 14:08:42 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.8
CL10618 2/6/2012 14:11:25 Laptop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL10619 2/6/2012 14:14:33 Software South Individual 70 Yes 2.0
CL10620 2/6/2012 14:14:37 Misc. North Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL10621 2/6/2012 14:19:21 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL10622 2/6/2012 14:22:07 Software Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 3.4
CL10623 2/6/2012 14:25:37 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL10624 2/6/2012 14:30:00 Software Mid-west Non-profit 78 No 3.2
CL10625 2/6/2012 14:31:38 Software North Individual 85 Yes 3.5
CL10626 2/6/2012 14:37:23 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL10627 2/6/2012 14:42:32 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 2.1
CL10628 2/6/2012 14:43:32 Accessories East SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL10629 2/6/2012 14:45:58 Accessories West SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL10630 2/6/2012 14:49:23 Monitor West Individual 91 Yes 2.1
CL10631 2/6/2012 14:53:21 Desktop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL10632 2/6/2012 14:56:06 Misc. North SME 84 Yes 4.0
CL10633 2/6/2012 14:58:22 Desktop West SME 86 Yes 3.0
CL10634 2/6/2012 15:01:56 Desktop North Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL10635 2/6/2012 15:02:19 Accessories South Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL10636 2/6/2012 15:07:24 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL10637 2/6/2012 15:08:19 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL10638 2/6/2012 15:09:56 Accessories South SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL10639 2/6/2012 15:11:38 Laptop West SME 65 Yes 2.9
CL10640 2/6/2012 15:14:40 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL10641 2/6/2012 15:19:40 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 99 Yes 2.4
CL10642 2/6/2012 15:21:24 Accessories North SME 90 Yes 3.4
CL10643 2/6/2012 15:22:02 Software North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.4
CL10644 2/6/2012 15:24:40 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 2.6
CL10645 2/6/2012 15:27:02 Monitor East Individual 65 Yes 3.4
CL10646 2/6/2012 15:28:36 Laptop South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.9
CL10647 2/6/2012 15:29:37 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL10648 2/6/2012 15:32:51 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL10649 2/6/2012 15:34:36 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL10650 2/6/2012 15:37:32 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL10651 2/6/2012 15:39:47 Accessories East Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL10652 2/6/2012 15:42:46 Desktop East Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL10653 2/6/2012 15:44:35 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL10654 2/6/2012 15:47:01 Desktop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.8
CL10655 2/6/2012 15:49:16 Desktop Mid-west Individual 79 No 2.5
CL10656 2/6/2012 15:52:05 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL10657 2/6/2012 15:53:36 Misc. East Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL10658 2/6/2012 15:57:26 Software West SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL10659 2/6/2012 16:01:35 Desktop West Individual 89 Yes 2.8
CL10660 2/6/2012 16:02:14 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL10661 2/6/2012 16:05:41 Software East Non-profit 94 Yes 1.9
CL10662 2/6/2012 16:08:27 Desktop East SME 63 Yes 2.8
CL10663 2/6/2012 16:11:07 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL10664 2/6/2012 16:12:28 Software East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL10665 2/6/2012 16:18:11 Software West SME 76 Yes 3.5
CL10666 2/6/2012 16:21:05 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL10667 2/6/2012 16:21:10 Laptop West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL10668 2/6/2012 16:23:57 Misc. South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.6
CL10669 2/6/2012 16:29:11 Misc. West Non-profit 63 Yes 2.9
CL10670 2/6/2012 16:29:33 Desktop Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.3
CL10671 2/6/2012 16:33:18 Software North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL10672 2/6/2012 16:37:55 Software West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL10673 2/6/2012 16:39:57 Software South Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.5
CL10674 2/6/2012 16:43:57 Accessories North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL10675 2/6/2012 16:46:33 Desktop East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL10676 2/6/2012 16:50:55 Accessories South SME 89 Yes 2.6
CL10677 2/6/2012 16:51:04 Misc. East Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL10678 2/6/2012 16:54:27 Laptop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 4.1
CL10679 2/6/2012 16:56:25 Accessories South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL10680 2/6/2012 17:01:40 Laptop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.2
CL10681 2/6/2012 17:04:25 Misc. North Individual 60 Yes 2.9
CL10682 2/6/2012 17:04:57 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL10683 2/6/2012 17:09:43 Monitor West Individual 67 Yes 3.7
CL10684 2/6/2012 17:12:58 Desktop North SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL10685 2/6/2012 17:13:12 Monitor East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL10686 2/6/2012 17:15:00 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL10687 2/6/2012 17:17:06 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL10688 2/6/2012 17:19:25 Desktop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.9
CL10689 2/6/2012 17:21:06 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL10690 2/6/2012 17:25:39 Software South Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL10691 2/6/2012 17:29:41 Desktop North SME 57 Yes 2.1
CL10692 2/6/2012 17:32:31 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL10693 2/6/2012 17:34:06 Laptop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL10694 2/6/2012 17:34:23 Software North SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL10695 2/6/2012 17:37:15 Monitor North Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.2
CL10696 2/6/2012 17:39:15 Laptop West SME 79 No 3.3
CL10697 2/6/2012 17:42:51 Monitor West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.5
CL10698 2/6/2012 17:43:30 Software South Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL10699 2/6/2012 17:48:30 Desktop West SME 70 Yes 2.9
CL10700 2/6/2012 17:53:20 Laptop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL10701 2/6/2012 17:57:24 Laptop North Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL10702 2/6/2012 18:00:39 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.2
CL10703 2/6/2012 18:06:07 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.5
CL10704 2/6/2012 18:11:17 Monitor West SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL10705 2/6/2012 18:16:46 Misc. West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL10706 2/6/2012 18:19:53 Accessories North Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL10707 2/6/2012 18:21:57 Monitor East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL10708 2/6/2012 18:25:23 Desktop East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.2
CL10709 2/6/2012 18:27:09 Software West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.5
CL10710 2/6/2012 18:32:43 Misc. South Individual 80 No 3.0
CL10711 2/6/2012 18:35:59 Monitor East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.3
CL10712 2/6/2012 18:39:05 Desktop East SME 91 Yes 3.5
CL10713 2/6/2012 18:44:38 Monitor North Large Corporate 60 No 3.4
CL10714 2/6/2012 18:49:23 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL10715 2/6/2012 18:54:42 Software North Individual 60 Yes 3.5
CL10716 2/6/2012 18:56:03 Laptop West SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL10717 2/6/2012 19:00:06 Desktop Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 2.9
CL10718 2/6/2012 19:02:00 Laptop East SME 65 Yes 2.5
CL10719 2/6/2012 19:04:09 Laptop South SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL10720 2/6/2012 19:07:57 Desktop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL10721 2/6/2012 19:08:16 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL10722 2/6/2012 19:10:30 Desktop South Large Corporate 55 Yes 3.1
CL10723 2/6/2012 19:13:27 Accessories South SME 67 Yes 3.6
CL10724 2/6/2012 19:13:54 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 1.9
CL10725 2/6/2012 19:19:25 Monitor Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL10726 2/6/2012 19:20:48 Monitor Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL10727 2/6/2012 19:22:54 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 No 2.5
CL10728 2/6/2012 19:24:40 Misc. North Individual 98 Yes 2.9
CL10729 2/6/2012 19:26:25 Desktop North Individual 85 No 4.3
CL10730 2/6/2012 19:29:36 Misc. West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.4
CL10731 2/6/2012 19:31:19 Misc. East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL10732 2/6/2012 19:34:56 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 3.4
CL10733 2/6/2012 19:36:09 Accessories North Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL10734 2/6/2012 19:40:36 Accessories North Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.0
CL10735 2/6/2012 19:43:20 Desktop South SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL10736 2/6/2012 19:48:06 Accessories South Non-profit 88 Yes 3.5
CL10737 2/6/2012 19:48:38 Accessories West SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL10738 2/6/2012 19:54:22 Software West Large Corporate 51 Yes 2.7
CL10739 2/6/2012 19:56:41 Software East SME 67 Yes 2.6
CL10740 2/6/2012 20:01:33 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 No 3.4
CL10741 2/6/2012 20:02:43 Monitor West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL10742 2/6/2012 20:06:57 Desktop West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL10743 2/6/2012 20:08:06 Misc. North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL10744 2/6/2012 20:11:57 Monitor West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.6
CL10745 2/6/2012 20:16:47 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL10746 2/6/2012 20:21:40 Monitor West Individual 60 Yes 2.7
CL10747 2/6/2012 20:25:30 Misc. South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL10748 2/6/2012 20:25:42 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.4
CL10749 2/6/2012 20:27:13 Desktop East Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL10750 2/6/2012 20:27:52 Software East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL10751 2/6/2012 20:31:22 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL10752 2/6/2012 20:32:51 Laptop East Individual 72 No 3.1
CL10753 2/6/2012 20:37:03 Misc. North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.4
CL10754 2/6/2012 20:40:15 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL10755 2/6/2012 20:42:55 Monitor East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.5
CL10756 2/6/2012 20:46:07 Software North SME 81 Yes 4.7
CL10757 2/6/2012 20:48:45 Laptop Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL10758 2/6/2012 20:48:46 Laptop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL10759 2/6/2012 20:53:51 Software South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL10760 2/6/2012 20:56:23 Monitor North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL10761 2/6/2012 20:57:02 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL10762 2/6/2012 21:00:16 Monitor Mid-west SME 86 No 3.6
CL10763 2/6/2012 21:02:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL10764 2/6/2012 21:04:39 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL10765 2/6/2012 21:08:40 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL10766 2/6/2012 21:11:14 Accessories South Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL10767 2/6/2012 21:16:45 Monitor South SME 101 No 3.1
CL10768 2/6/2012 21:21:47 Misc. East Individual 80 Yes 3.5
CL10769 2/6/2012 21:24:34 Misc. Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 2.5
CL10770 2/6/2012 21:26:43 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL10771 2/6/2012 21:30:02 Monitor Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 2.4
CL10772 2/6/2012 21:35:17 Monitor North Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL10773 2/6/2012 21:36:43 Monitor Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.5
CL10774 2/6/2012 21:40:11 Software North SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL10775 2/6/2012 21:42:14 Laptop North SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL10776 2/6/2012 21:42:31 Software West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL10777 2/6/2012 21:43:46 Desktop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL10778 2/6/2012 21:44:01 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL10779 2/6/2012 21:44:31 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 2.5
CL10780 2/6/2012 21:47:02 Software North SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL10781 2/6/2012 21:51:13 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 3.4
CL10782 2/6/2012 21:53:08 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 1.9
CL10783 2/6/2012 21:58:24 Misc. West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL10784 2/6/2012 22:00:52 Desktop South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL10785 2/7/2012 08:01:30 Software West Individual 87 Yes 3.8
CL10786 2/7/2012 08:03:04 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.6
CL10787 2/7/2012 08:08:14 Software Mid-west Non-profit 95 Yes 2.4
CL10788 2/7/2012 08:13:22 Laptop South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.2
CL10789 2/7/2012 08:14:08 Software Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 3.9
CL10790 2/7/2012 08:18:03 Misc. West Individual 71 Yes 3.6
CL10791 2/7/2012 08:21:15 Accessories East SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL10792 2/7/2012 08:24:50 Monitor South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.5
CL10793 2/7/2012 08:29:00 Misc. South Non-profit 61 Yes 2.8
CL10794 2/7/2012 08:29:42 Laptop North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.1
CL10795 2/7/2012 08:34:41 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL10796 2/7/2012 08:37:11 Monitor North SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL10797 2/7/2012 08:38:32 Desktop North Individual 85 No 3.6
CL10798 2/7/2012 08:43:57 Monitor South Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL10799 2/7/2012 08:46:41 Desktop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.1
CL10800 2/7/2012 08:49:58 Laptop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.9
CL10801 2/7/2012 08:50:53 Desktop West Individual 59 Yes 3.3
CL10802 2/7/2012 08:53:38 Monitor South Individual 59 Yes 2.7
CL10803 2/7/2012 08:54:12 Software South Large Corporate 65 No 3.1
CL10804 2/7/2012 08:57:20 Accessories South Individual 85 No 1.8
CL10805 2/7/2012 09:02:21 Accessories North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.2
CL10806 2/7/2012 09:07:38 Misc. East SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL10807 2/7/2012 09:09:43 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL10808 2/7/2012 09:12:42 Software East Individual 70 Yes 2.5
CL10809 2/7/2012 09:15:41 Misc. West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL10810 2/7/2012 09:21:06 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL10811 2/7/2012 09:26:29 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 3.6
CL10812 2/7/2012 09:30:51 Software North Large Corporate 94 Yes 2.8
CL10813 2/7/2012 09:32:00 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL10814 2/7/2012 09:35:29 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL10815 2/7/2012 09:39:22 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL10816 2/7/2012 09:41:27 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 3.5
CL10817 2/7/2012 09:44:32 Misc. South Non-profit 55 Yes 2.8
CL10818 2/7/2012 09:47:46 Desktop South Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL10819 2/7/2012 09:51:24 Misc. South Non-profit 96 Yes 2.7
CL10820 2/7/2012 09:52:02 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL10821 2/7/2012 09:56:29 Software North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL10822 2/7/2012 09:57:14 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL10823 2/7/2012 09:57:20 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 3.4
CL10824 2/7/2012 10:00:48 Software West Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL10825 2/7/2012 10:04:01 Monitor North Large Corporate 61 Yes 1.9
CL10826 2/7/2012 10:09:45 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 72 No 3.4
CL10827 2/7/2012 10:11:01 Misc. North Individual 84 Yes 2.0
CL10828 2/7/2012 10:16:32 Accessories North Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL10829 2/7/2012 10:18:16 Laptop East Large Corporate 64 Yes 4.0
CL10830 2/7/2012 10:22:57 Accessories South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.2
CL10831 2/7/2012 10:23:18 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 2.0
CL10832 2/7/2012 10:26:53 Accessories Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.0
CL10833 2/7/2012 10:27:51 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL10834 2/7/2012 10:30:19 Monitor East Individual 74 Yes 2.2
CL10835 2/7/2012 10:35:08 Laptop South SME 70 Yes 2.4
CL10836 2/7/2012 10:36:51 Desktop East Individual 87 No 3.1
CL10837 2/7/2012 10:38:07 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL10838 2/7/2012 10:42:51 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL10839 2/7/2012 10:44:17 Accessories East Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL10840 2/7/2012 10:44:39 Laptop North Individual 82 Yes 2.0
CL10841 2/7/2012 10:50:24 Software West Non-profit 92 Yes 3.0
CL10842 2/7/2012 10:51:58 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL10843 2/7/2012 10:54:14 Misc. East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.0
CL10844 2/7/2012 10:58:44 Misc. Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL10845 2/7/2012 11:02:11 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL10846 2/7/2012 11:06:18 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL10847 2/7/2012 11:07:54 Laptop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL10848 2/7/2012 11:09:38 Monitor West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL10849 2/7/2012 11:11:33 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.3
CL10850 2/7/2012 11:12:21 Desktop East Individual 93 Yes 3.0
CL10851 2/7/2012 11:14:28 Laptop West SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL10852 2/7/2012 11:18:39 Misc. South Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL10853 2/7/2012 11:18:44 Software East Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.5
CL10854 2/7/2012 11:19:36 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.6
CL10855 2/7/2012 11:20:44 Software South Non-profit 66 No 3.2
CL10856 2/7/2012 11:24:05 Desktop West Non-profit 73 No 3.4
CL10857 2/7/2012 11:25:22 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL10858 2/7/2012 11:31:03 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL10859 2/7/2012 11:31:07 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL10860 2/7/2012 11:32:42 Software East SME 90 Yes 2.9
CL10861 2/7/2012 11:36:27 Software West SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL10862 2/7/2012 11:41:29 Misc. South Individual 77 Yes 2.1
CL10863 2/7/2012 11:46:31 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 No 3.1
CL10864 2/7/2012 11:49:15 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 4.6
CL10865 2/7/2012 11:50:07 Accessories South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL10866 2/7/2012 11:55:35 Accessories West Individual 70 Yes 3.8
CL10867 2/7/2012 12:00:36 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.4
CL10868 2/7/2012 12:05:57 Accessories South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL10869 2/7/2012 12:11:33 Accessories South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL10870 2/7/2012 12:16:17 Desktop East Individual 82 Yes 2.4
CL10871 2/7/2012 12:19:05 Desktop West Individual 87 Yes 3.5
CL10872 2/7/2012 12:19:54 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.3
CL10873 2/7/2012 12:20:45 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL10874 2/7/2012 12:23:19 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.7
CL10875 2/7/2012 12:24:34 Monitor East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.2
CL10876 2/7/2012 12:28:46 Software North SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL10877 2/7/2012 12:31:20 Misc. West Individual 57 Yes 3.1
CL10878 2/7/2012 12:35:25 Software West Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL10879 2/7/2012 12:38:32 Accessories West Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL10880 2/7/2012 12:43:49 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 3.7
CL10881 2/7/2012 12:44:44 Laptop East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL10882 2/7/2012 12:48:01 Misc. East Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.0
CL10883 2/7/2012 12:50:36 Misc. East SME 63 Yes 2.5
CL10884 2/7/2012 12:52:44 Misc. West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.2
CL10885 2/7/2012 12:55:38 Misc. West Individual 85 Yes 3.4
CL10886 2/7/2012 13:00:47 Laptop West Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL10887 2/7/2012 13:02:16 Accessories North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.4
CL10888 2/7/2012 13:04:16 Accessories North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.4
CL10889 2/7/2012 13:04:32 Monitor East SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL10890 2/7/2012 13:04:34 Monitor East SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL10891 2/7/2012 13:05:03 Accessories North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL10892 2/7/2012 13:08:52 Desktop South SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL10893 2/7/2012 13:10:33 Laptop South SME 71 Yes 4.1
CL10894 2/7/2012 13:13:28 Desktop West Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL10895 2/7/2012 13:13:35 Software North SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL10896 2/7/2012 13:18:27 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL10897 2/7/2012 13:21:58 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.1
CL10898 2/7/2012 13:26:17 Software North SME 74 Yes 4.0
CL10899 2/7/2012 13:30:00 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 4.0
CL10900 2/7/2012 13:30:19 Laptop South Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.3
CL10901 2/7/2012 13:31:00 Laptop North SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL10902 2/7/2012 13:34:25 Misc. West Individual 89 Yes 2.2
CL10903 2/7/2012 13:36:28 Accessories West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL10904 2/7/2012 13:42:11 Accessories South Individual 85 Yes 2.6
CL10905 2/7/2012 13:46:50 Monitor Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL10906 2/7/2012 13:47:04 Monitor West Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL10907 2/7/2012 13:48:35 Accessories South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL10908 2/7/2012 13:49:28 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL10909 2/7/2012 13:52:31 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 2.9
CL10910 2/7/2012 13:55:36 Monitor South SME 68 Yes 2.2
CL10911 2/7/2012 13:56:18 Laptop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.2
CL10912 2/7/2012 13:57:45 Accessories North SME 87 Yes 3.8
CL10913 2/7/2012 14:00:30 Software South SME 77 Yes 2.1
CL10914 2/7/2012 14:02:07 Misc. West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL10915 2/7/2012 14:06:44 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 2.8
CL10916 2/7/2012 14:09:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 4.2
CL10917 2/7/2012 14:14:29 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.8
CL10918 2/7/2012 14:19:52 Desktop North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL10919 2/7/2012 14:25:11 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL10920 2/7/2012 14:27:13 Monitor West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.0
CL10921 2/7/2012 14:27:13 Desktop North Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.3
CL10922 2/7/2012 14:27:15 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL10923 2/7/2012 14:31:31 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL10924 2/7/2012 14:37:14 Laptop East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.1
CL10925 2/7/2012 14:37:16 Software South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL10926 2/7/2012 14:40:29 Accessories North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL10927 2/7/2012 14:45:44 Monitor East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL10928 2/7/2012 14:46:49 Monitor South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL10929 2/7/2012 14:50:59 Software South SME 63 Yes 2.5
CL10930 2/7/2012 14:52:10 Accessories North Individual 64 Yes 3.4
CL10931 2/7/2012 14:54:42 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL10932 2/7/2012 14:58:13 Software East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.3
CL10933 2/7/2012 15:01:52 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL10934 2/7/2012 15:03:09 Software North SME 69 Yes 3.5
CL10935 2/7/2012 15:07:00 Laptop West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL10936 2/7/2012 15:10:43 Desktop West Individual 86 No 2.8
CL10937 2/7/2012 15:12:14 Laptop West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.7
CL10938 2/7/2012 15:16:59 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.7
CL10939 2/7/2012 15:20:20 Monitor West SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL10940 2/7/2012 15:20:52 Software East Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL10941 2/7/2012 15:23:58 Monitor West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.4
CL10942 2/7/2012 15:29:39 Software West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL10943 2/7/2012 15:31:47 Misc. Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 3.6
CL10944 2/7/2012 15:34:48 Laptop North SME 94 Yes 3.0
CL10945 2/7/2012 15:39:54 Monitor South Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL10946 2/7/2012 15:40:12 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL10947 2/7/2012 15:44:07 Monitor West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL10948 2/7/2012 15:46:41 Misc. South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL10949 2/7/2012 15:52:15 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 4.3
CL10950 2/7/2012 15:55:24 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL10951 2/7/2012 16:00:07 Desktop North Individual 79 Yes 3.9
CL10952 2/7/2012 16:00:58 Desktop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.4
CL10953 2/7/2012 16:01:09 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL10954 2/7/2012 16:03:30 Misc. South SME 83 No 2.5
CL10955 2/7/2012 16:05:03 Laptop West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.9
CL10956 2/7/2012 16:06:44 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 4.1
CL10957 2/7/2012 16:10:33 Accessories Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL10958 2/7/2012 16:13:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 2.1
CL10959 2/7/2012 16:13:58 Desktop West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL10960 2/7/2012 16:17:27 Laptop West SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL10961 2/7/2012 16:21:52 Software East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL10962 2/7/2012 16:22:55 Accessories Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL10963 2/7/2012 16:26:53 Desktop North Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL10964 2/7/2012 16:31:08 Laptop North SME 69 Yes 3.5
CL10965 2/7/2012 16:31:51 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL10966 2/7/2012 16:33:00 Software West Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL10967 2/7/2012 16:36:52 Software West Individual 84 Yes 3.0
CL10968 2/7/2012 16:37:34 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.1
CL10969 2/7/2012 16:39:45 Software North Individual 76 Yes 3.8
CL10970 2/7/2012 16:43:08 Accessories South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.2
CL10971 2/7/2012 16:46:51 Misc. West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.5
CL10972 2/7/2012 16:50:37 Software North SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL10973 2/7/2012 16:55:44 Misc. West Individual 71 Yes 2.2
CL10974 2/7/2012 16:58:10 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 1.8
CL10975 2/7/2012 16:59:10 Misc. West Large Corporate 54 Yes 2.8
CL10976 2/7/2012 16:59:17 Laptop North Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL10977 2/7/2012 17:04:23 Monitor South Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.9
CL10978 2/7/2012 17:09:15 Accessories West SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL10979 2/7/2012 17:10:41 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL10980 2/7/2012 17:13:49 Software North SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL10981 2/7/2012 17:14:12 Misc. South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL10982 2/7/2012 17:15:51 Misc. South Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.2
CL10983 2/7/2012 17:17:09 Laptop West Individual 73 No 3.1
CL10984 2/7/2012 17:19:58 Desktop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL10985 2/7/2012 17:23:16 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.1
CL10986 2/7/2012 17:25:22 Monitor South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.4
CL10987 2/7/2012 17:25:49 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL10988 2/7/2012 17:29:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.6
CL10989 2/7/2012 17:33:39 Software East Individual 77 Yes 3.7
CL10990 2/7/2012 17:35:54 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL10991 2/7/2012 17:38:51 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.1
CL10992 2/7/2012 17:41:50 Accessories Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.7
CL10993 2/7/2012 17:44:20 Misc. West Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL10994 2/7/2012 17:47:36 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL10995 2/7/2012 17:51:31 Desktop South Individual 82 Yes 3.7
CL10996 2/7/2012 17:55:37 Laptop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL10997 2/7/2012 17:58:31 Laptop North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.4
CL10998 2/7/2012 18:01:02 Software North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.0
CL10999 2/7/2012 18:03:53 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL11000 2/7/2012 18:04:55 Accessories South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL11001 2/7/2012 18:05:13 Accessories Mid-west SME 82 Yes 1.7
CL11002 2/7/2012 18:05:38 Software Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL11003 2/7/2012 18:11:12 Software North Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL11004 2/7/2012 18:15:56 Desktop North Individual 68 Yes 2.5
CL11005 2/7/2012 18:21:35 Accessories North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL11006 2/7/2012 18:25:14 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.9
CL11007 2/7/2012 18:28:08 Accessories East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL11008 2/7/2012 18:30:20 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL11009 2/7/2012 18:33:16 Desktop North Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL11010 2/7/2012 18:38:51 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.3
CL11011 2/7/2012 18:44:35 Monitor South SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL11012 2/7/2012 18:47:14 Software Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL11013 2/7/2012 18:50:10 Desktop West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL11014 2/7/2012 18:54:47 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 2.4
CL11015 2/7/2012 18:56:10 Software South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL11016 2/7/2012 18:57:14 Desktop South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL11017 2/7/2012 18:57:59 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.6
CL11018 2/7/2012 19:03:24 Accessories North Individual 90 No 2.9
CL11019 2/7/2012 19:04:13 Laptop North SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL11020 2/7/2012 19:05:24 Accessories North Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.8
CL11021 2/7/2012 19:10:47 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 3.7
CL11022 2/7/2012 19:11:58 Laptop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.5
CL11023 2/7/2012 19:16:03 Software North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.8
CL11024 2/7/2012 19:21:16 Desktop South Individual 60 Yes 2.3
CL11025 2/7/2012 19:22:14 Laptop West SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL11026 2/7/2012 19:23:01 Monitor West Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL11027 2/7/2012 19:23:47 Misc. West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL11028 2/7/2012 19:25:46 Monitor East Individual 79 Yes 3.0
CL11029 2/7/2012 19:26:16 Accessories East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.5
CL11030 2/7/2012 19:26:45 Monitor East Individual 64 Yes 3.6
CL11031 2/7/2012 19:32:18 Software Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL11032 2/7/2012 19:37:33 Accessories Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL11033 2/7/2012 19:39:45 Desktop West SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL11034 2/7/2012 19:43:39 Accessories North Individual 65 Yes 3.0
CL11035 2/7/2012 19:48:06 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.6
CL11036 2/7/2012 19:48:53 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL11037 2/7/2012 19:53:45 Accessories East Large Corporate 72 Yes 4.0
CL11038 2/7/2012 19:54:49 Software East SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL11039 2/7/2012 19:57:21 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL11040 2/7/2012 20:02:23 Misc. West SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL11041 2/7/2012 20:06:19 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.5
CL11042 2/7/2012 20:11:25 Laptop South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL11043 2/7/2012 20:12:31 Misc. East Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL11044 2/7/2012 20:15:19 Accessories North Individual 79 Yes 3.5
CL11045 2/7/2012 20:20:09 Software North SME 67 Yes 2.6
CL11046 2/7/2012 20:23:18 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 2.3
CL11047 2/7/2012 20:26:55 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL11048 2/7/2012 20:30:54 Laptop West SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL11049 2/7/2012 20:32:03 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL11050 2/7/2012 20:32:44 Software East Non-profit 87 Yes 2.8
CL11051 2/7/2012 20:33:22 Desktop East Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL11052 2/7/2012 20:37:31 Desktop West Individual 69 Yes 4.1
CL11053 2/7/2012 20:40:51 Misc. West Non-profit 62 Yes 2.2
CL11054 2/7/2012 20:42:17 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL11055 2/7/2012 20:43:59 Software West Individual 65 Yes 3.4
CL11056 2/7/2012 20:46:27 Software South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.4
CL11057 2/7/2012 20:50:21 Laptop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.3
CL11058 2/7/2012 20:55:39 Monitor East Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.8
CL11059 2/7/2012 20:56:38 Desktop North SME 81 Yes 3.5
CL11060 2/7/2012 21:01:24 Software West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL11061 2/7/2012 21:06:17 Software East Large Corporate 59 Yes 3.0
CL11062 2/7/2012 21:11:02 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 3.5
CL11063 2/7/2012 21:12:12 Software East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL11064 2/7/2012 21:12:52 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL11065 2/7/2012 21:18:16 Misc. South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL11066 2/7/2012 21:19:42 Accessories Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL11067 2/7/2012 21:21:33 Laptop South Non-profit 64 Yes 2.7
CL11068 2/7/2012 21:26:18 Desktop South SME 67 Yes 3.0
CL11069 2/7/2012 21:28:19 Monitor North Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL11070 2/7/2012 21:30:12 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL11071 2/7/2012 21:32:16 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL11072 2/7/2012 21:36:19 Misc. South SME 65 Yes 2.3
CL11073 2/7/2012 21:41:21 Misc. East SME 73 Yes 2.6
CL11074 2/7/2012 21:45:49 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL11075 2/7/2012 21:50:48 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 66 No 3.9
CL11076 2/7/2012 21:54:28 Accessories North Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL11077 2/7/2012 22:00:00 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.8
CL11078 2/8/2012 08:04:57 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 2.5
CL11079 2/8/2012 08:06:01 Desktop West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL11080 2/8/2012 08:09:08 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 No 3.1
CL11081 2/8/2012 08:13:14 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL11082 2/8/2012 08:16:49 Accessories Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL11083 2/8/2012 08:18:31 Laptop West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL11084 2/8/2012 08:21:55 Software South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL11085 2/8/2012 08:22:30 Software North SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL11086 2/8/2012 08:25:44 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 No 3.5
CL11087 2/8/2012 08:26:59 Misc. North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.8
CL11088 2/8/2012 08:28:54 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL11089 2/8/2012 08:31:36 Software North SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL11090 2/8/2012 08:35:20 Monitor Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL11091 2/8/2012 08:40:46 Desktop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL11092 2/8/2012 08:44:17 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL11093 2/8/2012 08:44:37 Accessories East SME 89 Yes 2.3
CL11094 2/8/2012 08:44:53 Accessories South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL11095 2/8/2012 08:47:20 Misc. North SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL11096 2/8/2012 08:50:02 Software North Individual 74 Yes 2.4
CL11097 2/8/2012 08:54:31 Desktop Mid-west SME 81 No 3.2
CL11098 2/8/2012 08:58:38 Laptop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL11099 2/8/2012 09:03:47 Misc. North Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL11100 2/8/2012 09:05:57 Accessories Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 3.6
CL11101 2/8/2012 09:07:43 Monitor North SME 67 Yes 3.7
CL11102 2/8/2012 09:07:59 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL11103 2/8/2012 09:13:12 Misc. Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.6
CL11104 2/8/2012 09:16:19 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL11105 2/8/2012 09:19:24 Monitor East Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL11106 2/8/2012 09:21:09 Monitor West Non-profit 82 No 3.7
CL11107 2/8/2012 09:24:31 Desktop East Individual 67 No 2.5
CL11108 2/8/2012 09:29:33 Desktop South SME 61 Yes 3.0
CL11109 2/8/2012 09:31:49 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL11110 2/8/2012 09:36:22 Misc. South Non-profit 87 Yes 2.5
CL11111 2/8/2012 09:40:45 Misc. Mid-west Individual 49 Yes 2.7
CL11112 2/8/2012 09:44:27 Misc. West Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL11113 2/8/2012 09:47:25 Software South Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL11114 2/8/2012 09:48:15 Monitor North Individual 64 Yes 3.5
CL11115 2/8/2012 09:48:26 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL11116 2/8/2012 09:53:20 Software West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.4
CL11117 2/8/2012 09:55:22 Desktop South Individual 74 Yes 2.3
CL11118 2/8/2012 09:56:00 Desktop North Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.0
CL11119 2/8/2012 09:56:43 Software North Non-profit 61 Yes 2.3
CL11120 2/8/2012 09:57:30 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 No 3.3
CL11121 2/8/2012 10:00:25 Misc. North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL11122 2/8/2012 10:02:23 Monitor North SME 76 Yes 3.5
CL11123 2/8/2012 10:05:54 Misc. North Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL11124 2/8/2012 10:08:26 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 4.0
CL11125 2/8/2012 10:12:19 Monitor East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.7
CL11126 2/8/2012 10:17:49 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL11127 2/8/2012 10:17:53 Monitor West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL11128 2/8/2012 10:18:27 Desktop North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.6
CL11129 2/8/2012 10:19:52 Laptop East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL11130 2/8/2012 10:24:18 Desktop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL11131 2/8/2012 10:26:28 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL11132 2/8/2012 10:31:58 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL11133 2/8/2012 10:35:52 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL11134 2/8/2012 10:36:22 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL11135 2/8/2012 10:36:55 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 2.2
CL11136 2/8/2012 10:37:26 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL11137 2/8/2012 10:40:59 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 2.6
CL11138 2/8/2012 10:44:14 Laptop West SME 83 Yes 2.1
CL11139 2/8/2012 10:45:10 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL11140 2/8/2012 10:46:52 Laptop North SME 62 Yes 3.0
CL11141 2/8/2012 10:49:24 Desktop South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL11142 2/8/2012 10:54:08 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL11143 2/8/2012 10:58:30 Software West SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL11144 2/8/2012 11:03:34 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL11145 2/8/2012 11:08:40 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.5
CL11146 2/8/2012 11:08:52 Desktop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL11147 2/8/2012 11:11:47 Software South Non-profit 55 Yes 2.8
CL11148 2/8/2012 11:15:26 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL11149 2/8/2012 11:18:54 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL11150 2/8/2012 11:23:22 Laptop Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL11151 2/8/2012 11:25:21 Misc. South SME 85 Yes 3.2
CL11152 2/8/2012 11:25:46 Software East Non-profit 72 Yes 4.4
CL11153 2/8/2012 11:25:49 Desktop Mid-west SME 55 No 2.2
CL11154 2/8/2012 11:29:18 Misc. North Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL11155 2/8/2012 11:32:53 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL11156 2/8/2012 11:33:34 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 95 Yes 2.4
CL11157 2/8/2012 11:36:13 Misc. East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL11158 2/8/2012 11:39:13 Monitor South SME 65 Yes 3.9
CL11159 2/8/2012 11:41:52 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL11160 2/8/2012 11:46:28 Desktop South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL11161 2/8/2012 11:50:59 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL11162 2/8/2012 11:52:48 Misc. South Individual 92 Yes 2.9
CL11163 2/8/2012 11:57:45 Desktop South Individual 81 Yes 3.5
CL11164 2/8/2012 11:58:23 Accessories West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL11165 2/8/2012 11:59:58 Monitor West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL11166 2/8/2012 12:04:22 Software South Individual 61 Yes 1.8
CL11167 2/8/2012 12:05:29 Misc. East Non-profit 88 Yes 2.6
CL11168 2/8/2012 12:10:34 Desktop West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.7
CL11169 2/8/2012 12:14:52 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL11170 2/8/2012 12:16:13 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL11171 2/8/2012 12:20:27 Misc. South Individual 66 Yes 2.6
CL11172 2/8/2012 12:26:08 Misc. South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.7
CL11173 2/8/2012 12:30:02 Software East SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL11174 2/8/2012 12:31:12 Desktop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL11175 2/8/2012 12:35:14 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL11176 2/8/2012 12:37:27 Software West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL11177 2/8/2012 12:42:41 Laptop Mid-west Individual 98 Yes 3.2
CL11178 2/8/2012 12:47:38 Software South Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL11179 2/8/2012 12:50:34 Software East SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL11180 2/8/2012 12:52:31 Software East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL11181 2/8/2012 12:55:51 Accessories North Non-profit 73 No 3.5
CL11182 2/8/2012 12:57:18 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.6
CL11183 2/8/2012 12:59:13 Software South Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL11184 2/8/2012 13:01:42 Monitor West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL11185 2/8/2012 13:06:26 Software South SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL11186 2/8/2012 13:08:00 Desktop South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL11187 2/8/2012 13:09:56 Misc. South SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL11188 2/8/2012 13:12:59 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 2.1
CL11189 2/8/2012 13:17:50 Accessories South Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.1
CL11190 2/8/2012 13:22:31 Accessories North SME 86 Yes 3.0
CL11191 2/8/2012 13:23:55 Desktop West Individual 84 Yes 2.4
CL11192 2/8/2012 13:27:37 Desktop West SME 70 Yes 3.5
CL11193 2/8/2012 13:32:21 Software West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL11194 2/8/2012 13:33:07 Desktop East SME 98 Yes 2.7
CL11195 2/8/2012 13:36:01 Monitor North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.9
CL11196 2/8/2012 13:37:02 Software East Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.1
CL11197 2/8/2012 13:41:49 Monitor North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.0
CL11198 2/8/2012 13:45:48 Desktop East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL11199 2/8/2012 13:46:18 Software North Non-profit 75 Yes 4.3
CL11200 2/8/2012 13:51:41 Desktop South SME 57 Yes 2.1
CL11201 2/8/2012 13:55:58 Misc. West SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL11202 2/8/2012 13:57:30 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL11203 2/8/2012 14:02:50 Software East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL11204 2/8/2012 14:03:53 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.9
CL11205 2/8/2012 14:04:50 Desktop South Large Corporate 83 No 3.3
CL11206 2/8/2012 14:08:20 Laptop South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL11207 2/8/2012 14:13:34 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL11208 2/8/2012 14:14:24 Accessories South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL11209 2/8/2012 14:17:54 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.7
CL11210 2/8/2012 14:22:42 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.6
CL11211 2/8/2012 14:25:34 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL11212 2/8/2012 14:27:18 Software North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL11213 2/8/2012 14:29:13 Misc. Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL11214 2/8/2012 14:32:18 Monitor North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL11215 2/8/2012 14:33:08 Monitor West Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL11216 2/8/2012 14:36:50 Misc. West SME 89 Yes 3.1
CL11217 2/8/2012 14:37:10 Misc. Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.6
CL11218 2/8/2012 14:38:52 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL11219 2/8/2012 14:44:31 Accessories South Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.3
CL11220 2/8/2012 14:47:42 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL11221 2/8/2012 14:49:45 Laptop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.2
CL11222 2/8/2012 14:52:43 Laptop North SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL11223 2/8/2012 14:54:45 Software West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL11224 2/8/2012 14:55:31 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL11225 2/8/2012 14:56:28 Laptop Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.5
CL11226 2/8/2012 14:56:36 Laptop North SME 76 No 3.4
CL11227 2/8/2012 14:57:53 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL11228 2/8/2012 15:02:24 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL11229 2/8/2012 15:07:02 Accessories South Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL11230 2/8/2012 15:09:42 Misc. East SME 75 No 3.4
CL11231 2/8/2012 15:10:28 Misc. East SME 62 Yes 3.4
CL11232 2/8/2012 15:11:26 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL11233 2/8/2012 15:12:40 Laptop East Individual 49 Yes 3.5
CL11234 2/8/2012 15:14:09 Laptop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL11235 2/8/2012 15:16:35 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL11236 2/8/2012 15:16:45 Software North Individual 88 Yes 2.6
CL11237 2/8/2012 15:19:38 Laptop South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL11238 2/8/2012 15:24:17 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL11239 2/8/2012 15:29:21 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.7
CL11240 2/8/2012 15:34:51 Desktop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.3
CL11241 2/8/2012 15:38:56 Misc. East Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL11242 2/8/2012 15:40:17 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL11243 2/8/2012 15:40:41 Software South SME 71 Yes 1.5
CL11244 2/8/2012 15:42:44 Software West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.1
CL11245 2/8/2012 15:43:35 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL11246 2/8/2012 15:43:36 Laptop West Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL11247 2/8/2012 15:47:19 Misc. South Non-profit 89 Yes 3.4
CL11248 2/8/2012 15:50:55 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL11249 2/8/2012 15:53:49 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL11250 2/8/2012 15:54:51 Software East Individual 64 Yes 2.0
CL11251 2/8/2012 15:57:54 Software East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.1
CL11252 2/8/2012 15:59:45 Monitor North SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL11253 2/8/2012 16:01:27 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.5
CL11254 2/8/2012 16:04:48 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL11255 2/8/2012 16:07:19 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL11256 2/8/2012 16:10:10 Laptop West SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL11257 2/8/2012 16:13:18 Desktop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.7
CL11258 2/8/2012 16:15:32 Misc. Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL11259 2/8/2012 16:16:07 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL11260 2/8/2012 16:21:35 Software South Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL11261 2/8/2012 16:22:50 Software South Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL11262 2/8/2012 16:25:36 Desktop East Individual 66 Yes 2.6
CL11263 2/8/2012 16:30:47 Monitor North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL11264 2/8/2012 16:31:52 Monitor South Individual 74 Yes 3.5
CL11265 2/8/2012 16:36:20 Monitor East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL11266 2/8/2012 16:42:02 Software South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL11267 2/8/2012 16:46:46 Desktop South Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.0
CL11268 2/8/2012 16:49:36 Laptop North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.3
CL11269 2/8/2012 16:51:45 Accessories South Large Corporate 59 No 3.2
CL11270 2/8/2012 16:56:14 Accessories East Individual 78 Yes 2.0
CL11271 2/8/2012 17:01:25 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL11272 2/8/2012 17:03:14 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL11273 2/8/2012 17:04:23 Desktop North SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL11274 2/8/2012 17:05:19 Monitor Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL11275 2/8/2012 17:10:02 Misc. West Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL11276 2/8/2012 17:13:39 Monitor North Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL11277 2/8/2012 17:18:55 Accessories South Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.9
CL11278 2/8/2012 17:22:40 Accessories East Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.6
CL11279 2/8/2012 17:27:01 Desktop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 1.9
CL11280 2/8/2012 17:31:18 Misc. West Individual 61 Yes 3.1
CL11281 2/8/2012 17:34:34 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL11282 2/8/2012 17:36:51 Desktop South SME 87 Yes 3.2
CL11283 2/8/2012 17:38:10 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.3
CL11284 2/8/2012 17:42:18 Accessories Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 2.5
CL11285 2/8/2012 17:47:43 Software North SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL11286 2/8/2012 17:51:00 Monitor Mid-west Individual 90 No 2.7
CL11287 2/8/2012 17:56:32 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL11288 2/8/2012 17:56:34 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.8
CL11289 2/8/2012 18:01:53 Misc. West SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL11290 2/8/2012 18:06:17 Software South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL11291 2/8/2012 18:10:30 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.3
CL11292 2/8/2012 18:15:02 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.7
CL11293 2/8/2012 18:19:11 Laptop South SME 78 Yes 2.5
CL11294 2/8/2012 18:20:20 Accessories West SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL11295 2/8/2012 18:22:23 Software South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.8
CL11296 2/8/2012 18:26:39 Monitor East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.1
CL11297 2/8/2012 18:28:48 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.6
CL11298 2/8/2012 18:32:30 Software West Large Corporate 93 Yes 2.7
CL11299 2/8/2012 18:36:27 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL11300 2/8/2012 18:36:57 Misc. Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 2.5
CL11301 2/8/2012 18:41:50 Software North Non-profit 87 Yes 2.8
CL11302 2/8/2012 18:46:24 Software North Non-profit 65 No 3.2
CL11303 2/8/2012 18:47:30 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL11304 2/8/2012 18:48:52 Monitor West Individual 82 Yes 2.2
CL11305 2/8/2012 18:53:14 Accessories East Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.9
CL11306 2/8/2012 18:58:26 Software North Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.7
CL11307 2/8/2012 18:59:48 Monitor North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL11308 2/8/2012 19:01:40 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.2
CL11309 2/8/2012 19:06:14 Monitor South SME 63 Yes 3.2
CL11310 2/8/2012 19:06:44 Misc. North SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL11311 2/8/2012 19:10:50 Monitor North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.7
CL11312 2/8/2012 19:11:22 Monitor North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL11313 2/8/2012 19:15:59 Software East Individual 78 Yes 3.2
CL11314 2/8/2012 19:18:29 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL11315 2/8/2012 19:23:20 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.2
CL11316 2/8/2012 19:25:06 Monitor West Individual 78 Yes 4.3
CL11317 2/8/2012 19:26:31 Desktop East Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL11318 2/8/2012 19:28:16 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 2.5
CL11319 2/8/2012 19:28:53 Desktop North Non-profit 66 Yes 2.9
CL11320 2/8/2012 19:30:45 Misc. East Individual 74 Yes 2.0
CL11321 2/8/2012 19:32:59 Software West SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL11322 2/8/2012 19:36:32 Monitor South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL11323 2/8/2012 19:38:06 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.3
CL11324 2/8/2012 19:39:42 Software South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.2
CL11325 2/8/2012 19:44:38 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL11326 2/8/2012 19:46:01 Laptop West SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL11327 2/8/2012 19:50:35 Monitor East Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL11328 2/8/2012 19:52:49 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL11329 2/8/2012 19:53:42 Misc. South SME 72 Yes 3.7
CL11330 2/8/2012 19:54:55 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL11331 2/8/2012 19:59:28 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.4
CL11332 2/8/2012 20:02:20 Software Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.4
CL11333 2/8/2012 20:04:20 Desktop North Non-profit 88 Yes 2.9
CL11334 2/8/2012 20:08:52 Software West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.8
CL11335 2/8/2012 20:09:22 Monitor West SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL11336 2/8/2012 20:14:24 Misc. North Large Corporate 80 No 3.0
CL11337 2/8/2012 20:19:48 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL11338 2/8/2012 20:20:39 Misc. South SME 80 Yes 2.3
CL11339 2/8/2012 20:23:11 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 3.7
CL11340 2/8/2012 20:25:28 Misc. Mid-west SME 82 Yes 2.8
CL11341 2/8/2012 20:26:41 Laptop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL11342 2/8/2012 20:29:47 Laptop East Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL11343 2/8/2012 20:31:52 Misc. South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL11344 2/8/2012 20:31:54 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL11345 2/8/2012 20:33:30 Monitor East SME 82 No 3.2
CL11346 2/8/2012 20:34:12 Accessories North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL11347 2/8/2012 20:35:35 Monitor West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.2
CL11348 2/8/2012 20:37:18 Software East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL11349 2/8/2012 20:42:37 Accessories West SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL11350 2/8/2012 20:48:04 Accessories South SME 86 Yes 2.7
CL11351 2/8/2012 20:52:28 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 3.2
CL11352 2/8/2012 20:53:42 Monitor South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL11353 2/8/2012 20:57:11 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL11354 2/8/2012 20:59:10 Monitor Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.3
CL11355 2/8/2012 21:01:20 Accessories East SME 66 Yes 3.4
CL11356 2/8/2012 21:03:44 Laptop East Non-profit 62 Yes 3.0
CL11357 2/8/2012 21:07:11 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL11358 2/8/2012 21:09:12 Software South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.6
CL11359 2/8/2012 21:14:35 Accessories Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL11360 2/8/2012 21:19:15 Monitor East Individual 63 Yes 2.7
CL11361 2/8/2012 21:22:40 Monitor North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL11362 2/8/2012 21:28:15 Accessories East Non-profit 62 Yes 2.6
CL11363 2/8/2012 21:29:15 Software West Individual 82 Yes 2.4
CL11364 2/8/2012 21:31:49 Monitor East SME 87 Yes 3.9
CL11365 2/8/2012 21:35:25 Desktop South Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL11366 2/8/2012 21:36:58 Laptop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL11367 2/8/2012 21:37:36 Desktop West Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.6
CL11368 2/8/2012 21:38:05 Misc. South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.4
CL11369 2/8/2012 21:39:06 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 61 No 3.4
CL11370 2/8/2012 21:41:31 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL11371 2/8/2012 21:42:41 Misc. North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.6
CL11372 2/8/2012 21:47:32 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.3
CL11373 2/8/2012 21:48:02 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.4
CL11374 2/8/2012 21:51:29 Accessories West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL11375 2/8/2012 21:54:21 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 2.6
CL11376 2/8/2012 21:55:24 Software East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.5
CL11377 2/8/2012 21:58:44 Monitor North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL11378 2/8/2012 21:59:29 Monitor North SME 75 Yes 2.1
CL11379 2/8/2012 22:04:56 Misc. South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL11380 2/9/2012 08:05:14 Software South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.4
CL11381 2/9/2012 08:10:59 Software East Individual 75 No 3.5
CL11382 2/9/2012 08:16:06 Software East Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.3
CL11383 2/9/2012 08:18:45 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL11384 2/9/2012 08:24:22 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL11385 2/9/2012 08:25:08 Monitor Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL11386 2/9/2012 08:25:37 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL11387 2/9/2012 08:28:29 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL11388 2/9/2012 08:33:27 Software East SME 83 Yes 3.5
CL11389 2/9/2012 08:34:36 Accessories East Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL11390 2/9/2012 08:37:31 Software East Large Corporate 94 Yes 2.9
CL11391 2/9/2012 08:42:38 Monitor North Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL11392 2/9/2012 08:48:07 Monitor West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL11393 2/9/2012 08:48:31 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 No 3.0
CL11394 2/9/2012 08:53:11 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 2.6
CL11395 2/9/2012 08:55:03 Software West SME 98 Yes 3.4
CL11396 2/9/2012 08:57:24 Desktop South Non-profit 93 Yes 3.2
CL11397 2/9/2012 09:00:35 Desktop Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.8
CL11398 2/9/2012 09:01:15 Misc. East SME 84 Yes 2.5
CL11399 2/9/2012 09:02:44 Monitor South Non-profit 58 Yes 2.6
CL11400 2/9/2012 09:07:21 Desktop East Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL11401 2/9/2012 09:11:22 Laptop North SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL11402 2/9/2012 09:15:45 Misc. East Non-profit 92 Yes 3.2
CL11403 2/9/2012 09:21:18 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL11404 2/9/2012 09:25:00 Laptop Mid-west SME 58 Yes 3.5
CL11405 2/9/2012 09:26:18 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL11406 2/9/2012 09:29:44 Desktop Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.9
CL11407 2/9/2012 09:32:22 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.5
CL11408 2/9/2012 09:34:55 Monitor West Large Corporate 65 No 2.3
CL11409 2/9/2012 09:34:58 Laptop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL11410 2/9/2012 09:37:56 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 3.7
CL11411 2/9/2012 09:40:55 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.2
CL11412 2/9/2012 09:43:10 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL11413 2/9/2012 09:48:03 Laptop South SME 72 Yes 2.7
CL11414 2/9/2012 09:52:24 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL11415 2/9/2012 09:54:40 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL11416 2/9/2012 09:57:00 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.4
CL11417 2/9/2012 10:00:41 Monitor North Individual 73 No 3.0
CL11418 2/9/2012 10:02:25 Software West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.2
CL11419 2/9/2012 10:05:41 Misc. South Large Corporate 57 Yes 1.8
CL11420 2/9/2012 10:10:32 Accessories East Large Corporate 89 Yes 4.2
CL11421 2/9/2012 10:13:34 Misc. East SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL11422 2/9/2012 10:19:05 Misc. South Non-profit 82 Yes 4.1
CL11423 2/9/2012 10:23:42 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL11424 2/9/2012 10:26:47 Software West Individual 82 Yes 2.6
CL11425 2/9/2012 10:26:55 Laptop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL11426 2/9/2012 10:27:19 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.2
CL11427 2/9/2012 10:31:00 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL11428 2/9/2012 10:35:24 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.6
CL11429 2/9/2012 10:40:55 Software North Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL11430 2/9/2012 10:43:12 Laptop South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL11431 2/9/2012 10:46:23 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL11432 2/9/2012 10:49:42 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.4
CL11433 2/9/2012 10:51:32 Laptop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.5
CL11434 2/9/2012 10:56:49 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.2
CL11435 2/9/2012 11:02:05 Laptop North Individual 65 Yes 3.0
CL11436 2/9/2012 11:02:13 Laptop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL11437 2/9/2012 11:04:47 Accessories West SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL11438 2/9/2012 11:05:30 Laptop West SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL11439 2/9/2012 11:09:59 Desktop South SME 83 Yes 3.5
CL11440 2/9/2012 11:15:24 Accessories North SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL11441 2/9/2012 11:20:34 Software South SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL11442 2/9/2012 11:25:53 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL11443 2/9/2012 11:30:29 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL11444 2/9/2012 11:31:37 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 4.1
CL11445 2/9/2012 11:36:53 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL11446 2/9/2012 11:41:38 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.3
CL11447 2/9/2012 11:44:30 Misc. South SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL11448 2/9/2012 11:48:26 Desktop East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.1
CL11449 2/9/2012 11:48:40 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 3.1
CL11450 2/9/2012 11:51:49 Accessories East SME 69 Yes 2.2
CL11451 2/9/2012 11:53:30 Accessories East Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL11452 2/9/2012 11:54:33 Software Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.5
CL11453 2/9/2012 11:54:46 Software West Large Corporate 73 No 3.2
CL11454 2/9/2012 11:58:44 Desktop West SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL11455 2/9/2012 11:59:43 Accessories East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL11456 2/9/2012 12:05:02 Misc. Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL11457 2/9/2012 12:05:36 Software Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL11458 2/9/2012 12:09:48 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.2
CL11459 2/9/2012 12:14:20 Desktop North SME 73 Yes 2.4
CL11460 2/9/2012 12:16:12 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL11461 2/9/2012 12:18:50 Software South SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL11462 2/9/2012 12:19:34 Accessories South Individual 84 Yes 2.7
CL11463 2/9/2012 12:25:13 Software South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.7
CL11464 2/9/2012 12:28:25 Desktop North Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL11465 2/9/2012 12:30:14 Misc. East SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL11466 2/9/2012 12:33:22 Software South Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL11467 2/9/2012 12:35:17 Desktop South Individual 66 Yes 3.6
CL11468 2/9/2012 12:36:55 Accessories West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.3
CL11469 2/9/2012 12:40:11 Laptop West Individual 95 Yes 3.5
CL11470 2/9/2012 12:40:38 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL11471 2/9/2012 12:41:38 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL11472 2/9/2012 12:41:49 Accessories West Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.7
CL11473 2/9/2012 12:42:02 Misc. South Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL11474 2/9/2012 12:45:18 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL11475 2/9/2012 12:47:19 Desktop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL11476 2/9/2012 12:52:31 Monitor South SME 74 Yes 4.0
CL11477 2/9/2012 12:53:14 Software Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL11478 2/9/2012 12:56:00 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL11479 2/9/2012 12:56:53 Desktop North SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL11480 2/9/2012 12:58:46 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.5
CL11481 2/9/2012 13:04:22 Misc. Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.8
CL11482 2/9/2012 13:05:57 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 2.3
CL11483 2/9/2012 13:11:32 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL11484 2/9/2012 13:16:29 Misc. West Non-profit 94 Yes 3.4
CL11485 2/9/2012 13:18:49 Software East Individual 73 Yes 3.7
CL11486 2/9/2012 13:20:40 Accessories South SME 89 Yes 2.7
CL11487 2/9/2012 13:26:16 Accessories West Individual 86 Yes 3.8
CL11488 2/9/2012 13:28:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL11489 2/9/2012 13:30:46 Monitor South SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL11490 2/9/2012 13:33:49 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL11491 2/9/2012 13:34:35 Accessories South SME 91 Yes 2.7
CL11492 2/9/2012 13:36:57 Software East SME 86 Yes 2.9
CL11493 2/9/2012 13:38:41 Accessories East Non-profit 64 No 3.7
CL11494 2/9/2012 13:39:48 Desktop East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL11495 2/9/2012 13:43:03 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.5
CL11496 2/9/2012 13:45:43 Monitor West Non-profit 73 Yes 4.0
CL11497 2/9/2012 13:47:42 Laptop West SME 69 Yes 2.6
CL11498 2/9/2012 13:51:13 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 2.1
CL11499 2/9/2012 13:55:50 Software West SME 56 Yes 2.9
CL11500 2/9/2012 13:58:59 Desktop South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.0
CL11501 2/9/2012 14:04:01 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL11502 2/9/2012 14:09:03 Accessories South SME 90 Yes 3.6
CL11503 2/9/2012 14:14:13 Laptop South SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL11504 2/9/2012 14:17:23 Desktop North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.8
CL11505 2/9/2012 14:17:35 Monitor Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL11506 2/9/2012 14:23:05 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL11507 2/9/2012 14:24:12 Accessories East Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL11508 2/9/2012 14:28:34 Monitor West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL11509 2/9/2012 14:29:44 Misc. East SME 64 Yes 3.5
CL11510 2/9/2012 14:31:23 Misc. South SME 61 Yes 2.8
CL11511 2/9/2012 14:33:16 Misc. Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL11512 2/9/2012 14:35:05 Accessories East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL11513 2/9/2012 14:37:48 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL11514 2/9/2012 14:40:10 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 3.7
CL11515 2/9/2012 14:44:52 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL11516 2/9/2012 14:47:47 Desktop North SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL11517 2/9/2012 14:50:20 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 4.6
CL11518 2/9/2012 14:51:05 Software North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.4
CL11519 2/9/2012 14:54:09 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL11520 2/9/2012 14:57:59 Accessories Mid-west SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL11521 2/9/2012 15:01:09 Accessories South Non-profit 67 Yes 2.8
CL11522 2/9/2012 15:06:29 Software Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL11523 2/9/2012 15:10:26 Software North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL11524 2/9/2012 15:11:10 Desktop West SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL11525 2/9/2012 15:14:38 Misc. West SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL11526 2/9/2012 15:16:07 Desktop East SME 82 Yes 2.4
CL11527 2/9/2012 15:18:14 Software South Non-profit 66 Yes 3.1
CL11528 2/9/2012 15:22:52 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL11529 2/9/2012 15:27:52 Monitor West Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL11530 2/9/2012 15:28:29 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL11531 2/9/2012 15:32:24 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL11532 2/9/2012 15:32:55 Laptop South Non-profit 89 Yes 3.2
CL11533 2/9/2012 15:35:29 Laptop East SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL11534 2/9/2012 15:38:46 Software North Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL11535 2/9/2012 15:41:45 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 4.1
CL11536 2/9/2012 15:44:49 Accessories North Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.8
CL11537 2/9/2012 15:46:47 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL11538 2/9/2012 15:51:52 Accessories North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.0
CL11539 2/9/2012 15:57:26 Accessories North Large Corporate 82 No 3.3
CL11540 2/9/2012 15:58:53 Accessories North Non-profit 63 Yes 3.3
CL11541 2/9/2012 16:04:33 Accessories East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL11542 2/9/2012 16:04:44 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL11543 2/9/2012 16:08:40 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL11544 2/9/2012 16:11:48 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.4
CL11545 2/9/2012 16:14:15 Software East SME 86 Yes 3.1
CL11546 2/9/2012 16:18:41 Monitor West SME 74 Yes 3.7
CL11547 2/9/2012 16:19:00 Software Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL11548 2/9/2012 16:20:21 Laptop West Non-profit 102 Yes 3.8
CL11549 2/9/2012 16:24:57 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL11550 2/9/2012 16:29:29 Accessories Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.5
CL11551 2/9/2012 16:34:51 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL11552 2/9/2012 16:40:35 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL11553 2/9/2012 16:41:31 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL11554 2/9/2012 16:42:17 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL11555 2/9/2012 16:47:51 Software Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.3
CL11556 2/9/2012 16:48:15 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL11557 2/9/2012 16:48:19 Misc. East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL11558 2/9/2012 16:52:40 Laptop Mid-west SME 56 Yes 2.8
CL11559 2/9/2012 16:53:11 Software West SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL11560 2/9/2012 16:58:37 Accessories South Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL11561 2/9/2012 17:00:50 Desktop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 1.6
CL11562 2/9/2012 17:02:03 Software West SME 83 Yes 2.0
CL11563 2/9/2012 17:04:19 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL11564 2/9/2012 17:05:32 Accessories West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.7
CL11565 2/9/2012 17:08:54 Software West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL11566 2/9/2012 17:10:22 Laptop South SME 74 No 2.7
CL11567 2/9/2012 17:13:08 Laptop South Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL11568 2/9/2012 17:15:48 Monitor West SME 70 Yes 2.9
CL11569 2/9/2012 17:17:38 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL11570 2/9/2012 17:18:12 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL11571 2/9/2012 17:21:45 Laptop East Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL11572 2/9/2012 17:24:49 Laptop East SME 84 Yes 3.3
CL11573 2/9/2012 17:26:36 Software West SME 84 Yes 3.6
CL11574 2/9/2012 17:31:08 Laptop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL11575 2/9/2012 17:36:47 Monitor West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL11576 2/9/2012 17:39:03 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.7
CL11577 2/9/2012 17:44:11 Desktop West SME 91 Yes 2.2
CL11578 2/9/2012 17:47:17 Desktop West SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL11579 2/9/2012 17:48:10 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 2.7
CL11580 2/9/2012 17:48:51 Accessories North Individual 76 No 3.0
CL11581 2/9/2012 17:53:01 Desktop North SME 84 Yes 2.5
CL11582 2/9/2012 17:57:32 Laptop West SME 74 Yes 2.5
CL11583 2/9/2012 17:59:56 Laptop North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL11584 2/9/2012 18:01:30 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL11585 2/9/2012 18:05:58 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL11586 2/9/2012 18:10:26 Accessories North Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL11587 2/9/2012 18:13:21 Accessories Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL11588 2/9/2012 18:18:09 Monitor North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL11589 2/9/2012 18:23:08 Desktop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.5
CL11590 2/9/2012 18:26:07 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 4.0
CL11591 2/9/2012 18:28:20 Misc. West Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL11592 2/9/2012 18:29:42 Accessories South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.6
CL11593 2/9/2012 18:30:20 Software North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.0
CL11594 2/9/2012 18:33:40 Desktop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.7
CL11595 2/9/2012 18:38:42 Misc. East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL11596 2/9/2012 18:41:14 Software Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL11597 2/9/2012 18:41:41 Software North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL11598 2/9/2012 18:45:30 Software Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL11599 2/9/2012 18:48:32 Desktop West Individual 63 Yes 2.7
CL11600 2/9/2012 18:51:23 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL11601 2/9/2012 18:54:57 Software East Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.7
CL11602 2/9/2012 18:57:43 Monitor South Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL11603 2/9/2012 19:00:52 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL11604 2/9/2012 19:05:29 Software East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL11605 2/9/2012 19:05:59 Software North Individual 70 Yes 2.5
CL11606 2/9/2012 19:10:07 Laptop North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL11607 2/9/2012 19:11:55 Accessories North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL11608 2/9/2012 19:16:50 Misc. South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL11609 2/9/2012 19:20:19 Misc. East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.8
CL11610 2/9/2012 19:24:57 Software South SME 76 Yes 1.6
CL11611 2/9/2012 19:30:10 Laptop South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL11612 2/9/2012 19:30:28 Misc. Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL11613 2/9/2012 19:31:53 Desktop South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL11614 2/9/2012 19:35:49 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL11615 2/9/2012 19:36:32 Misc. Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL11616 2/9/2012 19:40:31 Desktop West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL11617 2/9/2012 19:40:58 Desktop West Individual 61 Yes 2.2
CL11618 2/9/2012 19:43:41 Monitor North Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.2
CL11619 2/9/2012 19:44:17 Accessories South Non-profit 64 Yes 2.7
CL11620 2/9/2012 19:49:41 Accessories North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL11621 2/9/2012 19:51:23 Desktop East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL11622 2/9/2012 19:51:47 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL11623 2/9/2012 19:53:04 Misc. South SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL11624 2/9/2012 19:58:35 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL11625 2/9/2012 19:59:16 Monitor West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.8
CL11626 2/9/2012 20:03:08 Software Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL11627 2/9/2012 20:08:02 Laptop South SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL11628 2/9/2012 20:10:59 Monitor South Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.5
CL11629 2/9/2012 20:11:52 Software South Individual 83 Yes 2.5
CL11630 2/9/2012 20:13:14 Software West SME 80 No 4.4
CL11631 2/9/2012 20:17:24 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL11632 2/9/2012 20:20:16 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL11633 2/9/2012 20:21:38 Accessories East SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL11634 2/9/2012 20:26:05 Software Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL11635 2/9/2012 20:27:24 Misc. East Individual 64 Yes 2.4
CL11636 2/9/2012 20:32:29 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.5
CL11637 2/9/2012 20:37:33 Monitor South SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL11638 2/9/2012 20:38:14 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 2.3
CL11639 2/9/2012 20:43:22 Monitor East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.7
CL11640 2/9/2012 20:44:22 Misc. North Individual 60 Yes 3.0
CL11641 2/9/2012 20:47:02 Desktop South Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL11642 2/9/2012 20:51:10 Monitor West SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL11643 2/9/2012 20:54:56 Misc. North Non-profit 88 No 2.8
CL11644 2/9/2012 20:57:00 Laptop South SME 87 Yes 2.7
CL11645 2/9/2012 20:57:20 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.3
CL11646 2/9/2012 21:00:49 Monitor North SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL11647 2/9/2012 21:04:43 Misc. North Individual 80 Yes 2.4
CL11648 2/9/2012 21:07:36 Desktop South Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.0
CL11649 2/9/2012 21:12:17 Monitor South Individual 65 Yes 2.8
CL11650 2/9/2012 21:13:52 Accessories West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.2
CL11651 2/9/2012 21:16:14 Monitor East SME 68 Yes 2.3
CL11652 2/9/2012 21:17:21 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL11653 2/9/2012 21:17:34 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 3.7
CL11654 2/9/2012 21:19:56 Software West SME 61 Yes 2.7
CL11655 2/9/2012 21:22:28 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL11656 2/9/2012 21:27:40 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.5
CL11657 2/9/2012 21:30:51 Accessories West SME 64 Yes 2.6
CL11658 2/9/2012 21:31:07 Laptop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.7
CL11659 2/9/2012 21:31:17 Laptop West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL11660 2/9/2012 21:35:50 Desktop East Individual 65 Yes 3.4
CL11661 2/9/2012 21:39:19 Accessories Mid-west SME 77 Yes 4.0
CL11662 2/9/2012 21:44:42 Monitor East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.9
CL11663 2/9/2012 21:50:01 Software South Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL11664 2/9/2012 21:55:16 Accessories South Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL11665 2/9/2012 21:56:11 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 62 Yes 4.2
CL11666 2/9/2012 22:00:19 Misc. West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL11667 2/10/2012 08:04:14 Accessories North Individual 72 Yes 3.7
CL11668 2/10/2012 08:06:07 Laptop South Individual 62 Yes 4.1
CL11669 2/10/2012 08:07:32 Desktop Mid-west Individual 58 Yes 2.7
CL11670 2/10/2012 08:12:55 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL11671 2/10/2012 08:17:18 Monitor North Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.4
CL11672 2/10/2012 08:19:06 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 92 Yes 2.4
CL11673 2/10/2012 08:21:21 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL11674 2/10/2012 08:27:03 Misc. East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL11675 2/10/2012 08:29:54 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL11676 2/10/2012 08:30:09 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL11677 2/10/2012 08:33:39 Desktop West Individual 66 Yes 2.2
CL11678 2/10/2012 08:36:08 Laptop South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL11679 2/10/2012 08:41:12 Monitor West SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL11680 2/10/2012 08:42:14 Monitor West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.0
CL11681 2/10/2012 08:46:51 Software East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL11682 2/10/2012 08:52:11 Software South Large Corporate 83 No 3.1
CL11683 2/10/2012 08:53:57 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL11684 2/10/2012 08:55:20 Accessories North Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL11685 2/10/2012 08:58:25 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL11686 2/10/2012 08:59:54 Accessories West SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL11687 2/10/2012 09:01:40 Accessories South SME 84 Yes 2.7
CL11688 2/10/2012 09:03:15 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 47 Yes 3.4
CL11689 2/10/2012 09:06:32 Misc. East SME 73 Yes 2.6
CL11690 2/10/2012 09:11:06 Accessories East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.6
CL11691 2/10/2012 09:13:56 Software West Non-profit 63 Yes 3.6
CL11692 2/10/2012 09:16:39 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL11693 2/10/2012 09:20:06 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL11694 2/10/2012 09:25:06 Desktop West Individual 77 Yes 4.1
CL11695 2/10/2012 09:29:44 Accessories West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL11696 2/10/2012 09:33:00 Misc. South Individual 73 Yes 3.7
CL11697 2/10/2012 09:33:50 Software South Individual 65 Yes 2.3
CL11698 2/10/2012 09:39:17 Desktop North Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL11699 2/10/2012 09:41:35 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.2
CL11700 2/10/2012 09:44:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL11701 2/10/2012 09:47:05 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL11702 2/10/2012 09:49:19 Laptop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL11703 2/10/2012 09:49:40 Desktop West Individual 91 Yes 3.0
CL11704 2/10/2012 09:54:59 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL11705 2/10/2012 09:56:46 Software Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL11706 2/10/2012 10:00:56 Monitor South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.2
CL11707 2/10/2012 10:03:48 Desktop South Non-profit 67 Yes 4.4
CL11708 2/10/2012 10:06:40 Laptop West Individual 76 Yes 2.5
CL11709 2/10/2012 10:11:02 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 No 3.3
CL11710 2/10/2012 10:12:21 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 1.9
CL11711 2/10/2012 10:13:13 Desktop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL11712 2/10/2012 10:16:17 Software West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL11713 2/10/2012 10:21:58 Monitor North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.6
CL11714 2/10/2012 10:24:28 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL11715 2/10/2012 10:24:35 Misc. North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL11716 2/10/2012 10:25:00 Laptop North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL11717 2/10/2012 10:25:48 Laptop North Individual 86 Yes 2.6
CL11718 2/10/2012 10:29:40 Monitor North Individual 68 Yes 3.2
CL11719 2/10/2012 10:31:46 Accessories South Individual 76 No 3.4
CL11720 2/10/2012 10:32:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.9
CL11721 2/10/2012 10:32:44 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.5
CL11722 2/10/2012 10:38:21 Software North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL11723 2/10/2012 10:43:49 Misc. Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL11724 2/10/2012 10:48:44 Accessories North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL11725 2/10/2012 10:54:13 Software North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL11726 2/10/2012 10:59:33 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL11727 2/10/2012 11:04:03 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL11728 2/10/2012 11:07:39 Software West Large Corporate 85 No 3.0
CL11729 2/10/2012 11:10:08 Misc. East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL11730 2/10/2012 11:13:04 Monitor North SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL11731 2/10/2012 11:15:15 Software East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.4
CL11732 2/10/2012 11:20:33 Misc. South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL11733 2/10/2012 11:22:46 Laptop South SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL11734 2/10/2012 11:23:00 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL11735 2/10/2012 11:26:08 Misc. Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL11736 2/10/2012 11:31:33 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 No 3.6
CL11737 2/10/2012 11:33:31 Laptop West Individual 60 Yes 3.4
CL11738 2/10/2012 11:36:18 Misc. North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL11739 2/10/2012 11:39:47 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 3.7
CL11740 2/10/2012 11:39:51 Laptop South Individual 76 Yes 2.9
CL11741 2/10/2012 11:42:54 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL11742 2/10/2012 11:44:43 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.3
CL11743 2/10/2012 11:47:14 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL11744 2/10/2012 11:49:57 Laptop East SME 90 Yes 3.1
CL11745 2/10/2012 11:53:34 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.1
CL11746 2/10/2012 11:56:19 Accessories North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL11747 2/10/2012 12:01:47 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL11748 2/10/2012 12:03:32 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL11749 2/10/2012 12:05:12 Accessories East Non-profit 75 No 2.9
CL11750 2/10/2012 12:07:39 Monitor West Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL11751 2/10/2012 12:09:15 Software North Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL11752 2/10/2012 12:09:31 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 3.8
CL11753 2/10/2012 12:14:52 Misc. South Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL11754 2/10/2012 12:16:45 Laptop North Individual 74 Yes 3.7
CL11755 2/10/2012 12:20:41 Misc. North Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL11756 2/10/2012 12:24:58 Monitor South Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL11757 2/10/2012 12:25:52 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL11758 2/10/2012 12:29:13 Accessories West SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL11759 2/10/2012 12:31:27 Misc. East SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL11760 2/10/2012 12:31:30 Accessories East SME 63 No 3.2
CL11761 2/10/2012 12:34:59 Monitor West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.7
CL11762 2/10/2012 12:37:02 Laptop East SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL11763 2/10/2012 12:37:03 Desktop Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.5
CL11764 2/10/2012 12:37:46 Laptop West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL11765 2/10/2012 12:41:57 Software North Individual 73 Yes 3.8
CL11766 2/10/2012 12:43:47 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL11767 2/10/2012 12:45:23 Laptop East SME 59 Yes 3.4
CL11768 2/10/2012 12:49:35 Monitor North Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.5
CL11769 2/10/2012 12:54:26 Software North Individual 85 Yes 3.7
CL11770 2/10/2012 12:56:13 Desktop South SME 77 No 2.8
CL11771 2/10/2012 13:01:46 Laptop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.0
CL11772 2/10/2012 13:06:29 Accessories East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL11773 2/10/2012 13:10:55 Software North Large Corporate 64 Yes 4.0
CL11774 2/10/2012 13:12:29 Laptop South Non-profit 66 Yes 2.5
CL11775 2/10/2012 13:12:59 Misc. Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL11776 2/10/2012 13:18:42 Laptop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL11777 2/10/2012 13:20:41 Laptop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL11778 2/10/2012 13:25:42 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 2.2
CL11779 2/10/2012 13:28:03 Accessories East SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL11780 2/10/2012 13:28:43 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 2.4
CL11781 2/10/2012 13:29:36 Laptop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL11782 2/10/2012 13:30:53 Software East SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL11783 2/10/2012 13:36:08 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL11784 2/10/2012 13:39:52 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL11785 2/10/2012 13:43:39 Desktop East Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL11786 2/10/2012 13:47:04 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL11787 2/10/2012 13:48:59 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL11788 2/10/2012 13:52:37 Laptop West Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL11789 2/10/2012 13:57:02 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 3.2
CL11790 2/10/2012 14:02:03 Desktop East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.8
CL11791 2/10/2012 14:02:36 Software North SME 67 Yes 3.7
CL11792 2/10/2012 14:07:23 Laptop West Non-profit 67 No 2.4
CL11793 2/10/2012 14:08:47 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.5
CL11794 2/10/2012 14:11:05 Desktop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL11795 2/10/2012 14:14:26 Monitor South Individual 83 Yes 3.5
CL11796 2/10/2012 14:15:34 Laptop West Individual 86 Yes 2.6
CL11797 2/10/2012 14:20:27 Monitor Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL11798 2/10/2012 14:20:43 Monitor West Individual 63 Yes 3.7
CL11799 2/10/2012 14:24:04 Misc. South SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL11800 2/10/2012 14:25:36 Monitor East Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL11801 2/10/2012 14:30:38 Software South SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL11802 2/10/2012 14:36:01 Desktop North Individual 92 Yes 3.3
CL11803 2/10/2012 14:40:04 Software North Individual 56 Yes 3.0
CL11804 2/10/2012 14:40:56 Monitor East Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL11805 2/10/2012 14:45:57 Misc. East SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL11806 2/10/2012 14:47:06 Software West Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL11807 2/10/2012 14:48:42 Monitor South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.1
CL11808 2/10/2012 14:52:06 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL11809 2/10/2012 14:54:33 Desktop South SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL11810 2/10/2012 14:58:35 Software East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL11811 2/10/2012 14:59:02 Accessories South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL11812 2/10/2012 15:01:09 Software East Large Corporate 73 No 2.8
CL11813 2/10/2012 15:04:17 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.2
CL11814 2/10/2012 15:05:02 Accessories East SME 81 Yes 2.1
CL11815 2/10/2012 15:10:21 Monitor West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL11816 2/10/2012 15:12:21 Desktop South SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL11817 2/10/2012 15:16:12 Software East Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL11818 2/10/2012 15:19:31 Laptop North SME 85 Yes 3.4
CL11819 2/10/2012 15:25:14 Misc. Mid-west SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL11820 2/10/2012 15:29:52 Software South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL11821 2/10/2012 15:30:18 Software North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL11822 2/10/2012 15:33:47 Software East SME 69 Yes 3.5
CL11823 2/10/2012 15:38:15 Laptop South Non-profit 68 No 2.9
CL11824 2/10/2012 15:39:23 Misc. East SME 76 Yes 4.0
CL11825 2/10/2012 15:41:43 Desktop North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.1
CL11826 2/10/2012 15:42:12 Software North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.4
CL11827 2/10/2012 15:43:28 Software South SME 74 No 2.8
CL11828 2/10/2012 15:48:17 Software East SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL11829 2/10/2012 15:51:51 Accessories North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.1
CL11830 2/10/2012 15:52:11 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL11831 2/10/2012 15:56:33 Desktop East SME 66 Yes 2.9
CL11832 2/10/2012 16:00:30 Monitor East Individual 70 Yes 2.1
CL11833 2/10/2012 16:01:46 Desktop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.0
CL11834 2/10/2012 16:03:56 Desktop South Individual 59 Yes 2.9
CL11835 2/10/2012 16:07:12 Desktop West SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL11836 2/10/2012 16:09:04 Desktop Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.5
CL11837 2/10/2012 16:14:10 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL11838 2/10/2012 16:15:03 Desktop East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.6
CL11839 2/10/2012 16:15:05 Misc. East SME 73 Yes 3.5
CL11840 2/10/2012 16:17:44 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 2.8
CL11841 2/10/2012 16:22:59 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 3.4
CL11842 2/10/2012 16:28:01 Laptop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL11843 2/10/2012 16:31:32 Accessories North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL11844 2/10/2012 16:34:31 Laptop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.6
CL11845 2/10/2012 16:40:03 Monitor West SME 76 Yes 3.3
CL11846 2/10/2012 16:44:40 Accessories Mid-west SME 82 Yes 2.8
CL11847 2/10/2012 16:48:39 Laptop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.6
CL11848 2/10/2012 16:54:06 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL11849 2/10/2012 16:58:08 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL11850 2/10/2012 17:03:04 Accessories South SME 80 Yes 2.1
CL11851 2/10/2012 17:07:11 Monitor East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL11852 2/10/2012 17:07:42 Monitor East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL11853 2/10/2012 17:10:28 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.4
CL11854 2/10/2012 17:11:34 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 92 Yes 3.7
CL11855 2/10/2012 17:14:25 Desktop West Individual 54 Yes 2.2
CL11856 2/10/2012 17:15:23 Desktop South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.4
CL11857 2/10/2012 17:19:47 Software North SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL11858 2/10/2012 17:21:05 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL11859 2/10/2012 17:23:34 Laptop North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.4
CL11860 2/10/2012 17:28:38 Monitor South Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL11861 2/10/2012 17:32:08 Laptop East Individual 79 Yes 2.3
CL11862 2/10/2012 17:37:42 Monitor West SME 80 Yes 2.7
CL11863 2/10/2012 17:40:59 Software Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL11864 2/10/2012 17:41:00 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL11865 2/10/2012 17:44:46 Laptop East SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL11866 2/10/2012 17:49:12 Accessories East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL11867 2/10/2012 17:50:21 Software South Non-profit 90 Yes 2.6
CL11868 2/10/2012 17:51:44 Monitor East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.0
CL11869 2/10/2012 17:53:29 Misc. East SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL11870 2/10/2012 17:54:56 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL11871 2/10/2012 17:57:01 Misc. West Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL11872 2/10/2012 17:57:35 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.4
CL11873 2/10/2012 18:01:01 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.1
CL11874 2/10/2012 18:06:25 Accessories West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL11875 2/10/2012 18:11:28 Desktop Mid-west SME 95 Yes 3.6
CL11876 2/10/2012 18:12:58 Laptop West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.9
CL11877 2/10/2012 18:15:08 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL11878 2/10/2012 18:20:31 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL11879 2/10/2012 18:25:54 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL11880 2/10/2012 18:27:34 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL11881 2/10/2012 18:28:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.9
CL11882 2/10/2012 18:28:44 Misc. North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.9
CL11883 2/10/2012 18:33:38 Desktop North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.8
CL11884 2/10/2012 18:36:24 Desktop West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.4
CL11885 2/10/2012 18:37:10 Software East Large Corporate 72 No 2.8
CL11886 2/10/2012 18:38:51 Accessories North SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL11887 2/10/2012 18:39:02 Desktop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 1.6
CL11888 2/10/2012 18:44:21 Software Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL11889 2/10/2012 18:47:20 Misc. North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.7
CL11890 2/10/2012 18:51:41 Software West Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL11891 2/10/2012 18:56:37 Accessories West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL11892 2/10/2012 19:00:56 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL11893 2/10/2012 19:04:19 Accessories West SME 85 No 2.7
CL11894 2/10/2012 19:08:28 Accessories North Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL11895 2/10/2012 19:10:03 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL11896 2/10/2012 19:11:10 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 3.0
CL11897 2/10/2012 19:15:50 Misc. North Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL11898 2/10/2012 19:18:59 Desktop North Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL11899 2/10/2012 19:19:19 Misc. West Large Corporate 81 No 3.6
CL11900 2/10/2012 19:21:43 Desktop West SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL11901 2/10/2012 19:24:57 Desktop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.2
CL11902 2/10/2012 19:25:40 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL11903 2/10/2012 19:27:07 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL11904 2/10/2012 19:30:57 Misc. West Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL11905 2/10/2012 19:36:12 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL11906 2/10/2012 19:40:08 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL11907 2/10/2012 19:43:16 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL11908 2/10/2012 19:45:02 Software West Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL11909 2/10/2012 19:50:46 Misc. West SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL11910 2/10/2012 19:52:37 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL11911 2/10/2012 19:53:42 Laptop West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL11912 2/10/2012 19:56:46 Desktop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.1
CL11913 2/10/2012 20:02:25 Desktop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL11914 2/10/2012 20:02:44 Monitor North Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL11915 2/10/2012 20:07:57 Software Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL11916 2/10/2012 20:11:52 Laptop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.8
CL11917 2/10/2012 20:15:35 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.5
CL11918 2/10/2012 20:20:51 Software East SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL11919 2/10/2012 20:21:48 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL11920 2/10/2012 20:25:09 Software North SME 65 Yes 3.0
CL11921 2/10/2012 20:28:56 Laptop Mid-west Individual 58 Yes 2.9
CL11922 2/10/2012 20:30:46 Desktop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.4
CL11923 2/10/2012 20:36:11 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.4
CL11924 2/10/2012 20:37:50 Misc. South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL11925 2/10/2012 20:40:05 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL11926 2/10/2012 20:43:05 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL11927 2/10/2012 20:45:43 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL11928 2/10/2012 20:50:51 Desktop North Non-profit 79 Yes 3.1
CL11929 2/10/2012 20:55:40 Desktop West Individual 81 Yes 3.2
CL11930 2/10/2012 21:00:56 Software North SME 68 Yes 3.6
CL11931 2/10/2012 21:01:21 Misc. North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL11932 2/10/2012 21:02:16 Laptop North SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL11933 2/10/2012 21:04:57 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL11934 2/10/2012 21:09:47 Laptop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 4.1
CL11935 2/10/2012 21:12:16 Laptop East SME 83 Yes 2.5
CL11936 2/10/2012 21:13:11 Monitor Mid-west SME 86 Yes 2.4
CL11937 2/10/2012 21:14:23 Accessories South SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL11938 2/10/2012 21:14:32 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL11939 2/10/2012 21:19:35 Software North Individual 65 Yes 3.2
CL11940 2/10/2012 21:21:22 Desktop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL11941 2/10/2012 21:22:34 Monitor Mid-west SME 98 Yes 3.0
CL11942 2/10/2012 21:26:08 Accessories North Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL11943 2/10/2012 21:31:41 Software South Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL11944 2/10/2012 21:36:29 Laptop South SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL11945 2/10/2012 21:42:00 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL11946 2/10/2012 21:46:17 Monitor South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL11947 2/10/2012 21:49:27 Monitor West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL11948 2/10/2012 21:52:43 Misc. Mid-west Individual 87 No 2.9
CL11949 2/10/2012 21:55:29 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL11950 2/10/2012 21:58:51 Accessories West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL11951 2/10/2012 22:03:16 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.3
CL11952 2/11/2012 08:08:05 Laptop North Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL11953 2/11/2012 08:10:23 Desktop West SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL11954 2/11/2012 08:11:08 Misc. North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL11955 2/11/2012 08:12:47 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 No 3.5
CL11956 2/11/2012 08:17:59 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.6
CL11957 2/11/2012 08:20:07 Software West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.2
CL11958 2/11/2012 08:21:40 Monitor South Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.1
CL11959 2/11/2012 08:23:55 Monitor Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.3
CL11960 2/11/2012 08:27:41 Laptop East Individual 91 Yes 2.6
CL11961 2/11/2012 08:28:38 Misc. North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL11962 2/11/2012 08:30:17 Accessories South Individual 76 Yes 3.2
CL11963 2/11/2012 08:32:34 Accessories West Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL11964 2/11/2012 08:35:25 Misc. West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL11965 2/11/2012 08:36:39 Misc. North SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL11966 2/11/2012 08:41:54 Software West SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL11967 2/11/2012 08:42:15 Software North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL11968 2/11/2012 08:42:56 Laptop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL11969 2/11/2012 08:43:28 Desktop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL11970 2/11/2012 08:47:18 Misc. South Non-profit 79 No 2.7
CL11971 2/11/2012 08:52:05 Monitor East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL11972 2/11/2012 08:54:29 Misc. East SME 94 Yes 1.8
CL11973 2/11/2012 08:58:08 Accessories West Individual 84 Yes 2.4
CL11974 2/11/2012 09:01:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.7
CL11975 2/11/2012 09:06:31 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.3
CL11976 2/11/2012 09:09:56 Laptop West Non-profit 61 Yes 2.5
CL11977 2/11/2012 09:12:02 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL11978 2/11/2012 09:16:38 Misc. West Individual 91 Yes 3.1
CL11979 2/11/2012 09:17:14 Desktop South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL11980 2/11/2012 09:20:07 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 3.5
CL11981 2/11/2012 09:25:12 Monitor South Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.1
CL11982 2/11/2012 09:29:02 Misc. Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.6
CL11983 2/11/2012 09:33:08 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL11984 2/11/2012 09:33:24 Accessories North SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL11985 2/11/2012 09:34:03 Misc. North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL11986 2/11/2012 09:38:16 Accessories South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL11987 2/11/2012 09:40:55 Monitor North Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL11988 2/11/2012 09:44:14 Misc. South Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.8
CL11989 2/11/2012 09:46:03 Laptop North SME 59 Yes 3.1
CL11990 2/11/2012 09:48:05 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 2.7
CL11991 2/11/2012 09:48:08 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.7
CL11992 2/11/2012 09:51:13 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL11993 2/11/2012 09:52:47 Desktop South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.9
CL11994 2/11/2012 09:55:26 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL11995 2/11/2012 09:56:41 Software East SME 65 Yes 3.2
CL11996 2/11/2012 10:02:14 Misc. East Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL11997 2/11/2012 10:05:47 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 No 3.0
CL11998 2/11/2012 10:08:08 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 56 Yes 3.2
CL11999 2/11/2012 10:12:44 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.8
CL12000 2/11/2012 10:15:36 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL12001 2/11/2012 10:21:11 Monitor North SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL12002 2/11/2012 10:21:53 Monitor Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.2
CL12003 2/11/2012 10:26:55 Monitor West SME 83 Yes 3.3
CL12004 2/11/2012 10:30:02 Accessories West SME 79 Yes 2.3
CL12005 2/11/2012 10:35:13 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL12006 2/11/2012 10:40:29 Monitor South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.6
CL12007 2/11/2012 10:41:20 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL12008 2/11/2012 10:46:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.3
CL12009 2/11/2012 10:47:02 Accessories West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.2
CL12010 2/11/2012 10:51:19 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL12011 2/11/2012 10:56:59 Laptop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL12012 2/11/2012 11:02:17 Desktop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL12013 2/11/2012 11:04:25 Laptop East SME 62 Yes 2.9
CL12014 2/11/2012 11:09:38 Desktop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL12015 2/11/2012 11:10:12 Laptop Mid-west Individual 60 Yes 2.4
CL12016 2/11/2012 11:10:56 Misc. West Individual 67 Yes 3.9
CL12017 2/11/2012 11:12:29 Laptop West SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL12018 2/11/2012 11:13:51 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.0
CL12019 2/11/2012 11:17:17 Laptop West Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL12020 2/11/2012 11:17:37 Desktop North Individual 61 No 2.9
CL12021 2/11/2012 11:20:23 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.6
CL12022 2/11/2012 11:22:03 Desktop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL12023 2/11/2012 11:24:25 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 2.7
CL12024 2/11/2012 11:27:56 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 1.9
CL12025 2/11/2012 11:32:58 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL12026 2/11/2012 11:36:09 Monitor East SME 59 Yes 2.7
CL12027 2/11/2012 11:40:35 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL12028 2/11/2012 11:42:12 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL12029 2/11/2012 11:43:27 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL12030 2/11/2012 11:44:50 Misc. Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.5
CL12031 2/11/2012 11:50:23 Laptop North Individual 65 Yes 3.7
CL12032 2/11/2012 11:50:56 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 3.3
CL12033 2/11/2012 11:56:23 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.5
CL12034 2/11/2012 11:58:55 Desktop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.8
CL12035 2/11/2012 12:04:28 Laptop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.5
CL12036 2/11/2012 12:06:26 Misc. East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.0
CL12037 2/11/2012 12:08:23 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL12038 2/11/2012 12:11:11 Accessories West Individual 90 Yes 3.0
CL12039 2/11/2012 12:15:13 Monitor West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.5
CL12040 2/11/2012 12:15:23 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL12041 2/11/2012 12:20:43 Desktop South SME 65 Yes 2.9
CL12042 2/11/2012 12:24:27 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.6
CL12043 2/11/2012 12:27:23 Misc. Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.6
CL12044 2/11/2012 12:31:02 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 64 Yes 3.4
CL12045 2/11/2012 12:32:13 Monitor North Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.6
CL12046 2/11/2012 12:37:18 Monitor West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL12047 2/11/2012 12:41:53 Desktop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL12048 2/11/2012 12:43:17 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL12049 2/11/2012 12:45:14 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.5
CL12050 2/11/2012 12:46:56 Laptop East SME 78 Yes 1.8
CL12051 2/11/2012 12:47:35 Accessories West SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL12052 2/11/2012 12:51:02 Monitor East Individual 72 Yes 2.0
CL12053 2/11/2012 12:54:28 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL12054 2/11/2012 12:56:53 Laptop West SME 84 Yes 3.3
CL12055 2/11/2012 12:58:03 Desktop West Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL12056 2/11/2012 13:03:23 Software West SME 68 Yes 2.8
CL12057 2/11/2012 13:04:36 Accessories West Non-profit 89 Yes 2.2
CL12058 2/11/2012 13:09:46 Monitor East Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL12059 2/11/2012 13:10:38 Desktop East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.3
CL12060 2/11/2012 13:10:50 Accessories North SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL12061 2/11/2012 13:13:37 Software North SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL12062 2/11/2012 13:16:12 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 2.8
CL12063 2/11/2012 13:20:26 Accessories West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL12064 2/11/2012 13:25:12 Monitor North Non-profit 93 Yes 2.5
CL12065 2/11/2012 13:26:46 Accessories Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.5
CL12066 2/11/2012 13:27:48 Monitor West Non-profit 86 Yes 3.4
CL12067 2/11/2012 13:32:17 Misc. East Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL12068 2/11/2012 13:36:22 Laptop South Individual 75 No 2.0
CL12069 2/11/2012 13:39:27 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL12070 2/11/2012 13:44:39 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL12071 2/11/2012 13:47:14 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL12072 2/11/2012 13:52:10 Software South Individual 79 Yes 3.9
CL12073 2/11/2012 13:57:47 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL12074 2/11/2012 14:03:17 Desktop North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.0
CL12075 2/11/2012 14:05:51 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL12076 2/11/2012 14:08:28 Software South SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL12077 2/11/2012 14:08:39 Accessories Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 2.4
CL12078 2/11/2012 14:09:01 Accessories North Individual 64 Yes 3.1
CL12079 2/11/2012 14:11:26 Accessories West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.4
CL12080 2/11/2012 14:13:29 Laptop West Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL12081 2/11/2012 14:14:09 Software East SME 70 Yes 1.9
CL12082 2/11/2012 14:17:45 Accessories South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL12083 2/11/2012 14:20:38 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 No 2.6
CL12084 2/11/2012 14:22:49 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL12085 2/11/2012 14:25:09 Software West Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL12086 2/11/2012 14:29:29 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL12087 2/11/2012 14:32:30 Desktop West Large Corporate 73 No 2.9
CL12088 2/11/2012 14:38:10 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL12089 2/11/2012 14:41:44 Monitor North Non-profit 64 Yes 3.3
CL12090 2/11/2012 14:43:30 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.5
CL12091 2/11/2012 14:46:14 Software West Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.2
CL12092 2/11/2012 14:51:20 Monitor East Large Corporate 73 No 3.0
CL12093 2/11/2012 14:52:04 Misc. East Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL12094 2/11/2012 14:57:12 Monitor East Individual 73 No 2.9
CL12095 2/11/2012 15:02:20 Accessories South Individual 59 Yes 3.5
CL12096 2/11/2012 15:04:38 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 4.1
CL12097 2/11/2012 15:04:56 Accessories North SME 72 Yes 3.4
CL12098 2/11/2012 15:05:43 Desktop East SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL12099 2/11/2012 15:05:53 Monitor South SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL12100 2/11/2012 15:10:59 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.3
CL12101 2/11/2012 15:15:13 Laptop North Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL12102 2/11/2012 15:16:09 Accessories West Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.5
CL12103 2/11/2012 15:19:46 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.3
CL12104 2/11/2012 15:22:58 Misc. West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL12105 2/11/2012 15:25:04 Monitor North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL12106 2/11/2012 15:30:06 Laptop East Non-profit 82 Yes 3.2
CL12107 2/11/2012 15:31:34 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL12108 2/11/2012 15:35:16 Monitor North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL12109 2/11/2012 15:39:03 Desktop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL12110 2/11/2012 15:44:10 Software West Individual 80 Yes 2.0
CL12111 2/11/2012 15:46:28 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL12112 2/11/2012 15:51:38 Desktop East Individual 73 Yes 3.3
CL12113 2/11/2012 15:56:08 Monitor North SME 70 Yes 2.6
CL12114 2/11/2012 15:56:30 Desktop West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL12115 2/11/2012 15:56:58 Accessories West Individual 86 Yes 3.4
CL12116 2/11/2012 16:01:02 Desktop Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 3.3
CL12117 2/11/2012 16:02:40 Accessories West SME 80 Yes 3.1
CL12118 2/11/2012 16:03:46 Misc. North SME 62 Yes 2.9
CL12119 2/11/2012 16:05:25 Desktop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL12120 2/11/2012 16:11:03 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL12121 2/11/2012 16:13:29 Software North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL12122 2/11/2012 16:16:32 Monitor West Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL12123 2/11/2012 16:21:08 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL12124 2/11/2012 16:25:11 Desktop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL12125 2/11/2012 16:27:37 Desktop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL12126 2/11/2012 16:31:17 Software West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL12127 2/11/2012 16:31:20 Software West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL12128 2/11/2012 16:32:26 Laptop North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL12129 2/11/2012 16:37:26 Software Mid-west SME 83 Yes 2.7
CL12130 2/11/2012 16:37:32 Software East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.5
CL12131 2/11/2012 16:38:42 Desktop West SME 70 No 2.7
CL12132 2/11/2012 16:43:57 Accessories North Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL12133 2/11/2012 16:48:32 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.2
CL12134 2/11/2012 16:50:22 Monitor East SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL12135 2/11/2012 16:55:04 Laptop East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL12136 2/11/2012 16:59:54 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL12137 2/11/2012 17:03:05 Accessories North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL12138 2/11/2012 17:04:59 Laptop North SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL12139 2/11/2012 17:05:39 Laptop South SME 81 Yes 3.6
CL12140 2/11/2012 17:10:18 Accessories East Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL12141 2/11/2012 17:11:36 Software Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL12142 2/11/2012 17:17:17 Desktop West Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL12143 2/11/2012 17:21:34 Monitor South SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL12144 2/11/2012 17:25:32 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL12145 2/11/2012 17:25:44 Software South Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL12146 2/11/2012 17:30:12 Accessories East Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.4
CL12147 2/11/2012 17:35:07 Desktop South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL12148 2/11/2012 17:38:02 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL12149 2/11/2012 17:38:44 Software West Non-profit 60 Yes 2.9
CL12150 2/11/2012 17:42:31 Desktop West Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL12151 2/11/2012 17:45:36 Monitor North Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL12152 2/11/2012 17:46:09 Software East SME 86 Yes 2.7
CL12153 2/11/2012 17:49:38 Misc. Mid-west SME 74 Yes 4.0
CL12154 2/11/2012 17:53:11 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL12155 2/11/2012 17:57:17 Laptop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.1
CL12156 2/11/2012 17:58:53 Software West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL12157 2/11/2012 18:02:14 Misc. South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.9
CL12158 2/11/2012 18:07:10 Laptop East SME 68 Yes 3.2
CL12159 2/11/2012 18:08:15 Misc. North Non-profit 91 Yes 2.5
CL12160 2/11/2012 18:13:49 Monitor North Individual 92 Yes 2.8
CL12161 2/11/2012 18:14:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.6
CL12162 2/11/2012 18:18:53 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 4.0
CL12163 2/11/2012 18:23:47 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL12164 2/11/2012 18:28:05 Desktop South Individual 65 Yes 3.1
CL12165 2/11/2012 18:33:35 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 3.7
CL12166 2/11/2012 18:37:12 Software South SME 64 Yes 2.8
CL12167 2/11/2012 18:37:43 Accessories North Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL12168 2/11/2012 18:41:10 Desktop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL12169 2/11/2012 18:46:50 Software North Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL12170 2/11/2012 18:49:39 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.2
CL12171 2/11/2012 18:53:29 Software West Large Corporate 77 No 3.4
CL12172 2/11/2012 18:54:36 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL12173 2/11/2012 18:58:12 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL12174 2/11/2012 19:03:14 Misc. North SME 68 Yes 3.8
CL12175 2/11/2012 19:08:55 Monitor Mid-west SME 73 No 2.9
CL12176 2/11/2012 19:12:29 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.6
CL12177 2/11/2012 19:15:55 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL12178 2/11/2012 19:20:05 Misc. West Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.0
CL12179 2/11/2012 19:24:09 Laptop West Individual 64 Yes 2.5
CL12180 2/11/2012 19:28:40 Laptop West SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL12181 2/11/2012 19:31:29 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL12182 2/11/2012 19:34:35 Software East SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL12183 2/11/2012 19:35:37 Accessories East SME 87 Yes 3.2
CL12184 2/11/2012 19:41:19 Monitor South Non-profit 93 Yes 2.4
CL12185 2/11/2012 19:43:06 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL12186 2/11/2012 19:46:50 Desktop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.3
CL12187 2/11/2012 19:47:59 Misc. East SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL12188 2/11/2012 19:53:40 Software East Individual 81 Yes 3.9
CL12189 2/11/2012 19:56:17 Monitor North Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.1
CL12190 2/11/2012 20:01:41 Monitor South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.5
CL12191 2/11/2012 20:04:11 Accessories West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL12192 2/11/2012 20:06:09 Desktop Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 2.3
CL12193 2/11/2012 20:10:55 Accessories East SME 82 Yes 2.2
CL12194 2/11/2012 20:16:02 Accessories South SME 79 Yes 3.9
CL12195 2/11/2012 20:18:40 Desktop East Individual 60 Yes 1.9
CL12196 2/11/2012 20:23:37 Software North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL12197 2/11/2012 20:25:55 Monitor East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL12198 2/11/2012 20:27:05 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 61 Yes 3.4
CL12199 2/11/2012 20:29:34 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL12200 2/11/2012 20:31:37 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 64 Yes 2.9
CL12201 2/11/2012 20:33:25 Desktop West Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL12202 2/11/2012 20:38:05 Desktop East Non-profit 63 Yes 3.2
CL12203 2/11/2012 20:38:21 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 3.2
CL12204 2/11/2012 20:43:31 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 2.4
CL12205 2/11/2012 20:46:49 Laptop East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.1
CL12206 2/11/2012 20:48:50 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 3.5
CL12207 2/11/2012 20:54:13 Desktop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.2
CL12208 2/11/2012 20:54:34 Laptop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL12209 2/11/2012 20:58:07 Software West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.5
CL12210 2/11/2012 21:03:43 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL12211 2/11/2012 21:06:50 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL12212 2/11/2012 21:08:16 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 3.3
CL12213 2/11/2012 21:09:23 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL12214 2/11/2012 21:14:11 Monitor South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.6
CL12215 2/11/2012 21:14:54 Desktop West Individual 59 Yes 2.3
CL12216 2/11/2012 21:16:11 Misc. South Non-profit 83 Yes 3.1
CL12217 2/11/2012 21:18:25 Monitor East Individual 79 Yes 2.5
CL12218 2/11/2012 21:23:21 Laptop South SME 48 Yes 3.2
CL12219 2/11/2012 21:28:23 Accessories East Individual 67 Yes 3.3
CL12220 2/11/2012 21:30:42 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.4
CL12221 2/11/2012 21:34:36 Desktop West Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL12222 2/11/2012 21:39:29 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.4
CL12223 2/11/2012 21:44:19 Accessories East SME 82 No 3.0
CL12224 2/11/2012 21:48:55 Misc. North Individual 90 Yes 2.8
CL12225 2/11/2012 21:53:21 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL12226 2/11/2012 21:55:31 Desktop North SME 66 Yes 3.7
CL12227 2/11/2012 21:59:36 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL12228 2/11/2012 22:04:48 Misc. West Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.1
CL12229 2/12/2012 08:09:13 Accessories West SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL12230 2/12/2012 08:12:05 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.7
CL12231 2/12/2012 08:14:43 Misc. South Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL12232 2/12/2012 08:18:49 Misc. East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.3
CL12233 2/12/2012 08:21:50 Accessories Mid-west SME 62 Yes 3.5
CL12234 2/12/2012 08:23:02 Accessories South Individual 71 No 2.7
CL12235 2/12/2012 08:23:07 Software North Non-profit 84 Yes 3.6
CL12236 2/12/2012 08:27:25 Monitor East Large Corporate 68 No 3.1
CL12237 2/12/2012 08:27:26 Monitor North Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL12238 2/12/2012 08:29:42 Monitor North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.6
CL12239 2/12/2012 08:31:09 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL12240 2/12/2012 08:32:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL12241 2/12/2012 08:36:16 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL12242 2/12/2012 08:38:20 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.5
CL12243 2/12/2012 08:38:33 Laptop South Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.3
CL12244 2/12/2012 08:41:56 Software North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL12245 2/12/2012 08:42:14 Accessories East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.7
CL12246 2/12/2012 08:47:14 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL12247 2/12/2012 08:50:54 Misc. East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.0
CL12248 2/12/2012 08:51:15 Software South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.4
CL12249 2/12/2012 08:51:16 Accessories East Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL12250 2/12/2012 08:51:37 Laptop North Individual 91 Yes 3.4
CL12251 2/12/2012 08:53:53 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL12252 2/12/2012 08:54:17 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.5
CL12253 2/12/2012 08:59:13 Misc. South Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL12254 2/12/2012 09:03:19 Misc. East Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL12255 2/12/2012 09:08:10 Accessories East Individual 87 Yes 2.8
CL12256 2/12/2012 09:09:29 Misc. West Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL12257 2/12/2012 09:10:03 Accessories West Individual 61 Yes 3.2
CL12258 2/12/2012 09:12:57 Software North Large Corporate 95 Yes 3.0
CL12259 2/12/2012 09:17:56 Accessories North SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL12260 2/12/2012 09:18:42 Software East SME 53 Yes 2.4
CL12261 2/12/2012 09:21:11 Software South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.0
CL12262 2/12/2012 09:22:39 Accessories Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL12263 2/12/2012 09:27:08 Laptop West Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL12264 2/12/2012 09:29:37 Misc. South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.4
CL12265 2/12/2012 09:35:01 Desktop North Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL12266 2/12/2012 09:38:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL12267 2/12/2012 09:44:06 Software East Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL12268 2/12/2012 09:47:17 Software East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL12269 2/12/2012 09:49:49 Monitor North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.4
CL12270 2/12/2012 09:50:26 Misc. Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.8
CL12271 2/12/2012 09:52:18 Accessories East SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL12272 2/12/2012 09:55:46 Software South SME 62 Yes 3.6
CL12273 2/12/2012 10:00:26 Laptop West Individual 73 Yes 2.2
CL12274 2/12/2012 10:04:50 Monitor East SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL12275 2/12/2012 10:06:44 Misc. South SME 76 Yes 1.8
CL12276 2/12/2012 10:09:31 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL12277 2/12/2012 10:11:27 Laptop East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.6
CL12278 2/12/2012 10:16:17 Accessories North Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL12279 2/12/2012 10:21:47 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.0
CL12280 2/12/2012 10:21:53 Monitor West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.0
CL12281 2/12/2012 10:24:23 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.6
CL12282 2/12/2012 10:30:00 Laptop West Individual 72 Yes 2.0
CL12283 2/12/2012 10:33:22 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.9
CL12284 2/12/2012 10:38:25 Software South Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL12285 2/12/2012 10:43:59 Monitor North Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL12286 2/12/2012 10:44:47 Software North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.6
CL12287 2/12/2012 10:46:25 Desktop East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL12288 2/12/2012 10:48:08 Accessories East Non-profit 69 No 3.2
CL12289 2/12/2012 10:48:16 Software South SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL12290 2/12/2012 10:52:42 Desktop North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL12291 2/12/2012 10:56:08 Desktop South Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.8
CL12292 2/12/2012 10:59:45 Misc. South SME 73 No 3.0
CL12293 2/12/2012 11:05:06 Monitor North SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL12294 2/12/2012 11:08:26 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL12295 2/12/2012 11:11:19 Software North Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL12296 2/12/2012 11:14:12 Laptop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL12297 2/12/2012 11:16:35 Software Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL12298 2/12/2012 11:17:46 Monitor North SME 68 Yes 2.7
CL12299 2/12/2012 11:20:36 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 3.6
CL12300 2/12/2012 11:25:43 Monitor East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.3
CL12301 2/12/2012 11:29:12 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL12302 2/12/2012 11:31:09 Desktop East Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL12303 2/12/2012 11:36:25 Accessories South SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL12304 2/12/2012 11:37:44 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL12305 2/12/2012 11:38:11 Misc. East Individual 93 Yes 3.6
CL12306 2/12/2012 11:43:48 Monitor West SME 76 No 2.2
CL12307 2/12/2012 11:46:04 Monitor East Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL12308 2/12/2012 11:48:51 Monitor North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL12309 2/12/2012 11:53:30 Accessories West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.6
CL12310 2/12/2012 11:54:17 Software East Individual 70 Yes 3.0
CL12311 2/12/2012 11:58:34 Misc. North Individual 61 Yes 3.2
CL12312 2/12/2012 12:04:08 Accessories South SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL12313 2/12/2012 12:06:49 Software South Individual 89 Yes 3.7
CL12314 2/12/2012 12:09:57 Desktop South Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL12315 2/12/2012 12:09:57 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL12316 2/12/2012 12:10:51 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL12317 2/12/2012 12:12:22 Software West SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL12318 2/12/2012 12:14:08 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.6
CL12319 2/12/2012 12:16:54 Laptop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.9
CL12320 2/12/2012 12:19:13 Software East Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL12321 2/12/2012 12:23:07 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 4.3
CL12322 2/12/2012 12:27:02 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.3
CL12323 2/12/2012 12:32:33 Desktop South Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL12324 2/12/2012 12:33:53 Desktop Mid-west SME 65 No 1.8
CL12325 2/12/2012 12:36:11 Desktop Mid-west Individual 98 Yes 2.4
CL12326 2/12/2012 12:36:43 Software South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL12327 2/12/2012 12:37:09 Accessories Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL12328 2/12/2012 12:41:52 Misc. West Individual 65 Yes 2.6
CL12329 2/12/2012 12:44:59 Desktop West Non-profit 69 Yes 1.9
CL12330 2/12/2012 12:47:06 Desktop South Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.2
CL12331 2/12/2012 12:52:30 Misc. West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.5
CL12332 2/12/2012 12:57:33 Accessories South Non-profit 85 Yes 2.8
CL12333 2/12/2012 12:58:32 Monitor North Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.0
CL12334 2/12/2012 13:01:13 Monitor North SME 77 Yes 3.3
CL12335 2/12/2012 13:06:10 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 3.4
CL12336 2/12/2012 13:09:09 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 3.7
CL12337 2/12/2012 13:14:06 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL12338 2/12/2012 13:16:40 Accessories West Individual 71 Yes 2.7
CL12339 2/12/2012 13:21:15 Monitor North Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL12340 2/12/2012 13:21:39 Software East Individual 86 Yes 2.9
CL12341 2/12/2012 13:25:31 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL12342 2/12/2012 13:28:02 Desktop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL12343 2/12/2012 13:31:10 Monitor West SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL12344 2/12/2012 13:35:41 Monitor Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.7
CL12345 2/12/2012 13:37:09 Accessories North Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.1
CL12346 2/12/2012 13:39:19 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 2.1
CL12347 2/12/2012 13:40:53 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL12348 2/12/2012 13:44:50 Desktop North Individual 73 Yes 2.0
CL12349 2/12/2012 13:50:08 Misc. North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL12350 2/12/2012 13:54:05 Monitor South SME 85 Yes 3.1
CL12351 2/12/2012 13:56:32 Accessories North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL12352 2/12/2012 14:00:02 Misc. North Non-profit 95 Yes 2.4
CL12353 2/12/2012 14:02:37 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL12354 2/12/2012 14:06:31 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL12355 2/12/2012 14:06:53 Monitor South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.3
CL12356 2/12/2012 14:11:09 Software East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL12357 2/12/2012 14:15:24 Monitor South SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL12358 2/12/2012 14:20:39 Misc. West Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL12359 2/12/2012 14:24:11 Misc. East SME 87 Yes 3.5
CL12360 2/12/2012 14:28:16 Accessories West Individual 66 Yes 1.8
CL12361 2/12/2012 14:30:08 Monitor East Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL12362 2/12/2012 14:30:09 Monitor East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL12363 2/12/2012 14:31:20 Software Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL12364 2/12/2012 14:33:56 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.8
CL12365 2/12/2012 14:36:23 Accessories East Individual 65 Yes 2.9
CL12366 2/12/2012 14:38:58 Desktop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL12367 2/12/2012 14:42:51 Laptop North Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.5
CL12368 2/12/2012 14:46:37 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 No 3.5
CL12369 2/12/2012 14:50:40 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.0
CL12370 2/12/2012 14:53:26 Accessories West Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL12371 2/12/2012 14:54:07 Software East Individual 83 No 3.6
CL12372 2/12/2012 14:57:13 Desktop Mid-west Individual 85 Yes 2.8
CL12373 2/12/2012 14:58:35 Accessories South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL12374 2/12/2012 15:00:27 Software West Individual 85 Yes 3.4
CL12375 2/12/2012 15:02:24 Misc. East Individual 72 Yes 2.1
CL12376 2/12/2012 15:04:27 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.5
CL12377 2/12/2012 15:06:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL12378 2/12/2012 15:09:45 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 3.1
CL12379 2/12/2012 15:10:32 Misc. South SME 85 Yes 3.8
CL12380 2/12/2012 15:13:42 Accessories North Non-profit 88 Yes 2.5
CL12381 2/12/2012 15:18:43 Misc. South SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL12382 2/12/2012 15:22:41 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 2.3
CL12383 2/12/2012 15:23:33 Laptop South Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.5
CL12384 2/12/2012 15:27:08 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL12385 2/12/2012 15:29:52 Accessories North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL12386 2/12/2012 15:34:12 Laptop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 1.9
CL12387 2/12/2012 15:38:47 Misc. South Large Corporate 47 Yes 2.9
CL12388 2/12/2012 15:43:16 Accessories Mid-west SME 70 No 3.1
CL12389 2/12/2012 15:44:02 Software West Non-profit 87 Yes 2.7
CL12390 2/12/2012 15:44:34 Desktop South SME 74 Yes 3.7
CL12391 2/12/2012 15:49:45 Laptop West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL12392 2/12/2012 15:54:03 Misc. Mid-west Individual 60 Yes 2.7
CL12393 2/12/2012 15:56:03 Monitor West Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL12394 2/12/2012 16:01:01 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL12395 2/12/2012 16:02:36 Software West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL12396 2/12/2012 16:04:52 Software West SME 61 Yes 2.8
CL12397 2/12/2012 16:08:46 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL12398 2/12/2012 16:11:07 Laptop East Non-profit 59 Yes 2.8
CL12399 2/12/2012 16:14:35 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL12400 2/12/2012 16:18:27 Desktop East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL12401 2/12/2012 16:23:29 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 95 Yes 3.4
CL12402 2/12/2012 16:27:02 Software West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL12403 2/12/2012 16:27:21 Misc. Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.0
CL12404 2/12/2012 16:32:22 Monitor West SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL12405 2/12/2012 16:37:57 Monitor East Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.3
CL12406 2/12/2012 16:43:30 Monitor West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL12407 2/12/2012 16:44:37 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.4
CL12408 2/12/2012 16:47:28 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 3.7
CL12409 2/12/2012 16:52:08 Accessories South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL12410 2/12/2012 16:57:46 Monitor West Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.7
CL12411 2/12/2012 17:02:12 Desktop West SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL12412 2/12/2012 17:04:21 Software South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL12413 2/12/2012 17:04:35 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.4
CL12414 2/12/2012 17:10:18 Monitor South Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.4
CL12415 2/12/2012 17:13:09 Laptop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.4
CL12416 2/12/2012 17:15:00 Laptop West Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL12417 2/12/2012 17:18:42 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 57 Yes 1.7
CL12418 2/12/2012 17:21:15 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.6
CL12419 2/12/2012 17:26:39 Laptop South Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.2
CL12420 2/12/2012 17:28:23 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL12421 2/12/2012 17:28:37 Software East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL12422 2/12/2012 17:31:07 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL12423 2/12/2012 17:32:13 Laptop South SME 82 Yes 2.3
CL12424 2/12/2012 17:34:40 Software South SME 82 Yes 3.1
CL12425 2/12/2012 17:39:03 Accessories Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.6
CL12426 2/12/2012 17:40:39 Accessories Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 2.7
CL12427 2/12/2012 17:45:52 Accessories East Individual 77 Yes 3.0
CL12428 2/12/2012 17:47:31 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL12429 2/12/2012 17:49:30 Monitor North SME 63 Yes 2.4
CL12430 2/12/2012 17:53:40 Laptop East Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL12431 2/12/2012 17:57:02 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL12432 2/12/2012 17:58:54 Monitor South SME 86 Yes 2.9
CL12433 2/12/2012 18:04:09 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 3.0
CL12434 2/12/2012 18:07:03 Desktop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.9
CL12435 2/12/2012 18:07:44 Accessories West Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL12436 2/12/2012 18:11:22 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 4.3
CL12437 2/12/2012 18:12:34 Laptop West Individual 66 Yes 3.0
CL12438 2/12/2012 18:16:43 Software South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL12439 2/12/2012 18:18:40 Misc. East Non-profit 85 Yes 2.5
CL12440 2/12/2012 18:22:38 Laptop South Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL12441 2/12/2012 18:27:47 Laptop North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.5
CL12442 2/12/2012 18:28:09 Misc. East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.2
CL12443 2/12/2012 18:32:22 Software Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.5
CL12444 2/12/2012 18:36:47 Laptop North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.5
CL12445 2/12/2012 18:39:14 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.0
CL12446 2/12/2012 18:40:53 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL12447 2/12/2012 18:44:24 Accessories East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL12448 2/12/2012 18:47:50 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.9
CL12449 2/12/2012 18:48:28 Software East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL12450 2/12/2012 18:49:13 Desktop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.2
CL12451 2/12/2012 18:54:11 Laptop Mid-west Individual 64 Yes 2.7
CL12452 2/12/2012 18:56:20 Misc. Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL12453 2/12/2012 19:00:58 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL12454 2/12/2012 19:02:20 Laptop South SME 64 Yes 2.9
CL12455 2/12/2012 19:04:15 Misc. North Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL12456 2/12/2012 19:09:35 Laptop North Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.7
CL12457 2/12/2012 19:13:04 Desktop South Non-profit 63 Yes 3.0
CL12458 2/12/2012 19:16:06 Software West SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL12459 2/12/2012 19:20:48 Desktop West Individual 63 Yes 2.9
CL12460 2/12/2012 19:22:23 Accessories East Large Corporate 99 No 2.3
CL12461 2/12/2012 19:26:00 Software Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.7
CL12462 2/12/2012 19:26:31 Accessories West SME 67 Yes 3.5
CL12463 2/12/2012 19:29:09 Misc. North SME 65 Yes 3.9
CL12464 2/12/2012 19:34:29 Accessories West Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.9
CL12465 2/12/2012 19:38:43 Monitor East Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL12466 2/12/2012 19:39:23 Laptop North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL12467 2/12/2012 19:43:01 Software East Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL12468 2/12/2012 19:43:12 Monitor Mid-west Individual 93 Yes 2.9
CL12469 2/12/2012 19:47:33 Software West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL12470 2/12/2012 19:50:21 Misc. North Individual 71 Yes 3.6
CL12471 2/12/2012 19:55:32 Accessories North Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL12472 2/12/2012 19:57:08 Accessories South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL12473 2/12/2012 19:59:47 Laptop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.7
CL12474 2/12/2012 20:02:42 Software North SME 68 Yes 3.9
CL12475 2/12/2012 20:08:23 Desktop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL12476 2/12/2012 20:11:15 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 2.9
CL12477 2/12/2012 20:15:31 Desktop East Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.7
CL12478 2/12/2012 20:21:09 Monitor West Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL12479 2/12/2012 20:24:46 Misc. Mid-west Individual 63 Yes 3.3
CL12480 2/12/2012 20:26:01 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL12481 2/12/2012 20:26:47 Laptop North Individual 73 No 3.2
CL12482 2/12/2012 20:28:21 Laptop North SME 86 Yes 3.4
CL12483 2/12/2012 20:32:50 Accessories West Individual 64 Yes 2.8
CL12484 2/12/2012 20:37:33 Accessories North Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL12485 2/12/2012 20:41:24 Software North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.6
CL12486 2/12/2012 20:44:35 Accessories East Individual 72 Yes 3.0
CL12487 2/12/2012 20:45:03 Accessories West SME 71 Yes 3.9
CL12488 2/12/2012 20:46:40 Desktop South Non-profit 70 Yes 2.5
CL12489 2/12/2012 20:51:39 Accessories South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL12490 2/12/2012 20:51:58 Software South SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL12491 2/12/2012 20:52:48 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.1
CL12492 2/12/2012 20:55:19 Misc. North SME 74 Yes 2.8
CL12493 2/12/2012 20:56:41 Laptop West Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.4
CL12494 2/12/2012 20:57:47 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 4.1
CL12495 2/12/2012 20:58:10 Software East Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL12496 2/12/2012 21:01:11 Laptop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL12497 2/12/2012 21:01:32 Desktop North Individual 88 Yes 2.9
CL12498 2/12/2012 21:02:47 Desktop West Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL12499 2/12/2012 21:04:59 Monitor South SME 75 Yes 4.0
CL12500 2/12/2012 21:06:10 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL12501 2/12/2012 21:11:44 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 2.7
CL12502 2/12/2012 21:14:18 Accessories East Individual 85 Yes 3.3
CL12503 2/12/2012 21:18:46 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL12504 2/12/2012 21:19:07 Monitor East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL12505 2/12/2012 21:22:17 Misc. West SME 81 Yes 3.0
CL12506 2/12/2012 21:24:13 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.4
CL12507 2/12/2012 21:29:43 Monitor South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL12508 2/12/2012 21:32:18 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL12509 2/12/2012 21:36:49 Desktop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL12510 2/12/2012 21:38:08 Misc. West SME 82 Yes 3.5
CL12511 2/12/2012 21:41:09 Laptop South SME 83 Yes 3.5
CL12512 2/12/2012 21:43:25 Software North Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL12513 2/12/2012 21:45:35 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL12514 2/12/2012 21:49:17 Misc. West SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL12515 2/12/2012 21:51:19 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL12516 2/12/2012 21:52:06 Misc. Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.4
CL12517 2/12/2012 21:56:55 Monitor West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL12518 2/12/2012 22:00:40 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL12519 2/13/2012 08:02:49 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL12520 2/13/2012 08:05:56 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.2
CL12521 2/13/2012 08:09:54 Software West SME 84 Yes 3.9
CL12522 2/13/2012 08:10:31 Misc. South SME 94 Yes 3.7
CL12523 2/13/2012 08:10:33 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 88 Yes 3.5
CL12524 2/13/2012 08:16:02 Misc. Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.6
CL12525 2/13/2012 08:16:28 Accessories West Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.6
CL12526 2/13/2012 08:18:54 Desktop North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.9
CL12527 2/13/2012 08:20:11 Software East Individual 86 Yes 2.4
CL12528 2/13/2012 08:23:08 Laptop West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.3
CL12529 2/13/2012 08:24:29 Misc. East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL12530 2/13/2012 08:24:34 Laptop East SME 59 Yes 3.3
CL12531 2/13/2012 08:27:46 Software Mid-west Individual 67 No 3.6
CL12532 2/13/2012 08:31:47 Laptop North Individual 85 No 3.5
CL12533 2/13/2012 08:32:52 Accessories East Individual 64 Yes 2.9
CL12534 2/13/2012 08:34:14 Monitor South Large Corporate 75 No 3.8
CL12535 2/13/2012 08:39:38 Misc. East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL12536 2/13/2012 08:42:21 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.9
CL12537 2/13/2012 08:42:29 Desktop North SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL12538 2/13/2012 08:46:54 Software South Individual 77 Yes 1.7
CL12539 2/13/2012 08:51:27 Software North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL12540 2/13/2012 08:53:08 Software West Non-profit 66 Yes 3.5
CL12541 2/13/2012 08:57:51 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL12542 2/13/2012 08:59:40 Laptop North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL12543 2/13/2012 09:02:46 Misc. Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 3.2
CL12544 2/13/2012 09:03:39 Desktop North SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL12545 2/13/2012 09:07:59 Laptop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.0
CL12546 2/13/2012 09:09:30 Desktop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.2
CL12547 2/13/2012 09:15:00 Software Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL12548 2/13/2012 09:19:25 Accessories West Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.1
CL12549 2/13/2012 09:22:31 Desktop East Large Corporate 53 Yes 2.8
CL12550 2/13/2012 09:26:56 Accessories South Individual 76 No 3.0
CL12551 2/13/2012 09:28:22 Laptop South SME 84 Yes 3.3
CL12552 2/13/2012 09:33:44 Misc. North Individual 96 Yes 3.3
CL12553 2/13/2012 09:33:57 Accessories West SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL12554 2/13/2012 09:35:07 Misc. East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.0
CL12555 2/13/2012 09:39:32 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL12556 2/13/2012 09:42:21 Desktop North SME 94 Yes 3.2
CL12557 2/13/2012 09:45:18 Misc. North Individual 83 Yes 4.0
CL12558 2/13/2012 09:49:08 Monitor East Non-profit 56 Yes 2.2
CL12559 2/13/2012 09:50:01 Software South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.3
CL12560 2/13/2012 09:50:08 Laptop East SME 69 Yes 4.2
CL12561 2/13/2012 09:53:12 Accessories East Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.6
CL12562 2/13/2012 09:53:50 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.4
CL12563 2/13/2012 09:56:40 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL12564 2/13/2012 10:01:45 Laptop West SME 66 Yes 1.6
CL12565 2/13/2012 10:05:06 Desktop East SME 86 Yes 3.4
CL12566 2/13/2012 10:08:41 Monitor East SME 57 Yes 3.4
CL12567 2/13/2012 10:08:49 Monitor Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL12568 2/13/2012 10:11:14 Accessories Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.5
CL12569 2/13/2012 10:16:52 Accessories East Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL12570 2/13/2012 10:18:30 Desktop East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.0
CL12571 2/13/2012 10:21:31 Desktop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.3
CL12572 2/13/2012 10:22:51 Monitor Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.3
CL12573 2/13/2012 10:27:32 Desktop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.8
CL12574 2/13/2012 10:32:27 Monitor East SME 80 Yes 3.3
CL12575 2/13/2012 10:37:41 Laptop East SME 78 Yes 3.4
CL12576 2/13/2012 10:41:10 Laptop North Individual 86 Yes 3.3
CL12577 2/13/2012 10:46:52 Desktop North Individual 82 Yes 2.9
CL12578 2/13/2012 10:50:24 Software West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL12579 2/13/2012 10:52:37 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL12580 2/13/2012 10:57:33 Monitor Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.6
CL12581 2/13/2012 11:02:54 Monitor East Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL12582 2/13/2012 11:08:18 Software Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL12583 2/13/2012 11:11:54 Laptop North SME 96 Yes 3.3
CL12584 2/13/2012 11:17:13 Misc. East Individual 71 Yes 2.4
CL12585 2/13/2012 11:20:32 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL12586 2/13/2012 11:23:43 Desktop West SME 53 Yes 3.8
CL12587 2/13/2012 11:25:49 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.8
CL12588 2/13/2012 11:30:46 Desktop West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.7
CL12589 2/13/2012 11:34:50 Laptop North Individual 67 Yes 3.5
CL12590 2/13/2012 11:38:48 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.5
CL12591 2/13/2012 11:40:01 Monitor East SME 81 No 3.1
CL12592 2/13/2012 11:44:21 Misc. East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL12593 2/13/2012 11:49:02 Misc. South SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL12594 2/13/2012 11:54:29 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL12595 2/13/2012 11:54:57 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL12596 2/13/2012 11:55:43 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.5
CL12597 2/13/2012 11:59:29 Software West SME 68 Yes 2.4
CL12598 2/13/2012 12:02:30 Monitor South Large Corporate 91 Yes 4.4
CL12599 2/13/2012 12:03:38 Software Mid-west SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL12600 2/13/2012 12:07:31 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL12601 2/13/2012 12:08:18 Software South SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL12602 2/13/2012 12:10:14 Misc. South SME 59 Yes 3.9
CL12603 2/13/2012 12:14:26 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL12604 2/13/2012 12:17:42 Software East Individual 71 Yes 2.3
CL12605 2/13/2012 12:20:21 Laptop West Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.1
CL12606 2/13/2012 12:22:46 Software North SME 80 Yes 3.2
CL12607 2/13/2012 12:27:43 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL12608 2/13/2012 12:31:32 Desktop North Non-profit 66 Yes 3.5
CL12609 2/13/2012 12:31:50 Desktop West Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL12610 2/13/2012 12:32:09 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL12611 2/13/2012 12:35:04 Software South Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL12612 2/13/2012 12:35:51 Accessories North SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL12613 2/13/2012 12:37:11 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 2.1
CL12614 2/13/2012 12:42:03 Software East SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL12615 2/13/2012 12:44:59 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL12616 2/13/2012 12:49:24 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL12617 2/13/2012 12:54:09 Monitor East Individual 69 Yes 3.9
CL12618 2/13/2012 12:55:52 Accessories East SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL12619 2/13/2012 12:59:56 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL12620 2/13/2012 13:03:03 Monitor North SME 78 Yes 3.7
CL12621 2/13/2012 13:05:24 Monitor Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.5
CL12622 2/13/2012 13:06:38 Desktop West Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL12623 2/13/2012 13:12:11 Laptop North SME 67 Yes 3.1
CL12624 2/13/2012 13:17:03 Laptop South Large Corporate 90 Yes 4.3
CL12625 2/13/2012 13:21:17 Software Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.2
CL12626 2/13/2012 13:22:06 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL12627 2/13/2012 13:26:23 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL12628 2/13/2012 13:29:53 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL12629 2/13/2012 13:32:21 Laptop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.6
CL12630 2/13/2012 13:32:36 Desktop North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL12631 2/13/2012 13:35:03 Monitor West Individual 67 Yes 2.9
CL12632 2/13/2012 13:36:56 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL12633 2/13/2012 13:38:46 Software East Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.5
CL12634 2/13/2012 13:39:27 Software East Individual 65 Yes 3.1
CL12635 2/13/2012 13:42:41 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 89 Yes 3.6
CL12636 2/13/2012 13:43:09 Accessories South Individual 66 Yes 2.6
CL12637 2/13/2012 13:46:15 Laptop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.1
CL12638 2/13/2012 13:51:22 Software East SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL12639 2/13/2012 13:51:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.3
CL12640 2/13/2012 13:57:30 Desktop East Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.6
CL12641 2/13/2012 13:59:28 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 2.7
CL12642 2/13/2012 14:04:47 Accessories South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL12643 2/13/2012 14:04:52 Laptop South Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.8
CL12644 2/13/2012 14:07:23 Desktop North Individual 77 Yes 2.7
CL12645 2/13/2012 14:11:41 Laptop South Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL12646 2/13/2012 14:11:57 Desktop East Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL12647 2/13/2012 14:15:44 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL12648 2/13/2012 14:17:43 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL12649 2/13/2012 14:22:35 Misc. South Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.3
CL12650 2/13/2012 14:24:57 Software South Individual 57 Yes 2.3
CL12651 2/13/2012 14:28:02 Software Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL12652 2/13/2012 14:29:53 Software West SME 64 Yes 3.0
CL12653 2/13/2012 14:33:34 Accessories East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.9
CL12654 2/13/2012 14:39:05 Laptop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL12655 2/13/2012 14:44:43 Software South SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL12656 2/13/2012 14:44:54 Laptop North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.7
CL12657 2/13/2012 14:50:37 Accessories North SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL12658 2/13/2012 14:51:21 Misc. Mid-west SME 79 Yes 3.3
CL12659 2/13/2012 14:51:25 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 91 Yes 2.2
CL12660 2/13/2012 14:55:20 Misc. West SME 82 Yes 3.8
CL12661 2/13/2012 14:59:08 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL12662 2/13/2012 15:03:00 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.1
CL12663 2/13/2012 15:07:59 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.5
CL12664 2/13/2012 15:11:50 Desktop East Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL12665 2/13/2012 15:14:50 Software North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL12666 2/13/2012 15:19:59 Laptop East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL12667 2/13/2012 15:24:11 Software North Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL12668 2/13/2012 15:29:14 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL12669 2/13/2012 15:31:08 Laptop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.4
CL12670 2/13/2012 15:34:16 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.3
CL12671 2/13/2012 15:38:31 Software West Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL12672 2/13/2012 15:43:43 Desktop South Individual 61 Yes 3.5
CL12673 2/13/2012 15:46:28 Desktop North Non-profit 89 Yes 2.2
CL12674 2/13/2012 15:51:51 Software Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 3.0
CL12675 2/13/2012 15:55:53 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 1.9
CL12676 2/13/2012 16:01:20 Desktop East SME 65 Yes 3.4
CL12677 2/13/2012 16:03:21 Monitor East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.5
CL12678 2/13/2012 16:04:03 Monitor Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 3.2
CL12679 2/13/2012 16:08:56 Misc. South Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL12680 2/13/2012 16:12:15 Monitor North Individual 91 Yes 3.3
CL12681 2/13/2012 16:17:13 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 3.9
CL12682 2/13/2012 16:17:41 Misc. South Individual 72 No 3.4
CL12683 2/13/2012 16:19:23 Misc. Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.4
CL12684 2/13/2012 16:19:27 Misc. South Individual 71 Yes 2.3
CL12685 2/13/2012 16:24:38 Accessories North SME 61 Yes 4.2
CL12686 2/13/2012 16:27:25 Misc. West SME 81 Yes 3.5
CL12687 2/13/2012 16:27:27 Accessories West SME 88 Yes 3.2
CL12688 2/13/2012 16:28:37 Desktop East Non-profit 76 Yes 4.4
CL12689 2/13/2012 16:34:18 Desktop East Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL12690 2/13/2012 16:36:44 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL12691 2/13/2012 16:39:16 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL12692 2/13/2012 16:44:52 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL12693 2/13/2012 16:50:13 Software East SME 67 Yes 2.4
CL12694 2/13/2012 16:52:15 Software South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.4
CL12695 2/13/2012 16:53:51 Software South Individual 70 Yes 3.3
CL12696 2/13/2012 16:56:15 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL12697 2/13/2012 16:59:37 Software West Individual 80 No 3.6
CL12698 2/13/2012 17:01:31 Laptop South Large Corporate 60 No 3.0
CL12699 2/13/2012 17:01:46 Desktop South Individual 61 Yes 2.0
CL12700 2/13/2012 17:04:29 Monitor East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.9
CL12701 2/13/2012 17:08:14 Accessories South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL12702 2/13/2012 17:08:43 Misc. West SME 88 Yes 2.9
CL12703 2/13/2012 17:11:16 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.3
CL12704 2/13/2012 17:11:38 Desktop East SME 71 Yes 2.5
CL12705 2/13/2012 17:14:02 Desktop North Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL12706 2/13/2012 17:19:09 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 3.4
CL12707 2/13/2012 17:21:20 Misc. South Individual 84 Yes 2.3
CL12708 2/13/2012 17:21:43 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL12709 2/13/2012 17:25:36 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.1
CL12710 2/13/2012 17:25:42 Software Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL12711 2/13/2012 17:30:34 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.4
CL12712 2/13/2012 17:32:47 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 No 2.9
CL12713 2/13/2012 17:33:34 Misc. South SME 65 Yes 3.7
CL12714 2/13/2012 17:34:52 Desktop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL12715 2/13/2012 17:36:13 Accessories West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.8
CL12716 2/13/2012 17:40:22 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL12717 2/13/2012 17:43:25 Monitor South SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL12718 2/13/2012 17:47:52 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL12719 2/13/2012 17:50:46 Software West Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL12720 2/13/2012 17:50:55 Monitor West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL12721 2/13/2012 17:53:12 Software North Non-profit 82 Yes 3.3
CL12722 2/13/2012 17:55:21 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL12723 2/13/2012 18:00:53 Misc. South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.7
CL12724 2/13/2012 18:02:35 Accessories Mid-west Individual 89 Yes 3.1
CL12725 2/13/2012 18:07:51 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.6
CL12726 2/13/2012 18:09:41 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.9
CL12727 2/13/2012 18:14:51 Desktop South SME 76 Yes 2.7
CL12728 2/13/2012 18:17:20 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL12729 2/13/2012 18:21:06 Laptop West Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.7
CL12730 2/13/2012 18:26:35 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL12731 2/13/2012 18:30:36 Desktop East Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL12732 2/13/2012 18:32:09 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL12733 2/13/2012 18:33:49 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL12734 2/13/2012 18:36:02 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.8
CL12735 2/13/2012 18:40:18 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL12736 2/13/2012 18:42:53 Desktop North SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL12737 2/13/2012 18:47:58 Software Mid-west Individual 49 Yes 3.0
CL12738 2/13/2012 18:51:31 Desktop East Non-profit 58 Yes 3.3
CL12739 2/13/2012 18:53:39 Misc. West SME 79 Yes 3.2
CL12740 2/13/2012 18:57:25 Misc. West Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.7
CL12741 2/13/2012 19:01:50 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL12742 2/13/2012 19:06:39 Monitor West Individual 70 Yes 3.5
CL12743 2/13/2012 19:11:15 Laptop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL12744 2/13/2012 19:12:11 Software East SME 72 Yes 3.6
CL12745 2/13/2012 19:12:50 Accessories South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.5
CL12746 2/13/2012 19:18:08 Misc. South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.2
CL12747 2/13/2012 19:21:41 Misc. North Large Corporate 59 Yes 2.9
CL12748 2/13/2012 19:24:22 Laptop North SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL12749 2/13/2012 19:28:00 Laptop East SME 83 Yes 2.9
CL12750 2/13/2012 19:30:29 Laptop West Individual 95 Yes 2.8
CL12751 2/13/2012 19:35:42 Accessories South SME 66 Yes 3.1
CL12752 2/13/2012 19:37:29 Misc. South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.7
CL12753 2/13/2012 19:40:48 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.9
CL12754 2/13/2012 19:43:29 Desktop North SME 62 Yes 2.2
CL12755 2/13/2012 19:46:21 Software East Large Corporate 76 No 2.2
CL12756 2/13/2012 19:49:27 Laptop East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL12757 2/13/2012 19:52:37 Accessories West Individual 85 Yes 2.6
CL12758 2/13/2012 19:55:09 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL12759 2/13/2012 20:00:08 Monitor East SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL12760 2/13/2012 20:02:10 Accessories East Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.9
CL12761 2/13/2012 20:04:53 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL12762 2/13/2012 20:05:12 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.6
CL12763 2/13/2012 20:09:10 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.5
CL12764 2/13/2012 20:11:12 Monitor West SME 64 Yes 3.3
CL12765 2/13/2012 20:11:22 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 2.1
CL12766 2/13/2012 20:16:23 Desktop North Individual 70 Yes 2.5
CL12767 2/13/2012 20:18:16 Software Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.7
CL12768 2/13/2012 20:23:04 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL12769 2/13/2012 20:26:16 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.1
CL12770 2/13/2012 20:26:29 Accessories East SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL12771 2/13/2012 20:29:18 Laptop North Individual 65 Yes 2.1
CL12772 2/13/2012 20:34:41 Software North Large Corporate 78 No 2.8
CL12773 2/13/2012 20:35:18 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL12774 2/13/2012 20:37:32 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL12775 2/13/2012 20:38:13 Desktop West Non-profit 80 No 2.8
CL12776 2/13/2012 20:43:16 Accessories South Non-profit 94 Yes 3.4
CL12777 2/13/2012 20:45:54 Accessories North SME 77 No 2.9
CL12778 2/13/2012 20:49:14 Misc. North Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.5
CL12779 2/13/2012 20:54:26 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL12780 2/13/2012 20:57:36 Desktop West SME 73 Yes 3.4
CL12781 2/13/2012 21:00:24 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL12782 2/13/2012 21:02:35 Accessories South SME 83 Yes 3.5
CL12783 2/13/2012 21:06:08 Software East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.8
CL12784 2/13/2012 21:08:24 Accessories West Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL12785 2/13/2012 21:10:27 Desktop East Non-profit 61 Yes 3.8
CL12786 2/13/2012 21:14:22 Software West SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL12787 2/13/2012 21:19:45 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.8
CL12788 2/13/2012 21:23:05 Accessories West Large Corporate 74 Yes 4.1
CL12789 2/13/2012 21:24:59 Misc. East Individual 87 Yes 3.5
CL12790 2/13/2012 21:26:28 Desktop North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL12791 2/13/2012 21:28:06 Accessories North SME 77 Yes 3.6
CL12792 2/13/2012 21:31:39 Desktop Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 2.4
CL12793 2/13/2012 21:32:58 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL12794 2/13/2012 21:38:34 Laptop East SME 82 Yes 3.5
CL12795 2/13/2012 21:42:19 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL12796 2/13/2012 21:43:53 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 2.7
CL12797 2/13/2012 21:48:15 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 95 Yes 3.2
CL12798 2/13/2012 21:49:42 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.3
CL12799 2/13/2012 21:53:24 Desktop Mid-west SME 90 Yes 3.5
CL12800 2/13/2012 21:55:39 Accessories South Large Corporate 79 No 1.8
CL12801 2/13/2012 21:59:32 Desktop South Individual 64 Yes 2.9
CL12802 2/13/2012 22:03:31 Accessories East SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL12803 2/14/2012 08:06:47 Monitor North Non-profit 71 Yes 3.6
CL12804 2/14/2012 08:08:34 Misc. North Individual 69 Yes 2.6
CL12805 2/14/2012 08:13:37 Accessories South Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL12806 2/14/2012 08:18:50 Misc. West Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.4
CL12807 2/14/2012 08:22:23 Desktop Mid-west Individual 84 Yes 3.2
CL12808 2/14/2012 08:25:27 Software East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.5
CL12809 2/14/2012 08:28:41 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.5
CL12810 2/14/2012 08:33:13 Accessories East Individual 71 No 2.7
CL12811 2/14/2012 08:38:10 Accessories North Large Corporate 61 Yes 2.6
CL12812 2/14/2012 08:39:17 Laptop North Individual 80 Yes 2.5
CL12813 2/14/2012 08:43:41 Laptop West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.9
CL12814 2/14/2012 08:45:05 Software North SME 83 Yes 3.6
CL12815 2/14/2012 08:46:13 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 3.2
CL12816 2/14/2012 08:47:00 Accessories East SME 68 Yes 3.2
CL12817 2/14/2012 08:52:36 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.8
CL12818 2/14/2012 08:55:05 Laptop North SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL12819 2/14/2012 08:57:42 Monitor West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL12820 2/14/2012 08:58:29 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 2.9
CL12821 2/14/2012 08:59:57 Software West SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL12822 2/14/2012 09:05:22 Misc. South Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL12823 2/14/2012 09:07:15 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.0
CL12824 2/14/2012 09:12:05 Monitor East Individual 94 Yes 2.9
CL12825 2/14/2012 09:14:19 Desktop East Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL12826 2/14/2012 09:17:05 Accessories North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.8
CL12827 2/14/2012 09:19:10 Misc. West SME 65 Yes 2.3
CL12828 2/14/2012 09:19:26 Software Mid-west SME 87 Yes 3.8
CL12829 2/14/2012 09:25:09 Laptop West Individual 71 Yes 3.6
CL12830 2/14/2012 09:28:21 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL12831 2/14/2012 09:29:48 Software South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.4
CL12832 2/14/2012 09:33:51 Software Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL12833 2/14/2012 09:37:40 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL12834 2/14/2012 09:39:31 Desktop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL12835 2/14/2012 09:40:17 Desktop North Individual 83 Yes 2.1
CL12836 2/14/2012 09:42:15 Desktop South Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.4
CL12837 2/14/2012 09:47:08 Monitor East SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL12838 2/14/2012 09:52:47 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL12839 2/14/2012 09:56:13 Monitor North Individual 61 Yes 3.5
CL12840 2/14/2012 10:00:56 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.5
CL12841 2/14/2012 10:05:00 Software East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL12842 2/14/2012 10:09:35 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL12843 2/14/2012 10:10:05 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL12844 2/14/2012 10:11:40 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.2
CL12845 2/14/2012 10:16:30 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 3.0
CL12846 2/14/2012 10:21:58 Desktop South Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL12847 2/14/2012 10:23:27 Desktop East Non-profit 64 Yes 2.8
CL12848 2/14/2012 10:28:21 Accessories North SME 93 Yes 2.3
CL12849 2/14/2012 10:29:43 Desktop West Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.6
CL12850 2/14/2012 10:34:58 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL12851 2/14/2012 10:38:45 Misc. Mid-west SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL12852 2/14/2012 10:39:49 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL12853 2/14/2012 10:43:10 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL12854 2/14/2012 10:46:49 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL12855 2/14/2012 10:47:35 Misc. South Individual 72 Yes 3.8
CL12856 2/14/2012 10:51:23 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL12857 2/14/2012 10:52:14 Desktop East SME 93 Yes 3.0
CL12858 2/14/2012 10:56:39 Software South Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL12859 2/14/2012 11:00:46 Monitor West Non-profit 90 Yes 2.7
CL12860 2/14/2012 11:04:07 Misc. East SME 93 Yes 3.0
CL12861 2/14/2012 11:07:58 Monitor West SME 85 Yes 2.9
CL12862 2/14/2012 11:11:34 Software West Individual 62 Yes 3.1
CL12863 2/14/2012 11:15:49 Monitor East Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL12864 2/14/2012 11:19:48 Monitor West Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL12865 2/14/2012 11:24:19 Monitor North SME 86 Yes 2.4
CL12866 2/14/2012 11:28:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 No 2.3
CL12867 2/14/2012 11:29:21 Misc. North SME 85 Yes 1.6
CL12868 2/14/2012 11:30:08 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL12869 2/14/2012 11:33:14 Accessories East SME 92 Yes 2.4
CL12870 2/14/2012 11:35:07 Laptop East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL12871 2/14/2012 11:39:41 Laptop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.6
CL12872 2/14/2012 11:40:43 Laptop South Individual 89 Yes 1.7
CL12873 2/14/2012 11:42:03 Desktop Mid-west Individual 76 No 2.7
CL12874 2/14/2012 11:43:25 Desktop East SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL12875 2/14/2012 11:46:42 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.4
CL12876 2/14/2012 11:47:18 Desktop East Large Corporate 58 Yes 2.6
CL12877 2/14/2012 11:50:41 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.7
CL12878 2/14/2012 11:50:55 Misc. North SME 68 Yes 3.1
CL12879 2/14/2012 11:56:33 Misc. East Individual 88 Yes 4.2
CL12880 2/14/2012 11:57:54 Accessories South Non-profit 72 No 2.1
CL12881 2/14/2012 12:00:15 Laptop North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL12882 2/14/2012 12:01:29 Misc. North SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL12883 2/14/2012 12:05:59 Software East Individual 74 Yes 2.2
CL12884 2/14/2012 12:08:33 Misc. Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.9
CL12885 2/14/2012 12:11:07 Accessories West Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL12886 2/14/2012 12:15:46 Software South Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.6
CL12887 2/14/2012 12:16:38 Monitor Mid-west SME 63 Yes 3.5
CL12888 2/14/2012 12:20:33 Software Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.7
CL12889 2/14/2012 12:22:17 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL12890 2/14/2012 12:23:39 Misc. West Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL12891 2/14/2012 12:25:37 Laptop North Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL12892 2/14/2012 12:30:44 Software North Individual 69 Yes 3.3
CL12893 2/14/2012 12:33:02 Monitor West SME 75 No 3.3
CL12894 2/14/2012 12:34:06 Desktop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL12895 2/14/2012 12:36:37 Software Mid-west SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL12896 2/14/2012 12:42:06 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL12897 2/14/2012 12:42:41 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.2
CL12898 2/14/2012 12:46:07 Desktop Mid-west Individual 88 Yes 3.3
CL12899 2/14/2012 12:49:26 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL12900 2/14/2012 12:50:24 Software South Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL12901 2/14/2012 12:55:17 Accessories West Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL12902 2/14/2012 12:55:24 Software North SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL12903 2/14/2012 12:55:43 Laptop West SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL12904 2/14/2012 12:59:08 Misc. North Individual 79 Yes 2.5
CL12905 2/14/2012 13:04:35 Software West Large Corporate 70 No 3.6
CL12906 2/14/2012 13:04:51 Monitor West SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL12907 2/14/2012 13:07:52 Laptop East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.2
CL12908 2/14/2012 13:09:50 Accessories West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.8
CL12909 2/14/2012 13:10:51 Misc. West SME 61 Yes 2.8
CL12910 2/14/2012 13:16:06 Accessories East SME 89 Yes 3.0
CL12911 2/14/2012 13:20:10 Misc. South SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL12912 2/14/2012 13:20:27 Accessories East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.5
CL12913 2/14/2012 13:21:54 Misc. East Individual 89 Yes 4.0
CL12914 2/14/2012 13:22:27 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 72 Yes 2.7
CL12915 2/14/2012 13:27:36 Monitor East SME 66 No 3.3
CL12916 2/14/2012 13:30:25 Misc. North Non-profit 64 Yes 2.4
CL12917 2/14/2012 13:30:48 Accessories North SME 85 Yes 2.7
CL12918 2/14/2012 13:36:07 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL12919 2/14/2012 13:40:27 Desktop East SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL12920 2/14/2012 13:40:37 Laptop South Individual 79 Yes 2.7
CL12921 2/14/2012 13:46:22 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 4.2
CL12922 2/14/2012 13:48:58 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.1
CL12923 2/14/2012 13:50:48 Monitor North Non-profit 86 Yes 1.7
CL12924 2/14/2012 13:56:03 Misc. North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL12925 2/14/2012 13:58:33 Misc. North SME 59 Yes 3.6
CL12926 2/14/2012 14:01:10 Misc. Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL12927 2/14/2012 14:04:42 Software West Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL12928 2/14/2012 14:09:09 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.0
CL12929 2/14/2012 14:12:34 Desktop South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL12930 2/14/2012 14:14:04 Monitor North Individual 84 Yes 2.5
CL12931 2/14/2012 14:16:49 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 3.2
CL12932 2/14/2012 14:19:40 Monitor North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL12933 2/14/2012 14:23:50 Software East SME 75 Yes 3.7
CL12934 2/14/2012 14:29:13 Monitor Mid-west SME 76 Yes 1.9
CL12935 2/14/2012 14:31:41 Monitor Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL12936 2/14/2012 14:36:46 Accessories Mid-west SME 90 Yes 2.4
CL12937 2/14/2012 14:39:47 Software East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.2
CL12938 2/14/2012 14:41:31 Monitor Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.4
CL12939 2/14/2012 14:45:53 Monitor East Individual 66 Yes 2.7
CL12940 2/14/2012 14:47:59 Software East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.0
CL12941 2/14/2012 14:48:36 Accessories South Individual 68 Yes 3.6
CL12942 2/14/2012 14:50:38 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL12943 2/14/2012 14:51:50 Laptop East Non-profit 52 Yes 3.1
CL12944 2/14/2012 14:55:32 Laptop East SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL12945 2/14/2012 14:55:33 Desktop East Individual 88 Yes 2.3
CL12946 2/14/2012 14:56:06 Monitor North Individual 81 No 2.8
CL12947 2/14/2012 15:01:41 Software West SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL12948 2/14/2012 15:05:06 Laptop West SME 63 Yes 3.3
CL12949 2/14/2012 15:08:44 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL12950 2/14/2012 15:10:44 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.1
CL12951 2/14/2012 15:13:17 Accessories East Non-profit 61 Yes 4.6
CL12952 2/14/2012 15:15:05 Misc. South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL12953 2/14/2012 15:20:39 Laptop West Non-profit 59 Yes 4.0
CL12954 2/14/2012 15:21:26 Desktop North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL12955 2/14/2012 15:22:56 Laptop West SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL12956 2/14/2012 15:25:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.7
CL12957 2/14/2012 15:30:54 Misc. South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL12958 2/14/2012 15:33:10 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.4
CL12959 2/14/2012 15:33:29 Misc. North Individual 68 Yes 3.4
CL12960 2/14/2012 15:38:56 Software West Individual 56 Yes 2.7
CL12961 2/14/2012 15:42:05 Laptop North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL12962 2/14/2012 15:47:28 Software Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.9
CL12963 2/14/2012 15:52:29 Software East Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL12964 2/14/2012 15:53:00 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.4
CL12965 2/14/2012 15:57:49 Accessories South Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL12966 2/14/2012 15:59:13 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 1.7
CL12967 2/14/2012 16:01:23 Misc. North Individual 64 Yes 3.5
CL12968 2/14/2012 16:06:55 Laptop West Individual 89 Yes 3.5
CL12969 2/14/2012 16:07:21 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL12970 2/14/2012 16:08:22 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL12971 2/14/2012 16:10:51 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 56 Yes 2.9
CL12972 2/14/2012 16:12:08 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 3.1
CL12973 2/14/2012 16:13:51 Software South Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.1
CL12974 2/14/2012 16:16:27 Accessories West SME 65 Yes 2.9
CL12975 2/14/2012 16:21:56 Monitor East Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL12976 2/14/2012 16:23:03 Accessories West Non-profit 60 Yes 3.2
CL12977 2/14/2012 16:24:01 Monitor West Non-profit 80 Yes 2.2
CL12978 2/14/2012 16:24:31 Software South Non-profit 88 Yes 3.8
CL12979 2/14/2012 16:27:36 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL12980 2/14/2012 16:31:42 Monitor West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.7
CL12981 2/14/2012 16:32:11 Misc. East Individual 80 Yes 3.2
CL12982 2/14/2012 16:35:45 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL12983 2/14/2012 16:35:51 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL12984 2/14/2012 16:36:25 Laptop East Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.5
CL12985 2/14/2012 16:41:52 Laptop West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.5
CL12986 2/14/2012 16:42:12 Desktop Mid-west SME 85 Yes 2.8
CL12987 2/14/2012 16:45:08 Laptop West SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL12988 2/14/2012 16:46:46 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL12989 2/14/2012 16:50:16 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL12990 2/14/2012 16:52:43 Misc. South Large Corporate 85 No 3.1
CL12991 2/14/2012 16:57:44 Accessories West SME 55 Yes 3.1
CL12992 2/14/2012 16:58:30 Laptop West SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL12993 2/14/2012 17:00:10 Monitor South Individual 59 Yes 3.1
CL12994 2/14/2012 17:02:17 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL12995 2/14/2012 17:04:07 Laptop South Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL12996 2/14/2012 17:04:40 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 92 Yes 3.1
CL12997 2/14/2012 17:06:18 Laptop North Individual 72 Yes 3.6
CL12998 2/14/2012 17:11:03 Misc. West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.3
CL12999 2/14/2012 17:12:16 Monitor South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL13000 2/14/2012 17:16:21 Accessories East Individual 88 Yes 3.0
CL13001 2/14/2012 17:21:09 Desktop East Individual 75 Yes 3.6
CL13002 2/14/2012 17:24:23 Desktop North Individual 75 Yes 1.5
CL13003 2/14/2012 17:25:30 Software South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.1
CL13004 2/14/2012 17:26:49 Software South Individual 82 No 3.1
CL13005 2/14/2012 17:28:38 Monitor East Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.8
CL13006 2/14/2012 17:30:09 Laptop East Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL13007 2/14/2012 17:33:58 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL13008 2/14/2012 17:36:08 Monitor West SME 82 Yes 3.0
CL13009 2/14/2012 17:41:17 Accessories North SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL13010 2/14/2012 17:43:48 Desktop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL13011 2/14/2012 17:46:06 Accessories North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.9
CL13012 2/14/2012 17:49:10 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL13013 2/14/2012 17:53:00 Misc. East SME 97 Yes 3.8
CL13014 2/14/2012 17:55:24 Laptop South Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL13015 2/14/2012 17:57:26 Desktop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL13016 2/14/2012 18:03:05 Laptop South SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL13017 2/14/2012 18:06:51 Laptop West SME 79 Yes 3.4
CL13018 2/14/2012 18:09:03 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL13019 2/14/2012 18:13:16 Misc. East Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL13020 2/14/2012 18:18:40 Monitor North SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL13021 2/14/2012 18:22:04 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 95 Yes 2.7
CL13022 2/14/2012 18:23:28 Laptop West Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL13023 2/14/2012 18:28:21 Monitor North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.8
CL13024 2/14/2012 18:31:22 Laptop South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.2
CL13025 2/14/2012 18:34:10 Software South SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL13026 2/14/2012 18:38:50 Monitor North Individual 69 Yes 2.7
CL13027 2/14/2012 18:43:59 Software East Large Corporate 80 No 3.3
CL13028 2/14/2012 18:45:30 Misc. South Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL13029 2/14/2012 18:50:24 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.3
CL13030 2/14/2012 18:50:37 Software Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL13031 2/14/2012 18:54:34 Misc. South SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL13032 2/14/2012 18:58:44 Monitor East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL13033 2/14/2012 19:03:55 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 No 3.5
CL13034 2/14/2012 19:04:02 Monitor North SME 77 Yes 3.9
CL13035 2/14/2012 19:08:29 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.5
CL13036 2/14/2012 19:11:36 Misc. North Non-profit 83 Yes 4.0
CL13037 2/14/2012 19:15:29 Software North Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL13038 2/14/2012 19:18:33 Laptop North Individual 83 Yes 2.9
CL13039 2/14/2012 19:18:55 Misc. West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.7
CL13040 2/14/2012 19:21:46 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL13041 2/14/2012 19:24:33 Laptop South SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL13042 2/14/2012 19:28:24 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.6
CL13043 2/14/2012 19:32:27 Laptop North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.7
CL13044 2/14/2012 19:32:36 Software East SME 95 Yes 2.2
CL13045 2/14/2012 19:37:37 Desktop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.5
CL13046 2/14/2012 19:42:04 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL13047 2/14/2012 19:43:18 Monitor North Individual 57 Yes 3.6
CL13048 2/14/2012 19:43:31 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 3.6
CL13049 2/14/2012 19:47:18 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 2.1
CL13050 2/14/2012 19:47:57 Monitor South SME 76 Yes 3.5
CL13051 2/14/2012 19:50:32 Laptop East SME 73 Yes 4.2
CL13052 2/14/2012 19:53:51 Accessories West Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.8
CL13053 2/14/2012 19:58:08 Software Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.8
CL13054 2/14/2012 20:01:30 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL13055 2/14/2012 20:04:07 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 1.9
CL13056 2/14/2012 20:07:40 Misc. South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL13057 2/14/2012 20:13:19 Laptop North SME 74 Yes 2.9
CL13058 2/14/2012 20:17:05 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL13059 2/14/2012 20:21:59 Misc. North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.3
CL13060 2/14/2012 20:27:31 Accessories South Individual 74 Yes 3.1
CL13061 2/14/2012 20:29:42 Software Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.8
CL13062 2/14/2012 20:30:02 Misc. West SME 64 Yes 3.3
CL13063 2/14/2012 20:33:38 Desktop West Individual 85 Yes 2.9
CL13064 2/14/2012 20:35:12 Software Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL13065 2/14/2012 20:40:41 Misc. Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 2.9
CL13066 2/14/2012 20:40:53 Misc. East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL13067 2/14/2012 20:42:10 Misc. North Large Corporate 60 Yes 2.9
CL13068 2/14/2012 20:43:13 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL13069 2/14/2012 20:47:23 Software North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL13070 2/14/2012 20:52:27 Laptop South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL13071 2/14/2012 20:56:25 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL13072 2/14/2012 20:57:00 Laptop South SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL13073 2/14/2012 21:00:10 Desktop North Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL13074 2/14/2012 21:04:42 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.7
CL13075 2/14/2012 21:05:21 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.4
CL13076 2/14/2012 21:09:28 Misc. East Non-profit 91 Yes 2.9
CL13077 2/14/2012 21:14:31 Monitor North SME 76 No 3.5
CL13078 2/14/2012 21:14:51 Misc. East Individual 77 Yes 3.4
CL13079 2/14/2012 21:20:27 Misc. South SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL13080 2/14/2012 21:24:24 Monitor South Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL13081 2/14/2012 21:25:43 Software East Individual 63 No 2.9
CL13082 2/14/2012 21:29:05 Desktop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.6
CL13083 2/14/2012 21:29:25 Laptop East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL13084 2/14/2012 21:33:56 Laptop South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.9
CL13085 2/14/2012 21:34:07 Software Mid-west SME 90 Yes 2.3
CL13086 2/14/2012 21:37:54 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.7
CL13087 2/14/2012 21:38:37 Software West SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL13088 2/14/2012 21:40:05 Misc. South Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL13089 2/14/2012 21:45:38 Misc. North Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL13090 2/14/2012 21:49:01 Laptop East Individual 86 Yes 2.7
CL13091 2/14/2012 21:49:59 Monitor Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL13092 2/14/2012 21:54:17 Monitor North Individual 75 Yes 3.1
CL13093 2/14/2012 21:57:31 Monitor Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL13094 2/14/2012 21:59:56 Misc. West SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL13095 2/14/2012 22:01:49 Accessories North Large Corporate 90 Yes 3.4
CL13096 2/15/2012 08:04:11 Monitor East SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL13097 2/15/2012 08:07:55 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL13098 2/15/2012 08:09:51 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 86 Yes 3.2
CL13099 2/15/2012 08:14:03 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.7
CL13100 2/15/2012 08:15:46 Laptop South SME 63 Yes 2.6
CL13101 2/15/2012 08:16:36 Software East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.5
CL13102 2/15/2012 08:18:57 Laptop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.6
CL13103 2/15/2012 08:20:29 Desktop South SME 83 Yes 3.1
CL13104 2/15/2012 08:25:17 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 3.9
CL13105 2/15/2012 08:30:06 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL13106 2/15/2012 08:35:16 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 2.4
CL13107 2/15/2012 08:37:20 Laptop South SME 68 Yes 3.2
CL13108 2/15/2012 08:38:46 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 60 Yes 2.9
CL13109 2/15/2012 08:39:27 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.6
CL13110 2/15/2012 08:45:05 Misc. North Large Corporate 92 Yes 3.4
CL13111 2/15/2012 08:50:31 Misc. West Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL13112 2/15/2012 08:54:54 Monitor North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.9
CL13113 2/15/2012 08:59:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 85 No 2.5
CL13114 2/15/2012 08:59:44 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL13115 2/15/2012 09:01:21 Laptop South Large Corporate 87 No 3.1
CL13116 2/15/2012 09:06:22 Monitor South Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.7
CL13117 2/15/2012 09:10:05 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 3.7
CL13118 2/15/2012 09:12:12 Accessories South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL13119 2/15/2012 09:16:00 Misc. South Non-profit 89 Yes 2.6
CL13120 2/15/2012 09:20:58 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL13121 2/15/2012 09:25:20 Monitor North SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL13122 2/15/2012 09:25:36 Software East Large Corporate 72 Yes 2.2
CL13123 2/15/2012 09:26:17 Laptop West SME 87 Yes 2.6
CL13124 2/15/2012 09:27:13 Misc. West Individual 66 Yes 3.0
CL13125 2/15/2012 09:30:36 Software South Individual 88 Yes 3.5
CL13126 2/15/2012 09:32:23 Laptop West SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL13127 2/15/2012 09:37:39 Misc. West Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL13128 2/15/2012 09:42:20 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.2
CL13129 2/15/2012 09:47:49 Software East Individual 80 No 2.7
CL13130 2/15/2012 09:49:49 Laptop Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.3
CL13131 2/15/2012 09:52:48 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 No 3.5
CL13132 2/15/2012 09:55:54 Desktop South Individual 86 Yes 2.4
CL13133 2/15/2012 09:56:43 Laptop South SME 63 Yes 2.6
CL13134 2/15/2012 09:59:07 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL13135 2/15/2012 09:59:41 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL13136 2/15/2012 10:02:36 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.0
CL13137 2/15/2012 10:02:58 Desktop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.7
CL13138 2/15/2012 10:06:54 Desktop Mid-west SME 56 Yes 2.0
CL13139 2/15/2012 10:12:26 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL13140 2/15/2012 10:16:37 Misc. North Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL13141 2/15/2012 10:19:05 Desktop East Large Corporate 89 Yes 3.0
CL13142 2/15/2012 10:20:11 Accessories West Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.2
CL13143 2/15/2012 10:21:54 Accessories South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL13144 2/15/2012 10:27:34 Software North SME 78 Yes 3.9
CL13145 2/15/2012 10:31:08 Laptop West SME 87 Yes 2.7
CL13146 2/15/2012 10:31:44 Laptop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.2
CL13147 2/15/2012 10:37:01 Misc. West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL13148 2/15/2012 10:40:58 Misc. South Individual 73 No 2.8
CL13149 2/15/2012 10:42:27 Accessories West Individual 88 No 2.9
CL13150 2/15/2012 10:43:09 Desktop East SME 81 No 2.5
CL13151 2/15/2012 10:44:38 Accessories North Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.2
CL13152 2/15/2012 10:48:44 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 96 Yes 2.6
CL13153 2/15/2012 10:52:40 Monitor West Large Corporate 82 Yes 4.0
CL13154 2/15/2012 10:54:14 Laptop South Individual 90 Yes 3.0
CL13155 2/15/2012 10:57:14 Misc. Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.7
CL13156 2/15/2012 11:00:42 Monitor North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.8
CL13157 2/15/2012 11:03:25 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.5
CL13158 2/15/2012 11:03:57 Software North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.9
CL13159 2/15/2012 11:07:05 Desktop West SME 75 Yes 3.7
CL13160 2/15/2012 11:08:21 Software West Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.4
CL13161 2/15/2012 11:13:52 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 3.0
CL13162 2/15/2012 11:15:53 Accessories South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.9
CL13163 2/15/2012 11:19:03 Desktop North Individual 78 Yes 2.5
CL13164 2/15/2012 11:23:29 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL13165 2/15/2012 11:24:46 Monitor East SME 78 Yes 3.6
CL13166 2/15/2012 11:29:17 Laptop South Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.6
CL13167 2/15/2012 11:34:04 Monitor East Individual 56 Yes 2.7
CL13168 2/15/2012 11:36:07 Desktop North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.6
CL13169 2/15/2012 11:36:28 Desktop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL13170 2/15/2012 11:41:11 Misc. West Large Corporate 67 No 3.2
CL13171 2/15/2012 11:44:16 Accessories West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.7
CL13172 2/15/2012 11:44:46 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL13173 2/15/2012 11:46:25 Misc. West SME 74 Yes 3.0
CL13174 2/15/2012 11:50:31 Misc. South Individual 73 Yes 2.6
CL13175 2/15/2012 11:55:17 Desktop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL13176 2/15/2012 11:57:12 Laptop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.5
CL13177 2/15/2012 12:00:49 Laptop West Individual 79 Yes 4.2
CL13178 2/15/2012 12:01:21 Desktop South Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL13179 2/15/2012 12:06:40 Misc. North Individual 59 No 3.5
CL13180 2/15/2012 12:09:16 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 2.4
CL13181 2/15/2012 12:10:39 Laptop West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.0
CL13182 2/15/2012 12:12:48 Misc. East SME 87 Yes 3.2
CL13183 2/15/2012 12:13:23 Accessories North SME 57 Yes 2.2
CL13184 2/15/2012 12:17:05 Misc. North SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL13185 2/15/2012 12:18:19 Accessories West Individual 68 Yes 3.2
CL13186 2/15/2012 12:22:09 Accessories South Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL13187 2/15/2012 12:22:34 Misc. Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.9
CL13188 2/15/2012 12:25:33 Software Mid-west SME 81 Yes 2.0
CL13189 2/15/2012 12:26:38 Laptop North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL13190 2/15/2012 12:28:57 Software South SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL13191 2/15/2012 12:31:35 Desktop West SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL13192 2/15/2012 12:33:10 Misc. South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL13193 2/15/2012 12:35:58 Desktop East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.9
CL13194 2/15/2012 12:36:16 Laptop East Individual 83 Yes 2.3
CL13195 2/15/2012 12:36:48 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL13196 2/15/2012 12:40:04 Misc. South SME 75 Yes 2.8
CL13197 2/15/2012 12:43:36 Desktop East SME 85 No 2.3
CL13198 2/15/2012 12:46:43 Accessories North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL13199 2/15/2012 12:47:33 Software East SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL13200 2/15/2012 12:53:14 Monitor North SME 69 Yes 3.5
CL13201 2/15/2012 12:56:30 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL13202 2/15/2012 13:01:39 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL13203 2/15/2012 13:01:45 Software West Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL13204 2/15/2012 13:03:40 Accessories West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.9
CL13205 2/15/2012 13:05:39 Desktop South SME 83 Yes 3.0
CL13206 2/15/2012 13:06:29 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL13207 2/15/2012 13:09:29 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL13208 2/15/2012 13:09:49 Monitor South Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL13209 2/15/2012 13:11:10 Monitor South Individual 88 Yes 3.5
CL13210 2/15/2012 13:14:13 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.6
CL13211 2/15/2012 13:19:42 Accessories East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.1
CL13212 2/15/2012 13:20:59 Accessories West SME 60 Yes 2.0
CL13213 2/15/2012 13:24:07 Misc. North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.8
CL13214 2/15/2012 13:29:14 Software North SME 88 Yes 2.7
CL13215 2/15/2012 13:30:53 Desktop South Non-profit 61 Yes 3.6
CL13216 2/15/2012 13:32:57 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.9
CL13217 2/15/2012 13:36:01 Laptop East Individual 66 Yes 1.9
CL13218 2/15/2012 13:41:09 Misc. West Non-profit 63 Yes 4.2
CL13219 2/15/2012 13:41:16 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.0
CL13220 2/15/2012 13:46:32 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.1
CL13221 2/15/2012 13:49:31 Laptop East SME 65 Yes 3.5
CL13222 2/15/2012 13:51:48 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.8
CL13223 2/15/2012 13:54:38 Laptop South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.1
CL13224 2/15/2012 13:59:09 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.4
CL13225 2/15/2012 14:00:55 Monitor West SME 85 Yes 3.5
CL13226 2/15/2012 14:04:37 Laptop West SME 66 Yes 3.3
CL13227 2/15/2012 14:08:14 Accessories West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.9
CL13228 2/15/2012 14:08:28 Desktop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 4.0
CL13229 2/15/2012 14:11:02 Desktop East SME 71 No 3.0
CL13230 2/15/2012 14:15:36 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL13231 2/15/2012 14:18:19 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 3.6
CL13232 2/15/2012 14:22:23 Software South SME 90 No 2.7
CL13233 2/15/2012 14:23:00 Laptop East SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL13234 2/15/2012 14:27:25 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.5
CL13235 2/15/2012 14:31:39 Laptop East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.6
CL13236 2/15/2012 14:32:15 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL13237 2/15/2012 14:37:08 Laptop West SME 73 Yes 2.2
CL13238 2/15/2012 14:37:13 Laptop East SME 74 No 3.4
CL13239 2/15/2012 14:41:19 Laptop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL13240 2/15/2012 14:41:45 Software North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.6
CL13241 2/15/2012 14:43:07 Software Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.9
CL13242 2/15/2012 14:48:35 Accessories North Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL13243 2/15/2012 14:52:44 Laptop South Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL13244 2/15/2012 14:53:34 Monitor East SME 70 Yes 3.7
CL13245 2/15/2012 14:57:20 Desktop South SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL13246 2/15/2012 15:02:31 Monitor South Individual 63 Yes 2.2
CL13247 2/15/2012 15:07:14 Misc. South Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL13248 2/15/2012 15:12:25 Laptop North SME 81 Yes 2.9
CL13249 2/15/2012 15:16:57 Desktop East Individual 68 Yes 2.7
CL13250 2/15/2012 15:20:53 Laptop South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.0
CL13251 2/15/2012 15:25:18 Misc. South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL13252 2/15/2012 15:28:38 Monitor East Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL13253 2/15/2012 15:31:29 Laptop West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL13254 2/15/2012 15:36:16 Accessories North Non-profit 83 Yes 2.9
CL13255 2/15/2012 15:39:43 Desktop North SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL13256 2/15/2012 15:41:25 Accessories East SME 86 Yes 3.3
CL13257 2/15/2012 15:42:25 Laptop North Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL13258 2/15/2012 15:44:31 Accessories South Individual 90 Yes 3.5
CL13259 2/15/2012 15:46:34 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL13260 2/15/2012 15:52:02 Desktop North SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL13261 2/15/2012 15:53:54 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.5
CL13262 2/15/2012 15:56:23 Misc. East Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL13263 2/15/2012 15:56:51 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL13264 2/15/2012 16:00:28 Desktop North Individual 84 Yes 3.6
CL13265 2/15/2012 16:06:05 Accessories East Individual 74 Yes 2.8
CL13266 2/15/2012 16:07:11 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL13267 2/15/2012 16:08:43 Accessories South SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL13268 2/15/2012 16:12:43 Misc. West Large Corporate 75 Yes 4.2
CL13269 2/15/2012 16:14:36 Accessories East Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL13270 2/15/2012 16:19:07 Monitor North SME 93 Yes 1.7
CL13271 2/15/2012 16:19:56 Accessories East Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL13272 2/15/2012 16:21:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL13273 2/15/2012 16:27:07 Accessories West Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL13274 2/15/2012 16:27:24 Accessories East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.3
CL13275 2/15/2012 16:28:02 Software South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.6
CL13276 2/15/2012 16:32:16 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.3
CL13277 2/15/2012 16:32:47 Software South Individual 78 Yes 3.2
CL13278 2/15/2012 16:37:59 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL13279 2/15/2012 16:41:40 Misc. North Non-profit 73 Yes 2.5
CL13280 2/15/2012 16:45:46 Misc. West Non-profit 73 No 2.9
CL13281 2/15/2012 16:46:10 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.4
CL13282 2/15/2012 16:51:32 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.8
CL13283 2/15/2012 16:54:09 Misc. East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL13284 2/15/2012 16:55:25 Misc. West Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL13285 2/15/2012 16:56:21 Misc. North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL13286 2/15/2012 16:58:26 Accessories North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.0
CL13287 2/15/2012 16:59:10 Accessories North Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.4
CL13288 2/15/2012 17:00:06 Misc. Mid-west Individual 73 No 2.3
CL13289 2/15/2012 17:00:34 Monitor North Individual 76 Yes 3.4
CL13290 2/15/2012 17:03:25 Accessories East SME 66 Yes 3.4
CL13291 2/15/2012 17:03:27 Desktop North Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL13292 2/15/2012 17:05:52 Accessories East Non-profit 80 Yes 3.8
CL13293 2/15/2012 17:10:18 Misc. West Individual 63 Yes 2.7
CL13294 2/15/2012 17:12:06 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL13295 2/15/2012 17:15:24 Accessories North SME 67 Yes 2.1
CL13296 2/15/2012 17:15:52 Misc. South Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.6
CL13297 2/15/2012 17:19:04 Desktop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 4.1
CL13298 2/15/2012 17:20:22 Software East Individual 69 Yes 2.9
CL13299 2/15/2012 17:22:06 Laptop East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.4
CL13300 2/15/2012 17:27:26 Accessories South SME 80 Yes 3.5
CL13301 2/15/2012 17:30:44 Desktop North Non-profit 68 Yes 4.1
CL13302 2/15/2012 17:33:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.5
CL13303 2/15/2012 17:35:14 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.5
CL13304 2/15/2012 17:37:42 Accessories East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL13305 2/15/2012 17:42:52 Accessories North Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL13306 2/15/2012 17:46:26 Laptop South Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL13307 2/15/2012 17:49:47 Software West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.6
CL13308 2/15/2012 17:51:50 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL13309 2/15/2012 17:55:16 Desktop North Non-profit 70 Yes 3.0
CL13310 2/15/2012 17:57:47 Software North Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL13311 2/15/2012 18:01:07 Accessories East Individual 60 Yes 3.2
CL13312 2/15/2012 18:03:26 Accessories East Individual 64 Yes 2.5
CL13313 2/15/2012 18:08:09 Software North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL13314 2/15/2012 18:08:40 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 No 2.9
CL13315 2/15/2012 18:10:58 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL13316 2/15/2012 18:11:40 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.7
CL13317 2/15/2012 18:13:35 Misc. West Non-profit 72 Yes 2.9
CL13318 2/15/2012 18:13:49 Software North Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL13319 2/15/2012 18:17:49 Desktop North Non-profit 71 Yes 2.9
CL13320 2/15/2012 18:21:11 Laptop North Individual 80 Yes 3.1
CL13321 2/15/2012 18:23:55 Software South Non-profit 66 Yes 3.6
CL13322 2/15/2012 18:24:04 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL13323 2/15/2012 18:27:18 Monitor North Non-profit 80 No 3.5
CL13324 2/15/2012 18:32:36 Desktop North Individual 80 Yes 3.2
CL13325 2/15/2012 18:33:00 Software North SME 62 Yes 3.7
CL13326 2/15/2012 18:37:14 Monitor Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.3
CL13327 2/15/2012 18:41:20 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.8
CL13328 2/15/2012 18:45:08 Software Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.6
CL13329 2/15/2012 18:49:22 Laptop West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.1
CL13330 2/15/2012 18:51:37 Software South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.9
CL13331 2/15/2012 18:51:44 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.3
CL13332 2/15/2012 18:55:47 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL13333 2/15/2012 18:59:53 Misc. West SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL13334 2/15/2012 19:03:26 Laptop North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.6
CL13335 2/15/2012 19:07:19 Monitor Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.6
CL13336 2/15/2012 19:12:03 Accessories North SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL13337 2/15/2012 19:13:01 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 2.8
CL13338 2/15/2012 19:15:51 Desktop Mid-west SME 86 Yes 3.5
CL13339 2/15/2012 19:20:40 Accessories East Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL13340 2/15/2012 19:24:41 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL13341 2/15/2012 19:29:47 Monitor West Non-profit 64 Yes 3.5
CL13342 2/15/2012 19:34:58 Monitor South SME 68 Yes 3.7
CL13343 2/15/2012 19:37:20 Laptop South Individual 66 Yes 3.1
CL13344 2/15/2012 19:40:30 Accessories North Non-profit 57 Yes 3.5
CL13345 2/15/2012 19:44:25 Monitor Mid-west SME 67 Yes 3.6
CL13346 2/15/2012 19:47:54 Desktop West Non-profit 83 Yes 3.2
CL13347 2/15/2012 19:51:38 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL13348 2/15/2012 19:57:07 Desktop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.5
CL13349 2/15/2012 19:58:48 Laptop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL13350 2/15/2012 20:02:09 Software Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 4.5
CL13351 2/15/2012 20:07:00 Desktop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL13352 2/15/2012 20:09:30 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL13353 2/15/2012 20:15:13 Desktop Mid-west SME 86 No 2.3
CL13354 2/15/2012 20:19:46 Accessories North SME 78 Yes 3.8
CL13355 2/15/2012 20:21:44 Misc. North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL13356 2/15/2012 20:24:38 Accessories South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.0
CL13357 2/15/2012 20:29:23 Misc. West Non-profit 77 Yes 2.7
CL13358 2/15/2012 20:35:04 Software East SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL13359 2/15/2012 20:36:34 Laptop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 4.0
CL13360 2/15/2012 20:41:59 Software East Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL13361 2/15/2012 20:46:35 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL13362 2/15/2012 20:50:58 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL13363 2/15/2012 20:53:11 Laptop West Individual 58 Yes 3.4
CL13364 2/15/2012 20:53:33 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 4.0
CL13365 2/15/2012 20:56:52 Misc. East Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.7
CL13366 2/15/2012 21:01:19 Accessories Mid-west SME 69 No 2.2
CL13367 2/15/2012 21:01:37 Laptop South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.1
CL13368 2/15/2012 21:06:18 Software Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.6
CL13369 2/15/2012 21:10:45 Misc. East Non-profit 84 Yes 1.8
CL13370 2/15/2012 21:15:27 Monitor Mid-west Individual 71 Yes 3.8
CL13371 2/15/2012 21:19:16 Monitor North Large Corporate 66 No 2.2
CL13372 2/15/2012 21:24:16 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL13373 2/15/2012 21:25:25 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.2
CL13374 2/15/2012 21:27:35 Desktop West Individual 87 Yes 2.3
CL13375 2/15/2012 21:32:18 Software East SME 80 Yes 3.0
CL13376 2/15/2012 21:33:14 Desktop North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.2
CL13377 2/15/2012 21:36:01 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 2.0
CL13378 2/15/2012 21:41:46 Monitor South SME 72 No 3.3
CL13379 2/15/2012 21:43:09 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL13380 2/15/2012 21:45:12 Desktop North SME 71 Yes 3.6
CL13381 2/15/2012 21:50:40 Software East Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL13382 2/15/2012 21:54:29 Accessories Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.8
CL13383 2/15/2012 21:54:43 Software East Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.7
CL13384 2/15/2012 22:00:25 Software South SME 76 Yes 1.9
CL13385 2/16/2012 08:05:36 Misc. West Non-profit 57 Yes 2.8
CL13386 2/16/2012 08:11:11 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.5
CL13387 2/16/2012 08:13:21 Laptop North Individual 83 Yes 3.3
CL13388 2/16/2012 08:17:16 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.3
CL13389 2/16/2012 08:19:08 Misc. East Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.1
CL13390 2/16/2012 08:22:45 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 1.9
CL13391 2/16/2012 08:28:23 Monitor North Large Corporate 57 Yes 2.6
CL13392 2/16/2012 08:30:59 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL13393 2/16/2012 08:33:59 Accessories South Individual 60 Yes 3.6
CL13394 2/16/2012 08:34:05 Misc. North SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL13395 2/16/2012 08:37:12 Desktop West Individual 66 Yes 2.7
CL13396 2/16/2012 08:41:55 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.5
CL13397 2/16/2012 08:45:50 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL13398 2/16/2012 08:50:15 Software Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 2.8
CL13399 2/16/2012 08:55:36 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 2.4
CL13400 2/16/2012 08:57:44 Software South Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.3
CL13401 2/16/2012 09:03:09 Monitor Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.4
CL13402 2/16/2012 09:05:27 Desktop South SME 78 Yes 3.3
CL13403 2/16/2012 09:06:42 Laptop East Non-profit 88 Yes 2.7
CL13404 2/16/2012 09:08:45 Software North Individual 70 Yes 3.5
CL13405 2/16/2012 09:13:09 Monitor South SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL13406 2/16/2012 09:16:44 Laptop East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL13407 2/16/2012 09:18:02 Software East Non-profit 93 Yes 2.7
CL13408 2/16/2012 09:21:10 Misc. West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL13409 2/16/2012 09:23:11 Laptop South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL13410 2/16/2012 09:24:26 Monitor West SME 74 No 3.0
CL13411 2/16/2012 09:26:27 Desktop East Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL13412 2/16/2012 09:26:36 Desktop East Non-profit 58 Yes 3.1
CL13413 2/16/2012 09:29:32 Laptop Mid-west SME 84 Yes 3.1
CL13414 2/16/2012 09:31:08 Monitor East Individual 68 Yes 2.4
CL13415 2/16/2012 09:34:13 Monitor Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.1
CL13416 2/16/2012 09:36:12 Monitor West Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.5
CL13417 2/16/2012 09:38:10 Monitor South Large Corporate 72 Yes 1.7
CL13418 2/16/2012 09:40:41 Desktop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.3
CL13419 2/16/2012 09:43:48 Software South Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.0
CL13420 2/16/2012 09:49:23 Laptop East Individual 84 No 3.6
CL13421 2/16/2012 09:49:41 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.0
CL13422 2/16/2012 09:50:13 Laptop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL13423 2/16/2012 09:51:06 Monitor South Individual 77 Yes 2.6
CL13424 2/16/2012 09:54:33 Software West Individual 83 Yes 3.1
CL13425 2/16/2012 10:00:01 Laptop North Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.3
CL13426 2/16/2012 10:03:21 Laptop West SME 68 Yes 4.0
CL13427 2/16/2012 10:09:06 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.4
CL13428 2/16/2012 10:12:02 Misc. Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL13429 2/16/2012 10:13:34 Monitor North Non-profit 82 Yes 2.0
CL13430 2/16/2012 10:19:19 Desktop East Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.8
CL13431 2/16/2012 10:21:28 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.5
CL13432 2/16/2012 10:24:36 Laptop Mid-west SME 60 Yes 3.7
CL13433 2/16/2012 10:28:27 Software North Non-profit 58 Yes 3.2
CL13434 2/16/2012 10:33:25 Laptop North Individual 89 Yes 2.3
CL13435 2/16/2012 10:37:52 Monitor South Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL13436 2/16/2012 10:39:26 Laptop South SME 77 Yes 3.2
CL13437 2/16/2012 10:43:56 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.2
CL13438 2/16/2012 10:49:24 Accessories East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL13439 2/16/2012 10:55:00 Accessories East Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL13440 2/16/2012 10:58:33 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 3.4
CL13441 2/16/2012 11:03:19 Accessories North SME 55 Yes 3.2
CL13442 2/16/2012 11:07:39 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 3.4
CL13443 2/16/2012 11:12:43 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 2.9
CL13444 2/16/2012 11:13:46 Accessories North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.3
CL13445 2/16/2012 11:16:43 Accessories Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 1.9
CL13446 2/16/2012 11:16:54 Laptop South SME 85 Yes 3.2
CL13447 2/16/2012 11:17:26 Monitor South SME 78 Yes 2.2
CL13448 2/16/2012 11:21:55 Accessories Mid-west SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL13449 2/16/2012 11:23:08 Monitor East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.4
CL13450 2/16/2012 11:28:48 Misc. East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.5
CL13451 2/16/2012 11:29:43 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 3.0
CL13452 2/16/2012 11:32:33 Software West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.6
CL13453 2/16/2012 11:37:45 Software South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.3
CL13454 2/16/2012 11:42:30 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL13455 2/16/2012 11:44:07 Misc. East Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL13456 2/16/2012 11:45:07 Software South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL13457 2/16/2012 11:48:18 Desktop West Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.6
CL13458 2/16/2012 11:50:17 Desktop South SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL13459 2/16/2012 11:51:32 Software Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.5
CL13460 2/16/2012 11:53:57 Monitor Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.5
CL13461 2/16/2012 11:56:30 Software East SME 76 Yes 2.9
CL13462 2/16/2012 12:00:46 Accessories East Individual 83 No 2.8
CL13463 2/16/2012 12:05:06 Desktop East SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL13464 2/16/2012 12:10:40 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.2
CL13465 2/16/2012 12:13:52 Accessories West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.4
CL13466 2/16/2012 12:15:09 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL13467 2/16/2012 12:17:40 Desktop South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.0
CL13468 2/16/2012 12:22:46 Accessories East Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL13469 2/16/2012 12:25:06 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.5
CL13470 2/16/2012 12:25:13 Accessories South SME 61 Yes 2.9
CL13471 2/16/2012 12:28:17 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.4
CL13472 2/16/2012 12:29:51 Laptop West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.1
CL13473 2/16/2012 12:30:27 Laptop Mid-west SME 57 Yes 2.4
CL13474 2/16/2012 12:32:51 Software West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL13475 2/16/2012 12:37:45 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL13476 2/16/2012 12:43:29 Accessories North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL13477 2/16/2012 12:48:44 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL13478 2/16/2012 12:53:39 Misc. West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL13479 2/16/2012 12:55:48 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 2.8
CL13480 2/16/2012 12:56:08 Software West Individual 54 Yes 2.0
CL13481 2/16/2012 13:01:25 Monitor South Non-profit 74 Yes 3.4
CL13482 2/16/2012 13:05:13 Accessories West Individual 64 Yes 2.8
CL13483 2/16/2012 13:06:12 Laptop North SME 59 Yes 2.8
CL13484 2/16/2012 13:07:38 Software West Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL13485 2/16/2012 13:11:08 Accessories East Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL13486 2/16/2012 13:13:41 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.7
CL13487 2/16/2012 13:18:00 Misc. North Individual 58 Yes 3.6
CL13488 2/16/2012 13:20:15 Misc. East SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL13489 2/16/2012 13:21:17 Misc. West SME 68 Yes 3.6
CL13490 2/16/2012 13:26:11 Desktop East Individual 82 Yes 2.6
CL13491 2/16/2012 13:31:51 Monitor West Individual 89 Yes 2.2
CL13492 2/16/2012 13:34:14 Misc. West Individual 61 Yes 3.5
CL13493 2/16/2012 13:35:59 Software North SME 72 Yes 3.7
CL13494 2/16/2012 13:39:26 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.1
CL13495 2/16/2012 13:43:16 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 1.9
CL13496 2/16/2012 13:48:11 Monitor North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.2
CL13497 2/16/2012 13:49:01 Software Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 2.7
CL13498 2/16/2012 13:49:14 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.1
CL13499 2/16/2012 13:54:22 Accessories West SME 77 No 3.3
CL13500 2/16/2012 13:55:30 Laptop South SME 70 Yes 3.1
CL13501 2/16/2012 13:58:56 Misc. South Individual 65 Yes 2.5
CL13502 2/16/2012 14:00:54 Desktop North Individual 54 Yes 3.1
CL13503 2/16/2012 14:04:12 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL13504 2/16/2012 14:07:03 Laptop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL13505 2/16/2012 14:11:42 Laptop East Non-profit 83 Yes 4.1
CL13506 2/16/2012 14:15:40 Accessories West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.4
CL13507 2/16/2012 14:18:18 Monitor East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL13508 2/16/2012 14:21:15 Software Mid-west Non-profit 92 Yes 3.0
CL13509 2/16/2012 14:21:58 Laptop West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.2
CL13510 2/16/2012 14:22:30 Accessories East SME 65 Yes 2.1
CL13511 2/16/2012 14:24:19 Accessories North Non-profit 60 Yes 3.2
CL13512 2/16/2012 14:26:51 Desktop Mid-west Individual 87 Yes 3.3
CL13513 2/16/2012 14:31:58 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL13514 2/16/2012 14:32:12 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL13515 2/16/2012 14:33:45 Software North SME 70 Yes 2.6
CL13516 2/16/2012 14:36:04 Laptop East SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL13517 2/16/2012 14:40:29 Monitor Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 3.2
CL13518 2/16/2012 14:45:18 Desktop North SME 68 Yes 3.5
CL13519 2/16/2012 14:47:50 Misc. South SME 79 Yes 3.7
CL13520 2/16/2012 14:51:44 Laptop East Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.0
CL13521 2/16/2012 14:55:11 Monitor East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL13522 2/16/2012 14:55:24 Desktop West SME 68 Yes 3.7
CL13523 2/16/2012 14:57:45 Desktop Mid-west SME 82 Yes 2.6
CL13524 2/16/2012 15:03:26 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.4
CL13525 2/16/2012 15:04:52 Laptop South SME 80 Yes 1.8
CL13526 2/16/2012 15:06:06 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL13527 2/16/2012 15:10:28 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL13528 2/16/2012 15:13:30 Misc. South SME 76 No 3.7
CL13529 2/16/2012 15:15:04 Accessories West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.6
CL13530 2/16/2012 15:18:12 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 No 2.7
CL13531 2/16/2012 15:19:04 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.6
CL13532 2/16/2012 15:24:20 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.1
CL13533 2/16/2012 15:26:53 Monitor East Large Corporate 82 Yes 4.2
CL13534 2/16/2012 15:32:05 Laptop Mid-west Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL13535 2/16/2012 15:37:49 Software West SME 59 Yes 2.6
CL13536 2/16/2012 15:40:06 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 3.6
CL13537 2/16/2012 15:45:11 Laptop South Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL13538 2/16/2012 15:45:21 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.3
CL13539 2/16/2012 15:49:07 Accessories West Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL13540 2/16/2012 15:49:23 Software East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL13541 2/16/2012 15:49:25 Accessories South SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL13542 2/16/2012 15:54:16 Monitor East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.5
CL13543 2/16/2012 15:56:18 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL13544 2/16/2012 16:00:57 Desktop West SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL13545 2/16/2012 16:03:32 Desktop North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL13546 2/16/2012 16:04:16 Desktop South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL13547 2/16/2012 16:07:31 Misc. East Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.6
CL13548 2/16/2012 16:09:11 Misc. East Individual 87 Yes 3.1
CL13549 2/16/2012 16:10:32 Software Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL13550 2/16/2012 16:11:25 Laptop West SME 77 Yes 2.6
CL13551 2/16/2012 16:15:43 Laptop North Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.4
CL13552 2/16/2012 16:19:17 Accessories West Non-profit 58 Yes 2.5
CL13553 2/16/2012 16:24:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 2.9
CL13554 2/16/2012 16:24:30 Desktop South Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.9
CL13555 2/16/2012 16:26:38 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.7
CL13556 2/16/2012 16:29:56 Accessories North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL13557 2/16/2012 16:33:29 Misc. South Non-profit 82 Yes 1.9
CL13558 2/16/2012 16:33:49 Laptop Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.8
CL13559 2/16/2012 16:38:03 Desktop North Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL13560 2/16/2012 16:39:12 Monitor South Individual 80 Yes 2.6
CL13561 2/16/2012 16:43:32 Laptop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.9
CL13562 2/16/2012 16:47:31 Accessories North SME 90 Yes 2.2
CL13563 2/16/2012 16:51:27 Misc. South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL13564 2/16/2012 16:54:08 Monitor North Individual 70 Yes 2.1
CL13565 2/16/2012 16:59:43 Software South Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL13566 2/16/2012 17:00:30 Monitor South SME 77 Yes 3.4
CL13567 2/16/2012 17:05:00 Monitor South Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.9
CL13568 2/16/2012 17:06:22 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 60 Yes 3.6
CL13569 2/16/2012 17:09:30 Software West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.9
CL13570 2/16/2012 17:13:01 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 2.4
CL13571 2/16/2012 17:15:57 Monitor West Individual 72 Yes 3.5
CL13572 2/16/2012 17:20:48 Monitor East SME 65 No 2.4
CL13573 2/16/2012 17:26:08 Accessories North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL13574 2/16/2012 17:27:54 Monitor West SME 65 Yes 3.1
CL13575 2/16/2012 17:33:36 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.8
CL13576 2/16/2012 17:36:37 Laptop North Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL13577 2/16/2012 17:36:56 Software Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.5
CL13578 2/16/2012 17:39:13 Misc. South Non-profit 63 Yes 2.4
CL13579 2/16/2012 17:39:33 Misc. East Non-profit 90 Yes 2.6
CL13580 2/16/2012 17:41:18 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL13581 2/16/2012 17:41:51 Monitor North Individual 86 Yes 3.5
CL13582 2/16/2012 17:46:06 Accessories West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL13583 2/16/2012 17:46:26 Laptop East SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL13584 2/16/2012 17:50:26 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 2.4
CL13585 2/16/2012 17:55:31 Accessories South Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL13586 2/16/2012 17:57:01 Laptop South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.6
CL13587 2/16/2012 17:57:02 Software West Non-profit 78 Yes 4.4
CL13588 2/16/2012 17:57:15 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 2.0
CL13589 2/16/2012 17:57:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.1
CL13590 2/16/2012 18:01:24 Accessories North Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL13591 2/16/2012 18:02:31 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 2.8
CL13592 2/16/2012 18:05:38 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 3.4
CL13593 2/16/2012 18:06:39 Desktop Mid-west Individual 97 Yes 3.9
CL13594 2/16/2012 18:07:06 Desktop East SME 74 No 3.3
CL13595 2/16/2012 18:10:38 Monitor North Individual 77 Yes 3.2
CL13596 2/16/2012 18:15:38 Software West SME 76 No 2.1
CL13597 2/16/2012 18:20:40 Monitor North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.5
CL13598 2/16/2012 18:24:37 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.6
CL13599 2/16/2012 18:29:07 Laptop North Individual 85 Yes 3.6
CL13600 2/16/2012 18:29:29 Monitor Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL13601 2/16/2012 18:32:04 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL13602 2/16/2012 18:32:33 Desktop East Individual 86 Yes 3.4
CL13603 2/16/2012 18:33:22 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 2.7
CL13604 2/16/2012 18:35:18 Monitor South SME 67 Yes 2.3
CL13605 2/16/2012 18:35:29 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 2.8
CL13606 2/16/2012 18:36:08 Laptop South Individual 81 Yes 2.5
CL13607 2/16/2012 18:36:38 Accessories South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL13608 2/16/2012 18:38:43 Misc. East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL13609 2/16/2012 18:40:45 Misc. East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL13610 2/16/2012 18:44:35 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.8
CL13611 2/16/2012 18:49:21 Misc. East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.8
CL13612 2/16/2012 18:54:19 Accessories Mid-west Individual 61 Yes 2.0
CL13613 2/16/2012 18:58:40 Accessories South Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL13614 2/16/2012 19:00:12 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.0
CL13615 2/16/2012 19:03:22 Misc. South Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL13616 2/16/2012 19:04:14 Misc. Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 2.6
CL13617 2/16/2012 19:09:54 Accessories West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL13618 2/16/2012 19:14:43 Misc. North Non-profit 75 No 2.3
CL13619 2/16/2012 19:16:59 Laptop West SME 94 Yes 3.4
CL13620 2/16/2012 19:17:29 Accessories West Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.7
CL13621 2/16/2012 19:20:53 Monitor West Individual 63 Yes 3.2
CL13622 2/16/2012 19:23:23 Software Mid-west SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL13623 2/16/2012 19:27:50 Monitor East SME 66 Yes 2.8
CL13624 2/16/2012 19:32:57 Laptop Mid-west SME 73 Yes 3.0
CL13625 2/16/2012 19:37:11 Misc. West Individual 81 Yes 3.7
CL13626 2/16/2012 19:37:18 Desktop North Non-profit 70 No 2.9
CL13627 2/16/2012 19:41:09 Software West Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.2
CL13628 2/16/2012 19:43:49 Monitor East Non-profit 71 No 2.5
CL13629 2/16/2012 19:46:47 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL13630 2/16/2012 19:47:38 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 3.4
CL13631 2/16/2012 19:53:07 Monitor West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.2
CL13632 2/16/2012 19:58:08 Monitor East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.2
CL13633 2/16/2012 19:58:54 Software West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.8
CL13634 2/16/2012 20:03:05 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL13635 2/16/2012 20:03:07 Misc. South SME 85 Yes 2.4
CL13636 2/16/2012 20:04:17 Monitor North Individual 72 Yes 2.4
CL13637 2/16/2012 20:08:45 Accessories East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.7
CL13638 2/16/2012 20:09:31 Misc. Mid-west Individual 75 No 3.1
CL13639 2/16/2012 20:12:42 Desktop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 1.8
CL13640 2/16/2012 20:17:56 Monitor West Non-profit 75 Yes 1.2
CL13641 2/16/2012 20:18:21 Misc. North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.2
CL13642 2/16/2012 20:23:07 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.4
CL13643 2/16/2012 20:23:25 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 4.0
CL13644 2/16/2012 20:24:22 Monitor South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL13645 2/16/2012 20:27:22 Software South Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL13646 2/16/2012 20:30:25 Monitor West Non-profit 71 No 1.9
CL13647 2/16/2012 20:34:39 Accessories West Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.6
CL13648 2/16/2012 20:35:03 Laptop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.5
CL13649 2/16/2012 20:39:23 Desktop East Individual 64 Yes 3.8
CL13650 2/16/2012 20:40:24 Accessories East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL13651 2/16/2012 20:42:09 Monitor South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.7
CL13652 2/16/2012 20:44:47 Desktop East Individual 85 Yes 3.7
CL13653 2/16/2012 20:49:08 Desktop North Individual 85 Yes 2.2
CL13654 2/16/2012 20:53:41 Misc. East Individual 70 Yes 3.7
CL13655 2/16/2012 20:55:17 Accessories Mid-west SME 79 No 2.9
CL13656 2/16/2012 20:58:27 Misc. Mid-west SME 78 Yes 1.8
CL13657 2/16/2012 21:00:34 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 92 Yes 3.2
CL13658 2/16/2012 21:02:34 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 4.1
CL13659 2/16/2012 21:03:12 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.0
CL13660 2/16/2012 21:03:20 Monitor East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.4
CL13661 2/16/2012 21:08:58 Accessories South Large Corporate 90 Yes 2.8
CL13662 2/16/2012 21:14:28 Accessories East Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL13663 2/16/2012 21:20:03 Monitor West Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.7
CL13664 2/16/2012 21:20:12 Accessories North Non-profit 58 Yes 2.8
CL13665 2/16/2012 21:23:26 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 85 Yes 3.0
CL13666 2/16/2012 21:29:09 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.1
CL13667 2/16/2012 21:31:06 Software West Non-profit 80 Yes 1.8
CL13668 2/16/2012 21:35:27 Monitor North Individual 64 Yes 2.0
CL13669 2/16/2012 21:36:58 Software Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL13670 2/16/2012 21:41:08 Accessories South Non-profit 68 Yes 3.5
CL13671 2/16/2012 21:41:29 Monitor East Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL13672 2/16/2012 21:44:17 Monitor South Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.2
CL13673 2/16/2012 21:44:26 Monitor West SME 70 Yes 2.4
CL13674 2/16/2012 21:45:43 Desktop East SME 65 Yes 3.2
CL13675 2/16/2012 21:47:02 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.2
CL13676 2/16/2012 21:50:39 Desktop East Non-profit 79 Yes 2.8
CL13677 2/16/2012 21:52:34 Misc. Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL13678 2/16/2012 21:57:49 Desktop East Non-profit 66 Yes 2.9
CL13679 2/16/2012 22:02:42 Accessories East Non-profit 71 Yes 2.8
CL13680 2/17/2012 08:03:24 Laptop South Non-profit 65 Yes 2.9
CL13681 2/17/2012 08:03:53 Laptop East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.6
CL13682 2/17/2012 08:09:32 Desktop South Individual 84 Yes 2.7
CL13683 2/17/2012 08:11:54 Misc. West SME 84 Yes 2.9
CL13684 2/17/2012 08:12:35 Desktop South SME 73 Yes 2.7
CL13685 2/17/2012 08:17:06 Desktop North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL13686 2/17/2012 08:20:53 Laptop West Individual 67 Yes 2.3
CL13687 2/17/2012 08:23:47 Software North Individual 77 Yes 3.2
CL13688 2/17/2012 08:29:05 Accessories East SME 67 Yes 3.9
CL13689 2/17/2012 08:29:39 Laptop West SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL13690 2/17/2012 08:32:48 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 2.9
CL13691 2/17/2012 08:33:35 Software East Non-profit 72 No 3.4
CL13692 2/17/2012 08:37:59 Accessories East Individual 79 Yes 3.4
CL13693 2/17/2012 08:42:17 Desktop East Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL13694 2/17/2012 08:43:09 Monitor East Individual 70 Yes 2.8
CL13695 2/17/2012 08:43:41 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 89 Yes 3.2
CL13696 2/17/2012 08:44:38 Laptop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.8
CL13697 2/17/2012 08:48:37 Software South SME 90 Yes 2.8
CL13698 2/17/2012 08:49:28 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL13699 2/17/2012 08:50:46 Software East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL13700 2/17/2012 08:53:30 Accessories West Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.8
CL13701 2/17/2012 08:55:56 Laptop West SME 61 Yes 2.7
CL13702 2/17/2012 08:56:40 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.3
CL13703 2/17/2012 09:02:21 Desktop West SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL13704 2/17/2012 09:05:04 Monitor West SME 87 Yes 2.8
CL13705 2/17/2012 09:09:28 Software North Individual 86 Yes 3.6
CL13706 2/17/2012 09:10:31 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL13707 2/17/2012 09:10:48 Monitor South Individual 76 Yes 3.1
CL13708 2/17/2012 09:15:53 Software South Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL13709 2/17/2012 09:17:01 Laptop East Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.3
CL13710 2/17/2012 09:22:26 Laptop East Non-profit 73 Yes 3.5
CL13711 2/17/2012 09:25:13 Laptop South SME 93 Yes 2.9
CL13712 2/17/2012 09:30:16 Accessories North SME 85 No 2.8
CL13713 2/17/2012 09:33:23 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 2.9
CL13714 2/17/2012 09:35:19 Desktop South Non-profit 84 Yes 3.4
CL13715 2/17/2012 09:36:40 Laptop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL13716 2/17/2012 09:41:22 Monitor West Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.9
CL13717 2/17/2012 09:43:54 Laptop East Individual 68 Yes 4.2
CL13718 2/17/2012 09:47:16 Desktop West SME 66 Yes 2.6
CL13719 2/17/2012 09:51:08 Software Mid-west Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL13720 2/17/2012 09:53:51 Software East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL13721 2/17/2012 09:56:38 Desktop West SME 86 Yes 2.5
CL13722 2/17/2012 09:59:28 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 59 Yes 3.6
CL13723 2/17/2012 10:04:56 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 2.7
CL13724 2/17/2012 10:06:34 Misc. West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL13725 2/17/2012 10:11:24 Desktop South Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL13726 2/17/2012 10:14:26 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.0
CL13727 2/17/2012 10:19:24 Software East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL13728 2/17/2012 10:22:41 Laptop South Non-profit 62 Yes 2.9
CL13729 2/17/2012 10:26:42 Monitor East Individual 82 Yes 4.1
CL13730 2/17/2012 10:27:10 Software West SME 73 Yes 2.8
CL13731 2/17/2012 10:28:38 Laptop West Non-profit 49 Yes 2.3
CL13732 2/17/2012 10:28:46 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 3.5
CL13733 2/17/2012 10:29:30 Laptop South Individual 74 Yes 2.4
CL13734 2/17/2012 10:29:38 Desktop East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL13735 2/17/2012 10:35:04 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.5
CL13736 2/17/2012 10:35:08 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 83 Yes 3.2
CL13737 2/17/2012 10:39:39 Monitor West Non-profit 73 Yes 2.1
CL13738 2/17/2012 10:42:12 Monitor South Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL13739 2/17/2012 10:47:40 Desktop West Non-profit 80 Yes 4.1
CL13740 2/17/2012 10:50:28 Monitor West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.3
CL13741 2/17/2012 10:51:53 Desktop Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.4
CL13742 2/17/2012 10:56:50 Misc. East Individual 78 No 2.2
CL13743 2/17/2012 11:02:35 Software East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL13744 2/17/2012 11:02:46 Software North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.7
CL13745 2/17/2012 11:07:06 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.3
CL13746 2/17/2012 11:11:36 Monitor West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.1
CL13747 2/17/2012 11:14:10 Monitor East Large Corporate 86 Yes 3.5
CL13748 2/17/2012 11:14:48 Desktop East Large Corporate 89 Yes 2.2
CL13749 2/17/2012 11:17:42 Laptop South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.4
CL13750 2/17/2012 11:23:01 Accessories South Non-profit 89 No 3.1
CL13751 2/17/2012 11:27:19 Monitor East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.8
CL13752 2/17/2012 11:31:36 Accessories North SME 76 Yes 2.5
CL13753 2/17/2012 11:35:26 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 83 Yes 3.4
CL13754 2/17/2012 11:37:07 Laptop East Individual 63 Yes 3.2
CL13755 2/17/2012 11:41:25 Desktop North Non-profit 81 No 3.3
CL13756 2/17/2012 11:44:18 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 2.9
CL13757 2/17/2012 11:44:51 Desktop West Individual 67 Yes 2.2
CL13758 2/17/2012 11:50:03 Laptop East Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL13759 2/17/2012 11:54:15 Accessories Mid-west SME 61 Yes 3.3
CL13760 2/17/2012 11:56:21 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 No 2.9
CL13761 2/17/2012 11:59:50 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL13762 2/17/2012 12:04:14 Software South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL13763 2/17/2012 12:04:33 Software South Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL13764 2/17/2012 12:10:09 Laptop North SME 72 Yes 3.2
CL13765 2/17/2012 12:14:08 Accessories West Non-profit 68 Yes 2.1
CL13766 2/17/2012 12:16:03 Accessories West Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL13767 2/17/2012 12:19:05 Misc. West SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL13768 2/17/2012 12:22:21 Software East Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL13769 2/17/2012 12:24:44 Software South Individual 73 No 3.0
CL13770 2/17/2012 12:25:56 Software North SME 69 Yes 3.7
CL13771 2/17/2012 12:30:57 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL13772 2/17/2012 12:32:12 Misc. North SME 70 Yes 2.8
CL13773 2/17/2012 12:33:44 Software West Non-profit 91 Yes 2.5
CL13774 2/17/2012 12:35:50 Laptop East SME 84 Yes 3.2
CL13775 2/17/2012 12:37:33 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.3
CL13776 2/17/2012 12:42:39 Accessories South SME 74 Yes 3.1
CL13777 2/17/2012 12:45:27 Misc. South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.6
CL13778 2/17/2012 12:47:59 Software North SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL13779 2/17/2012 12:53:36 Accessories East Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL13780 2/17/2012 12:56:15 Laptop West Individual 57 Yes 3.2
CL13781 2/17/2012 12:56:35 Software Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.2
CL13782 2/17/2012 12:57:02 Monitor East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.2
CL13783 2/17/2012 13:02:00 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 4.0
CL13784 2/17/2012 13:02:40 Monitor East Non-profit 86 Yes 2.7
CL13785 2/17/2012 13:07:28 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL13786 2/17/2012 13:11:44 Accessories East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.2
CL13787 2/17/2012 13:12:25 Desktop North Individual 77 Yes 2.8
CL13788 2/17/2012 13:15:50 Desktop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL13789 2/17/2012 13:21:27 Desktop North SME 77 Yes 2.4
CL13790 2/17/2012 13:26:53 Desktop South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.3
CL13791 2/17/2012 13:27:13 Misc. West Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL13792 2/17/2012 13:31:25 Monitor West SME 93 Yes 3.1
CL13793 2/17/2012 13:31:29 Desktop West SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL13794 2/17/2012 13:32:22 Misc. South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.2
CL13795 2/17/2012 13:33:58 Desktop Mid-west SME 83 Yes 3.7
CL13796 2/17/2012 13:39:38 Accessories West SME 73 Yes 2.6
CL13797 2/17/2012 13:43:13 Desktop North SME 70 No 3.2
CL13798 2/17/2012 13:44:23 Monitor Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.7
CL13799 2/17/2012 13:47:07 Accessories West SME 75 Yes 2.9
CL13800 2/17/2012 13:49:06 Monitor East Large Corporate 78 No 3.5
CL13801 2/17/2012 13:50:13 Misc. East Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL13802 2/17/2012 13:54:00 Desktop West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.7
CL13803 2/17/2012 13:59:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 93 Yes 3.1
CL13804 2/17/2012 14:01:12 Laptop North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL13805 2/17/2012 14:06:49 Laptop East SME 87 Yes 3.4
CL13806 2/17/2012 14:08:17 Accessories South SME 65 Yes 2.7
CL13807 2/17/2012 14:11:06 Misc. West Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL13808 2/17/2012 14:15:49 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 3.2
CL13809 2/17/2012 14:17:31 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.7
CL13810 2/17/2012 14:21:00 Misc. North Individual 72 Yes 3.3
CL13811 2/17/2012 14:23:30 Monitor South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL13812 2/17/2012 14:26:48 Accessories South SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL13813 2/17/2012 14:27:00 Software South Individual 97 Yes 3.1
CL13814 2/17/2012 14:32:25 Laptop North Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL13815 2/17/2012 14:37:36 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL13816 2/17/2012 14:41:28 Software East Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL13817 2/17/2012 14:42:47 Misc. West SME 69 Yes 3.2
CL13818 2/17/2012 14:45:54 Software East SME 62 Yes 2.4
CL13819 2/17/2012 14:50:02 Accessories South SME 84 Yes 2.7
CL13820 2/17/2012 14:52:44 Desktop South Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL13821 2/17/2012 14:57:09 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 2.6
CL13822 2/17/2012 14:59:04 Accessories West Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL13823 2/17/2012 15:04:09 Laptop East Non-profit 83 Yes 2.3
CL13824 2/17/2012 15:04:25 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 93 Yes 2.7
CL13825 2/17/2012 15:05:51 Software South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL13826 2/17/2012 15:07:21 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.7
CL13827 2/17/2012 15:12:50 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL13828 2/17/2012 15:14:06 Laptop East Individual 57 Yes 3.6
CL13829 2/17/2012 15:19:40 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.3
CL13830 2/17/2012 15:21:55 Accessories Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.4
CL13831 2/17/2012 15:25:14 Software South SME 54 Yes 3.2
CL13832 2/17/2012 15:27:48 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL13833 2/17/2012 15:30:54 Monitor South Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL13834 2/17/2012 15:31:06 Monitor Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL13835 2/17/2012 15:33:14 Monitor Mid-west SME 91 Yes 2.6
CL13836 2/17/2012 15:33:47 Misc. East SME 73 No 3.5
CL13837 2/17/2012 15:34:49 Monitor West Individual 90 Yes 2.5
CL13838 2/17/2012 15:37:46 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 62 Yes 2.0
CL13839 2/17/2012 15:41:20 Monitor West Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.6
CL13840 2/17/2012 15:41:50 Accessories West Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL13841 2/17/2012 15:43:22 Laptop East Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL13842 2/17/2012 15:44:14 Laptop South Non-profit 81 Yes 3.6
CL13843 2/17/2012 15:45:58 Accessories West Individual 68 Yes 3.5
CL13844 2/17/2012 15:46:50 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.2
CL13845 2/17/2012 15:47:21 Desktop West Large Corporate 68 Yes 4.3
CL13846 2/17/2012 15:52:20 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 3.1
CL13847 2/17/2012 15:57:18 Software West Individual 81 Yes 3.6
CL13848 2/17/2012 16:00:40 Misc. North Non-profit 88 Yes 3.2
CL13849 2/17/2012 16:06:17 Desktop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.3
CL13850 2/17/2012 16:09:55 Laptop Mid-west Individual 70 No 2.3
CL13851 2/17/2012 16:12:12 Laptop South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.2
CL13852 2/17/2012 16:15:37 Software North SME 81 Yes 2.3
CL13853 2/17/2012 16:16:42 Laptop West Individual 70 Yes 2.7
CL13854 2/17/2012 16:21:41 Software South Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.4
CL13855 2/17/2012 16:26:39 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 4.0
CL13856 2/17/2012 16:28:27 Monitor West Individual 77 Yes 2.3
CL13857 2/17/2012 16:32:17 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.2
CL13858 2/17/2012 16:36:46 Accessories South Large Corporate 92 Yes 2.6
CL13859 2/17/2012 16:42:02 Accessories Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.3
CL13860 2/17/2012 16:47:02 Misc. North Non-profit 67 Yes 3.0
CL13861 2/17/2012 16:50:39 Software North SME 67 No 3.3
CL13862 2/17/2012 16:56:13 Monitor North Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL13863 2/17/2012 16:57:35 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.0
CL13864 2/17/2012 16:58:29 Laptop East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL13865 2/17/2012 17:02:58 Monitor South SME 78 Yes 3.1
CL13866 2/17/2012 17:08:18 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.5
CL13867 2/17/2012 17:12:28 Misc. West Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL13868 2/17/2012 17:17:02 Accessories West Individual 77 Yes 3.6
CL13869 2/17/2012 17:18:28 Misc. West Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.6
CL13870 2/17/2012 17:24:11 Monitor West Individual 61 Yes 2.8
CL13871 2/17/2012 17:29:01 Laptop West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.5
CL13872 2/17/2012 17:31:21 Software North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL13873 2/17/2012 17:36:05 Accessories North SME 83 Yes 4.4
CL13874 2/17/2012 17:39:00 Desktop West SME 87 Yes 2.5
CL13875 2/17/2012 17:40:13 Software East Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL13876 2/17/2012 17:42:30 Desktop East SME 81 Yes 2.7
CL13877 2/17/2012 17:46:19 Misc. East SME 89 Yes 2.7
CL13878 2/17/2012 17:50:04 Laptop East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.6
CL13879 2/17/2012 17:52:45 Software West Individual 79 Yes 2.7
CL13880 2/17/2012 17:55:04 Software South SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL13881 2/17/2012 17:59:42 Laptop Mid-west SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL13882 2/17/2012 18:03:31 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.4
CL13883 2/17/2012 18:09:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 78 No 2.5
CL13884 2/17/2012 18:10:42 Laptop West Individual 65 Yes 3.0
CL13885 2/17/2012 18:12:43 Misc. South SME 60 Yes 3.2
CL13886 2/17/2012 18:17:41 Misc. Mid-west Individual 67 Yes 2.6
CL13887 2/17/2012 18:18:10 Desktop North SME 76 No 3.7
CL13888 2/17/2012 18:18:22 Misc. Mid-west SME 85 Yes 3.4
CL13889 2/17/2012 18:23:59 Monitor South Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL13890 2/17/2012 18:27:16 Monitor North SME 101 Yes 2.7
CL13891 2/17/2012 18:28:06 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 3.1
CL13892 2/17/2012 18:33:47 Software South Large Corporate 86 Yes 2.7
CL13893 2/17/2012 18:36:56 Accessories South Large Corporate 63 No 2.7
CL13894 2/17/2012 18:39:32 Software North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.2
CL13895 2/17/2012 18:42:14 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 4.7
CL13896 2/17/2012 18:43:25 Software East Non-profit 58 Yes 2.8
CL13897 2/17/2012 18:46:05 Software South Individual 79 Yes 3.6
CL13898 2/17/2012 18:46:49 Software West Individual 79 Yes 2.2
CL13899 2/17/2012 18:50:50 Monitor North Non-profit 92 Yes 3.1
CL13900 2/17/2012 18:53:13 Misc. East Individual 65 Yes 2.2
CL13901 2/17/2012 18:55:58 Desktop West Non-profit 61 Yes 4.0
CL13902 2/17/2012 18:58:37 Desktop North Large Corporate 64 Yes 3.0
CL13903 2/17/2012 19:01:35 Monitor Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 2.5
CL13904 2/17/2012 19:04:20 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 79 No 3.1
CL13905 2/17/2012 19:07:05 Desktop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL13906 2/17/2012 19:08:50 Desktop West Individual 56 Yes 2.4
CL13907 2/17/2012 19:10:13 Software West SME 76 Yes 3.0
CL13908 2/17/2012 19:11:55 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.8
CL13909 2/17/2012 19:12:30 Laptop North SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL13910 2/17/2012 19:15:37 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 93 No 3.3
CL13911 2/17/2012 19:18:22 Laptop East SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL13912 2/17/2012 19:22:02 Laptop North Large Corporate 74 Yes 3.0
CL13913 2/17/2012 19:27:24 Software Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 2.7
CL13914 2/17/2012 19:30:31 Software West Individual 73 Yes 2.5
CL13915 2/17/2012 19:32:34 Laptop Mid-west SME 76 Yes 2.8
CL13916 2/17/2012 19:35:42 Laptop West Non-profit 91 Yes 3.6
CL13917 2/17/2012 19:36:19 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL13918 2/17/2012 19:39:32 Software South Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL13919 2/17/2012 19:45:14 Monitor East Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL13920 2/17/2012 19:45:23 Software West Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL13921 2/17/2012 19:50:50 Accessories Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.6
CL13922 2/17/2012 19:55:47 Monitor South Large Corporate 85 Yes 2.3
CL13923 2/17/2012 19:57:23 Laptop North Large Corporate 64 Yes 2.7
CL13924 2/17/2012 20:01:31 Software Mid-west SME 73 Yes 2.1
CL13925 2/17/2012 20:04:12 Software West Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.8
CL13926 2/17/2012 20:08:11 Laptop West Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.5
CL13927 2/17/2012 20:13:05 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 4.3
CL13928 2/17/2012 20:13:57 Software East SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL13929 2/17/2012 20:18:10 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL13930 2/17/2012 20:20:16 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 No 3.1
CL13931 2/17/2012 20:25:56 Software West Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.4
CL13932 2/17/2012 20:30:45 Misc. West SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL13933 2/17/2012 20:31:27 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 3.2
CL13934 2/17/2012 20:34:49 Monitor North Individual 73 Yes 3.6
CL13935 2/17/2012 20:37:29 Accessories North Non-profit 79 Yes 2.6
CL13936 2/17/2012 20:41:50 Laptop Mid-west SME 55 Yes 2.7
CL13937 2/17/2012 20:42:28 Laptop North SME 60 Yes 3.5
CL13938 2/17/2012 20:46:34 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 3.2
CL13939 2/17/2012 20:51:27 Software West SME 71 Yes 2.4
CL13940 2/17/2012 20:55:10 Misc. South Non-profit 62 Yes 1.5
CL13941 2/17/2012 20:55:44 Accessories West Individual 72 Yes 2.3
CL13942 2/17/2012 20:56:02 Accessories South SME 57 Yes 1.9
CL13943 2/17/2012 20:56:55 Software East SME 81 Yes 3.6
CL13944 2/17/2012 20:58:08 Accessories North SME 73 Yes 3.9
CL13945 2/17/2012 20:59:30 Laptop Mid-west Individual 81 Yes 2.9
CL13946 2/17/2012 21:02:56 Monitor West Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.6
CL13947 2/17/2012 21:07:03 Accessories Mid-west Individual 91 Yes 3.7
CL13948 2/17/2012 21:12:14 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 3.1
CL13949 2/17/2012 21:14:28 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 84 No 3.0
CL13950 2/17/2012 21:17:07 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 3.1
CL13951 2/17/2012 21:22:33 Misc. West Non-profit 81 Yes 3.3
CL13952 2/17/2012 21:25:31 Monitor East Non-profit 63 Yes 2.8
CL13953 2/17/2012 21:28:59 Monitor East Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL13954 2/17/2012 21:32:04 Accessories West Individual 69 Yes 4.8
CL13955 2/17/2012 21:37:01 Software East SME 79 Yes 2.7
CL13956 2/17/2012 21:37:34 Laptop West SME 59 Yes 2.7
CL13957 2/17/2012 21:42:56 Desktop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 1.9
CL13958 2/17/2012 21:44:02 Accessories North SME 65 Yes 1.6
CL13959 2/17/2012 21:47:04 Monitor South Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL13960 2/17/2012 21:47:51 Monitor Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.1
CL13961 2/17/2012 21:50:08 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 2.9
CL13962 2/17/2012 21:50:38 Monitor West SME 67 Yes 3.3
CL13963 2/17/2012 21:54:48 Software North Large Corporate 84 Yes 3.4
CL13964 2/17/2012 21:58:28 Monitor East Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL13965 2/17/2012 22:02:52 Accessories Mid-west Individual 86 Yes 3.1
CL13966 2/18/2012 08:06:07 Software West Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.7
CL13967 2/18/2012 08:07:45 Accessories North Individual 92 Yes 3.8
CL13968 2/18/2012 08:10:32 Software Mid-west Non-profit 65 No 3.4
CL13969 2/18/2012 08:13:50 Monitor West Individual 75 Yes 3.4
CL13970 2/18/2012 08:19:12 Accessories West SME 96 Yes 2.8
CL13971 2/18/2012 08:23:39 Laptop South SME 56 Yes 3.7
CL13972 2/18/2012 08:26:21 Software West Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL13973 2/18/2012 08:31:41 Accessories South Non-profit 92 Yes 3.6
CL13974 2/18/2012 08:33:41 Misc. North Non-profit 87 Yes 3.0
CL13975 2/18/2012 08:34:22 Desktop North Individual 84 Yes 2.6
CL13976 2/18/2012 08:37:41 Accessories Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 2.7
CL13977 2/18/2012 08:38:40 Monitor South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.3
CL13978 2/18/2012 08:43:02 Monitor South Individual 63 Yes 2.9
CL13979 2/18/2012 08:44:22 Software South SME 64 Yes 2.5
CL13980 2/18/2012 08:48:33 Software West Individual 81 Yes 4.1
CL13981 2/18/2012 08:52:40 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 3.3
CL13982 2/18/2012 08:53:24 Laptop North SME 80 Yes 2.9
CL13983 2/18/2012 08:58:46 Laptop North Individual 73 Yes 2.4
CL13984 2/18/2012 09:01:15 Laptop Mid-west Individual 79 Yes 3.5
CL13985 2/18/2012 09:05:15 Misc. North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.0
CL13986 2/18/2012 09:09:28 Monitor West Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.1
CL13987 2/18/2012 09:10:04 Monitor East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL13988 2/18/2012 09:11:02 Desktop North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.1
CL13989 2/18/2012 09:14:24 Misc. West Non-profit 84 Yes 2.7
CL13990 2/18/2012 09:17:56 Software West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.6
CL13991 2/18/2012 09:21:12 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL13992 2/18/2012 09:22:59 Misc. Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL13993 2/18/2012 09:26:22 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 61 Yes 3.0
CL13994 2/18/2012 09:31:40 Software East Individual 76 Yes 3.7
CL13995 2/18/2012 09:35:22 Accessories North Individual 93 Yes 2.8
CL13996 2/18/2012 09:39:28 Accessories North SME 78 Yes 3.0
CL13997 2/18/2012 09:43:42 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 2.2
CL13998 2/18/2012 09:47:22 Monitor West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.8
CL13999 2/18/2012 09:49:21 Laptop West Individual 77 Yes 4.2
CL14000 2/18/2012 09:50:29 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL14001 2/18/2012 09:54:35 Desktop East Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.0
CL14002 2/18/2012 09:59:14 Software South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL14003 2/18/2012 09:59:16 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 2.2
CL14004 2/18/2012 10:03:30 Monitor West SME 70 Yes 3.7
CL14005 2/18/2012 10:06:21 Accessories South Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL14006 2/18/2012 10:11:42 Software East SME 70 Yes 3.5
CL14007 2/18/2012 10:14:13 Laptop East Individual 75 Yes 2.8
CL14008 2/18/2012 10:17:20 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL14009 2/18/2012 10:19:06 Software West SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL14010 2/18/2012 10:19:17 Misc. South Non-profit 66 Yes 3.7
CL14011 2/18/2012 10:21:11 Desktop North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL14012 2/18/2012 10:23:17 Desktop North Individual 82 Yes 4.1
CL14013 2/18/2012 10:26:38 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.6
CL14014 2/18/2012 10:31:14 Accessories South Non-profit 85 Yes 2.9
CL14015 2/18/2012 10:36:10 Laptop West Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL14016 2/18/2012 10:40:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 4.5
CL14017 2/18/2012 10:44:40 Monitor East Individual 68 Yes 3.1
CL14018 2/18/2012 10:46:36 Monitor South SME 81 Yes 2.6
CL14019 2/18/2012 10:48:06 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL14020 2/18/2012 10:49:38 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.0
CL14021 2/18/2012 10:54:19 Desktop East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.3
CL14022 2/18/2012 10:59:26 Software North SME 88 Yes 2.5
CL14023 2/18/2012 11:03:44 Laptop East Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.6
CL14024 2/18/2012 11:05:31 Accessories North Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL14025 2/18/2012 11:06:02 Software West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.8
CL14026 2/18/2012 11:09:34 Laptop East Large Corporate 58 Yes 3.3
CL14027 2/18/2012 11:12:17 Monitor East Individual 83 Yes 2.6
CL14028 2/18/2012 11:13:39 Misc. West SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL14029 2/18/2012 11:18:56 Accessories East Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL14030 2/18/2012 11:19:12 Laptop North Individual 79 Yes 3.1
CL14031 2/18/2012 11:21:44 Software South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL14032 2/18/2012 11:22:40 Laptop South Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL14033 2/18/2012 11:25:56 Desktop South SME 78 Yes 3.0
CL14034 2/18/2012 11:30:17 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL14035 2/18/2012 11:31:09 Laptop West Large Corporate 64 Yes 4.0
CL14036 2/18/2012 11:31:53 Desktop East Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.7
CL14037 2/18/2012 11:33:24 Monitor North SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL14038 2/18/2012 11:35:05 Laptop North Large Corporate 85 Yes 4.3
CL14039 2/18/2012 11:36:11 Desktop West SME 68 Yes 3.3
CL14040 2/18/2012 11:36:45 Misc. South Non-profit 64 Yes 3.0
CL14041 2/18/2012 11:40:59 Desktop Mid-west SME 65 Yes 2.9
CL14042 2/18/2012 11:46:16 Misc. West Non-profit 74 Yes 3.0
CL14043 2/18/2012 11:47:35 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL14044 2/18/2012 11:50:25 Misc. North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.9
CL14045 2/18/2012 11:55:23 Laptop East Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL14046 2/18/2012 11:55:45 Desktop North Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.4
CL14047 2/18/2012 11:59:25 Desktop West SME 74 Yes 3.3
CL14048 2/18/2012 12:00:20 Laptop West SME 89 Yes 3.6
CL14049 2/18/2012 12:00:43 Desktop South Individual 74 Yes 4.1
CL14050 2/18/2012 12:04:43 Laptop North SME 87 Yes 2.9
CL14051 2/18/2012 12:07:13 Laptop West Individual 72 Yes 2.2
CL14052 2/18/2012 12:11:32 Laptop South Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.8
CL14053 2/18/2012 12:13:33 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.2
CL14054 2/18/2012 12:16:22 Software Mid-west Non-profit 63 Yes 3.7
CL14055 2/18/2012 12:17:36 Monitor North Individual 69 Yes 2.5
CL14056 2/18/2012 12:21:25 Misc. East Large Corporate 80 No 4.0
CL14057 2/18/2012 12:26:02 Misc. East SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL14058 2/18/2012 12:31:10 Software South SME 91 Yes 2.5
CL14059 2/18/2012 12:32:51 Misc. West Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL14060 2/18/2012 12:34:10 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.4
CL14061 2/18/2012 12:36:53 Desktop West Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.9
CL14062 2/18/2012 12:37:52 Accessories East Individual 91 Yes 3.5
CL14063 2/18/2012 12:39:18 Monitor West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.2
CL14064 2/18/2012 12:42:12 Misc. East Individual 80 No 3.4
CL14065 2/18/2012 12:42:41 Software Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.9
CL14066 2/18/2012 12:47:47 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 2.8
CL14067 2/18/2012 12:50:12 Monitor West Individual 74 Yes 2.4
CL14068 2/18/2012 12:51:24 Laptop West SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL14069 2/18/2012 12:55:21 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL14070 2/18/2012 12:56:54 Monitor North SME 74 Yes 2.6
CL14071 2/18/2012 12:57:52 Laptop North Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.0
CL14072 2/18/2012 13:03:37 Misc. North Individual 75 Yes 2.7
CL14073 2/18/2012 13:08:59 Software North Individual 76 Yes 3.3
CL14074 2/18/2012 13:10:26 Monitor West Individual 69 Yes 3.6
CL14075 2/18/2012 13:13:46 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 2.2
CL14076 2/18/2012 13:15:39 Accessories West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.7
CL14077 2/18/2012 13:16:04 Misc. North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.6
CL14078 2/18/2012 13:19:17 Laptop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 3.6
CL14079 2/18/2012 13:20:34 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.7
CL14080 2/18/2012 13:23:53 Monitor West Large Corporate 95 No 2.6
CL14081 2/18/2012 13:24:44 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 2.4
CL14082 2/18/2012 13:30:13 Misc. North SME 82 Yes 3.7
CL14083 2/18/2012 13:31:12 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 90 Yes 4.1
CL14084 2/18/2012 13:34:00 Monitor South SME 63 Yes 3.1
CL14085 2/18/2012 13:37:20 Laptop West Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL14086 2/18/2012 13:40:05 Laptop North Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL14087 2/18/2012 13:42:13 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 2.6
CL14088 2/18/2012 13:42:33 Software South Large Corporate 66 Yes 2.7
CL14089 2/18/2012 13:46:22 Software West SME 89 Yes 2.7
CL14090 2/18/2012 13:49:38 Laptop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 4.0
CL14091 2/18/2012 13:54:46 Software South Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL14092 2/18/2012 13:59:14 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL14093 2/18/2012 14:00:47 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.7
CL14094 2/18/2012 14:01:26 Laptop Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL14095 2/18/2012 14:06:42 Software East Non-profit 61 Yes 3.1
CL14096 2/18/2012 14:10:09 Accessories South Large Corporate 96 Yes 2.7
CL14097 2/18/2012 14:11:12 Laptop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL14098 2/18/2012 14:15:30 Monitor South SME 71 Yes 2.0
CL14099 2/18/2012 14:19:41 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL14100 2/18/2012 14:24:11 Misc. North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.0
CL14101 2/18/2012 14:26:44 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL14102 2/18/2012 14:28:59 Misc. West Individual 77 No 2.4
CL14103 2/18/2012 14:30:12 Laptop West Individual 86 Yes 3.0
CL14104 2/18/2012 14:32:36 Misc. North Large Corporate 78 Yes 2.6
CL14105 2/18/2012 14:34:23 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.7
CL14106 2/18/2012 14:37:23 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 68 Yes 3.4
CL14107 2/18/2012 14:38:07 Accessories North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL14108 2/18/2012 14:40:41 Laptop South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.5
CL14109 2/18/2012 14:45:00 Monitor West Non-profit 62 Yes 3.1
CL14110 2/18/2012 14:49:40 Laptop West SME 76 Yes 3.1
CL14111 2/18/2012 14:53:55 Accessories South SME 83 Yes 3.3
CL14112 2/18/2012 14:58:49 Monitor East SME 65 Yes 2.9
CL14113 2/18/2012 15:01:54 Misc. South Non-profit 75 Yes 3.1
CL14114 2/18/2012 15:07:25 Laptop West Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL14115 2/18/2012 15:09:49 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL14116 2/18/2012 15:12:59 Accessories South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL14117 2/18/2012 15:16:24 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL14118 2/18/2012 15:21:20 Desktop West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL14119 2/18/2012 15:22:39 Laptop South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL14120 2/18/2012 15:25:02 Misc. West SME 72 Yes 2.8
CL14121 2/18/2012 15:26:36 Monitor Mid-west SME 63 Yes 2.9
CL14122 2/18/2012 15:30:04 Laptop North Large Corporate 73 Yes 3.3
CL14123 2/18/2012 15:33:19 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.9
CL14124 2/18/2012 15:33:33 Desktop South Non-profit 70 Yes 3.6
CL14125 2/18/2012 15:38:17 Desktop South SME 76 Yes 2.1
CL14126 2/18/2012 15:41:52 Laptop East Individual 79 Yes 3.2
CL14127 2/18/2012 15:42:47 Monitor North Large Corporate 88 Yes 3.2
CL14128 2/18/2012 15:42:55 Desktop North Non-profit 74 Yes 3.9
CL14129 2/18/2012 15:43:10 Monitor Mid-west Individual 66 Yes 3.4
CL14130 2/18/2012 15:45:13 Laptop East SME 61 Yes 3.3
CL14131 2/18/2012 15:49:27 Misc. South Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.5
CL14132 2/18/2012 15:53:47 Monitor Mid-west SME 74 Yes 2.2
CL14133 2/18/2012 15:54:51 Accessories South Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL14134 2/18/2012 15:57:25 Monitor North SME 85 Yes 3.5
CL14135 2/18/2012 15:59:05 Laptop North Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.1
CL14136 2/18/2012 16:04:17 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 2.5
CL14137 2/18/2012 16:08:08 Software South SME 71 Yes 2.3
CL14138 2/18/2012 16:11:19 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 3.8
CL14139 2/18/2012 16:15:13 Software North Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL14140 2/18/2012 16:16:37 Laptop West Non-profit 64 Yes 2.9
CL14141 2/18/2012 16:20:13 Accessories North Non-profit 84 Yes 2.5
CL14142 2/18/2012 16:23:56 Software West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.8
CL14143 2/18/2012 16:25:15 Laptop West SME 61 Yes 2.5
CL14144 2/18/2012 16:27:05 Accessories East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.9
CL14145 2/18/2012 16:30:18 Monitor South Individual 74 Yes 3.3
CL14146 2/18/2012 16:31:19 Misc. South Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.4
CL14147 2/18/2012 16:35:42 Misc. Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL14148 2/18/2012 16:36:48 Laptop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.5
CL14149 2/18/2012 16:40:08 Software North SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL14150 2/18/2012 16:42:52 Monitor East SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL14151 2/18/2012 16:44:56 Misc. North Individual 83 Yes 3.9
CL14152 2/18/2012 16:45:19 Accessories North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.2
CL14153 2/18/2012 16:49:28 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 61 Yes 2.8
CL14154 2/18/2012 16:52:31 Software South Individual 78 Yes 3.1
CL14155 2/18/2012 16:55:21 Laptop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL14156 2/18/2012 16:56:31 Software North Individual 67 Yes 3.4
CL14157 2/18/2012 16:58:03 Laptop West SME 86 Yes 3.9
CL14158 2/18/2012 17:00:24 Desktop South Non-profit 78 Yes 4.0
CL14159 2/18/2012 17:01:04 Accessories East Non-profit 86 Yes 3.1
CL14160 2/18/2012 17:01:04 Laptop East Individual 71 Yes 2.9
CL14161 2/18/2012 17:06:47 Laptop East Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL14162 2/18/2012 17:08:19 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 1.9
CL14163 2/18/2012 17:13:10 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL14164 2/18/2012 17:15:12 Accessories North Individual 71 Yes 2.5
CL14165 2/18/2012 17:17:46 Software West Individual 62 Yes 2.8
CL14166 2/18/2012 17:20:55 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.1
CL14167 2/18/2012 17:25:00 Accessories North Non-profit 98 Yes 3.0
CL14168 2/18/2012 17:28:57 Misc. North SME 92 Yes 2.4
CL14169 2/18/2012 17:32:48 Misc. East SME 69 No 3.1
CL14170 2/18/2012 17:33:49 Laptop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.7
CL14171 2/18/2012 17:37:32 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 64 No 3.1
CL14172 2/18/2012 17:39:12 Misc. West Individual 80 Yes 2.8
CL14173 2/18/2012 17:41:04 Misc. Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL14174 2/18/2012 17:46:34 Accessories East Large Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL14175 2/18/2012 17:49:18 Laptop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL14176 2/18/2012 17:50:04 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.7
CL14177 2/18/2012 17:55:27 Misc. North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL14178 2/18/2012 17:57:11 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 No 2.6
CL14179 2/18/2012 18:01:49 Accessories South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.0
CL14180 2/18/2012 18:05:30 Software East Individual 70 Yes 2.4
CL14181 2/18/2012 18:09:41 Desktop North SME 72 Yes 1.9
CL14182 2/18/2012 18:13:51 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.0
CL14183 2/18/2012 18:15:11 Laptop West SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL14184 2/18/2012 18:16:27 Software East Large Corporate 69 Yes 3.6
CL14185 2/18/2012 18:19:57 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL14186 2/18/2012 18:23:42 Software South SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL14187 2/18/2012 18:28:55 Laptop West Non-profit 76 Yes 3.0
CL14188 2/18/2012 18:30:29 Misc. South Individual 84 Yes 2.9
CL14189 2/18/2012 18:30:41 Accessories West SME 90 Yes 2.7
CL14190 2/18/2012 18:35:19 Desktop North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.2
CL14191 2/18/2012 18:36:33 Software South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.2
CL14192 2/18/2012 18:41:27 Misc. East Individual 92 Yes 3.3
CL14193 2/18/2012 18:44:48 Software North Large Corporate 87 No 2.9
CL14194 2/18/2012 18:49:18 Software South Large Corporate 63 Yes 3.1
CL14195 2/18/2012 18:53:21 Laptop West Non-profit 94 Yes 2.3
CL14196 2/18/2012 18:56:19 Accessories North Non-profit 72 Yes 2.5
CL14197 2/18/2012 19:00:22 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 67 Yes 3.2
CL14198 2/18/2012 19:05:10 Misc. Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.3
CL14199 2/18/2012 19:06:59 Accessories North Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.5
CL14200 2/18/2012 19:11:31 Monitor Mid-west Individual 103 Yes 3.5
CL14201 2/18/2012 19:14:09 Desktop East Individual 88 Yes 3.2
CL14202 2/18/2012 19:17:57 Desktop West Individual 74 Yes 2.7
CL14203 2/18/2012 19:23:09 Monitor North Individual 74 Yes 3.4
CL14204 2/18/2012 19:23:22 Accessories North Individual 63 Yes 2.8
CL14205 2/18/2012 19:24:00 Laptop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL14206 2/18/2012 19:27:16 Misc. West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.1
CL14207 2/18/2012 19:32:15 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL14208 2/18/2012 19:37:49 Accessories East SME 85 Yes 2.3
CL14209 2/18/2012 19:39:47 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL14210 2/18/2012 19:43:54 Accessories South Individual 74 Yes 2.3
CL14211 2/18/2012 19:47:30 Software North SME 78 Yes 3.6
CL14212 2/18/2012 19:51:43 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 2.6
CL14213 2/18/2012 19:56:46 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL14214 2/18/2012 19:56:51 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 73 Yes 2.8
CL14215 2/18/2012 20:02:09 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL14216 2/18/2012 20:06:12 Accessories Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL14217 2/18/2012 20:10:53 Monitor West SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL14218 2/18/2012 20:13:50 Monitor South Non-profit 85 Yes 3.3
CL14219 2/18/2012 20:18:03 Misc. West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL14220 2/18/2012 20:23:13 Monitor West Individual 79 Yes 2.9
CL14221 2/18/2012 20:28:16 Misc. West SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL14222 2/18/2012 20:31:37 Misc. South Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL14223 2/18/2012 20:32:15 Accessories Mid-west SME 87 Yes 3.1
CL14224 2/18/2012 20:36:54 Misc. North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL14225 2/18/2012 20:41:22 Accessories South Individual 83 Yes 2.7
CL14226 2/18/2012 20:46:42 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 86 No 2.8
CL14227 2/18/2012 20:48:44 Desktop North SME 65 Yes 3.4
CL14228 2/18/2012 20:51:55 Software East Large Corporate 83 Yes 3.8
CL14229 2/18/2012 20:56:56 Monitor West SME 88 Yes 2.9
CL14230 2/18/2012 20:57:00 Accessories Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.8
CL14231 2/18/2012 20:59:19 Software North Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL14232 2/18/2012 21:00:07 Accessories North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL14233 2/18/2012 21:04:10 Monitor North Individual 87 Yes 2.8
CL14234 2/18/2012 21:08:08 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 57 Yes 2.4
CL14235 2/18/2012 21:08:35 Monitor East SME 64 Yes 3.1
CL14236 2/18/2012 21:13:02 Misc. West Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.8
CL14237 2/18/2012 21:13:12 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 2.4
CL14238 2/18/2012 21:15:48 Software North Large Corporate 83 Yes 2.6
CL14239 2/18/2012 21:17:20 Desktop North Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.9
CL14240 2/18/2012 21:22:51 Desktop South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.7
CL14241 2/18/2012 21:24:05 Software South Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL14242 2/18/2012 21:25:53 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL14243 2/18/2012 21:26:59 Monitor South Individual 86 Yes 3.9
CL14244 2/18/2012 21:29:25 Software West SME 82 Yes 3.3
CL14245 2/18/2012 21:33:53 Misc. South Large Corporate 76 Yes 3.0
CL14246 2/18/2012 21:39:21 Misc. Mid-west SME 61 Yes 2.9
CL14247 2/18/2012 21:39:57 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 2.4
CL14248 2/18/2012 21:41:59 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.1
CL14249 2/18/2012 21:46:59 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 74 Yes 2.5
CL14250 2/18/2012 21:48:51 Monitor East Non-profit 76 Yes 3.5
CL14251 2/18/2012 21:53:21 Misc. East SME 72 Yes 3.3
CL14252 2/18/2012 21:57:16 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL14253 2/18/2012 22:00:58 Accessories West Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL14254 2/19/2012 08:03:30 Software South Individual 84 Yes 2.1
CL14255 2/19/2012 08:08:25 Accessories East Individual 74 Yes 2.5
CL14256 2/19/2012 08:12:38 Accessories South SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL14257 2/19/2012 08:18:06 Software North Large Corporate 80 Yes 3.4
CL14258 2/19/2012 08:19:52 Laptop East Individual 62 Yes 2.8
CL14259 2/19/2012 08:24:03 Misc. West Individual 84 Yes 3.5
CL14260 2/19/2012 08:26:56 Laptop South Individual 68 Yes 2.9
CL14261 2/19/2012 08:32:13 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL14262 2/19/2012 08:35:12 Laptop West Non-profit 89 Yes 2.8
CL14263 2/19/2012 08:36:12 Laptop West SME 86 Yes 2.7
CL14264 2/19/2012 08:38:34 Software Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL14265 2/19/2012 08:39:03 Desktop East Individual 76 No 2.8
CL14266 2/19/2012 08:43:12 Desktop North Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL14267 2/19/2012 08:46:06 Misc. North Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL14268 2/19/2012 08:47:59 Software North SME 70 No 2.9
CL14269 2/19/2012 08:50:43 Software East Non-profit 84 Yes 2.7
CL14270 2/19/2012 08:54:13 Monitor East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL14271 2/19/2012 08:56:26 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 2.9
CL14272 2/19/2012 08:59:02 Monitor Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL14273 2/19/2012 09:00:59 Desktop East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.7
CL14274 2/19/2012 09:04:15 Software East Non-profit 84 Yes 3.2
CL14275 2/19/2012 09:08:43 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 58 Yes 3.5
CL14276 2/19/2012 09:09:02 Monitor South SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL14277 2/19/2012 09:13:00 Accessories East Non-profit 60 Yes 3.3
CL14278 2/19/2012 09:14:53 Desktop Mid-west SME 77 Yes 2.3
CL14279 2/19/2012 09:20:02 Desktop Mid-west SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL14280 2/19/2012 09:22:30 Desktop West Individual 82 Yes 3.3
CL14281 2/19/2012 09:25:13 Laptop West SME 69 Yes 3.7
CL14282 2/19/2012 09:25:34 Accessories North Large Corporate 63 Yes 2.7
CL14283 2/19/2012 09:26:10 Software Mid-west SME 78 Yes 3.9
CL14284 2/19/2012 09:29:09 Accessories North Individual 85 Yes 3.0
CL14285 2/19/2012 09:34:53 Desktop East Individual 80 Yes 2.3
CL14286 2/19/2012 09:39:19 Accessories North Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL14287 2/19/2012 09:44:02 Laptop West Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL14288 2/19/2012 09:44:48 Laptop South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.0
CL14289 2/19/2012 09:45:07 Laptop North Individual 90 Yes 3.5
CL14290 2/19/2012 09:48:02 Misc. East SME 77 Yes 4.1
CL14291 2/19/2012 09:49:23 Monitor South Large Corporate 76 Yes 4.4
CL14292 2/19/2012 09:54:34 Misc. East SME 81 Yes 4.1
CL14293 2/19/2012 09:56:02 Laptop West Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL14294 2/19/2012 10:01:42 Monitor South SME 73 Yes 3.7
CL14295 2/19/2012 10:03:58 Desktop East Non-profit 82 Yes 1.4
CL14296 2/19/2012 10:07:21 Desktop West Non-profit 71 Yes 4.0
CL14297 2/19/2012 10:08:12 Misc. South SME 72 Yes 2.6
CL14298 2/19/2012 10:09:30 Software East Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.4
CL14299 2/19/2012 10:10:11 Software South SME 75 Yes 3.9
CL14300 2/19/2012 10:12:00 Accessories West Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL14301 2/19/2012 10:13:21 Monitor East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.9
CL14302 2/19/2012 10:15:55 Desktop North SME 88 Yes 2.6
CL14303 2/19/2012 10:16:13 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.7
CL14304 2/19/2012 10:16:48 Accessories South Large Corporate 91 Yes 2.1
CL14305 2/19/2012 10:22:14 Misc. South Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL14306 2/19/2012 10:24:15 Accessories Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 2.8
CL14307 2/19/2012 10:27:56 Software North Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL14308 2/19/2012 10:33:28 Software South Individual 79 Yes 3.3
CL14309 2/19/2012 10:38:45 Misc. North Individual 83 Yes 3.0
CL14310 2/19/2012 10:40:32 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 2.8
CL14311 2/19/2012 10:45:32 Laptop South Non-profit 56 Yes 3.1
CL14312 2/19/2012 10:50:56 Desktop North Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.6
CL14313 2/19/2012 10:54:55 Misc. North Non-profit 57 Yes 3.2
CL14314 2/19/2012 10:56:22 Monitor North SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL14315 2/19/2012 11:01:22 Misc. Mid-west Individual 65 No 2.0
CL14316 2/19/2012 11:01:47 Monitor West Non-profit 71 Yes 2.7
CL14317 2/19/2012 11:05:51 Accessories Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL14318 2/19/2012 11:08:25 Accessories West Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.2
CL14319 2/19/2012 11:11:18 Misc. West Large Corporate 78 Yes 3.1
CL14320 2/19/2012 11:16:16 Monitor East Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.2
CL14321 2/19/2012 11:17:36 Monitor West Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL14322 2/19/2012 11:23:20 Laptop South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.1
CL14323 2/19/2012 11:26:05 Accessories West Non-profit 89 Yes 2.6
CL14324 2/19/2012 11:26:38 Software South SME 82 Yes 2.3
CL14325 2/19/2012 11:31:54 Desktop East Individual 64 Yes 3.0
CL14326 2/19/2012 11:37:08 Accessories South SME 71 Yes 1.4
CL14327 2/19/2012 11:42:28 Monitor South Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL14328 2/19/2012 11:47:21 Accessories East Non-profit 85 Yes 2.4
CL14329 2/19/2012 11:47:30 Laptop East Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL14330 2/19/2012 11:50:36 Desktop North Individual 64 Yes 2.6
CL14331 2/19/2012 11:53:25 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.7
CL14332 2/19/2012 11:54:47 Desktop East Individual 75 Yes 3.3
CL14333 2/19/2012 11:59:33 Software Mid-west SME 69 Yes 2.7
CL14334 2/19/2012 12:01:57 Monitor Mid-west Individual 62 Yes 2.6
CL14335 2/19/2012 12:06:04 Desktop West Non-profit 70 Yes 3.3
CL14336 2/19/2012 12:10:16 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 82 Yes 3.6
CL14337 2/19/2012 12:12:37 Laptop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL14338 2/19/2012 12:17:49 Software Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 3.8
CL14339 2/19/2012 12:20:01 Software North Non-profit 84 Yes 1.9
CL14340 2/19/2012 12:21:41 Desktop South SME 81 Yes 3.9
CL14341 2/19/2012 12:25:19 Accessories South Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL14342 2/19/2012 12:29:03 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 63 Yes 2.2
CL14343 2/19/2012 12:30:02 Laptop North Individual 78 Yes 2.9
CL14344 2/19/2012 12:32:13 Desktop North Non-profit 81 Yes 3.4
CL14345 2/19/2012 12:33:27 Misc. North Individual 65 Yes 2.6
CL14346 2/19/2012 12:36:52 Laptop North SME 77 Yes 3.5
CL14347 2/19/2012 12:38:22 Desktop West Non-profit 63 Yes 2.5
CL14348 2/19/2012 12:42:09 Accessories West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.8
CL14349 2/19/2012 12:43:35 Misc. North SME 66 Yes 2.4
CL14350 2/19/2012 12:44:22 Laptop South Non-profit 82 Yes 2.6
CL14351 2/19/2012 12:46:46 Software North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.5
CL14352 2/19/2012 12:47:56 Accessories South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.6
CL14353 2/19/2012 12:50:09 Accessories North SME 75 Yes 2.4
CL14354 2/19/2012 12:51:54 Desktop South Non-profit 80 Yes 3.1
CL14355 2/19/2012 12:52:06 Monitor North Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.9
CL14356 2/19/2012 12:57:04 Software North Non-profit 85 Yes 3.4
CL14357 2/19/2012 13:02:25 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 76 Yes 2.5
CL14358 2/19/2012 13:03:52 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL14359 2/19/2012 13:04:13 Desktop West Non-profit 61 Yes 3.3
CL14360 2/19/2012 13:09:10 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 92 No 3.0
CL14361 2/19/2012 13:14:02 Monitor North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.5
CL14362 2/19/2012 13:17:24 Misc. East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.4
CL14363 2/19/2012 13:21:34 Accessories South Individual 84 Yes 3.1
CL14364 2/19/2012 13:26:44 Laptop South Individual 75 Yes 2.5
CL14365 2/19/2012 13:28:01 Monitor South Large Corporate 84 No 3.6
CL14366 2/19/2012 13:31:54 Laptop East Individual 92 Yes 3.3
CL14367 2/19/2012 13:37:14 Desktop Mid-west Individual 74 No 1.7
CL14368 2/19/2012 13:40:16 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.1
CL14369 2/19/2012 13:42:27 Misc. West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.5
CL14370 2/19/2012 13:46:45 Software West Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.1
CL14371 2/19/2012 13:48:59 Accessories South Non-profit 75 Yes 2.1
CL14372 2/19/2012 13:53:59 Laptop South Individual 62 No 2.7
CL14373 2/19/2012 13:57:21 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL14374 2/19/2012 14:02:29 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 3.2
CL14375 2/19/2012 14:04:00 Desktop East SME 80 No 2.8
CL14376 2/19/2012 14:06:29 Laptop South SME 68 Yes 2.6
CL14377 2/19/2012 14:08:34 Desktop North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL14378 2/19/2012 14:09:30 Software Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 3.5
CL14379 2/19/2012 14:14:51 Software South SME 59 Yes 3.8
CL14380 2/19/2012 14:16:47 Monitor South Non-profit 76 Yes 2.8
CL14381 2/19/2012 14:18:16 Laptop Mid-west SME 96 Yes 3.1
CL14382 2/19/2012 14:22:04 Laptop South SME 81 Yes 3.1
CL14383 2/19/2012 14:23:09 Monitor South Non-profit 87 Yes 2.7
CL14384 2/19/2012 14:28:29 Desktop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.4
CL14385 2/19/2012 14:31:58 Laptop South Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.4
CL14386 2/19/2012 14:34:12 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 No 2.6
CL14387 2/19/2012 14:36:39 Laptop North SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL14388 2/19/2012 14:39:29 Accessories Mid-west Individual 77 Yes 3.3
CL14389 2/19/2012 14:44:58 Desktop North Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.2
CL14390 2/19/2012 14:47:04 Desktop South Individual 68 Yes 3.6
CL14391 2/19/2012 14:49:28 Software South SME 78 Yes 2.1
CL14392 2/19/2012 14:54:58 Monitor South SME 84 No 2.9
CL14393 2/19/2012 14:58:30 Laptop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 3.5
CL14394 2/19/2012 14:58:56 Software South Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL14395 2/19/2012 15:04:00 Desktop East SME 102 Yes 3.0
CL14396 2/19/2012 15:07:47 Desktop Mid-west SME 97 Yes 3.1
CL14397 2/19/2012 15:09:34 Monitor North Large Corporate 62 Yes 4.5
CL14398 2/19/2012 15:14:14 Monitor East SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL14399 2/19/2012 15:16:39 Accessories East SME 69 Yes 3.4
CL14400 2/19/2012 15:20:53 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL14401 2/19/2012 15:24:20 Laptop East Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL14402 2/19/2012 15:25:41 Laptop North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL14403 2/19/2012 15:28:57 Laptop North SME 88 Yes 2.8
CL14404 2/19/2012 15:33:15 Monitor East Individual 74 Yes 2.2
CL14405 2/19/2012 15:37:42 Monitor South Individual 78 Yes 2.8
CL14406 2/19/2012 15:38:28 Monitor Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 2.3
CL14407 2/19/2012 15:39:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.2
CL14408 2/19/2012 15:40:51 Misc. East Non-profit 74 Yes 3.6
CL14409 2/19/2012 15:44:58 Monitor East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL14410 2/19/2012 15:45:11 Laptop South SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL14411 2/19/2012 15:47:54 Misc. South Individual 57 Yes 2.2
CL14412 2/19/2012 15:53:31 Software North Individual 74 Yes 2.6
CL14413 2/19/2012 15:55:08 Software North SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL14414 2/19/2012 16:00:08 Software Mid-west Non-profit 65 Yes 1.9
CL14415 2/19/2012 16:03:46 Misc. South Non-profit 76 No 3.2
CL14416 2/19/2012 16:07:06 Misc. North Large Corporate 85 Yes 3.3
CL14417 2/19/2012 16:08:03 Misc. West Individual 85 No 3.1
CL14418 2/19/2012 16:11:27 Laptop Mid-west SME 72 No 3.2
CL14419 2/19/2012 16:12:14 Misc. West SME 74 Yes 3.2
CL14420 2/19/2012 16:14:10 Desktop South Non-profit 60 Yes 2.9
CL14421 2/19/2012 16:17:51 Accessories North Individual 89 Yes 2.6
CL14422 2/19/2012 16:19:05 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL14423 2/19/2012 16:24:06 Accessories North SME 70 Yes 3.0
CL14424 2/19/2012 16:25:15 Desktop North Non-profit 70 Yes 2.9
CL14425 2/19/2012 16:25:54 Desktop South SME 69 Yes 2.8
CL14426 2/19/2012 16:29:04 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 67 Yes 2.9
CL14427 2/19/2012 16:32:40 Software North SME 62 Yes 3.3
CL14428 2/19/2012 16:37:14 Laptop North SME 91 Yes 2.9
CL14429 2/19/2012 16:38:01 Laptop North Non-profit 51 Yes 3.3
CL14430 2/19/2012 16:43:08 Accessories Mid-west SME 65 Yes 3.3
CL14431 2/19/2012 16:48:01 Software North SME 88 Yes 4.2
CL14432 2/19/2012 16:50:39 Monitor West Individual 67 Yes 2.3
CL14433 2/19/2012 16:53:18 Misc. North SME 73 Yes 2.5
CL14434 2/19/2012 16:54:18 Misc. East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL14435 2/19/2012 17:00:01 Misc. North SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL14436 2/19/2012 17:00:44 Desktop Mid-west SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL14437 2/19/2012 17:04:08 Accessories West Individual 68 Yes 2.0
CL14438 2/19/2012 17:06:59 Misc. South Individual 78 Yes 2.7
CL14439 2/19/2012 17:11:49 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 3.2
CL14440 2/19/2012 17:12:20 Laptop North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.7
CL14441 2/19/2012 17:17:41 Software Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.1
CL14442 2/19/2012 17:20:21 Software South Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.2
CL14443 2/19/2012 17:23:06 Software West Large Corporate 72 No 2.0
CL14444 2/19/2012 17:23:55 Misc. West SME 57 Yes 2.8
CL14445 2/19/2012 17:28:30 Accessories East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.8
CL14446 2/19/2012 17:29:00 Software North Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL14447 2/19/2012 17:32:42 Laptop West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.7
CL14448 2/19/2012 17:32:47 Desktop Mid-west SME 67 Yes 2.1
CL14449 2/19/2012 17:35:54 Monitor North Large Corporate 77 Yes 3.4
CL14450 2/19/2012 17:39:17 Laptop West SME 75 Yes 2.5
CL14451 2/19/2012 17:41:16 Monitor West Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL14452 2/19/2012 17:43:24 Software East SME 71 Yes 2.2
CL14453 2/19/2012 17:46:32 Desktop West Non-profit 81 Yes 2.8
CL14454 2/19/2012 17:49:04 Desktop Mid-west SME 70 Yes 3.7
CL14455 2/19/2012 17:50:40 Software South Individual 81 Yes 2.6
CL14456 2/19/2012 17:55:06 Monitor East Individual 56 Yes 4.5
CL14457 2/19/2012 17:56:47 Monitor West Large Corporate 61 Yes 1.8
CL14458 2/19/2012 17:58:27 Monitor East SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL14459 2/19/2012 17:59:02 Software South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.5
CL14460 2/19/2012 18:00:58 Desktop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL14461 2/19/2012 18:04:49 Monitor East SME 62 Yes 2.7
CL14462 2/19/2012 18:06:14 Accessories Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 2.9
CL14463 2/19/2012 18:11:10 Accessories North Non-profit 80 Yes 3.2
CL14464 2/19/2012 18:15:37 Misc. South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.9
CL14465 2/19/2012 18:17:55 Software Mid-west Non-profit 58 Yes 2.3
CL14466 2/19/2012 18:21:13 Accessories North Non-profit 75 Yes 2.5
CL14467 2/19/2012 18:26:25 Misc. West Non-profit 82 Yes 3.8
CL14468 2/19/2012 18:29:33 Monitor North Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL14469 2/19/2012 18:34:06 Software East Individual 70 Yes 3.2
CL14470 2/19/2012 18:38:21 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL14471 2/19/2012 18:43:03 Desktop Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.5
CL14472 2/19/2012 18:47:02 Desktop East Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.5
CL14473 2/19/2012 18:48:43 Software East Non-profit 74 Yes 2.9
CL14474 2/19/2012 18:49:35 Laptop Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.9
CL14475 2/19/2012 18:52:22 Desktop West Individual 76 Yes 4.0
CL14476 2/19/2012 18:57:37 Desktop North Individual 71 Yes 3.2
CL14477 2/19/2012 18:59:35 Misc. West SME 88 Yes 3.3
CL14478 2/19/2012 19:02:36 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.9
CL14479 2/19/2012 19:05:53 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.9
CL14480 2/19/2012 19:08:35 Accessories East SME 75 Yes 3.1
CL14481 2/19/2012 19:11:15 Accessories East Non-profit 61 Yes 2.9
CL14482 2/19/2012 19:15:43 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL14483 2/19/2012 19:18:54 Monitor West SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL14484 2/19/2012 19:20:57 Desktop East Individual 71 Yes 3.0
CL14485 2/19/2012 19:25:56 Accessories East Non-profit 67 Yes 2.3
CL14486 2/19/2012 19:30:08 Monitor North Individual 76 Yes 3.5
CL14487 2/19/2012 19:34:17 Monitor North Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.3
CL14488 2/19/2012 19:36:44 Laptop South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.1
CL14489 2/19/2012 19:42:19 Laptop South Non-profit 87 Yes 3.5
CL14490 2/19/2012 19:43:49 Software North Individual 71 Yes 3.1
CL14491 2/19/2012 19:44:40 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL14492 2/19/2012 19:45:25 Desktop South Non-profit 87 Yes 2.9
CL14493 2/19/2012 19:48:21 Monitor West Large Corporate 62 Yes 3.8
CL14494 2/19/2012 19:50:14 Software Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL14495 2/19/2012 19:51:40 Laptop South SME 73 Yes 3.2
CL14496 2/19/2012 19:55:11 Accessories North SME 66 Yes 3.0
CL14497 2/19/2012 20:00:36 Monitor South Large Corporate 87 Yes 3.0
CL14498 2/19/2012 20:04:20 Accessories South Large Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL14499 2/19/2012 20:06:36 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL14500 2/19/2012 20:12:02 Desktop North Large Corporate 84 Yes 2.7
CL14501 2/19/2012 20:14:49 Laptop North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.6
CL14502 2/19/2012 20:17:07 Misc. East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.8
CL14503 2/19/2012 20:17:24 Monitor East SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL14504 2/19/2012 20:19:09 Software North Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.1
CL14505 2/19/2012 20:23:47 Desktop South SME 70 Yes 3.2
CL14506 2/19/2012 20:26:32 Accessories West SME 78 Yes 2.8
CL14507 2/19/2012 20:28:54 Laptop North Individual 80 Yes 2.9
CL14508 2/19/2012 20:30:25 Desktop West Individual 69 Yes 2.8
CL14509 2/19/2012 20:31:40 Laptop South SME 69 Yes 2.9
CL14510 2/19/2012 20:37:17 Accessories South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.6
CL14511 2/19/2012 20:41:52 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 71 Yes 2.8
CL14512 2/19/2012 20:43:44 Misc. West SME 60 Yes 2.5
CL14513 2/19/2012 20:43:56 Accessories West SME 72 Yes 2.4
CL14514 2/19/2012 20:47:41 Monitor South SME 82 Yes 2.5
CL14515 2/19/2012 20:53:04 Misc. North SME 79 Yes 3.0
CL14516 2/19/2012 20:56:19 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL14517 2/19/2012 21:01:24 Software Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL14518 2/19/2012 21:03:21 Accessories South Non-profit 81 Yes 2.5
CL14519 2/19/2012 21:04:26 Desktop West Individual 64 Yes 3.2
CL14520 2/19/2012 21:05:39 Accessories West SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL14521 2/19/2012 21:08:36 Software North Non-profit 78 Yes 3.1
CL14522 2/19/2012 21:08:59 Software West Non-profit 72 Yes 3.5
CL14523 2/19/2012 21:13:20 Laptop South Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL14524 2/19/2012 21:15:06 Accessories North Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL14525 2/19/2012 21:18:41 Laptop North Large Corporate 60 Yes 3.1
CL14526 2/19/2012 21:24:26 Misc. East Large Corporate 62 Yes 2.5
CL14527 2/19/2012 21:29:05 Monitor East SME 72 Yes 4.1
CL14528 2/19/2012 21:30:04 Monitor North Non-profit 77 Yes 4.0
CL14529 2/19/2012 21:32:31 Laptop East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.7
CL14530 2/19/2012 21:34:32 Software Mid-west Individual 65 Yes 3.1
CL14531 2/19/2012 21:39:46 Software South SME 79 Yes 3.8
CL14532 2/19/2012 21:40:51 Accessories East Individual 80 Yes 4.5
CL14533 2/19/2012 21:41:42 Accessories North SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL14534 2/19/2012 21:44:57 Accessories North Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL14535 2/19/2012 21:48:36 Desktop West Large Corporate 96 Yes 3.1
CL14536 2/19/2012 21:49:10 Software East Individual 76 Yes 2.3
CL14537 2/19/2012 21:49:59 Software West Non-profit 76 Yes 2.5
CL14538 2/19/2012 21:51:18 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 82 Yes 2.8
CL14539 2/19/2012 21:51:51 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 2.2
CL14540 2/19/2012 21:54:01 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.7
CL14541 2/19/2012 21:58:02 Software North SME 78 Yes 3.5
CL14542 2/19/2012 21:58:47 Misc. Mid-west SME 82 Yes 3.5
CL14543 2/19/2012 21:59:01 Accessories West SME 81 Yes 2.8
CL14544 2/19/2012 22:04:19 Software South Large Corporate 61 Yes 3.3
CL14545 2/20/2012 08:07:25 Software North Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.0
CL14546 2/20/2012 08:11:49 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 3.2
CL14547 2/20/2012 08:15:09 Laptop West Individual 62 Yes 3.8
CL14548 2/20/2012 08:19:39 Desktop East Individual 77 Yes 3.1
CL14549 2/20/2012 08:22:08 Monitor East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.8
CL14550 2/20/2012 08:25:19 Accessories North Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL14551 2/20/2012 08:30:55 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 3.8
CL14552 2/20/2012 08:36:11 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL14553 2/20/2012 08:40:47 Accessories East SME 71 Yes 2.9
CL14554 2/20/2012 08:42:59 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 3.6
CL14555 2/20/2012 08:48:30 Software North Non-profit 68 Yes 2.9
CL14556 2/20/2012 08:50:17 Monitor West SME 72 Yes 2.9
CL14557 2/20/2012 08:55:32 Accessories Mid-west Individual 83 Yes 2.1
CL14558 2/20/2012 09:00:56 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 No 4.3
CL14559 2/20/2012 09:01:30 Laptop East Individual 58 Yes 3.8
CL14560 2/20/2012 09:06:42 Accessories South Non-profit 76 Yes 3.1
CL14561 2/20/2012 09:11:50 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 3.8
CL14562 2/20/2012 09:12:38 Misc. South Non-profit 81 No 3.8
CL14563 2/20/2012 09:17:35 Misc. East Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL14564 2/20/2012 09:22:20 Software East Non-profit 88 Yes 3.3
CL14565 2/20/2012 09:25:42 Software Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.2
CL14566 2/20/2012 09:27:09 Misc. West Non-profit 66 No 2.8
CL14567 2/20/2012 09:29:09 Laptop North Individual 55 Yes 2.8
CL14568 2/20/2012 09:33:29 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 78 Yes 2.5
CL14569 2/20/2012 09:35:05 Accessories North Large Corporate 68 Yes 3.1
CL14570 2/20/2012 09:36:00 Desktop West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.9
CL14571 2/20/2012 09:40:39 Laptop West Large Corporate 73 No 3.4
CL14572 2/20/2012 09:42:13 Software North SME 56 Yes 2.1
CL14573 2/20/2012 09:44:48 Desktop West Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL14574 2/20/2012 09:48:25 Accessories North SME 71 Yes 2.3
CL14575 2/20/2012 09:51:49 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 3.5
CL14576 2/20/2012 09:51:53 Monitor West Individual 80 Yes 3.0
CL14577 2/20/2012 09:51:54 Software North Large Corporate 66 Yes 3.0
CL14578 2/20/2012 09:55:41 Monitor South SME 79 Yes 3.5
CL14579 2/20/2012 09:57:04 Software Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.6
CL14580 2/20/2012 10:02:26 Misc. Mid-west Individual 70 Yes 2.0
CL14581 2/20/2012 10:04:28 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.4
CL14582 2/20/2012 10:06:34 Monitor North SME 95 Yes 3.2
CL14583 2/20/2012 10:10:35 Software South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.8
CL14584 2/20/2012 10:13:58 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 65 Yes 2.9
CL14585 2/20/2012 10:15:09 Misc. West Non-profit 65 Yes 3.4
CL14586 2/20/2012 10:15:09 Desktop South Non-profit 74 Yes 2.6
CL14587 2/20/2012 10:17:08 Laptop East Individual 74 Yes 3.0
CL14588 2/20/2012 10:17:09 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 70 Yes 2.7
CL14589 2/20/2012 10:19:04 Laptop West SME 82 Yes 3.8
CL14590 2/20/2012 10:19:48 Laptop North SME 85 Yes 2.5
CL14591 2/20/2012 10:25:03 Software South SME 63 Yes 3.4
CL14592 2/20/2012 10:29:00 Misc. West Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL14593 2/20/2012 10:33:27 Laptop West Individual 62 Yes 2.2
CL14594 2/20/2012 10:38:44 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.8
CL14595 2/20/2012 10:39:03 Laptop North Non-profit 74 Yes 2.8
CL14596 2/20/2012 10:42:48 Accessories East Individual 69 Yes 3.0
CL14597 2/20/2012 10:44:05 Laptop Mid-west Individual 78 Yes 3.3
CL14598 2/20/2012 10:46:24 Desktop South Individual 77 Yes 2.1
CL14599 2/20/2012 10:47:35 Software North SME 79 Yes 2.4
CL14600 2/20/2012 10:49:50 Misc. West Non-profit 96 Yes 2.6
CL14601 2/20/2012 10:50:51 Accessories West Large Corporate 65 Yes 3.1
CL14602 2/20/2012 10:51:50 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 79 Yes 3.5
CL14603 2/20/2012 10:56:29 Accessories East Individual 76 Yes 2.7
CL14604 2/20/2012 11:00:31 Laptop West Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.9
CL14605 2/20/2012 11:00:41 Laptop East Individual 67 Yes 2.5
CL14606 2/20/2012 11:03:19 Misc. West Non-profit 75 No 2.1
CL14607 2/20/2012 11:06:06 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 2.7
CL14608 2/20/2012 11:10:04 Accessories East Individual 67 Yes 2.4
CL14609 2/20/2012 11:14:31 Accessories North Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL14610 2/20/2012 11:15:18 Monitor Mid-west Individual 80 No 3.1
CL14611 2/20/2012 11:17:05 Accessories East SME 76 Yes 3.2
CL14612 2/20/2012 11:19:27 Monitor South Individual 85 Yes 4.1
CL14613 2/20/2012 11:24:00 Software West Individual 63 Yes 2.8
CL14614 2/20/2012 11:27:48 Desktop East Non-profit 85 Yes 2.2
CL14615 2/20/2012 11:31:56 Monitor South Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.3
CL14616 2/20/2012 11:33:31 Software Mid-west SME 71 Yes 4.2
CL14617 2/20/2012 11:37:57 Laptop Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.8
CL14618 2/20/2012 11:38:17 Accessories South SME 75 Yes 3.2
CL14619 2/20/2012 11:41:25 Laptop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.0
CL14620 2/20/2012 11:45:55 Desktop Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 3.5
CL14621 2/20/2012 11:46:52 Laptop East SME 63 Yes 3.5
CL14622 2/20/2012 11:51:30 Laptop East Non-profit 68 Yes 2.6
CL14623 2/20/2012 11:56:41 Desktop South Individual 72 Yes 2.1
CL14624 2/20/2012 11:58:00 Accessories North Large Corporate 73 Yes 1.9
CL14625 2/20/2012 12:01:37 Misc. East Non-profit 67 Yes 3.6
CL14626 2/20/2012 12:06:14 Accessories South Individual 84 Yes 2.2
CL14627 2/20/2012 12:06:40 Accessories North Individual 80 Yes 2.1
CL14628 2/20/2012 12:07:34 Accessories West Non-profit 70 Yes 2.4
CL14629 2/20/2012 12:09:41 Software South Large Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL14630 2/20/2012 12:09:50 Monitor North Large Corporate 87 Yes 2.6
CL14631 2/20/2012 12:14:17 Misc. North Non-profit 65 Yes 3.1
CL14632 2/20/2012 12:15:10 Software West Individual 91 Yes 2.8
CL14633 2/20/2012 12:19:17 Accessories West Individual 73 Yes 2.9
CL14634 2/20/2012 12:19:45 Laptop South Large Corporate 82 Yes 3.3
CL14635 2/20/2012 12:24:31 Desktop West Individual 72 Yes 3.5
CL14636 2/20/2012 12:27:18 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 84 Yes 3.0
CL14637 2/20/2012 12:29:59 Accessories North Individual 83 Yes 3.2
CL14638 2/20/2012 12:35:19 Monitor Mid-west SME 71 Yes 2.7
CL14639 2/20/2012 12:37:19 Desktop North SME 70 Yes 2.5
CL14640 2/20/2012 12:42:02 Desktop West SME 96 Yes 2.6
CL14641 2/20/2012 12:43:21 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.6
CL14642 2/20/2012 12:49:04 Laptop North Non-profit 76 Yes 2.7
CL14643 2/20/2012 12:54:47 Monitor North Non-profit 89 Yes 2.8
CL14644 2/20/2012 12:57:44 Monitor East Non-profit 78 Yes 3.5
CL14645 2/20/2012 13:02:44 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.7
CL14646 2/20/2012 13:06:40 Laptop Mid-west SME 78 Yes 2.7
CL14647 2/20/2012 13:10:25 Desktop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.3
CL14648 2/20/2012 13:11:19 Accessories South Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.7
CL14649 2/20/2012 13:13:08 Misc. North Non-profit 92 Yes 2.6
CL14650 2/20/2012 13:17:29 Misc. East SME 89 Yes 3.4
CL14651 2/20/2012 13:21:16 Accessories South SME 69 Yes 3.3
CL14652 2/20/2012 13:22:23 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 69 No 3.3
CL14653 2/20/2012 13:25:02 Monitor Mid-west SME 77 Yes 1.9
CL14654 2/20/2012 13:25:15 Monitor East SME 76 Yes 3.6
CL14655 2/20/2012 13:28:53 Software East Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.7
CL14656 2/20/2012 13:29:48 Accessories South Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL14657 2/20/2012 13:32:42 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.0
CL14658 2/20/2012 13:33:51 Accessories West Individual 70 Yes 3.4
CL14659 2/20/2012 13:36:39 Desktop South Non-profit 59 Yes 3.3
CL14660 2/20/2012 13:37:30 Desktop East SME 74 Yes 2.7
CL14661 2/20/2012 13:38:22 Misc. South Individual 83 Yes 3.5
CL14662 2/20/2012 13:43:32 Software West SME 64 Yes 2.9
CL14663 2/20/2012 13:46:16 Misc. Mid-west SME 68 Yes 2.5
CL14664 2/20/2012 13:49:33 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 74 Yes 3.2
CL14665 2/20/2012 13:51:08 Desktop West Non-profit 75 Yes 2.7
CL14666 2/20/2012 13:55:45 Desktop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.7
CL14667 2/20/2012 13:57:42 Misc. South SME 78 Yes 3.0
CL14668 2/20/2012 14:00:31 Laptop Mid-west Individual 75 Yes 3.5
CL14669 2/20/2012 14:05:29 Laptop East SME 78 No 3.7
CL14670 2/20/2012 14:08:50 Misc. East SME 69 Yes 3.9
CL14671 2/20/2012 14:09:57 Software West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.6
CL14672 2/20/2012 14:13:18 Misc. East Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL14673 2/20/2012 14:18:21 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL14674 2/20/2012 14:19:02 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 69 Yes 2.8
CL14675 2/20/2012 14:24:09 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 61 Yes 3.1
CL14676 2/20/2012 14:28:10 Laptop South Individual 81 Yes 3.3
CL14677 2/20/2012 14:32:09 Software North SME 76 Yes 2.2
CL14678 2/20/2012 14:34:09 Accessories West Individual 60 Yes 2.0
CL14679 2/20/2012 14:38:44 Software North Large Corporate 71 Yes 4.2
CL14680 2/20/2012 14:40:35 Desktop North SME 78 Yes 3.7
CL14681 2/20/2012 14:44:16 Laptop West SME 84 Yes 3.4
CL14682 2/20/2012 14:48:06 Software West Large Corporate 77 Yes 2.7
CL14683 2/20/2012 14:50:31 Software North Individual 72 Yes 3.1
CL14684 2/20/2012 14:52:51 Misc. South Non-profit 73 Yes 3.0
CL14685 2/20/2012 14:54:18 Misc. East SME 79 Yes 2.8
CL14686 2/20/2012 14:55:13 Monitor North SME 72 Yes 3.5
CL14687 2/20/2012 14:59:32 Desktop East Non-profit 68 Yes 3.1
CL14688 2/20/2012 14:59:41 Accessories South SME 80 Yes 2.4
CL14689 2/20/2012 15:02:08 Laptop North Large Corporate 79 Yes 2.5
CL14690 2/20/2012 15:07:40 Misc. West Large Corporate 67 Yes 2.0
CL14691 2/20/2012 15:07:44 Desktop East SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL14692 2/20/2012 15:10:03 Desktop West SME 70 Yes 3.8
CL14693 2/20/2012 15:13:04 Software East SME 64 Yes 3.2
CL14694 2/20/2012 15:14:35 Desktop Mid-west SME 79 Yes 2.9
CL14695 2/20/2012 15:19:32 Laptop East Non-profit 69 Yes 2.8
CL14696 2/20/2012 15:22:11 Software South Large Corporate 75 Yes 2.8
CL14697 2/20/2012 15:27:27 Desktop Mid-west Individual 57 Yes 2.5
CL14698 2/20/2012 15:31:23 Desktop East SME 77 Yes 2.9
CL14699 2/20/2012 15:36:36 Misc. North Non-profit 78 Yes 4.3
CL14700 2/20/2012 15:37:31 Desktop Mid-west SME 80 Yes 2.6
CL14701 2/20/2012 15:39:15 Accessories West Large Corporate 67 Yes 3.2
CL14702 2/20/2012 15:43:13 Software East Non-profit 75 Yes 3.4
CL14703 2/20/2012 15:48:12 Monitor South Non-profit 65 Yes 3.5
CL14704 2/20/2012 15:48:40 Software West Individual 81 Yes 3.7
CL14705 2/20/2012 15:49:41 Laptop Mid-west Individual 68 Yes 3.0
CL14706 2/20/2012 15:50:52 Desktop East Large Corporate 75 Yes 3.5
CL14707 2/20/2012 15:50:58 Laptop Mid-west SME 75 Yes 3.0
CL14708 2/20/2012 15:55:34 Software West Individual 73 Yes 2.2
CL14709 2/20/2012 16:00:33 Misc. East Individual 78 Yes 3.4
CL14710 2/20/2012 16:01:43 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 3.2
CL14711 2/20/2012 16:03:05 Accessories South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.8
CL14712 2/20/2012 16:08:21 Desktop Mid-west Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL14713 2/20/2012 16:09:10 Accessories West SME 83 Yes 2.4
CL14714 2/20/2012 16:09:59 Laptop North Individual 64 Yes 3.8
CL14715 2/20/2012 16:12:04 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 77 Yes 2.5
CL14716 2/20/2012 16:15:41 Software Mid-west Individual 82 Yes 3.1
CL14717 2/20/2012 16:20:37 Software North Individual 64 Yes 3.0
CL14718 2/20/2012 16:22:02 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 71 Yes 2.2
CL14719 2/20/2012 16:26:33 Accessories Mid-westLarge Corporate 87 Yes 2.6
CL14720 2/20/2012 16:27:17 Laptop East Individual 91 Yes 3.0
CL14721 2/20/2012 16:27:19 Accessories Mid-west Non-profit 80 Yes 2.4
CL14722 2/20/2012 16:32:45 Monitor East Individual 83 Yes 3.4
CL14723 2/20/2012 16:36:38 Misc. North Non-profit 67 Yes 2.7
CL14724 2/20/2012 16:40:35 Software North Large Corporate 74 Yes 2.9
CL14725 2/20/2012 16:40:56 Laptop Mid-west Non-profit 81 Yes 2.2
CL14726 2/20/2012 16:42:41 Desktop South Non-profit 67 No 3.2
CL14727 2/20/2012 16:44:05 Software South Individual 65 Yes 2.6
CL14728 2/20/2012 16:44:17 Desktop North Large Corporate 81 Yes 2.8
CL14729 2/20/2012 16:48:40 Software North SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL14730 2/20/2012 16:49:58 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 73 Yes 3.3
CL14731 2/20/2012 16:51:29 Software East Individual 79 Yes 2.8
CL14732 2/20/2012 16:56:07 Desktop Mid-west Individual 91 Yes 2.5
CL14733 2/20/2012 16:59:34 Monitor South Large Corporate 68 Yes 2.5
CL14734 2/20/2012 17:04:52 Desktop East Individual 69 Yes 3.4
CL14735 2/20/2012 17:05:36 Desktop Mid-west SME 66 Yes 2.3
CL14736 2/20/2012 17:06:27 Accessories North SME 66 Yes 3.6
CL14737 2/20/2012 17:07:32 Laptop East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.2
CL14738 2/20/2012 17:12:28 Software North Large Corporate 70 Yes 2.4
CL14739 2/20/2012 17:17:09 Monitor East SME 71 Yes 3.4
CL14740 2/20/2012 17:17:31 Accessories Mid-west SME 75 Yes 2.0
CL14741 2/20/2012 17:20:01 Software Mid-west SME 92 Yes 3.7
CL14742 2/20/2012 17:22:29 Desktop West Non-profit 86 Yes 2.5
CL14743 2/20/2012 17:27:21 Software Mid-west Non-profit 84 Yes 1.9
CL14744 2/20/2012 17:27:31 Monitor North Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.5
CL14745 2/20/2012 17:31:40 Software East SME 84 No 2.2
CL14746 2/20/2012 17:37:09 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 78 Yes 3.3
CL14747 2/20/2012 17:42:48 Misc. South SME 80 Yes 4.1
CL14748 2/20/2012 17:43:41 Desktop Mid-west Non-profit 75 Yes 2.4
CL14749 2/20/2012 17:45:22 Software East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.7
CL14750 2/20/2012 17:50:12 Accessories East Non-profit 78 Yes 2.6
CL14751 2/20/2012 17:54:14 Laptop North Individual 75 Yes 3.0
CL14752 2/20/2012 17:55:27 Misc. North Large Corporate 82 Yes 2.5
CL14753 2/20/2012 17:57:18 Accessories West Non-profit 67 Yes 2.8
CL14754 2/20/2012 17:58:50 Desktop West Non-profit 75 Yes 3.0
CL14755 2/20/2012 18:01:08 Accessories East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.3
CL14756 2/20/2012 18:06:43 Accessories East Non-profit 83 Yes 3.0
CL14757 2/20/2012 18:11:35 Desktop West SME 82 Yes 2.9
CL14758 2/20/2012 18:12:29 Laptop West Large Corporate 91 Yes 3.9
CL14759 2/20/2012 18:15:57 Misc. North SME 66 Yes 3.1
CL14760 2/20/2012 18:20:43 Accessories South Individual 74 No 3.0
CL14761 2/20/2012 18:24:35 Misc. East Non-profit 77 Yes 3.0
CL14762 2/20/2012 18:28:41 Desktop South SME 69 Yes 3.6
CL14763 2/20/2012 18:33:37 Misc. West Individual 91 Yes 2.9
CL14764 2/20/2012 18:34:39 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 76 Yes 3.6
CL14765 2/20/2012 18:37:03 Accessories South Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.0
CL14766 2/20/2012 18:41:19 Accessories East Large Corporate 71 Yes 3.3
CL14767 2/20/2012 18:45:52 Accessories South Individual 70 Yes 2.6
CL14768 2/20/2012 18:49:55 Misc. Mid-west SME 81 Yes 3.7
CL14769 2/20/2012 18:51:49 Monitor South Non-profit 71 Yes 3.3
CL14770 2/20/2012 18:55:11 Desktop West SME 77 Yes 2.8
CL14771 2/20/2012 19:00:11 Desktop East SME 63 Yes 2.7
CL14772 2/20/2012 19:04:27 Monitor West Non-profit 69 Yes 3.4
CL14773 2/20/2012 19:05:34 Accessories East Large Corporate 80 Yes 2.9
CL14774 2/20/2012 19:06:16 Desktop West SME 63 Yes 2.4
CL14775 2/20/2012 19:08:24 Laptop West Individual 73 Yes 3.2
CL14776 2/20/2012 19:09:19 Monitor Mid-west Individual 80 Yes 3.2
CL14777 2/20/2012 19:11:45 Misc. South SME 81 Yes 2.1
CL14778 2/20/2012 19:14:27 Accessories Mid-west Individual 69 Yes 3.2
CL14779 2/20/2012 19:15:27 Desktop East Large Corporate 72 Yes 3.3
CL14780 2/20/2012 19:20:29 Software North Individual 82 Yes 3.2
CL14781 2/20/2012 19:20:39 Laptop South Individual 85 Yes 2.8
CL14782 2/20/2012 19:22:43 Monitor North Individual 88 Yes 3.3
CL14783 2/20/2012 19:25:00 Software North SME 74 Yes 3.8
CL14784 2/20/2012 19:28:35 Monitor East Large Corporate 71 Yes 2.9
CL14785 2/20/2012 19:33:21 Laptop South Individual 68 Yes 2.6
CL14786 2/20/2012 19:36:21 Monitor North Individual 74 Yes 1.9
CL14787 2/20/2012 19:39:40 Desktop East SME 70 Yes 3.3
CL14788 2/20/2012 19:40:45 Accessories West Individual 65 Yes 3.6
CL14789 2/20/2012 19:46:10 Accessories North SME 87 Yes 4.6
CL14790 2/20/2012 19:49:32 Desktop East Individual 61 Yes 2.3
CL14791 2/20/2012 19:50:48 Monitor Mid-west Non-profit 88 Yes 3.7
CL14792 2/20/2012 19:52:04 Misc. Mid-westLarge Corporate 68 Yes 2.8
CL14793 2/20/2012 19:54:35 Monitor East Individual 90 Yes 3.2
CL14794 2/20/2012 19:57:52 Accessories North SME 91 Yes 2.8
CL14795 2/20/2012 19:58:47 Software North Individual 59 Yes 2.3
CL14796 2/20/2012 20:01:43 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 79 Yes 2.9
CL14797 2/20/2012 20:02:55 Accessories East Large Corporate 88 Yes 2.9
CL14798 2/20/2012 20:07:22 Software South SME 70 Yes 3.4
CL14799 2/20/2012 20:09:37 Accessories Mid-west Individual 73 Yes 2.8
CL14800 2/20/2012 20:12:04 Misc. Mid-west Individual 76 Yes 3.0
CL14801 2/20/2012 20:13:12 Software East Individual 64 Yes 3.3
CL14802 2/20/2012 20:14:50 Misc. Mid-west Non-profit 66 Yes 3.6
CL14803 2/20/2012 20:17:50 Software East SME 73 Yes 3.1
CL14804 2/20/2012 20:22:39 Software North Individual 72 Yes 4.1
CL14805 2/20/2012 20:28:03 Laptop West Large Corporate 76 Yes 2.8
CL14806 2/20/2012 20:31:58 Software West SME 69 Yes 2.5
CL14807 2/20/2012 20:33:38 Accessories North SME 84 Yes 2.6
CL14808 2/20/2012 20:35:12 Monitor West Individual 73 Yes 4.1
CL14809 2/20/2012 20:40:10 Desktop East Non-profit 63 Yes 4.4
CL14810 2/20/2012 20:41:00 Desktop East Large Corporate 69 Yes 2.6
CL14811 2/20/2012 20:42:45 Software South Individual 69 Yes 3.7
CL14812 2/20/2012 20:47:54 Monitor South Individual 81 Yes 3.0
CL14813 2/20/2012 20:49:49 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 70 Yes 1.8
CL14814 2/20/2012 20:55:32 Accessories South Non-profit 99 Yes 2.6
CL14815 2/20/2012 21:00:23 Desktop Mid-westLarge Corporate 81 Yes 2.4
CL14816 2/20/2012 21:01:57 Software West Individual 74 Yes 3.6
CL14817 2/20/2012 21:05:38 Laptop Mid-west SME 74 Yes 4.1
CL14818 2/20/2012 21:10:39 Laptop West Non-profit 83 Yes 2.3
CL14819 2/20/2012 21:13:30 Misc. South Individual 66 Yes 2.3
CL14820 2/20/2012 21:15:05 Desktop West Individual 58 Yes 2.7
CL14821 2/20/2012 21:19:28 Monitor Mid-westLarge Corporate 86 Yes 4.3
CL14822 2/20/2012 21:24:45 Misc. South Large Corporate 79 Yes 3.7
CL14823 2/20/2012 21:26:57 Accessories East Non-profit 79 Yes 3.3
CL14824 2/20/2012 21:30:54 Laptop Mid-westLarge Corporate 80 Yes 3.0
CL14825 2/20/2012 21:36:35 Desktop West Individual 78 Yes 3.8
CL14826 2/20/2012 21:41:07 Desktop East Individual 74 Yes 3.2
CL14827 2/20/2012 21:44:15 Software East Non-profit 88 Yes 3.9
CL14828 2/20/2012 21:48:42 Laptop South Non-profit 72 Yes 3.1
CL14829 2/20/2012 21:49:27 Desktop North Non-profit 90 Yes 2.6
CL14830 2/20/2012 21:51:55 Monitor East Non-profit 69 Yes 3.5
CL14831 2/20/2012 21:56:39 Software South Large Corporate 70 Yes 3.1
CL14832 2/20/2012 22:00:12 Accessories West SME 73 Yes 2.6
Up-sell Agent ID
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 330 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 320 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 50 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 330 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 10 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 60 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 70 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 60 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 80 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 30 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 340 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 70 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 360 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 330 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 330 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 40 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 60 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 330 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 30 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 60 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 60 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 360 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 60 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 60 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 20 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 40 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 340 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 80 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 80 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 70 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 60 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 320 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 60 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 330 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 20 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 70 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 380 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 340 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 50 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 70 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 330 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 350 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 350 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 60 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 340 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 330 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 60 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 70 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 360 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 330 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 330 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 40 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 330 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 80 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 50 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 80 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 330 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 350 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 370 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 70 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 320 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 330 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 80 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 320 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 350 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 330 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 40 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 30 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 330 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 330 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 330 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 320 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 330 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 30 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 330 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 330 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 340 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 340 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 320 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 60 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 30 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 320 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 40 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 320 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 350 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 70 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 50 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 350 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 40 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 60 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 50 Agent Smith
$ 350 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 30 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 330 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 80 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 60 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 90 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 330 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 60 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 320 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 290 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 100 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 80 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 300 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 70 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 340 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 340 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 50 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 190 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 80 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 280 Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ 80 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 300 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 320 Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ 120 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 300 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 260 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 110 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Smith
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ 290 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Smith
$ 260 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 260 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Bond
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 100 Agent Vinod
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ 140 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 130 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Neo
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 100 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 120 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 90 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Bond
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 290 Agent Harry
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ 90 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Mary
$ 170 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Mary
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Bond
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 210 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 190 Agent Mary
$ 150 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Vinod
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Neo
$ 130 Agent Vinod
$ 100 Agent Neo
$ 120 Agent Neo
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 250 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ 270 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Smith
$ 280 Agent Smith
$ 240 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 120 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Bond
$ 150 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 170 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 170 Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 260 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 60 Agent Harry
$ 240 Agent Bond
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ 230 Agent Neo
$ 310 Agent Neo
$ 220 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ 190 Agent Vinod
$ 150 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 210 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Mary
$ 230 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Bond
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 310 Agent Vinod
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ - Agent Harry
$ 250 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 130 Agent Smith
$ 50 Agent Mary
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 200 Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Neo
$ 280 Agent Vinod
$ 240 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ 230 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 290 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Harry
$ 200 Agent Neo
$ 210 Agent Bond
$ 270 Agent Vinod
$ 110 Agent Smith
$ 140 Agent Harry
$ 180 Agent Smith
$ - Agent Mary
$ 160 Agent Bond
$ 160 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 190 Agent Bond
$ 310 Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Harry
$ 220 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Neo
$ 160 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Smith
$ 190 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Mary
$ 220 Agent Mary
$ 270 Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Smith
$ 250 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Harry
$ 110 Agent Neo
$ 250 Agent Vinod
$ 130 Agent Harry
$ 300 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Harry
$ - Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ 180 Agent Harry
$ - Agent Vinod
$ 140 Agent Neo
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Smith
$ 200 Agent Mary
$ - Agent Smith
$ - Agent Bond
$ - Agent Vinod
$ - Agent Mary
$ - Agent Harry
$ 70 Agent Harry
$ 150 Agent Vinod
$ 270 Agent Neo
2011 Units Sold - Wind Sport Inc.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Total Un
Games 350 273 375 500 955 1,092
Kites 957 925 1,250 1,100 2,010 2,290
Toys 160 220 291 446 537 208 Jan
Accessories 525 625 570 852 750 575 Jun Ja
Total 1,992 2,043 2,486 2,898 4,252 4,165 Mar 23% 1
Apr May
24% A
Total sales 17836 May 1
Total games sold 3545 Jun
Total Units Sold

Jun Jan Feb

23% 11%11%
May 14%
24% Apr
Employee Name Sales
Arshad 2000 Employee NameSum - Sales
Raees 8000 Arshad 2000 40000
Haroon 4000 Farooq 3000 35000
Naveed 7000 Haroon 4000 30000
Khalid 6000 Kamran 5000
Kamran 5000 Khalid 6000
Farooq 3000 Naveed 7000 20000
Grand Total 35000 Raees 8000 15000
Total Result 35000


Arshad Farooq Haroon K




20000 Sum - Sales




Arshad Farooq Haroon Kamran Khalid Naveed Raees Total
Column1 Column2 Column3
□ Grocery Checklist
□ □ Bacon □ Applesauce
□ □ Beaf /Steak □ Beans
□ □ Chicken □ Chili
□ □ Deli meat □ Fruits
□ □ Fish □ Mushrooms
□ □ Ground beef □ Olives
□ □ Ham □ Soap
□ PRODUCE □ Hot Dogs □ Tomato Sauce
□ Apple □ Pork □ Tuna
□ Avocados □ Susage □ Vegetables
□ Bananas □ Turkey
□ Berries
□ Broccoli
□ Carrots
□ Celery □ DAIRY / FRIDGE
□ Cucumbers □ Biscuits □ DRY / BAKING
□ Garlic □ Butter □ Baking Powder
□ Grapefruits □ Cheese □ Bread Crumps
□ Grapes □ Cookie Dough □ Brownie Mix
□ Lemons/Limes □ Cream Cheese □ Cake Mix
□ Lettuce □ Dips □ Canned Mix
□ Melons □ Eggs □ Chocolate Chips
□ Mushrooms □ Half & Half □ Cocoa
□ Onions □ Milk □ Commeal
□ Oranges □ sour Cream □ Cornstarch
□ Peppers □ Whip Cream □ Flour
□ Potatoes □ Yogurt □ Food Coloring
□ Sqash/Zucchini □ Frosting
□ Tomatoes □ Muffin Mix
□ Oatmeal
□ FROZEN □ Pie Crust
□ Chicken □ Shortening
□ BREAD / BAKERY □ Dessert □ Sugar(brown)
□ Bangels □ Fish □ Sugar(powder)
□ Bread □ Fruite □ Sugar(white)
□ Cake □ Ice □ Vanilla
□ Cookies □ Ice Cream □ Yeast
□ Dinner Rolls □ Ice pops
□ Donuts □ Juice
□ Freanch Bread □ Lasagna
□ Hamburger Buns □ Pie □ PASTA / RICE
□ Hot Dog Buns □ Pizza □ Cousous
□ Muffins □ Vegetables □ Hamburger Helper
□ Pastries □ Waffels □ Lasagna
□ Pie □ Mac & Cheese
□ Pita Bread □ Macroni
□ Tortillas □ JUCIES □ Noodles Mixes
□ Water □ Spaghetti
□ Juice
□ Soda
□ BREAKFAST □ Sport Drnks
□ Cold Cereal □ Coffee
□ Oatmeal □ Tea
□ Creamed White
□ Pancake Mix
Column4 Column5


□ Vegetable Oil □ Conditioner
□ Soy sauce □ Cotton Products
□ Olive Oil □ Deodorant
□ Vinegar □ Feminine
□ BBQ Sauce □ Floss
□ Hot Sauce □ Hair Spray
□ Spaghetti Sauce □ Lip Balm
□ Syrup □ Lotion
□ Makeup
□ Mouthwash
□ CONDIMENTS □ Pain Relievers
□ Croutons □ Razor Blades
□ Honey □ Shampoo
□ Jam / Jelly □ Shaving Cream
□ Ketchup □ Soap
□ Mayonise □ Sunscreen
□ Musturd □ Toothbrush
□ Peanut Butter □ Toothpaste
□ Pickles
□ Salad Dressing
□ Aluminium Foil
□ Bags
□ Coffee Filters
□ SPICES □ Cups
□ Salt □ Garbage Bags
□ Pepper □ Napkins
□ Cinamon □ Paper Towels
□ Plastic Wrap
□ Plates
□ Tissues
□ SNACKS □ Toilet Paper
□ Candy □ Utensils
□ Cookies
□ Crakers
□ Dip / Salsa
□ Dried Fruits □ HOUSEHOLD
□ Fruit Snakes □ Batteries
□ Graham Crakers □ Bleach
□ Granola Bars □ Cards
□ Nuts □ Charcoal
□ Popcorn □ Detergent
□ Potato Chips □ Dish Soap
□ Pretzels □ Dishwasher Soap
□ Pudding □ Faberic Softener
□ Raisins □ Glass Cleaner
□ Tortilla Chips □ Light Bulbs
□ Rages
□ Sponges
□ BABY □ Vacuum Bags
□ Baby Food
□ Diapers
□ Formula □ PET
□ Rash Cream □ Pet Food
□ Wipes □ Cat Litter
□ Treats

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