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CHEVROLET- Brand Story

Chevrolet or “Chevy” as it is popularly called in USA, was founded in the USA in 1911.
In 1913, Chevrolet produced and built its first car - the Series C Classic Six.
Chevrolet merged with General Motors in the year 1915.
In 1922, Chevrolet started expanding globally.
In 1929, it was present in 18 “overseas” assembly plants turning out Chevrolets in Europe, South
America, South Africa, Java (now part of Indonesia), Australia and New Zealand.
In 1970’s it broadened consumer interest in smaller, more fuel-efficient, cars.
The global auto business at the dawn of the 21st century allowed Chevrolet to reconstitute itself as
a global brand, producing global products for a global market.
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Interestingly, In India Chevrolet is actually the oldest foreign car company to start car
manufacturing in India. Chevrolet had started assembly line way back in 1928 in Bombay.
In the early 1950s Chevrolet ceased it operations in India, as government demanded all foreign
companies to leave India.
However, After liberalization in 1993, General Motors (GM) the parent company of Chevrolet
made a 50-50 joint venture with Hindustan motors to produce Opel cars in India.
The Opel cars did not succeed in India and in 2003. It was then, Chevrolet made a comeback in
the Indian market. The Opel factory in Halol, Gujarat served as the production base for
Chevrolet cars in India.
Only to leave India 14 years Later in 2017. 

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