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Nama: Ranti May Sundari

Nim: P031915401027

Tingkat: D3 Kebidanan tingkat 1A

B. Answer the following questions based on the text.

1. What is a reproductive system?

Answer : Reproductive System The reproductive system or genital system is a system of sex
organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction

2. Mention some important accessories to the reproductive system!

Answer : Many non-living substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also
important accessories to the reproductive system.

3. What does" it refer to in sentence line 5 paragraph 1?

Answer : sentence line 5 paragraph 1 “it” refer to reproductive system organs

4. What is the major function of reproductive system?

Answer : he major function of the reproductive system is to ensure survival of the species.

5. Mention the other four functions of reproductive

Answer : Within the context of producing offspring, the reproductive system has four
functions: to produce egg and sperm cells; to transport and sustain these cells; to nurture
the developing offspring, to produce hormones.


No Female reproductive system parts Male reproductive system parts
1. Ovaries Testes
2. Uterus Penis
3. Vagina Scrotum
4. Fallopian tube Epididymis
5. Vulva Vans deferens
6. Cervix Prostate gland
2. Complete the paragraph with words provided !

1. Sperm
2. Scrotum
3. Glands
4. Cervix
5. Ovun

E.WRITING Group work!

Write the function of these reproductive systems ?

1. Testes (male)

Answer : the testes, where sperm are produced

2. Vagina und uterus (femule)

Answer : the vagina and uterus - which act as the receptacle for semen – and the ovaries,
which produce the female's ova

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