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lournal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 2O(3):233--238'2OO4

Copyrighi O 2004 by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc'



ABSTRACT, Field trials evaluating the effectiveness of selected gravid trap oviposition -media
traps were ionducted in southern Fulton County (Atlanta), GA, from June 9 to June
cially available mosquito
each species captured
1g and June 24 to Jllly 4,2dC2, respectively. Total number of mosquitoes and number of
infusion media, .significant
during the tests were compared ,rring u Latin square design. For the gravid trap
> hay > hay side-by-side diluted
differences were found for total ,,rr-6". of mosquitoes collected where sod
> oak > diluted hay. Only Aedes albopictas (oak), Culex quinquefosciatus
hay > dilute hay side-by-side hay
(sod and both concentrated hay infusions), and Culex restuans (sod) were captured in significantly
collected were
numbers using a particular infr.sion. Significant differences for the total number of mosquitoes
up-draft > Mosquito
also observed in the commercial mosquito traps such that the gravid trap ) ultra violet
pro CO, > up-draft CDC-style with CO, > CDC-style with
Magnet@ > omnidirectional Fay-Frince trap with
CO]. Significant differences in numbers collected among taps were noted,for several species,inchtdingAedes
lield trap
v"tinr,A"d", albopictus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. restrans, and Culex salinarius. Results from these
can enhance current surveillance efforts, especially for the primary vectors of West
and infusion evaluations
Nile virus and other arboviruses.

KEY WORDS Surveillance, mosquito traps, gravid traps

INTRODUCTION ly, personal communication). Unfortunately, be-

cause of the lack of information concerning mos-
Until recently, a paucity of mosquitoes and mos- quito populations in Georgia, local surveillance
quito-borne diseases in the Atlanta area has largely program managers were given conflicting recom-
negated the need for organized mosquito control, mendations about what approaches would provide
surveillance, and testing of mosquitoes for human them with the most information with the least
pathogens. Two recent events have resulted in the
amount of effort. Trap trials were conducted to
need to reestablish waning to nonexistent mosquito-
evaluate which commercially available adult mos-
related programs. Aggressive and medically impor-
quito traps and gravid trap infusion media are most
tant Aedes albopictus (Skuse) arrived in the Atlanta
effective in the local area for collecting medically
area in 1985 (Womak et al. 1995) and has since
important species of interest.
become well established in the ideal habitat found
Commercial trap trials (Service 1993; Jensen et
in residential urban/suburban areas. As a result,
aI. 1994; Vaidyanathan and Edman 1997; Kline
many common seasonal outdoor activities have be-
1999; Reisen et al. 1999, 2000; Burkett et al.
come undesirable without the use of repellents and
protective clothing. Additionally, the arrival of 20O1a,200lb; Johansen et al. 2003; Sithiprasasna
mosquito-borne West Nile virus in Georgia with the et al. 2OO4) and infusion evaluations (Reiter et al.
subsequent human cases in 2001 (Rebmann et al. 1986, Reisen and Meyer 1990, Meyer 1991, Trexler
2O02) have pressured local public health and mili- et al. 1998) have been conducted in other geograph-
tary organizations to engage in control activities, ic locations. However, none of these previous trials
surveillance, and the testing of mosquito pools for accurately represent mosquito populations encoun-
infection rates. With the exception of a single Ae. tered in urban/suburban Atlanta, using current mos-
albopictus pool, all mosquitoes testing positive for quito-trapping technology.
West Nile virus in 2001 and 2OO2 ftom Fulton and
DeKalb Counties (Atlanta) were Culex quinquefas'
ciatus Say, Cx. restuans Theobald, Cx. salinariu.s METHODS AND MATERIALS
Coquillett, and mixed Culex species samples (Kel-

rThe mention of trade names or commercial products Both the commercial mosquito trap and gravid
does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for
trap oviposition media evaluations were conducted
use by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, near Grant Park in Fulton County (Atlanta) Geor-
Department of Defense, or the State of Georgia. gia. Evaluations were done using a 6 x 6 and 5 X
2 Air Force Institute of Technology, Education with In- 5 Latin square design for the commercial trap and
dustry, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433. gravid trap infusion trials, respectively. Trap, day'
3 Entomology Branch, Centers for Disease Control and
and location effects were evaluated using a 3-way
Prevention, F-22,47OO Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta, GA (SAS Institute 1995). Trap data were
a Georgia Division of Public Health, Epidemiology transformed to log,o(x + 1) prior to analysis. Mul-
Branch, 2 Peachtree St, NW Suite 14-204, Atlanta, GA tiple comparisons were made using Duncan's mul-
30303. tiple range test (ct : 0.05).

JounNer- oF THE AMERTcANMoseurro CoNrnol AssoclATloN Vor-. 20, No. 3

Commercial trap evaluation turer and used 6.0 V battery power as described
above. A green RubberMaidrM plastic tub com-
Mosquito trap fleld trials were conducted from prised the base of the gravid trap. Prior to use, the
24 June-4 July,2OO2. Each trapping period ran for plastic tubs were aged by filling with water and set
24h frorn 1000 to 1000 h the following day. Traps in an area receiving partial sun for 3 wk. The ovi-
were placed along the fence/tree line separating a position infusion lure was made as described by
maintenance area from the public area of the park Reiter (1983). Fresh infusion media was made daily
and were spaced 35 m or more apart. After each and allowed to ferment for 6J days before use. A
trap night, mosquito collections were placed in mixture of 95 g fresh alfalfa hay, 5 g of brewers
shipping containers over dry ice and transported to yeast, and 5 g of lactalbumin (Sigma-Aldrich Co.,
the Entomology Branch Laboratory at the Centers St. Louis, MO) was added to 10.5 liters of distilled
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, water in a 17.5-liter plastic container. The mixture
where they were counted and identified to species. was stirred daily until used. The resulting media
Mosquitoes were separated by species over a chill was poured through a fine-mesh screen to remove
table, placed in cryovials (3O/vial), and then main- particulate matter. Each gravid trap used 3.5 liters
tained on dry ice. Culex specirnens that could not of hay infusion. Fresh infusion was used fbr each
be positively identified due to poor condition were trap night.
combined and analyzed as Culex species. All male
Gravid trap ovipo.sition media: The field gravid
Culex were combined. Specimens were sent on dry trap media evaluation was conducted from 10-20
ice to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Dis- Jtne 2OO2, using all but I of the sampling sites for
ease Study at the University of Georgia for arbo- the trap evaluation. Times, experimental design (5
virus testing. A total of 6 commercially available X 5 Latin square), and sample processing were as
trap and attractant combinations were evaluated. described for the trap evaluation. A total of 5 dif-
All traps are briefly described below. ferent infusion combinations (6 total traps, I set of
CDC-type light traps: Two CDC-style light traps 2 side by side) were evaluated and are described
were tested, including both a standard down-draft below. Gravid trap details are as described in the
(Tiapkitl, American Biophysics Corp, East Green-
previous section. The following oviposition infu-
wich, RI) and an up-draft version (Trapkitl with
sion media were evaluated.
updraft lid adapter). Carbon dioxide (COr) was pro- Reiter's hay infusirsn: See gravid trap description
vided using locally obtained 9-kg compressed gas in Commercial Trap Evaluation.
cylinders dispensed at 250 ml/min using regulators,
Reiter's hay adjacent dilute hay infusions: Reiter
restriction couplings, filters, and rubber tubing
et al. ( 199 l ) used a 7-day-old hay infusion for mon-
(Flowkitl, American Biophysics Corp). Battery
itoring Ae. aegypti populations in Puerto Rico and
power to run the fan motor and incandescent light
found that an ovitrap containing a weak solution
was provided using Powersonic@ (PowerSonic paired with an ovitrap containing an infusion con-
Corp, San Diego, CA) 6-V l0-amp-h rechargeable centrate collected more eggs than single ovitraps
gel cell batteries. Tiaps were operated with light set
containing tap water. The same logic was applied
to flicker (32.5 Hz) and hung so that the tops of the to this trial, where 2 gravid traps were placed side-
trap were approximately 150 cm above the ground.
by-side with I of the traps using 7-day-old Reiter's
Up-draft blacklight trap: A miniarure blacklight hay infusion and the adjacent trap using 3.5 liters
(ultraviolet) trap (Model 1312, John W. Hock,
of rain water containing 5 ml of the concentrated
Gainesville, FL), using no CO, as an additional at- hay infusion.
tractant, was tested. This trap used a rechargeable Sod infusion: The sod infusion consisted ofa 30-
12V, lO-amp-h battery, but was otherwise used as X 3o-cm section of Bermuda grass in I 1.5 liters of
described for the incandescent updraft CDC-type distilled water allowed to age for 7 days in a closed,
trap. 18.5liter plastic container. As with the other media.
Mosquito Magnet: The propane powered Mos- each trap used 3.5 liters of infusion poured through
quito Magnet@ (Pro Model, American Biophysics a fine-mesh screen. Fresh, 7-day-old infusions for
Corp) was used as received and per instructions each gravid trap were used for each trap night.
from the manufacturer. No octenol cartridge was Oak infusion' Oak infusion was prepared by
used and propane was obtained locally. SeJ Kline adding 95 g of locally collected red oak leaves
(2002) for additional operational details for these (Quercus rubra) to 10.5 liters of distilled water. The
traps. mixture was aged for 7 days before use.
Omnidirectional Fay-Prince trap: The Fay- Dilute hay in rain water: See description above
Prince trap (Model I l2; John W. Hock, Gainesville for dilute hay.
FL) used CO, and battery power as described above
for the CDC light traps. The CO, was dispensed
about 5 cm above the center of the trap. The trap RESULTS
was hung so the top was 60 cm from the ground. Commercial trap evaluation
Gravid rrap: The gravid trap (Model l7l2; John A total of 1,361 mosquitoes were collected dur-
W. Hock) was used as received from the manufac- ing 6 trap nights. Arithmetic means, standard er-
SeprBvssn 2004 Evelunrror.r oF Moseurro TRApsANDGnevIn Tnap OvtposrrtoNMBolr 235

\ O l
rors, P-values, and significant differences for the I
common species collected are shown in Table 1. As ,9s. I
noted in the table, there were significant location
effects for Cx. restuans (P : 0.002) and significant
day and location effects fot Cx. salinarius (P : v H I

0.019). Significant differences in the number of to- e€ |

.5>, I F - ^ - -
tal mosquitoes (P = 0.0001) captured were found
d ^ ^ ^

for the various traps, where the gravid trap > ultra trf, | 1;;;o)-Io.^^
Xodod:ri d-i^ioo
violet up-draft > Mosquito Magnet > omnidirec- +t+l+l +l+l +l +l+l +l+l +l +l
tional Fay-Prince Trap with CO, > up-draft CDC- a'a r'l OcaOOOF-a-€oociclo.l
ci cj d cj d od o. -j r; r; cj
style with CO, = CDC-style with COr. Likewise,
4 P ^ n O i
significant differences were found for the females >tr
O e
of individual species, including Ae. albopictus (P z a
: 0.0001), Ae. vexans (Meigen) (P = 0.0003)' Cx. { r
restuans (P : 0.0001), Cx. quinquefosciatus (P : c o
0.0001), Cx. salinarius (P : 0.0001), and both fe- r o $ cn O cq c.r O O tt- ca o cl a.l
doO r-o+-j o-; -d;ioo
8 E
male and male Cx. species (P = 0.0001 and 0.05)' E A Y i-< +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l il il tl tr
respectively, As for individual species, significantly F c)
, 5 oor)Oa.lholOOrlF-clc'l
-+ 15.2), Cx. res- oicj++dF--d^iidc;
more Cr. quinquefasciatus (1O8.7 N
-r -r 2.5)
tuans (3.8 1.4), and Cx. salinarius (15.3
were collected using gravid traps than with all other v s

traps combined. Aedes vexans (4.2 4- 1.3) and male 6 ^

Culex spp. (8.0 * 3.7) were captured in signifi- .ey
oono6oF- ooa.l ooo
cantly greater numbers using the ultraviolet up- 'ct f
+l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l *l fl ll tt
draft trap. Even though the ultraviolet up-draft trap - oo
F-\OCt--OalOc7)alF oO
did not use COr, this trap was the 2nd best trap for O r ; - i ooo6i oooddd
-r 3.0). The
collecting Cx. quinquefosciatus (7.2 ' " 8 :
omnidirectional Fay-Prince trap (9.8 + 2.1) and the
-f 1.7) were not significantly
Mosquito Magnet (8.5 .: d-i

different for collecting the most Ae. albopictus' b5 tt

U s \ c l c l q \ q q \ n q o
Small numbers of Ochlerotatus triseriatus Say ! ; -
were collected in each of the trap types. Overall F ' Zi + l + l + l f l + l + l + l + l + 1+ l + l t l
a t r b l
species diversity was relatively low, with only 8 ; F . - r.-c{c\|
U r;-iooo^i ddoood
species captured in these trials. Anopheles puncti- x o
pennis (Say) (5) Oc. triseriatus (9), and Psorophora
columbiae (Dyar and Knab) (2) were captured in I !
or more traps, but not collected in sufficient num-
bers for analysis (totals in parentheses). .=\J N I-- O ca O c"l N t'- O N c.l O
O V c.i-jjoo-jodoodo
9 ) ,
, v : +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l +l tl ,9)

E > c..lV) F- r) o o ci 00 0 a.l cq o !

Gravid trap media evaluation +odJod^i dddooo
A total of 1,669 mosquitoes were collected dur- r"r oB
ing 5 trap nights. Arithmetic means, standard er- !

rors, P-values, and significant differences for the 9 -


common species collected are shown in Table 2. As c E \1{a} cqqnqqclq

noted in the table, there were significant day effects
! =

'E9 obo
+ l + l " l ' l+ l + l + l + l + l t l f l t l - r
for Cx. quinquefosciatus (P :0.002) and Cx. sal- ? c
\<t z f)oor)ciOtr'-OOOF-r)O
inarius (P : 0.019). No significant trap location ; ^ . ; : . { : - i - - j A : :

effects were noted. Significant differences in the to- 5 3

tal number of mosquitoes (P : 0.0001) captured ^Qv8
were noted for different infusions where sod > hay
'Bs riq,o
> hay side-by-side with dilute hay > dilute hay 3
side-by-side with hay > oak > dilute hay. Like-
o bI)
E^ .!r^ 3 ^o^U A.
; F . J

wise, significant differences were found for indi- E

= E! F s I ^ s S d c,q)

vidual species, including female Ae. albopictus (P

: O.O2), Cx. restuans (P : O.O2), Cx. quinquefas-
? o
g S : .i ** !EEEr a b! t"E
ciatus (P : 0.0001), and female Culex spp. (P :
(h ; iF i*-::l S=
Of those species that were captured in signifi-

- o 9
, a :

" ! Ec rq ;Fi , s! , ;{ ,'' ir, xr .;* :*
p -*aa
cantly greater numbers per night in certain media, -6 d ^i
oak infusion captured the most female Ae. albop-
236 JounN,u- op rHe AvsnrcaN Mosqurro CoNrnor_ AssocrerroN Vor-. 20, No. 3

ictus (4.9 -t 1.6). Hay (52.2 '+ 14.2), sod (57.8 -t-
tq li ll =s 19.0), and hay adjacent dilute (43.0 + 14.7) cap-
o c{ o\ o\ o o c.t c-.t oo
tured significantly more Cx. quinquefasciatus than
$8il i
d - i l l
Y : - . : Y Y ' : Y \ .
oak and dilute hay combinations. Similar results
ll were obtained for female Culex spp. Culex restuans
o tl
(6.2 ! 2.6) were captured in signiflcantly greatest
= a l l numbers using sod. None of the other species sam-
dnqoloi-:cl9n pled showed preferences for a particular infusion
. .E0
ll h - - -

(t + l + r + r+ t + t f t + t f t + 1 media. Ochlerotatus triseriatus (4) and male Ae.

c ,, tl oq09qcl09\ogcln albopictus (3) were captured in 1 or more traps, but
- o o o F F - o \ o o
A - i l o n6l- not collected in sufficient numbers for analysis (to-
tals in parentheses).
' 4E Ytl
6 F
. Ie l l
E. l l t r r ) \ O O c i - o l O O O
v ! i l - v
ridciod-ic.icjd With the emergence and rapid spread of West
o:il o 9
.=,: il ,< I il+1+tfr+t+t+l+t+l Nile virus across the USA, various public health,
$€oa.t\ool\ooo vector control, and military organizations have es-
-' A A A ; ^ i + - i A
tr b0tl tablished or significantly revamped waning to non-
'o 9ll existent mosquito surveillance and control pro-
6 sll grams. In many areas, the objective of mosquito
< Ftl surveillance has changed from one of monitoring
)A e ll
O t l
i 9 q e q q - q q changing populations to capturing as many poten-
@ i O O N i \ O O O

> , E |!
n- - l l 'J +t+t+t+l+t+t+tt|+l tial vector mosquito species as possible for deter-
o t l 09qeqncl.jnc mining infection rates and foci for West Nile virus
>.trt| t--$oocJ\ri-io
d : l l
N and other arboviruses. The wide variety of com-
"| oll mercially available mosquito traps, conflicting sur-
o * -l l
E tl
veillance recommendations, lack of attractant stan-
F all dardization, and real or perceived regional
i > i l ! r)cis+c{oo\No
. = d i l " , !
r; odori -i-idd differences in traplattractant effectiveness for mos-
tF r 3 l l E o + +r+t+t+t+t+r+ quito populations led to evaluations of the com-
^ I I A
^ trll -
d qnnnci9qo|q monly used trap and attractant combinations used
g€lt E €ooo\o! r)oo
N for mosquito surveillance in different parts of the
.y oll country.
) a l l

In this study, the overall number of mosquitoes
e ill E A : captured and the species composition differed con- 9 + - E
. ! I l l Y a r ri O; q qC+ni9q siderably among trap designs ranging from (6 total
F RI I # ;
> i l l
O O i c . l c . l O i
mosquitoes per trap-night for the standard up- or
6 = + l | + t + t + t + t + t + l + l .)
:<ll >.! down-draft COr-baited CDC type trap to >150 per
n . ql l E o\OOOcioo\o-i
\o $+
trap-night for the gravid trap using Reiter's hay in-
") Ell fusion. The gravid trap was clearly the most effec-
+ rE l l tive trap for collecting Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx.
-€ll restuans, and Cx. salinarius. At least for the former,
o !! tl I r . - N . " this agrees with Meyer (1991), who found Cx. quin-
s ' : ' : : s . : - ' l :
v ^ l l c'.lOOO+0ooO* quefasciatus was sampled more effectively in urban
. : T l l
+ t+ t + t + t+ t + t + t+ t + l (but not rural) areas using gravid traps when com-
'a $00NoNo00\ooo pared with CO"-baited light traps. Reisen et al.
kll d; ddo6i r-oi-i--.i
x utl O\ n c.l E (1990) likewise found the two primary Culex spe-
g:.ll cies were captured in significantly smaller numbers
6 x using COr-baited traps when compared with gravid
.Eill A S
traps. In our trials, both COr-baited CDC light trap
q T l l
E .
\ x ^
styles (up- or down-draft) captured representatives
^ r l l
! 6 tl
r a Eg iEa3 of all common species except Cx. salinarius; how-
ever, they did not capture significantly more spec-
ll !il .:
,B :I E
- ' i !q . 6 E
t r l
imens of any of the species collected when com-
> B.ll 3 '- 5. ! = - : 5 t r q pared with the other traps. Surprisingly, the
.sll 3 ii 3 $ry::.i ultraviolet updraft trap that used no CO, captured
N 0) ll
E Sn ! : HHs S
o Bll E : { S : E[ F r ! :
.HJ .S
significantly more C-r. quinquefasciatus per trap-
night (7.2 + 3.0) than all but the gravid trap, and
? * \
'r: t lll
significantly more Ae. vexans (4.0 -F 1.3) and male
h U
tl E-!sRi,{,\.\,\
Culex species (I2.O -+ 3.7) than all other traps. The
- \ \ v v v v v v
Seprsrvrnnn EvelulrroN oF MosQUIro TnnpSeNo Gnevn Tnep OvposrrloN MEDIA z3 I

ultraviolet trap results are important, as these traps bers using oak when compared with the other ln-
do not have the logistical constraints and extra ex- fusions. Based on the successful Ae. aegypti ovi-
pense associated with using dry ice or compressed trapping methodology used in Puerto Rico (Reiter
gas cylinders as a source of COr. et al. 1991), one of the gravid trap treatments con-
Aedes albopictus has long been known to be sisted of 2 side-by-side traps (weak adjacent con-
poorly represented in light trap collections (Hawley centrated hay infusion). In our case, adjacent gravid
1988). These trials again showed low capture num- traps did not yield significant increases in the cap-
bers of this species using CDC-type light traps. The ture numbers for Ae. albopictus or any of the other
Mosquito Magnet (9.8 + 2.1) and COr-baited om- common species. However, the dilute hay infusion
nidirectional Fay-Prince traps (12 + 1.7) were the adjacent the concentrate did capture more Cx. quin-
most effective traps for Ae. albopictus, capturing quefosciatus and Culex spp. than the dilute hay in-
significantly more than the other traps evaluated. fusion by itself. Given that more Ae. albopictus
These results agree with those for a similar trap were captured in oak infusion-baited traps, this
evaluation conducted in Okinawa, Japan (Burkett technique should be repeated using a dilute oak in-
2001). Both the Mosquito Magnet (0.7 + 0.2) and fusion adjacent a concentrate.
omnidirectional Fay-Prince trap (2.O + 1.2) were, Results from this study indicate that the Atlanta
however, the least effective traps for collecting any area needs to focus on an integrated trapping pro-
of the Culex species. For Cx. salinarius (only Culex gram using a combination of trap types depending
species captured), Kline (2002) also found the Mos- on the species of interest. No single trap type or
quito Magnet Pro design collected significantly infusion captured large numbers of all species of
fewer of this species than other similarly propane- interest. For all 3 Culex species of interest, gravid
powered Counter Flow Technology traps evaluated. traps using sod or hay were most effective at col-
Interestingly, the Mosquito Magnet Pro is effective lecting large numbers. The advantages of gravid
at collecting medically important Culex species in traps are obvious. They are inexpensive, require
other parts of the world, In both Korea (Burkett et less maintenance than other traps, and collect the
al. 2OOla, 2001b) and Okinawa (Burkett 2001), desirable portion of the mosquito population that
comparable Mosquito Magnets (without octenol) includes the older blood-fed females (at least for
collected significantly more Cx. quinquefasciatus the Culex) that are more likely to contain arbovi-
and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus than all other traps eval- ruses of interest than those specimens collected in
uated. Johansen et al. (2003) found Mosquito Mag- other kinds of traps (Reiter 1983). Almost all of the
nets did not capture significantly more mosquitoes Georgia West Nile virus-positive mosquito pool
of any species when compared with Cor-baited samples from 2001-2003 were collected from grav-
CDC-style light traps. id traps (Rose Kelly, personal communication).
Relatively large numbers of various Culex spe- For commercial traps, both the Mosquito Magnet
cies and smaller numbers of Ae. albopictus and Oc. and omnidirectional Fay-Prince trap collected the
tiseriatus collected in gravid traps placed in our largest numbers of Ae. albopictus. Each of these
study area the previous fall led us to evaluate dif- traps has advantages, the former by minimizing lo-
ferent oviposition media to see if we could increase gistical and personnel problems associated with
collection numbers and target particular species. batteries and compressed gas cylinders or dry ice
Several oviposition infusions as used by other re- as a source of COr, and the latter by currently cost-
searchers, including hay (Reiter 1983, Reiter et al. ing 1/5 that of the Mosquito Magnet.
1986, Reisen and Meyer 1990), sod (Reisen and The results from the 2 CDC-style Cor-baited
Meyer 1990, Lampman and Novak 1996), oak, light traps were not very impressive. Although
(Trexler et al. 1998), and a weak hay infusion side- these traps collected most of the common species,
by-side a concentrate (Reiter et al. 1991) were eval- they did not collect them in numbers appropriate
uated against the local Atlanta species composition. for determining pathogen infection rates. Of the
Significant differences were found for various spe- light traps evaluated, the ultraviolet trap was the
cies using different oviposition media. Culex res- most effective, capturing the most Ae. vexans and
tuans, for example, were captured in significantly the 2nd most Cx. quinquefasciafzs. Note that the
greater numbers using the sod infusion. Likewise, ultraviolet trap did not use COr, with the associated
the dominant species, Cx. quinquefasciatus and the logistical burden.
unidentifiable Culex spp. were captured in the Both the commercial adult mosquito trap trials
greatest numbers using the sod infusion, followed and gravid trap media evaluations showed how re-
by the concentrated hay and hay adjacent the dilute sults for several species, especially the Culex spe-
infusion. Conversely, and though represented in cies, differed from those found in other studies in
small numbers, infusion media did not seem to mat- different geographical areas. Indeed, the unique
ter for Cx. salinarius or Oc. triseriatus. For Cx. mosquito fauna in urban Atlanta makes it critical
salinarius, however, there was a significant day ef- that tests are conducted for the local species com-
fect, with trap numbers increasing at the end of the position and not extrapolated from similar popula-
test period. tions elsewhere. Evaluating new trap and attractant
Aedes albopictus were captured in greater num- designs and technologies where vector-borne dis-
238 JounNer-
MoseurroCoxrnol AssocrerroN Vor.20,No.3

eases or can potentially occur will increase our Kline DL. 2002. Evaluation of various models of propane-
knowledge of vectors and assist in the deyslopm9nt powered mosquito traps, "/ Vec Ecol Z7:l-7,
and implementation of vector surveillance and dis- Lampman RL, Novak RJ. 1996. Attraction of Aedes al-
ease-control strategies. Future mosquito work in bopictus adults to sod infusion. J Am Mosq Control
Atlanta and elsewhere should focus on testing ad- Assoc l2:119-124.
Meyer R. 1991 . Urbanization and the efficiency of carbon
ditional gravid trap attractant media and determin-
dioxide and gravid traps for sampling Culex quinque-
ing the host feeding preferences for the local med-
fasciatus. J Am Mosq Control Assoc 3:467-47O.
ically important species, especially the Culex Rebmann C, Kramer S, Park M, Mead D. 2002. Georgia's
species. This could be accomplished using blood West Nile virus surveillance during 2001 and plans for
meal analysis or by using a Shannon-type trap 2OO2. GA Epi Rep 18:l-6.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Reisen WK, Meyer RP 1990. Attractiveness of selected
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and security staff at the Atlanta Zoo for allowing Assoc 6'.244-250.
us unfettered access to the maintenance areas where Reisen WK, Meyer RR Cummings R! Delgado O. 2000.
the trials were conducted. We also acknowledge Effects of trap design and CO, presentation on the mea-
Brad Wells, whose help with setting traps and pro- surement of adult mosquito abundance using Centers
for Disease Control-style miniature light traps. "/ Arn
cessing specimens was instrumental to the project.
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