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On-line learning

Unit V / week 5 UNIT 5 Taking Vital Signs


A. Choose the correct answer. Bold the correct answer with red color. (kasih
bold jawaban dengan warna merah).

1. Vital signs are ________

a. measurement of the body c. checking of the body
b. testing of the body d. measurements of health
2. Vital signs include (termasuk) ______________
a. body temperature c. a and d
b. high temperature d. pulse rate
3. The body temperature of a person varies (bervariasi) depending on (tergantung),
except (kecuali).
a. gender c. recent activity
b. monthly salary d. food & fluid consumption
4. Pulse rate is ________
a. measurement of the body c. meassurement of the heart
b. testing of the body d. measurements of health
5. The normal pulse rate for healthy adults ranges from (berkisar) ________.
a. 60 – 100 beats per minute c. 600 – 1.000 beats per minute
b. 6 – 10 beats per minute d. 10 – 60 beats per minute
6. The normal respiration rate for adult person at rest ranges from
a. 2 – 6 breaths per minute c. 10 – 16 breaths per minute
b. 12 – 16 breaths per minute d. 1 – 6 breaths per minute
7. The respiration rate is usually measured when a patient is ____________.
a. taking medicine c. sleeping
b. having lunch d. at rest.
8. Two numbers are recorded when measuring blood pressure.
a. diastolic pressure c. systolic pressure
b. a and c d. 120/90
B. Answer the following questions:

1. According to you what are vital signs? (not according to Google and book)
Vital signs include a medical examination. Vital signs are one of the nursing
actions aimed at knowing the body temperature, blood pressure,
respiratory rate and pulse rate of the patient.

2. According to you what is the relationship between body temperature and

Covid-19? (Apa hubungan antara body temperature dengan Covid-19)?
Explain briefly (Jelaskan dengan singkat)
Covid is a virus that attacks one of the body’s organs. If the body is attacked
by a virus or bacteria, the body will get a response that the body is attacked
by a virus. Reaction that will be caused by the body that is fever, fever
generally occurs as a reaction from the immune system in fighting viral
infections. One sign of contracting covid-19 is fever, therefore body
temperature is related to covid-19.

3. According to your knowledge and experience, is there any relationship

between blood pressure and age? (adakah hub antara blood pressure
dengan umur) Explain briefly.
Age is one factors affecting pressure blood. Age is related to pressure hidh
blood pressure (hypertension). Blood pressure in the eldery will tend to be
high so the elderly are at greater risk affected by hypertension (blood
pressure high). Increasing age resulting in blood pressure increased.

4. Does a child under 10 years have the same pulse rate with an adult person
over 30 years? Explain your answer briefly (jelaskan dengan singkat
jawaban anda).
Children under 10 years have a different pulse rate than adults over 30
years. The pulse infants or children under 10 years is faster than adults, the
reason is because the need for blood flow in children is higher than adults.
Pulse is normal in children 10 years, adults and elderly 60-100 beats per

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