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Assignment week 3 Practical questions

Unit III / week 3 UNIT 3 Reporting in Nursing

(laporan keperawatan)

(unit ini akan menjelaskan apa itu report, jenis report, dsb?)
Full Name : Muhammad Alfian Class : AKPER 2.C NIM : 219117

Answer the following questions:

1. Why a nurse should make reports? (kenapa perawat harus membuat lapora)
Nurses make a report to as evidence of nursing care to patients and as the
person in charge of their actions.

2. Wha is the content of the report? (apa isi dari laporan tersebut}
The contents of the nursing report are studies identifying the client’s health
status, recording client needs, planning nursing actions, and evaluating
actions against patients.

3. When is a change of shift report made? (kapan change of report dibuat}

Change of shift report is carried out when the nurse has made a handover to
the patient's room namely:
a. Do a round to the patient's room as a complement to the handover
report. The round is conducted jointly between the person in charge of
the previous shift patient and the person in charge of the patient in
question to the next shift.
b. Inform the patient that there is a change of nurse's assignment and
introduce the nurse in charge of the next shift patient.
c. Report to the security officer and the patient's owner if there is an
unknown patient during the round.
4. When is transfer report made? (kapan tranfer report dibuat}
Transfer report is made when transferring patient from one room to the
nursing room/other action room, or move patients from one hospital to
another hospital.

5. What is the differnce between oral and written report? (apa perbedaan
antara oral report/laporan lisan dengan written report/laporan tertulis}
 Oral reports : they are given when the information is for immediate use
and not for permanency. For example, it is made by nurse who is assigned
to patient care, to another nurse who is planning to relieve her

 Written reports : the reports are written when the information will be
used by several medical staff. For example, change of shift reports.

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