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Vote for your energy: a market mechanism for local

energy markets based on the consumers, preferences

Bent Richter, Esther Mengelkamp, Christof Weinhardt
Institute of Information Systems and Marketing
Karlsruhe, Germany

Abstract—Local energy markets (LEMs) are a highly discussed small operators w ill not be able to sell their energy directly.
topic in the academic community. In this paper, we address They have to increase their self-consumption or w ill rely
one of the most critical challenges for these markets. In recent on commercial aggregators. Local energy communities and
years the valuation of energy sources by the consumer became
more differentiated. Today many consumers prefer various en- markets are one of the proposed solutions to this challenge.
ergy sources (e.g. PV or Wind) in different degrees. Taking They represent alternative market structures which allow small
this distinction into account causes several challenges in the producers and local consumers to trade or share locally
market design as energy becomes a heterogeneous good. We produced energy within neighborhoods. This local exchange
show that already existing auction mechanisms cannot provide a between neighborhoods or local energy communities can be
satisfactory solution to represent these differences. As a result,
we propose a two-step mechanism specifically tailored for the done by different models, like peer-to-peer, sharing, or a local
differing consumer valuations. It introduces a merit-order based market. In these markets, local consumers can buy energy
market for each type of energy. Thus, each separate market from the local supply, e.g. a neighbor household who also
deals with one source of energy and is cleared separately. With installed a PV panel on its roof. In addition, locally produced
that, the determination of the chronological order of the different energy and green energy happens to become higher valued
markets becomes essential. The proposed mechanism aims at
taking the various preferences of all consumers into account than conventional for a growing number of consumers [• ]•, [• ]•.
by using the Borda count voting mechanism. The theoretically For consumers, a LEM can enable the possibility to choose a
presented market mechanism is supported by a real-life data case specific energy source. This choice allows consumers to adjust
study with data from the Landau Microgrid Project. their energy mix according to their valuations. Also, producers
Index Terms: Local energy markets, Market mechanism, Re- of favored energy sources can sell their energy at a higher
newable energy sources, Household preferences
price. For producers, these LEMs represent an alternative sales
Yet, with the distinction between different energy sources,
Along with the ongoing energy transition from a fossil- well-known market mechanisms can not directly represent this
based energy supply towards renewable energy sources, sev- new heterogeneity of energy and preference shift. Specifically,
eral challenges arise for the energy sector. Traditionally, big we address the following research question: What kind o f LEM
conventional power plants provide large amounts of energy, market mechanism can, firstly, take the different valuations of
and the transportation and distribution networks carry the the consumers into account and secondly, can obtain a well-
electricity to the households, small business, and industry. known market mechanism like the merit-order?
With the rise of renewable power plants, the structure of the In the further course of this paper, we w ill discuss the
supply changes, and becomes more and more decentralized market mechanism only focusing on electricity sources. The
[1], [2]. Driven by subsidies, the amount of renewable power paper is structured as followed. First, we w ill describe in
plants in Germany increases in 2010 from • • ,• • •• • to• • • ,2•
•• • the chapter II the relevant literature for market mechanisms
in 2018 [• ]•. Most of PV power plants in Germany are small on LEMs, different voting schemes, and changing consumer
and located in the distribution network. Today, about • 2 • ,• • • •preferences. In the third chapter III the market mechanism
of all PV power plants are installed on rooftops and structural w ill be described, and we w ill illustrate the problem created
systems [4]. by the distinction between different energy sources showing
As a result, the demand side becomes more involved in why existing auctions like combinatorial and multi-attribute
the generation process. Consumers with installed PV panels auction cannot be applied. In IV we w ill present a real-world
become temporary producers as they fed the surplus into the implementation of the market mechanism. Finally, section V
grid. These so-called prosumers are a new emerging group in concludes the work.
the energy system. The traditional market structure is unable to
II. Re l a t e d w o r k
cope with the changing conditions. Economic incentives and
specific regulation prevent the overall market structure from A. Local energy markets & Auction design
adapting to the emerging decentralized technical structures. Ongoing research on the topic of LEMs started in the
Up to now, once the subsidy in Germany ends, most of these first decade of this century. [• ]•, [1], [2] approach this area

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•• •LOO ©2019 IEEE

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and examined the benefits of LEMs in the context of rising III. D e v e l o p in g a p r e f e r e n c e -b a s e d m a r k e t

renewable generation. More recent literature like [8] pro- M ECH ANISM
poses frameworks for LEMs and discusses different market
A. Problem description & Existing approaches
approaches like peer-to-peer or platform markets.
One of the main challenges of LEMs is the differentiation
LEMs in the context of upcoming smart grid and de-
between the valuations of di^erent energy sources. The en-
centralized information systems (e. g. blockchain technology)
ergy can typically be distinguished by its generation types
are considered by [9], [10] and [11]. Most authors discuss
(PV, Wind, Water, Biomass), the geographical distance (local,
electricity trading on LEMs; however, capacity markets are
regional, national), or both of them. Thus, energy can be
also considered in some research (e.g. [12]). They discuss
split up into several subgroups. Within these groups, energy
the possibilities of LEMs to allocate local reserve energy.
is still a homogeneous good, yet individuals value these
The research focuses on different market forms, not a market
groups differently. These differences depend on the individual
mechanism. Otherwise, [1• ]• developed an auction mechanism
consumer and their personal preferences. This change creates
for local reserve energy where small prosumers can sell their
an impression of heterogeneity, yet the ‘different’ goods are
capacity to the balancing group manager. The proposed market
perfect substitutes. Setting up a LEM and considering these
mechanism minimizes the overall costs for the balancing group
diverging, individual preferences cause a challenge. Well-
manage by selecting suitable bids.
established market mechanisms in the energy sector like the
Since LEMs have similar properties to conventional mar- merit order cannot directly levy the differing valuations of
kets, the repertoire of different auction designs is very diverse. heterogeneous goods.
The double auction is, by its properties, very popular and In a first analysis, we consider existing mechanisms which
used e.g. by [14], [1• ]•, [1• ]•, [1• ]•, [10], [18]. [14] apply a take different valuations into account or combine heteroge-
combinatorial approach to create bids for heat and electricity neous goods. The former one is called ‘multi-attribute auc-
at the same time. A continuous double auction design is used tions, the latter combinatorial auctions. Combinatorial auctions
by[1• •] and [1• •].[1• •] sets up discrete time intervals in which a are an auction type which combines different goods in a
continuous double auction takes place. [19] presents a discrete bundle. A bidder can bid on each bundle. As energy is a
double auction with a single clearing price in each period. [20], continuous good, and the demand of each user is fixed, the
[8], [21] use the merit order mechanism. This auction type can ‘optimal’ supply composition by sources depends on the pref-
be classified as a discrete double auction and is widely used erence, seller bids, and availability. This condition increases
in energy wholesale markets around Europe. the number of possible combinations of bundles, and it is
likely, that an optimal market outcome cannot be computed
fast and easily. Likewise, a multi-attribute auction relies on
the assumption that an exact (uniform) valuation across all
attributes exists [28]. This means the preference order (e.g.
B. Changing consumer preferences PV over Wind) must be equal for each bidder. This uniform
valuation is not given as each consumer can prefer the sources
The change of preferences and willingness to pay for in a different order. Energy from a PV panel is not always
renewable energy is actively investigated. It is often con- strictly higher valued than energy generated by wind turbines
ducted by differentiating between ‘green’ renewable energy by all consumer in the market.
and conventional energy. For example, [22] examine the extent
to which the willingness to pay spreads for different energy B. Preference based voting mechanism
sources (regardless of whether they are renewable or not) and We developed a two-step market mechanism which consists
the impact on willingness to pay according to the regionality of the above-discussed merit order auction and a preference-
of the consumer. [2• ]• investigates the social acceptance of based voting system. This idea allows to obtains a well-
renewable energy sources and their attitudes to investing in known and researched auction mechanism and at the same
renewable energy sources. [24] explore the consumer prefer- time, take the different preferences into account. In its core,
ences of different electricity mixes and their preference for the the mechanism interprets the different electricity sources as
support for different renewable energy sources. [2• ]• conduct different goods. Each good w ill be traded on its own market.
a meta-analysis of consumers’ willingness to pay according This approach rules out the problem linked to heterogeneous
to energy sources. They conclude that the willingness to pay goods. It also allows to maintain the properties of the well-
differs by source, and increases if its substitutes conventional known and researched merit-order auction to allocate the
energy. [2• ]• also examined the willingness to pay for different demand and supply for a specific source.
energy sources. They show that consumer prefers solar over The following question is how to determine the chronologi-
wind or biomass. In addition, [2• ]• analyzes the preference cal order of these several markets. We assume that even if the
heterogeneity for renewable energy technologies and shows valuation over all participants is not consistent, the individual
that preferences over solar power are more heterogeneous as preference order is consistent and can be represented on an
wind or biomass. ordinal scale. For example, one consumer prefers wind over

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Consumer/Source PV Wind CHP
Bids for PV
Consumer 1 •• 2 1
Consumer 2 2 1 ••
Consumer • • 2 •• 1
Sum •• •• ••
TA Bl e I
B ORDA c o u n t sc o r es

PV and PV over combined heat and power (CHP). Another 03/15 04/01 04/15
consumer is in favor of CHP, then PV and the wind is the least Bids for CHP
favored. It becomes clear that consumers w ill prefer to be part 30
of the market which they favor the most, then the second, and
25 •
so on. Without consistency over all participants, we cannot
easily set up a market order. Yet, the order has an impact on g 20 [| !— ~ |

the overall outcome.

This problem can be solved by a voting system in which 10
each participant can vote for a preferred market order. For
the presented mechanism, we choose the so-called Borda 0%/15 04/01 04/15
count. This voting mechanism was introduced in 1• • 0 • • by
----Consumer 1 ---- Consumer 4 ---- Consumer 6 .... . Sell Price
Jean Charles de Borda as an alternative voting concept [29]. ----Consumer 2 Consumer 5 ---- Consumer 7
Most common voting systems focus on a single winner but
ignore the preference distribution on all other alternatives, Fig. 1. PV bids of one month
which leads to strategic voting. Especially voters who favor a
candidate who is less likely to win, have an incentive to vote
strategically and not according to their preferences [• 0 • ]. In second and CHP the least which can be seen in the last row of
contrast, the Borda count system allows each voter to rank all Table I. Therefore, the market order starts with the PV market,
choices aligned to its preferences. The most preferred choice followed by the wind market, and in the end, the CHP market
gets the highest score and the next alternatives in descending is cleared. In the event of a tie, randomness decides.
order a decreasing lower score. The last choice w ill only get Assuming new participants join the market with, e.g. a
one point. The scores for each alternative are summed up, and higher preference for wind, the mechanism w ill quickly adapt
a rank order is determined [29], [• 1• ]. and can change the order. Also, if the preference order of a
In the context of the proposed market mechanism, all consumer changes and with that the bid prices, the mechanism
participants on the demand side are voters. Every consumer w ill be able to take this preference shift into account. The pro-
submits a bid for each market. We assume that the individual posed market mechanism divides the local energy market into
preference order represents the willingness to pay for each several markets, one for each energy source. It interprets the
source (bid). For example, in a LEM are three different kinds bids of each participant as a vote for a specific chronological
of electricity sources: PV, Wind, and CHP. The ‘hidden’ market order. In a subsequent step, the Borda count voting
preference order of an individual household is PV over Wind system determines the order which is favored by most of the
over CHP. Following this preference order, the level of each participants. In the end, each market is cleared according to
bid represents this rank order (bPV > > b HP) and the previously determined order.
can be used as a vote. The individual prefers a market order
starting with the PV market, then the Wind market, and in the IV. Ca s e St u d y : LAMP
end, the CHP market. Therefore, PV has • •points, Wind 2 and The market mechanism explained in section III-B is im-
CHP 1. plemented in a real-life implementation of a LEM named the
Table 1 shows an example of the LEMs with the above Landau Microgrid Project (LAMP). LAMP is a prototypical
mentioned three energy sources and three different consumers. LEM implemented in Landau, Germany between 11 household
The consumers differ significantly in their assessment of the consumers, one PV system of 20kWp and a CHP of • •0kWp
energy source. The proposed market mechanism works as [• 2
• ]. A trading period has 1• • minutes. The agents, i. e. the
follows: Each participant issues a bid for each energy source. household consumers as well as the owners of the PV and
A ll individual bids are ordered according to the bid price. The CHP system (which are owned by the energy utility so far),
source with the lowest bid price gets 1 point, the second 2 and can enter their price preferences for PV and CHP energy over
the third, the source with the highest bid, gets • •points. This a (smartphone) app. These are converted into bids for each
rank represents the preferred market schedule of the consumer. trading period and the mechanism calculates the market order
A ll rank votes w ill be collected and in a subsequent step, using the Borda count.
the corresponding score numbers of each energy source are The consumers got an introduction into the market mech-
added up. In the example, PV has the highest score, wind the anism before they started trading. Thus, they should be able

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to anticipate their future transactions based on past market Consumer 7
prices. Figure 1 shows the bidding process over one month of
six consumers from the Lamp project. The top graph shows PV
bids and the bottom graph shows CHP bids. One can clearly
see that the bidding behavior is different for each participant
and that the bidding levels differ for the two energy sources.
For example, consumer • •shows a high bidding activity as his 0 -----L
0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•18 0• /•19 0• /•20
preference order changes over time. In contrast, consumer • • Date
does not change the bids at all and strictly values PV more Consumer 6
than CHP. Likewise, consumer • • strictly prefers energy from
the CHP over the PV source and consumer 2 is indifferent.
As a remark, the price is changing due to bid changes on the
supply side and consumer 4 cannot be found in the second
graph as his bids are equal to consumer • .•
Figure 2 shows the LAMP consumer 2, • ,• • ,• and • •over five
0 -----L
days. Their bids for PV and CHP electricity, the sale prices of 0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•18 0• /•19 0• /•20
the PV and CHP generators and the individual average price Date
of the consumer in the LEM are represented as dashed/dotted Consumer 5
• 0•
lines. The prices paid by the individual consumer for the grid,
PV and CHP are represented as big points. The distribution of
buy/sell bids and the paid prices shows that all four consumers
still fulfill part of their overall demand from the grid (grey
points) but differ in the consumption of CHP and PV.
Consumer C• •buys mostly from the CHP as his preference 0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•18 0• /•19 0• /•20
for PV energy is always below the PV sell bid, and he prefers Date
CHP energy over PV according to his bids. The use of grid Consumer 2
energy is a result of the increased sell bids for CHP, which • 0•

exceeds C• ’•s buy bid.In comparison, consumer C• • uses PV c

and CHP energy at about the same rate (PV during the day,
CHP during the night). His preference for PV energy is,
^ __1___ I_______ _______________ _______
0 20 -----r- '-------------------

as mentioned above, always higher than the PV sell price.

However, on the second day (0• /•1• )• C• • still has to consume
0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•1• • 0• /•18 0• /•19 0• /•20
grid energy as not enough PV energy is available and the Date
sales bid of CHP increased too much. Consumer C• •receives - BuyBidsPV --- AveragePrice
a small part of PV energy and most CHP. It can be seen that — BuyBidsCHP • PaidPricesforGrid
PV and CHP alternate in one area. This is partly because C• • - Sell BidsPV • PaidPricesforPV
is raising its bid for CHP and changing its preference order,
— Sell BidsCHP • PaidPricesforCHP
but also because its bid for PV electricity is also higher/equal
Fig. 2. Bids and prices of three consumers in LAMP for five days in March
than the bid price. From this, it can be concluded that in these
periods PV had the highest score and started the market order
as more participants favored PV over CHP.Consumer C2 uses in LAMP pay an average electricity price below 20 c€/kWh.
mostly CHP energy, as his PV bid is always below the PV Thus, the LEM allows them to receive an individual electricity
sell bids and also consumes grid energy as a result of the CHP price more than 1• •• • cheaper than the usual grid tariff of
price peak. As the data from Figure 2 is from March 2019, PV 2• •c€/kWh.
generation is pretty low due to the weather conditions. Thus, it
is expected that the share of PV generation in the consumers’ V. Co n c l u s io n

energy mix w ill rise during the summer. As most consumers In this paper, we proposed a two-step market mechanism for
value PV generation higher than CHP (represented by a higher LEMs to differing valuations between green, local, and overall
buy bid price), this prediction is already confirmed in current energy sources. A well-known mechanism like the merit
data (May/June 2019). order cannot adequately represent these differing valuations.
Figure 2 also shows the changes in buy and sell bids as Obtaining the characteristics of the merit-order auction the
well as the average prices the consumers pay over the week. proposed preference-based market mechanism differentiates
The changes in price bids are relatively low. Usually, only 1-• • between energy sources. Each source is traded on its own mar-
changes occur for one agent. As preferences should represent ket using the merit order. The chronological schedule of the
(closely) the true preferences, this low change rate is to be markets should directly reflect the distribution of preferences
expected. Further, the case study shows that the consumers of all consumers. Therefore, the order is calculated with the

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