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Ryan Fischer

Mrs. Ramirez

Conspiracy Theory essay

8 March 2021

Denial of The Holocaust

My topic is about the denial of the Holocaust. Only about 50 percent of the population

know about the Holocaust and of those 50 percent one fifth of them belive it was all fake. People

believe a few different things. The one that stands out to me is they believe it was all planned to

try and get people to turn to judaism. I would like to know why you would go as far as living in a

camp just to try and get more people to go over to your religion. One thing they deny is the

photos the deniers believe they were created by surrounding nations to use as propaganda.

Deniers also believe it was all staged to get people to come over to judaism. Deniers have also

stated that the gas chambers that were used could not kill nor kill at the rate that was supposedly

being killed. Deniers have also said camps were meant to only keep jews for war time since

Germans thought of them as a threat. My topic is denial of the Holocause I believe it was real. I

just can’t deny the outstanding amount of proof.

The deniers have stated that the photos were created by surrounding nations to use as

propaganda against Germany. An article states that many of the films and photos that were used

after World War 2 were created by allied nations to use as propaganda against the Germans. I

have a hard time believing that the Germans would try to hind the Holocaust after the war since

at that time the camps would of already been liberated so their would be no use of hinding it after

war. It is said in an article that Holocaust deniers ignore or minimize the tens of thousands of
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pages of documents and photos that Nazis themselves had that survived the war. I agree with this

statement because if Nazis have their own documents and photos of the Holocaust then why

would it matter if surrounding nations are created photos the Nazis have the truth. An article I

looked at had aerial photos of the gas chambers and crematoria. Many deniers have said that the

gas chambers were built after the war but I think that is just something they are saying to try and

keep this conspiracy going. All in all I think the deniers are ultimatley trying to find the one

thing to try to debunk this Holocaust.

Many deniers of the Holocaust believe the whole thing was staged to get people to come

over to judaism. Deniers that said it was impossible to burn the corpses during war time since

fuel was limited. I believe that you wouldn’t need much fuel to start a fire and once the fire

started going you wouldn’t need to do anything to it, it would just use the corpses as its fuel. The

only real life evidence their is of the Holocaust is the people who survived it. I understand this

but all the survivors have said the same thing once you went to the gas chamber you never came

out the same with corpses they all said that happened also. A direct sentence from an article

states. Many prisoners were indeed used for forced labor in Auschwitz. But the "unfit" - meaning

the elderly, the children, and most of the women - were immediately sent to the gas chambers. I

believe this also the survivors have said this to be true if you couldn’t perform the tasks asked

they didn’t need you. I believe the claims being made by deniers are just lack of evidence to back

them up and pose no real threat of debunking the Holocaust.

Deniers have also said that the gas chambers that were used during the Holocaust weren’t

strong enough to kill nor fast enough to kill at the said rate. An article says that this testimony is

very contradictory since all the witnesses have never actually seen the gassing happen since
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everyone who apparently went to the chambers never went out. I believe that they did use the gas

chambers because they are there, they have pictures of them and everyone who supposedly went

to the gas chambers never came out so what else could have happened. Some groups say that

jews weren’t actually killed by the Germans, that they all died from disease, starvation, and other

hardships of WW2. I think this could be true. I do believe lots of jews died from disease,

starvation, and other stuff but I just can’t believe 6 millions all died from those without any being

killed. A direct sentence from an article says. Many prisoners were indeed used for forced labor

in Auschwitz. But the "unfit" - meaning the elderly, the children, and most of the women - were

immediately sent to the gas chambers. People that were not needed were killed; they never got

the chance to get disease or starve so its details like these that the deniers are trying to not look

at. I will admit gas chambers might lack evidence but I just can’t believe 6 million people died of

starvation and disease.

Deniers think camps were never meant to kill and they had a different objective. It was

said in an article that jews were put in camps because Germans considered jews a direct threat to

their national sovereignty and survival. I think the reasons jews were put in camps is all over the

place. I don’t think we know the exact reason why the Nazis did this. Deniers say it was

impossible to burn corpses. I don’t think it would be very hard to start a fire without fuel and the

corpses would just fuel the fire. In an article it is said that the camps were meant to be an

internment center and part of a large scale manufacturing complex of synthetic rubber. I

understand this but never have I heard of any rubber coming out of these camps nor do I see

rubber as evidence so I just can’t believe this. I think all these claims are just thought up to try

and question something that has overwhelming amounts of evidence.

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Im conclusion I believe the evidence supporting that the Holocaust happened overwhelms the

evidence that it never happened. I think if every survivor of the Holocaust is saying the

samething that it was meant to kill how could you tell them its a lie. Photo denial I think is

ridiculous because back then they didn’t have the technology to change pictures. Deniers say it's

staged which I think is crazy. Why would you put yourself through something so cruel just to get

people to go over to judaism. Gas chambers are very interesting because yes no survivor can say

for sure thats what happened but one way or another jews were being killed not all died of

disease and starvation. I can’t believe the statement that camps were meant to make rubber

because this claim just lacks evidence. People believe jews died of disease and starvation but I

don’t believe 6 millions people died of only these two things.

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Work Cited

“Holocaust Denial.” Southern Poverty Law Center,

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,

“Holocaust: What Do Holocaust Deniers Claim?” Holocaust | What Do Holocaust Deniers


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,

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