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System System1 = {

Component camera = {
Port memorisation = {

Property memoriser : string;

Property arreter : string;

rule regle2 = invariant size(self.PORTS) == 1;
rule regle3 = invariant forall P : Port in self.PORTS |
size(P.PROPERTIES) == 2;

Component Memory = {
Port memorisation = {

Property memoriser : string;

Property arreter : string;

Port videostream = {

Property livre : string;

Property arreter : string;

Property Rebobiner : string;

Property avancer : string;

Component videoPlayer = {
Port videostream = {

Property livre : string;

Property arreter : string;

Property Rebobiner : string;

Property avancer : string;

Port videoPresented = {

Property presenter : string;

Connector com-Memo = {
Role R1 = {

Role R2 = {

Connector Memo-video = {
Role R1 = {

Role R2 = {

rule regle4 = invariant forall r : role in self.roles |

size(r.attachedPorts) == 1;
Attachment camera.memorisation to com-Memo.R1;
Attachment Memory.memorisation to com-Memo.R2;
Attachment Memory.videostream to Memo-video.R1;
Attachment videoPlayer.videostream to Memo-video.R2;
rule regle1 = invariant forall conn : Connector in self.CONNECTORS |
size(conn.ROLES) == 2;


chaque connecteur possede 2 roles et chaque role doit etre attcher

tous les conneceur sont binaire
les connecteurs

prorpeiteé en uml 2 a verifier: tous les connecteurs sont des connecteurs binaire
et chaquue role doit etre attacher a un seul role

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