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January 19, 2021


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3. (25 points) Aerobic degredation of an organic compound by a mixed culture of organisms in

waste water can be represented by the following reaction.

C3H6O3 + a O2 + b NH3 c C5H7NO2 + d H2O + e CO2

Substrate Biomass

a. Determine a, b, c, d, and e, if YX/S = 0.45 g X/g S.

b. Determine the yield coefficients YX/O2 (mol X/mol O2) and YX/NH3 (g X/g NH3).

c. Determine the respiratory quotient.

4. (20 points) The following data were obtained in a chemostat for the growth of a bacterium
on a glycerol-limited growth medium. S is the glycerol concentration in the effluent stream of
the chemostat at steady state. Calculate the values of max, and Ks in the Monod equation.

Assume kd = 0, and D = g=max S/(Ks + S)

Dilution rate, D (h-1) Substrate concentration, S (mg/L)

0.10 10
0.20 22
0.44 50
0.57 100
0.61 132
0.66 218
0.71 400
0.72 570

5. (15 points) Write the major types of the driers used for drying fermentation products. Explain
application area and characteristics of each type.

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