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Not my type Discussion y” How important is it for you to have a partner who is physically attractive? 3 Could you fallin love with someone who was physically unattracties 3. Have you ever been out with someone who had « disgusting / embarrassing habit? Reading Here are two letters to the ‘problem page’ of a magazine. As you read them, think about this question: Have you ever met anyone with the same or similar ‘problems’? Dear Betty, "ve met this wonderful woman, She's tall, beautiful, intelligent, charming — nearly everything a man could ever want. There's only one problem. Every time she tries to kiss me I fee! like being sick! At first | thought it was a passing thing ~ that maybe she just needed to brush her teeth more. Now I realise that this must be some kind of permanent condition. What do | do now? | can't 80 on holding my breath (as I'm doing ow) every time she leans over to kiss me. It’s getting to the point where | don’t even look in her direction when she talks to me! This is not your average morning-breath kind of smell — this is more like something has died inside her! What should | dot Thomas Discussion Discuss the following with a partner: 1.Find words and expressions that tell you how 2, Did anything in the two leters make you laugl Dear Betty, Thave one of the most thoughtful, kind, considerate men on the planet but he has this really disgusting habit that | can’t stand and | can’t decide how to tell him. Basically, the problem is he picks his nese. ! don’t mind so much when we're at home, alone, but when we're in public, in a nice restaurant, or worse, at my parents’ house when we're having dinner, | just want to disappear. He starts digging in and pulling things out and throwing them on the floor, or even worse, pulting them in his pocket! And then afterwards when he wants to hold my hand or touch my face | avoid his advances ~ and of course he gets upset. | want to tell him about it because | don’t think he realises that he does it, but I'm afraid Ill embarrass him and 1 don’t want to lose him. I mean, don’t want to sound like I'm his mother Please help. Emily bad Thomas's girlfriend’s breath is. h? 3. Which problem above did you think was worse? 4. What would you do in Thomas's or Emily’s si 8 Not my type uation? Taboos and Issues on oe ae eT a ho ms mone Prem nome one SRR R ER UEUU UC EEE dda Language and discussion With a partner, mark the following on a scale of 1 to 10 in the following way: 1 = Fine-no problem 10 = Horrible ~a real turn-off false teeth bad breath bad dandeuff acne completely bald atatygo | a missing limb a hairy mole a beard | extremely short overweight a moustache | thick body hair very thin a big beer belly huge nose hairy legs bites fingernails BO {body odour) spits when (sjhe speaks a heavy smoker pierced tongue pierced navel pierced nipples 1, Have you ever been out with someone who had any of these problems or features? 2. Do you know anyone who has had a partner with any of these problems? 3.1s there anything that you would add to the list? 4. Would you ever go out with someone who had any of these problems? What advice would you give them? Discussion Work in pairs, How far do you agree or disagree with these rules for personal hygiene? 1. Wear clean underwear and socks every day, 2. Floss and brush your teeth after every meal. 3. Change your toothbrush every two weeks, 4. Wash your hands after going to the toilet. 5. Wash your hands before you eat anything. 6. Shower morning and night. 7. Wash your hair once a week, 8. Use lots of deodorant, 9. Men = shave every day. 10. Women — keep those legs and armpits smooth. How would you react on a first date if you went back to your friend's flat and found: 4. porn magazines under the sofa b.a kitchen full of dirty dishes ca large alsatian dog “Stay! The night is young ¢. the whole flat immaculately clean and tidy and you are enormous.” ¢. two children from a previous marriage £. a large collection of opera CDs 8, lots of expensive antique furniture Would any of these put you off your new friend? Would you be more attracted to him/her because of any of them? Taboos and Issues Not my tyoe 6

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