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Technology has revolutionized the world over the past decades but with each benefit comes a

potential cost. . Today, society is hugely reliant on technology and showing no signs of curtailing
its dependence. Small aspects of everyday life in society are changing, or have already changed
so drastically that it is merely just a societal norm.
The advancement rises concerns and problems regarding Data Security, Crime and Terrorism,
Complexity, Privacy Concerns, Social Disconnect, Work Overload, Digital Media Manipulation,
Job Insecurity, Plagiarism and Copyright, Anonymity and Fake Personas, Social Disruption,
Overreliance on Gadgets, Addiction, Secondhand Living or sedentary life, Organization and
Storage, Depersonalized Warfare, Longevity, Social Alienation,. skills obsolence, and reliability
Technology has long before exceeded our humanity. Everything now exists in technology to the
point where technology is the new comprehensive host of nature of life.
The movement towards AI and robotics as evolutionary, in large part because it is such a
sociological leap as they say. The technology may be ready, but we are not, at least not yet.

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