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Wat ae = May Sometimes kill teams will beled into battle by a great hero, a high-ranking officer or even the warlord of a whole army, Such individuals are only committed to action in this way when the INCLUDING COMMANDERS You can only include a Commander in your kill team if you are playing a mission that says, in the Kill Teams your kill team can inchude a Com Unless stated otherwise, a kill tam can never include section, t more than one Commander. ‘When youadd a Commander to your kill tam or ‘command roster, you nmust choose their wargear in ther model. A the same way as you would for any (Commander's wargear options are all described on their datasheet and, forthe purposes of Battle-forged Jul teams, the points values for these options are found below each datasheet. This book includes forty-one datasheets for Commanders for (pg. the Death Guard's noxious Fou! Bl ‘monstrous Tyranid Prime, -95), from wn to the unique skills and experience are Each Commander must have a specialism - this does not count towards the maximum number of speeialists you can include in a kil team. The specialisms they ean choose from are listed on their datasheet ~ note that some of these are specific to Commanders, and the ten specialisms found on the datasheets in this book are detailed in this section (pg 20-29), A kill team can still only include one of each kind of specialist cB ‘A sadistic band of Drukhari Wyches bursts from the shadows of a burned-out refinery to fall upon a kill team of ‘Skitari Rangers, who respond with a desperate fusillade from their galvanic rifles, COMMANDER Tactics Commanders have access to specific Tactics. Each is Identified either as a Commander Tactic or a ‘Tactic, where is the name ofa datasheet. The second kind of Commander Tactic is restricted to ‘Commanders chosen from the named datasheet. Your ‘Commander must be on the battlefield and not shaken in order to use them. COMMANDER UpGrapEs Not all Commanders are created equal. When you include a Commander in your kill tam, in addition to their weaponry, you can choose Commander upgrades for them, in the form of Commander Levels end Commander Traits. List the upgrades a Commander has ‘on theie datacard, Commander Levels ‘When you frst include a Commander in your kill tam, ‘you must choose whether that Commander is a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 ot Level 4 Commander. The different levels ofeach Commander have individual points costs forthe purposes of Battle-forged kill tams, as detailed below that Commander’ datasheet. The level ofa Commander determines the Tactics they can use and ‘the abilities they have (see pages 66-67 ofthe Kill Team Core Manual), Some Kill Team expansions provide rales for Commander specialisms that vary from this system. Where thisis the case, they will explain how to determine the abilities of your Commander, Commander Traits Different Commanders employ different tactics or have preferred styles of waging war, When you frst include a ‘Commander in your kill team, you can purchase up to three different Commander Traits for them from those Tisted on the following page, Each has a different points cost for the purposes of Batle-forged kill teams, as shown on the following page, COMMANDERS AND CAMPAIGN: Ifyou are playing a Kill Team campaign, and you are incorporating Commanders, then tse additional rules: + Your command roster cannot include more than 1 of any particular Commander model + Commanders do not gain experience points like the other members of your kill team, Instead, ‘when you first include a Commander in your kill team, you can purchase Commander upgrades for them (Commander Levels and Commander Traits, see above). You cannot purchase additional upgrades for your Commander during the course of the campaign. + Ifa Commander takes an enemy specialist out of action, treat any rolls of 8 made for that models subsequent Casualty roll as a Hard Knocks result instead. That model has faced one of the deadliest foes in their enemy's army and lived to tell the tale fhe following, + A specialist gains one experience point after a ‘one ofits attacks or psychic powers took ander out of action, Similaey, a fire team gains one experience point after a mission if one ofits models’ attacks or psychic powers took an ‘enemy Commander out of action. an enemy Com + Ifa player's Commander was taken out oFaction during a mission, the player loses one Morale at the end of that mission, regardless ofthe outcome of the battle itself + Ta players Commander was taken out of action during a battle, rll on the table below for them at the end of the mission, instead of the normal Casualty Roll table: ener characteristics by Lor the dara ar Commander mae fll recovery and 6-10 Fall Recovery Serious Injury this Commander starts your next mission with one flesh wound, nd you must ede ts Move, Attacks, leadership, Wounds and Strength characteristics by | forthe dastion of tat mission, Minor injory Tis Commander starts your next mission with oe sesh wound and you must reduces Mone, Attack and eee 45. Contasion: ‘This Commander sats your nex misslon with one sh wound COMMANDER TACTICS Itis no easy task to command in battle. Such an individual must inspire devotion amongst the troops, beable © make split second d uupon tohold their own in deadly combat against the most dangerous foes the enemy can muster, While leaders ia the 41st Millennium are often amongst the mos skilled of warriors, itis not enough t0 simply outfight a foe. Being able to out-think and ‘outmanoeuvre the enemy is equally important, and can, often spell th ignoble death, DUEL OF HONOUR 7 Commander Tactic Use this Tactic at the start ofthe Fight phase, Your Commander can only target enemy Commanders this phase, but you can re-roll failed hit and wound rolls for your Commander’ attacks until the end of the phase, Pag 1 COMMAND POINT isions and be counted e difference between glorious triumph and HEROIC INTERVENTION 4 Commander Tactic Use this Tactic atthe end ofthe Movement phase if there are any enemy models within 3 of your Commander and your Commander did not Advance, Fll Back, Retreat or make a charge attempt this phase, Your Commander'can immediately make a pile-in moveas described in the Fight phase. Ps 1. COMMAND POINT. LOOK OUT, SIR! 7 Commander Tactic Use this Tactic when you fila saving throw for your Commander if there is another model from your kill team within 2" of them (excluding shaken ‘models). Rolla D6: on a 2+ the damage is inflicted ‘on that model instead of your Commander by ‘COMMAND POINT, COMMANDER TRAITS When you frst include a Commander in your kill te you can upgrade sm to have up to three different Commander ‘Traits. Write any traits a Commander has on their datacard, Note that the Generalist and Master Speci IRON WILL “This model automatically passes Nerve tests @ MESTINED BY FATE Coinmander Trait Roll a6 each time this model suffers a mortal wound. On.a6, that wound is not lost GENERALIST Level 4 Commander Trait Instead of choosing the Level 4 ability from their specizlismis ability tree, ou can choose a Level 1 abilgj for this model from a different specialism, listedon their dataset. Their specialist does not diaage. ale traits are only available to Level 4 Commanders. @ ‘STOIC HERO Commander Trait Ignore the penalty to this model's irols from flesh wounds it fas suffered. TAGTIGAL PLANNER At the start ofthe first batle round you gain D3 Command Points @ ‘MASTER SPEGIALIST Level 4 Commander Trait Instead of choosing an ability for this model not alveady chosen from their specialism’ ability tree (for Being Level), you can choose two abilities not already chosen from their specialisms ability tee PSYCHIC POWERS ‘The battle psykers ofthe 4st Millennium are amongst the deadliest adversaries to fight, for each is capable of unleashing a myriad of warp-born powers that can dominate any Any Commanper PsvKeR can choose to exchange Paybolt and/or any other powers they know for one of the psychic powers listed here. To do so, you can either roll a DS to generate the powers randomly (re-rll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychie powers ‘you wish the psyker to have, D6 RESULT 1 IRON ARM By transmuting their, psyker can wade through enemy fire un ‘and pulp skulls with their bare fists, to living metal, the athed Iron Arm has a warp charge value of 7.16 manifested, then until the start of the next Psychic phase, add 2 to the psyker's Strength and Toughness characteristics, 2° FOREWARNING The psyker’s prophetic powers render them all but imme t bullet and bot, blade ‘and bombardment, Forewarning has a warp charge value of 6. If manifested, then until the start ofthe next Psychic phase, the psyker has a 4+ invulnerable save 3° FIRE SHIELD With a sweep oftheir arms, the psyker up a towering wall of flame to protect their aly Fire Shield has a warp charge value of 6.If manifested, pick a friendly model within 8° of the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phase, that model counts as “obscured, even if they are completely visible to the firing model 4 PSYCHIC SHRIEK The psyker breathes in deeply the power ofthe warp before eniting a banshee hovel of psychic energy that harrows their enemy. Payehic jek has a warp charge value ofS. If manifested, select an enemy model within 12" of and visible to the psyker. That model ‘ust immediately take a Nerve test as ifit ‘were the Morale phase. ENFEEBLE As the psyker channels their powers, tendrils of warp energy lash over their victim, every caress sapping strength and vitality from their body: Enfeeble has a warp charge value of 7. If ‘manifested, select an enemy model within 12° of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phase, your opponent ‘must subtract 1 from hit and wound rolls for the target model’ close combat attacks, MISFORTUNE ‘The psyker twists fate so thatthe bullets and blows of their allies punch through the weakest points inthe armour of the Misfortune has a warp charge value of 7. If manifested, select an enemy model within 12° of and visible to the psyker. Until the start ‘of the next Psychic phase, improve the AP characteristic of any weapon that targets that model by 1 (for example, an APO weapon becomes AP-1), ADDITIONAL RULES ‘Commenders bring a new level of tactics and strategy to your missions, and the rules on this page explain the effect this has on your games of Kill Team. AURA TACTICS Kill Tearn: Commanders includes a new type of Tactic, called Aura Tactics, Aura Tactics are ‘passive’ abilities Ge. they have a constant effect once they are used), that affect certain models within a given distance for a specific duration of time ~ most commonly until the end of te phase in which the Aura Tactic was used, or the end of the battle round. Unless the Aura Tactic in question says otherwise, the mod: that used the Aura Tactics always within range ofits effects, For example, an Adeptus Astartes ‘or Deathwatch Primaris Captain can use the Rites of Battle Aura Tactic (sce right), which affects all friendly ‘models within 6” of him, As the Primaris Captain isa friendly nodel, he benefits from the Aura Tactic as well, effectively leading by example Adeptus Astartes/Deathwatch Tactic Primaris Captain Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting phase if your kill eam includes a Pramanis CaPrary, That model gains the following aura ability until the end of the batle round {As long as this model is not shaken, you can re jendly models within 6” of roll hit rolls of 1 this model. KILL TEAM: COMMANDERS TOKENS The Kil Team: Commanders box and Kill Team: smandler Set expansion boxes exch come with tokens for use in your games of Kill Team. Some of these ate similar to the tokens found in the Kill Team Starter Set and the Kill Team Faction Starter Set boxes, but are suitably more impressive versions ‘worthy of the mighty Commander leading your kill team to battle. The new counters are designed to help you keep track of the powerful new skils and abilities your Commander brings to the batlefeld You do not need these tokens to play Kill Team, but if you have a set, you'll find the tokens shown here to bea very useful way of keeping track of what actions your Commander has taken in each batle round, The core rules explain when many of these tokens are used, end what significance they have, whilst the new tokens are introduced here. Wound Markers: Wound markers range from 1-5 wounds. As soon as your Commander suffers one or more wounds in battle, place the appropriate wound marker next to their model to show how many wounds they have suffered, ‘Aura Tactic Tokens: Ifyou spend | (Command Points to use any of your ‘Commander's Aura Tactics, place an Aura Tactic token next to their model as a reminder that itis in effect. any psychic powers that have an ‘ongoing effet, place a Psychic Power token next to the affected model as a reminder: © Psychic Power Tokens: If you use STANDARD DEPLOYMENT ‘Some Kill Team missions say that they use the Standard Deployment rales. Where a mission states this, use the following rules when deploying your kill teams. “he players each roll 2D6, The highest scorer has the _greatest strategic advantage in this mission, the next highest gets the Second greatest advantage and so on, ‘Any players who roll the same result roll their dice again to determine which of them has a greater advantage. ‘The players then take it in turn, inthe order of greatest to least advantage, to choose theit deployment zone. The players then take itn turn, in the order of least to greatest advantage, to deploy one model from their kill eam. Models must be set up wholly in their own deployment zone. Once all players have set up one model, they do so again in the same order, and so on. If player runs out of model to set up, skip them. Once the players have set up all oftheir models, deployment ends and the first battle round begins VARIABLE BATTLE LENGTH Some Kill Teamn missions last fora variable number of tarns (in some cases, they may last fora variable ‘number of turns unless some other congition is met, eg. there is only one unbroken kill eam on the battlefield) Where a mission states that it wses the Variable Battle Length rules, use the following rules to determine when the battle you which player makes the rol Each mission that uses these rules tells the battle does not end otherwise, at the end of battle round 4, rll a D6, The battle continues on a 34, otherwise the batle ends, Ifthe battle does not end otherwise, at the end of battle round 5, roll DS. This time the battle continues on a 4+, otherwise the battle ends. The battle automatically ends atthe end of battle round 6. In the midst ofa vicious firefight with fleet-footed Aeldari warriors, an Ork Painboy seeks fo test out some of his more ‘unpleasant surgical techniques upon the unwilling flesh of his nemesis, a Saim-Hann Farseer. jecked fury can be a powerful weapon for any warrior, A mad-eyed berserker charging into battle slathered in the blood of thei foes isa fearsome sight to behold, striking terror into the hearts of even 3. soldiers as they bellow thei terrible. cious killers live only forthe sensation e splattering across their skin, and the feel of their weapons biting deep into flesh. Driven by an uncontrollable rage, they shrug offall but the most grievous wounds, striking back at their foes with frenzied blows that cleave heads and crush spines, Even when mortally wounded same berserkers are capable of entering a murderous frenzy, butcheri ‘one last surge of violence before death takes them, MURDERLUST Level 1 Ferocity Tactic Use this Tactic when itis your turn to move in the Movement phase. A Ferocity specialist from your Kill team that snot shaken can make a charge attempt against an enemy model within 15" of them, and you can add D3 to their charge rol. 1 COMMAND POINT. BELLOW OF WRATH Level 2 Ferocity Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start of the Morale p! In this phase, your opponent(s) mast re-roll suecessfill Nerve tests taken for enemy models within 6” ofa Ferocty spectalist of higher from your kill team that is not shaker 2 COMMAND POINTS, FURY UNLEASHED Level 3 Ferocity Tactic Use this Tactic in the Fight phase, before attacking With a Ferocity specialist of Level 3 or higher from your Kill team. Add 1 to Injury rolls you make ‘when resolving attacks for this model inthis phase. ‘ 2 COMMAND POINTS, Gea Counterattak: This model — WEAPON RANGE TYPE wo ABIES Pee sunge pistol 1 Pistol 1 Thisweapon avays wounds ona rol of2+, Hetmoncnl Mal Melee + 01 “this weapon always wounds on roof ‘The bearer can only make single attack with this weapon cach ime ights You can el filled wound Lec injctor Melee Melee User 11 follforthis weapon Each time yu ala wound olf G+ fortis weapon, the target sufers D3 martl wounds inaddon to any the damage WARGEAR OPTIONS» This wodel may tke anchor injecoe ABILITIES ower From Paine the Kil Tears Core Maal Ingensble To Pals This model has a+ invulnerable save, _ SPECIALISTS Ferocty, Fortitude, Logistics, Melee Strength FACTION KEYWORD _Dxuxuasa KEYWORDS Artpant, COMMANDER, INFANTRY, HAEMONCULUS Drukhari Tactic Haemonculus Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement phase if your kill tam includes a Harmoncuts. That ‘model gains the following aura ability until the end of the batle round As Tong as this model is not shaken, add 1 to the ‘Toughness characteristic of friendly models within 6" ofthis model Haemonculs (Level 1) Haemionculus (Level 2) Haemonculus (Level 3) Hiaemonculus (Level 4) Haemonculus tools 0 chor injector 5 Stinger pistol o Troupe Master um 4 3 3 8 9 6 4 “This model is armed with a shuren pistol, Halequns Bade and plasma grenades WEAPON RANGE TYPE S_AP_—iD_ABILITIES Tf the target i within half range of this weapon, roll Fusion pistol Pistol 8 4 D6 _twodice when inflicting damage wit itand discard the lowes res. Neuro disruptor 1 Pistol SEES eee aa 4 time you make a wound ol of 6+ for this seiko ire ae 4 0 1 eapon, that hits resolved with an AP of 3 Harlequins blade Melee Melee User 01 Harlequins caress Melee Melee rae Harlequins embrace Melee Melee Ean Harlequin kiss Melee Melee +1041 Power sword Melee Melee i Plasma grenade Grenade D6 4 WARGEAR OPTIONS» This model may replace its huriken pistol witha neuro disruptor or fasion pistol + This model mayeepace is Haregui blade with a power sword, Harlequins embrace, Harlequin’ kss or Harlequins caress. ZABILITIES Flip Belt: This model can move across models and Hfolo-sulls This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. terrain as ithey were not there In addition, it never saifers filling damage, and nevee falls on another model. Rising Crescendo: You may roll 3D6 instead of 2D IF it woul, instead place this model as close as possible for this model when making a charge rll, and may to the point where it would have landed. This can bring it_choose an enemy mode! within 18" ofthis model asthe within 1 of enemy model target ofa charge rather than 12 SPECIALISTS __Ferocity, Leadership, Melee, Shooting, Stealth, Strategist FACTION KEYWORD Hantequins KEYWORDS ABLDARI, COMMANDER, INFANTRY, TROUPE MASTER “Troupe Master (Level 1) “Troupe Master (Level2) Troupe Master (Level 3) Troupe Master (Level 4) Harlequins Tactic ‘Troupe Master Aura Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start ofthe Fight phase if your kill team includes a TRovex Masta, That model gains the following aura ability until the end of the Fusion pistol battle round Harlequin blade 0 Aslongas this model isnot shaken, you can re-roll_| | Harlequins caress 7 | failed wound rolls for friendly models that are a 6 within 6” ofthis model Harlequins kiss 9 Neuro disruptor 6 Plasma grenades 0 Power sword 4 0 Shuriken pistol ‘See them dance as the toxins take hold! Watch the clumsy mon-keigh twirl and lumber! Aim for their ‘guts, double them up, make them bow before their final slumber!” Ghoul’ mir SUITES Shadowseer aoe m8 39 “This model i armed witha shuren pistol, hallucinogen grenade launcher and miststave WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD __ ABILITIES Su Ifa model is hit by tis weapon, roll 206 ~ ifthe rol Hallucinogen grenade Sei Hatieioe Ie Assault equator greater han he arget mole Leadership, Neuro disruptor 1 Pistol es TBD —S ; i Each time you make a wound rll of 6+ for this ea dase 4% 1 eapon, that hitis resolved with an A? of 3 Misttave Melee __ Melee aS oF WARGEAR OPTIONS + This model may replace its shuriken pistol witha neuro disruptor ABILITIES Flip Belt: This model can move across models and __Holo-suits This model has a4+ invalreable save terrain asf they were not there. In addition, it never sues falling damage, and never fllson another model, Rising Crescendo: You may roll 306 instead of 206 Ifit would, instead place this model s close a possible for this model when making a charge coll and may to the point where it would have landed. This can bring choose enemy models within 18" of them asthe target, itwithin 1" ofan enemy model ofa charge rather than 12 PSYKER This model can attempt to manifest wo psychic powers and deny one psychic power in each Pychc phase. t knows the Psyhol psychic power as well as two psychic powers generated from the Phanasmancy discipline (see below). ‘SPECIALISTS, Ferocity, Melee, Psyker, Shooting, Stealth FACTION KEYWORD HaRtequins KEYWORDS ‘ABLDARI, COMMANDER, INFANTRY, PSYKER, SHADOWSEER PHANTASMANGY DISCIPLINE To generate psychic powers from the Phantasmancy discipline, you can either rolla D3 to generate them randomly (e-roll any duplicate results), or you can select those you wish the psyker to have. Do so before each battle, MIRROR OF MINDS A maddening clash of wills consumes the vitimis mind as reality falls away. D3 RESULT 3 1 FOG OF DREAMS ‘The Shadowseer sends forth her consciousness like a mist, baffling the senses ofthe enemy. Mirror of Minds has a warp charge value of 7. If Fog of Dreams has a warp charge value of 5. If ‘manifested, select an enemy model within 12" ‘of and visible to the psyker. Until the start of the next Psychic phase, your opponent must manifested, select an enemy model within 12 ‘of the psyker. Thea, both controlling players roll a D6. Ifthe Harlequin player’ roll sequal to orhigher than their opponent’, the target suffers 1 mortal wound, Repeat this process ‘until the target is taken out of action, or he other player beats the Harlequin player'sroll subtract I from hit rolls for that model 2 WEBWAY DANCE ‘he veils between realspace and the webway grow thin, allowing the Harlequins tojink away'from anger with quicksilver speed, only to reappear harmed moments later, irate CET Shadowseer (Level 2) Shadowseer (Level 3) Shadowseer (Level 4) Webway Dance has a warp charge value of 7. If manifested, then until the start ofthe next Paychie phase, roll a Dé whenever a friendly ‘model within 6” of the psyker loses a wound: fn a6 that wound is not lost Ifa model already hasan ability witha similar effect, you can choose which effec applies, and re-roll 1s when ‘making these rolls, Hallucinogen grenade launcher Miststave Neuro disruptor { Shuriken pistol NAME Mow BS ST W A ld Sv Max Death Jester oom mw 3 3 8 4 8 wd “This model is armed with asrieker eannon WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD _ABWLTIES When attacking with this wi ‘weapon, that hits resolved with an AP of -3. Shrieker cannon Shrieker Assault 1 6 41 2, choose one ofthe profiles below. Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this, Each time an INFAWrny model is slain by an attack made with this weapon, roll a Ds for each enemy model within 2 ofthat model. Ona ral f+ the model being led for suffers a mortal wound, Shuriken 24" __Assauka so 1 : ABILITIES Flip Bel: This model can moveacross modelsand Death Is Not Enough Ifthis mode takes an enemy terrain a fthey were not there. In addition, it never model out of action inthe Shooting phase, the sulfers fling damage, and never falls on another model. controlling player must add 1 to Nerve ests they make IFitwould, instead place this model as close as possible in the Morale phase of that turn. to the point where it would have landed, This can bring it within 1" ofan enemy model Holo-sut: This model has a 4+ invulnerable sve. Deadly Hunter: When this model targets an enemy _Rising Crescendo: You may rll 3D6 instead of 206 ‘model that is obscured in the Shooting phase, treat tas if for this model when making a charge rol, and may itvere not obscured choose an enemy model within 1 ofthis model as the i target of charge, rather than 12 SPECIALISTS: Ferocity, Melee, Shooting, Stealth FACTION KEYWORD HARtEquins KEYWORDS AELDARI, COMMANDER, INFANTRY, DEATH JESTER THE ART OF THE KILL of HARLEQUINS Harlequins Tactic | Death Jester (Level 1) 45 Death Jester Aura Tactic RoE RERAG a eath Jester (Leval 3) B Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting phase SERRE TEST a if your kill team includes a Dears Jester. That ‘model gains the following aura ability until the end of the phase: ‘Shrieker cannon As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to wound rols for friendly models that are within 6" ofthis model, ee 1 COMMAND POINT Bes NAME mM WS BS S T W A ld Sv Max 4% S$ 5 5 3 0 % 1 Overlord This model is armed with a voidscythe WEAPON RANGE TYPE APD ABILITIES This weapon can be used asa ranged weapon and a melee weapon. When making shooting attacks or firing ob ers wh thi weapon, ashe range prof when malin case Comba stack he ae role 5 1 User 1 Voidseythe eo ar natacking with this weapon, strat fom the Warscythe Melee Melee 24 WARGEAR OPTIONS {This model may replace its voldscythe with a Haff of light or warscythe ABILITIES. Living Metal: At the Beginning ofeach bale round, this model recovers I wound lost earlier in the bat Phase Shifter: This model has «4+ invulnerable save. SPECIALISTS: Fortitude, Leadership, Logistics, Melee, Shooting, Strat sngth, FACTION KEYWORD NECRONS KEYWORDS: COMMANDER, INFANTRY, OVERLORD NECRONS & ‘MY WILL BE DONE | ae Sieg Overlord (Level 1) 86 Overlord Aura Tactic ‘Overt eve) 0h A ae a f Overiord (Level 3) 126 Ise this Tactic at the start othe battle round if eer sf yourkil eam inelades an Ovanton, Tat mode bins the following ura abit unt the end ot he | — Acs ere pet [Sa orlign o | Voidseythe Warsythe n ‘As long as this madel is not shaken, you can add 1 to Advance, charge and hit rolls for friendly models. within 6” of this model & : 2 COMMAND POINTS ay RESURRECTION ORB Necrons Tactic Overlord Tactic Use this Tactic at the end of the Morale phase ifan ‘Overtonp from your kill team is on the battlefield and not shaken. Pick a friendly model that is out of action and roll a D6; on a 2+, set up that model with 1 wound remaining and no flesh wounds anywhere within 3” of the OvERLonD that is more than 1" from enemy models, This Tactic can only be used once per battle. - ‘3 COMMAND POINTS: Hiya 4 NAME M ows BS S$ T W A ld Sv Max Cryptek sooo oe 4 4 8 0 1 This model is armed with asa of ight. WEAPON RANGE TYPE ap ABILITIES ar This weapon can be used as a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. When making shooting attacks o ir Set oll COverwateh with hs weapon, sete ranged profil; when making owe combat tacks ute the mele prof Ranged 1 Assault 3 5 2 41 Melee Melee Melee Ver 21 WARGEAR OPTIONS This model may take a Canopiek cloak: Hit does, ts Move characteristic Is increased to 10" and it guns the Fuy Keyword ‘ABILITIES Living Metal: At the beginning of each batle round, this model recovers 1 wound lst earlier in the bale SPECIALISTS: Fortitude, Logistics, Melee, Shooting, Strategist, Strength FACTION KEYWORD Necnons KEYWORDS COMMANDER, INFANTRY, CRYPTEK CHRONOMETRON on Necrons Tactic Cryptek Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at che start ofthe battle round if your kill team includes a Cxverex. That model gains the following aura ability until the end ofthe battle round As ong as this model is not shaken, friendly ‘models within 3” ofthis model havea 5+ invulnerable save Be 1 COMMAND POINT TECHNOMANCER ay Necrons Tactic Cryptek Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at the start ofthe battle round if your kill eam includes a Cnvprex, Tht model gains the follows bate round As long as this model is not shaken, you can ignore the penalty to hit rolls for one flesh wound suffered by friendly models within 6" of this model ie ‘COMMAND POINT NECRONS Ceyptek (Level 1) Cryptek (Level 2) Cryptek (Level 3) | Cryptek (Level 4) Canoptek cloak ‘Sta of ight ° Warboss Som 5 6 58 648 is model is armed with a kustom shoota, big choppa and stikkbombs WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES Kombi-weapon ‘When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both ofthe profiles below. Ifyou choose both, subtract 1 from all ‘with rokkitlauncha hit ols Rokk launcha 2 Assault 1 8 2 3 Shoota 18 Assault 2 4 0 4 Kombi-weapon ‘When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both ofthe profiles below. Ifyou choose both, subtract 1 from all with skorcha hit rolls Shoota 18" Assault 2 4-8 op skoreha 8 Assault Do 5-11 This weapon automatically hits its target Kustom shoots Assault 4 40 4 ach time a model with an attack squig fights, itcan aes Pelee tee # FF make 2 additonal attacks with this Weapon. Big choppa Melee Melee 12 ae zi When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract I Power Maw Melee Melee Bebe ee Stikkbomb 6 Grenade D6 oo WARGEAR OPTIONS + This model may replace its Kustom shoota with a Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha or Kombi-weapon with skorcha, + This model may replace its big choppa with « power Kaw. + This model may take an attack squig. ABILITIES "Bre We Go: Re-rol filed charge rols for this model | SPECIALISTS Ferocity, Fortitude, Leadership, Melee, Strategist, Strength FACTION KEYWORD Onks KEYWORDS: Commanpen, INFANTRY, WARBOSS ‘Warboss (Level 1) Orks Tactic Warboss Aura Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start ofthe battle ound if your kill team includes a Warnoss. That model gains the following aura ability until the end of the battle round: As long as this model isnot shaken, you may roll 36 instead of 2D6 when making charge rolls {or friendly models within 6" ofthis model, and discard the lowest result “Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightis Warboss (Level 2) 2 Warboss (Level 3) 102 | Warboss (Level 4) Aitack squig Big chopps o { Kombi-weapon with rokkit launcha z | Kombi-weapon with skorcha 8 Kustom shoots Power Kaw B Stikkbombs| 's0 it don’t count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!” Commonly held Ork view of warfare es oS AS Big Mek eo This models armed with a slogga, cioppa and stikkbombs. ‘On an unmodified hit roll of I, the b ‘Kustom mega-su 12 Pistol es Before fring this weapon, roll once to determine the Mere cs : apg spa Strength ofall its shots. Ifthe results 11+, do not make eras Ene neeT oe D3 \wound rolls~ instead, each atack that hits causes D3 ‘mortal wounds Slugg 1" Pistol 4 0 41 iy ; Each time the bearer fights, itcan make 1 additional ‘Choppa Melee Melee see) er cesenn ine neste stikkbomb 6° Grenade D6 30 WARGEAR OPTIONS + This model may either replace its sogga witha astom mega slagga or shokkcattack gun, or it may take a kustom forcefield ‘ABILITIES “Ere We Gor Re-roll failed charge rolls for this model ‘SPECIALISTS Ferocity, Fortitude, Logistics, Melee, Strength FACTION KEYWORD Onxs KEYWORDS COMMANDER, INFANTRY, BIG MEK Big Mek (Level 1) Big Mek (Level 2) Big Mek (Level 3) Big Mek (Level 4) Orks Tactic Big Mek Aura Tactic Use this Tactic atthe sart ofthe battle round if your kil team includes a Bre Mex witha kustom force field, That model gains the following aura ability until the end ofthe battle round: Choppa Kustom force field Kystom megs-slagga Shokk attack gun Slaggs Stikkbombs AsTongas this model i not shaken, fr models within 6" of ths model have a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks PNT Painboy ee ee ee Power Kaw Melee Melee aD ean | vunyspringe Melee Melee 01 thisweaponatvays wounds onaraof2e | ABILITIES "Ee We Go: Re-ol fled charg ols for this mode SPECIALISTS Ferocity, Fortitude, Logistics, Melee, Strength FACTION KEYWORD Orxs KEYWORDS ‘ComMANDER, INFANTRY, PARNROY Gree ae 20 Painboy Aura Tactic — af Use this Tactic at the start of the battle round if se hasta Pain your kill team includes a Parnpoy. That model ee {sins the following aura ability until the end ofthe battle round Power law ° (Ss ee le a CEA ORO ‘Aslong as this model is not shaken, rll a D6 each time friendly model within 3" ofthis model loses a wound. On a 6+ that wound is not ost (ifa model already has an ability witha similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and re-roll Is when making these rolls), In addition, as Jongas this model is not shaken atthe end of the Movement phase, you can remove one flesh wound froma friendly model within 3” of this model. CoN ist] W 1g Cadre Fireblade oo &@ 3 3 5 3 8 wT This model is armed with a markerlight, pulse rile and photon grenades = WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD __ ABILITIES Markerlight 36° Hey Markerlghts (see the ill Team Core Maral) Palse rifle 30° Rapid Fire 1 aa This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your ots ase z a ont ‘opponent must subtract from hit rolls made for a rental ee Ixrawray models that have suffered any hts from photon grenades until ‘he end of the battle round, ‘ABILITIES Tor the Greater Good: When an enemy model declares a charge against a model rom your kill team, from your kill team with this ability within 6” of one of the charging model’ targes may fire Overwatch as if they were also targeted. Once a model has done so, they cannot fire Overwatch or Retteat for the rest of the phase. | SPECIALISTS Leadership, Logistics, Shooting, Stealth, Strategist FACTION KEYWORD ‘AU Emeree KEYWORDS ‘COMMANDER, INFANTRY, C DRE FIREBLADE ere poractie Cadre Fireblade Level) 2 Cadre Fireblade Aura Tactic REE . Cane Fela Level 3) 2 Use this Tactic at the start ofthe battle round if your kil team includes a Capge Frrentape. That ‘model gains the following aura ability until the end Cade Fireblade (Level 4) Markerlight } oe BEE of the battle round As long as this model isnot shaken, friendly models within 6” ofthis model may fre an extra shot with pulse pistols, pulse carbines and pulse rifles when shooting at a target within half the weapon’ rang NAME M WS B S$ T Ethereal Cou & 33 This model is armed with an honour blade WEAPON ___ RANGE TYPE s Equalizers Melee Melee User D ABILITIES A model armed with equalizers increases its Attacks characteristic by 1 Honour blade Melee Mel 3 CEO WARGEAR OPTIONS + This model may replace its honour blade with equalize + This model may take a hover drone. Ifit does, its Move characteristics increased to 8" and it gains the Jex Pack. ne and FLY keywords. SPECIALISTS Leadership, Logistics, Strategist FACTION KEYWORD. Tau Empire KEYWORDS ComianpER, INFANTRY, ETHEREAL FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION ‘T’au Empire Tactic Ethereal Aura Tactic ‘Use this Tactic atthe start ofthe Movement phase if your kill team includes an ErMenzat, That model gins the following aura ability until the end ofthe bate ound! As long as this model is not shaken, friendly models within 6” of this model can ase this model's Leadership characteristic instead oftheir own, Bt 1 COMMAND POINT ‘STORM OF FIRE ay ‘T’au Empire Tactic Ethereal Aura Tactic ‘Use this Tactic atthe tart ofthe Shooting phase if your lll eam includes an Erusazat, That model gains the following aura ability until th end of the phase As long as this model is not shaken, you can re- roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly models within 6" of this model ae 1. GOMMAND POINT TAU EMPIRE thereal (Level 1) uhereal (Level 2) Ethereal (Level 3) Ethereal (Level 4) Equalizers Honour blade [Hoverdeone ‘SENSE OF STONE “ae ‘T’au Empire Tactic Ethereal Aura Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start of the Movement phase i Your kill team includes an Eri=ReAt, That model ity until the end ofthe gains the following aura a battle round: ‘As long as this model is not shaken, oll a Dé each time a friendly model within 6" of this model loses 4 wound, On a6 that wound is not lost, Ifa model already has an ability with a similar effect, you can choose which effect applies, and re-rll Is when making these rolls & ‘1. COMMAND POINT ZEPHYR'S GRACE ‘Tau Empire Tactic Ethereal Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Movement phase if your kil eam inchides an Ersieezat. That model {ns thefllowing aura ability until the end of the phase As long as this model is not shaken, you can choose sny Advance or charge rolls fr friendly ‘models within 6” ofthis model 1.COMMAND POINT lee. NAME Tyranid Prime M wS BS S$ T W A Id Sv Max Mo 5 5 6 4 We 7 “This model is armed with seything talons and a devourer WEAPON Deathspitter Devourer Flesh hooks Spinefists Boneswords Lash whip and bonssword Rending claws Seything talons TYPE SAP 0D __ ABILITIES Assault 3 5 41 Assault 3 Ses “This weapon can be fired within 1" of an enemy 6 Assault 2 User 0 1__model, and can target enemy models within 1" of friendly models. nen a model fires this weapon, it makes a number of Leer 3 8 Shots equal to its Attacks characteristic, = AA model armed with boneswords can make L co Ee a 1 dditional attack with them in the Fight phase, IF the bearer is taken out of action inthe Fight ‘ e 21 Phase before it has made its attacks in that phase, i pedals esa ‘may immediately fight before being removed from the battlefield ros User <1 1 Eaehtime you make a wound rol of 6+ for this weapon, that hits resolved with an AP of 4 You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon Irthe bearer Melee Melee User 0 1__has more than one pair of seything talons, 1 additional attack with this Weapon each time it fight, ALPHA WARRIOR 3 ‘Tyranids Tact ‘Tyranid Prime Aura Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Shooting phase ifyourkill team includes a Trranto Prime. That model gains the following aura ability until the end WARGEAR OPTIONS This model may replace its devourer with a deathspitter,scything talons, spineists, boneswords,rending laws, oF a lash whip and bonesword «This model may replace its scythng talons with ether boneswords, rending claws, or a lash whip and bonesword, ‘This model may have flesh hooks «This model may have toxin sacs and/or adrenal glands. ABILITIES ‘Adrenal Glands: Ifa model has adrenal glands, add 1" Synapse: Trmawtos models automaticaly pass Nerve to the distance it can move when it Advances or charges. tests while within 12" of any friendly models with this ably. ‘Shadow in the Warp: Subtract | from any psychic tests made for enemy Psvxexs within 18" of any models "Toxin Sacs: Any wound rll of 6+ inthe Fight phase with this ability, TrRantDs Psykexs are not affected. fora model with toxin sacs cause | additonal damage. SPECIALISTS, Ferocity, Fortitude, Leadership, Melee, Strategist, Strength FACTION KEYWORD TRaNips s KEYWORDS ComMANDER, INFANTRY, SYNAPSE, TYRANID PRIME TYRANIDS Tyranid Prime (Level 1) ‘Tyrantd Prime (Level 2) 6 | tyranid Prime (Level 3) id Prime (Level 4) of the tattle round: Adrenal glands: 1 Boneswords z As long s this model is not shaken, you can add Deathspiter 5 | 1 hitrols for friendly models within 6” of Devourer 4 this medel, Flesh hoola! 5 a ip al Be 5 3 TEOMMANO PORE | rsingclow ° o Scything talons 0 Spinefists 0 Me aes é Broodlord so 5 6 6 © 4 1 “This model is ar ng claws, You can reroll filed wound rolls for this weapon. In Monstrous ending claws Melee Melee User -3 D3 addition, each time you make a wound rol of, that at hitis resolved wih an AP of -6and Damage of 3 ABILITIES Lightning Reflexes This modells 5+ invulnerable save ‘Shadow in the Warp: Subtract | fom any psychic tests made for enemy PsyxeRs within 18" of any models with this ability. Tyrants PsrxeRs are not alfected ‘Swift and Deadly: You can reroll filed charge rols for this model Synapse: Tymawtps models automatically pass Nerve tests while within 12 of any friendly models wth 2 this ability PSYKER This model can attempt to manifest one psychic power and deny one paychie power in each Psychic phase knows the Pstol psychic power as well as one psjchic power generated from the Hive Mind discipline (see below). SPECIALISTS Ferocity, Fortitude, Leadership, Melee, Peyker, Stealth, Strategist, Strength FACTION KEYWORD ‘TyRantps KEYWORDS ComMANpER, INFANTRY, GENESTEALER, PSYKER, SYNAPSE, BROODLORD_ HIVE MIND DISCIPLINE ‘To generate psychic powers from the Hive Mind discipline, you can either roll a D3 to generate them randomly (re roll any duplicate results), or you can select those you wish the psyker to have, Do so before each battle. D3 RESULT 1 DOMINION 3. THE HORROR The terrifying psychic presence of the Hive Mi adiates from the synapse creature, flooding the ‘minds ofthe Tyranids’ enemies and causing them psychic strength uses its proligio amplify the will ofthe Hive Mind. 0 channel a Dominion has a warp charge value of 4. If to quail and panic. ‘manifested, selecta friendly model within 18) ‘of the psyker that has the Instinctive Behaviour ability. Until the start of the next Psychic phase, that model ignores its Instinctive Behaviour ability and automatically passes Nerve tests 2 CATALYST Through its synaptic conciuts, reaches out to infuse t control, invigorating their metabolisms with twnatural vitality e Hive Mind organisms under its Catalyst has a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, select a friendly model within 18" ofthe psyker. Until the start ofthe next aychic phase, roll a Ds each time that model loses. wound. On a 5+ that wound is not lost Ifa model already effect, you can choose which effect applies, and re-roll Ls when making these rolls hasan ability with a similar ‘The Horror has a warp charge value of 5.1 manifested, select an enemy model within 18" of and visible to the psyker. Until the sartof the next Psychic phase, that model ‘must subtract 1 from their bit rlls and. Leadership characteristic. Broodlord (Level 1) Broodlord (Level 2) Broodlord (Level 3) Broodlord (Level 4) “Monstrous ending claws NAME MWS BS ST Magus cou eB This model is armed with an autopistol and force stave WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES Autopistol Pistol 1 Force stave Melee Melee a D3. ABILIT Unquestioning Loyalty: Rall a D6 each time you use the Look Out, Sil Commander Tactic on this model, On a PSYKER SPECIALISTS. FACTION KEYWORD KEYWORDS BROODMIND DI ‘To generate psye Leadership, Logistics, Psyker, Stealth GENESTEALER CULTS ISCIPLINE ‘Galt Ambush: After deployment but before the first batle round, roll a D6 for this model, On “This model can attempt to manifest one paychic power and de the Psybolt psychic povseras well as one psychic power generated fro the Broodmind discipline (see below) ‘TYRANIDS, INFANTRY, COMMANDER, PSYKER, MAGUS sowers from the Broodmind discipline, you can either roll a D3 to generate them randomly (re roll any duplicate results), or you can select those you wish the psyker to have, Do so before each battle 1 PARALYSING HYPNOSIS: ‘The papker’s eyes glow strangely as is gaze aross his chosen victim, h dominion putting ther into a trance-like state the cult can take them apart at leisure. sing Hyprosis has a warp charge value of 6.1 manifested, select a visible enemy model Within 13" of the psyker. Until the staet of the next Psychic phase, the target cannot fre ‘Overwatch, cannot be chosen to fight until all other models able to do so have fought in the Figh: phase (even ifit charged), and must subtract | from its hit rolls 2 MIND CONTROL Pelsied fingers twitch and facial muscles spasm as the paylar® mark is taken over completely, _forced ro witness their own traitorous actions as hey open fire upon their trusted comrades N ‘manifested, pick an enemy model within 12° of the psyker and roll 3D6. Ifthe score is ess than that mocel’ Leadership characteristic nothing happens If itis equal to or greater, that model immediately shoots another enemy model of your cheice as fit were the Shooting phase, ‘or sakes sige lose Gnubat altach syst ‘Control has a warp charge value of 6. If another enemy model within 1"asiitwere the Fight phase, as iit were part of your kil team. 3. MIGHT FROM BEYOND An alien strength lurks in every being that carries the Genestealer Curse. With a low whisper that rises to a scream, the psyker amplifies this hidden might, and a k empowering energy born ofthe void itself yl fllower is swollen with Might From Beyond has a warp charge value of 6. 1 manifested, select a friendly model within 18" of the psyker. Add 1 tothe Strength and Attacks characteristics ofthat model until the start of the next Psychic phase. GENESTEALER CULTS Magus (Level 1) ‘Magus (Level 2) ‘Magus (Level 3) this model can one paychie power in each Peychic phase. It knows “This models armed with a needle pistol, bonesword, torn injector claw and blasting charges. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Ss Needle pistol Pistol 1 1 Bonesword Melee Melee User Toxin injector claw Melee Melee User Blasting charge 6 Gre 3 ‘APD ABILITIES i 0 his weapon always wounds on a rol of 2. 1 This weapon always wounds ona rll of 2 11 Burthermore, each time you make a wound rll of 6 with this weapon, that hitis resolved with an AP of 4 a ABILITIES ‘Cult Ambush: After deployment but before the frst battle round, roll a D6 for this model, On a 5+ this model can immediately move up to 6 Unquestioning Loyalty: Rolla Ds each ime you use the Look Out, Sit! Commander Tactic on this model. On a 2s, you gain a Command Point. Ferocity, Fortitude, Leadership, Logistics, Melee, Shoot alth, Strategist, Strength [SPECIALISTS FACTION KEYWORD Genesreater Cours KEYWORDS CULT DEMAGOGUE a Genestealer Cults Tactic Primus Aura Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start of the Movement phase iffyour kill team includes a Prastus, That model gains the following aura ability until the end of the battle round: As long as this model is not shaken, you can add 1 to hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly models. that are within 6 of this model & 1 COMMAND POINT METICULOUS PLANNING a Genestealer Cults Tactic Primus Tactic Use this Tactic a the start of the first battle round if your kill team includes a Prastus, Roll a D6 for each model from your kill team that did not move sult of the Cult Ambush ability: On a roll of 54, you can move that model as described in its Cult Ambush ability. ee 2 COMMAND POINTS ‘TyRANtns, INFANTRY, COMMANDER, PRIMUS GENESTEALER CULTS: Primus (Level 1) Primus (Level 2) Primus (Level 3) Primus (Level 4) 3 Blasting charges Bonesword o Needle pistol ° | Toxin injector ° | NAME M BSR SW Si Max Patriarch 8 eee) 1 This model is armed with monstrous rending claws WEAPON __RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES a You may re-ral faled wound rolls for this weapon. In Monstrous rending claws Melee Melee User D3 addition, each time you make a wound rol of 6, that hit ‘ABILITIES | PSYKER SPECIALISTS FACTION KEYWORD KEYWORDS: is resolved with an AP of 6 and Da ‘Swift and Deadly: You can r-rol failed charge rolls for Gult Ambush: Afer deployment but before th Valle uu, cull DS for thiy mel, O13 this this model model ean immediately move up to 6 Unguestioning Loyalty: 2oll a D6 each time you use the Lightning Reflexes: This model has a 5+ Look Out, Sit! Commander Tactic on this model. On a invulnerable save 2+, you gain a Command Point This model can attempt to manifest one paychic power and deny one psychic power in each Peychic phase. Itknows the Paybole psychic power and The Horror psychic power (pe 88). Ferocity, Fortitude, Melee, Psyker, Stealth, Strength GENESTEALER CULTS ‘TYRANIDS, INFANTRY, GENESTEALER, COMMANDER, PSYKER, PATRIARCH GENESTEALER CULTS , Patriarch (Level 1) Patriarch (Level 2) Patriarch (Level 3) 1 Patriarch (Level 4) ‘Monstrous rending claws PHN Aree) Acolyte Teonward oo ou oe 4 3 4 4 8 This model is armed with an autopisol,rending caw and blasting cha Autopistol 2 Pistol 1 z Fach time you make a wound rll of 6+ for this weapon, Reading cay Melee eget eee that itis resolved with an AP of Blasting charge 6 Grenade D6 0 ABILITIES ult Ambush: After deployment but before the frst baile round, roll Dé fortis model. On aS this model ean immediately move up to 6 Sacred Cult Banner: You can re-ol filed Nerve tests for friendly models that are within 6 ofthis model. ‘Unquestioning Loyalty: Roll D6 each time you use the Look Out, Sir! Commander Tactic on this model. On a 2+, you gain a Command Point. SPECIALISTS: Ferocity, Fortitude, Leadership, Melee, Stealth FACTION KEYWORD Genesrrarer Cucrs y KEYWORDS TYRANIDS, INFANTRY, COMMANDER, ACOLYTE ICONWARD Acolyte Ieonward (Level 1) Genestealer Cults Tacti Acolyte Iconward Aura Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start ofthe Movement phase if your kill team includes an Acoure Iconwaro. “That model gains the following aura ability until Acolyte Iconvrard (Level 2) ‘Acolyte Iconvward (Level 3) Acolyte Iconward (Level 4) the end ofthe battle round: [Astonia 0 Blasting charges ° Rending claw g ‘As long as this model is not shaken, you can roll D6 each time a friendly model within 6” ofthis model loses a wound on a 6 the wound is not lost. Ifa model already has an ability with a similar ‘effect, you can choose which effect applies, and re- roll 1s when making these rolls. MISSIONS Below you will find three examples of open play missions for games of Kill Team with Commanders, along wit ideas to spark your imagination for other open play games. In addition, on pages 108-113 you will ind six narrative play missions, and on pages 114-119 you will find six matched play missions. + A commander herds a disposable band of misfits on ‘a suicidal mission behind enemy lines. + Aleader has shown great potential, and is being assessed in the field by their commanding officer, + A newly promoted commander is given a baptism of fire to prove their worth, + ‘Though not a commander as such, a solitary warrior of rare and incredible skill sets ofFinto the darkness to takethe fight to the enemy alone. + High command is convinced that a traitor lurks within their ranks, Those most suspected are sent into batle under the watchful gaze of a commander tasked with rooting out the informant. + A commander has sworn to avenge the death of thetr comrade at the hands of an enemy officer. Suerounded after a terrible defeat, a general and the last few survivors of their army prepare to make their final stand, An audacious junior officer is eager for promotion, and volunteers to lead a small band of hard-bitten veterans on a dangerous raid into no man land. AA senior officer lies wounded in the fel, defended only by their loyal aide-de-camp and bodyguard, They must hold out long enough for an emergency extraction, ‘The last survivors of a crashed aerial transport must evade their hunters and make their way through enemy lines back to safety A legendary sniper has been plying their deadly ‘rade in this area, Hunt them down or diein the attempt. the vanguard of an impossibly large enemy host. THE KILL TEAM: ‘This is a mission for two players, Choose which player will be the attacker and which willbe the defender (rol of if you can't agree = the winner decides). Each player chooses kill tam. The defender can include one Commander, and all of their other models ean be specdlsts if you wish. We recommend thatthe attacker's only specialis: be a Leader, but their kill team sheuld heavily outnumber the defender’ ill eam. THE BATTLEFIELD Create the batlefield and set up terrain, The defender then picks ‘one battlefield edge to be the line they mutt hold. am anywhe BATTLE LENGTH ‘The battle ends atthe end of battle $ ‘SCOUTING PHASE Do not use the rules for the Scouting phase in this DEPLOYMENT ‘The defender sets up their kill team anywhere wholly within 6" of the battlefield edge they must hold, “The attacker then sets up their kill wholly within 6" of the opposite battlefield edge. OPEN PLAY MISSION NONE SHALL PASS ‘A commander leads an elite band of specialist warriors to guard a route into the heart of a city against VICTORY CONDITIONS “The attacker can move any of jon. their models of the defende battlefield edge ifthat model move is sufficient to take them wholly over the edge of the battlefield. A model that does so has broken through — itis not considered to be out of action, but takes no further part in the mission. At the end ofthe battle, the attacker scores 1 victory point for each model that has broken through, while the defender scores 1 victory point for each ofthe attackers models that was taken ‘out of action, The player with the ‘most victory points is the winner Ifthe players have the same number of victory points, the defender wins OPEN PLAY MISSION HEROIC STAND Surrounded on ll sides by the enemy, a valiant commander chooses to stand their ground to buy time for their kill team to escape. THE KILL TEAMS ‘This is a mission for two players. ‘Choose which player will be the attacker and which will be the defender (roll of if you cantt agree ~ the winner decides). Each player chooses a kil team. The defender can include one Commander, whilst we recommend that the attacker does not. ‘THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up terrain ‘SCOUTING PHASE Do not use the rules for the Scouting phase inthis mission. DEPLOYMENT ‘The defender first sets up their entire kill eam anywhere wholly within 5" ofthe centre of the battlefield. The attacker then sets up their enti kill team anywhere ‘on the battlefield that is more than 8° from the defenders models, 9 BATTLE LENGTH ‘he battle ends atthe end of battle round 5. VICTORY CONDITIONS The defender can move any of their models, other than their Commander, off any battlefield edge if that models move is sufficient to take them wholly lover the edge of the battlefield. A ‘model that leaves the battlefield this way is not considered to be out of action, but takes no further part in the mission, If the defender manages to move at Ieast half of the models in their kill team (excluding their Commander) off the battlefield before their Commander is taken cout of action, the defender wins Otherwise the attacker wins, n the middle of a r OPEN PLAY MISSION FACE-OFF ing battle, two commanders find themselves alone in the eye of the storm. With ‘weapons loaded and blades drawn, they are both ready to face their moment of destiny. THE KILL TEAMS. ‘This isa mission for two players. Each player chooses a kill team consisting of one Commander. ‘THE BATTLEFIELD Create the batlefeld and set up terrain. The players roll off, with the winner picking one table edge tobe their stating position ‘SCOUTING PHASE Do not use the rules for the Scouting phase in this mission. DEPLOYMENT ‘he player that won the earlier roll-off sets up their Commander anywhere wholly within 3° of the battlefield edge they chose. “Their opponent then sets up their Commander anywhere ‘wholly within 3° of the opposite battlefield edge BATTLE LENGTH The battle lasts until one player's (Commander is taken out of action. VICTORY CONDITIONS The player that took their ‘opponent’ Commander out of action wins. >, NARRATIVE PLAY MISSION Should an enemy commander be located, finding a way to elimin: CUT OFF THE HEAD e them can strike a massive blow for the ongoing war effort. Yet such important dignitaries are rarely found without a hardened bodyguard to 6 Ps protect them, making any assassination attempt as If you are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead of the Assassinate mission. THE KILL TEAMS: ‘his is @ mission for two players. Choose which player ‘willbe the attacker and which will be the defender (roll off if you can't agree ~ the winner decides chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time, Then each player Batle-forged kill team (see the Kill Team Core Manual) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose. Each kill team can cost up to 200 points ‘The defender must include one Commander in their kil cam, and the attacker cannot include a Commander. THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up terrain, An example of hhow you might do thisis shown belo. SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill Tear Core Manual. DEPLOYMENT The players alternate setting up models, starting with the defender. Ifa player runs out of models to set up, skip them. Continue setting up models until both players have set up their kill team, A player's models must be set up wholly within their deployment zone. Once the players have setup all oftheir models, deployment ends and the first battle rund begins, ach player ren Deployment Zone Deseo ly risky venture. BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) - the attacker rolls. In addition, irthe defender’s Commander is out of action at the end of battle round, the battle ends, VICTORY CONDITIONS If,at the end of the bale, the defender’s Commander has been taken out of action, the attacker wins, Otherwise, the defender wins, Resources Ina campaign game, ifthe attacker wins the mission, the defender loses 1 Intelligence and 1 Morale. Ifthe defender wins the mission, the attacker loses 1 Morale Attacker Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start ofthe Fight phase if there are no enemy models within 3° ofthe enemy Commander. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks that target the enemy Commander that phase. Defender Tactic Use this Tactic after declaring a charge with your ‘Commander, For the rest ofthe battle round, rolla Dé each time your Commander suffers a svound, 0 model already has an ability with a similar effect (such as Disgustingly Resilient), you can choose Which effect applies, and re-roll Is when making these rolls, 5+ that wound is not lost. Ifa HIARRATIVE PLAY MISSION AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOLS Reliable intelligence or intercepted communications can be invaluable if used correctly, However, ensuring the veracity of such information is crucial before any military commitment can be made, and ‘many warlords insist upon confirmation in person by a commander of sufficient rank whenever possible, Ifyou are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead of the Disrupt S Lines mission. THE KILL. TEAMS: ‘This isa mission for two players. Choose which player will be the attacker and which will be the defender (roll offi you can't agree — the winner decides). Each player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time, Then each player chooses @ Battle-forged Kil tam (see the Kill Teamn Core Manual) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose. Each kill team can cost up to 200 points, The attacker must include one Commander in their kill team, and the defender cannot include a Commander. THE BATTLEFIELD Greate the battlefield and set up terrain. An example of hhow you might do this is shown below. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill Team Core Marva, DEPLOYMENT The players alternate setting up models, starting with the defender. Ifa player runs out of models to set up, skip them. Continue setting up models until both players hhave setup their kill ream, & player's models must be set up wholly within their deployment zane, Once the players have set up all oftheir models, deployment ends and the first battle round begins. prey Perera Cee Pears [eae BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length eules (pg 19) - the defender rolls In addition, ifthe attacker’ Commander is out of action atthe end ofa bale round, or makes a suecessfl breakthrough (see below), the battle ends VICTORY CONDITIONS If, atthe end ofthe battle, the attackers Commander hhas made a successful breakthrough, the attacker wins. Otherwise, the defender wins BREAKTHROUGH The attacker can move their Commander offthe edge of the battlefield labelled “Breakthrough Route’ in the ‘Movement phase if their move is suficient to take them wholly over the edge of the battlefield. I'they do so their Commander is not considered to be out of action, but takes no further part in the mission Resources In a campaign game, the losing player loses 1 Intelligence and the winner gains 1 Intelligence. Attacker Tactic Until the end ofthe phase, you can charge rolls for your Commander and any friendly ‘models that are within 3” of them when you use this Ta Defender Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start ofthe Fight phase. Pick a model from yout kill team that is within 1" ofan enemy model, That model can be chosen to fight in the Hammer of Wrath section ofthe Fight phase even ifthey did not make a charge move. NARRATIVE PLAY MISSION TIP OF THE SPEAR ‘Commanders are often found at the head of an important offensive, fighting from the front to ensure the success of the attac lest their line be overrun. If you are playing 2 campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead of the Ambush mission. THE KILL TEAMS, This isa mission for two players. Choose which player will be the attacker and which willbe the defen off if you caa’t agree ~ the winner decides). Fach player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices a the same time. Then each player chooses a Battle-forged kill eam (see the Kill Tear Core Maral) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose. Each kll team can cost up to 200 points. ‘The attacker must include one Commander in their kill ‘eam, and the defender cannot include a Commander. THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up te hhow you might do this is shown below, ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill Team Core Manual DEPLOYMENT The players alternate setting up models, starting with the defender. Ifa player runs out of models to set up, skip them, Continue setting up models until both players have set up their kill team, A player's models must be setup wholly within their deployment zone. Onee the players have setup all oftheir models, deployment ends and the first baile round begins. + (roll ‘An example of Puree ars ‘When faced with such a formidable adversary, the enemy must redouble their efforts BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) ~ the player with the initiative in thas battle round rolls In addition, if there is only one unbroken kill team on the battlefield atthe end of a battle round, the batle ends, VICTORY CONDITIONS Ifthe battle ends because there is only one unbroken Kall team on the battlefield, that kill team’s player wins Otherwise, atthe end of the game, the attacker scores 3 victory points if thetr Commander is wholly within the defender’s deployment zone, and I victory point for each other model from their kill team that is wholly within the defenders deployment zone. The defender scores 3 victory points if the enemy Commander was taken out of action, and 1 victory point for each other enemy model that was taken out oF action, The player with the most victory point isthe winner. Ifthere isa tie, the attacker wins if their Commander is still on the battlefield, otherwise the defender wins Resources In a campaign game, ifthe attacker wins the mission, the defender loses 2 Territory: Ifthe defender wins the mission, the attacker loses | Morale: Attacker Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Fight phase if your Commander made a charge move earlier in the battle round, Add 1 to wound rolls for your Commander’ attacks in that phase. Defender Tactic Use this Tactic at the start of the Morale phase, Ifyou do so friendly models wholly within your deployment zone automatically pass Nerve tests until the end of that phase. NARRATIVE PLAY MISSION EXTRACTION Ifa commander is wounded in battle, itis imperative that a rescue attempt be made before they are finished off, or worse, spirited away and subjected to interrogation, for the knowledge they hold cannot be allowed to fall into the hands ofthe enemy. If you are playing a campaiga, you can choose to play this mission instead of the Feint mission THE KILL TEAMS ‘isis a mission for two players. Choose which player will be the attacker and which will be the defender (roll offifyou cant agree ~ the winner decides). Bach player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time, Then each player chooses a Battle-forged kill team (see the Kill Team Core Manual) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose. Each kill eam can cost up to 200 points. The attacker must choose one Commander, but this model is free (they do not need to pay points to include them in their kil team), ‘THE BATTLEFIELD Create the batlefield and set up terrain. An example ‘of how you might do this is shown below. The attacker then sets up their Commander as close as possible to the centre ofthe batlefield ‘SCOUTING PHASE Do not use the rules forth this Scouting phase in r Commander co rr Fr Sa Saeed DEPLOYMENT the players alternate setting up models, starting with the attacker Ifa player uns out of models to set up, skip ‘them, Continue setting up models until both players hhave setup their kill eam, 8 players models must be set up wholly within their deployment zone. Once the players have setup all oftheir models, deployment ends and the first battle round begins, The attacker ‘an choose which player has the initiative inthe first battle round, BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) ~ the attacker rolls In addition, ifthe attacker's Commander is out of action atthe end of a battle round, the battle ends, VICTORY CONDITIONS If-at the end ofthe battle, the attackers Co been taken out of action, the defender wins. Otherwise, the attacker wins ymander has Waxing WounpeD The Commander is badly wounded, so starts the game with one flesh wound and their Move, Attacks, Leadership, Wounds and Strength characteristics are reduced by 1 for the duration of the battle. In addition, the Commander cannot Advance or make charge moves daring the battle, Resources In a campaign game, if the attacker wins the mission, the defender loses 2 Intelligence. Ifthe defender wins the mission, the attacker loses 1 Intelligence and 1 Morale Attacker Tactic Use this Tactic when itis your turn to move in the ‘Movement phase. Your Commander ean Advance or attempt to charge this phase NARRATIVE PLAY MISSION DUEL OF HONOUR Almost every form of human and alien life possesses its own warrior culture. As such, it is not unusual {o find two enemy commanders advancing out in front of the ing or forbidden to interrupt until one stands and the other falls. honour guards either unwi you are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead of the Assassinate mission. THE KILL TEAMS ‘This isa mission for two players. Each player chooses a Faction keyword, and the playe the same time, Then each player chooses a Batle-forged. kil team (see the Kill Tears Core Manwal) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chase Bach kill team can cost up to 200 points, and must reveal their choices at include one Commander, THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up terrain, An example of how you might do this is shown below. Ihe players roll off and the player that wins chooses which of the short igs ofthe battlefield willbe theirs. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Bo not use the rules for the Scouting phase in this mission DEPLOYMENT The players set up their Commanders 6" apart in the centre ofthe battlefield, on the side that is nearest their ‘edge ofthe battlefield (see the example below), and then the first battle round begins. At the end of their turn to ‘move in the Movement phase ofthe first battle round, each player sets up the remaining models from their ill, team wholly within 6” of their edge of the battlefield Player Y mane Commander aoe I previanamg afb ape wy aaa Player Be edge ofthe battlefield lines to engage in personal combat, their BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) - the player with the initiative in that battle round rolls In addition, ifthere is only one unbroken kill team on the battlefield atthe end of a battle round, the battle ends. VICTORY CONDITIONS If,at the end of the batle, a players Commander has been taken out of action their opponent scores 3 victory points, or 5 victory points if that Commander was taken. ‘ut of action by a Commander. Each player scores 1 victory point for each other enemy model taken out of action, The player with the most victory points is the winner. If there sa tie, the Victor (see below) is the ‘winner. If there isa tie and there is no Victor, the result isa draw, Howour Durt, ‘Neither Commander can Fall Back in the first battle round. Players cannot target or charge the enemy (Commander with any models from their kill team other than their own Commander (For exam PsvKeR that is not a Commander cannot manifest the Pspbolt psychie power iit would target the enemy Commander), unless their Commander is out of action, the enemy Commander was taken out of action by an attack made or psychic power manifested by a player's ‘Commander, that player isthe Victor, and can use the Trophy Kill Tactic (see below) from that point on, as Jong as their Commander is not shaken or out of action, Resources Ina campaign game, the losing player loses 1 Morale. The winner gains 1 Morale if they area Victor, but otherwise does not lose or gain Morale. Players that draw do not ase or gain Morale. Victor Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start of the Morale phase, All friendly models on the battlefield automatically pass Nerve test, NARRATIVE PLAY MISSION ARMY OF ONE ‘Whether they are the sole survivor of a crashed transport or they prefer to fight alone, unencumbered by the weight of leadership, a commander will sometimes perform a solo mission. Although they will inevitably be horribly outnumbered, commanders rarely reach such elevated positions by accident... Ifyou are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead ofthe Feint mission THE KILL TEAMS ‘This isa mission for two players. Choose which player will be the attacker and which willbe the defender (roll, offi you can't agree ~ the winner decides). Each player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time. Then the defender chooses a Battle-forged kill team (see the Kill Team Core Manta) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose, and does not include a Commander. The attacker’ kill team is a Commander with the Faction keyword they chose that does not cost more than 100 points (including their wargear and Commander Tats). THE BATTLEFIELD. Create the battlefield and set up terrain, An example of how you might do this is shown below. The defender then places one objective marker in their deployment zone. The objective marker must be at least 6" from the ‘edge of the battlefield ‘SCOUTING PHASE Do not use the rules for the Scouting phase in this mission. DEPLOYMENT The defender sets up all oftheir models frst, followed by the attacker. player's models must be set up wholly within their deployment zone, Once the players ha setup all oftheir models, deployment ends and the first battle round begins. The attacker can choose which player has the initiative in the first batle round. BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) ~ the defender rolls. In addition, ifthe attacker's Commander round, or the attacker achieves their mission objective (502 below), the battle ends, VICTORY CONDITIONS At the start ofthe battle, the attacker secretly rolls a D6 (either hide the dice for the duration of the batle or rnote down the result on a piece of paper), and consults the table below to discover theit mission objective, is out of action atthe end of abs your Commander offthe edge of the battlefield labelled "Escape Route in the Movement phase, Your Commander can escape manner if their move is sufficient to take them wholly over the edge of the battlefield they are not considered to be out of action. 3-4 Slay the Leader: Take the enemy Leader out of action. Destroy Munitions Cache: Finish a battle round ‘within 2” of the objective marker ‘At the end of the battle, the attacker reveals their mission objective to the defender. I'the atacker achieved their mission objective, the attacker wins Otherwise, the defender wins Resources In a campaign game, ifthe attacker wins the mission, the defender loses 1 Morale and 1 additional resoureé depending on the mission objective: Escape ~ Territory; Slay the Leader ~ Intelligence; Destroy Munitions Cache = Materiel. Ifthe defender wins the mission, the attacker loses | Intelligence Attacker Tactic Use this Tactic atthe start ofa battle round, Restore 1 wound and remove 1 flesh wound suffered by your Commander. MATCHED PLAY MISSION A MEETING OF FATES Every commander is acutely aware of their own importance to the war effort ~ and that of the officers ‘who oppose them. Should a chance encounter present them with an opportunity to eliminate one of their adversaries, they must seize it, knowing that should they sueceed they will greatly advance their cause. Ifyou are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead of the Dis Lines mission THE KILL TEAMS ‘This isa mission for two to four players. Each player chooses a Faction Keyword, and the players reveal their choices atthe same time. Then each player chooses a Battle-forged Kil tam (see the Kill Team Core Manual) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose, Each kill team can cost up to 200 points, and ‘must include one Commander ‘THE BATTLEFIELD ‘Create the battlefield and setup terrain. Exa how you might do this are shown below. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as describe the Kil Team DEPLOYMENT Use the Standard Deployment rules (pg 19). BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Butle Length rules (pg 19) ~ the player with the greatest advantage (determined during deployment) rolls. In addition, if there is only one ‘unbroken kill team on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the battle ends, ‘Two-player battlefield using one gameboard INSPIRING PRESENCE In this mission, a player’ kill team is never considered tobe broken whilst their Commander is on the battlefield, However, a players kill team is automatically broken at the end ofthe Morale phase ina battle round in which their Commander was taken out of action. VICTORY CONDITIONS Ifthe battle ends because there is only one unbroken ull eam on the battlefield, that kill team’s player wins Otherwise, each player scores | victory point for each enemy Commander taken out of action by one of their models'attacks or psychic powers. The player with the ‘most victory points is the winner. If players are tied for the most victory points, whichever of those players had lower Force is the winner, If theres stilla te for the ‘ost victory points, the tied players draw. Any other players lose. Resources In a campaign game, the player(s) that lose the mission each lose | Materiel and 1 Intelligence. If players draw they do not lose Materiel or Intelligence res cranes rey peri "Zone Players Deployment "Zone ‘Thrce- to four-player batlefield using two gameboards MATCHED PLAY MISSION OMMS DOWN taining a reliable communications network can be crucial to the success of any campaign, and ‘comms hubs subsequently form common battlegrounds between those attempting to deliver, intercept or prevent messages from getting through. Ifyou are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead ofthe Recover Intelligence mission. THE KILL TEAMS This is a mission for two to four players. Fach player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices atthe same time, Then each player chooses a Battle-forged kill team (see the Kill Teams Core Maral) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose, Each kill team can cast up to 200 poin ust include one Commander THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up terrain, Examples of hhow you might do this are shown below. Then set up ‘one objective marker in the centre of the battlefield to represent a comms array and Onpers Recerven In this mission, each player whose Commander is within 2” ofthe centre ofthe objective marker at the start of a battle round gains 1 additional Command Point. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill Team Core Manual. DEPLOYMENT Use the Standard Deployment rules (pg 19). oe Deployment rth ‘Two-player battlefield using one gameboard BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) ~ the player with the greatest advantage (determined during deployment) rolls. In addition, if there is only one ‘unbroken kill team on the battlefield at the end of 3 battle round, the battle ends. VICTORY CONDITIONS the battle ends because there is only one unbroken Kull team on the battlefield, that Kil team’ player wins Otherwise, each player scores 1 victory point atthe end of any battle round in which their Commander is within 2" of the centre ofthe objective marker. The player with the most victory points isthe winner. IFplayers are tied for the most victory points, whichever of those players hhad the lower Force isthe winner, If there is still tie for the most victory points, the tied players draw. Any other players lose RESOURCES. Ina campaign game the player(s) that os cach lose 2 Intelligence, Ifplayers draw they do not the mission lose Intelligence eet Cs foray Poa Da “Three- to four player battlefield using two gameboards MATCHED PLAY MISSION HOLD TH Such is the august position that a commander holds that their presence alone can often be enough to turn the tide of a battle. They are commonly deployed, or bravely volunteer, to lead the defence of crucial sectors to ensure that the enemy does not breach their lines. Ifyou are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead ofthe Recover Intelligence mission. THE KILL TEAMS ‘This is a mission for two to four players. Bach player chooses a Faction Keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time. Then each player chooses a rged all team (see the Kill Team Core Mansa) that only includes models with the Faction keyword. they chose, Each kill tam can cost up to 200 points, and ust incinde one Commander. THE BATTLEFIELD ‘Ceeate the battlefield and set up terrain, Examples of how you might do this are shown below. Then set up four objective markers by dividing the battlefield into quarters and placing an objective a close as possible 0 the centre of each quarter, as shown in the deployment maps below. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill Team Core Manna DEPLOYMENT Use the Standard Deployment rules (pg 19) BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rales (pg 19) ~ the player with the greatest advantage (determined during deployment) rolls. In addition, if there is only one ‘unbroken kill team on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the battle ends. egy Non ts ‘Two-player battlefield using one gameboard VICTORY CONDITIONS there is only one unbroken all team on the battlefield, that killteams player wins, Otherwise, each player scores 1 victory point for eich objective marker that theie Kill team controls at the cend of the battle and 1 victory point for each enemy Commander that was taken out of action by one of theie ‘models’ attacks or psychic powers. The player withthe ‘most victory points is the winner. If players are tied for the most victory points, whichever of those players had the lower Force isthe winner. I there is still tie forthe ‘most victory points, the ted players draw. Any other players lose. Ifthe battle ends becaus Resources In a campaign game the player(s) that lose the mission ‘each lose 2 Territory. Ifplayers draw they do not lose Teettory er erie feet are vis nora pea rh ‘Three- to four-player battlefield using two gameboards MATCHED PLAY HISSION EXEMPLARS OF WAR Whether a Genestealer Patriarch or a Captain of the Adeptus Astartes, a commander has earned their place as a champion of their kind, and may be called on not only to lead from the front but to strike down their foes in personal combat to inspire those that follow them into battle, If you are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead ofthe Assassinate or Sweep and Clear missions THE KILL TEAMS Thisis a mission for two to four players. Each player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time. Then each player chooses a Battle-forged kill team (see the Kill Team Core Manal) that only includes models with the Faction keyword they chose, Bach kill tam can cost up to 200 points, and ‘must include one Commander. THE BATTLEFIELD Create the battlefield and set up terrain. Examples of how you might do this are shown below. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Seouting phase as described in the Kill Team Core Manual. DEPLOYMENT Use the Standard Deployment rules (pg 19) BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) - the player withthe greatest advantage (determined during deployment) rolls. In addition, if there is only one unbroken kill team on the battlefield at the end of a battle round, the battle ends. ey need Zone AGLORIOUS DEED In this mission, #fa player's Commander takes an enemy Commander out of action with one oftheir attacks or psychic powers, that player can use all oftheir Commander’ Aura Tactics (ifthey have any) inthe next battle round at no cost in Command Points. VICTORY CONDITIONS Ifthe battle ends because there is only one unbroken Kill team on the battlefield, that kill team’ player wins. Otherwise, each player scores 3 victory points for each enemy Commander taken out oF action by anattack made or psychic power manifested by their Commander, 2 victory points for each other enemy specialist taken out of action by an attack made or psychic power manifested by their Commanders and Victory point for each other enemy model taken out of action by an attack made or psychic power manifested by their Commander: The player with the most v points the winner. IFplayers are tied for the most vietory points, whichever of those players had the lower Force isthe winner. IFthere is still tie for the ‘most victory points, the tied players draw: Any other players lose, Resources In a campaign game the player(s) that lose the mission cach lose 1 Morale and the pi gains 1 Morale, Ifplayers draw they do not lose or gain Morale, at wins the mission ‘Two player battlefield using one gameboard “Three- to four-player battlefield using two gameboards MATCHED PLAY MISSION ALL-OUT ATTACK ‘Commanders are often found where the fighting is fiercest, leading their warriors to victory. Yet they ‘cannot be everywhere at once, so commanders must rely on those that fight alongside them to do t Part, for only together can they hope to strike the enemy hardest. Ifyou are playing a campaign, you can choose to play this mission instead ofthe Terror Tacties mission, THE KILL TEAMS ‘This isa mission for two to four players. Each player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices atthe same time, Then each player chooses a Battle-forged kil team (see the Kill Team Core Manual) that only includes models withthe Faction keyword they chose. Each kill am can cost up to 200 points, and ‘st include one Commander. THE BATTLEFIELD ‘Create the battlefield and set up terrain. Examples of hoy you might do this are shown below. SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill earn Core Manual. DEPLOYMENT Use the Standard Deployment rules (pg 19). BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Batle Length rales (pg 19) ~ the player with the greatest advantage (determined during deployment) rolls. In addition, if there is only one unbroken kill eam on the battlefield at the end of @ battle round, the battle ends ns ae VICTORY CONDITIONS Ifthe battle ends because there is only one unbroken Kail team on the battlefield, that kill teams player wins Otherwise, each player scores 3 victory points for each er taken out of action by one oftheir models attacks or psychic powers, 2 victory points for each other enemy specialist taken out of action by one of their models attacks or psychic powers, and | victory Point for each other enemy model taken out of action, by one oftheir models’ attacks or psychie powers. The player with the most victory points the winner. If players are tied for the most victory points, whichever of those players had the lower Force isthe winner. If there is stilla tie for the most victory points, the tied players draw, Any other players lose Resources In a campaign game the player(s) that lose the mission each lose 1 Materiel and 1 Tervtory. Ifplayers dre they do not lose Materiel or Territory Cree pairs ran nee ad ‘Zon ee ocr Deen ras pis aH ‘wo-player battlefield using one gameboard Three: to four-player batleield using two gameboards MATCHED PLAY MISSION RECLAMATION RAID ent, or highly esoteric technology. Should examples of such archeotech Many races possess unique, an be lost in battle and at leading a sortie to recover it you can choose to Disrupt Supply Ifyou are playing a campaign play this mission instead oft Lines mission. THE KILL TEAMS: ‘This isa mission for two to four players. Fach player chooses a Faction keyword, and the players reveal their choices at the same time. Then each player chooses a Batle-forged kill team (see the Kill Team Core Mantial) that only includes models with the Faction keyword. they chase. Each kill am can cost up to 200 points, and ‘must include one Commander THE BATTLEFIELD ‘Create the battlefield and setup terrain. Examples ‘of how you might do this are shown below. Set up ‘one objective marker in the centre ofthe battlefield, and then set up four more; each should be midway between the centre ofthe battlelield and a corner of the battlefield, as shown in the deployment maps below PRICELESS ARcHEOTECH In this mission, subtract 1 from Nerve tests made for models that are within 2" ofthe centre of an objective marker. ‘SCOUTING PHASE Resolve the Scouting phase as described in the Kill Team Core Martual. DEPLOYMENT ‘Use the Standard Deployment rules (pg 19) oe Da rts of falling into the hands of their enemies, a commander will waste no time i BATTLE LENGTH Use the Variable Battle Length rules (pg 19) - the player with the greatest advantage (determined during, deployment) rolls In addition, if unbroken kill team on the battlefield atthe end of a battle round, the battle ends. VICTORY CONDITIONS Ifthe battle ends because there is only one unbroken Kill team on the battlefield, that Kill team’s player wins, Otherwise, each player scores 1 victory point for each ‘objective marker that thei kill tam controls a the end of the battle, "Th {s the winner. Ifplayers are tied for the mast victory points, whichever of those players had the lower Force isthe for the mast victory points, the tied players draw, Any other players lose player with the most victory points ner. If there is still Resources In a campaign game the player(s) that lose the mission each lose 1 Materiel, and the player that wins gains 1 Materiel. If players draw they do not lose or gain Materiel. ‘Two-player battlefield using one gameboard “Three- to four-player battlefield using two gameboards

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