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“Asma Allah”

Rahim : Merciful
Karimun : (1) Generous
'Adim : Incomparably Great
'Alimun: : (2) All - Knowing
Halim : Forbearing
Hakimun : (3) Wise
Matin : (4) Eternal
Mannan : Bestower of blessings
Rahmaanun : Most Compassionate,
Fattah : Opener
Gaffarun : (5) Forgiver
Tawwab : Accepter of Repentance
Razzaqun : (6) Provider
Syahid : (7) Witness

Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad

Ya Muslimin shallu alayh
Allahuma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa shahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu�minn shallu alayh

Latif : (8) Gentle

Khabirun : All-Aware
Sami� : : (9) All - Hearing
Basirun : (10) All - Seeing
Jalil : Majestic
Raqibun : Watchful
Mujib : Granter of Prayers
Ghafuur : Forgiving
Syakuurun : (11) Thankfull
Waduud : (12) Loving
Qayuumun : Sustainer
Ra�uuf : Most Kind
Shabuurun : (13) Patient
Majid : Most Glorious


Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar : God is the (14) greatest

La ilaha illa hu : “ There is (15) no deity but (16 ) Him “
Al Malikul Quddus : “ The (17) King, the (18) Most Holy”

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

Ya Rahmanul irham da�fana : “ O Most Compassionate! Have compassion on (19) our weakness
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
Ya Ghaffaru ighfir dhunubana . O Forgiver ! (20) forgive our sins

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

Ya Sattaru ustur 'uyubana . O Concealer ! Conceal our faults.

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

Ya Mu�izu a�izza ummatana
(O Bestower of honour! Bestow honour on our Ummah)

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

Ya Mujibu ajib du�aana. Granter of Prayers, (21) o responsive one (22) answer our prayers

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

Ya latifu ultuf bina “O gentle one, be gentle with us” 3 x

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