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Questions to Answer:
1. Which of the given information on food storage and handling are not often
practiced? Which would you like to implement in your household?
The foods that we stored in refrigerator should be first in first out, and that we
should know the proper distribution of every foods like vegetables and fruits are
in the fresh room and before you put in the refrigerator wash it or clean it first to
prevent for being damage/rotten. While the meat and fish should be wash and
drain before stored to prevent bad bacteria and put it into a clean Tupperware.

Refrigerate or freeze perishables right away. Foods that require refrigeration

should be put in the refrigerator as soon as you get them home. Check storage
directions on labels. Many items other than meats, vegetables, and diary products
need to be kept cold. Use ready-to-eat foods as soon as possible. Refrigerated
ready-to-eat foods such as luncheon meats should be used as soon as possible.
Keep foods covered. Stored refrigerated foods in covered containers or sealed
storage bags, and check leftovers daily for spoilage.

2. What is the different between perishable and nonperishable food?

Perishable foods are the fresh foods like fish, meat, seafood, ripe fruits and
vegetables while non-perishable food is the canned goods, pasta, sugar, flour,
curls and spices are also non-perishable foods.

3. How do you store meat, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables and cereals?
When I store meat fish and poultry I will make sure that I clean it before I set up
to be store at the fridge, I put them on the Tupperware and placed it in safe to
prevent loss nutrients while the vegetables and fruits I wash it gently but make
sure I was clean before I stored them and wrapped it in the clean plastic or
Tupperware before I put on refrigerator. I will make sure that the food will not be
contaminated in the storage. I will do a proper care for my food storage especially
with my cereals I will place them at the corner of my kitchen and put it in the
glass bottle and I will close the lid properly to prevent the loss of crunchiness.

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