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Credits Artwork
All artwork is in the public domain.
Lead Designer, Concept, Writing Cover photo: William-Adolphe Bouguereau, L’art et
David J Moore la litterature, 1866.
Pg 4: Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema, Sappho and
Layout Alcaeus,1870.
Ted Hartle
Pg 5: Gustave Doré, Vivien and Merlin, Idylls of
Special Thanks to: the King, 1868.
Ted Hartle, Jeremy Kapsar, and Marc Altfuldisch for Pg 6: Hermes, Euridice, and Orpheus, Relief in the
feedback and suggestions. Villa Albani in Rome.
Pg 10: Jost Amman, Das Ständebuch,1568.
Pg 12: Leonid Pasternak, The Passion of Creation,
Late 19th Century.
Pg 15: Gustave Doré, Troubadours Singing the Glories
of the Crusades, Late 19th Century.

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Chapter 1: What makes a Bard?......4
Archetypes and Stereotypes .............................4
The Bard in History and Myth
The Bard in Dungeons & Dragons
Role in Society ................................................. 7
Bard, Scoundrel, or Star?
Role in the Party..............................................8

Chapter 2: New Class Options ......10

Bard Colleges ..................................................10
College of the Spheres
College of the Silver Pen
College of the Sacred Yew
College of the Eternal Veil
College of Song Immemorial
Troupe of the Shadowdancers
Feats ...............................................................17
Arcane Visage
Melodic Casting

Chapter 3: New Epic Options .......18

Epic Class Features ......................................... 18
Epic Boons ......................................................19
Boon of Many Faces
Boon of Primal Music
Boon of Unerring Skill

Chapter 4: New Magic Items .........20

Diplomat’s Immunity
Satchel of the Combat Medic
Singing Sword


minds of the audience? A War Chanter, wading
On a rock, whose haughty brow through combat with a sword in hand and song in
Frowns o’er old Conway’s foaming flood, the air, inspiring her comrades to glory? A jack of
all trades, master of none, skill monkey? An RP
Rob’d in the sable garb of woe,
specialist who’s nearly useless in combat? A
With haggard eyes the poet stood; support caster?

(Loose his beard, and hoary hair The D&D bard has shifted in definition from
version to version, pulling on equally varied
Stream’d, like a meteor, to the troubled air)
inspirations from myth and history. It’s no wonder
And with a master’s hand, and prophet’s fire, that players and DMs alike can’t agree on what a
bard should be. Fortunately, in Dungeons and
Struck the deep sorrows of his lyre;
Dragons 5e the rules are flexible and easily allow
—Thomas Gray, the core bard class to be shaped into any of these
different characters. So then, the question really
The Bard: A Pindaric Ode
isn’t which bard is the true bard. It’s who is your
bard going to be? Which path will you take? There
are many to choose from, with many different play
A RCHETYPES AND styles. Let’s wade through some of them first to see
what they are and where they came from, to give
S TEREOTYPES you a few archetypes to pick from and strive

Ask a handful of D&D players what a bard is or

does exactly and you’ll likely to get back any THE BARD IN HISTORY AND MYTH
number of different answers. Which one is your
Who cares? You’re here to play D&D, not pretend
bard? A fencing scoundrel with razor wit and a way
you’re a Celt in bronze age Europe. I mean come
with the wenches, a lute strapped to his back? A
on, you play because it’s not real life. But here’s
powerful hermit magician who can see the future?
the thing; the core D&D classes were distilled from
A superstar singer who can sway the hearts and
our own world’s countless stories and myths,

which were passed down through the
generations. If we just look to them, we
can see the archetypes of the perfect
fighters and wizards, ready for us to
model characters after. But the problem
with bards…well, bards are a mess to be
honest. So, just real fast, let’s get the
myth stuff, the inspiration for the
fantasy bards, straight in our heads,
before we see how well that transferred
over to D&D.

When it comes down to it, there are two

types of bards (and I’m using bard in
the generic way here, not the very
specific historical one): Magicians and
Musicians. Or, to put it in terms that
might be easier to relate to, there’s
Merlin and then there’s Orpheus.

Merlin, believe it or not, wasn’t a wizard,
or a mage, or a sorcerer. He was
actually a bard. It’s a little muddier
than that, because a bard in the early
celtic world was the closest thing they
had to a wizard. Bards held the very
important role of history keepers, where
we get the concept of bardic lore from.
These societies were pre-writing, so all
history had to be remembered and
passed on orally, and the easiest way to
do this was in poetry or song. These
weren’t alway songs for entertainment
then. They were more often long, winding Vivien and Merlin
epics, chronicling all of the major events in your
tribe or kingdom and praising your leaders.
The Merlin of history (or Myrddhin in Welsh) was
Bards studied for years before they could assume
one of these men. Myths would then take him and
this role of power in society, related to and just
add even more powers to his legend over time, like
beneath that of the druidic priests. They were
the ability to shapeshift.
prophets and advisors to the kings, and had some
reputed healing abilities. Aside from recording The ancient celtic traditions eventually died away
history in poetry and song, they also told the (quite literally as the Romans hunted the Celtic
future and could curse their enemies through druids to extinction and later the English king
poetry, through the power of words. While they Edward I had 500 Welsh bards rounded up and
weren’t the entertainer/performer that many think killed to cut off the Welsh from their history). Even
of with a bard, their magic did have a musical after that, the role of the bards would still continue
element to it, as did a lot of magic in the ancient on for centuries, on into the more modern
world, and the words in their spells were musical kingdoms of Ireland and Scotland. Here the bards
in their delivery. (An “incantation” has the root were simply defined as a class of court poets and
word “cantare” in there, after all, or “to sing”.) musicians, usually harpists, though their words
were still often thought to contain magic and an
insulting verse from a bard could cause real harm.

Another related note here, on
skalds. The nordic skald is very
similar to the celtic bard in history
and practice. Fantasy, however,
has taken the skald and made him
or her into a War Chanter, a
singing warrior who inspires all
around them with their voice.
There is very little evidence for this
treatment, unfortunately. They
practiced as poets in nordic
societies and were thought to have
similar magical powers to the celtic
bard. There are stories of them
inspiring others with magic before
battles, but stories of them wading
into combat themselves, consumed
in song and the glory of battle, just
don’t seem to be there.

Ah Orpheus. Part man, son of the
king of Thrace, and part divine,
son of Calliope, one of the Greek
Muses. Orpheus didn’t need to
cast spells to make magic. His
music was magic all on its own,
beautiful beyond measure.

He was educated at court and

Hermes, Euridice, and Orpheus
when traveling with Jason and the Argonauts
knew which rituals would appease the different
Gods and ease their journey through troubled
the beauty of the ensuing notes and emotion it
lands. He was given a golden lyre and taught to contains can unlock the magic of the universe.
play it by Apollo himself, then counter-played the This isn’t magic born of words of power and
Sirens and saved the Argonauts from their fleeting gestures. It is woven into great
enchanting songs. He later travelled into the performances. From a role-playing perspective, you
underworld to bring back his wife Eurydice from may be confused, since the Bard in 5e is a caster
the dead. He charmed Charon, the boatman of the class, no longer with specific “song” abilities.
Styx, to let him cross, lulled the three-headed However, to play a pure music-based character you
guard hound of Hades Cerberus to sleep with his can simply use the standard Bard class (spell lists
lyre, then charmed the lord Hades himself. and all) and just treat the spells as songs. For
example, you wouldn't so much cast your spells as
However great his music was, though, he failed in
singdifferent songs which then cause the effects
the end. As they left the underworld he was told
you desire. The Pied Piper leading the children
not to look back at his wife or she would be lost
away from the village could be nothing more than
forever. At the very last moment the temptation mass suggestion in song form. This path is slightly
was too great and he looked. more complicated to role-play in certain situations,
Here we have the other end of the Bardic especially combat, but if you wish to play music
spectrum, where music itself is their beginning that can enchant the mind, that can inspire heroes
and end, everything that they are and can do. to greatness heal them in their time of need, you
These bards pour their hearts into their music and need to look no further than Orpheus.

THE BARD IN DUNGEONS & DRAGONS very versatile and very malleable base Bard class.
We’re the jack of all trades, master of whichever
In 1st edition D&D the bard was a prestige class of
one we want to pick now.
sorts. You had to train as both a Fighter and Thief
for a few levels, then enter into training under a If the War Chanter or jack of all trades bard is your
Druid and learned their magic, at which point you favorite character to play, then you are in luck. The
could be considered a Bard. They had Bardic lore two current Bard Colleges provided in the Player’s
and a chance to charm enemies with their music. Handbook exemplify these already. But, for this
guide I wanted to fill in the rest of the bard
It was 2nd edition that introduced Bards as
options, to open up other possibilities and not just
scoundrels with a rapier and limited casting, or
continue what 2nd edition started. With the new
support characters whose roles include minor
design of the Bard in 5e, there is a lot of wiggle
healing and buffing through inspiring songs. The
room to make this happen. So, if you are looking
concept from 1st edition was abandoned and the
for something else, I should be able to help you
new Bard was introduced as a close cousin to the
Thief, both tossed into the Rogue category. They
were sneaky, with limited casting and mediocre One additional note: Concerning the Bard in 4th
attacks, and excelled at fast-talking. They inspire edition D&D, my gaming group kept on playing 3.5
through their music and know a little of everything and didn’t really give 4e a try, so I don’t feel I can
with their knack for collecting lore. Thus the jack comment on it. I do know that it continued in the
of all trades, master of none was born and the same general tradition as 2nd and 3rd editions
Bard of fantasy games broke from the archetypes though.
of mythology. Also, once buffing inspiration
became a common and expected game mechanic
that idea more than anything took control of the
Bard’s fate.

3rd edition D&D took the Bard of 2nd edition and

expanded upon its core ideas. To this end, the
After reading through all of that, maybe you’re
class was streamlined for the party role of support.
leaning in a specific direction, that the more
Bardic class and prestige class design doubled
magical or musical Bard has peaked your interest?
down on inspiring song buffs more than anything
That’s great, but there’s more to consider before
else and the quintessential 3rd edition Bard, the
you can tie up your character sheet with a nice,
War Chanter, was born. With a sword in hand, or
neat bow. Let’s take your background to start. Not
two, they took inspiration in combat to new
background meaning the 5th edition element of
heights, aided by the release of many prestige
character creation that lets you pick a chunk of
classes and feats that increased the power of their
skills. I mean, where did your Bard really come
from and how do you fit into your campaign world?
With 5th edition D&D, we have a lot of long term Are there a lot of Bards? Are they respected? Do
Bard players who feel we finally have a version of you entertain? Who hires you or pays for your next
the class that could have some power behind it. meal?
The previous Bards weren’t very effective beyond
First off, does everyone know Elan? From the
heavy role-playing situations. Most parties would
Order of the Stick? If you scratched your head with
only want a bard around if all the other slots were
either of those, go to the internet now and come
filled, usually meaning a wizard, thief, cleric, and
back once you’ve done a lot of back reading. … …
warrior of some sort. Sure the bard added
Ready? Alright. Elan exemplifies everything about
something to the mix, but couldn’t fully cover the
the 2nd and 3rd edition Bards, packed nicely in
hole left if you didn’t have a “core” class. Now, with
the form of comic relief and swashbuckling
5th edition, the bard is given a full spellcaster
foppishness. He is a fantastic example of those
progression, which allows us to swap places with
types of Bards if that’s what you’re looking to play,
any wizard or sorcerer to take the party “mage”
but remember that there are many other routes
slot. But the changes go beyond that. We’re allowed
you can take.
to take spells from any caster’s spell list every few
levels, so we can heal like a Cleric or control Quick side note here: Every non-Bard D&D player
nature like a Druid. The fluff about being a there thinks Elan is what all Bards are supposed
scoundrel was stripped away and we now have a to be like. Go ahead, ask them.

BARD, SCOUNDREL, OR STAR? stereotype. There’s a lot more history here, of
course, but you just need to know if your
Elan is the kind of roguish, scoundrel Bard that
campaign world has an economy that can support
was drawn from how most entertainers (including
performers or not, if you want to role-playing
musicians) were treated in the Middle Ages and
accurately that is.
Renaissance Europe, which we’ll look at in a
second. Bards and musicians of all sorts lived very
different lives depending on both when and where
The Rock Star
they lived, and it would be no different in a D&D I hate to disappoint anyone, but if you always
world. wanted to play a rock star Bard with hoards of
adoring fans in a standard D&D style world, you’re
The Celtic Bard probably out of luck. That sort of popularity and
Our oldest Bard model. In early tribal societies, wealth derived from performing didn’t exist until
music and words held magical roles, which gave the common people had spending cash to pay to
the Bards their power. Society revered them and see you play, not until well after the Renaissance.
they were given lands and titles for their services We also didn’t have many virtuosic instruments
to their kings. They wrote poetry and sung, but until later on, ones that could perform really
complicated, fast music. Earlier music wasn’t
were fairly serious characters. I won’t discuss them
too much here since already covered their general always as impressive as you might think. So
history. without both technological advances in crafting
and movement away from a feudal economy you
The Renaissance Scoundrel probably won’t be selling out stadiums.

The “classic” D&D Bard. For this model to make You can play whatever you and your DM agree
sense you need to know a couple things. upon, of course, since it is fantasy after all. But,
for those role-playing sticklers out there I wanted
1) The arts were looked down upon in the Middle
to make sure you knew how these realities affected
Ages and Renaissance as something that was
beneath the gentlemen classes and nobility. To
even be a member of these professions starts
you on the bottom rungs of society. Throughout
most of this time, the Catholic Church even
had actors excommunicated. ROLE IN THE PARTY
2) There is no free market system or middle class
yet. Unlike the complexity of how Bards and musicians
related to the societies they lived in, discussing
The last point probably doesn’t make much sense how to play an adventuring Bard in D&D is
at first glance. You see, you can’t easily make relatively easy. Simply put, Bards are gloriously
money as a musician in these periods. There’s no versatile, so you can be whatever you want to be.
economy in the Middle Ages to support them Do you have a certain style of play in mind?
because the peasants don’t have any money (they Damage? Healer? Front line fighter? Stealthy
have to work for their lord for practically free in the support? Whatever it is, chances are you can
feudal system), and there is no middle class. Only accomplish it with a Bard.
the elite have any money at all. So you, the
musician or actor, can either go to work for a Lord Support
and keep him as happy as you can in exchange for
The easiest path to choose. We’re built to do this
food and a room over your head but little else, or
without even thinking about it. It’s also what most
you can play for peasants at a tavern and make no
other players will expect you to do. Our spell list
money there either.
naturally has heals and loads of utility spells, we
With the middle class emerging in the Renaissance can heal even more post-battle with Song of Rest,
artists of all sorts could finally begin to find work, and everyone loves a little Bardic Inspiration.
to some extent at least. However, they still
belonged to the outskirts of society and had to
scrape by to make a living, hence the scoundrel

Crowd Control
While this is usually lumped into support, I
wanted to separate it out because of how good we
are at it, at tactical battlefield control. Step 1) Get
any of the Instrument of the Bards magic items.
Step 2) cast any and every charm spell you have.
The enemies now save at disadvantage to these
when you use the instrument as your focus.
Hypnotic Pattern is particularly devastating/
abusive, but Suggestion and Dominate work
wonders too.

Skill Monkey
Do you want to know every lore skill and recapture
the Bardic Lore flavor of D&D 3.5? Do you want to
be the mouth of the party and talk your way out of
every tight spot? Do you want to be the forward
scout, sneaking ahead to find the enemies? Good
thing you can expertise four of your skills then, not
to mention you still get 1/2 proficiency bonus to all
the rest with Jack of All Trades.

Fancy yourself a Spellsword, Bladesinger, or War
Chanter? Nothing a few smart feat choices can’t
fix. Magic Initiate (Sorcerer) to learn Booming
Blade, Greenflame Blade, and Shield. Then select
all the Paladin Smite spells you want with your
Magical Secrets levels. The Smites are bonus
spells, which then allow you to still cast a cantrip
Blade spell that turn and pile on the magic melee

Spellcaster Damage
A little harder to accomplish on a Bard. We can
take damaging spells with our Magical Secrets
abilities, but fall behind the other casters in both
damage output and range of spell choices.
However, I’ve created my first new archetype to
address this concern specifically. 

Chapter 2: New Class Options

In this chapter you will find six new Bard Colleges,
as well as five new Feats. I didn’t add versions of
the Jack of all Trades Bard, since the Lore College
covers that well, nor the War Chanter Bard, which
the Valor College represents.

I also took one little liberty and added optional

level 20 capstone abilities for each archetype. I
ironically find the current Bard capstone, Superior
Inspiration, to be a little uninspired and so instead
created new ones in the flavor of each individual


There is geometry in the humming of the
strings, there is music in the spacing of the
In ancient times, a select few scholars believed in a
supreme order to the universe, guided by
mathematical proportions and ratios. Once
discovered, they began to see it everywhere: the
Golden Ratio. Plants spiraled their leaves
according to its divine pattern, and animals of the Unfortunately, this knowledge was lost to antiquity.
sea grew their shells in the same manner. Even the Those that did stumble upon it thought it to be of
celestial bodies of the heavens, the planets no use, just the useless pondering of the elder
themselves, danced through space on civilizations of our world.
mathematically precise orbits. The relationships The Bards of the College of the Spheres, however,
were all perfect, too perfect to be less than divine know the truth. The secrets lived on, passed down
in origin. from Bardic masters to their apprentices through
These scholars soon lent their knowledge to the centuries. The knowledge was deemed to
architects and artists alike, to spread the beauty of dangerous for most men to possess, once the final
this mathematical purity into our own creations. truths were revealed: Everything is the same.
Music in particular lent itself to the task. In fact, Nature. Magic. Man. The Gods. Everything is born
the musical notes reflected the ratio so clearly that out of the same supreme order. And music is the
music was viewed as our link to this universal key we possess to unlock it all.
constant, a way for us to tap into the nature of the
divine itself. Scholars began to experiment and Bonus Proficiencies
imagined music all around them in nature. Even The path to study the music of the spheres, as it is
the planets sang in their orbits, a galactic music of commonly known to the Bards who follow these
the spheres. teachings, is rigorously academic. Initiates to the
College must spend countless hours reading dusty
old tomes until the basic concepts are grasped. 

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in two lore skills COLLEGE OF THE SILVER PEN
of your choice: Arcana, History, Nature, or
Religion. If you are already proficient in these You without me can be nothing but silent.
skills, you may pick two other ones that reflect I without you can have nothing to say.
your intensive studying. —Cynddelw, Hendregadredd

Flash of Insight One of the primary roles of a bard is that of

chronicler, to immortalize the exploits of heroes
Also at 3rd level, your training allows you to enter and kings in song or poetry. For some Bards,
a heightened mental state. As a bonus action, you however, merely recording these stories is not
can spend one Bardic Inspiration die to enter this enough. They are often too boring, too normal. No
state, which then lasts for 1 minute. At any time one would sit in silence, in awe of stories such as
during the duration, you may choose to expend the these. Perhaps if the Bard applied his artistic
Inspiration die to add raise to the DC of a spell you touch to them, though, then they might stir the
cast by 1. hearts of the audience.

When Bards of the Silver pen touch their quill to

Additional Magical Secrets the parchment, magic flows from them into their
At 6th level, you learn two spells of your choice very words. Then a curious thing happens. The
from any class. A spell you choose must be of a events that these Bards record, and the men and
level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or women whose lives they preserve in their words,
a cantrip. The chosen spells count as bard spells are changed by the way their tale is told. A hero
for you, but don’t count against the number of may find himself more bold after hearing about his
defeat of the black dragon that he never actually
bard spells you know.
met. A queen may find compassion in her heart for
prisoners, where there was none before, when told
Diabolus in Musica that she’s always done so in the past.
You have unlocked the secrets of diabolic power
Words are powerful, as are those that write them
through your studies and learned to apply its
down. We’ve all heard it before. History is written
destructive properties to your own magic. Starting
by the victors. The pen is mightier than the sword.
at 14th level, when you have used a Bardic But, how many pens can influence the fate of
Inspiration die to enter your heightened mental kingdoms with a few short lines?
state, you may use the Inspiration die to add your
Charisma modifier to the damage of one spell you Bonus Proficiencies
cast, instead of increasing its save DC.
When you join the College of the Silver Pen at 3rd
level, you gain proficiency in two skills from:
Musica Universalis (optional) Deception, Insight, or Persuasion. This represents
At 20th level, you perceive the world around you in your increased awareness of how words
the simplicity of its mathematical forms at all manipulate those around you. If you already are
times. Thus, you see your magic as being no proficient in these skills, you may pick two other
different from that of Wizards, Clerics, Druids, or ones in their place.
the Gods themselves. Magic is magic, is music, is
mathematics. Once per long rest, you can lose an Cutting Words
unused spell slot to spontaneously cast any spell
Also at 3rd level, you learn how to use your wit to
of the same level or lower from any class’s spell
distract, confuse, and otherwise sap the
confidence and competence of others. When a
creature you can see within 60 feet of you makes
an attack roll, an ability check, or a damage roll,
you can use your reaction to expend one of your
uses of Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic
Inspiration die and subtracting the number rolled
from the creature’s roll. You can choose to use this
feature after the creature makes its roll, but before 

the DM determines whether the attack roll or least 1 minute to do so. The curse is then folded
ability check succeeds or fails, or before the up and kept on the Bard’s person, close to their
creature deals its damage. The creature is immune heart. The enemy named in the poem suffers a -1
if it can’t hear you or if it’s immune to being penalty to all attacks, saving throws, and ability
charmed. checks for 1 week, after which the magic fades.
The power of the curse increases to -3 if a drop of
Lasting Praise target’s blood was mixed in with the ink used to
By 6th level, the Bard understands how to enchant write it down. The Bard can only have 1 curse
their own handwriting so that the their active at any given time.
inspirations can live on in ink and paper. For the
cost of 25 gold pieces in special inks, the Bard can Jumping off the Page (optional)
inscribe a sheet of parchment with an inspirational By 20th level, the Bard’s knack for embellishing
poem. The magic of the inspiration persists on this scenes with new characters and plot twists spills
scroll until a creature other than the Bard reads it, over into reality. She can evoke her imagination
at which point they feel uplifted by its message. and, with a few spoken words, improvise her own
The creature receives a 1d8 Bardic Inspiration die story as it is still happening. Once per long rest,
following the standard rules, including the 10 you can cast one of the following spells without
minute duration, etc. Once read, the poem no using a spell slot: conjure animals, conjure celestial,
longer holds any magic. conjure elemental, conjure fey, or conjure woodland
Curse of 100 Tongues
At 14th level, the Bard is able to produce lasting,
debilitating curses against those that have
wronged them. The Bard must write out a poem
cursing the name of their foe in detail, spending at

Starting at 14th level, the reputation of your
Hear the voice of the bard,
College precedes you and your advice is highly
Who present, past, and future sees;
Whose ears have heard valued and sought after. You can always find food
The Holy Word and lodging with nobility or other local authority
That walk’d among the ancient trees. figures. You also have advantage on Persuasion
checks made to influence their actions.
—William Blake, Hear the Voice
While most Druids keep to themselves and hold Gift of Prophesy (optional)
their private rituals in sacred groves, others are At 20th level, once per long rest you can glimpse
also often priests of secluded tribal societies,
the future clearly enough to warn others of the
preaching the balance of nature and leading the
dangers that lie before them. If you spend 1
villagers into a life of harmony with the plants and
minute concentrating on a person, you can look
animals around them. In these places, Bards hold
a place of honor akin to their Druidic brethren. into their future and tell them fragments of what
They are magicians and wonder-workers to those you see. They roll two d20s and record the
around them and use their arcane skills to tend to numbers rolled. They can then replace any attack
and protect the close-knit communities that they roll, saving throw, or ability check made by them
are born into. They learn the histories of their with one of these rolls. They must choose to do so
people by memory, keep track of their systems of before the roll, and can only replace a roll in this
laws, and often become advisors to the local way once per turn. Each roll can only be used
chieftan or king, aided by their talents in once. When they finish a long rest, they lose any
divination and prophecy. unused rolls.

Druidic Training
At 3rd level, the Bard of the Sacred Yew undergoes
initiation into the Druidic orders to further his or COLLEGE OF THE ETERNAL VEIL
her training. You add Druidic to your known
languages and learn two cantrips of your choice All the world’s a stage, and all the men and
women merely players
from the Druid spell list. These are considered
Bard spells for you. —Shakespeare, As you like it

They call themselves Weavers. Some would say

Wild Shape they’ve completely lost touch with reality, that they
Once reaching 6th level, you are taught the secrets truly don’t know what’s real and what isn’t
of Druidic shapeshifting. You can use this ability anymore. But a Weaver would simply ask, “What is
as a Druid of 2nd level. At 12th level you can reality? Is this chair real? Can you see it? Smell
change form as a Druid of 4th level, but with flying the wood and dust? Hear it creak when I move it?
speed allowed, and at 19th level you can change Can you feel it splintering along the top?” Then
form as a Druid of 8th level. For the complete with a wink the chair is gone. “If you can’t trust
rules, see the Druid Wild Shape ability on pages that it was real, when you had it right in front of
66-67 of the Players Handbook. you, how do you know anything is?”

Weavers are Bards who combine acting with the

In addition, at 12th level you may choose from
magic of illusion to create immersive stories of
three specific bird forms, unique to the College of
their own design. They aren’t content to act only
the Sacred Yew: bardic sparrow, bardic owl, and
on the stage a few nights a week. No, the thrill of
bardic eagle. When in each of these forms, the
acting is far too great to restrict only to the theater.
Bard can sing a bird song that imparts benefits to
They choose instead to make the world around
party members within 60 feet. This benefit lasts for
them at any given moment their stage, whenever,
as long as the Bard continues to sing. The sparrow
wherever, and with whomever passing by drawn
song grants 10 speed, the owl song grants
into their drama. They can be anyone and
darkvision 30 feet, and the eagle song grants
anywhere they wish and in a blink of an eye it’s all
advantage on perception checks that rely on sight.
shifted and they’re gone.

At 3rd level you specialize in the school of illusion
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am
and begin to incorporate these skills into your
invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the
performances. You learn the minor illusion cantrip. earliest times, and to the latest.
If you already know this cantrip, you learn a
—Henry David Thoreau
different bard cantrip of your choice. The cantrip
doesn’t count against your cantrips known. When For some musicians, the joy of music is about the
you cast minor illusion, you can create both a performance itself, connecting with an audience to
sound and an image with a single casting of the share in this rare, ephemeral art form. For others
spell. it’s about being lost in the moment itself, closing
your eyes and knowing nothing but the sounds
that envelope you. The quest to find these little
Setting the Stage moments of pure musical perfection is what drives
By 6th level, you can seamlessly blend your acting Bards of the College of Song Immemorial to
with your illusions to great effect. When you practice for hours on end, day after day. If you ask
attempt a Deception check in the presence of one them, though, the reward is worth a hundred
of your illusions, you can manipulate it to reinforce times the effort they put in.
your charade and gain advantage on the roll.
This devotion to their craft and mastery over the
musical arts allows them to channel pure,
Spinning the Tale unrestrained emotion through their instruments,
At 14th level, you are allowed to make a resulting in melodies that resonate deeply with
performance check when a creature is presented anyone who can hear them. Even the most battle
with proof that your illusion is not real. If your roll hardened warrior would be hard pressed to resist
is higher than their insight roll, you soothe their and not stand in rapt attention to listen when
doubts and they still believe in your illusion. these Bards begins to play.

Lowering the Veil (optional) Born Performer

Once you reach 20th level, your illusions are so At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the
real that they trick a creature’s mind into believing performance skill as well as with two musical
that they can actually be felt. As a bonus action, instruments (considered tools).
you can imbue an existing illusion of yours with
this potent ability, which lasts for ten minutes. Persuasive Song
Each time a creature comes into contact with part Also at 3rd level, your skillful musical
of the illusion they make an intelligence save. If performances can make the audience think more
they fail, their body involuntarily stops itself, as if highly of you. While performing, you can expend a
they had actually touched the object, and the Bardic Inspiration die to adjust the attitude of one
illusion is not broken. For example, you could target NPC by one degree; from unfriendly to
effectively lock them in a room with no way out or indifferent, indifferent to friendly, or friendly to
lose them in a crowd of people. The illusions can helpful. Hostile NPCs can’t be influenced by this
do them no harm, other than the sense of ability.
touching something solid. You can use this ability
once per long rest. Fascinating Rhythm
At 6th level, your music begins to enchant the
senses of any audience you play before. When
performing, and by using a Bardic Inspiration die,
you can attempt to charm any number of creatures
within 30 feet of you. They must all be able to see
and hear you perform. Each audience member
makes a wisdom save versus your spell DC and is
charmed on a failed save.

This effect functions as per the hypnotic pattern Rapture of the Song
spell. If you are playing on an Instrument of the Once you reach 14th level, you enter a state of
Bards magic item, it confers disadvantage to their musical ecstasy when inspiring others and are
saves as if you were casting a charm spell. The more resilient to anything going on around you.
charm effect lasts as long as you perform and for 1 When you grant another creature a Bardic
minute afterwards. Inspiration die, you gain +1 AC, +1 Saves, and
Damage Reduction 2/ until the start of your next

Stealing the Limelight (optional) Grace under Pressure
Your music is so potent at 20th level that you can Also at 3rd level, your natural agility can inspire
wrest control of a creature from the influence of those around you. A creature that has a Bardic
another charm spell. When you encounter a Inspiration die from you can use that die to
charmed creature you can roll a Performance increase their movement speed by 15 feet for one
check versus the DC of the charm spell. If you turn.
succeed, you gain control of the charm spell and
therefore control of the creature. This works with Fading Light
charm person, suggestion, hypnotic pattern, Shadowdancers learn to shape the light at 6th
dominate, or any other charm spell. If the spell level, to create the ideal conditions for shadows to
requires concentration, you must concentrate to exist. Once per short rest you can dim the light in
keep the charm going. This ability is usable once a 30 foot radius centered on you. This effect lasts
per long rest. for 1 minute, moves with you, and gives you and
your party (those within the radius) advantage on
stealth checks based on sight.
All the beauty of life is made up of light and Twisting Shadows
shadow. Starting at 14th level, you can control your shadow
—Leo Tolstoy and the shadows that fall across you to mislead an
attacker, by moving them sporadically in
Stories of shadowdancers have long filled the unnatural directions. When targeted with a melee
imagination of common and learned folk alike. or ranged attack, you can use your reaction to
Most people have never encountered one, but they force your attacker to roll at disadvantage. This
will insist they know exactly what they are: Thieves
ability uses a Bardic Inspiration die.
and cutthroats all, ones who sell their souls for
power over the darkness. Some have even heard
that they travel to the shadow realm itself to
Shadow Dance (optional)
uncover long forgotten and forbidden secrets. At 20th level, you have reached the pinnacle of the
Shadowdancer’s craft and can animate your own
All of this is utter nonsense, of course, but the real
shadow to aid you in combat. Once per long rest,
shadowdancers enjoy the stories as much as the
you can use your action to have your shadow rise
next traveler. No, learning to dance with shadows
isn't a matter of dark pacts but an art, born of off the ground in two-dimensions and attack your
hard practice and sweat like any other and nearest opponent for up to 1 minute.
combined with bardic magic. Dance and the The shadow is opaque and partially obstructs
search for beauty in perfect movements lies at the
vision (other than yours and those that can see
heart of their craft, not darkness. In fact, what use
through magical darkness). It is also immaterial
is darkness if no one can then see you move? No,
and exists in your space, passing harmlessly
the light and shadows are just their partners,
illuminating their bodies with fleeting shadowy through you and your attacks as it fights. The
images and shades of gray. In time they learn to constant barrage of movement from your shadow
control the shadows around them and perfect their distracts your opponent and gives all of your
beautiful duet. attacks advantage. It also causes your opponent to
suffer disadvantage on their attacks against you.
Fleet of Foot This only affects a single target that both you and
Starting at 3rd level, your training in dance grants your shadow attack together, though as a free
you improved athleticism that you can use in action you can direct your shadow to attack a new
combat. You can take a bonus action on each of target once per round. At the end of the minute,
your turns in combat, which can be used only to your shadow melds back down to its normal
take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide actions. position on the floor.

These feats will hopefully fill in a few of the gaps in DIPLOMAT
the feat list of the Player’s Handbook and You have served as a negotiator through many
compliment different approaches to the Bard and tricky situations and gain the following benefits:
styles of play.
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
ARCANE VISAGE • You have advantage on persuasion checks other
Prerequisite: Can cast a 1st level arcane spell than haggling over price.
In your desire to follow in the footsteps of the • You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom
greatest of mages, you begin to emulate how they (Insight) score.
look and behave and bend your magic to aid in this
task. You know there is subtle power in convincing
the world you are greater than you actually are. MELODIC CASTING
You gain the following benefits: Through intense study and practice, you have
• As an action, you can completely clean yourself figured out how to seamlessly blend magic into
your performances. You gain the following benefits:
of all dirt and grime, dry yourself and your
clothes, style and color your hair, or shave or • You can cast spells while performing,
trim your facial or body hair. incorporating the verbal and somatic
• As an action, you can conjure any article of components into your playing without disrupting
clothing or jewelry from within 5 feet and have it the performance. If there is no obvious point of
appear on your body, instantly wearing it. If you origin for a spell, it is unclear that you are the
were wearing a similar item, you can have it one that cast it.
trade places with the first item during the same • You can use your Charisma modifier instead of
action. This does not allow you to don armor. Constitution for checks to maintain
• You can use magic items as if you were a wizard, concentration while casting a spell.
ignoring the prerequisite if you could not • You can use a musical instrument as your spell
otherwise do so. casting focus, if you were unable to do so before.

Prerequisite: Proficiency in Performance skill You are often hailed as one of the most gifted
performers of your generation and gain the
You have been trained in a rare combat style that
following benefits:
combines the rhythmic precision of dance with the
fury of melee combat. • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
You can use a bonus action to begin your dance,
which lasts for 1 minute. You are not able to • You have advantage on Performance checks.
perform the battle dance if wearing medium or • Wherever you perform, you attract the attention
heavy armor, using a shield, or wielding a heavy of local patrons of the arts and enjoy the
weapon. While dancing, you gain the following
notoriety of being a minor celebrity in these
• You gain a bonus to melee weapon attacks equal
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).
• Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
• You can use Dash or Disengage as a bonus
Maintaining the battle dance is exhausting and
you can only use this ability once per long rest.



Below I have provided epic class features for each COLLEGE OF THE SACRED YEW
of my new archetypes. These allow you to take your CALL OF THE PROPHET
Bard all the way up to level 30, using the system Beginning at 27th level, when you receive
created by Marc Altfuldisch in Epic Characters. prophetic visions in the midst of combat, you
can shout out a warning to those around you.
You can spend a Bardic Inspiration die as a
reaction to grant yourself and all allies within 60
feet that can see and hear you advantage on
their saving throws against one spell or ability.
This can be used to protect a group against an
area of effect spell or ability, but also could be
used to warn a single ally about a targeted one.


Upon reaching 27th level, your illusions are so
realistic that you can even fool truesight. As a
These abilities are unlocked at level 27 and as
bonus action, you can imbue one of your
such are obviously meant to be powerful, elevating
illusions so that creatures with truesight do not
your character into the ranks of the mightiest
automatically detect it as an illusion, nor do
heroes the realms have ever seen.
they automatically succeed on saving throws
against it.
SONG OF WARDING This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to
Beginning at 27th level, you are able to sing a your Charisma modifier. Once is has stopped,
countersong that matches the damage type of you cannot use it again until after you finish a
an incoming hostile spell and dissipates its long rest.
effects a little. As a reaction, you can gain
resistance to the damage of one spell. COLLEGE OF SONG IMMEMORIAL
COLLEGE OF THE SILVER PEN Starting at 27th level, any charm spells you cast
WRITING ON THE WALL are able to affect creatures normally immune to
Starting at 27th level, you can quickly scribe a being charmed. This also applies to your class
note of warning onto a nearby surface to protect abilities that charm, such as fascinating rhythm.
against enemies and intruders. This ability However, these creatures make their saving
functions exactly as the spell glyph of warding, throws with advantage. Also, when a normally
but with a casting time of one action, without charm immune creature succeeds on a saving
consuming a spell slot or material components, throw against one of your charm spells or
and cast as if using an 8th level spell slot. You abilities, it is immune to the effect of your
can only have one glyph active at a time and you charms for the next 24 hours.

cannot use this ability again until after
completing a long rest.

Beginning at 27th level, in dire circumstances,
The following Epic Boons are specific to the
when avoiding injury is otherwise impossible,
gameplay and abilities of high level Bards, unlike
your shadow takes on a will of its own to aid
the more generic Boons found in the Dungeon
you. Without so much as a though from you, it Master Guide. Additionally, the balance between
swiftly rises off of the ground and wraps itself Boons in the DMG can vary greatly and was
around you like a cloak, simultaneously infusing criticized by some for that. My goal here was to
itself with essence from the shadow plane to make these ones feel suitably epic, but not quite
gain enough form to partially block the attack. Godly.

This functions exactly like the Evasion ability. As a side note, one choice I made is to not use flat
When you are subjected to an effect that allows damage immunity. As a DM I find this often takes
you to make a Dexterity saving throw to only too much challenge out of the game in the long
take half damage, you instead take no damage if run, so instead I would limit the DMG Boons to
damage resistance (such as Boon of the Fire Soul).
you succeed on the saving throw, and only half
I would, however, allow this Boon to upgrade an
damage if you fail.
existing resistance (such as what the Tiefling
possesses) to immunity.


You have advantage on any checks to use a
disguise kit. Also, as an action, you can either cast
disguise self (at will) or alter self (once per short
rest). Both are cast without using a spell slot or
any components.


Prerequisite: Level 20 Bard

You have resistance to thunder damage and any

spells you cast ignore thunder resistance on
others. Also, as an action, you can either cast
thunderwave (at will), or shatter (once per short
rest). Both are cast with spell save DC 15 and
without using a spell slot or any components.


When you fail an ability check (such as a skill roll),
you can choose to succeed instead. You can use
this ability twice per short rest.


Whether you mean for them to or not, magic items
will end up defining your character in many ways.
They give you new powers and defenses that you Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a
will end up relying on, and may in fact influence character both proficient in the Medicine skill and
your choice of future feats. But also, iconic items able to cast at least one healing spell)
such as Odin’s spear, Thor’s hammer, or the
During times of war, men and women from all
scimitar combo of Icingdeath and Twinkle make
walks of life are conscripted to defend their
their wielders instantly recognizable to both friend
homelands. Those that can fight are given a sword
and foe.
and sent to the front lines. Other that can’t still
Unfortunately, the list provided in the Dungeon find work in the kitchens or supply caravans.
Master’s Guide isn’t exhaustive enough to provide Rogues are made into spies and Clerics man the
the variety most of us desire, and the selection we field hospitals to tend to the wounded. It was
do have doesn’t cover legendary versions of all the discovered long ago, however, that those trained in
classes. Because of that, I decided to create a few the bardic arts had a knack unlike any others for
new options, to help fill that void. healing among the chaos of the battlefield. Adept
at basic healing spells, they also could muddle the
minds of enemies around them and lift the spirits
DIPLOMAT’S IMMUNITY of their comrades, inspiring them to great deeds.
Armor (leather), very rare (requires attunement) Soon all bards were gathered into special units,
where they were taught the basics of non-magical
The life of a diplomat isn’t for the faint of heart.
medicine as well, for when their own arcane power
You are tasked with taking an offer from your
was depleted.
kingdom, often just a letter of terms but sometimes
accompanied by a chest of gold and jewels, While most simply did the best they could, the
transporting it through most likely hostile legends around a few of the medics grew to almost
territory, and then making sure the negotiations go unbelievable heights. On one fateful day, when a
smoothly. When things do turn sour, it is more medic’s unit was ambushed high in a mountain
often than not your head that the enemy wants to pass and all hope seemed lost, she somehow kept
send back in a sack to make sure their rejection of every last one of her compatriots alive through an
the terms is clear. onslaught of arrows and spears and turned the
battle in their favor. Years later, when she was in
Because of these risks, kingdoms with the wealth
command of her nation’s medic corps and a
to do so often provide their top diplomats with
student asked her about that day, she patted the
special protective gear to ensure their safe return,
healer’s kit on her belt and smiled. “Just
hopefully free of unwanted sword or arrow holes.
remember the basics and you’ll be fine,” she said,
This exquisitely crafted leather armor is one such though the student swore there was something
example, which weighs only half as much as its else behind the twinkle in her eye.
traditional counterparts and is often covered with
This healer’s kit is a small, brown leather belt
the intricately drawn heraldic symbols of the
pouch has unlimited uses of standard bandages,
kingdom that commissioned it. While wearing it,
salves and splints, though that is just a fraction of
you gain a bonus of +1 to your AC and +1 to all
its power. It bestows its owner with advantage on
saving throws. Additionally, when you are targeted
all Wisdom (medicine) checks and whenever they
with an attack, you may use your reaction to cast
cast a healing spell, any 1 that is rolled is instead
sanctuary with a spell DC of 18. You must finish a treated as a 2. In addition, they can cast the
short or long rest before you can use this ability
following spells: lesser restoration, greater
restoration, aura of purity, aura of vitality, and heal.
Once a spell has been cast, it can’t be cast again
until the next dawn.

Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires
attunement by a bard)

Tales of singing swords are popular throughout the

taverns of Faerun, though there is often little truth
behind these stories. On any given night, buy a
round of drinks and at some point the singing
sword is likely to emerge. In most stories, they sing
constantly on their own when drawn and
embolden their wielder. While this is not
completely accurate, there is always some truth
hidden at the core of any myth. In fact, the name
singing sword comes from the very musical tones
that rings out when the sword strikes a target. If a
trained Bard strikes fast enough with one, they are
able to find just the right rhythm to bring these
notes to life and lift a melody high into the air. A
true master will even be able to harmonize their
own singing with that of the sword.

This +2 sword is blessed with speed and grants

the wielder the Extra Attack feature (the ability to
attack two times when you take the attack action).
If you already have the Extra Attack feature from
another source, such as the Bardic College of
Valor, the sword enhances it to allow you to attack
three times with your attack action, instead of two.

When you hit a target with the sword, the

resulting tone alerts any creatures within 300 feet
to your presence. However, if you succeed in hitting
with the sword at least two times on your turn and
then use your bonus action to impart Bardic
Inspiration to an ally, you can blend the music of
the two together to great effect. When your ally
uses the inspiration die they can roll it twice and
use the greater result. If you wish, you can use
your action to strike your sword against a hard
surface multiple times to create the tones, instead
of attacking, and still imbue your inspiration with
the extra potency.


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