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Education during the Covid-19 pandemic in public and private schools in the city of

Cartagena, Colombia.

Laura M. Hoyos Navarro

Licenciatura En Bilingüismo Con Énfasis En Ingles.

Fundación Universitaria Colombo Internacional

Research II
Statement of the problem.

Covid-19 has provoked a crisis worldwide and in all existing fields, forcing people to change

their rhythm of life. In education, it caused an immediate cessation of face-to-face activities.

Karen Chimá (2021) education has been one of the most challenging sectors in the country.

However, a new challenge imposed by the Ministry of National Education at the end of 2020,

public and private institutions had to start classes through alternation.

Teachers face the discouragement of students, considering the educational conditions of each

student, disadvantaged students suffer more the consequences of the so-called academic gap, this

gap is the difference that exists between the education received by students with fewer resources

and complicated environments, and those who are in a stable environment and with good

economic capacity. In this way, a study will be carried out through surveys and interviews to

know how virtual education is in Cartagena schools during the crisis of Covid-19.

A Research Question.

How is education during the Covid-19 pandemic in public and private schools in Cartagena,


Research Objectives.

General Objectives:

- To know how education has been during the Covid-19 pandemic in public and private

schools in Cartagena, Colombia.

Specific Objectives:

- To know the strategies used for virtual learning in public and private institutions in

Cartagena, Colombia.

- To analyze behaviors during virtual classes in public and private institutions in the city of

Cartagena, Colombia.

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