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Respond to the following statements using proper expression of agreeing or disagreeing. Support your
response with reasons.

1. A mall is a favorite place to hang out.

2. It would be wonderful to become a celebrity.

3. Junk food isn’t all bad.

4. It’s okay for teens to sleep a lot.

5. More time should be spent reading.

6. Bullying changes a teen forever.

7. Teens should avoid dating too young.

8. Teens should be rewarded for doing the right things.

9. Facebook is for old people.

10. Cool teachers are easier to learn from.

1. in my opinion, mall are not always be a favorite place to hang out, there are still city parks that
are more exciting to visit, city parks also can clear up your busy mind
2. I believe being a celebrity is not always fun, there are times when we must always be required
to be perfect in front of the public
3. as far i know junk food contains harmful substances in their instant food. if we consume too
much junk food it can cause dangerous diseases
4. absolutely, because parts of their bodies and brains are still developing. between the ages of 14
and 17, teens usually need eight to ten hours of sleep per night.
5. i believe by reading we can add a lot of new insights, reading can also help increase someone
6. for me, bullying is a cruel act, the impact of bullying is anxious, loneliness, afraid, feeling
uncomfortable, depressed and even stressed
7. believe that teens should be discouraged from a romantic relationship. the only rational thing
that they ought to do is to focus on their career and make their life meaningful by pursuing the
purpose for which they were sent here on earth
8. for me when a teenage doing something right, parents can give them a reward like a hugs, giving
them a favorite food, because gift is not always about money
9. perosnally i think because now there are a lot of new social media platforms that are more
exciting than facebook, so many young people forget about facebook
10. i find that when teachers are not as strict their easier to learn, when the teacher is not just set at
the front and talking , and chooses to demonstrate they material, many students like it

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