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Model plan

1. The TITLE of the story.

(The story I have read is called… / The title of the story I have read is… )
2. The AUTHOR of the story.
(The author of the story is … and such stories are quite / not at all typical of him/her. He/She usually
writes about … In his/her stories this author usually focuses on… - problems, conflicts)
3. The TYPE of the story.
1st type – Plot type (события), 2nd type - Character type (диалоги, биография), 3rd type – Mood type
4. The MAIN CHARACTER(S) of the story
(a short description of each – the age, occupation, family relations with other characters, aims in
(The story takes place in/at… )
6. WHAT the story tells us ABOUT
(one sentence summary, без имен).
7. Is the story RICH IN EVENTS? Why or why not?
8. Summary of the PLOT.
(The story begins with… / when… Then/After that / When / At the end of the story… )
9. The CONFLICTS the story is based on.
(The major conflict of the story is between…. / the inner conflict of the main character between… There
are also some other conflicts. They are …)
10. The PROBLEMS touched upon.
(In this story the author touches upon the problem of… / the following problems: … )
11. The author’s MESSAGE.
(The author wants us to understand… / The author wants to bring home to the reader the idea
that…/the following idea: …)
12. The DEVICES the author uses to achieve his/her aim
(DESCRIPTION of the place /the weather/the character’s appearance; DIALOGUE; INNER
GENERALIZATION …. and many others (make use of the table) – give examples from the text and
comment upon each explaining what effect is achieved). (The author uses/resorts to/applies such
stylistic devices as… You can find a lot of examples of…. in this story.)
13. The MOOD of the story and how it is created.
(thought-provoking, educational, these problems are topical nowadays)

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