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Andrew Ajaka

Ms. Schoeller
APUSH-Period 2
Due: 2/16/16
Homework #2
1. Muckrakers- Journalists and writers who reported and exposed industrial and political
a. Upton Sinclair, Lewis Hine
2. Henry Ford pays his workers $5 a day so that they can afford the cars they were making,
increasing the company’s annual revenue. His limitations were that he was Anti Sematic,
and that he used spies in his factories. He was also Anti Union
3. Wobblies were a union that stood up for everyone who were laborers, regardless of race
wealth and gender. They wanted an end to capitalism.
4. Access to more goods made available by modern capitalism gave a new understanding of
freedom. People were able to do more, like go in cars,
5. Mechanization diminished opportunities for skilled workers and the supervised routine of
the factory floor destroyed autonomy. Taylorism restricts the worker and student and is
not conducive to a sense of freedom.
6. An activist government could enhance rather than threaten people’s freedom. This was
something new in America.
7. A number of cities were run by commissions of experts or city managers, who would be
chosen on the basis of some demonstrated expertise or credential.
8. Voter participation declined during this time due to the implementation of literacy tests,
which limited immigrants and the uneducated masses from voting, poll taxes, which
limited the poor and largely the African American population, and the judicial discretion
of Plessy vs Ferguson which said that the “Separate but equal” ideology did not threaten
the reconstruction amendments.
9. Booker T Washington was a former slave that became the head of the Tusegee institute in
Alabama, a center for vocational education.
a. Emphasized skills that would make southern black people successful in the
contemporary economy.
b. W.E.B. Dubois advocated for full civil and political rights for black people and
heled to found the NAACP.
10. Parallels between the progressive movement and the modern era include the fact that
many issues that we face today, such as immigration and economic justice, using some of
the same methods that we use today, such as journalism and political exposure,

1. Theodore Roosevelt
a. Square deal- Political program aimed to distinguish corporations from evil
corporations (exist just to make money) felt it was the federal governments
responsibility to regulate the economy directly and to break the power of wealthy
b. Trust busting- used the Sherman anti trust act to prosecute bad trusts. Legislative
and executive branches managed to work together and conquest passed
c. Conservation: to make sure that natural land was set aside and maintained,
rather than left alone such as with preservation.
d. Bull moose party: Roosevelt’s progressive part used to help him run for president
again in 1912, vision of a modern welfare state.
e. New Nationalism: Answer to new freedom. Hoped to use government intention to
stop the abuses of large businesses. Included heavy taxes and greater federal
equations of industry.
2. William Howard Taft (trust bustin, 16th amendment, election of 1912)
a. Trust busting: Ordered the prosecution that broke up standard oil in 1911.
b. Election of 1912: Roosevelt was mad and challenged Taft for the republican
nomination in 1912. (Roosevelt left but created the progressive party, Election of
1912, Taft Republican, Roosevelt Bull Moose, Eugene Debs (socialist), Woodrow
Wilson Democrat)
c. 16th amendment: allowed for congress to pass an income tax and paved the way
for the 18th amendment.
3. Woodrow Wilson
a. New Freedom: Supposed to reinvigorate democracy by restoring market
competition and preventing big business from dominating gov. This included
strong anti-trust laws encouraged small businesses.
b. Graduated Income Tax: Income tax on the richest 5% of Americans.
c. Clayton Anti Trust Act 1914: Exempted Unions from antitrust laws and made it
easier for them to strike.
d. Keating-own Act: outlawed child labor in manufacturing
e. Adamson Act: mandated an 8 hour work day for railroad workers.
4. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson all reflected elements of progressivism through how they
worked to fight the injustice that people were facing and push civil liberties and rights of
the people past the welfare of big business.
5. The Panama Canal was a 10 mile wide canal zone.
a. Panama was a part of Colombia, Panama had an uprising and were supported
with gunships.
b. The USA was given the right to build and operate the canal and sovereignty over
newly independent Canal Zone in panama, given up in 2000.
6. Monroe Doctrine 1823
a. US would defend independent Latin American states from European intervention.
b. Used American troops to ensure that Latin American countries were stable
enough to invest in.
7. Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy
a. Emphasized loans and economic investments as the best way to spread American
b. It seemed very weak to many people.
8. Wilson’s foreign policy
a. Export Colossal amounts of American Products.
b. Sent troops to Latin America
9. Progressive presidents expanded the federal government by changing the relationship
between the people and the government one that no longer was oppositional, but was one
of cooperation. It changed our government into one of the people rather than one that
supported big business and supported economic success.
1. Who: Woman and Men who believed in the woman’s rights to vote.
What: A movement made to fight the injustice that restricted woman’s suffrage and
award woman the right to vote.
When: 1848-1920
Where: In the United States.
Why: Because woman and few men believed that woman had as much right to
participate in their government as the men in the US, rightfully so.
2. Woman’s roles changed as they were able to now work outside the house without being
judged or face physical and emotional persecution for doing so. They were no longer
restricted to the private sphere and working amongst their family, and were now able to
be an avid part of the public sphere.

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