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Teacher Candidate: Shantell Boyer Date: 3/02/21

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. McDonald Coop. Initials N/A

Group Size: 15 Allotted Time 1hr Grade Level First

Subject or Topic: Science (Plants) Section 304


3.1.1.A2. Investigate the dependence of living things on the sun’s energy, water,
food/nutrients, air, living space, and shelter

3.1.1.A5. Identify and describe plant parts and their function

3.1.1.B1. Grow plants from seed and describe how they grow and change. Compare to
adult plants.

4.1.1.A Identify and describe the basic needs of living things in a terrestrial habitat.

4.4.1.C Describe the life cycles of different plants and animals in a terrestrial habitat.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

Students will be able to show their understandings of a plant, by drawing a plant and
participating in classroom KWL chart.

II. Instructional Materials

 KWL chart
 Draw a plant and all you know about it- worksheet
 Real Science- “Plants” By Rebecca Rissman
 “Parts of a Plant”- Brain Pop Jr.

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
 General understanding of what a native plant in PA looks like
 Where plants grow
 What plants look like
 Water
 Food/ nutrients
 General understanding that a plant grows (has a life cycle)
 General understanding of the words grows and change
B. Key Vocabulary
 Plant- living organism that cover most of planet earth
 Grow- to become larger
 Change- to become or turn into something different
 Life Cycle- series of changed that happens to all living things
 Seed- from which a plant can grow from
 Water- something plants need to live
 Air- something that plants need to live
 Soil- layer of earth where plants grow- help plants to grow
 Sun- plants need light in order to grow
C. Big Idea
 Students achieve an understanding of the plant unit and what will be
D. Content
 The skill to understand plants, what they are, their parts, what they
need, their life cycle, and why plants are important to both people and
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
 Welcome my first-grade scientists! Today we will be starting a new
science topic, we will be studying this topic for the next few weeks!
 Before we talk anymore about plants, what they, and what they do, I
would like you all to take the paper on your desk and draw me a plant
the very best you can!
o Show me all that you know about a plant- what colors, what
the parts are called, its environment, what it needs to live, and
anything else that you would like to include.
 I am going to collect these great drawings, and when we are all done
learning about plants, you will be drawing again all you know about
plants. This way you can see all that you have learned about plants,
and how much your knowledge of them has grown.
 Wow! You all already know so much; these are amazing drawings first

B. Development
 Now we are going to fill out a class KWL chart, just to remind my
scientists, a KWL chart is what we know, what we want to know, and
then later we will fill out what we learned.
 Since we are doing this as a class, I would like you to keep your
drawing on your desk and stand like a plant (shows class how to stand
like a plant to answer). Once you share what you know about plants,
we are going to ask who else in the rest of the class also knows this
about plants!
o It is important that as a scientist you tell the truth my plant
friends. I need to know what we already know and what we
need to learn more about plants! It is okay if you do not know
something, because we will learn about it through our plant
 Alright my serious scientists, tell me what you already know about
o Allow students to stand like a plant and share what they know
about plants.
 Amazing first grade, you already know a lot about plants… now let’s
discuss what you want to know more about, take a second to think
about this and then we will stand like a flower (shows students how to
stand like a flower) and I will call on everyone that would like to
 Great participation my super scientists… we are now going to begin
learning all that we can about plants, we will start by reading this short
informational book called “Plants” By Rebecca Rissman.
o Please raise your hands to share or ask any questions
throughout the story!
 *reads story with sticky notes throughout the book asking questions
and adding comments or further explanation*
 Now let’s discuss what we read and make some key points on our
plant on the board- point out some important information that I read or
shared with you all.

C. Closure
 Great job today, you all gave so much input and are doing a great job at
participating in science class!
 To wrap up today we will be watching a short video on Brain Pop Jr.
about the parts of a plant- this will introduce us to the lesson for tomorrow
about plants. Please pay attention and keep your questions for after the
video- this video will go into more detail than we will with the parts of the
plant, as scientists though we must take in and learn all that we can!

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
 Student “S”
o One on one para-assistance
o Extra time to draw- along with discussion/suggestions for
o Specifically talk to student during drawing time about what
they know to add to the KWL chart as first example
o Allowed fidget toys during reading and video- along with
frequent check ins
o Name outline on papers to trace out

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
 Peace signs to show ready to move on
 KWL chart with class
 Thumbs up/ down
 Show me your plant/ flower if you are ready to move on
 Check ins/ room observation
2. Summative
 Drawing of plant half worksheet

V. Resources

My First Plant Drawing
Name_______________ Date______
Points About Plants
By: First Grade Scientists

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