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Correct! Well done. Your score is 79%. CONTACT / Privacy Policy {Cock Folicy / SITEMAP rsite. Present Perfect Simple - Ejercicio Escribe las oraciones. Usa el presente perfecto simple. Ejemplo: Snoopy / catch / a mouse. Snoopy ha atrapado un ratén. 1. Brian / juego / fitbol americano Brian ha jugado futbol americano . 2. Susan / leyé / su nuevo libro Susan ha leido su nuevo libro . 3. Encuentro / algo de dinero en la calle He encontrado algo de dinero en Ia calle . 4. EI Sr. y la Sra. Baker / tienen / un accidente El Sr. y la Sra. Baker han tenido un accidente . 5. Tom Davis / gana / el partido de tenis, Tom Davis ha ganado el partido de tenis . 6. Alison Brown / perder / sus llaves Alison Brown ha perdido sus llaves . 7. Mr Martin / hacer / desayuno para los chicos El sefior Martin ha preparado el desayuno para los chicos . 8. Las chicas / traen / leiia para el fuego Las chicas han traido lefia para el fuego . 9. The Snows / completo / seguro de coche barato 10. Sra. Black / lava / los platos La Sra. Black ha lavado los platos . CHEQUE tenga la mejor experiencia en nuestro sitio web. 2pdt a Present Perfect Questions - Exercise Write down the questions and the short answers. 4, the Coopers / arrive / yet Have the Coopers arrived yet ? No, they have nat 2. you / ever be / to Sweden Have you ever been to Sweden ? Yes, I have 3. Tim / find / his workbook Has Tim found his workbook ? No, He has not 4, he / ever read / a book from Shakespeare Has he ever read a book from shakespeare ? Yes, he 5. you / ever play / the piano Have you ever played the piano ? No, I have not . 6. you / hear / from Daniel lately Have you heard from Danie! lately ? Yes, I have 7. 1t/ snow / this winter Has it snowed this winter ? Yes, It has 8. you / sleep / well all night Have you slept well all night ? No, T have not 9, she / already finish Has she already finished ? No, She has not 10. Susan / ride / a bike before Has Susan ridden a bike before ? Yes, She has . CHECK CONTACT / Privacy Pllcy /Cookle Policy / SITEMAP re on our website. Leam more Present Perfect Simple - Exercise Complete the following sentences with the correct present perfect forms. 1. Mrs Snow has made a fantastic cake. (make) 2. Debbie has bought a new bike. (buy) 3. Thave not fed my little dog yet. (not feed) 4, Sally and Jenny have got 2 new CD player. (get) 5. Chris has not found wood for a raft. (not find) 6. The pupils have not done their homework. (not do) 7. Nick can't play football today. He has had an accident with his bike. (have) 8, Liz has not finished her homework yet. (not finish) 8. Has Julia been to school today? (be) 10. What have you made for lunch today, Mum? (make) 11. Bill has tidied up his cage, but he has not washed the dishes yet. (tidy up, not wash) 12, Sandre has bought a lot of things for her birthday party, but she has not made the cakes yet. (buy, not make) CHECK CONTACT / Privacy Policy / Cooke Policy / SITEMA 20n our Website. Learn m

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