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Name: Vince Debry B. Wayco Grade 7- St.


Assignment: Enumerate the mathematical computation operator of Microsoft excel and provide a
sample of each operators.

Operator Excel Formula Description

 + (Addition Operator) = A1 + B1 Makes the addition of two or more than two numeric values and
gives a numeric value as a return.
 – (Subtraction
Operator) = A1 – B1 Subtracts two or more than two numeric values and gives a numeric value
in return

(Multiplication Operator) = A1 * B1 Multiplies one numeric

value with the other and gives a numeric value in return

/ (Division Operator) = A1 / B2 Divides the numerator (should be numeric) value with the denominator
(should be numeric) value and gives a numeric value in return.
% (Percentage Operator) = A1 % Converts the number present in a cell into a percentage (i.e. divides the
number by 100).

^ (Exponential Operator) = A1 ^ B1 Raises the power of first numeric value by second numeric value.

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