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Wilmarie Hope L.

Aliling BS Pharmacy 1-D

Factors Affecting Medical Service Quality

(A Reflective writing)

Quality over quantity. A saying that every medical staff must provide and what every

patient desires. However, providing quality medical service to patients was easy to be said than


As I was reading the article, I realized that rendering quality medical service was

never a job of only a few people in an organization, it is the overall cooperation of both the

provider and the receiver.

Reading those nine aspects that affect the quality of medical care, I summarized that both the

provider and the recipient must have coordination, collaboration, and relationships to obtain

quality medical services. However, reading on, there are also inconveniences concerning the

environment, both internal and external. Medical staff cannot work well if its working

environment lacks development and growth. Improvements in salary, equipment, and safe

environment need to be provided to them to give the providers motivation to be competitive in

their work. With this, having created a great atmosphere, providers can perform well and can

offer high-quality care services and thereby fulfill the patient's satisfaction.

As a daughter of parents who work in a hospital, I have seen their struggles and

complaints of how incompetent our health care system is. From what I read in the article; I can

say that almost all those factors can be applied to our country’s health care system in terms of

giving quality medical service. If there is no change in the health care sector, it is expected that
only a few hospitals will be able to produce quality patient facilities, and most of the healthcare

providers will never be able to function well.

Change, improvement, growth, and competence. Four keywords must be applied to

every health care system to bring out the best in every medical service provider. The health care

sector must adapt to modern and essential ways, develop services and encourage a healthy

atmosphere, expand the number of good workers and compete in a manner that can make

everyone more effective and perform at their best.

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