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English 10 Quarter 3 Week 7



Learning Objective:
 MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:
structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical, and reader-

 Subtask competency – Used to describe a political, cultural or economic

movement aimed at establishing equal rights and legal protection for women.

 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W7 Day 1)

Key Concepts:
English 10 Learner’s Material

Activity 1 : WHAT DO THEY WANT?

What to Do: Examine the table below about feminist desires and hope for all women. Give
your opinion of the important issues they raise for you to describe this movement.

Feminists believe that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. 

My Opinion

(Put a check under proper column to

What Feminists Want for Women
correspond to your opinion.)
Agree Disagree Uncertain

1. end to misogyny; (prejudice against women)

2. equal opportunity for education
3. equal opportunity to drive vehicles and use
any form of transportation
4. fair and equal wages
5. freedom from discrimination
6. no restrictions on owning property
7. to be safe from violence and slavery

Choose one (1) issue from the 7 items listed above and discuss what you understand about it..


What to Do: Below is an excerpt from a website of The King’s Fund dated June 14, 2018.
Read carefully and answer the questions that follow.

An Excerpt from The King’s Fund Article “The gender pay gap: what now?” (June 14, 2018)

National gender pay gap data has been collected for many years and shows the UK has
made significant progress over half a century: moving from a median gap of 47.6 percent in 1970 to
16.8 percent in 2016. Against this benchmark, the health and care sector fares pretty well. Our analysis
of the data shows a median pay gap of 9.5 percent for NHS organisations1 and 3.2 percent for a
sample2 of the largest social care providers.

However, progress at the national level in all sectors is slowing, with an improvement of just one
percentage point over the past five years, suggesting the issues left to tackle are getting thornier.
Researchers have tried to quantify what is causing the remaining pay gap, with several themes

Women and men do different jobs. For example, 90 percent of engineers are male, while 83
per cent of primary-school teachers are female. The Office for National Statistics estimates that this is
responsible for 36 percent of the current gender pay gap.

Jobs done by women are undervalued. Both in terms of the value society places on the jobs
and the wage people are paid. Jobs with a higher percentage of women tend to be lower paid, and if,
over time, the proportion of women increases average pay goes down further. 

Men hold more of the most senior roles. Gender pay gap reporting showed 30 percent of
women are in the lowest paid quartile with 20 percent in the highest paid, while for men these numbers
are reversed.

Women pay a 'motherhood penalty'. Research in Denmark and the US have shown that

while earnings for men and women keep pace until the birth of their first child for  most women the pay
gap generated at that point is never recovered.

The health and care sector is a good illustration of all of these factors at play. It is female
dominated: 77 percent of the NHS workforce and 82 percent of the adult social care workforce are
female. There is an increasing recognition, particularly within social care, that aspects of this work are
undervalued: in a recent speech, the Scottish National Party’s health spokesperson, Dr Philippa Whitford
MP, highlighted that 'Men who empty the bins are paid considerably more than the women caring for
our grandparents'. The majority of the most senior non-medical roles in the NHS are held by men, with
a similar pattern seen for medical grades. In a 2013 survey of female leaders in health care half thought
having children disadvantaged their career.


1. The article specifically talks about ___________________.
2. Jobs done by women are ____________________.
3. Men hold more of the most _____________________.
4. In what area or sector do the women dominate? ________________________.
5. Why do you think women are paid less than men?


This lesson widens/enriches my understanding in________________________________

References for Learners:
“Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10”, First Edition. Manila: Rex Book Store
Inc., 2015.

Learning Objective:

 MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:

structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical, and reader-

 Subtask competency – Help focus on analyzing gender inequality.

 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W7 Day 2)

Key Concepts:
Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material
Activity 3 : Gender Inequality: The Problem!
What to Do: Read and study carefully the information about gender inequality below. Answer
the questions that follow.

Gender inequality is the social process by which men and women are not treated as
equal. The treatment may arise from distinctions regarding biology, psychology, or cultural
norms. Some of these distinctions are empirically-grounded while others appear to be socially
constructed. - Wikipedia
In some advanced countries, men are paid more than women. Sometimes the pay gap is
more obvious than speculation. Below is the list of countries with the evident pay gap between
men and women.


1. What country has the highest pay gap? __________________

2. Which two (2) countries have the same pay gap percentage? _____________________
Questions 3 & 4 below must be answered in a paragraph form with an argumentative
3. Why do you think men are paid more than women?

4. Do you agree that men should be paid more than women? Justify your answer.

Activity 4 : Gender Inequality: The Cause!

10 Causes of Gender Inequality

1. Uneven access to education
2. Lack of employment equality
3. Job segregation
4. Lack of legal protections
5. Lack of bodily autonomy
6. Poor medical care
7. Lack of religious freedom
8. Lack of political representation
9. Racism
10. Societal mindsets
Source :

Choose 3 causes of gender inequality above. Explain your reason by providing details and
evidences to support your claim.

Causes of Gender Inequality Reason/s ( Details & Evidences)

Example: Lack of political representation Human Rights Career says “Of all national
parliaments at the beginning of 2019, only 24.3%
of seats were filled by women. As of June of 2019,
11 Heads of State were women. Despite progress
in this area over the years, women are still grossly
underrepresented in government and the political

Answer briefly.
1. Why is there a need for gender equality? Explain your answer.

References for Learners:

“Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10”, First Edition. Manila: Rex Book Store
Inc., 2015.
Learning Objective:

 MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:

structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical, and reader-

 Subtask competency – Describe and explain how gender systems work, as

well as a consideration of normative or ethical issues.

 Time Allotment: 60 minutes, 5 days a week (Q3 W7 Day 3)

Key Concepts:
Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material

What to Do: Read the text on the gender roles.

Gender systems are based on two principles: the separation of genders and male
superiority. The separation implies that men and women, and masculine and feminine
traits, are separated and viewed as opposite. It also implies that women and men act in
separate arenas in society, both horizontally and vertically. 
Working in devirsity yet in unity and harmony that leads to equality.
“Gender equality - a world where women and men, girls and boys, have the same
chances, the same resources, the same representation, and the same rights. How
different it would be - economies that prosper with a diverse and skilled pool of talent in
their workforce; family tasks fairly shared; better health care, less violence, truly
representative democracy.” -
Gender roles in society means how we're expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and
conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are
generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and
nurturing. -
Gender roles are influenced by the media, family, environment, and society. A child's
understanding of gender roles impacts how they socialize with their peers and form

Gender role in the Philippines

 Filipino society assigned to men the role of breadwinner and the women the role of
 “Man’s World” outside the home was viewed as a harsh and heartless jungle in
1. Do you believe in gender equality? Explain your answer.
2. menagree
Do you needed strength
with and gender
the typical aggression.
role of the Filipinos? Why?
 3.
ExplainWorld” was
by cited the home,
practical and her
examples onjob
mento and
care for harmoniously
work the husband
andinchildren, maintain harmony, and teach her children
society with their visible differences and capabilities.conform to the society’s
Activity 5: SLOGAN, SLOGAN , and SLOGAN
What to Do: Make a slogan about “ Gender Role & Gender Equality” to describe and explain the
topic. See the sample below for insights.

Criteria: Originality 40% Relevance 40% Neatness 20%

Answer briefly.
1. This lesson is interesting because ________________________________________________.

References for Learners:

“Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10”, First Edition. Manila: Rex Book
Store Inc., 2015.



Learning Objective:

 MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:

Structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical, and reader-
 Subtask competency – Suggests that the gender of the reader often affects
our response to a text.
 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q3 W7 Day 4)

Key Concepts:
Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material
What to do: Read and examine the situations below and answer as if it happens to you in the
very moment.

Situation Your Response

(Answer briefly .)
Example 1: You saw a fire developing in your Dial 911 and call the Fire Station.
neighbor’s house.
Example 2 : You saw a snake while Run away from the snake.
going to the comfort room.
1. You forgot to wear your face mask and
met a policeman in the road.
2. You heard a loud explosion near your
3. You saw the man crossing the street
about to hit by a car.
4. You saw a boy snatched the cell phone
of your best friend while you were
buying fish balls in the street.
5. A drunk man approached you and your
younger sister while going home.

Do you think your gender identity (being a man/woman/ boy/girl) affects how you respond to
situations? Why? (Answer argumentatively.)
___________________________________________________________________________________________ .


What to do: Read and examine the given situations below. How would you like to
respond considering your gender identity?

Situation As a Boy / Man As a Girl / Woman

1. An unknown man came to
ask for money for his fare
going somewhere.
2. A teacher asked to carry
the heavy box to her office.
3. A boy/girl came and
slapped you on your face for
unknown reason.

Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader and their
experience of a literary work, in contrast to other schools and theories that focus attention primarily
on the author or the content and form of the work. – Wikipedia

At its most basic level, reader-response criticism considers readers’ reactions to literature
as vital to interpreting the meaning of the text. However, reader-response criticism can take a
number of different approaches.
Tyson explains that “…reader-response theorists share two beliefs: 1) that the role of the
reader cannot be omitted from our understanding of literature and 2) that readers do not
passively consume the meaning presented to them by an objective literary text; rather they
actively make the meaning they find in literature” (154). In this way, reader-response theory
shares common ground with some of the deconstructionists discussed in the Post-structural area
when they talk about “the death of the author,” or her displacement as the authoritarian figure in
the text.


 How does the interaction of the text and reader create meaning?
 What does a phrase-by-phrase analysis of a short literary text and a key portion of a longer
text, tell us about the reading experience prestructured by that text?
 Do the sounds/shapes of the words as they appear on the page change the meaning of the
 How might we interpret a literary text in which the reader’s response is related to the topic
of the story?
 What does the body of criticism published about a critic who interpreted and the reading
experience produced by that text?

Follow-up Questions:
1. Is your gender relevant in making responses in any form of literary work? Why?
2. Is your own meaning and interpretation of a text affect the outcome of a literary work?


1. The difficult part of this lesson is ________________________________________________ .

References for Learners:

“Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10”, First Edition. Manila: Rex Book
Store Inc., 2015.
Learning Objective:

 MELC: Critique a literary selection based on the following approaches:

structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, historical, and reader-
 Subtask competency – Applies the philosophies and perspectives of feminism
to the literature we read.

 Time Allotment: 60 minutes,5 days a week (Q2 W7 Day 5)

Key Concepts:
Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material, pp. 489-491

What to Do: Read intelligently the speech of a twelve-year old girl, Severn Suzuki, to
the United Nations in your LM pages 489-491.
To those with Internet access, you may watch and listen to Severn Suzuki’s speech on

Activity 9 : THINK, SHARE, AND ACT

What to Do: Answer correctly what is being asked in the box.


What do you think about What do you want to share What challenge did Suzuki
Severn Suzuki’? about Severn Suzuki’s impact your life to do
speech? something?
Answer: Answer: Answer:
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
_________________ _________________ _________________

1. Which part of the lesson is helpful to me?

References for Learners:

“Celebrating Diversity through World Literature Grade 10”, First Edition. Manila: Rex Book
Store Inc., 2015.

Answer Key:

Activity 1 : Answers may vary.

Activity 2 : 1. The gender pay gap
2. undervalued
3. senior roles
4. health and care
5. Answer may vary.
Activity 3:
1. South Korea
2. Canada & United States
3. Answer may vary.
4. Answer may vary.
Activity 4: Answer may vary.
Activity 5 ; Answers may vary.Use the criteria in giving slogan points.
Activity 6 and 7 : Answers vary.
Activity 9: Answers vary.

Author: Christoner A. Jamer, SST III

School: Agusan National High School
Division: Butuan City
E-mail Address:

Daisy F. Santos, SST II
Venus Sheila O. Ayado, SSHT IV
Maria Dinah D. Abalos, PhD, EPS -English

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