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Trabajo de ingles

Echo por: juan jose castro

Kevin santiago ordoñez
Jeferson cuaran

Universidad cesmag
Facultad de de ingenieria de sistemas
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‹haope any
You missed the
one thing day7
last bus love at w iw
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DouMd d&y
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If there were 30 hours in a day, I would get
more sleep exercise more and spend more time
with my Friends

If had 3 wishes they would be

1: the ability to have the exact amount of
money I need in a proper form of payment at
any time.
2: eternal life that I can end whenever I
3: super regeneration powers ala wolverine but

If I made a million dollars I would buy a cell

phone and a TV
If I had the day off tomorrow I would travel
to visit my grandmother

If I had one year to live I would not do

anything because I would be a baby
if i were of the opposite sex for a day
I would try to understand what women live
daily, such as their routines or their fears

If I had to choose between money and love

I would choose love because true love is
harder to come by than money.

if i could live in any country

I would choose the United States since there
are greater job opportunities and it would
give me better economic stability
if i could meet a famous person
I would meet robert downey jr since he is a
person I admire

if i didn't have to work

I would use my free time to do things that I
like like traveling or playing games

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