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EE2025 Engineering Electromagnetics: July-Nov 2020

Tutorial 4: Maxwell’s Equations

1. Prove that electric and magnetic fields obey the principle of super position. Hint: Use Maxwell’s
equations to show this.
2. Using the differential form of Maxwell’s equations, derive the continuity equation (∇.J = − ∂t ).

3. A slab of perfect dielectric material (er = 2) is placed in a microwave oven. The oven produces
an electric field (as well as a magnetic field). Assume that the electric field intensity is uniform
in space and sinusoidal in time and is in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the slab.
The microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2.45 GHz and produces an electric field intensity
with amplitude 500 V/m inside the dielectric, calculate the displacement current density in the

4. a) Show that the ratio of the amplitudes of the conduction current density and the displace-
ment current density is σ/ωe for the applied field E = Em cosωt. Assume µ = µ0 .
b) Assuming that sea water has µ = µ0 , e = 81e0 , σ = 20 S/m, determine the frequency
at which the conduction current density is ten times the displacement current density in

5. In a linear, homogeneous and isotropic medium, show that the charge density ρv satisfies,

∂ρv σ
+ ρv = 0
∂t e

6. A parallel-plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm2 and plate separation of 3 mm has a voltage 50
sin(103 t) V applied to its plates. Calculate the displacement current assuming e = 2eo .

7. A perfectly conducting filament containing a small 500Ω resistor is formed into a square, as
illustrated by Fig. 1. Find I (t) if (a) B = 0.3 cos(120πt - 30◦ )az T; (b) B = 0.4 cos[π(ct − y)]az µT,
where c = 3 × 108 m/s.

Figure 1

8. Conductor surfaces are located at ρ = 1 cm and ρ = 2 cm in free space (ρ and φ are radius and
angle in cylindrical coordinate). The volume 1 cm ≤ ρ ≤ 2 cm contains the fields H = (2/ρ) cos
(6×108 πt − 2πz)aφ A/m. Find E

9. What values of A and β are required if the two fields given below satisfy Maxwell’s equations in
a linear, isotropic, homogeneous medium with er = µr = 4 and σ = 0?

E = 120πcos(106 πt − βx ) aˆy V/m

H = Aπcos(106 πt − βx ) aˆz V/m
Assume there are no current or charge densities in space.
10. Consider a point on the surface of a perfect conductor. The electric field intensity at that point
is E = (500x̂ − 300ŷ + 600ẑ) cos 107 t and medium surrounding the conductor is characterized by
µr = 5 and er = 10 and σ = 0.
(a) Find a unit vector normal to the conductor at that point of the conductor surface.
(b) Find the instantaneous surface charge density at the point.

11. Assume two regions are separated by z = 0 plane. Let µ1 = 4 µH/m in region 1 where z > 0,
while µ2 = 7 µH/m in region 2 wherever z < 0. We are given B1 = 2a x − 3ay mT, in region 1.
Find B2 for both the cases (a) and (b).

a) Roughly sketch the media interface.

b) Let surface current be Js = 80a x A/m on z = 0.
c) Let surface current be Js = 80az A/m on z = 0.

12. In a non-magnetic material (µr = 1) with dielectric constant er = 4, the electric field is given by
E(t) = 20 sin (108 t − βz)ŷ. Calculate the propagation constant β and the magnetic field H(t).

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