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Naumova Anna БЛГ-20-16

Study Notes 2

1. This text shows and reveals some ideas:

-idea of loneliness
The main character doesn’t have any friends or close people. He lives alone, goes to work,
which he doesn’t like and have lunch all alone. He hates the town, where he lives, so he can’t
be happy and enjoy his life.

-idea of delusion
After arriving at the best place for people, the protagonist begins to get to know these happy
people better. He believed that they are all happy, that they live, work wherever they want,
that they have a loving family and friends. But it turned out that even in this bright and
beautiful place people may not be happy with their lives and suffer as much as he did.

- idea of escaping reality

Living in New York, the main character suffers so he believes that someone can help him but
not himself. He didn’t try to change his life, talk to himself and make his life better. He came
to the travel agency and bought a ticket to “the good life”. but this plan failed, because no one
will make you happy except yourself.

2. All characters are relevant and all of them have a valuable role:
He is the main character of this text. He represents people who are lost, who dislike their life
and their way of life. He should make it better to stop suffering.

A stranger. This person symbolizes people who tried change their life but they couldn’t. He
went through a setback and now sits at the bar and drinks his grief again. He, like the main
character, relied on others, but this did not lead to anything.

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