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Nicholas Kellogg

April 14, 2021

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am seeking employment as a Content Coordinator at ICF. Since my graduation, I have been

driven to pursue a career as a science communicator. Science communicators serve a vital role for
the public and researchers, as they are responsible for managing the flow of information between
the two groups. In this case, I wish to serve as the communicator to assist in content management,
working as part of a multidisciplinary team. With my background and experience, I know this
role will allow me to help maintain relationships with the community and create a promising
career with ICF.

Currently, I am a Patent Examiner in the Image Analysis division at the United States Patent and
Trademark Office. My duties include writing revisions for applications, researching past patents,
and communicating with applicants about edits. Throughout college, I worked at WMUC Radio,
hosting a variety of radio shows and producing the weekly news broadcast. I researched and
produced numerous news pieces and worked collaboratively with other writers on creative news
content. I also created and monitored social media accounts for the news broadcast. While at the
University’s Astronomy Observatory, I was involved with a student-led team that studied asteroid
occultations. I conducted observations with other researchers and presented my own presentation
to prospective freshmen that were interested in research similar to our asteroid project.

In my free time, I enjoy drawing profile icons for my friends, as well as designing my portfolio
website, which stores all of my work. When the market is more viable, I enjoy helping my friends
build gaming desktops and follow the computer component market and to learn about the latest
technology. When the pandemic is over, I’m hoping to get back into intramural sports such as
volleyball or soccer.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I know my skills and experience make
me the ideal candidate for the role and I hope that I will be able to serve ICF as an effective team
member. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

- Nicholas Kellogg

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