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Slave trade memorial description 

I imagine a family of slaves standing together with marks all over their bodies and chains connecting 
each others’ hands and feet and bodies together. They’d be standing, hurt but standing strong in the 
face of the enemies. It would be made out of bronze and be as big as a normal person would be 
during that time. The family could have a mother, father, few kids of all ages, with the mother holding 
a little, hurting baby in her arms. The memorial of the strong slaves would have them all standing tall 
walking off the slave ship. Of course, the ship will not be created within the memorial but that’s what 
they’d be standing in front of. I would create it to look a bit gruesome, not too much of course, but just 
enough to make people really think about what the innocent people had to go through that we would 
just pass by as “the past”. I would really like to focus on the details, having their feet in the hot sand 
with patches of crabgrass around them, being able to see the dirt and cuts on their bodies, the 
breaking of the chains that are around them and maybe even be able to see the painful yet strong 
feelings in their eyes and facial expressions. The young ones having seen a lot in their few years of 
living, yet having the motivation to get through it strong. Maybe a little doubt in the mothers’’ eyes, 
knowing that they most likely won’t get through it, but still having that little bit of hope. I want this 
memorial to show and move people, not just be another random statue for random deceased people. 
I want people to want to visit the memorial and admire it, looking at the details and really thinking 
about what the slaves had to go through. The statue would be in a history museum, in the middle of a 
large room, being the centrepiece. Around them would have the names of slaves who had passed on 
the walls along with quotes from some of them as well. I’d like the ceiling to have a scene of some of 
the slaves and the crewmen on board the slave ships fighting in harsh waters. The painting wouldn’t 
take away from the main piece but rather enhance the look of the room and the meaning of all of it. I 
think it would look stunning. The light from the ceiling and the beauty of the painting along with the 
meaningful and powerful statue. People can walk around and admire the painting, reading all of the 
names and quotes on the walls and appreciating the slaves who went through so much.  

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