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“Suggestions for travel”

Suggestions for going on a hiking trip in Spain

1. You need to have warm clothes

The first suggestion is given since you have to have warm clothes since it is important that the travel
times have enough and because of the climate of the place.
2. It's a good idea to take a first-aid kit
The second suggestion is that we must have a first-aid kit as there may be an accident, incident or
illness during the course of the trip.
3. You should pack some hygiene items and shoes or sneakers
In the third suggestion it is like in clothes but here you also have to take into account in one part
having enough footwear and sports shoes for what we get to use on the trip, as well as the hygiene
products that we are going to use such as brush and toothpaste, a razor, soap, etc.
4. You could take the electronic devices with their chargers
In the fourth suggestion is to have certain electrical devices such as the camera, the cell phone and
the GPS with their chargers since this helps us in looking for the places and even taking photos of the
places to remember.
5. You need to have all the documents for the trip and the passport.
And the fifth and last suggestion is to have the documents and the passport to be able to make the
trip to another country such as tickets.

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