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What I understand is:

Basically we thought that electrons, protons and neutrons are the

fundamental particles of an element but as we did experiments we got
to know that protons and neutrons are made up of quarks so we began
to thought what is the smallest fundamental particle of all the matter.

It is a very tough work though means how much we have to check so

we thought the particles we see today are generated through some
disturbances in fields or anything like that and that’s where we got the
idea of strings that like music generated when we vibrates the strings of
the guitar like this we got the particles like quarks which then makes
protons and neutrons which then makes the visible matter of us and
the invisible* also.

*Invisible matter hmmm interesting we will talk about this later in this

What is String Theory?

So string theory states that there are minute strings which vibrates in
different frequencies to generate different particles like electrons,
muons etc.

Why only string why not any other thing?

In late 60’s physicists consider paricles as point like things which means
1-D. and we know that there are carriers of four different forces and
there are some particles which are responsible for matter.
Here you can understand easily

Did you notice? There is a carrier missing for gravity which are
hypothetical particles named as Gravitons. Somme of you will say that
“oh come on Gravity is not a force it is a curve in space-time, it is some
kind of thing that warps the fabric of space-time”

But no at quantum level gravity behaves very strangely. Due to this
standard model of physics and gravity are not unified.

And string theory is trying to correlate them and if it does then we will

Why do we need to study it?

As a human we always are curious to know about our true reality, who
are we, where do we come from,

What is happening around us, and due to this scientists are busy in
finding our true reality and String theory helps us to do so.

How close we are to a Unified theory?

We are a little bit close to it but we have to problems to solve for

stepping further

1) We have to find gravitons

2) Or we have to find other dimensions

With Other dimensions I mean that string theory comes with some
strings attached that is 6 other extra dimensions other than our 3-D
world and time .

These dimensions are so so small that we cannot detect them unless

we are small enough in this current situation and for gravitons we
are working day and night in LHC to detect them we cannot directly
find strings because it would require a lot of energy to do so.

Strings are small to plank scale i.e. 10-neg35

Some Mathematics in String Theory

Ramanujam Summation theory

So there is our last invisible topic

which is Strings when vibrates generates different particles in which

some are visible some are not.

Those who are not are dark matter yes dark matter as of its name we
can’t see it because it does not interact with light and we don’t know its
properties but we will get there some day.



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