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Nama : Ahmad Salman Rosali

Nim : D211 16 307

Prodi : Teknik Mesin

Exercise 2


1. Which book do you think would be most usefull to you and why?
2. Which book the most interesting you and why?
3. Which book would you recommend to someone who is interested in the
4. Which book would you recommend to someone who is interested in health?
5. Which book would you recommend to someone who is interested in how
technology affects our lives?


1. I think the most usefull book for me is “Eat for Life” because in this book tell
about how to build healthful eating patterns, and there is nine-point dietary plan
to reduce the risk of diet-related chronic deseas.
2. Im interested in “Reversing Memory Loss” because i think that would be great if
you can strengthening your memory and get back your memory. So you can
remembering more than before.
3. I think it would be “Extinction:Bad Genes or Bad Luck?” and “State of The World
4. I think it would be “Where There Is No Doctor”, “Eat for Life”, “The Twenty-Four-
Hour Society”, and “Lifespan.
5. I think There is no book about technology affects in our lives. So someone who
interested in how technology affects our lives not interested to all book there.

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