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SECTION VIII • Clinical Disorders

PART III • Motor Neuron Disease

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and

Its Variants 30
Electrodiagnostic (EDX) studies play a central role in the
evaluation of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), the most common of all motor neuron disorders. Classic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Although described earlier by others, the French neurolo- ALS is a degenerative, progressive disorder that affects
gist Jean-­Martin Charcot is credited as naming the disorder both UMNs and LMNs. Although younger patients may
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in 1869. The name is derived be affected, it occurs most frequently in those 55–60 years
from the Greek amyotrophic, which means “no nourish- old, with a slight male predominance. Signs and symptoms
ment to the muscle”; lateral, which refers to the lateral of LMN dysfunction include muscle atrophy, weakness,
area in the spinal cord where the lateral corticospinal tract fasciculations, and cramps. UMN dysfunction manifests
is located; and sclerosis, which describes the scarring in the as stiffness, slowness of movement, spasticity, weakness,
spinal cord that occurs when motor neurons deteriorate. pathologic hyperreflexia, and Babinski responses. The
In the United States, ALS is commonly referred to as Lou presence of both UMN and LMN signs in the same myo-
Gehrig’s disease, after the famous baseball player who died tome is characteristic of ALS. The mean duration of illness
of the condition in 1941. from symptom onset to death is approximately 3 years.
ALS is most often encountered as a sporadic, progres- However, it is important to remember that about 10% of
sive, degenerative disorder of unknown etiology that charac- patients follow a more benign course, surviving for many
teristically affects both upper motor neurons (UMNs) and more years.
lower motor neurons (LMNs) and spares sensory and auto- ALS is remarkably specific for the motor system.
nomic function. A small number of cases of ALS (approxi- Although detailed pathologic studies have shown some
mately 10%) are familial and are discussed in Chapter 31. minor loss of sensory fibers, it is distinctly unusual to
In addition, several variants of ALS are well recognized, see sensory complaints or findings on examination. Like-
including progressive bulbar palsy, progressive muscular wise, there is no disturbance of vision, hearing, or the
atrophy (PMA), and primary lateral sclerosis (PLS). Other, autonomic system. Late in the course, spasticity can
less common, motor neuron disorders exist, including affect the bladder, creating symptoms of urinary urgency
those with atypical motor neuron manifestations caused by and frequency. Clinically, an association between abnor-
genetic mutations, infections, and immunologic disorders malities of cognition and ALS has been recognized in
(see Chapter 31). Because the prognosis in ALS is uniformly some patients, especially between ALS and frontotem-
poor compared with other motor neuron disorders, it is poral dementia (FTD). This association is seen in both
essential that the correct diagnosis be reached. sporadic and familial forms of ALS and FTD. If patients
Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies with classic ALS undergo formal neuropsychological
are most often used to support the diagnosis of ALS. More testing, some 40%–50% will display some mild evidence
importantly, however, they are used to help exclude other of executive dysfunction. FTD develops in approxi-
conditions, some potentially treatable, that may mimic ALS. mately 5%–15% of patients with ALS, and conversely,
Nowhere else is the clinical-­electrophysiologic correla- 10%–15% of FTD patients show an associated motor
tion more important than in ALS. EDX studies, by them- neuron syndrome.
selves, cannot make a diagnosis of ALS. Rather, ALS remains Most often, ALS is a regional disease that usually starts
a clinical diagnosis supported by EDX findings. The elec- in one body segment and progresses to adjacent myotomes.
tromyographer must appreciate that other disorders may Most cases begin with insidious weakness in either a distal
display EDX findings similar to those found in ALS (e.g., upper or lower extremity. In the upper extremity, the ini-
coexistent cervical and lumbar radiculopathy) and that it tial presentation can mimic an ulnar neuropathy, especially
is the combination of clinical and EDX findings that allows one at the wrist. In the lower extremity, the presentation is
a final diagnosis to be reached. In addition, the utility of often a progressive foot drop, sometimes misdiagnosed as
neuromuscular ultrasound in motor neuron disorders is dis- a peroneal palsy or L5 radiculopathy. As time progresses,
cussed in detail in Chapter 19 and can be most helpful in a symptoms develop in adjacent myotomes of the same
few situations, as discussed later in this chapter. limb and then spread to the contralateral limb. Progression

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
526 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

continues to other extremities and ultimately to bulbar and

respiratory muscles. Death usually results from respiratory
insufficiency or from medical complications of prolonged
inactivity (pulmonary embolus, sepsis, pneumonia, etc.).
The El Escorial criteria were formerly the most often
quoted in reaching a diagnosis of ALS. These criteria were
set by the World Federation of Neurology meeting in El
Escorial, Spain, and published in 1994. They identify four
separate body part regions: craniobulbar, cervical, thoracic
and lumbosacral. Definite ALS requires that both UMN
and LMN signs be seen together in at least three of these
regions. Probable ALS requires UMN and LMN signs in two
regions, with some UMN signs rostral to the LMN signs.
Possible ALS requires UMN and LMN signs in one region or
UMN signs in at least two regions. In addition to these crite-
ria, there must be an absence of EDX, pathologic, or radio-
logic evidence that would support the diagnosis of another
disease that may mimic ALS. However, in 2008, revised Fig. 30.1  Tongue atrophy.  One of the important findings in amyo-
criteria for ALS were proposed, known as the Awaji criteria, trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the presence of bulbar muscle weak-
which are now widely used. One of the major differences ness. The tongue is commonly affected in ALS. Typical lower motor
between the Awaji and the El Escorial criteria is that active neuron signs include atrophy, fasciculations, and weakness; upper
denervation can be demonstrated by either fibrillations and motor neuron dysfunction can also be discerned as difficulty moving
the tongue quickly from side to side. In the photo, note the prominent
positive waves, or fasciculations. Thus, the presence of fas- atrophy of the tongue, especially on the left lateral side.
ciculations took on a more prominent role with the Awaji
criteria, allowing an earlier diagnosis in many patients. This
has allowed more patients access to clinical trials. Progressive Muscular Atrophy
Patients with a typical ALS presentation including diffuse Approximately 15% of patients with sporadic motor neu-
atrophy, weakness, fasciculations, and spasticity, and in the ron disease present with a pure LMN syndrome referred
appropriate age group and clinical setting, are relatively easy to as PMA. These patients have distal limb wasting and
to identify. However, not all cases are straightforward, espe- weakness, fasciculations, and cramps, with no sensory
cially when patients present early in the illness with signs and symptoms or signs. Reflexes may be present but are gener-
symptoms that are anatomically restricted. In addition, sev- ally reduced or absent in weak limbs. The clinical course
eral variants within the spectrum of classic ALS can present is commonly long, with slow progression to proximal limb
diagnostic problems (discussed in the following sections).  muscles. Bulbar involvement is unusual, occurring very
late, if at all. Unequivocal UMN dysfunction is not pres-
ent, although some patients have retained or slightly brisk
Progressive Bulbar Palsy reflexes that appear inappropriate for the level of limb
Patients with progressive bulbar palsy initially develop symp- weakness and atrophy. Of all the ALS variants, PMA is
toms restricted to the bulbar muscles. They usually present the one that especially warrants thorough evaluation to
with a several-­month history of progressive dysarthria with exclude other disorders, in particular multifocal motor
gagging, choking, and weight loss. The speech disturbance neuropathy with conduction block (MMNCB; discussed
may lead to complete anarthria. These patients are com- in the section on Differential Diagnosis), which is poten-
monly incorrectly diagnosed, and many undergo exhaustive tially treatable. 
ear, nose, and throat or gastrointestinal evaluations look-
ing for the cause of dysarthria or dysphagia. Occasionally,
patients may present with respiratory distress as the result Primary Lateral Sclerosis
of aspiration. Speech is most commonly slow and spastic PLS is a very rare disorder marked by progressive and
with variable flaccid features, depending on the degree of selective UMN involvement with sparing of the LMNs. It
LMN dysfunction. The tongue may be atrophied with fas- accounts for less than 1% of patients with an acquired motor
ciculations, accompanied by brisk jaw, gag, and facial reflexes neuron disorder. The disorder is characterized by spasticity,
(Fig. 30.1). One of the characteristic signs is the “napkin or weakness, pathologically increased reflexes, Babinski signs,
handkerchief sign.” Because of excessive drooling from bul- and pseudobulbar speech and affect. Atrophy (except due
bofacial weakness, patients often carry a tissue in their hand to disuse), fasciculations, or other LMN signs are not seen.
to frequently clear their mouth and face of saliva. Occa- The disease commonly presents as a progressive paraplegia
sionally, the symptoms remain relatively restricted to the or quadriplegia. Occasionally, patients present with progres-
bulbar muscles. However, in the vast majority of patients, sive bulbar weakness of the spastic type, or hemiplegia. The
the disorder eventually progresses to involve the limbs, as course tends to be prolonged, with a better prognosis than
in typical ALS. Indeed, approximately 25% of patients with classic ALS. Some patients may live for decades after the
ALS have the bulbar onset form.  onset of the illness. 

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 527

Flail Arm and Flail Leg Syndromes Box 30.1  Differential Diagnosis of Motor Neuron
The flail arm (FA) and flail leg (FL) phenotypes have been Disease
recognized for over a century. The FA syndrome has gone Idiopathic
by many names, including the scapulohumeral variant of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
PMA, the hanging arm syndrome, and the man-­ in-­
the-­ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis variants
Progressive bulbar palsy
barrel syndrome. It presents with progressive weakness Primary lateral sclerosis
and wasting of both upper extremities, is often symmetric, Progressive muscular atrophy
and may affect proximal before distal muscles. However, Flail arm syndrome
there is little to no involvement of the lower extremities Flail leg syndrome
or bulbar muscles. Males are affected out of proportion to Monomelic amyotrophy (benign focal amyotrophy) 
females (ratio 4:1). Many patients remain ambulatory for Infectious/postinfectious
Paralytic poliomyelitis
years. In a similar vein, FL syndrome (also known as the Postpolio syndrome
pseudopolyneuritic variant of ALS) presents with wast- Acute flaccid myelitis
ing and weakness of the lower extremities. UMN signs are Retroviral-­associated syndromes
either absent or subtle or occur late in the course. Unlike West Nile encephalitis 
FA syndrome, FL syndrome shows no predilection for Inherited/genetic
Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
males over females. FA and FL syndromes often remain
Spinal muscular atrophy
restricted to the upper or lower extremities, respectively, Proximal adult or juvenile onset (Kugelberg-­Welander
typically for 1–3 years. disease)
Both the FA and FL presentations have important prog- X-­linked bulbospinal muscular atrophy (Kennedy disease)
nostic implications. Both progress very slowly and have sig- Distal spinal muscular atrophy (spinal form of Charcot-­
nificantly higher 5-­year survival rates than classic limb onset Marie-­Tooth disease)
Hexosaminidase A deficiency (late-­onset Tay-­Sachs disease)
ALS (FA: 52%; FL 64%; classic ALS: 20%). By 10 years out, Hereditary spastic paraplegia (complicated)
however, the survival rates for FA and FL are similar to clas- Adult polyglucosan body disease 
sic ALS.  Other conditions that may mimic motor neuron disease
Cervical/lumbar lesions
Toxic syndromes (e.g., lead poisoning)
ETIOLOGY Postirradiation syndromes
Immune-­mediated, demyelinating motor neuropathies
The etiology of sporadic motor neuron disorders is
Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block
unknown. Immunologic, infectious, and excitotoxic etiolo- Atypical chronic inflammatory demyelinating
gies have been speculated, but none have been proven. As polyradiculoneuropathy
new gene mutations associated with familial ALS are dis- Motor neuropathies associated with lymphoma and other
covered, genetic screening of patients with sporadic ALS malignancies
shows that a very small percentage of those patients have
one of the genetic mutations associated with familial ALS
(see Chapter 31).  neurologic conditions that can be confused with the disorder
and need to be excluded by appropriate imaging and other
laboratory testing (see the section on Primary Lateral Sclerosis
The diagnosis of ALS usually is straightforward in patients
who present with prominent UMN and LMN signs in both
limb and bulbar muscles. However, most patients are ini- Cervical/Lumbar Stenosis
tially seen early in the course of the disease, often when Degenerative disease of the neck and back is extremely
only one extremity is clinically affected. In addition, there common, especially in older individuals. The combination
are other disorders, some potentially treatable, that can of cervical and lumbar spondylosis occasionally can mimic
mimic the clinical signs, electrophysiologic findings, or both, ALS, both clinically and in the EMG laboratory. Cervical
in ALS and its variants (Box 30.1). The more common of spondylosis, by itself, is a common cause of gait distur-
these disorders are discussed in detail later in the chapter. bance in the elderly. Compression in the cervical area can
In addition, see Chapter 31 on Atypical Motor Neuron Dis- result in a polyradiculopathy involving the cervical nerve
orders, which reviews other important disorders in the dif- roots as well as a myelopathy from direct cord compres-
ferential diagnosis of ALS. sion. This can create a clinical picture of LMN dysfunc-
In the case of classic ALS, the most important diagnosis to tion in the upper extremities and UMN dysfunction in
consider is coexistent cervical and lumbar stenosis. For PMA the lower extremities (Fig. 30.2). If additional compres-
or other predominantly LMN presentations of ALS, includ- sion occurs above the C5 level, UMN signs can be seen
ing the FA and FL syndromes, the most important diagnoses in the upper extremities as well. To complicate the situ-
to consider are demyelinating motor neuropathy, especially ation further, patients with coexistent lumbar stenosis
MMNCB, and inclusion body myositis (IBM). In addition, may have additional LMN signs in the lumbosacral
benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS) and the myotonic disor- myotomes. Taken together, the clinical picture can
ders need to be kept in mind. In PLS, there is a large list of resemble ALS.

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
528 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

Fig. 30.2  Cervical spondylosis.  In the

differential diagnosis of amyotrophic lat-
eral sclerosis, one of the most important
diagnoses to exclude is cervical spondy-
losis. Compression of the cervical nerve
roots (left, arrow) results in a polyradicu-
lopathy, while direct cord compression
(right, arrow) results in a myelopathy.
This can create a clinical picture of lower
motor neuron dysfunction in the upper
extremities and upper motor neuron
dysfunction in the lower extremities. If
additional compression occurs above the
C5 level, upper motor neuron signs can
be seen in the upper extremities as well.

However, several points in the history and on the neu- with predominantly LMN dysfunction, is MMNCB (see
rologic examination should raise the question of possible Chapter 29).
cervical or lumbar (or combined) stenosis. Cervical stenosis MMNCB usually affects only motor fibers, sparing sen-
often follows a stepwise progression, sometimes associated sory fibers. It often is slowly progressive and begins dis-
with periods of improvement. In addition, there is usually tally, like ALS. In addition, fasciculations and cramps are
some neck or radicular pain, along with limitation of neck common. Unlike ALS, however, it more commonly affects
motion and sensory symptoms in the arms. Paresthesias younger patients (<45 years) and has a strong male pre-
and vibratory loss in the lower extremities may occur as a dominance (male-­ to-­
female ratio of approximately 2:1).
result of posterior column compression. A Romberg sign Several important clues may suggest MMNCB on exami-
may be present. Back pain commonly accompanies coex- nation. Often, individual motor nerves are affected out of
istent lumbar stenosis. Moreover, increased pain or sensory proportion to adjacent nerves that have the same myoto-
disturbance may develop after walking a distance, which is mal innervation (hence, multifocal motor neuropathy). For
relieved only by the sitting position. instance, severe weakness in distal median-­innervated mus-
The signs and symptoms noted earlier will usually sug- cles with relative sparing of ulnar-­innervated muscles might
gest the diagnosis of cervical and lumbar stenosis. However, occur in MMNCB but would be very unusual in ALS, mark-
occasionally, a patient with cervical and lumbar stenosis ing the disorder as a motor nerve rather than a motor neu-
presents with a relatively pure motor syndrome consist- ron disorder. Second, muscle weakness may appear out of
ing of muscle weakness, atrophy, and spasticity, making the proportion to muscle atrophy in MMNCB, especially early
clinical distinction from ALS difficult. It is in these patients in the course of the disease, reflecting that demyelination,
that the clinical and EMG evaluation of the bulbar and not axonal loss, is the major underlying pathology. Finally,
thoracic paraspinal muscles assumes special significance, MMNCB does not result in any UMN dysfunction. Reflexes
because they should never be abnormal in lesions restricted usually are depressed or normal. Pathologic hyperreflexia,
to the cervical or lumbar spine (see Chapter 32).  spasticity, and Babinski signs are not seen.
The diagnosis of MMNCB may be suggested by the
clinical presentation as well as by elevated titers of anti-
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy With ganglioside antibodies, which occur in more than half of
Conduction Block patients. Most often, MMNCB is diagnosed through nerve
An important condition that can mimic the PMA presenta- conduction studies, which show evidence of conduction
tion of ALS clinically is demyelinating motor neuropathy. block along motor fibers, between distal and proximal seg-
Nearly all peripheral neuropathies have both sensory and ments. MMNCB is another disorder where neuromuscular
motor symptoms and signs; therefore, they are not fre- ultrasound may be very helpful (see later). It is extremely
quently confused with ALS. Very few neuropathies, how- important not to miss this diagnosis because the prognosis
ever, are purely or predominantly motor. Of those, most for these patients is far better than for patients with ALS.
are demyelinating and are believed to be immune mediated. Most patients with MMNCB respond well to immune-­
Although the exact pathophysiology is not understood, modulating therapy, especially treatment with intravenous
presumably some component of motor nerve or myelin immunoglobulin. 
is selectively targeted by the immune system, leading to
motor dysfunction. It is in these circumstances that a motor
neuropathy may be mistaken for a motor neuronopathy (i.e., Inclusion Body Myositis
motor neuron disease). Although it is quite rare, the motor IBM is an idiopathic inflammatory disorder of muscle that
neuropathy that must be excluded, especially in patients can be confused clinically and sometimes electrically with

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 529

the PMA variant of ALS. IBM is the most common inflam- Myotonic Syndromes
matory myopathy in individuals older than 50 years. Clini- Patients with one of the myotonic syndromes (see Chapter
cally, IBM presents as slowly progressive weakness. It is 39) typically are not confused clinically with ALS or other
more common in men than in women. Along with proximal motor neuron disorders. However, occasional patients have
muscle weakness, distal muscles are commonly involved. been given the diagnosis of motor neuron disease errone-
In some patients, the distal muscles are weaker than the ously, based on an electromyographer misinterpreting
proximal ones. Although the distribution of weakness most myotonic discharges as denervating potentials (fibrillation
commonly is symmetric, asymmetric presentations often potentials and positive sharp waves). A myotonic discharge
occur. The disease has a predilection for certain muscles, is the spontaneous discharge of a muscle fiber (similar to
including the iliopsoas, quadriceps, tibialis anterior, biceps, fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves) but is dif-
triceps, and long finger flexors. Prominent muscle atrophy, ferentiated by its characteristic waxing and waning of both
especially of the quadriceps, is common. Facial and ocular amplitude and frequency. On EMG, myotonic discharges
weakness generally does not occur. However, dysphagia is have a characteristic “revving engine” sound due to the
common. The deep tendon reflexes tend to be depressed or waxing and waning of amplitude and frequency. The error
absent early in the course, especially the quadriceps reflex. in interpretation occurs because myotonic discharges and
Patients with IBM and severe distal and proximal weakness denervating potentials have the same basic morphology as
and wasting, with depressed reflexes, can easily be mistaken both are generated in muscle fiber, and denervating poten-
for an LMN disease such as PMA. tials are common whereas myotonic discharges are uncom-
Unfortunately, the electrophysiology often complicates mon in clinical practice. However, once the waxing and
the diagnosis of IBM. Prominent fibrillation potentials and waning sound of myotonic discharges is recognized, the dif-
positive sharp waves are common. Motor unit action poten- ferentiation is easily made. 
tials (MUAPs) can be small and short, typical of a myopa-
thy; large and long, suggestive of a neuropathic process; or a
combination of both. Although large, long-­duration MUAPs Mimics of Primary Lateral Sclerosis
are classically associated with neuropathic disorders, they There are a large number of neurologic conditions that can
are also seen in chronic myopathies, especially in those present with UMN symptoms and signs similar to PLS.
associated with denervation (i.e., usually myopathies with Most can be excluded by brain and cervical spine imaging.
inflammatory or necrotic features). Occasionally, brain imaging will demonstrate abnormalities
One of the key differentiating features between LMN dis- consistent with PLS. In these cases, abnormal T2 or fluid-­
ease and IBM is the presence of fasciculations and cramps. attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signals restricted
Both fasciculations and cramps are neuropathic phenom- to the corticospinal tracts will be seen on MRI (Fig. 30.3).
ena; they are not seen in any myopathy, including IBM. In However, imaging is usually indicated primarily to help
the absence of fasciculations and cramps in a patient with exclude certain disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, mul-
a LMN syndrome, muscle biopsy sometimes is needed to tiple infarcts, cervical spondylosis, syringomyelia, Chiari
make the differentiation between a motor neuron disorder malformation, compressive foramen magnum lesions, and
and IBM. In addition, neuromuscular ultrasound can also be spinal cord tumors, all of which may be confused with PLS.
of help in suggesting the diagnosis of IBM based on certain In addition, some cases of familial spastic paraparesis
common patterns of muscle involvement (see Chapter 38).  (Strümpell disease) and adrenomyeloneuropathy may be dif-
ficult to differentiate from PLS without an accurate family
history and, in the case of adrenomyeloneuropathy, a blood
Benign Fasciculation Syndrome assay for very-­long-­chain fatty acids. Many forms of famil-
Fasciculations are noted in nearly all individuals and are ial spastic paraparesis can be definitively diagnosed through
a benign phenomenon. However, because of the well-­ commercially available genetic testing. Tropical spastic para-
recognized association of fasciculations with ALS, some paresis (also known as human T-lymphotropic virus type I
people, especially medical personnel or those with a family [HTLV-I]–associated myelopathy) resulting from HTLV-I
member with ALS, are more likely to be concerned about may be difficult to differentiate from PLS, although these
fasciculations and bring them to medical attention. The vast patients often have bladder problems and minor sensory loss
majority of persons who experience fasciculations have no in the lower extremities and are from endemic areas, includ-
neurologic disease. BFS is diagnosed in those individuals ing the Caribbean basin, southwest Japan, southeast United
who have frequent fasciculations beyond what is normally States, southern Italy, and sub-­Saharan Africa. A blood assay
experienced and have normal neurologic and EMG exami- for HTLV-­I antibodies confirms the diagnosis. A motor neu-
nations (except for fasciculations). In some patients with ron syndrome mimicking ALS has also been observed in a
BFS, there may be accompanying myalgias, cramps, and series of patients with HTLV-­I infection. The presence of
exercise intolerance. In extensive follow-­up studies, patients spastic paraparesis or even typical ALS symptoms, with
with BFS were not at increased risk of developing ALS or minor sensory findings or bladder dysfunction, especially in
any other significant neurologic disorder. It is important to an endemic area for HTLV-­I, should prompt a search for
reassure patients with BFS that they have no greater risk of HTLV-­I antibodies. Rare patients with spastic paraparesis
developing motor neuron disease than any other individual.  associated with the HTLV-­II virus have also been reported.

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
530 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

Fig. 30.3  MRI and motor neuron dis-

ease.  Axial fluid-­attenuated inversion
recovery MRI at the level of the upper
midbrain (left, arrow) and basal ganglia/
internal capsule (right, arrow) in a
patient with primary lateral sclerosis.
Note the abnormal signal in the cerebral
peduncle and internal capsule bilater-
ally, corresponding to the location of
the corticospinal tracts. Similar findings
occasionally are present in patients with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Box 30.2  Recommended Nerve Conduction Study Protocol for Motor Neuron Disease
Routine motor studies (ipsilateral to the most symptomatic side): Special considerations:
1. Median study, recording APB and stimulating the wrist and • The yield of searching for conduction block increases as additional
antecubital fossa motor nerves or segments are studied. In selected patients, either
2. Ulnar study, recording ADM and stimulating the wrist and the contralateral routine motor nerves can be studied or proximal
below and above the elbow stimulation studies can be performed (or both). The ulnar and
3. Ulnar study, recording FDI and stimulating the wrist and median nerves can be stimulated with surface electrodes in the
below and above the elbow axilla and at Erb’s point. Needle stimulation can be performed
4. Peroneal study, recording extensor digitorum brevis and at the C8 root. Proximal tibial studies can be performed by
stimulating the ankle, below the fibular neck, and lateral needle stimulation at the gluteal fold and at the S1 root. Proximal
popliteal fossa stimulation studies have significant technical limitations.
5. Tibial study, recording abductor hallucis brevis and • Contralateral motor studies should be considered, especially
stimulating the ankle and popliteal fossa  in patients with predominantly lower motor neuron syndromes
Routine sensory studies (ipsilateral to the most symptomatic without definite upper motor neuron signs. Proximal stimulation
side): studies should also be considered in patients with predominantly
1. Median SNAP, stimulating the wrist and recording digit 2 lower motor neuron syndromes and in patients in whom the
2. Ulnar SNAP, stimulating the wrist and recording digit 5 routine motor studies are normal but the late responses are
3. Radial SNAP, stimulating the forearm and recording the abnormal, a pattern suggestive of a proximal lesion.
snuffbox • Compute the amplitude ratios of the APB/ADM and FDI/
4. Sural SNAP, stimulating the calf and recording posterior ankle  ADM. In some cases of ALS, the lateral hand is affected more
Late responses (ipsilateral to the most symptomatic side): than the medial hand. This results in an APB/ADM ratio <0.6
1. F responses: median, ulnar, peroneal, and tibial and an FDI/ADM ratio of <0.9. If both of these are abnormal,
2. H reflexes  in the appropriate clinical setting, they are supportive of the
diagnosis of ALS.

ADM, Abductor digiti minimi; APB, abductor pollicis brevis; FDI, first dorsal interosseous; SNAP, sensory nerve action potential.

Lastly, there are rare reports of patients with PLS-­or ALS-­ the most symptomatic side, before proceeding to the needle
like syndromes who are positive for the human immunode- EMG study.
ficiency virus (HIV). When treated with antiviral therapy, Results of motor nerve conduction studies may be normal
their motor neuron syndrome either improved or recovered.  in ALS, especially in clinically unaffected limbs, but more
often show evidence of axonal loss. Axonal loss results in
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC similar changes on motor nerve conduction studies regard-
less of whether the lesion is at the level of the motor neu-
EVALUATION ron, root, plexus, or peripheral nerve. Compound muscle
Nerve Conduction Studies action potential (CMAP) amplitudes decrease, whereas
It is essential to perform both motor and sensory nerve con- distal latencies and conduction velocities remain relatively
duction studies in patients suspected of having ALS (Box intact. If the larger and faster motor axons are lost, some
30.2). At a minimum, routine motor and sensory nerve con- slowing of conduction velocity and distal latency may occur
duction studies, along with late responses, should be per- (Fig. 30.4), although the slowing usually never reaches the
formed in an upper and a lower extremity, preferably on unequivocal demyelinating range (i.e., conduction velocity

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 531

Fig. 30.4  Conduction velocity and distal

latency in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Ul- &RQGXFWLRQYHORFLW\
nar compound muscle action potential HOERZ±ZULVW
(CMAP) amplitude, recorded over hypothenar 
muscles and plotted against conduction
velocity (top) and distal latency (bottom).

Each dot represents a patient; the dark solid 
line shows the mean value. Note that both the
mean conduction velocity and distal latency
remain within the normal range but slow as 
CMAP amplitude decreases. (Reprinted from
Lambert EH. Electromyography in ALS. In:
Norris HF Jr, Kurland LT, eds. Motor Neuron 
Diseases. New York: Grune & Stratton; 1969.
With permission.)



<75% of the lower limit of normal; distal latency >130% neuron degeneration at T1 would disproportionally affect
of the upper limit of normal). It is not unusual to find some the FDI and APB compared with the ADM.
mild to moderate slowing of conduction velocity and distal The most important reason to perform motor nerve
latency, especially when CMAP amplitudes are very low. conduction studies is to look for unequivocal evidence of
Although not completely specific to ALS, one pattern demyelination, especially conduction block along motor
that may be seen is the “split-­hand syndrome,” a term first nerves. The presence of conduction block along motor nerves
coined by Wilbourn. In patients with ALS, muscle wasting signifies that (1) the underlying disorder is a motor neurop-
may affect the lateral hand (thenar muscles and first dorsal athy and not a motor neuron disease, (2) the major cause of
interosseous [FDI]) out of proportion to the medial hand weakness is conduction block and not loss of motor neurons
(hypothenar muscles). Similarly, on nerve conduction stud- or axons, and (3) the disorder is potentially treatable with
ies, the motor amplitudes from the abductor pollicis brevis immune-­modulating therapy. Conduction block of motor
(APB) and FDI may be decreased more than the amplitude fibers is the major electrophysiologic finding in patients
from the abductor digiti minimi (ADM), although all three with MMNCB (Fig. 30.5). Other electrophysiologic evi-
muscles are C8–T1 innervated. In one study, both the APB/ dence of demyelination (slowed conduction velocities, pro-
ADM and FDI/ADM ratios were lower in patients with ALS longed distal latencies, and prolonged late responses) may
than in controls. These ratios are calculated simply by mea- be seen.
suring the amplitudes of the CMAPs of the APB, FDI, and Because temporal dispersion without conduction block
ADM, during routine median and ulnar motor conduction may cause some decrease in both CMAP amplitude and area
studies. An APB/ADM ratio of <0.6 (considered abnormal) between proximal and distal stimulation sites, the electro-
was present in 40% of patients with ALS, compared with physiologic criteria for conduction block are complicated.
only 5% of normals. An FDI/ADM ratio of <0.9 (considered Computer simulation models have shown that marked tem-
abnormal) was seen in 34% of patients with ALS, compared poral dispersion can cause the CMAP amplitude to drop by
with only 1% of normals. Twenty percent of patients with more than 50% between proximal and distal sites, even in
ALS had both an abnormal APB/ADM and FDI/ADM ratio, the absence of conduction block. In contrast, these mod-
with no normal controls showing both. These results suggest els have shown that any drop of CMAP area greater than
that the split-­hand syndrome is supportive of a diagnosis of 50% between proximal and distal stimulation sites always
ALS. The reason behind this pattern in some patients with signifies conduction block and cannot be explained on the
ALS is not completely understood. However, in the cortex, basis of temporal dispersion alone. The effects of tempo-
the number of cortical motor neurons that supply the APB ral dispersion are always more pronounced when a nerve
and FDI outnumber those to the ADM. Another possible is studied over a long distance. In practice, when routine
explanation is the relative contribution of C8 and T1 fibers nerve segments (wrist-­to-­elbow, ankle-­to-­knee) are stud-
to the FDI, APB, and ADM. The FDI and APB have a rela- ied in normal individuals and in patients with axonal loss,
tively greater amount of T1 innervation compared with the CMAP area and amplitude rarely drop by more than 20%.
ADM, which has a large contribution from C8. Thus, motor Therefore, any drop in CMAP area or amplitude of more

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
532 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

The presence of conduction block along motor fibers usu-
ally signifies a demyelinating neuropathy; in a patient with
suspected motor neuron disease, especially PMA, it often
:ULVW signifies MMNCB. Of course, the diagnosis of MMNCB can-
0RWRU not be based on finding conduction blocks only at the usual
entrapment sites, such as ulnar neuropathy at the elbow or
$QWHFXELWDO peroneal neuropathy at the fibular head. Thus, a patient with
IRVVD ALS who develops an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow due to
weight loss and immobility still has ALS, not MMNCB.
Like motor studies, sensory nerve conduction studies must
be performed in an upper and a lower extremity. Sensory
nerve conduction studies are always normal in ALS and its
variants. Unless there is a clear reason that a patient should
have an underlying polyneuropathy or entrapment neuropa-
thies, the presence of abnormal sensory conduction studies
6HQVRU\ should always cause the clinician to seriously question the
diagnosis of ALS. The only notable exception to normal sen-
IRVVD sory conduction studies in a motor neuron disorder is X-­linked
bulbospinal muscular atrophy, in which patients may have
Fig. 30.5  Conduction block in multifocal motor neuropathy. Me- absent or abnormal sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs),
dian motor and sensory studies, with the abductor pollicis brevis and probably due to the involvement of the dorsal root ganglia (see
digit 2 co-­recorded and the wrist and elbow stimulated. The hallmark
finding in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy with conduc-
Chapter 31).
tion block is the presence of conduction block between proximal and It is critical to note that motor and sensory nerve con-
distal stimulation sites in motor but not sensory fibers. Note complete duction studies can be identical in patients with ALS and
block of motor fibers (top). The drop of sensory amplitude is within in patients with cervical/lumbar stenosis. In patients with
the normal range, expected for normal phase cancellation (bottom). either diagnosis, the SNAPs will be normal, but for dif-
Motor conduction block is not seen in patients with amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis or other motor neuron diseases. ferent reasons. Patients with ALS have no sensory find-
ings, whereas patients with cervical/lumbar stenosis may
have sensory loss, but since the lesion is proximal to the
than 20% over a short segment, especially if associated with dorsal root ganglia, the SNAPs are spared. In both cases,
focal slowing, usually indicates conduction block. motor studies may be normal or may show evidence of
To increase the yield of nerve-­ conduction studies for axonal loss. The late responses may help to differenti-
detecting conduction block, more proximal stimulation ate the two but should never be used as the sole dif-
(axilla, Erb’s point, cervical nerve roots) often is attempted ferentiating factor. F-­wave abnormalities (prolongation,
in patients with suspected ALS. Although this technique impersistence, dispersion, or absence) are more likely to
may be of value in selected individuals, several important occur in a polyradiculopathy. Likewise, the H reflexes
technical considerations must be kept in mind. First, supra- may be absent or delayed in lumbar stenosis affecting the
maximal stimulation can be difficult to achieve, even with S1 nerve roots.
maximum current output, especially at Erb’s point and at In some patients with ALS, especially late in the course,
the root level. If submaximal stimulation is mistaken for late responses may also show subtle abnormalities. As motor
supramaximal, a conduction block may be erroneously neurons are lost, fewer motor units are available to partici-
identified. Second, proximal stimulation often results in co-­ pate in the F response. Indeed, some muscles may be left
stimulation of adjacent nerves. For instance, at Erb’s point with only a few motor units. In this situation, F responses
and the C8 root, it is not possible to stimulate ulnar motor may be impersistent, simply reflecting the reduced number
fibers without also stimulating median motor fibers. Unless of motor units available to backfire. If the largest and fast-
collision techniques are used to eliminate the contribution est firing motor units have been lost, minimal F-­wave latency
from the co-­stimulated nerve, the findings may be difficult may be slightly prolonged, reflecting the normal although
if not impossible to interpret (see Chapter 33). Finally, more slowly conducting motor neurons still present. In addi-
with increased distance, the effects of temporal dispersion tion, “repeater F responses” may occur with some frequency.
are greater. For example, when studying the ulnar nerve In general, it is unusual to see the same F-­wave morphology
between the elbow and wrist, one allows a drop in CMAP twice because there usually are many motor units available to
area or amplitude of up to 20% to account for the normal participate in the F response. In ALS, however, if only a few
effects of temporal dispersion. However, stimulating the motor units remain, only those few motor units are available
ulnar nerve at Erb’s point (hence, doubling the distance), to create the F response. Accordingly, the chance of seeing
one must allow a drop in CMAP amplitude and area of up the same F response twice is increased. In summary, although
to 40% between distal and proximal sites to account for late-­response abnormalities are more suggestive of polyra-
normal temporal dispersion. In proximal stimulation stud- diculopathy than ALS, they cannot definitively differentiate
ies performed on patients with well-­documented ALS, the between the two, since similar abnormalities can also be seen
drop in CMAP area and amplitude does not exceed 50%. in ALS. 

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 533

Electromyographic Approach more prominent role, allowing an earlier electrodiagnosis of

The EMG evaluation of patients with suspected ALS usu- ALS. However, it is always important for the electromyog-
ally is extensive (Box 30.3). It is not unusual to sample all rapher to keep in mind that fasciculations occur in many
four limbs, the paraspinal muscles, and the bulbar mus- other disorders and are also seen as a benign phenomenon in
cles. Even though symptoms are often restricted to one many normal individuals.
or two limbs when a patient first presents for neurologic Despite the presence of prominent denervation, it is
evaluation, EMG often reveals widespread denervation unusual to find complex repetitive discharges in ALS. Com-
and reinnervation, even in the early stages of the disease. plex repetitive discharges are a chronic phenomenon; when
Because the diagnosis of ALS portends a grave prognosis, observed in patients with motor neuron disease, they more
a thorough evaluation must always be conducted before often imply a very chronic motor neuron disorder, such as
a conclusion is reached. For the EMG study to support old poliomyelitis, or the LMN presentation of adult-­onset
a definite electrical diagnosis of ALS, active denervation hexosaminidase A deficiency (see Chapter 31).
with reinnervation must be found in three of four body Along with abnormal spontaneous activity, there is always
segments (craniobulbar, cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral) evidence of compensatory reinnervation in ALS. With the
and be unexplained by multiple mononeuropathies or exception of poliomyelitis, all motor neuron disorders usu-
radiculopathies. ally are slowly progressive. Thus the pattern of acute or
In each muscle sampled, one looks for evidence of prior subacute neuropathic loss (active denervation, with normal
axonal loss (reinnervation) as well as evidence of ongoing MUAP morphology and decreased recruitment of MUAPs) is
axonal loss (denervation). Spontaneous activity usually is not seen in ALS.
prominent, in the form of fibrillation potentials, positive In patients with suspected ALS, many muscles should be
sharp waves, and fasciculations. Fasciculations, the sponta- sampled to demonstrate the underlying widespread nature
neous depolarizations of motor units, often are irregular and of the disease. Neuropathic changes must be demonstrated
quite slow (<1 Hz). The best way to look for fasciculations in muscles innervated both by different nerves that share
is to place the needle in the muscle, have the patient relax, the same myotome and by different myotomes. This point
and then, most importantly, remove one’s hand from the cannot be overemphasized. For example, if a C7 median-­
needle. Formerly, fasciculations by themselves were consid- innervated muscle is severely abnormal and a C7 radial-­
ered insufficient evidence of active denervation. However, innervated muscle is normal, one must seriously question
in the revised Awaji criteria, evidence of active denervation the diagnosis of any type of motor neuron disorder. By
includes fibrillation potentials/positive waves, or fascicula- its nature, motor neuron disease is a myotomal disease; it
tions. Thus, the presence of fasciculations now takes on a does not spare individual nerves in the same myotome, as
MMNCB often does.
In addition to documenting denervation and reinnerva-
Box 30.3  Recommended Electromyographic Protocol tion, one must pay particular attention to MUAP recruit-
for Motor Neuron Disease
ment. Decreased recruitment signifies loss of motor units,
Limb muscles: which is the primary problem in motor neuron disease.
Sample at least three limbs, making sure to sample the Judging recruitment of MUAPs allows the electromyog-
following in each limb: distal and proximal muscles,
muscles with different nerve innervation, and muscles
rapher to assess the number of functioning motor units.
with different root innervation  Although there are electrophysiologic techniques available
Thoracic paraspinal muscles: to count the number of motor units in a particular muscle,
Sample at least three segments most are time-­consuming, and each has its own set of poten-
Avoid sampling T11–T12 (may rarely be affected by tial technical problems.
spondylosis)  The evaluation of MUAP recruitment also plays a crucial
Bulbar muscles: role in differentiating motor neuron disorders from some
Sample at least one muscle (patients with bulbar weakness cases of chronic myopathy with denervating features. As
should have more muscles sampled)
Tongue, masseter, sternocleidomastoid, and facial muscles noted earlier, some patients with IBM and other chronic
can be sampled  myopathies may have profuse fibrillation potentials and
Special considerations: positive sharp waves associated with long-­duration, high-­
• Electrophysiologic evidence consistent with amyotrophic amplitude, polyphasic MUAPs (i.e., the pattern typically
lateral sclerosis usually is defined as active denervation and associated with acute and chronic axonal loss). Although
reinnervation in three of four body segments (craniobulbar, some patients with chronic myopathy may also have brief-­
cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral) that cannot be explained by
duration, low-­ amplitude, polyphasic MUAPs (so-­ called
multiple individual mononeuropathies or radiculopathies.
Thus, examination of the thoracic paraspinal and myopathic motor unit potentials), others may not. It is in
craniobulbar musculature assumes special importance in such cases, wherein myopathic motor unit potentials are
the electrophysiologic differentiation of amyotrophic lateral not seen, that the assessment of MUAP recruitment usually
sclerosis from cervical/lumbar polyradiculopathy. helps the differentiation of neuropathic from myopathic
• Patients with old poliomyelitis often display diffuse chronic conditions. In contrast to motor neuron disease, in which
reinnervation with reduced recruitment of motor unit
action potentials. Prominent active denervation, however, is
recruitment is reduced, in chronic myopathy, recruitment
unusual. usually remains normal or early. If, in rare situations, it is
reduced, the degree to which it is reduced often is less

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
534 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

than would be expected for the degree of denervation and ULTRASOUND CORRELATIONS
The utility of neuromuscular ultrasound in motor neuron
Along with decreased recruitment, decreased activation
disorders was discussed in detail in Chapter 19. It is most
may be seen in patients with ALS. Activation, the ability
helpful in the following situations:
to fire available motor units faster, is a central nervous sys-
tem process. The UMN dysfunction in patients with ALS
• Assessing for a hypertrophic (demyelinating) neuropa-
results in decreased activation. On the whole, the EMG
thy in patients with a progressive LMN syndrome to
picture of classic ALS is one of denervation, reinnerva-
help exclude the possibility of MMNCB.
tion, decreased recruitment, and decreased activation of
• Assessing for fasciculations. In the revised Awaji
MUAPs in multiple muscles innervated by different nerves
criteria, the presence of fasciculations in conjunction
and myotomes.
with reinnervated MUAPs with reduced recruitment is
In patients with suspected ALS, the limb muscles often
sufficient evidence of active and chronic LMN dys-
are sampled first. Of course, widespread EMG abnormali-
function. Ultrasound can easily visualize fasciculations
ties found in the limb muscles cannot differentiate severe
and has the advantage of being able to look at deep as
cervical/lumbar polyradiculopathy from ALS. It is in these
well as superficial muscles and at large areas of muscle
cases that the evaluation of the thoracic paraspinal and cra-
at the same time. Studies have shown that ultrasound
niobulbar muscles assumes diagnostic importance.
is much more sensitive for detecting fasciculations
Denervation is often found in the thoracic paraspinal
than the clinical examination or needle EMG. This
muscles in patients with ALS. This finding is important in
includes the tongue (bulbar muscle) as well as the limb
eliminating the possibility of coexistent cervical and lumbar
muscles. In a patient with suspected ALS, the demon-
spinal stenosis mimicking ALS. One prospective study of
stration of diffuse fasciculations on ultrasound can be
patients referred with the suspected diagnosis of ALS found
used to support one of the essential requirements for
that 78% of all patients who eventually were diagnosed with
ALS by conventional means had evidence of denervation in
• The ability to inspect a large number of muscles and
the thoracic paraspinal muscles when three or four segments
assess for denervation atrophy. As different motor units
were assessed. In a control group of patients with spon-
denervate at different times, some areas of the muscle
dylosis, denervation in the thoracic region was extremely
may be very abnormal, whereas other areas are still
uncommon, occurring in only 1 (5%) of 21 patients. This
spared, leading to a “moth-­eaten” appearance of muscle
single patient had severe stenosis of the lumbar and adjacent
that occurs in neuropathic processes, thereby suggesting
thoracic spine. The thoracic paraspinal muscles generally
a neurogenic etiology. The pattern of muscle involvement
constitute a safe and accessible site for needle EMG and are
on ultrasound may also suggest an alternative diagnosis
one of the most useful areas to examine to help differentiate
in a patient with weakness, especially IBM where certain
patients with spondylosis from those with ALS. The only
muscles are preferentially affected (see Chapter 38).
difficulty often encountered is inadequate muscle relax-
ation. This is a problem especially in very weak patients, in
whom thoracic paraspinals may activate with each breath,
making it difficult to determine the presence of spontane- EXAMPLE CASE
ous activity.
The other area in which EMG abnormalities assume Case 30.1
great diagnostic significance is in the craniobulbar muscu- History and Physical Examination
lature. Clear-­cut evidence of denervation and reinnervation
A 54-­year-­old woman was referred for progressive weak-
in the bulbar muscles removes the possibility of cervical or
ness occurring over the past 8 months. Weakness began as
lumbar spondylosis as the sole cause of the motor dysfunc-
a foot drop in the left lower extremity, and similar symp-
tion. Muscles often chosen for study include the tongue,
toms developed in the contralateral leg 2 months later.
masseter, and facial muscles. However, several points must
There was no history of trauma, pain, paresthesias, or
be taken into account when evaluating the bulbar muscles.
sensory loss. The patient had no complaints in the upper
First, it is difficult for patients to relax the tongue, so the
assessment of spontaneous activity often is demanding. In
On neurologic examination, mental status and cranial
addition, the size and firing pattern of MUAPs in the bul-
nerve function were normal. In the upper extremities,
bar muscles are different from those in the limb muscles.
there was slight atrophy of the intrinsic hand muscles
Bulbar MUAPs are shorter in duration than those found in
bilaterally, noted in the thenar eminence. However,
the limb muscles and may be misinterpreted as fibrillation
strength was normal. In the lower extremities, there was
potentials or myopathic MUAPs. In addition, the onset fir-
spasticity with prominent wasting and fasciculations in
ing frequency is higher for bulbar than for limb muscles and
all muscles below the knees. Strength testing showed
may suggest a neuropathic recruitment pattern even in nor-
marked bilateral foot drops. In addition, there was weak-
mal muscles. Every electromyographer should gain familiar-
ness of plantar flexion, ankle inversion, and ankle ever-
ity with normal bulbar MUAPs before examining the bulbar
sion distally. Proximally in the lower extremities, there
muscles in patients with suspected ALS. 

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 535

CASE 30.1 Nerve Conduction Studies.

Motor = mV; Conduction F-­wave Latency
Sensory = μV Latency (ms) Velocity (m/s) (ms)
Stimulated Stimulation Site Recording Site RT LT NL RT LT NL RT LT NL RT LT NL
Median (m) Wrist APB 4.2 ≥4 4.6 ≤4.4 24 ≤31
Antecubital fossa APB 4.0 8.4 53 ≥49
Ulnar (m) Wrist ADM 8.8 ≥6 3.9 ≤3.3 25 ≤32
Below elbow ADM 8.4 7.3 59 ≥49
Above elbow ADM 8.4 8.4 65
Ulnar (m) Wrist FDI 5.2 ≥6 4.2 ≤4.5 27 ≤32
Below elbow FDI 5.1 8.5 57 ≥49
Above elbow FDI 5.0 9.7 59 ≥49
Median (s) Wrist Index finger 46 ≥20 3.3 ≤3.5 55 ≥50
Ulnar (s) Wrist Little finger 35 ≥17 2.9 ≤3.1 57 ≥50
Radial (s) Forearm Snuffbox 42 ≥17 2.5 ≤2.9 62 ≥50
Tibial (m) Ankle AHB 11.8 ≥4 6.4 ≤5.8 46 ≤56
Popliteal fossa AHB 8.9 14.1 43 ≥41
Peroneal (m) Ankle EDB 2.4 ≥2 4.9 ≤6.5 45 ≤56
Below fibula EDB 2.3 12.8 46 ≥44
Lateral popliteal EDB 2.0 13.1 51 ≥44
Sural (s) Calf Posterior ankle 9 ≥6 4.3 ≤4.4 47 ≥40
Note: All sensory latencies are peak latencies. All sensory conduction velocities are calculated using onset latencies. The reported F-­wave latency represents the
minimum F-­wave latency.
ADM, Abductor digiti minimi; AHB, abductor hallucis brevis; APB, abductor pollicis brevis; EDB, extensor digitorum brevis; FDI, first dorsal interosseous; LT, left;
m, motor study; NL, normal; RT, right; s, sensory study.

was mild weakness of hip flexion, extension, abduction, In the lower extremities, there are marked bilateral foot
and adduction. Deep tendon reflexes were present and drops with wasting of the lower legs, as expected from
normal in the upper extremities. In the lower extremi- the history. However, the weakness of plantar flexion
ties, reflexes were pathologically brisk with clonus at and ankle inversion (both tibial-­ innervated functions)
the ankles. Plantar responses were extensor bilaterally. clearly places the abnormalities beyond the territory of
Sensory examination showed normal sensitivity to light the peroneal nerves. In addition, there is mild weakness
touch, temperature, and vibration.  of hip flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction. Fas-
ciculations are also noted in the lower extremities. At
Summary this point, the clinical abnormalities do not correspond
The history in this case is essentially one of bilateral to any one nerve or root distribution. The lesion must
foot drops. The history alone might suggest the possi- involve multiple nerves, the lumbosacral plexus, or mul-
bility of bilateral peroneal neuropathies, due to either tiple nerve roots in both lower extremities. However, the
compression or entrapment at the fibular neck. Like- sensory examination is completely normal. The finding
wise, there may be bilateral peroneal neuropathies from of weakness with sparing of sensation indicates that we
another cause, such as mononeuritis multiplex. It is not are dealing with a predominantly motor problem. The
unusual for mononeuritis multiplex to affect the pero- normal sensory examination makes multiple mononeu-
neal nerves and to progress in an asymmetric, stepwise ropathies, a lumbosacral plexopathy, or polyradiculopa-
manner. However, several points argue against either of thy unlikely. Finally, and probably most importantly, the
these diagnoses. First, the patient describes her problem deep tendon reflexes are pathologically brisk with clonus
as slowly progressive. Second and more important is the at the ankles. The plantar responses are extensor bilater-
notable absence of sensory symptoms (i.e., numbness or ally. The hyperreflexia, increased tone (spasticity), and
paresthesias). Accordingly, the clinical sensory examina- extensor plantar responses denote an additional UMN
tion and the sensory nerve conductions will be of par- lesion in this patient. Thus, the neurologic examination
ticular importance. reveals evidence of both LMN and UMN dysfunction
On examination, the cranial nerves and upper in the lower extremities and sparing of the sensory sys-
extremities are relatively normal, with only the sugges- tem. Furthermore, the LMN and UMN signs are in the
tion of slight atrophy in the thenar eminence bilaterally. same spinal segments. For example, the plantar flexors

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
536 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

CASE 30.2 Electromyography.

Spontaneous Activity Voluntary Motor Unit Action Potentials
Insertional Fibrillation Fasciculation
Muscle Activity Potentials Potentials Activation Recruitment Duration Amplitude Polyphasia
Right tibialis ↑ +2 +1 Fair ↓↓ +3 +2 +2
Right medial ↑ +2 +2 Poor ↓↓ +2 +2 +2
Right vastus ↑ +1 +1 NL ↓ +1 +2 +2
Right iliacus ↑ +1 0 NL ↓ +1 +1 +1
Right gluteus ↑ +2 +1 Fair ↓↓ +2 +2 +2
Right gluteus ↑ +2 0 NL ↓ +1 +1 +1
Left tibialis ↑ +3 0 Poor ↓↓↓ +3 +3 +2
Left medial ↑ +2 +2 Fair ↓ +2 +2 +2
Left vastus ↑ +2 +1 Fair ↓ +2 +1 +1
Left iliacus ↑ +2 0 NL ↓ +1 +1 +1
Left gluteus ↑ +2 +1 NL ↓↓ +2 +1 +1
Right first dorsal ↑ +1 0 NL ↓ +1 NL +1
Right abductor ↑ +1 0 NL ↓ +1 +1 +1
pollicis brevis
Right pronator ↑ +1 +1 NL ↓ +1 NL +1
Right biceps ↑ +1 +1 NL NL NL/+1 +1 NL
Right pronator ↑ +1 0 NL ↓ +1 +1 +2
Right triceps ↑ +2 +1 NL ↓ NL/+1 +1 +1
Right T6 ↑ +2 0
Right T8 ↑ +2 0
Right tongue NL 0 0 NL NL NL NL NL
↑, Increased; ↓, slightly reduced; ↓↓, moderately reduced; ↓↓↓, markedly reduced; NL, normal.

(L5–S1 segments) are weak, wasted, and fasciculating, demyelinating polyneuropathy, especially one associ-
but there is also spasticity and clonus at the ankles (S1 ated with conduction block. To this end, nerve conduc-
segment). This is a very unusual situation that is strongly tion studies are performed in one upper and one lower
suggestive of ALS. extremity. The median, ulnar, tibial, and peroneal motor
The nerve conduction studies are performed first, nerve conduction studies all show normal motor ampli-
with the electromyographer keeping in mind the tudes, conduction velocities, and minimal F-­wave laten-
strong possibility of ALS. As mentioned earlier, the cies. The only exception is the slightly reduced motor
primary role of nerve conduction studies in a patient amplitude recording the FDI during ulnar motor studies.
with suspected ALS is to exclude the possibility of a The only other abnormalities found on the motor nerve

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 537

conduction studies are slightly prolonged median, ulnar, How Are the Nerve Conduction Studies Helpful in
and tibial distal motor latencies. None of the nerves the Evaluation of Motor Neuron Disease?
studied shows an abnormal drop in CMAP amplitude Nerve conduction studies are essential in the evaluation
with proximal stimulation, except for the tibial nerve, of patients with motor neuron disease. Beyond confirm-
where the amplitude drops from 11.8 to 8.9 mV. How- ing that sensory fibers are normal, their primary role is
ever, this amount of drop would be considered normal to exclude a demyelinating motor neuropathy with con-
for the tibial nerve. duction block mimicking motor neuron disease. This
Moving next to the sensory nerve conduction studies, differentiation is especially important in patients with
the median, ulnar, radial, and sural sensory conduction predominantly LMN syndromes (i.e., with no clinical evi-
studies show robust amplitudes throughout, with nor- dence of UMN dysfunction such as spasticity or hyperre-
mal latencies and conduction velocities. Thus, the sen- flexia), in whom it is essential to perform extensive motor
sory nerve conduction studies correlate well with the studies. Studies can be performed bilaterally as well as
history and examination; the sensory system appears proximally to look for conduction blocks in motor nerves.
intact. In rare patients with a demyelinating motor neuropathy,
During the EMG examination, attention is focused proximal studies (e.g., stimulating axilla, Erb’s point, cer-
first on the weak lower extremities. There is evidence vical nerve roots) occasionally may be abnormal when the
of diffuse spontaneous activity, manifest as fibrillation distal sites are normal. Proximal studies may be especially
and fasciculation potentials in most muscles tested helpful in patients with normal distal conduction studies
in both lower extremities. The amount of fibrillation but abnormal late responses, a pattern suggestive of proxi-
potentials is marked. In addition, all muscles studied mal demyelination. However, it is important to remember
in the lower extremities show very large amplitude, that proximal stimulation is technically difficult and, if
long-­duration, polyphasic MUAPs with decreased not performed correctly, may lead to confusing and mis-
recruitment. Several distal muscles also show reduced leading results. 
Although the upper extremities are clinically unaf- How Are the Upper Extremity Nerve Conduction
fected, with the exception of mild distal atrophy, there is Motor Amplitudes Helpful in the Evaluation of Motor
evidence of diffuse denervation with occasional fascicula- Neuron Disease?
tions in the right upper extremity. There also is evidence When performing the routine median and ulnar motor
of mild reinnervation in all muscles tested, along with studies, all the amplitudes are normal, with the excep-
decreased recruitment of MUAPs. A very important find- tion of the amplitude of the FDI, which is borderline
ing is that the thoracic paraspinal muscles at the T6 and low. Looking at the median amplitude, however, it is
T8 levels show profuse fibrillation potentials. Finally, one just slightly above the lower limit of normal. This is in
bulbar muscle, the tongue, is sampled and is normal. contradistinction to the ADM amplitude, which is well
At this time, we are ready to formulate our electro- above its lower limit of normal. If we compute the APB/
physiologic impression. ADM and FDI/ADM ratios, both are low, 0.5 and 0.6,
respectively. In the appropriate clinical setting of possible
IMPRESSION: The electrophysiologic findings are ALS, an APB/ADM ratio <0.6 and FDI/ADM ratio < 0.9
consistent with an active, generalized disorder of the together are supportive of the electrical diagnosis of ALS.
motor neurons, their axons, or both. This “split-­hand” pattern, wherein the lateral hand (APB
and FDI) is affected more than the medial hand (ADM),
This case displays many of the prominent clinical and is a pattern seen in classic ALS. 
EMG features of ALS, the prototypic motor neuron dis-
order. Commonly, ALS begins in a distal limb, resulting Is This Study Consistent With a Diffuse Severe
in hand weakness or a foot drop. Thus, it is often initially Polyradiculopathy?
mistaken for an ulnar neuropathy or a peroneal palsy. EMG cannot differentiate between a severe polyradicu-
The course is relentlessly progressive; progression to the lopathy and LMN disease. Indeed, there is no good EMG
contralateral side usually occurs within several months. way to distinguish between a disorder of nerve roots and
ALS usually starts as a regional disease and then pro- one of motor neurons. In both cases, nerve conduction
gresses to adjacent myotomes. One of the major clues to studies will be essentially normal. In LMN disease, the
the diagnosis is the complete absence of sensory symp- SNAPs are spared. In polyradiculopathy, the SNAPs also
toms, confirmed by both the clinical examination and are spared because the lesion is proximal to the dorsal root
the sensory nerve conduction studies. The only motor ganglion. The motor nerve conduction studies are identical
neuron disorder that regularly results in sensory distur- in both; they either are normal or show evidence of axonal
bances is the rare X-­linked bulbospinal muscular atrophy loss. The EMG findings in both may show evidence of dif-
(Kennedy disease), in which SNAPs may be decreased fuse denervation and reinnervation. Although polyradicu-
or absent. lopathy from structural causes rarely involves the thoracic
Several important questions can be addressed at this paraspinal muscles, they certainly may be involved with
point.  infectious, inflammatory, and infiltrative lesions. Only

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
538 SECTION VIII   Clinical Disorders

the late responses (especially the F responses) are more months later, abnormalities likely will be found there as
likely to be abnormal in a polyradiculopathy than in motor well. 
neuron disease. However, one would hesitate to make a
distinction between the two on the basis of F responses Does This Patient Also Have Superimposed Carpal
alone. Tunnel Syndrome?
Thus, although there is no difference between polyra- The distal median motor latency to the APB muscle is
diculopathy and LMN disease based on EMG and nerve prolonged. Does this suggest that the patient also has
conduction studies, the clinical difference is clear and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)? One must remember
unequivocal. Patients with polyradiculopathy have promi- that CTS is a clinical diagnosis; this patient had no clini-
nent sensory symptoms, including pain and paresthesias, cal symptoms or signs suggesting a diagnosis of CTS.
whereas in motor neuron disease, sensory symptoms and One might then ask whether the patient simply has an
signs are completely lacking. Accordingly, the same EMG asymptomatic median neuropathy at the wrist, given the
can be interpreted quite differently depending on the prolonged distal median motor latency to the APB. That
history and physical examination. If the EMG results in possibility might be considered, but note that the ulnar
this case were found in a patient with progressive spinal and tibial motor nerves also show slightly prolonged dis-
pain associated with radiating paresthesias into the legs, tal motor latencies. It is unlikely that the patient also
thorax, and upper extremities and whose clinical exami- has an ulnar neuropathy at Guyon’s canal and a tibial
nation showed hyporeflexia and sensory loss, the same neuropathy at the tarsal tunnel. In addition, the median
nerve conduction study and EMG would more properly sensory latency is normal. Slowing of median motor,
be interpreted as consistent with a severe ongoing diffuse but not sensory, fibers is not the typical pattern seen in
polyradiculopathy.  CTS (sensory fibers are more often abnormal than motor
fibers in CTS). The slowing of the distal latencies in this
Why Sample so Many Muscles on Needle case simply represents axonal loss with dropout of some
Electromyography? of the largest and fastest motor neurons/axons. EMG
The EMG examination in a patient with suspected ALS examination of the median, ulnar, and tibial muscles is
must be extensive, with the electromyographer looking very helpful in clarifying this situation because it shows
for both active denervation and reinnervation. Sampling clear evidence of ongoing axonal loss in the form of fibril-
multiple muscles innervated by different nerves and dif- lation potentials and large, reinnervated MUAPs. Thus,
ferent roots is important to avoid mistakenly interpret- the prolonged distal motor latencies, albeit mild, are sim-
ing multiple radiculopathies or mononeuropathies as ply a manifestation of axonal loss from the underlying
ALS. One must document a diffuse process. Although motor neuron disease. 
most patients present with symptoms restricted to
one or two limbs, it is not unusual to find evidence of What Is the Electromyographic Correlate of the
­diffuse reinnervation and denervation in clinically unaf- Patient’s Spasticity and Upper Motor Neuron
fected limbs. Pathology?
There are two areas that assume special significance Although EMG and nerve conduction studies are usually
on EMG studies: the thoracic paraspinal muscles and the thought of as primarily assessing the peripheral nervous
craniobulbar musculature. The thoracic paraspinal mus- system, they often provide some insight into the cen-
cles usually are unaffected by spondylosis, and abnor- tral nervous system. The central nervous system can be
malities there cannot be explained by coexistent cervical assessed by the MUAP firing pattern on EMG. Activation
and lumbar spine disease, which can mimic ALS. Pro- (the ability to fire available motor units faster) is entirely
fuse denervation in the thoracic paraspinals usually sug- a central process. Patients with a UMN lesion resulting
gests the diagnosis of ALS rather than spondylosis with in weakness will have decreased activation of MUAPs on
polyradiculopathy, although, as noted earlier, in the rare EMG. Accordingly, in ALS, which is a disorder of both
case of infectious, inflammatory, and infiltrative lesions, UMNs and LMNs, one often sees the unusual combination
the thoracic paraspinal muscles may be involved. Also of both decreased activation and decreased recruitment of
note that profuse denervation in the thoracic paraspinal MUAPs. The decreased activation pattern represents the
muscles may be seen in proximal denervating myopa- UMN pathology, and the decreased recruitment pattern
thies, but the presence of diffuse fasciculation potentials represents the loss of LMNs.
on needle examination excludes this possibility. In addi-
tion, it is always important to check the craniobulbar
muscles because abnormalities there certainly exclude an Suggested Readings
isolated cervical lesion as the source of a patient’s weak- Brooks BR. El Escorial world federation of neurology
ness. In the case described here, the symptoms began in criteria for the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral
the lower extremities, and the bulbar musculature was sclerosis: subcommittee on motor neuron diseases/
not yet affected. However, if the patient is tested several amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of the world federation of

Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Chapter 30 • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Its Variants 539

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Descargado para Julieth Nieto Castillo ( en University of the North de por Elsevier en febrero 27, 2021.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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