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Tugas mandiri

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1. a. The Second Moroccan citizen who ia infected

with the virus came from Frances ?
 Answer : False
 Justify : The second person infected with
coronavirus is a Moroccan citizen who
returned from Italy late Wednesday.
b. WHO doesn’t consider the virus very serious.
 Answer : False
 Justify : The WHO, which declared the outbreak
as an international health emergency,
recently updated the global risk
assessment to “Very High”.
c. Inability to sleep is one of the virus’s symptoms.
 Answe : False
 Justify : Common signs of the infection include
fever, cough, shortness of breath and
breathing difficulties.
d. People can travel wherever they want
dispire the widespread virus.
 Answer : False
 Justify : WHO also advised the public to delaying
or avoiding travel to affected areas.
2. a. World Health Organization
a. The infected woman is quarantine at hospital ini
Casablanca. It said, adding that the hospital will
look after the patient.
b. WHO also advised to public to wash their hands
more than the usual besides delaying or avoiding
travel to affected areas.
3. The North African Country : Moroccan citizen
 It : World Health Organization
4. The synonym of :
 Symptoms :  Indication
 Sign
 Phenomenon
 Tendency

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