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How many red colored Swift cars are there in Delhi?

We can hypothesize that (Be careful not to over-complicate the problem, it can cause
multiple issues later),

 Number of Red Color Swifts in Delhi =Number of Cars in

Delhi x Proportion of Swifts  x  Proportion of Red Color in Swifts
Note that we have decomposed the number of red colored swifts into three
independent (or at least different) quantities. It can be seen that solving these
individually is somewhat more simple than the original problem. We can directly say,

 Proportion of Swifts  =  1/20 or maybe 1/30(Your choice)

 Proportion of Red Color in Swifts  =  1/5 (Rough estimate, remember: Be
approximately correct)
Now all that’s left is computing Number of Cars in Delhi, which seems much trickier than
the other ones. What should we do? Repeat the process! Again decompose this into
simpler quantities.

 Number of Cars in Delhi = Number of Families in Delhi x Proportion of

Families owning cars
 Number of Families in Delhi = Population of Delhi / Average Size of
Families in Delhi
All the involved quantities can be easily guessed.

 Population of Delhi  =  20 million (Round off values for ease in

 Average Size of Families in Delhi  = 4
 Proportion of Families owning cars  =  1/5  or 1/10 (Your choice)
Plugging in these values, we get,

 Number of Red Color Swifts in Delhi  ~  10,000 (Note that your answer

might differ depending on the choices you made)

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