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1. The foundation of Christian ethics is God's will and character, which he

communicates by divine commands. In both nature and Scripture, he has
expressed his will. Since God's moral character is immutable, his moral
commands are immutable and binding on all people. God tells us what we can
2. It argues that those in control decide a society's view of right and wrong, with a
sense close to "History is written by the victors." That is, while everyone has
their own ideas on what is good, only those who are powerful enough to
conquer challenges and enemies will bring their ideas into action and spread
their own standards around society.
3. The word "mores" refers to the social norms that govern behavior and
appearance. Individuals that do not adhere to social norms are often labeled as
social deviants.
The values, ethics, and often religious forces of a culture also determine mores.
Here are a few more examples:

 Abusing drugs, especially heroin and cocaine, is not considered

appropriate or mainstream.
 In a residential area, driving at 90 mph is not considered permissible.
 When entering a house, it is customary to keep the door open for the
individual behind you.
 At work, women's normal attire lacks extremely revealing clothing.
 It is not appropriate for a woman to be sexually promiscuous in large
 The majority of the time, it is predicted that one will be on time for work.

4. "Of all things the measure is man, of the things that are, that they are, and of
things that are not, that they are not," said Protagoras. Although the phrase
seems to imply total relativism (as it is almost always interpreted), there is no
way of knowing if this is what Protagoras intended. Just a few fragments of
Protagoras' work have been preserved. Protagoras is not saying that the gods do
not exist in this passage; rather, he is claiming that based on his subjective
experience, he cannot determine if they do. The passage could just as easily be
interpreted as him saying, "I don't know enough about this issue to make an
educated opinion on it," as it could be interpreted as a suggestion about the
presence or non-existence of deities.
5. He concluded that not all pleasures are beneficial to everyone. There are certain
situations that may offer people joy, but they were carried out in an extremely
unpleasant manner, such as rape. The victim may have felt joy, but she also felt
pain and disgust. As a result, he was opposed, and for Christians, happiness is
not the most important aspect of life.

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