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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages
and web applications.
1. <!DOCTYPE html> - instructs the web browser the version of html that is being used

2. <html> - this tells the browser that the document is a web document

3. <head> - it houses the general information about the document. Elements in the head
includes <title>, <link> etc.

4. <title> - hold the title of the webpage

5. <link> - it defines the link between a document and an external document. It is

expressed as <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”nameOfFileYouAreLinkingTo.css”/>

6. <h1> to <h6> - these are heading and subheading tags, h1 being the heading while
others are subheading

7. <p> - this is used to express paragraph in the document

8. <!--insert comment here--> - comments are added to codes in order to make someone
else reading your codes to understand

9. <marquee> - this is used to insert scrolling text/images in a web document

10. <a> - this is called an anchor tag. It creates a hyperlink to other webpages/files/images
etc. it is expressed as <a href=”where you are linking to”>What you want people to

11. <ul> - defines an unordered (bulleted) list. It is used with the <li> tag to create
unordered lists.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation
of a document written in HTML. The syntax used for CSS is
selector { property: value; }

The following are some of the properties used to style HTML documents.
1. Background-color: used to define the background effects for elements.

2. Margin – it is used to set the margin property of a document. It has 4 properties top,
bottom, right and left. E.g if expressed as margin: 0 auto; it means top and bottom
margins are 0 while right and left margins are auto.

3. Padding -There are properties for setting the padding for each side of an element
(top, right, bottom, and left). E.g padding: 24px 24px 48px; it means top margin is
24px, right and left is 24px and bottom is 48px. PX means pixels which are image

It is great to know about the different between margin and padding. They have
some differences: Margin is outer space of an element, while Padding is inner
space of an element. Margin is the space outside the border of an element, while
Padding is the space that is inside the border of it.

4. Max-width - is used to set the maximum width of an element

5. Font-family- specifies fonts for a document e.g Arial, Helvetica etc.

6. Font-size – used to set the size of font of an element. It can be from 0.1-any value.

7. Line-height – sets the amount of space used for lines, such as in text

8. Text-align - is used for rendering the inner content of a block element eg left. Right,
justify, centre and inherit

9. Border - sets the style of an element's four borders eg border: 10px solid lavender;
means the element has a 10px lavender border

10. Border-radius: used to define how rounded border corners are

11. Display - Every element on a web page is a rectangular box. The display property in
CSS determines just how that rectangular box behaves.

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