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ResearchGate vs. Google Scholar: Which finds more early citations?

Mike Thelwall, Kayvan Kousha
Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group, University of Wolverhampton, UK.

ResearchGate has launched its own citation index by extracting citations from documents
uploaded to the site and reporting citation counts on article profile pages. Since authors
may upload preprints to ResearchGate, it may use these to provide early impact evidence
for new papers. This article assesses the whether the number of citations found for recent
articles is comparable to other citation indexes using 2,675 recently-published library and
information science articles. The results show that in March 2017, ResearchGate found less
citations than did Google Scholar but more than both Web of Science and Scopus. This held
true for the dataset overall and for the six largest journals in it. ResearchGate correlated
most strongly with Google Scholar citations, suggesting that ResearchGate is not
predominantly tapping a fundamentally different source of data than Google Scholar.
Nevertheless, preprint sharing in ResearchGate is substantial enough for authors to take
Keywords: ResearchGate, early impact, citation analysis, altmetrics, academic social
network sites.

Citation counts are frequently used to support research evaluations, for example to help
compare the relative merits of individual researchers or research groups. An ongoing
problem with traditional citation is that they take several years to appear in the Web of
Science (WoS) and Scopus due to publication and publishing delays. This is a major
drawback for research evaluators because the most recent research seems likely to be the
most relevant for an evaluation. In response, several alternatives have been proposed for
early impact data. These include social web citations, altmetrics (Priem, Taraborelli, Groth,
& Neylon, 2010), and general web citations, webometrics (Vaughan & Shaw, 2003), as well
as article download counts (Moed, 2005). Google Scholar is another logical alternative
because its index can exploit public web documents, although its data can be time
consuming to manually collect (Meho & Yang, 2007), when the Publish or Perish software
(Harzing & Van Der Wal, 2009) is not suitable. Google Scholar seems to index more citations
than Scopus (Moed, Bar-Ilan, & Halevi, 2016), which in turn has a bigger citation index than
the Web of Science (WoS) (Mongeon & Paul-Hus, 2016). Another potential source is the
citation data provided by ResearchGate since this is based upon an apparently large
collection of publicly shared preprints, postprints and other documents. About half (51%) of
the 78% user-uploaded articles (n=500) that are not open access violate publisher copyright
agreements (Jamali, in press). This uploading may occur because authors believe that it will
attract a greater audience for their work, and there is empirical evidence from
Academia.adu that posting to an academic social network site helps to attract more
citations than does posting to other parts of the public web (Niyazov, Vogel, Price, Lund,
Judd, Akil, & Shron, 2016). More generally, some researchers use academic social network

Thelwall, M., & Kousha, K. (in press). ResearchGate versus Google Scholar: Which finds more early citations?
Scientometrics. 10.1007/s11192-017-2400-4
sites as the primary mechanism for document sharing (Laakso, Lindman, Shen, Nyman,
Björk, 2017).
ResearchGate is part of a general rise in the importance of professional social
network sites (Brandão & Moro, 2017). It is the most regularly used professional website for
scientists, and the third most popular in the social sciences, arts and humanities, but Google
Scholar is more popular in all cases (Van Noorden, 2014). Academic social networks like
ResearchGate and seem to primarily replicate existing academic structures
(Jordan, 2017), although they may give more space for younger researchers and women
(e.g., Thelwall & Kousha, 2014). ResearchGate has allowed authors to upload their articles
to the site since 2009 (ResearchGate, 2009). It added citation information to user profiles in
2013 (ResearchGate, 2013) and subsequently introduced the citation-related h-index
(ResearchGate, 2016). Currently (April 2017), citation counts are displayed for individual
articles in ResearchGate, along with the number of article reads and comments. The wide
use of the site and the extensive uploading to it has apparently made it a competitor for
Google Scholar in terms of a citation index derived from publicly-shared research papers.
ResearchGate provides an overall rating for each academic member, the RG Score,
which reflects a combination of academic achievements and activities within the site
(Orduña-Malea, Martín-Martín, & López-Cózar, 2016), although it correlates reasonably well
with other indictors of academic prestige for individual researchers in at least one field (Yu,
Wu, Alhalabi, Kao, & Wu, 2016). The number of times that an article has been viewed (now
read) in ResearchGate has a positive correlation with its Scopus citation count, confirming
that the site reflects scholarly-related activities and its indicators can be meaningful
(Thelwall & Kousha, 2017). Despite this, the uptake of ResearchGate varies greatly on an
international scale (Thelwall & Kousha, 2015) and so its data is likely to contain some
systematic biases. Moreover, it can index low quality outputs, such as those from ghost
journals (Memon, 2016) which may undermine its indicators.
Despite the apparent promise of ResearchGate citation counts, especially for recent
papers, there is no research that compares their magnitudes with current citation indexes.
The main research goal of this paper is therefore to assess the relative magnitude of the
ResearchGate and Google Scholar citation counts. For completeness, these are also
compared against WoS and Scopus. Since the ability of ResearchGate to index articles
depends on journal copyright policies, it is possible that the relative magnitude of the
citation counts may vary by journal, assuming a moderate amount of journal self-citation.
Thus, the second research question assesses journal differences. Finally, if ResearchGate
citations were to be used as an impact indicator then it is important to assess the extent to
which they agree with the other sources.
 Which out of ResearchGate, Google Scholar, WoS and Scopus gives the most
citations for recently published library and information science journal articles?
 Does the answer to the above question vary by journal?
 How similar are the rank orders of articles produced by the different sources?

English language research or review articles published in 86 Information Science & Library
Science (IS&LS) journals during January 2016 to March 2017 were selected from the
Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS). The list of IS&LS journals was extracted from
Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Social Science 2015 edition.
DOIs of articles were searched through the syntax below using automatic Bing
searches in Webometric Analyst ( to locate article pages in
ResearchGate by combining “DOI:” and the command.
Most ResearchGate publication pages contain DOIs of articles with “Reads,
“Recommendations” and “Citations”. The publication pages identified by the Bing searches
were downloaded with SocSciBot ( and a program was written to
extract the main bibliographic information and citation counts (if any) from the downloaded
pages. ResearchGate citations were extracted from a crawl of the ResearchGate website in
March 2017 at the maximum speed permitted (three pages per hour). Although
ResearchGate appeared to allow unrestricted web crawling according to its robots.txt file in
March 2017 (, in practice a speed of more than
three pages per hour resulted in the additional requests returning blank pages. The titles of
article from ResearchGate were matched with WoS records, giving 2,675 corresponding
articles in both sources.
"DOI: 10.1007/s11192-016-2095-y"

In order to save Scopus citations for further analysis, DOI of articles were searched in Scopus
advance search option through OR operators (e.g., DOI (10.1108/ajim-03-2016-0036) OR
DOI(10.1080/00048623.2016.1165645 ) OR …). The bibliographic and citation information of
the records identified in Scopus were saved and matched with ResearchGate and WoS data
through their DOIs. The Publish or Perish software (
perish) was used to automatically extract Google Scholar citations to articles from each
journal. Either ISSNs or journal names were searched in the Google Scholar Query option
and publication years were limited to 2016-2017. Search results were saved and article titles
were matched with the main data from ResearchGate, WoS and Scopus. From 2,675 records
in the study, 244 had no matches from the Google Scholar automatic searches and were
instead manually extracted from Google Scholar in March 2017 by article title searches.
Citation counts are highly skewed (de Solla Price, 1976) and so comparing mean
citation counts could give a misleading impression of which source of citation data tends to
give higher values. This problem can be remedied either by taking the geometric mean
(Thelwall & Fairclough, 2015; Zitt, 2012) or by log-transforming the citation data with the
formula ln(1+citations) to reduce skewing (Thelwall, 2017). In fact, since sets of citation
counts tend to approximately follow a discretised lognormal distribution, whether for
individual journals (Thelwall, 2016b) or entire fields (Thelwall, 2016a), it is reasonable to use
normal distribution formula to calculate confidence intervals for the log-transformed data
(Thelwall & Fairclough, in press; Thelwall, 2016c). Hence, log-transformed citation counts
were used and the normal distribution formula, 1.96 +/- standard error, was used for 95%
confidence intervals.
For the second question, average log-transformed citation counts were calculated
for the journals with the most articles in the dataset, using 100 articles as a convenient cut-
off. The choice of larger journals is pragmatic because smaller journals are less likely to
produce statistically significant findings but will clutter the analysis.
For the third research question, Spearman correlations were calculated to assess the
similarity in the rank orders produced by the different citation sources. Spearman is more
appropriate than Pearson because it directly assesses rank order similarity. The results are
likely to be misleadingly high because recently published articles have longer to attract
citations than older articles, an unfair advantage. Hence, in the unlikely event that there is
no underlying (i.e., long term) correlation between the data sources, there is still likely to be
a positive correlation between all of them. Thus, the correlations should not be interpreted
as statistical evidence of a relationship between the citation sources, but it is nevertheless
reasonable to compare the relative magnitudes of the correlations between different pairs
of citation sources since the time lag is the same for all of them.

ResearchGate found statistically significantly fewer citations than did Google Scholar, but
more than both Scopus and Web of Science. Scopus found more citations than did WoS,
although this excludes the results for 155 articles not indexed in Scopus (the All articles bar
in Figure 1).
As a simple heuristic for interpreting the confidence limits in Figure 1, if the
confidence intervals for two bars do not overlap then the difference is statistically significant
at the 95% level. The converse is not necessarily true, however, because a small overlap is
still consistent with statistical significance (Austin & Hux, 2002; Julious, 2004). Taking this
into account, for all six large journals, the results are consistent with Google Scholar always
tending to find more citations for each individual journal than ResearchGate, and with
ResearchGate tending to find more than both WoS and Scopus, although the difference is
smallest for Scientometrics.

Figure 1. Log-transformed citation counts and 95% confidence intervals for the six journals
with over 100 articles in the sample, as well as for all articles in the sample (n=2675 for all
except n=2520 for Scopus, excluding non-indexed articles).
Out of all the pairs of data sources, the most similar article ranks are given by Google
Scholar and ResearchGate (Table 1). It is perhaps surprising that this correlation is higher
than that between WoS and Scopus, which presumably rely upon similar publisher data
sources, but the reason may be the higher numbers of uncited articles in the latter case.

Table 1. Spearman correlations between citation counts from the four sources for all articles
in the sample (n=2,675 for all correlations except those involving Scopus, otherwise
n=2,520). All correlations are statistically significant at the 0.001 level, but this is misleading
due to the shared influence of publication delays.
Research Google
Citation source Gate WoS Scopus Scholar
Research Gate 1 0.609 0.587 0.732
WoS 1 0.635 0.582
Scopus 1 0.624
Google Scholar 1

Despite the overall results, there were individual articles for which there were many more
Google Scholar citations than ResearchGate citations and some articles for which there were
more ResearchGate citations. For example, “FEDS: a framework for evaluation in design
science research” in the European Journal of Information Systems had 53 Google Scholar
citations but only 6 ResearchGate citations. This was due to Google Scholar indexing
documents from publishers (e.g., Springer) that were not available on the open web. At the
other extreme, the paper “Evaluating the academic trend of RFID technology based on SCI
and SSCI publications from 2001 to 2014” in Scientometrics had 30 ResearchGate citations
but only 12 Google Scholar citations. All 30 citing documents in ResearchGate and all 12
Google Scholar citations were from PDF presentations uploaded by one of the authors
(Nader Ale Ebrahim) and so in this case the results include no peer reviewed citations. Thus,
there can be problems at the level of individual articles despite the overall positive

Limitations and conclusions

This study is limited by the focus on a single field and the results may not apply to other
fields, particularly those that use ResearchGate less or upload preprints to ResearchGate
less. The findings may also change over time if publishers enforce their copyright on
ResearchGate more actively, if the popularity of ResearchGate changes, or if the indexing
practices of Google Scholar change.
The results are primarily negative because they suggest that ResearchGate cannot
yet challenge Google Scholar for early citation impact indicators. Moreover, although
ResearchGate in theory allows automated data collection, unlike Google Scholar (except for
Publish or Perish), its current maximum crawling speed is a major practical limitation on its
use for large scale data gathering.
More generally, the results show that ResearchGate has indexed impressively many
citations for a single website and has become a major source of academic papers, perhaps
even starting to challenge Google Scholar in this regard. Combined with the apparent
citation advantage of uploading to academic social network sites (Niyazov et al., 2016),
scholars should take ResearchGate seriously as a venue for disseminating their research.
Nevertheless, like many web extracted indicators, such as Google Scholar citations (Delgado
Lopéz-Cózar et al. 2014), ResearchGate citations can potentially be manipulated by
uploading non-peer reviewed or fake documents and hence should be used cautiously for
research evaluation.

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