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Essay about risks

”A ship is safe in harbour but that's not what ships are meant for.” John A.
Shedd. Getting out of your comfort zone is key to experiencing new things,
broadening your horizons, and taking the risks that help us grow as people—to
either achieve our goals and do the things we’ve always wanted to go, or at least
say we tried to get there, even if we fell short.
Many people think that those who take risks do so without thinking too
much. In fact, taking risks requires careful planning and a lot of work behind the
scenes. Nothing happens by chance. Those who do this learn along the way, adjust
their plan when necessary and take the initiative. Any risk taken means a careful
prior analysis and a plan that will lead them to achieve the desired goals. We are
not talking about people who take risks, but about people who take them
consciously and calculatedly. They learn their lessons along the way and
constantly try to minimize these risks through contingency plans.
Successful entrepreneurs who take risks think about the things gained in the
long run and less about the losses. And these earned things are not measured in
money. For them, these gains can also be represented by the lessons learned from
losses. Thus, whether they take risks or not, they earn anyway: either millions of
euros or lessons worth millions of euros. For example, Mark Zuckerberg was
aware of the risk he took when he decided to invest in VR. VR (virtual reality) was
a foreign concept at the time and untested. Even so, the founder of Facebook took
the risk, because he recognized the potential of virtual reality.
Even though you have everything planned, something is holding you back
from acting. This is called fear, and often it can simply paralyze you. The truth is
that even less courageous entrepreneurs feel this fear. And they doubt it at some
point or feel overwhelmed. But the thing that sets them apart from the others is
that, although they have this feeling of fear, they do not stop the action. This
feeling is normal when you take risks, but it should not stop you from taking the

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